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利用氧化塘-河道原位生物修复的方法对广州市古廖涌黑臭水体进行治理,并对治理前、氧化塘处理、原位生物修复河段上游和下游四个不同治理阶段的水体进行水质和浮游动物的监测,试图通过对监测结果的对比分析,确定反应河道黑臭水体不同治理程度的浮游动物群落结构特征和指示种。研究结果表明,在不同的修复阶段,水体CODcr、BOD5、氮和磷等污染物逐步得到去除,透明度大大提高;浮游动物群落结构发生显著变化,浮游动物群落生物多样性和均匀度提高,浮游动物种类和数量明显增加,尤其是轮虫的种类和数量的变化。水体修复完成后,浮游动物的优势种轮虫由花箧臂尾轮虫(Brachionus capsuliflorus)转变为角突臂尾轮虫(Brachionus angularis)和Brachionus rubens,枝角类优势种为微型裸腹溞(Moina micrura),桡足类在数量上以无节幼体(Naupii)占绝对优势;可作为重污染河道水体修复的指示浮游动物主要有轮虫的花箧臂尾轮虫、角突臂尾轮虫、Brachionus rubens、螺形龟甲轮虫(Keratella cochlearis)、奇异六腕轮虫(Pedalia mira)、胶鞘轮虫(Collothecasp.),桡足类的无节幼体,枝角类的微型裸腹溞。  相似文献   

疏浚后杭州西湖浮游动物群落的变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
2003年1-12月调查了疏浚后杭州两湖(小型、浅水、富营养化湖泊)四个采样站(Ⅰ-Ⅳ)浮游动物群落的变化。研究包括优势种组成、密度和生物量,以及浮游动物生物量与水体叶绿素a、有机物耗氧量、总氮和总磷含量之间的相关分析。疏浚后,Ⅲ-Ⅳ站原生动物第一优势种由似铃壳虫(Tintinnopsis sp.)变为筒壳虫(Tintinnidium sp.);Ⅲ-Ⅳ站轮虫第一优势种由暗小异尾轮虫(Trichocerca pusilla)变为针簇多肢轮虫(Polyarthra trigla);Ⅰ站的长额象鼻溞(Bosmina longirostris)和Ⅲ站的微型裸腹溞(Moina micrura)分别取代了长肢秀体溞(Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum)第一优势种的地位;桡足类中,剑水蚤优势种为粗壮温剑水蚤(Thermocyclops dybowskii),哲水蚤优势种为汤匙华哲水蚤(Sinocalanus dorrii)。疏浚后,西湖浮游动物平均密度增加了80.5%,其中原生动物密度增量贡献57.3%。平均生物量增加了49.7%,其中轮虫生物量增量贡献36.5%。西湖浮游动物生物量与水体叶绿素a、有机物耗氧量和总磷含量之间均呈垃著的正相关关系。不同采样站中,以Ⅳ站环境生态因子与浮游动物生物量之间的相关程度最高,其次为Ⅲ站、Ⅰ站和Ⅱ站,水体环境生态因子对浮游动物的影响程度与其优势利演变的体现相一致。在不同浮游动物类群中,枝角类生物量与水质生态因子之间的相关程度最高,其次为轮虫、桡足类和原生动物。  相似文献   

为探明水源地河流浮游动物多样性及与水环境因子的关系, 利用浮游动物多样性参数监测水质, 2010-2014年间, 我们于每年的冬季(1月)、春季(4月)、夏季(7月)和秋季(10月), 对浙江2个水源地河流采样站(H1站和H2站)展开浮游动物种类组成、丰度和多样性指数的季节性调查, 同时测定水环境因子。结果表明, H1站和H2站浮游动物平均丰度分别为1,387.4 ind./L和873.0 ind./L, 小型浮游动物(轮虫 + 桡足类无节幼体)丰度分别占92.8% (H1站)和91.5% (H2站)。两采样站轮虫、枝角类和桡足类的优势种均为针簇多肢轮虫(Polyarthra trigla)、短尾秀体溞(Diaphanosoma brachyurum)和温剑水蚤(Thermocyclops sp.)。多元逐步回归与通径分析结果表明: 冬季氮磷比是轮虫类Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)波动的限制因子, 主要通过总磷含量对轮虫类H′指数产生较大的间接正向作用; 春季氮磷比是轮虫类H′指数发展的决策因子; 秋季氮磷比可通过总氮含量对轮虫类H′指数产生较大的间接正向作用。冬季氨氮、总氮含量分别是甲壳动物体积多样性指数(Hs)的决策因子和限制因子。夏季溶解氧含量是总浮游动物物种丰富度(d)波动的限制因子, 主要通过pH值对d指数产生较大的间接正向作用, 作用机制表现为轮虫类H′指数随着夏季溶解氧含量的升高呈极显著上升(P < 0.01), 而甲壳动物Hs指数则显著下降(P < 0.05)。水源地河流环境因子与浮游动物多样性之间的相互关系为浙江水源地生态学监测提供了可能性。  相似文献   

青草沙水库后生浮游动物群落结构及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
于2011年1月、4-12月对青草沙水库后生浮游动物(轮虫、枝角类和桡足类)的群落结构、时空分布进行了调查,并对其与环境因子的相关性进行了分析.结果表明:观察到青草沙水库后生浮游动物62种,其中轮虫38种,枝角类11种,桡足类13种;后生浮游动物密度年均值为469.1 ind·L-1,生物量年均值为3.23 mg·L-1.从青草沙水库后生浮游动物优势种类组成以及QB/T值(为1)分析,库区水质处中营养型.根据轮虫的Shannon及Margalef多样性指数,库区水质属β-中污型.GAM和CCA分析均表明,水温对轮虫密度影响较大,是造成轮虫种类分布差异的主要因子;GAM分析也显示了枝角类密度和透明度、溶氧存在较好的非线性关系.  相似文献   

滤食杂食性鱼类放养对浮游动物群落结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈炳辉  刘正文 《生态科学》2012,31(2):161-166
滤食杂食性鱼类是我国南方水体中常见鱼类,本文调查了放养滤食杂食性鱼类后浮游动物的丰度和种类组成的变化,以探讨其对浮游动物群落的影响.结果显示,滤食杂食性鱼类放养之后,枝角类模糊秀体溞(Diaphanosoma dubium)、微型裸腹溞(Moina micrura)和桡足类蒙古温剑水蚤(Thermocyclops mongolicus)、南方近镖水蚤(Tropodiaptomus australis)等丰度迅速下降,而轮虫丰度在鱼类放养一周后迅速增加,且保持较高的密度;轮虫优势种也发生了变化,调查前两周主要以臂尾轮虫(Brachionus)为主,两周后以暗小异尾轮虫(Trichocereidae pusilla)、广布多肢轮虫(Polyarthra trigla)和裂痕龟纹轮虫(Anuraeopsisfissa)等个体更小的种类为主.本研究说明,滤食杂食性鱼类能够显著影响浮游动物群落结构,个体较大的种类受到的影响较大,最后导致浮游动物群落的小型化.  相似文献   

浙江饮用水源地浮游动物群落特征及环境响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2010年1月至2011年10月,对浙江省16个饮用水源地(H1—H8为河网型,K1—K8为水库型)的浮游动物群落进行季节调查。共记录浮游动物优势种(属)21种(轮虫8种、枝角类5种、剑水蚤5种和哲水蚤3种),各类群第一优势种分别为针簇多肢轮虫(Polyarthra trigla)、长额象鼻溞(Bosmina longirostris)、粗壮温剑水蚤(Thermocyclops dybowskii)和汤匙华哲水蚤(Sinocalanus dorrii)。2年间,河网和水库浮游动物平均密度分别为345.2 L-1和199.4 L-1,生物量分别为0.667 mg/L和0.421mg/L。各类群密度百分比例均以轮虫和桡足类无节幼体为主,甲壳动物以剑水蚤为主。经逐步回归分析表明,浮游动物群落密度(生物量)与河网水质因子(P0.01)之间相关性比水库(P0.05)更密切,总磷和氨氮分别入选了河网和水库所有有效的回归方程中。通径分析和决策系统分析表明,河网的总磷和叶绿素a含量对浮游动物群落变动具有正效应,溶解氧具有负效应;总磷含量是影响河网群落变动的最重要因子,叶绿素a含量则是影响群落增长最主要的限制因子。河网剑水蚤、无节幼体和轮虫群落的密度(生物量)与水体综合营养指数TLIc密度(TLIc生物量)之间有显著的线性回归关系(P0.001),无节幼体密度构成了TLIc密度变动的限制因子,轮虫生物量成为TLIc生物量变动的限制因子,而剑水蚤是一类最重要、稳定的水质指示群落,这对于筛选浮游动物群落的一些拓展性监测指标具有重要的参考作用。  相似文献   

横岗水库后生浮游动物群落特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
横岗水库位于广东省东莞市,是一个富营养化水体,于2005年5月和11月对该水库后生浮游动物进行采样。该水库浮游动物具有种类少、丰度低的特点,在组成上以轮虫为主。两次采样共检到25种,其中枝角类4种,成体桡足类4种,轮虫17种。5月份,共检到15种,11月份有所增加,为20种。轮虫是主要的优势类群,5月份和11月份轮虫的平均相对丰度分别为82.8%和78.8%,以裂足臂尾轮虫、萼花臂尾轮虫和前节晶囊轮虫为主要优势种。其次是桡足类,5月份和11月份平均相对丰度分别为16.6%和19.9%,以无节幼体和桡足幼体为主,成体以舌状叶镖水蚤为优势种。枝角类相对丰度最低,5月份和11月份平均相对丰度分别仅0.6%和1.3%,以微型裸腹溞为优势种类·浮蝣动物的组成、丰度和生物量均存在时间和空间上的异质性。5月份浮游动物平均丰度为242.6ind.·L-1,平均生物量为0.912mg·L-1,11月份浮游动物平均丰度为138.5ind.·L-1,平均生物量为0.317mg·L-1。从河流区到大坝区,浮游动物的丰度和生物量呈下降趋势,体现了水库中由水文和水动力学调节的浮游生物分布空间异质性。横岗水库中大个体的前节晶囊轮虫丰度较高,致使浮游动物生物量要高于浮游动物丰度相当的热带富营养化湖泊-星湖,但无论是生物量还是丰度要远低于温带富营养化湖泊。  相似文献   

新建水库轮虫和甲壳类浮游动物动态特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
于2000~2003年调查了新建水库飞来峡水库(1999年蓄水)轮虫和甲壳类浮游动物的动态特征。共检到轮虫68种,枝角类18种和桡足类13种。轮虫、枝角类和桡足类的丰度均不高,分别为0.2~88.6,0.1~13和0.4~13.8 ind.L-1,最高丰度均出现在蓄水后的第4年(2002年3月)。在水库开始蓄水之后,轮虫先以螺形龟甲轮虫(Keratella cochlearis)为优势种;然后在蓄水后的第4年(2002年3月)由于长圆疣毛轮虫(Synchaeta pectinata)种群密度大幅度上涨,长圆疣毛轮虫取缔螺形龟甲轮虫成为优势种;此后,随着长圆疣毛轮虫种群回落,螺形龟甲轮虫又成为优势种。对于枝角类来说,水库蓄水初期,短尾秀体氵蚤(Diaphanosoma brachyurum)和长额象鼻氵蚤(Bosmina longirostris)交替成为枝角类的优势种;在蓄水后的第4年,长额象鼻氵蚤种群密度上涨,成为绝对优势种;此后,长额象鼻氵蚤种群回落,但仍然为绝对优势种。对于桡足类来说,在调查期间均以桡足幼体为主,成体丰度很低。飞来峡水库属河流型水库,在调查期间滞留时间为1.3~14.2 d,高的稀释和平流损失率造成浮游动物丰度很低。滞留时间的变化与轮虫、枝角类和桡足类种群波动密切相关;叶绿素a对它们的种群波动影响则不明显,但与长圆疣毛轮虫和长额象鼻氵蚤均显著正相关。在相对较长的滞留时间(14.2 d)和较丰富的食物的条件下,长圆疣毛轮虫和长额象鼻氵蚤种群密度大幅度上涨,并使总浮游动物丰度在蓄水后的第4年出现最高值。  相似文献   

大镜山水库位于广东省珠海市,是一座富营养抽水型中型水库,为了解富营养过程中抽水型水库后生浮游动物群落的种类组成与结构特征,于2006年3~12月在水库敞水区进行每月1次或2次调查.共检到轮虫32种、枝角类4种和桡足类9种.其中,臂尾轮属为轮虫优势属,角突臂尾轮虫(Brachionus angularis)和剪形臂尾轮虫(B. forficula)为最主要的优势种.长额象鼻溞 (Bosmina longirostris)为枝角类的优势种,中华窄腹剑水蚤(Limnoithona sisnensis)为桡足类第1优势种,温中剑水蚤(Mesocyclops thermcyclopoides)为次优势种.中华窄腹剑水蚤个体较小(成体体长为0.3~0.5mm),对咸水有较强的适应能力,该种是通过河流调水引入大镜山水库.后生浮游动物的个体体重分布范围为0.01~81.92 μg,种类主要分布的个体体重区间为0.08~0.32 μg,在该区间的浮游动物主要为轮虫.浮游动物的丰度与生物量以桡足类占优势,丰度峰值出现在个体体重为0.08~0.16 μg的区间上,并以无节幼体为主;生物量的峰值出现在2.56~5.12 μg的等级上,峰值为46.43 μg/L,主要由桡足类构成.水库中后生浮游动物的丰度和生物量范围分别为21.9~876 ind./L和17.47~1089.73 μg/L,丰水期丰度较高,丰度和生物量的峰值分别出现在5月和9月份.与同地区的其它水体相比,大镜山水库浮游动物种类数低,与水体咸度高和鱼类养殖导致的高强度捕食压力有关.抽水入库量、降雨量是影响后生浮游动物丰度的主要因子,它们明显地削弱了温度的作用;在水温下降的枯水期,鱼类捕食压力下降导致了枝角类丰度的增加.  相似文献   

千岛湖浮游动物的群落结构   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
李共国  虞左明 《生态学报》2002,22(2):156-162
研究了贫-中营养型的大型,深水湖泊--浙江千岛湖浮游动物的群落结构,包括种类组成,种群动态,现存量及群落多样性指数。在1a的研究中,共发现139种浮游动物(27种原生动物,70种轮虫,26种枝角类和16种桡足类)。根据年平均密度,各类浮游动物的优势种分别为褶累枝(Epistylis plicatilie),螺形龟甲轮虫9Keratella cochlearis),透明蚤(Daphnia hyalina)和一种中剑水蚤(Mesocyclops notius)。轮虫和枝角类群落多样性指数随着水体透明度的增大呈下降的趋势;采样站变异下,枝角类群落多样性指数与其种类数和密度呈显著的正相关关系;月份变异下,桡足类群落多样性指数与其密度呈显著的正相关关系。  相似文献   

The main goal of this study was to evaluate the assemblage concordance among three zooplankton groups (Rotifera, Cladocera and Copepoda) in 30 Brazilian reservoirs. According to Mantel tests and Procrustean analyses, there was a high level of assemblage concordance. Highest assemblage concordance was observed between cladocerans and copepods, while the lowest level of concordance was detected between copepods and rotifers. Based on environmental or biotic data, patterns of among-reservoir dissimilarities were fairly stable across the two seasonal periods analyzed in this study. Multiple Mantel tests were used to model the between-reservoir dissimilarities (Bray–Curtis distance) in zooplankton assemblage structure as a function of the limnological, geographical and morphological distances between pairs of reservoirs. The best predictor of faunistic dissimilarities was the matrix containing the limnological distances among the reservoirs. In general, these results are important for monitoring purposes because they supported the use of surrogate taxa and indicate that community concordance analysis may be a powerful tool for enhancing the efficiency of monitoring programs, ensuring their long-term sustainability. Handling editor: S. I. Dodson  相似文献   

为了解浙江饮用水源地浮游动物体积多样性及对水体综合营养状态(TLIc值)的响应特征,对16个饮用水源地(H1-H8为河网型,K1-K8为水库型)展开了水质参数、浮游动物群落生物体积及其多样性指数的季节调查。结果表明,生物体积密度的季节变化以1月(0.681 mL/L)> 4月(0.443 mL/L)> 10月(0.252 mL/L)> 7月(0.229 mL/L),各季的第一优势种分别为汤匙华哲水蚤(Sinocalanus dorrii)(1月)、晶囊轮虫(Asplanchna sp.)(4月)、粗壮温剑水蚤(Thermocyclops dybowskii)(7月)和长额象鼻溞(Bosmina longirostris)(10月)。河网浮游动物生物体积以轮虫(44.6%)和枝角类(23.4%)为主,水库则以哲水蚤(39.5%)和轮虫(29.0%)为主。夏秋季浮游动物体积多样性指数(P < 0.01)和物种多样性指数(P < 0.05)与lg(浮游动物/浮游植物生物量比率)[lg(ZB:PB)]之间均有显著的相关性,水库中仅浮游甲壳动物体积多样性指数与lg(ZB:PB)之间有极其紧密的相关性(R2=0.77)。与物种多样性指数响应环境效应相比,甲壳动物的体积多样性指数(P < 0.01)能更好地指示夏秋季河网的TLIc值,这归因于甲壳动物个体数(ind./L)转换成了生物体积密度(mL/L)过程中有效信息的放大。  相似文献   

Self-organizing maps, otherwise known as Kohonen-maps, are one form of unsupervised artificial neural networks that can produce two-dimensional plots from multidimensional data. This tool is especially useful in community pattern analyses and has been previously used in spatial pattern analysis with different perspectives. The present study aims to find zooplankton's community pattern in the Bakreswar reservoir ecosystem. Bakreswar reservoir is a freshwater ecosystem in the Birbhum district of West Bengal, India. The reservoir is primarily used to supply freshwater to the Bakreswar thermal power plant. However, the local villages around the reservoir depend on it for drinking water and fishing sustenance. The data used in this study was collected over two years from three different stations. Thus, in addition to describing the spatial pattern of community distribution of zooplankton groups, the temporal variation was also studied. It is observed in the study that the four major groups of zooplankton – Copepoda, Cladocera, Ostracoda, and Rotifera – react differently to the different environmental attributes. Primarily directed by the physical environmental factors, the effect of the chemical factors on the patterning is also evident from the study. Copepods are the dominant group in the system, closely followed by cladocerans and rotifers. But this observation changes at different stations and throughout the study period. The temperature profiles of the reservoir primarily direct the occurrence of ostracods and rotifers, whereas cladocerans and copepods are inclined more towards a chemical factor directive. Rotifers are dominant in the monsoon, whereas the post-monsoon and winter seasons show an increased presence of copepods and cladocerans. The overall observation that the reservoir's water quality is good, and the trophic structure is healthy is in accordance with previous studies as well.  相似文献   

The seasonal fluctuation in the zooplankton community of Azibo reservoir (Portugal), was studied from November 1986 till November 1987.Fifty-three species of Protozoa, Rotifera, Copepoda and Cladocera were found. The zooplankton community was numerically dominated by rotifers, which represented 66% of the total.The highest rotifer density was reached in the beginning of spring. It decreased after the cladocerans peaked in May.Copepods had two maxima, one in April and another one in September.Although protozoans rose to high densities during winter (1.07 × 105 ind m–3), their contribution to total biomass was small (2.03%).  相似文献   

The article describes quantitative and structural characteristics of zooplankton of polytypic sites of a water system including a lake, canal, and a water reservoir. It is shown that in the littoral zone of lakes and water reservoirs, the number of species and communities is higher, and biomass, lower. However, in the littoral zone of shallow lake zooplankton in number, took priority due to Rotifera, in the deep part of the water body – Rotifera and Cladocera; in the center of the lake zooplankton dominated by biomass due to Cladocera and Copepoda, in the water reservoir—due to the Copepoda. The dam area of the water reservoir had the highest species richness of zooplankton among all studied sites. The greatest number and biomass of zooplankton within a waterbody are noted in upper part, where a sedimentation zone had formed, and as a whole for the system of the investigated waterbodies, the maximum quantity indices are typical of lake communities. It is revealed that the starkest interannual changes in zooplankton were observed in the shallow lake: the number of species decreased—in the littoral zone at the expense of Rotifera, and in the center, the biomass increased at the expense of Cladocera; in deep-water area of the dam area of the reservoir, conversely, the number of species, as well as the number and biomass of the community, increased due to Copepoda.  相似文献   

The limnology of Mazvikadei Reservoir, northern Zimbabwe, was investigated in 2015 to determine whether it had changed since filling in 1990. The reservoir is characterised by low algal biomass, low nutrients (i.e. N and P) and high water clarity/transparency. Fifty-four species of phytoplankton were recorded, comprising Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta, Desmids, Dinophyta and Euglenophyta. Chlorophyta numerically dominated in the hot dry season, whereas Bacillariophyta, Desmids, Dinophyta and Euglenophyta dominated in the cool dry season. Species richness was highest at the onset of the cool dry season, in response to high nutrient concentrations. Phytoplankton abundance and composition were significantly correlated with temperature, nitrates and total nitrogen. Nineteen zooplankton species were recorded, including Copepoda, Cladocera and Rotifera. Overall, Cladocera were numerically dominant and became most abundant during the cool dry season. Rotifers and copepods dominated during the hot dry season. The zooplankton abundance was correlated with reactive phosphorus and phytoplankton abundance. The trophic state of Mazvikadei Reservoir seems to have stabilised and to have assumed the physico-chemical characteristics and plankton community typical of an oligotrophic lake.  相似文献   

The composition and temporal abundance patterns of zooplankton community in Lake Prespa pelagic zone were studied throughout an annual cycle (October 2008–September 2009). Eighteen species (10 Rotifera, 5 Cladocera, 2 Copepoda, 1 Mollusca) were evidenced. It includes Arctodiaptomus steindachneri, an endemic calanoid of the Western Balkans. The zooplankton density varied during the investigated period and certain seasonal successions in temporal transpositions of their maximal development were noticed. The total zooplankton density was much higher in spring and summer period. The representatives of subclass Copepoda were dominant during the whole year. The dominant species was A. steindachneri. At the second place (with exception of the winter period) were the Cladocera representatives. The dominant species was Daphnia cucullata. At the third and fourth place were rotifers and larval form of Dreissena polymorpha, respectively. The quantitative presence of the Copepoda representatives was significantly lower in terms of the previous investigations. The Cladocera quantity reached high values during this period, particularly in summer. Such altering in the quantitative ratio between Copepoda and Cladocera in favor of the Cladocera, especially high quantitative presence of D. cucullata, typical for eutrophic lakes, imply of significant changes in zooplankton community and changes of the water quality in Lake Prespa pelagial.  相似文献   

The persistence of plankton in flowing water presents an enigma, i.e., how can populations be sustained while constantly losing individuals downriver? We examined the distribution and abundance of zooplankton from 146 sites on the Missouri River (USA) and found large shifts in the dominance of major taxa between management zones of this regulated river. Crustacean zooplankton were dominant in the inter-reservoir zone of the river, and their taxonomic composition was similar to regional lakes and reservoirs. The exponential decline of cladocerans and copepods with distance from main-stem dams suggests that conditions within the river are adverse to population growth and that reservoirs are the main source of these crustaceans in the river. Rotifers dominated in the channelized zone of the river. High algal biomass and rapid population growth rates likely allow persistence of rotifers in segments of the river that do not receive direct reservoir inputs. Rotifers were less abundant in the inter-reservoir zone, suggesting that their numbers are limited by internal processes, such as food or predators. Since zooplankton are known to be an important food for larval fishes in rivers, this shift of major taxa in regulated rivers has implications for river food webs.  相似文献   

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