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An increased understanding of the factors affecting behavioral and neurological responses to alcohol and alcohol physiology is necessary given the tremendous toll alcohol abuse and alcoholism exert on individuals and society. At the behavioral and molecular levels, the response to alcohol appears remarkably conserved from Drosophila to humans, suggesting that investigations across model species can provide insight into the identification of common modulatory factors. We investigated the interaction between the circadian clock and alcohol sensitivity, alcohol tolerance, and alcohol absorbance in Drosophila melanogaster. Using a loss-of-righting reflex (LoRR) assay, we found that flies exhibit a circadian rhythm in the LoRR, with the greatest sensitivity to alcohol occurring from mid to late night, corresponding to the flies' inactive phase. As predicted, a circadian rhythm in the LoRR was absent in circadian mutant flies and under conditions in which the circadian clock was nonfunctional. Circadian modulation of the response to alcohol was not due to circadian regulation of alcohol absorbance. Similar to other animals, Drosophila develop acute and chronic tolerance to alcohol upon repeat exposures. We found that the circadian clock did not modulate the development of acute alcohol tolerance measured as the difference in sensitivity to alcohol between na?ve and pre-exposed flies. Thus, the circadian clock modulates some, but not all, of the behavioral responses to alcohol exposure, suggesting that specific mechanisms underlie the observed circadian modulation of LoRR rather than global cellular circadian regulation. This study provides valuable new insights in our understanding of the circadian modulation of alcohol-induced behaviors that ultimately could facilitate preventative measures in combating alcohol abuse and alcoholism.  相似文献   

Fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) are an established model for both alcohol research and circadian biology. Recently, we showed that the circadian clock modulates alcohol sensitivity, but not the formation of tolerance. Here, we describe our protocol in detail. Alcohol is administered to the flies using the FlyBar. In this setup, saturated alcohol vapor is mixed with humidified air in set proportions, and administered to the flies in four tubes simultaneously. Flies are reared under standardized conditions in order to minimize variation between the replicates. Three-day old flies of different genotypes or treatments are used for the experiments, preferably by matching flies of two different time points (e.g., CT 5 and CT 17) making direct comparisons possible. During the experiment, flies are exposed for 1 hr to the pre-determined percentage of alcohol vapor and the number of flies that exhibit the Loss of Righting reflex (LoRR) or sedation are counted every 5 min. The data can be analyzed using three different statistical approaches. The first is to determine the time at which 50% of the flies have lost their righting reflex and use an Analysis of the Variance (ANOVA) to determine whether significant differences exist between time points. The second is to determine the percentage flies that show LoRR after a specified number of minutes, followed by an ANOVA analysis. The last method is to analyze the whole times series using multivariate statistics. The protocol can also be used for non-circadian experiments or comparisons between genotypes.  相似文献   

The authors derived early and late populations of fruit flies showing increased incidence of emergence during morning or evening hours by imposing selection for timing of emergence under 12:12?h light/dark (LD) cycles. From previous studies, it was clear that the increased incidence of adult emergence during morning and evening hours in early and late populations was a result of evolution of divergent and characteristic emergence waveforms in these populations. Such characteristic waveforms are henceforth referred to as “evolved emergence waveforms” (EEWs). The early and late populations also evolved different circadian clocks, which is evident from the divergence in their clock period (τ) and photic phase response curve (PRC). Although correlation between emergence waveforms and clock properties suggests functional significance of circadian clocks, τ and PRCs do not satisfactorily explain the early and late emergence phenotypes. In order to understand the functional significance of the PRC for early and late emergence phenotypes, the authors investigated whether circadian clocks of these flies exhibit any difference in photosensitivity under entrained conditions. Such differences would suggest that the light requirement for circadian entrainment of the emergence rhythm in early and late populations is different. To test this, they examined if early and late flies differ in their light utilization behavior, first by assaying their emergence rhythm under complete photoperiod and then in three different skeleton photoperiods. The results showed that early and late populations require different durations of light during the morning and evening to achieve their EEWs, suggesting that for the circadian entrainment of the emergence rhythm, early and late flies utilize light from different parts of the day. (Author correspondence: or )  相似文献   



Alcoholism presents widespread social and human health problems. Alcohol sensitivity, the development of tolerance to alcohol and susceptibility to addiction vary in the population. Genetic factors that predispose to alcoholism remain largely unknown due to extensive genetic and environmental variation in human populations. Drosophila, however, allows studies on genetically identical individuals in controlled environments. Although addiction to alcohol has not been demonstrated in Drosophila, flies show responses to alcohol exposure that resemble human intoxication, including hyperactivity, loss of postural control, sedation, and exposure-dependent development of tolerance.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that the impairment of circadian clock function causes various pathological conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, and alcoholism, and an altered mRNA expression of clock genes was found under these conditions. However, it remains to be determined whether clock gene expression varies depending on metabolic conditions even in healthy people. To address this issue, we investigated the associations of metabolic parameters and alcohol consumption with mRNA expression of clock genes (CLOCK, BMAL1, PER1, PER2, and PER3) in peripheral blood cells obtained from 29 healthy non-obese elderly men (age 51–78 yrs) who adhered to a regular sleep-wake routine, through a single time-of-day venous blood sampling at ~09:00?h. There were significant correlations between (1) waist circumference and mRNA level of PER1 (r?=?0.43), (2) plasma glucose concentration and PER2 (r?=?0.50), (3) ethanol consumption and BMAL1 (r?=?0.43), and (4) serum γ-GTP concentration (a sensitive marker of alcohol consumption) and PER2 (r?=?0.40). These results suggest mRNA expression of clock genes is associated with obesity, glucose tolerance, and ethanol consumption even in healthy people. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Circadian clocks coordinate physiological, neurological, and behavioral functions into circa 24 hour rhythms, and the molecular mechanisms underlying circadian clock oscillations are conserved from Drosophila to humans. Clock oscillations and clock-controlled rhythms are known to dampen during aging; additionally, genetic or environmental clock disruption leads to accelerated aging and increased susceptibility to age-related pathologies. Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer''s disease (AD), are associated with a decay of circadian rhythms, but it is not clear whether circadian disruption accelerates neuronal and motor decline associated with these diseases. To address this question, we utilized transgenic Drosophila expressing various Amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides, which are prone to form aggregates characteristic of AD pathology in humans. We compared development of AD-like symptoms in adult flies expressing Aβ peptides in the wild type background and in flies with clocks disrupted via a null mutation in the clock gene period (per01). No significant differences were observed in longevity, climbing ability and brain neurodegeneration levels between control and clock-deficient flies, suggesting that loss of clock function does not exacerbate pathogenicity caused by human-derived Aβ peptides in flies. However, AD-like pathologies affected the circadian system in aging flies. We report that rest/activity rhythms were impaired in an age-dependent manner. Flies expressing the highly pathogenic arctic Aβ peptide showed a dramatic degradation of these rhythms in tune with their reduced longevity and impaired climbing ability. At the same time, the central pacemaker remained intact in these flies providing evidence that expression of Aβ peptides causes rhythm degradation downstream from the central clock mechanism.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(7):1307-1322
The neuropeptide pigment-dispersing factor (PDF) plays an essential role in the circadian clock of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, but many details of PDF signaling in the clock network are still unknown. We tried to interfere with PDF signaling by blocking the GTPase Shibire in PDF neurons. Shibire is an ortholog of the mammalian Dynamins and is essential for endocytosis of clathrin-coated vesicles at the plasma membrane. Such endocytosis is used for neurotransmitter reuptake by presynaptic neurons, which is a prerequisite of synaptic vesicle recycling, and receptor-mediated endocytosis in the postsynaptic neuron, which leads to signal termination. By blocking Shibire function via overexpression of a dominant negative mutant form of Shibire in PDF neurons, we slowed down the behavioral rhythm by 3?h. This effect was absent in PDF receptor null mutants, indicating that we interfered with PDF receptor-mediated endocytosis. Because we obtained similar behavioral phenotypes by increasing the PDF level in regions close to PDF neurons, we conclude that blocking Shibire did prolong PDF signaling in the neurons that respond to PDF. Obviously, terminating the PDF signaling via receptor-mediated endocytosis is a crucial step in determining the period of behavioral rhythms. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Robust self-sustained oscillations are a ubiquitous characteristic of circadian rhythms. These include Drosophila locomotor activity rhythms, which persist for weeks in constant darkness (DD). Yet the molecular oscillations that underlie circadian rhythms damp rapidly in many Drosophila tissues. Although much progress has been made in understanding the biochemical and cellular basis of circadian rhythms, the mechanisms that underlie the differences between damped and self-sustaining oscillations remain largely unknown. A small cluster of neurons in adult Drosophila brain, the ventral lateral neurons (LNvs), is essential for self-sustained behavioral rhythms and has been proposed to be the primary pacemaker for locomotor activity rhythms. With an LNv-specific driver, we restricted functional clocks to these neurons and showed that they are not sufficient to drive circadian locomotor activity rhythms. Also contrary to expectation, we found that all brain clock neurons manifest robust circadian oscillations of timeless and cryptochrome RNA for many days in DD. This persistent molecular rhythm requires pigment-dispersing factor (PDF), an LNv-specific neuropeptide, because the molecular oscillations are gradually lost when Pdf01 mutant flies are exposed to free-running conditions. This observation precisely parallels the previously reported effect on behavioral rhythms of the Pdf01 mutant. PDF is likely to affect some clock neurons directly, since the peptide appears to bind to the surface of many clock neurons, including the LNvs themselves. We showed that the brain circadian clock in Drosophila is clearly distinguishable from the eyes and other rapidly damping peripheral tissues, as it sustains robust molecular oscillations in DD. At the same time, different clock neurons are likely to work cooperatively within the brain, because the LNvs alone are insufficient to support the circadian program. Based on the damping results with Pdf01 mutant flies, we propose that LNvs, and specifically the PDF neuropeptide that it synthesizes, are important in coordinating a circadian cellular network within the brain. The cooperative function of this network appears to be necessary for maintaining robust molecular oscillations in DD and is the basis of sustained circadian locomotor activity rhythms.  相似文献   

Circadian locomotor rhythms of Drosophila melanogaster are controlled by a neuronal circuit composed of approximately 150 clock neurons that are roughly classified into seven groups. In the circuit, a group of neurons expressing pigment-dispersing factor (PDF) play an important role in organizing the pacemaking system. Recent studies imply that unknown chemical neurotransmitter(s) (UNT) other than PDF is also expressed in the PDF-positive neurons. To explore its role in the circadian pacemaker, we examined the circadian locomotor rhythms of pdf-Gal4/UAS-TNT transgenic flies in which chemical synaptic transmission in PDF-positive neurons was blocked by expressed tetanus toxin light chain (TNT). In constant darkness (DD), the flies showed a free-running rhythm, which was similar to that of wild-type flies but significantly different from pdf null mutants. Under constant light conditions (LL), however, they often showed complex rhythms with a short period and a long period component. The UNT is thus likely involved in the synaptic transmission in the clock network and its release caused by LL leads to arrhythmicity. Immunocytochemistry revealed that LL induced phase separation in TIMELESS (TIM) cycling among some of the PDF-positive and PDF-negative clock neurons in the transgenic flies. These results suggest that both PDF and UNT play important roles in the Drosophila circadian clock, and activation of PDF pathway alone by LL leads to the complex locomotor rhythm through desynchronized oscillation among some of the clock neurons.  相似文献   

The circadian timing system controls drug metabolism and cellular processes over the 24 h period in every cell. Impaired redox homeostasis is a casual factor for a number of diseases and it is desirable to understand the orchestration of circadian clock under oxidative stress in the model organism, Drosophila melanogaster. This study evaluates the effect of hesperidin on the circadian rhythms of lipid peroxidation products and antioxidants during rotenone-induced oxidative stress in fruit fly. The characteristics of temporal rhythms (acrophase, amplitude, and mesor) of glutathione peroxides (GPx), reduced glutathione (GSH)), were markedly declined in rotenone-treated flies when compared to other groups. Treatment of hesperidin to rotenone-treated flies significantly increased the mesor and modified the amplitudes of antioxidants. Further, delays in acrophase in rotenone-induced flies were reversed by hesperidin treatment. Thus, treatment of hesperidin results in normalization of the altered rhythms of these indices plausibly by its cytoprotective and antioxidant effects. Impairment of 24 h rhythms in oxidative stress markers and antioxidants were observed during rotenone treatment and the impairment is severe in circadian clock mutant cryb flies. A reversibility of rhythms was prominent consequent to hesperidin treatment in wild-type flies than cryb flies. These findings revealed a role of circadian clock in redox homeostasis and the use of Drosophila model in screening putative antioxidative phytomedicines earlier to their use in mammalian systems.  相似文献   

A strong stimulus adjusting the circadian clock to the prevailing light-dark cycle is light. However, the circadian clock is reset by light only at specific times of the day. The mechanisms mediating such gating of light input to the CNS are not well understood. There is evidence that Ca2+ ions play an important role in intracellular signaling mechanisms, including signaling cascades stimulated by light. Therefore, Ca2+ is hypothesized to play a role in the light-mediated resetting of the circadian clock. Calbindin-D28k (CB; gene symbol: Calb1) is a Ca2+ binding protein implicated in Ca2+ homeostasis and sensing. The absence of this protein influences Ca2+ buffering capacity of a cell, alters spatio-temporal aspects of intracellular Ca2+ signaling, and hence might alter transmission of light information to the circadian clock in neurons of the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN). We tested mice lacking a functional Calb1 gene (Calb1?/?) and found an increased phase-delay response to light applied at circadian time (CT) 14 in these animals. This is accompanied by elevated induction of Per2 gene expression in the SCN. Period length and circadian rhythmicity were comparable between Calb1?/? and wild-type animals. Our findings indicate an involvement of CB in the signaling pathway that modulates the behavioral and molecular response to light. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Most life forms exhibit daily rhythms in cellular, physiological and behavioral phenomena that are driven by endogenous circadian (≡24 hr) pacemakers or clocks. Malfunctions in the human circadian system are associated with numerous diseases or disorders. Much progress towards our understanding of the mechanisms underlying circadian rhythms has emerged from genetic screens whereby an easily measured behavioral rhythm is used as a read-out of clock function. Studies using Drosophila have made seminal contributions to our understanding of the cellular and biochemical bases underlying circadian rhythms. The standard circadian behavioral read-out measured in Drosophila is locomotor activity. In general, the monitoring system involves specially designed devices that can measure the locomotor movement of Drosophila. These devices are housed in environmentally controlled incubators located in a darkroom and are based on using the interruption of a beam of infrared light to record the locomotor activity of individual flies contained inside small tubes. When measured over many days, Drosophila exhibit daily cycles of activity and inactivity, a behavioral rhythm that is governed by the animal''s endogenous circadian system. The overall procedure has been simplified with the advent of commercially available locomotor activity monitoring devices and the development of software programs for data analysis. We use the system from Trikinetics Inc., which is the procedure described here and is currently the most popular system used worldwide. More recently, the same monitoring devices have been used to study sleep behavior in Drosophila. Because the daily wake-sleep cycles of many flies can be measured simultaneously and only 1 to 2 weeks worth of continuous locomotor activity data is usually sufficient, this system is ideal for large-scale screens to identify Drosophila manifesting altered circadian or sleep properties.  相似文献   

Space travelers are reported to experience circadian rhythm disruption during spaceflight. However, how the space environment affects circadian rhythm is yet to be determined. The major focus of this study was to investigate the effect of spaceflight on the Drosophila circadian clock at both the behavioral and molecular level. We used China’s Shenzhou-9 spaceship to carry Drosophila. After 13 days of spaceflight, behavior tests showed that the flies maintained normal locomotor activity rhythm and sleep pattern. The expression level and rhythm of major clock genes were also unaffected. However, expression profiling showed differentially regulated output genes of the circadian clock system between space flown and control flies, suggesting that spaceflight affected the circadian output pathway. We also investigated other physiological effects of spaceflight such as lipid metabolism and lifespan, and searched genes significantly affected by spaceflight using microarray analysis. These results provide new information on the effects of spaceflight on circadian rhythm, lipid metabolism and lifespan. Furthermore, we showed that studying the effect of spaceflight on gene expression using samples collected at different Zeitgeber time could obtain different results, suggesting the importance of appropriate sampling procedures in studies on the effects of spaceflight.  相似文献   

Although a significant body of literature has been devoted to the chronobiology of aquatic animals, how biological rhythms function in molluscan bivalves has been poorly studied. The first objective of this study was to determine whether an endogenous circadian rhythm does exist in the oyster, Crassostrea gigas. The second objective was to characterize it in terms of robustness. To answer these questions, the valve activity of 15 oysters was continuously recorded for 2 mo in the laboratory under different entrainment and free-running regimes using a high-frequency noninvasive valvometer. The present work demonstrates the presence of a circadian rhythm in the oyster Crassostrea gigas. First, oysters were entrained by 12?L:12 D conditions. Then, free-running conditions (D:D and L:L) indicated that the most frequently observed period ranged from 20 to 28?h, the circadian range. That endogenous circadian rhythm was characterized as weak. Indeed, the period (τ) of the individual animals exhibited high plasticity in D:D and L:L, and the animals immediately followed a 4-h phase advance or delay. Additionally, C. gigas appeared as a dual organism: all oysters were nocturnal at the beginning of the laboratory experiment (January), whereas they were diurnal at the end (March). That shift was progressive. Comparison with a full-year in situ record showed the same behavioral duality as observed in the laboratory: the animals were nocturnal in autumn–winter and diurnal in spring–summer. The significant advantage of a plastic and dual circadian rhythm in terms of adaptability in a highly changing environment is discussed. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Circadian clocks use a wide range of environmental cues, including cycles of light, temperature, food, and social interactions, to fine-tune rhythms in behavior and physiology. Although social cues have been shown to influence circadian clocks of a variety of organisms including the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, their mechanism of action is still unclear. Here, the authors report the results of their study aimed at investigating if daily cycles of presence and absence (PA) of conspecific male visitors are able to entrain the circadian locomotor activity rhythm of male hosts living under constant darkness (DD). The results suggest that PA cycles may not be able to entrain circadian locomotor activity rhythms of Drosophila. The outcome does not change when male hosts are presented with female visitors, suggesting that PA cycles of either sex may not be effective in bringing about stable entrainment of circadian clocks in D. melanogaster. However, in hosts whose clock phase has already been set by light/dark (LD) cycles, daily PA cycles of visitors can cause measurable change in the phase of subsequent free-running rhythms, provided that their circadian clocks are labile. Thus, the findings of this study suggest that D. melanogaster males may not be using cyclic social cues as their primary zeitgeber (time cue) for entrainment of circadian clocks, although social cues are capable of altering the phase of their circadian rhythms. (Author correspondence: , )  相似文献   

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