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水热环境对白条草蜥孵化卵和孵出幼体表型特征的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴义莲  许雪峰 《动物学报》2007,53(6):966-973
用4×2(温度×湿度)八种水热环境孵化安徽滁州琅琊山白条草蜥(Takydromus wolteri)卵,观测孵化卵重量变化、胚胎利用卵内物质和能量以及孵出幼体的特征。卵从孵化环境中吸水导致重量增加,卵重量的增加与入孵卵重量、孵化温度和基质湿度有关。两种孵化基质湿度对孵化期、孵化成功率、孵出幼体性比和大小都无显著影响。孵化期随恒定孵化温度的升高而缩短,27℃、30℃和33℃孵化期分别为32.5、24.9和23.0d,波动温度孵化期为31.1d。33℃孵化成功率最低(42.8%)。温度对孵化成功率和孵出幼体的性别无显著影响,但显著影响胚胎对卵内物质的动用、幼体的大小和重量。33℃不适宜孵化白条草蜥卵,该温度下孵出的幼体躯干小,剩余卵黄多,运动能力差。27℃和波动温度中孵出幼体躯干发育良好,各项被测定的特征指标极其相似。  相似文献   

计翔  章朝华 《动物学报》2001,47(3):256-265
用8种水热条件孵化中国石龙子(Eumeces chinensis)卵,观测孵化卵质量变化、胚胎利用卵内物质和能量及孵出坳体特征,孵化卵因净吸水增重,卵增重与入孵卵质量、孵化温度和基质湿度有关。孵出幼体湿重的处理间差异主要是因为幼体水分含量不同。温度显著影响孵化期、孵化卵吸水量、胚胎利用孵内物质和能量几乎所有被检的幼体特征;温度甚至影响胚胎动用卵壳无机物。然而,在24-32℃范围内,温度对卵孵化成功率无显著的影响。32℃孵出幼体比较低于此温度的孵出幼体发育差,表现为躯干小、未利用的卵黄多。此外,32℃孵出幼体的运动表现比低温孵出幼体差,表现为特定体长(snout-vent length,SVL)的疾跑速小于低温孵出幼体,表明高温孵化卵对孵出幼体的运动能力有不利的影响,潮湿基质中旗子同幼体的体长和尾长大于干燥基质中孵出的幼体,并特征性地具有较小的剩余卵黄。24℃胚胎发育能耗较大,胚胎从卵壳动用的无机物较少。温度影响孵出幼体的体形和头部大小,30℃孵出幼体的尾长最大,32℃孵出幼体的头部最小,其质湿度对孵出幼体的体形和头部大小无显著的影响。温度对孵出幼体特征的影响与湿度的影响无关。孵化水热环境诱导的幼体大小、质量和形态差异可能对幼体的生存和适应性具有重要的影响。26-30℃为孵化中国石龙子卵的适宜温度范围。  相似文献   

计翔  章朝华 《动物学报》2001,47(3):256-265
用 8种水热条件孵化中国石龙子 (Eumeceschinensis)卵 ,观测孵化卵质量变化、胚胎利用卵内物质和能量及孵出幼体特征。孵化卵因净吸水增重 ,卵增重与入孵卵质量、孵化温度和基质湿度有关。孵出幼体湿重的处理间差异主要是因为幼体水分含量不同。温度显著影响孵化期、孵化卵吸水量、胚胎利用卵内物质和能量几乎所有被检的幼体特征 ;温度甚至影响胚胎动用卵壳无机物。然而 ,在 2 4~ 32℃范围内 ,温度对卵孵化成功率无显著的影响。 32℃孵出幼体比较低于此温度的孵出幼体发育差 ,表现为躯干小、未利用的卵黄多。此外 ,32℃孵出幼体的运动表现比低温孵出幼体差 ,表现为特定体长 (snout ventlength ,SVL)的疾跑速小于低温孵出幼体 ,表明高温孵化卵对孵出幼体的运动能力有不利的影响。潮湿基质中孵出幼体的体长和尾长大于干燥基质中孵出的幼体 ,并特征性地具有较小的剩余卵黄。 2 4℃胚胎发育能耗较大 ,胚胎从卵壳动用的无机物较少。温度影响孵出幼体的体形和头部大小 ,30℃孵出幼体的尾长最大 ,32℃孵出幼体的头部最小。基质湿度对孵出幼体的体形和头部大小无显著的影响。温度对孵出幼体特征的影响与湿度的影响无关。孵化水热环境诱导的幼体大小、质量和形态差异可能对幼体的生存和适应性具有重要的影响。 2  相似文献   

火赤链游蛇卵孵化的进一步研究兼评孵化水环境的影响   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
张永普  计翔 《动物学报》2002,48(1):35-43
用 2× 2四种温、湿度孵化火赤链游蛇 (Dinodonrufozonatum)卵 ,重点评估湿度及其与温度的相互作用对孵化成功率、胚胎利用卵内物质和能量及孵出幼体特征的影响。卵在孵化过程中净吸水导致重量增加 ,孵化温、湿度及其相互作用显著影响孵化卵的重量变化并导致卵内水环境的相应变化。同一湿度下 ,低温孵化卵的终末重量大于高温孵化卵 ;同一温度下 ,高湿度孵化卵的终末重量大于低湿度孵化卵。温度显著影响孵化期 ,湿度及其与温度的相互作用对孵化期无显著的影响。孵化温、湿度对孵化成功率和孵出幼体性别无显著的影响。2 4℃和 30℃中均有畸形幼体孵出 ,但畸形率与孵化温、湿度无关。孵化基质湿度显著影响孵出幼体的大小(snout ventlength ,SVL)、湿重和躯干干重 ,潮湿基质中孵出幼体的SVL和体重较大且躯干发育较好。孵化温度显著影响幼体剩余卵黄的干重和灰分含量以及幼体的能量和总灰分含量 ,30℃孵出幼体的剩余卵黄较大、总灰分含量和剩余卵黄灰分含量较高 ,但能量较低。在所有被检测的幼体特征中 ,孵化温、湿度相互作用仅影响剩余卵黄干重。各条件下孵出幼体的最大持续运动距离与其SVL无显著的相关性 ,孵化温、湿度及其相互作用对孵出幼体最大持续运动距离无显著的影响。孵化水环境虽然影响部分幼体特  相似文献   

用 6种温湿度条件孵化安徽宿州乾山山地麻蜥 (Eremiasbrenchleyi)卵 ,观测孵化卵质量变化、胚胎利用卵内物质和能量以及孵出幼体特征。卵在产出后 1h内收集 ,共设置 3× 2种温湿度处理 (温度分别为2 7、 30和 33℃ ;湿度分别为 - 2 2 0、 0kPa)。每隔 5d称卵重 ,直至幼体孵出。幼体经测量、称重后 ,解剖、分离为躯干、剩余卵黄和脂肪体三组分 ,用于成分测试。卵从环境中吸水导致质量增加 ,孵化温、湿度及其相互作用显著影响孵化卵的质量变化 :同一温度下 ,高湿度 (0kPa)孵化卵的终末质量大于低湿度 (- 2 2 0kPa)孵化卵 ;同一湿度下 ,低温 (2 7和 30℃ )孵化卵的终末质量大于高温 (33℃ )孵化卵。温度显著影响孵化期 ,随温度的升高孵化期缩短 ;湿度及其与温度的相互作用对孵化期无显著影响。孵化温湿度对孵化成功率无显著影响。温度显著影响胚胎对卵内物质的动用、幼体大小、质量以及剩余卵黄质量 ;除剩余卵黄外 ,湿度及其与温度的相互作用不影响山地麻蜥孵出幼体几乎所有的被检测特征。 33℃孵出幼体的大小和质量均显著小于 2 7和 30℃ ,并特征性地具有较大的剩余卵黄。因此 ,33℃不适宜孵化山地麻蜥卵。 2 7℃和 30℃中孵出幼体躯干发育良好 ,各项被测定的特征指标极其相似。  相似文献   

杜卫国  计翔 《生态学报》2002,22(4):548-553
用4个恒定温(24-32℃)孵化灰鼠蛇卵,检测温度对孵化期,孵化成功率和孵出幼体特征的影响。在24-32℃范围内,孵化温度显影响孵化期及孵出幼体的体长和剩余卵黄大小,但不影响孵化成功率和孵出幼体的性别,体重,躯干重和脂肪体重。24,26,30和32℃孵化期分别为99.0,72.2,54.7和48.7d。24℃和26℃孵出幼体的体筮大于30℃和32℃孵出幼体;24℃和32℃孵同幼体内的卵黄较多。不同温度下发育的胚胎对卵内物质和能量的利用一定的差异,但差异不显。雌性幼体的体长,尾长和总长均大于雄性幼体,这些两性差异与孵化温度无关。孵出幼体和新生卵内容的灰分含量无显差异,孵化前后卵壳灰分含量也无显差异,表明灰鼠蛇的卵黄可提供胚胎发育所需的所有无机物。  相似文献   

孵化温度对火赤链游蛇幼体特征的影响兼评剩余卵黄的功能   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:15  
研究3 个温度中孵出火赤链游蛇( Dinodon rufozonatum) 幼体的特征并评估剩余卵黄的功能。孵化温度显著影响孵化期和孵出幼体的体长和尾长。与其他类似研究结果不同的是, 低温(24℃) 孵出的幼体体长和尾长小于较高温度(28 ℃和30 ℃) 孵出的幼体。在24 ~30℃温度范围内, 孵化温度对孵化成功率、胚胎对卵内物质和能量的利用、幼体的性比和畸形率、孵出幼体总干重及躯干长、剩余卵黄和脂肪体干重无显著影响。孵出的雄性幼体数量显著多于雌性幼体。剩余卵黄的主要功能是用于孵出幼体的早期维持和躯干的生长。新生卵内容物中81-4 % 的干物质、70-0% 的脂肪和79-4 % 的能量在孵化过程中被转移到幼体。  相似文献   

用3种水热条件下(3温度×1湿度)孵化南草蜥(Takydomus sexlineatusDaudiin)卵以观测孵化卵质量变化、卵大小、孵化期、胚胎发育及孵出幼体特征。孵化过程中, 每5 d测定卵质量和大小。初生幼体称重后冰冻处死, 解剖分离为躯干、剩余卵黄和腹脂肪体, 65 ℃恒温干燥后称重。不同孵化温度对孵化期的长短有明显影响, 孵化期随孵化温度升高而缩短, 24 ℃平均41.8 d、27 ℃平均35.4 d、30 ℃平均34.0 d。卵孵化到14 d肉眼可见胚胎, 此后胚胎发育变化明显加速。孵化温度显著影响孵出幼体的质量、大小。本实验的受精卵在24 ℃、27 ℃中孵出的幼体质量较大。24 ℃、27 ℃发育的胚胎对卵黄的利用最充分, 剩余卵黄少。  相似文献   

孙文佳  俞霄  曹梦洁  林隆慧 《生态学报》2012,32(18):5924-5929
研究了赤链蛇(Dinodon rufozonatum)在孵化过程中卵的生长、孵化期、胚胎代谢和孵出幼体行为表现的热依赖性。结果显示:孵化温度对孵化期、卵增重、孵化过程中消耗的总能量和孵出幼体的运动表现有显著影响,但不影响胚胎代谢率、孵化成功率和幼体吐信频次。孵化期随着孵化温度的升高而缩短,孵化过程中,24℃终末卵重和胚胎代谢率显著大于30℃,而27℃与其他两个温度没有差异;27℃孵出幼体游速较24℃快,30℃孵出幼体与其他两个温度孵出幼体的游速无显著差异。上述结果显示:24—30℃是赤链蛇适合的孵化温度范围,与赤链蛇所处的生境温度相近。  相似文献   

陈慧丽  计翔 《生态学报》2002,22(11):1852-1858
用恒温(24、27、30和33C)和波动温度(平均26.1C,范围20.1—32.7C)孵化虎斑颈槽蛇(Rhabdophis tigrinus lateralis)卵,检测热环境对孵化期、孵化成功率和孵出幼体的影响。孵化热环境显著影响孵化期、孵化成功率和胚胎畸形率,对孵出幼体性别无显著影响。孵化期随孵化温度升高而缩短,24、27、30和33C的平均孵化期分别为45.0、32.7、27.3和26.0d,波动温度的平均孵化期为37.9d。33C孵化成功率最低(16.7%),胚胎畸形率最高(100%)。孵出幼体总性比(雌性/雄性=0.6)不显著偏离1:1。孵出幼体的尾长显示两性异形,雄性尾长大于雌性;其它被检幼体特征无显著的两性差异。24、27和30C以及波动温度孵出幼体的所有被检指标均无显著差异。33C孵出幼体的体重和个体大小小于其它热环境中孵出的幼体,并特征性地具有较小的躯干、较大的剩余卵黄。33C中胚胎发育的能耗显著大于其它热环境中胚胎发育的能耗。33(‘孵出幼体的灰分含量较低,但孵出卵卵壳较重。33C孵出幼体不能运动;其它热环境中孵出的幼体在跑道上表现良好,这些幼体的不问断运动的最大距离、每分钟运动距离和每分钟停顿次数无显著的差异。结果表明,持续将虎斑颈槽蛇卵暴露在33C条件下不利于该种胚胎发育并可能对胚胎具有致死性影响,波动温度孵卵有利于拓宽存活孵化温度范围。  相似文献   

We examined the effects of thermal and hydric environments on hatching success, the embryonic use of energy and hatchling traits in a colubrid snake, Elaphe carinata. The eggs were incubated at four temperatures ranging from 24 to 32 degrees C on substrates with water potentials of 0 and -220 kPa using a 4x2 factorial design. Both thermal and hydric environments affected the water exchange between eggs and their surroundings. Eggs incubated in wetter substrates gained mass throughout the course of incubation, whereas eggs in drier substrates gained mass during the first half of incubation and lost mass thereafter. Hatching success was noticeably higher at 26 and 30 degrees C than at 24 and 32 degrees C, but among treatments, differences in hatching success were not significant. Temperature significantly affected the duration of incubation and most hatchling traits examined. Deformed hatchlings were found in all temperature treatments, with more deformities observed at 32 degrees C. Hatchlings from eggs incubated at different temperatures differed in wet body mass, but the differences stemmed mainly from variation in water contents. Embryos at different temperatures completed development at nearly the same expenditure of energy and catabolized nearly the same amount of lipids, but hatchlings from different temperatures differed in the development condition of carcass at hatching. Hatchlings from eggs incubated at 26 degrees C were larger in SVL than those from other higher or lower incubation temperatures, characteristically having larger carcasses; hatchlings from 32 degrees C eggs were smaller in SVL and had smaller carcasses but larger residual yolks than those from lower incubation temperatures. Hatchlings from eggs incubated at 24 degrees C were shorter in tail length but greater in size (SVL)-specific body wet mass than those from higher incubation temperatures. Within the range from -220 to 0 kPa, the substrate water potential did not affect hatching success, the embryonic use of energy and all hatchling traits examined, and the effects of temperature were independent of the effects of substrate water potential. Therefore, our data add evidence showing that embryonic development in reptiles with pliable-shelled eggs is relatively insensitive to variation in hydric environments during incubation.  相似文献   

用3个恒定温度(27、30、33℃)和波动温度(14.0~37.5℃)孵化山地麻蜥(Eremias brenchleyi)卵。结果表明,各温度处理下卵孵化成功率差异不显著,但温度对孵化期、孵出幼体表型特征及疾跑速度有显著影响;27、30℃和波动温度下孵出幼体的SVL、重量及躯干干重比33℃的要大,33℃孵出幼体的运动能力比其他3个温度处理弱。波动温度处理下山地麻蜥卵虽短期经历潜在致死的极端温度,但对孵化成功率、孵出幼体表型特征和运动表现均无负效应。  相似文献   

We incubated eggs of Calotes versicolor at four constant temperatures ranging from 24 degrees C to 33 degrees C to assess the effects of incubation temperature on hatching success, embryonic use of energy, and hatchling phenotypes that are likely to affect fitness. All viable eggs increased in mass throughout incubation due to absorption of water, and mass gain during incubation was dependent on initial egg mass and incubation temperature. The average duration of incubation at 24 degrees C, 27 degrees C, 30 degrees C, and 33 degrees C was 82.1 days, 60.5 days, 51.4 days, and 50.3 days, respectively. Incubation temperature affected hatching success, energy expenditure for embryonic development, and several hatchling traits examined, but it did not affect the sex ratio of hatchlings. Hatching success was lowest (3.4%) at 33 degrees C, but a higher incidence of deformed embryos was recorded from eggs incubated at this temperature compared to eggs incubated at lower temperatures. Most of the deformed embryos died at the last stage of incubation. Energy expenditure for embryonic development was, however, higher in eggs incubated at 33 degrees C than those similarly incubated at lower temperatures. A prolonged exposure of eggs of C. versicolor at 33 degrees C appears to have an adverse and presumably lethal effect on embryonic development. Hatching success at 24 degrees C was also low (43.3%), but hatchlings incubated at 24 degrees C did not differ in any of the examined traits from those incubated at two intermediate temperatures (27 degrees C and 30 degrees C). Hatchlings incubated at 33 degrees C were smaller (snout-vent length, SVL) than those incubated at lower incubation temperatures and had larger mass residuals (from the regression on SVL) as well as shorter head length, hindlimb length, tympanum diameter, and eye diameter relative to SVL. Hatchlings from 33 degrees C had significantly lower scores on the first axis of a principal component analysis representing mainly SVL-free head size (length and width) and fore- and hindlimb lengths, but they had significantly higher scores on the second axis mainly representing SVL-free wet body mass. Variation in the level of fluctuating asymmetry in eye diameter associated with incubation temperatures was quite high, and it was clearly consistent with the prediction that environmental stress associated with the highest incubation temperatures might produce the highest level of asymmetry. Newly emerged hatchlings exhibited sexual dimorphism in head width, with male hatchlings having larger head width than females.  相似文献   

郝琦蕾  刘红霞  计翔 《动物学报》2006,52(6):1049-1057
作者以丽斑麻蜥(Eremias argus)为模型动物研究恒定和波动孵化温度对孵化成功率和孵出幼体表型的影响。卵在四个恒定[24 ,27 ,30 and 33 (±0·3)℃]、一个波动温度下孵化。不同温度处理下的孵化成功率相同,但孵出幼体表型不同。孵化期随孵化温度升高呈指数式缩短;在相同平均温度下,波动温度孵化卵的孵化期比恒温孵化卵长。在所有被检表型特征中,幼体的干重、剩余卵黄干重和运动表现更易受孵化温度影响。总体而言,低温(24℃、27℃)孵出幼体运动表现最佳,高温(33℃)孵出幼体最差、温和温度(30℃和波动温度)孵出幼体居中。本文研究数据显示: (1)丽斑麻蜥卵每日短期暴露于潜在致死的极端温度下对孵化成功率和孵出幼体形态特征无明显的不利效应; (2)温度波动对孵出幼体运动表现无促进作用,对孵化期的影响则不同于平均值相同的恒定温度。  相似文献   

温度、湿度对黄喉拟水龟胚胎发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在9种不同温湿度组合条件(25 ℃和-12 kPa、29 ℃和-12 kPa、33 ℃和-12 kPa、25 ℃和-150 kPa、29 ℃和-150 kPa、33 ℃和-150 kPa、25 ℃和-300 kPa、29 ℃和-300 kPa、33 ℃和-300 kPa)下孵化了黄喉拟水龟卵,研究了温度对黄喉拟水龟卵孵出幼体特征的影响及其与湿度的相互作用对孵化期、孵化成功率和孵出幼体特征的影响.结果表明:黄喉拟水龟卵的初始质量、孵化温度、湿度及温湿度相互作用均显著影响孵化过程中卵质量的增加;同一温度下,孵化湿度越高,卵的终末质量越大;而孵化卵的终末质量与孵化温度并不呈线性相关;孵化温度显著影响黄喉拟水龟卵的孵化期,温度越高、孵化期越短,孵化湿度及温湿度相互作用对孵化期的影响不显著;孵化温度和湿度显著影响孵化成功率和卵壳龟裂率;25 ℃和33 ℃处理组孵出幼体中发现畸形个体,而29 ℃处理组中未发现;孵化温度显著影响孵出幼体的质量、背甲长和宽、腹甲长和宽、体高和尾长;孵化湿度只对孵出幼体的背甲长有影响,对其他被检测的幼体特征无显著影响;温湿度的相互作用对所有被检测的孵出幼体特征无叠加或减弱的显著影响.  相似文献   

It has been documented in some reptiles that fluctuating incubation temperatures influence hatchling traits differently than constant temperatures even when the means are the same between treatments; yet whether the observed effects result from the thermal variance, temperature extremes or both is largely unknown. We incubated eggs of the checkered keelback snake Xenochrophis piscator under one fluctuating (Ft) and three constant (24, 27 and 30 °C) temperatures to examine whether the variance of incubation temperatures plays an important role in influencing the phenotype of hatchlings. The thermal conditions under which eggs were incubated affected a number of hatchling traits (wet mass, SVL, tail length, carcass dry mass, fatbody dry mass and residual yolk dry mass) but not hatching success and the sex ratio of hatchlings. Body sizes were larger in hatchlings from incubation temperatures of 24 and 27 °C compared with the other two treatments. Hatchlings from the four treatments could be divided into two groups: one included hatchlings from the 24 and 27 °C treatments, and the other included hatchlings from the 30 °C and Ft treatments. In the Ft treatment, the thermal variance was not a significant predictor of all examined hatchling traits, and incubation length was not correlated with the thermal variance when holding the thermal mean constant. The results of this study show that the mean rather than the variance of incubation temperatures affects the phenotype of hatchlings.  相似文献   

We studied sexual dimorphism, female reproduction and egg incubation of the oriental leaf-toed gecko (Hemidactylus bowringii) from a population in southern China. The largest male and female in our sample were 60 and 57 mm snout-vent length (SVL), respectively. Males are the larger sex; sexual dimorphism in head size and tail length (TL) is evident in juveniles and adults, with males having larger heads as well as longer tails than females. Oviposition occurred between late May and late July. Females switched from laying two eggs early in the breeding season to 1-2 eggs later in the season. Clutch mass and egg mass were both independent of female SVL, whereas relative clutch mass was negatively correlated with female SVL. The previous conclusion that female H. bowringii lay a single clutch of eggs per breeding season is unlikely to be true. Thermal environments experienced by H. bowringii eggs affect incubation length as well as morphological and locomotor phenotypes of hatchlings. Hatchlings from eggs incubated at 30 degrees C were larger (SVL, tail length and body mass) and performed better in the racetrack than their counterparts from eggs incubated at 24 degrees C. Temperatures suitable for embryonic development are relatively high in H. bowringii, primarily as a consequence of the adaptive response to warm environments in southern China.  相似文献   

We used eggs of Deinagkistrodon acutus to study the effects of incubation temperature on hatching success, embryonic expenditure of energy and hatchling phenotypes. One egg from each of the 15 fertile clutches was dissected for determination of egg composition, and a total of 164 eggs were incubated at five constant temperatures. Embryonic mortality increased dramatically at 30 °C, and none of eggs incubated at 32 °C hatched. Within the range from 24 to 30 °C, temperature affected incubation length and most hatchling traits examined. The mean incubation length at 24, 26, 28 and 30 °C was 36.4, 28.7, 21.8 and 15.7 days, respectively. Embryos developing at higher temperatures (28 and 30 °C) consumed more energy but produced less developed (and hence smaller) hatchlings, which characteristically had larger residual yolks but smaller carcasses. A principal component analysis resolved two components (with eigenvalues ⩾1) from ten size (initial egg mass)-free hatchling variables, accounting for 79.3% of variation in the original data. The first component (43.8% variance explained) had high positive loading for size-free values of dry mass, lipid mass, energy contents and ash mass of hatchlings, and the second component (35.5% variance explained) had high positive loading for size-free values of SVL, carcass dry mass and fatbody dry mass. Hatchlings from different incubation temperatures did not differ in scores on the first axis of the principal component analysis, whereas hatchlings from higher incubation temperatures (28 and 30 °C) had significantly lower scores on the second axis than did those from lower incubation temperatures (24 and 26 °C). As the second axis mainly represents traits relating to the developmental condition at hatching, the analysis therefore provided further evidence that eggs incubated at higher temperatures produced less developed hatchlings. Taken together, our data show that the optimal temperatures for embryonic development are relatively low in D. acutus largely due to its use of relatively cool habitats.  相似文献   

Summary Flexible-shelled eggs of common snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina) were incubated on each of two substrates (vermiculite, sand) at each of three temperatures (26.0°C, 28.5°C, 31.0°C) and three moisture regimes (wet, intermediate, dry). Embryos developing in cool, wet environments mobilized the largest amounts of protein from their yolk and attained the largest size before hatching, whereas turtles developing in warm, dry environments mobilized the smallest quantities of protein and were the smallest in body size at hatching. Embryos on wet substrates mobilized more lipid from their yolk than did embryos on dry media, but ambient temperature had no demonstrable influence on patterns of lipid mobilization. The total reserve of neutral lipid available in residual yolk plus carcass to sustain neonates in the interval prior to the beginning of feeding was largest in hatchlings from dry environments and smallest in animals from wet environments, but was unaffected by temperature during incubation. Hydration of tissues in hatchlings was higher when incubation was in cool, moist conditions than when incubation was in warm, dry settings, thereby indicating that some of the effects of moisture and temperature on mobilization of nutrients by embryos may be mediated by differences in intracellular water. Patterns of response to temperature and moisture recorded for turtles emerging from eggs on sand were similar to those recorded for hatchlings on vermiculite, so no important conclusion would have been affected by incubating eggs on one medium instead of the other.  相似文献   

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