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黄曼  王东 《生态学报》2015,35(17):5721-5727
蚁播植物种子上常附着有蚂蚁喜食的油质体,该物体可吸引蚂蚁取食或为蚂蚁提供钳着位点从而影响种子散布。为进一步揭示油质体在种子散布中的作用,在野外研究了4属5种典型蚁播植物包括小花宽瓣黄堇(Corydalis giraldii Fedde)、假刻叶紫堇(C.pseudoincisa C.Y.Wu)、白屈菜(Chelidonium majus L.)、紫花堇菜(Viola grypoceras A.Gray)和柔毛淫羊藿(Epimedium pubescens Maxim.)其相应的搬运蚂蚁即玉米毛蚁(Lasius alienus(Foerster))和尼特纳大头蚁(Pheidole nietneri Emery)对植物完整种子(SE)、去除油质体的种子(S)和粘有人工模拟油质体的种子(S+H)的搬运行为和搬运效率。结果显示,蚂蚁对相同植物3类种子的触碰和检查次数均无显著差异。蚂蚁对种子的尝试搬运次数除玉米毛蚁对小花宽瓣黄堇、假刻叶紫堇和白屈菜去除油质体的种子(S)显著高于完整种子(SE)和粘有人工模拟油质体的种子(S+H)外,其它的均无显著差异。玉米毛蚁对小花宽瓣黄堇、假刻叶紫堇、白屈菜和紫花堇菜以及尼特纳大头蚁对小花宽瓣黄堇、假刻叶紫堇和紫花堇菜完整种子(SE)的搬运效率显著高于粘有人工模拟油质体的种子(S+H)和去除油质体的种子(S),此外,玉米毛蚁对小花宽瓣黄堇粘有人工模拟油质体的种子(S+H)的搬运效率显著高于去除油质体的种子(S)。这说明玉米毛蚁在搬运小花宽瓣黄堇种子过程中油质体不仅起到吸引作用,而且起到钳着位点作用;玉米毛蚁在搬运假刻叶紫堇、白屈菜和紫花堇菜以及尼特纳大头蚁搬运小花宽瓣黄堇、假刻叶紫堇和紫花堇菜种子过程中油质体仅起到吸引作用。研究表明油质体可通过对蚂蚁起吸引作用,或同时起吸引和钳着位点的双重作用等影响种子散布,油质体的影响作用不但取决于植物种类,也与搬运蚂蚁的种类有关。  相似文献   

祝艳  王东 《生态学报》2014,34(17):4938-4942
蚂蚁是无脊椎动物中重要的种子传播者,蚂蚁散布影响植物种子的传播和扩散,进而会影响种苗的空间分布格局。在野外研究了蚂蚁觅食及搬运行为对阜平黄堇(Corydalis wilfordii Regel)和小花黄堇(C.racemosa(Thunb.)Pers.)种子散布的影响。结果显示,双针棱胸蚁和束胸平结蚁是两种植物种子的共同搬运者,前者行使群体募集,后者行使简单协作募集。在搬运阜平黄堇种子时,双针棱胸蚁在原地或搬运途中取食油质体后抛弃的种子约占种子总数的56%,而拖至蚁巢的种子约占种子总数的44%,平均搬运距离为(1.85±0.24)m,搬运效率为(43.8±7.5)粒/h;而束胸平结蚁将完整种子全部直接搬运至蚁巢,平均搬运距离为0.45 m,搬运效率为(7.3±2.2)粒/h。在搬运小花黄堇种子时,双针棱胸蚁和束胸平结蚁均将完整种子全部直接搬运至蚁巢,平均搬运距离分别为(6.27±4.40)m和(6.65±1.64)m,搬运效率分别为(34.2±6.5)粒/h和(10.6±3.2)粒/h。这说明行使群体募集的蚂蚁比行使简单协作募集的蚂蚁有较高的搬运效率,蚂蚁散布导致阜平黄堇和小花黄堇种子到达蚁巢的数量和搬运距离不同,而这种不同与相应搬运蚂蚁的觅食对策、搬运行为和种子特征有关。阜平黄堇种子比小花黄堇种子大,但阜平黄堇的油质体质量比小于小花黄堇的油质体质量比,讨论了种子特征对蚂蚁散布的影响。  相似文献   

张霜  陈进 《生态学杂志》2008,27(11):1913-1919
蚂蚁对热带森林中小种子的二次散布会影响种子最终到达地点和种子命运.本文以一种由鸟散布的榕树垂叶榕(Ficus benjamina)为研究对象,观察蚂蚁对不同处理种子二次散布的影响.共记录到菱结大头蚁(Pheidole rhombinoda)、法老小家蚁(Monomorium pharaonis)、横纹齿猛蚁(Odontoponera transversa)和布立毛蚁(Paratrechina bourbonica)等4种蚂蚁参与了种子的搬运,其出现频率分别为71.7%、23.3%、2.5%、2.5%.蚂蚁对种子的搬运距离为179 cm±13 cm(n=159).其中,最主要的散布者菱结大头蚁把种子搬进蚁巢后,取食了内果皮,并把58.6%的净种子抛弃在巢外垃圾堆中.蚂蚁取食内果皮显著提高了种子萌发特性(萌发率由49.3%提高到93.3%).去除内果皮后种子被蚂蚁搬走的比率显著下降(由75.0%降为29.5%).垂叶榕种子外着生的内果皮,明显提高了对蚂蚁的吸引力,而蚂蚁取食内果皮显著提高了种子萌发能力,垂叶榕和二次散布的蚂蚁之间存在着明显的互惠关系.  相似文献   

红火蚁与黑头酸臭蚁对不同食物资源的竞争   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren与黑头酸臭蚁Tapinoma melanocephalum(F.)在不同食物资源上的竞争的实验结果表明:红火蚁与黑头酸臭蚁对鸡蛋诱饵的竞争最为激烈,当二者同时出现在鸡蛋诱饵时,红火蚁取胜并占有食物诱饵的比例为53%,略高于黑头酸臭蚁(47%),但二者的占有率没有显著的差异(P>0.05).两种蚂蚁对蜂蜜和花生油诱饵表现出不同的喜好性.红火蚁喜好花生油食物诱饵,而黑头酸臭蚁喜好糖类食物诱饵.红火蚁在鸡蛋和花生油诱饵上的工蚁召集量平均分别为269头和219头,显著高于在蜂蜜诱饵上的平均工蚁数量,仅为16头;且对鸡蛋和花生油诱饵诱饵的占有率显著高于蜂蜜诱饵.黑头酸臭蚁在鸡蛋和蜂蜜诱饵上的工蚁召集量平均分别为240头和219头,显著高于在花生油诱饵的工蚁数量,为10头以下;且对鸡蛋和蜂蜜诱饵诱饵的占有率显著高于花生油诱饵.  相似文献   

舞草种子的蚂蚁传播   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张智英  曹敏  杨效东  赵志模 《生态学报》2001,21(11):1847-1853
舞草(Codariocalyx motorius)由于其小叶具有自身"摆动"的功能,从而具有较高的观赏价值.在长期的演化过程中,舞草与蚂蚁形成了互惠共生的关系舞草种子生成了附生其上的能吸引蚂蚁的油质体,蚂蚁在搬运取食中,使舞草种子得以传播.舞草种子最重要的传播者是圆叶铺道蚁(Tetramorium cyclolobium Xu et Zheng)和布立毛蚁(Paratrechina bourbonica Forel).另外长足光结蚁(Anoplolepis gracilipes Smith)和两种大头蚁(Pheidole sp.1和sp.2)也搬运其种子.野外试验表明,圆叶铺道蚁日搬运活动与气温呈显著正相关,即y(搬运种子数)=-9.5038+0%5608X(气温)(r=0.7196**,n=33,P<0.01),中午搬运效率达到高峰.布立毛蚁日搬运活动在上、下午各有一个高峰,上午的高峰出现时间不稳定,下午的高峰出现在1 600~1800.舞草种子上附生的油质体是吸引蚂蚁并产生搬运行为的主要物质.化学分析表明,油质体富含蚂蚁生长发育所必需的10种氨基酸和多种无机元素.样地采用陷阱诱捕蚂蚁的调查显示,5种搬运者中,圆叶铺道蚁数量最大,分别占蚂蚁总量的8.26%和搬运蚂蚁总量的48%.这说明圆叶铺道蚁在舞草种子的搬运中起着主要作用.  相似文献   

吕晓艳  刘霞  张媛 《昆虫学报》2021,64(10):1196-1204
【目的】入侵物种能够通过竞争影响本地物种的种群,从而影响入侵地的生物多样性。长足光捷蚁Anoplolepis gracilipes是全球最具破坏力的入侵蚂蚁之一。本研究旨在明确西双版纳地区入侵长足捷蚁与土著优势种蚂蚁黄猄蚁Oecophylla smaragdina之间的竞争关系。【方法】通过野外调查和室内控制试验相结合的方法,观察和对比分析长足捷蚁和黄猄蚁的体型大小,雾凉季和雨季的巢穴外觅食活动规律,觅食能力(搜寻食物的时间、在觅食时间内召集的最大工蚁数),打斗行为(不同打斗组合的攻击强度和死亡率)以及对饥渴的耐受性(无食物和水分供应时平均存活时间和存活率随时间的变化)。【结果】长足捷蚁工蚁体长(3.66±0.06 mm)显著小于黄猄蚁工蚁(8.27±0.16 mm)。在雾凉季时,长足捷蚁具有比黄猄蚁更长的觅食活动时间;而在雨季时,两种蚂蚁均在下午温度较高时段觅食活动的个体数量减少。苹果、蜂蜜和火腿肠3种食物作为诱饵时,长足捷蚁具有更快搜寻食物的能力,4~8 min便能找寻到食物,而黄猄蚁需要8~21 min才能找寻到食物,此外在寻找到食物后,长足捷蚁也有更快召集同伴的能力。在人工控制试验中,1头长足捷蚁和1头黄猄蚁同时存在时主要以不攻击和低强度攻击为主,而当两种蚂蚁中的任意其中一种的个体数量增加到5头时,攻击强度会显著增加,两种蚂蚁均存在种间协作行为。在饥渴状态下,两种蚂蚁工蚁的平均存活时间差异不显著,但长足捷蚁最长存活120 h,黄猄蚁最长存活96 h。【结论】在西双版纳地区,长足捷蚁相较于土著黄猄蚁具有更强的觅食的能力,雾凉季觅食活动时间更长,暗示长足捷蚁可能具有较强的温度适应能力。有必要加强对这一入侵蚂蚁的研究,并密切关注其种群在该地区的发展。  相似文献   

蚂蚁与蚁运植物的互惠共生关系   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
蚁运植物(myrmecochore)即指种子靠蚂蚁携带散布的植物。在长期的协同进化中,蚂蚁与蚁运植物形成了互惠共生关系。由于蚁运植物种子上附生有蚂蚁喜食的油质体,蚂蚁取食油质体后,将种子丢弃在蚁巢附近,从而使植物得以扩散。蚁运植物广布全世界,但主要分布在澳大利亚和南非。蚂蚁主要搬运草本植物和部分灌木植物的种子。对蚂蚁与蚁运植物互惠共生关系的研究表明:蚂蚁的搬运有利于保护和传播植物种子;蚁巢有利于种子萌发,出苗和建群;蚂蚁的搬运是影响某些温带森林群落结构的重要因素之一;蚂蚁与蚁运植物互惠共生对自然群落的恢复有重要作用。  相似文献   

蚁科(Formicidae)昆虫蚂蚁的食性范围很广,食物的分布格局也变化多端,所以,蚂蚁在觅食活动中常常需要个体间的合作。例如,在某些专门吃蜜露的蚂蚁中,小个体蚂蚁专门收集分散的蜜露资源,然后再把蜜露从嗉囊中反吐给大个体蚂蚁,后者则专门负责把食物运回蚁巢内(J.H.Sudd,1967)。在红褐林蚁(Formica rufa)中,常常可以看到两只工蚁互相合作共同搬运1只像家蝇大小的猎物,其效率要比1只工蚁单独搬运高得多(R.Chauvin,1950)。而在大头蚁(Pheidole crassinoda)中,如果1只蚂蚁的力量不足以搬  相似文献   

紫胶园异质性栖境下的蚂蚁共存机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了弄清紫胶园中蚂蚁群落共存的机制,在云南省墨江县雅邑乡紫胶园中调查了蚂蚁群落组成、蚂蚁发现及掌握食物资源的能力,并探讨了蚂蚁身体大小与其在不同栖境类型中发现食物能力的相关性.紫胶园中共存的6种主要蚂蚁类群为飘细长蚁、粗纹举腹蚁、立毛举腹蚁、黑可可臭蚁、邻居多刺蚁和巴瑞弓背蚁.6种蚂蚁头宽(x)与后足长(y)呈异速生长关系,其回归方程为y=0.56+1.02x+5.97x2-10.85x3.不同种类蚂蚁在不同的栖境中发现食物资源的实际次数和相对次数均存在显著差异,但其实际掌握食物资源的次数无显著差异.头宽、身体大小指数大的蚂蚁发现简单栖境中食物资源的能力强,头窄、后足短、身体大小指数小的蚂蚁发现复杂栖境中食物资源的能力强.栖境的异质性使蚂蚁共存,身体较小的蚂蚁生活于复杂栖境中,身体较大者则生活于简单栖境中;数量占优势的蚂蚁类群不能占据所有资源,从而给其他种类蚂蚁获得资源的机会,实现共存.  相似文献   

 吉林省长岭县羊草(Aneurolepidium chinense)草地自然保护区内分布的蚂蚁主要为玉米毛蚁(Lasius alienus)和黄墩蚁(Lasius flavus)。蚂蚁是草地生态系统的一个生物干扰因子。通过分析比较该保护区内4个植物群落中玉米毛蚁和黄墩蚁蚁丘上植物的种类组成、优势种的数量特征及群落多样性变化,探讨了蚂蚁筑丘活动对草地生态系统的影响。主要结论如下:1)蚁丘上的植物种类组成与对照显著不同。在蚁丘上分布的植物主要是羊草种组(Aneurolepidium chinense group  相似文献   

The seeds of many plant species present a food body that is consumed by animal dispersers. In theory, if the animals are polyphagous, the availability of alternative food resource other than the diaspore itself may influence its dispersal and survival. We used the myrmecochore Helleborus foetidus L. (Ranunculaceae), the seeds of which are attached to a lipid-rich elaiosome that is attractive to ants, as a model system to investigate (1) whether alternative foods that are present along with the plant affect ant foraging behavior and diaspore removal and (2) whether food availability in an ant nest affects seed predation and germination. In a field experiment, artificial diaspore depots were offered together with either sugar, insect corpses, seed, or no food (control). Contrary to the prediction that ants would rather concentrate their foraging effort on the highly rewarding alternative foods only, many workers, attracted by the sugar, switched to the hellebore diaspores, which significantly enhanced removal rate. Results obtained in the laboratory further indicated that the larvae of Aphaenogaster iberica (a major seed disperser) predated more on the H. foetidus embryos when no alternative food was available. This, in turn, slightly reduced seed germination. Overall, these results shed light, for the first time, on the potential indirect effects of alternative resources on the fate of diaspores adapted for ant dispersal.  相似文献   

Rowles AD  O'Dowd DJ 《Oecologia》2009,158(4):709-716
The indirect effects of biological invasions on native communities are poorly understood. Disruption of native ant communities following invasion by the Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) is widely reported to lead indirectly to the near complete collapse of seed dispersal services. In coastal scrub in southeastern Australia, we examined seed dispersal and handling of two native and two invasive alien plant species at Argentine ant-invaded or -uninvaded sites. The Argentine ant virtually eliminates the native keystone disperser Rhytidoponera victoriae, but seed dispersal did not collapse following invasion. Indeed, Argentine ants directly accounted for 92% of all ant-seed interactions and sustained overall seed dispersal rates. Nevertheless, dispersal quantity and quality among seed species differed between Argentine ant-invaded and -uninvaded sites. Argentine ants removed significantly fewer native Acacia retinodes seeds, but significantly more small seeds of invasive Polygala myrtifolia than did native ants at uninvaded sites. They also handled significantly more large seeds of A. sophorae, but rarely moved them >5 cm, instead recruiting en masse, consuming elaiosomes piecemeal and burying seeds in situ. In contrast, Argentine ants transported and interred P. myrtifolia seeds in their shallow nests. Experiments with artificial diaspores that varied in diaspore and elaiosome masses, but kept seed morphology and elaiosome quality constant, showed that removal by L. humile depended on the interaction of seed size and percentage elaiosome reward. Small diaspores were frequently taken, independent of high or low elaiosome reward, but large artificial diaspores with high reward instead elicited mass recruitment by Argentine ants and were rarely moved. Thus, Argentine ants appear to favour some diaspore types and reject others based largely on diaspore size and percentage reward. Such variability in response indirectly reduces native seed dispersal and can directly facilitate the spread of an invasive alien shrub.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal by ants (i.e. myrmecochory) is usually considered as a mutualism: ants feed on nutritive bodies, called elaiosomes, before rejecting and dispersing seeds in their nest surroundings. While mechanisms of plant dispersal in the field are well documented, the behaviour of the ant partner was rarely investigated in details. Here, we compared in laboratory conditions the foraging behaviour of two ant species, the omnivorous Lasius niger and the insectivorous Myrmica rubra to which seeds of two European myrmecochorous plants (Chelidonium majus and Viola odorata) were given. Ant colonies were simultaneously presented three types of items: entire seeds with elaiosome (SE), seeds without elaiosome (S) and detached elaiosomes (E). The presence of elaiosomes on seeds did not attract workers from a distance since ants first contact equally each type of items. Although ants are mass-recruiting species, we never observed any recruitment nor trail-laying behaviour towards seeds. For ants having contacted seed items, their antennation, manipulation and seed retrieval behaviour strongly varied depending on the species of each partner. Antennation behaviour, followed by a loss of contact, was the most frequent ant-seed interaction and can be considered as a “hesitation” clue. For both plant species, insectivorous Myrmica ants removed items in larger number and at higher speed than Lasius. This fits with the hypothesis of a convergence between odours of elaiosomes and insect preys. For both ant species, the small Chelidonium seeds were retrieved in higher proportion than Viola ones, confirming the hypothesis that ants prefer the higher elaiosome/diaspore-ratio. Thus, in these crossed experiments, the ant-plant pair Myrmica/Chelidonium was the most effective as ants removed quickly almost all items after a few antennations. The presence of an elaiosome body increased the seed removal by ants excepting for Myrmica which retrieved all Chelidonium seeds, even those deprived of their elaiosome. After 24 h, all the retrieved seeds were rejected out of the nest to the refuse piles. In at least half of these rejected items, the elaiosome was discarded by ants. Species-specific patterns and behavioural differences in the dynamics of myrmecochory are discussed at the light of ant ecology. Received 10 September 2007; revised 5 February 2008; accepted 5 March 2008.  相似文献   

D. Jordano  C. D. Thomas 《Oecologia》1992,91(3):431-438
Summary Many lycaenid butterflies are believed to be mutualists of ants — the butterfly larvae secrete sugars and amino acids as rewards for the ants, and the ants protect the larvae from predation or parasitism. We examined the specificity of the relationship between the lycaenid Plebejus argus and ants in the genus Lasius. Eggs were not attractive to Lasius ants until the emerging larvae had broken through the chorion. First instar larvae were palpated and picked up by Lasius workers and taken to the nest. First instars were mostly ignored by Myrmica sabuleti ants and they were rarely detected by Formica fusca. Older larvae were more attractive to Lasius than to the other ant genera. Pupae were very attractive to Lasius, moderately so to Myrmica, and were ignored by Formica fusca. Teneral adults were palpated by Lasius, but were attacked by Myrmica and Formica workers. We conclude that P. argus is a specialist associate of Lasius ants. Two populations of Plebejus argus were compared: one is naturally associated with Lasius niger, and the other with Lasius alienus. In reciprocal trials, larvae were slightly more attractive to their natural host ant species. Since test larvae were reared on a single host plant species in captivity, this differentiation probably has a genetic basis.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic habitat disturbance has potential consequences for ant communities. However, there is limited information on the effects of ant responses on associated ecological processes such as seed dispersal. We investigated the effect of disturbance on the abundance, richness, and composition of ant communities and the resulting seed‐dispersal services for a herbaceous myrmecochore, Corydalis giraldii (Papaveraceae), in an undisturbed habitat (forest understory), moderately disturbed habitat (abandoned arable field), and highly disturbed habitat (road verge) on Qinling Mountains, China. In total, we recorded 13 ant species, and five out of these were observed to transport seeds. The community composition of dispersers was significantly different amongst habitats. The richness of the dispersers did not differ among the habitats, but their total abundance varied significantly across habitats and was 21% lower in the road verge than in the abandoned arable fields. The major seed‐dispersing ant species in both the forest understory and the abandoned arable field were large‐bodied (Myrmica sp. and Formica fusca, respectively), whereas the major seed‐dispersing ants found in the road verge were the small‐bodied Lasius alienus. This difference resulted in lower seed removal rates and dispersal distances in the road verge than in the other two habitats. The different dispersal patterns were attributed primarily to differences in dispersing ant abundance and identity, most likely in response to habitats with different degree of anthropogenic disturbance. The possible influence of disturbance on the ecological specialization of ant‐seed dispersal interaction is also discussed.  相似文献   

Petr Dostl 《Flora》2005,200(2):148-158
The effect of three ant species (Lasius flavus, Formica spp., Tetramorium caespitum) on soil seed bank formation was studied in temperate mountain grassland. Seed removal experiments, analysis of soil seed content and seed survival experiments were carried out to evaluate the influence of ground ants on the seed fate. In the seed removal experiment seeds of 16 species, including 5 species with elaiosome-bearing seeds (myrmecochores), were exposed and their removal followed for 39 h. On average, ants removed 63.8% of myrmecochorous seeds and 10.9% of seeds without adaptation to ant dispersal. Analysis of soil seed content revealed that myrmecochores, in spite of expectations that they would accumulate in nests of seed dispersing ants, were most abundant in the soil of control plots. Evidence on seed relocation to the ant nests was obtained from a comparison of mounds of seed dispersing and seed non-dispersing ant species, as more seeds were found in the mounds of Formica spp. and Tetramorium caespitum (seed dispersers) in comparison with the mounds of Lasius favus (non-disperser).The soil seed bank of the compared microhabitats (control plots and mounds of 3 ant species) differed in their species composition, seed abundance and vertical distribution. The most distinct qualitative differences were between seed flora of control plots and mounds of Tetramorium caespitum. Control plots had approximately 30,000 propagules per m2, which was double the number of seeds found in the ant mounds. In control plots, abundance and diversity of seeds steeply declined with depth; this trend was not observed in the mounds probably due to bioturbation. In the seed survival experiment, more seeds (2 out of 3 species) survived in control plots, which may also contribute to the higher seed abundance in this microhabitat.This study showed that seed relocation by ants does not contribute significantly to seed bank build-up at this study site. Ants may, however, increase the regeneration success of myrmecochores, mainly by dispersal for distance and placement in a larger spectrum of microsites, in contrast to species not adapted for myrmecochory.  相似文献   

Several studies relate removal of diaspores from different ant-dispersed plant species to the size of their claiosomes. This study is the first one to relate intraspecific variation in claiosome size to removal of diaspores by ants. This approach circumvents the problem posed by interspecific variation in chemistry and morphology of elaiosomes. We used the systemHepatica nobilis Mill. (Ranunculaceae) andMyrmica ruginodis Nyl. The elaiosome was the attractive part of the diaspore and its attractiveness decreased quickly after release from the fruit. In experimental runs where ants collected diaspores, the elaiosome size of accepted diaspores was larger than of those rejected and the largest diaspores were collected first. Since size of diaspore, elaiosome and achene were correlated, the diaspores that were removed first had both the largest elaiosome and achene. However, our experiments suggested that elaiosome size was more important to removal than achene size or the elaiosome:achene size ratio. If ant dispersal improves plant fitness, elaiosome size and hence diaspore size would be expected to increase over time. However, such directional selection mediated by the ants is probably counterbalanced by the plant. Seed predators and a negative trade-off between number and size of seeds would, among other factors, select for smaller diaspore size,i.e. counteract the effect of the ants' preference for larger elaiosomes.  相似文献   

To elucidate roles of an omnivorous ant, Tetramorium tsushimae Emery, against pre-dispersal seed consumers in the seed dispersal of Chamaesyce maculata (L.) Small, the effects of the seed injury by a stinkbug, Nysius plebeius Distat, on the seed removal by the ant and the germination rate were examined in laboratory experiments. The ants of T. tsushimae removed more frequently non-injured seeds than injured seeds. Therefore, low removal frequency of injured seeds by T. tsushimae ants might facilitate the increase in removal frequency of non-injured seeds, consequently leading to efficient seed dispersal of C. maculata. The germination rate of injured seeds that N. plebeius nymphs sucked was conspicuously lower than the non-injured seeds. The germination rate of seeds that T. tsushimae ants carried out of their nest was similar to that of the non-injured seeds. Thus, seed removal by T. tsushimae ants has hardly effects on the germination of these seeds. Therefore, the preferential removal of non-injured seeds by T. tsushimae ants might contribute to the dispersal success of C. maculata seeds. These results might show a novel interaction between myrmecochorous plants and ants in which the assessment of seed quality by ants contributes to the reproductive success of plants.  相似文献   

The modes of seed dispersal in the prostrate annual, Chamaesyce maculata, with multiple overlapping generations were investigated. We found that C. maculata has two modes of seed dispersal; autochory in the summer and myrmecochory in the autumn. Seasonally different modes of seed dispersal have not been known in other plant species. The large proportion of seeds produced in the summer was positioned further than the expanse of the parent plants by automatic mechanical seed dispersal. Therefore, autochory would be effective for avoiding competition between parent and offspring plants. No autochory occurred in the seeds produced in the autumn. The seeds of C. maculata without an elaiosome were dispersed by seed-collecting ants in the autumn. Although 18 ant species in total visited the plants of C. maculata at the 50 sites investigated, only two ant species, Tetramorium tsushimae and Pheidole noda frequently carried the seeds of C. maculata. The low frequency of seeds carried out of the nest by P. noda suggests that the workers of P. noda carry the seeds as food into their nest. So, P. noda might be a less effective seed disperser for C. maculata, corresponding to the effectiveness of seed dispersal by harvester ants. However, T. tsushimae ants frequently carried the seeds into and out of their nest, suggesting that T. tsushimae do not regard the seeds of C. maculata as a food resource. Thus, T. tsushimae may be an effective seed disperser for C. maculata.  相似文献   

Secondary seed dispersal by ants (myrmecochory) is an important process in semi‐arid environments where seeds are transported from the soil surface to an ant nest. Microsites from which ants often remove seeds are the small pits and depressions made by native and exotic animals that forage in the soil. Previous studies have demonstrated greater seed retention in the pits of native than exotic animals, but little is known about how biotic factors such as secondary seed dispersal by ants affect seed removal and therefore retention in these foraging pits. We used an experimental approach to examine how the morphology of burrowing bettong (Bettongia lesueur), greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis), short‐beaked echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus) and European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) foraging pits and ant body size influenced ant locomotion and seed removal from pits along an aridity gradient. Ants took 3.7‐times longer to emerge from echidna pits (19.6 s) and six‐times longer to emerge from bettong pits (30.5 s) than from rabbit pits (5.2 s), resulting in lower seed removal from bettong pits than other pit types. Fewer seeds were removed from pits when cages were used to exclude large body‐sized (>2 mm) ants. Few seeds were removed from the pits or surface up to aridity values of 0.5 (humid and dry sub‐humid), but removal increased rapidly in semi‐arid and arid zones. Our study demonstrates that mammal foraging pit morphology significantly affects ant locomotion, the ability of ants to retrieve seeds, and therefore the likelihood that seeds will be retained within foraging pits.  相似文献   

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