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The effects of intensive commercial livestock farming on the distribution and habitat use of the redwing francolin, Francolinus levaillantii, was investigated to identify habitat constraints that may contribute towards the observed decline of this species on livestock farms. Data on the size, placement of the home ranges and compositional habitat use from ten radio‐tracked individuals, five in commercially grazed (and frequently burned) and five in protected (and infrequently burned) highland grasslands, was collated to determine habitat preferences. Mean home range size within protected and grazed grassland study sites were similar and ranged between 7.6 and 15.4 hectares. However, habitat use by groups in grazed grasslands was restricted to areas of greater cover and food availability. Group sizes were significantly larger in protected (mean 3.77, n = 111 coveys) than in grazed and frequently burned grassland (mean = 2.96, n = 135 coveys). Smaller coveys in grazed habitats had smaller home ranges and were further spaced from one another. It is therefore suggested that habitat degradation, through excessive defoliation of the grassland from heavy grazing and frequent burning, both fragments francolin subpopulations and reduces the ecological availability of suitable habitat. Thus, undermining the metapopulation structure of the redwing francolin in these commercially grazed grasslands.  相似文献   

We investigated the densities of the Redwing Francolinus levaillantii and Greywing Francolins F. africanus and the diversity of grassland birds in general along a land-use gradient in the highlands of Mpumalanga province, South Africa. Redwing Francolins cannot tolerate intensive grazing and frequent burning and are confined largely to unburnt, ungrazed grasslands. Their density and the species richness of grassland birds in general are negatively correlated with grazing intensity. Redwing populations drop to densities that cannot be utilised by hunters on a sustainable basis in grasslands that are grazed at even moderate levels or burned annually. Nineteen bird species (including five threatened species) were confined to essentially pristine grassland and were never observed in grazed/annually burned grasslands. The Greywing Francolin is more evenly distributed (although always at sub-utilisation densities) along the grassland land-use gradient, and its density is positively correlated with grazing intensity. There are two assemblages of grassland bird species that appear to be indicative of the intensity of habitat utilisation. Populations of grassland birds in the study area are becoming increasingly dependent on isolated patches of pristine grassland and are threatened by management involving annual burning and high stocking rates on a landscape scale.  相似文献   

We studied the breeding biology of the Redwing Francolin, Francolinus levaillantii, in the highland grasslands of Mpumalanga Province, South Africa, from 1995–1996. The breeding season is from August to March. Clutches were incubated by hens only and all nests were located in rank grass close to surface water. Mean clutch size was 4.3 eggs (S.D. = 0.78, n = 10) and mean egg dimensions were 40.1 × 32.3 mm (S.D. = 1.07 and 0.81, n = 44). Hatching success was 83.7% and clutch survival rate to 22 days of incubation was 82.8%. A mean of 3 chicks was produced per clutch; observed mean production (counts of hens with chicks) was 2.6 chicks per brood (n = 24 clutches; 62 chicks). The hunting season for Redwing Francolin in Mpumalanga should be from 15 April to 15 July.  相似文献   

The South African grassland biome is one of the most threatened biomes in South Africa. Approximately 45% of the grassland biome area is transformed, degraded or severely invaded by alien plants and the remaining natural areas are highly fragmented. In this fragmented landscape, the connectivity between habitat patches is very important to maintain viable populations. In this study we aimed to quantify connectivity of the grassland biome in Mpumalanga using graph theory in order to identify conservation priorities and to direct conservation efforts. Graph theory‐based connectivity indices have the ability to combine spatially explicit habitat data with species specific dispersal data and can quantify structural and functional connectivity over large landscapes. We used these indices to quantify the overall connectivity of the study area, to determine the influence of abandoned croplands on overall connectivity, and to identify the habitat patches and vegetation types most in need of maintaining overall connectivity. Natural areas were identified using 2008 land cover data for Mpumalanga. Connectivity within the grassland biome of Mpumalanga was analysed for grassland species with dispersal distances ranging from 50 to 1000 m. The grassland habitat patches were mostly well connected, with 99.6% of the total habitat area connected in a single component at a threshold distance of 1000 m. The inclusion of abandoned croplands resulted in a 33% increase in connectivity at a threshold distance of 500 m. The habitat patches most important for maintaining overall connectivity were the large patches of continuous habitat in the upper and lower centres of the study area and the most important vegetation types were the Wakkerstroom Montane Grassland and the Eastern Temperate Freshwater Wetlands. These results can be used to inform management decisions and reserve design to improve and maintain connectivity in this biome.  相似文献   

Field surveys were conducted in the Krugersdorp Game Reserve, Gauteng province, South Africa, during 1978–1981 to study the habitat preferences of Helmeted Guineafowl Numida meleagris. The study area was traversed with a vehicle in the late afternoons on a set route (12 km) and at least one observation was conducted each month during the three-year period. With the aid of binoculars all guineafowl that were sighted were counted and recorded on a map. The purposes were to (1) describe the habitat preferences of guineafowl and (2) to demonstrate that weeds attracted guineafowl during winter and can be retained in modified landscapes (e.g. farms) to provide important microhabitats. The highest mean monthly density across five habitat categories throughout the year was recorded in old vegetable gardens. The old vegetable gardens of c. 35 ha attracted more than 60% of the guineafowl population from April to October, which was mainly during winter when the birds scratched actively in weedy patches.  相似文献   

Nummi  P.  Pöysä  H.  Elmberg  J.  Sjöberg  K. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):247-252
The mallard (Anas platyrhynchos Linnaeus) is a generalist feeder, breeding in a wide range of habitats, yet showing considerable between site differences in density. Variations in density and habitat use may result from inter- and intea-specific competition, habitat structure or food.We studied habitat selection of the mallard in four regions of Finland and Sweden. In each region, ten lakes were chosen ranging from oligotrophic to eutrophic. Habitat distribution of the mallard did not differ between regions despite variation in the density of the species and congenerics. Mallard density did not correlate with vegetation structure, but increased with food abundance and the number and density of congenerics although there were regional differences in mallard response.  相似文献   

为研究退牧还草对土壤纤毛虫群落特征的影响、退牧还草后土壤环境变化以及如何利用原生动物纤毛虫群落特征来评价退还效果的可行性,于2015年5月至2016年3月在甘肃省甘南藏族自治州玛曲县选取3个不同恢复年限的草地样点和1个未经过退牧还草对照样点,采用"非淹没培养皿法"、活体观察法和培养直接计数法对土壤纤毛虫的物种数和密度进行测定,同时测定了土壤温度、pH值、含水量、土壤孔隙度、速效钾、速效氮、速效磷、全氮、全钾、全磷和有机质含量,并分析了在生态逐渐恢复条件下,土壤纤毛虫群落特征与土壤环境因子间的相关性。研究共鉴定到纤毛虫95种,隶属9纲15目21科28属。研究发现,退牧还草样地与未退牧还草样地的土壤纤毛虫的物种分布存在明显差异:退牧还草后的3个样点间的物种相似性减小,群落组成复杂化,纤毛虫丰度、丰富度指数、均匀度指数和物种多样性指数增高。相关性分析结果表明,退牧还草后,对纤毛虫群落结构稳定性影响最主要的是土壤有机质、含水量和土壤全氮、全磷和全钾的含量,不同恢复年限样点的土壤纤毛虫群落组成差异较大。土壤纤毛虫群落对退牧还草生态恢复过程中土壤环境条件的变化有较好的响应。  相似文献   

The conservation of dry calcareous grasslands in the French Prealps strongly depends on the maintenance of low-intensity farming systems supported by agri-environmental schemes. An experimental assessment of the effect of current agro-pastoral management on the biodiversity of plant communities was conducted during a six-year permanent plot survey in four sites with contrasting habitat conditions (mesic to xeric). Analyses of species changes showed: (i) a strong increase in species richness and open grassland species frequencies four years after shrub-clearing, and (ii) a noticeable recovery of rare annuals and perennial species of conservation interest establishing in gaps created by grazing. At the community level, the restoration effect was evaluated by a between-year Correspondence Analysis, explaining 10.9% of the total floristic variability versus 29.5% for the site effect (between-site CA). Species ordination by between-year CA showed similar trajectories of vegetation changes during restoration despite different habitat conditions and grazing regimes between sites. The successful restoration of prealpine calcareous grasslands was explained by the availability of seed sources during the study in adjacent grazed or mown grasslands. Thus, restoration assessment should focus on dispersal possibilities and functional roles of species rather than species richness only. Finally, the spatial (i.e. the area of patches that need to be restored) and temporal (i.e. the frequency of shrub-clearing) implications for the large-scale conservation of prealpine calcareous grasslands by current agro-pastoral management are discussed.  相似文献   

Plant species differ in their ecological amplitude, with some species occurring in very different habitats under strongly differentiated environmental conditions. We were interested in to what extent the occurrence of Linum catharticum in dry calcareous grasslands (Bromion) and wet litter meadows (Molinion), two habitats on opposing ends concerning, for example, moisture level, is reflected on the genetic and epigenetic level. Using AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphisms) and MSAP (methylation sensitive amplification polymorphisms) analyses, we studied the genetic and epigenetic variation of L. catharticum from calcareous grasslands and litter meadows. From each habitat, we included five study sites with 16 individuals per sampling location. We observed lower genetic than epigenetic diversity, but considerable differentiation among habitats, which was stronger on the genetic than the epigenetic level. Additionally, we observed a strong correlation of genetic and epigenetic distance, irrespective of geographic distance. The dataset included a large portion of fragments exclusively found in individuals from one or the other habitat. Some epigenetic fragments even occurred in different methylation states depending on the habitat. We conclude that environmental effects act on both the genetic and epigenetic level, producing the clear differentiation among plant individuals from calcareous grasslands and litter meadows. These results may also point into the direction of ecotype formation in this species.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the habitat associations of a native cyprinid community of the recovering Rondegat River in the Cape Fold Ecoregion of South Africa as part of a long-term native fish abundance monitoring project. Relative abundance data were extracted from underwater video camera footage across the longitudinal gradient of the river in three sampling instances. Using multivariate methods the authors assessed community composition with respect to habitat, its overlap with a protected area and species-specific abiotic predictors of relative abundance. Distance from the uppermost site in the river was the most significant predictor of species abundance, indicating spatial segregation and varying overlap between species. The protected status of sites in the upper reaches, vegetated substrates and the size of individual sites were the most impactful on the relative abundance of the endangered fiery redfin Pseudobarbus phlegethon. The results of this study indicate that underwater video monitoring is an effective and low-cost approach that can inform conservation recommendations. Reducing agricultural runoff and sedimentation in the lower reaches may be useful further interventions to maintain key habitats of submerged vegetation.  相似文献   

栖息地特征对褐马鸡种群密度和集群行为的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1998-2000年冬季在山西芦芽山自然保护区选择车道沟和梅洞 2个研究地,就栖息地特征对褐马鸡 (Cros soptilonmantchuricum)越冬种群密度和集群大小的影响进行了研究。经χ2 检验,针叶林是褐马鸡冬季经常利用的栖息地类型。对 2个研究地的栖息地结构比较发现,车道沟适宜栖息地的面积较梅洞大,连接性也较好,褐马鸡种群有更为广阔的取食空间和更多的隐蔽场所,而且活动的阻碍也较小;而梅洞栖息地的取食空间较小,隐蔽场所较少,其活动时受到的阻碍也较大。从 2个研究地微生境结构特征的差异,并结合褐马鸡越冬期栖息地选择来看,树高和高层盖度对褐马鸡在 2个栖息地的选择上起重要作用。车道沟乔木较粗大,不但有丰富的食物,而且可提供较好的夜宿条件;高层盖度越大,栖息地的隐蔽条件越好,能吸引更多的褐马鸡个体取食和越冬。研究结果表明,栖息地结构连接性、微生境结构特征的差异以及人为干扰是褐马鸡种群密度和集群行为差异的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

中国温带草地土壤硫的分布特征及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘潇潇  王钧  曾辉 《生态学报》2016,36(24):7919-7928
以内蒙古和青藏高原的6种主要草地类型为研究对象,分析了不同类型草地表层土壤硫(S)的分布特征及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明:1)青藏高原草原表层土壤(0—10 cm)的全硫含量(430.8 mg/kg)显著高于内蒙古草原(181.4 mg/kg;P0.01)。土壤硫素一般以有机硫的形式存在,具有植物有效性的土壤无机硫所占比例较少,内蒙古土壤这一比例为14.7%,青藏高原为24.5%。2)土壤硫的含量与土壤C、N的分布格局关系紧密,呈显著正相关关系;与土壤p H呈负相关关系。内蒙古与青藏高原研究区土壤的C/S和N/S值较低,这表明硫可能成为对草原生产力起限制性作用的营养元素。3)内蒙古草原表层土壤全硫、水溶性硫、吸附性硫均与年均温呈显著负相关(P0.05);土壤硫与年均降水呈显著正相关关系(P0.05)。青藏高原草地土壤硫中,除水溶性硫与年均降水呈显著正相关关系外,其余土壤硫含量均未与气候因子呈现显著相关关系。  相似文献   

South Africa, having met the World Health Organisation''s pre-elimination criteria, has set a goal to achieve malaria elimination by 2018. Mpumalanga, one of three provinces where malaria transmission still occurs, has a malaria season subject to unstable transmission that is prone to sporadic outbreaks. As South Africa prepares to intensify efforts towards malaria elimination, there is a need to understand patterns in malaria transmission so that efforts may be targeted appropriately. This paper describes the seasonality of transmission by exploring the relationship between malaria cases and three potential drivers: rainfall, geography (physical location) and the source of infection (local/imported). Seasonal decomposition of the time series by Locally estimated scatterplot smoothing is applied to the case data for the geographical and source of infection sub-groups. The relationship between cases and rainfall is assessed using a cross-correlation analysis. The malaria season was found to have a short period of no/low level of reported cases and a triple peak in reported cases between September and May; the three peaks occurring in October, January and May. The seasonal pattern of locally-sourced infection mimics the triple-peak characteristic of the total series while imported infections contribute mostly to the second and third peak of the season (Christmas and Easter respectively). Geographically, Bushbuckridge municipality, which exhibits a different pattern of cases, contributed mostly to the first and second peaks in cases while Maputo province (Mozambique) experienced a similar pattern in transmission to the imported cases. Though rainfall lagged at 4 weeks was significantly correlated with malaria cases, this effect was dampened due to the growing proportion of imported cases since 2006. These findings may be useful as they enhance the understanding of the current incidence pattern and may inform mathematical models that enable one to predict the impact changes in these drivers will have on malaria transmission.  相似文献   

This study investigated the utilization of mist‐belt grassland habitat by the threatened blue swallow and was conducted over three successive breeding seasons in the Blue Swallow Natural Heritage Site at Kaapsehoop, Mpumalanga, South Africa. Blue swallows significantly preferred wetlands over grasslands for foraging. Sufficient foraging habitat must be within a 1.5 km radius from an active nest site. The minimum size of a pair of blue swallows home range should be 333 ha, consisting at a minimum of grasslands (243 ha or 73%) and wetlands (90 ha or 27%). In order to conserve this threatened species, habitat transformation should not take place within a minimum radius of 1.5 km of any blue swallow nest. Due to the critical dependence of the blue swallow on wetland habitat for foraging, any development outside the 1.5 km radius that would affect hydrology and water quality within this range would need to be considered, and any adverse effect mitigated. Rehabilitation of areas to a grassland/wetland mosaic would rather quickly support foraging, and eventually breeding. Although a better understanding of the dynamics between wetlands and adjacent grasslands regarding blue swallow habitat requirements is needed, action can already be taken, based on our results.  相似文献   

Dames  Joanna F.  Scholes  Mary C.  Straker  C.J. 《Plant and Soil》1998,203(2):183-190
Litter accumulates on the forest floor in Pinus patula Schlechtd. et Cham. plantations in Mpumalanga, South Africa especially in high altitude sites, as a result of an imbalance between litter production and decomposition. To determine which factor caused this increase we measured litter production in an age series of P. patula growing at low and high altitude sites. Litter production was shown to increase with increasing stand. The average annual litter production figure ranged from 3.64 to 5.89 t ha-1 yr-1 measured over a two-year period, with maximum litterfall occurring from mid-winter to early spring. Litter accumulation, as measured by litter depth, ranged from 39 to 121 mm. No significant relationship existed between litter production and altitude; however, litter accumulation was shown to increase with increasing stand age and increasing altitude. Increased litter production was, therefore, not responsible for the accumulation of litter in high altitude sites.  相似文献   

P. J. Swanepoel, P. Michelow, R. Du Plessis, I. G. Proudfoot, G. A. Tarr, S. L. Bockel, C. J. Swanepoel
Cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions and associated cervical infections in an HIV‐positive population in Rural Mpumalanga, South Africa Background: The incidences of genital human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, associated squamous intraepithelial lesions and cervical squamous cell carcinoma are significantly increased in HIV‐positive women. The role of other cervicovaginal infections in the acquisition of the HPV infection, cervical carcinogenesis and genital HIV infection remains largely speculative. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted including 1087 HIV‐positive women in rural Mpumalanga province, South Africa, for the period 1 May 2009 to 31 August 2010. For each patient, the age at first presentation, cervical cytological diagnosis, subsequent follow‐up cytology and histology, and microscopically visible infections (including endemic Bilharzia) were tabulated and statistically analysed. Results: The prevalence of low‐grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL), high‐grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL), squamous cell carcinoma, atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC‐US) and atypical squamous cells, cannot exclude HSIL (ASC‐H) in the study population were 22.1%, 30.9%, 0.6%, 13.5% and 4.0%, respectively. LSIL, HSIL and squamous cell carcinoma were diagnosed, respectively, at the average ages of 35.7, 37.9 and 37.2 years. Four patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 1 (CIN1), 32 with CIN2/CIN3 and two with cervical squamous cell carcinoma were also diagnosed with Bilharzia. Of the other infections only bacterial vaginosis had a positive statistical correlation with HPV‐induced cervical abnormalities (LSIL, HSIL or squamous cell carcinoma). Conclusion: This study confirms the high prevalence of progressive HPV‐associated cervical disease in a rural Southern African HIV‐positive population, which is at least equal to or worse than in other African HIV‐positive studies. The high incidence of Bilharzia infection in those cases that underwent cervical cone excision suggests a possible relationship with progressive HPV disease and cervical carcinogenesis. Bacterial vaginosis (perhaps in combination with Bilharzia) may compromise the normal barriers against HPV and HIV infection.  相似文献   

小相岭大熊猫与放牧家畜的生境选择   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20  
利用 Forage Ratio指数对小相岭山系大熊猫与放牧牲畜的生境选择进行了比较研究 ,研究涉及 1 1种生境因子。研究结果表明 ,大熊猫喜欢选择在山体的脊部和中部的凸坡 ,坡向南坡 ,喜欢选择 0~ 2 4 %的灌木盖度 ,喜欢竹子盖度大于 5 0 %的原始针叶林 ,对坡度、乔木高度、乔木郁闭度、灌木高度不存在选择性 ,都为随机利用。放牧牲畜喜欢选择利用复合坡、山体的下部、坡度小于 2 0°的山坡 ;喜欢利用的生境类型是草坡和灌丛 ;选择的森林起源是次生林 ;所利用生境的乔木高度为 5~ 9m,对坡向、乔木郁闭度、灌木高度、灌木盖度、竹子盖度都随机利用。放牧家畜与大熊猫在对生境因子的利用上有许多共同点 ,对许多因子类型大多都是随机利用 ,因而 ,在对一些生境因子的利用上 ,放牧对大熊猫的活动会产生一定的影响。同时 ,它们在生境选择上也存在一定的差异 ,特别是在对植被类型和森林起源的选择上差异较大 ,只要合理的规划和控制放牧活动 ,也就可能达到大熊猫保护与社区经济协调发展的目的  相似文献   

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