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生物学教师如何"活用"新教材   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在新课程实施中,面对全新的实验教材,如何把握课程精髓,设计教学活动?如何活用教材,从课程计划的执行者向课程的设计者转变?如何变“教教材”为“用教材”,真正实现教材功能的转变等,是许多教师感到十分困惑的问题。笔者在教学研究中发现,教师要“活用”教材,应该经历“适应教材→改进教材→整合运用教材”3个阶段。  相似文献   

介绍了探究教学模式在初中生物学实验教学中的实践与应用.课堂教学过程分为3个步骤:A.实验前讨论研究的问题并作实验设计;B.实验过程中获取数据;C.实验后学生讨论得出实验结论.整个教学过程中突出了学生的主动性和创造性,突出了如何将探究实验与学生获得的概念联系起来.突出了培养学生的逻辑型思维能力.  相似文献   

在学习了高三《生物》中“细胞质遗传”的内容后,学生对“母系遗传”的理解与以前诸多知识产生了冲突和混淆,特别是在新的问题情境下,学生普遍感到“母系遗传”真假难辨。笔者拟就学生特别容易混淆的一些问题,对如何有效辨析这些问题的教学方法作一简要介绍。  相似文献   

为贯彻新的高中课程改革精神 ,重视学生创新精神和实践能力的培养 ,新的高中《生物》(必修 )教材增设了6个专题性研究课题 ,这些课题涉及人类社会、生活、生产和现代科技。专题性研究是进行“研究性学习”的载体 ,如何开展生物学的“研究性学习”,这是广大中学生物学教师共同面临的新课题 ,笔者现就此问题进行初探。1 开展生物学研究性学习的意义所谓研究性学习 ,是学生在教师的指导下 ,从学习生活和社会生活中选择和确定研究专题 ,以类似于科学研究的方式 ,通过一系列自主的探索活动去发现问题、解决问题 ,以获取知识和应用知识的学习活动…  相似文献   

东亚现代人的史前迁徙一直是人类学界颇多争议的问题之一。以前的遗传学研究揭示了东亚南方和北方人群在遗传背景上存在一定的差异,但如何解释这种遗传差异以及它同东亚现代人史前迁徙路线的关系是大家争论的焦点。  相似文献   

在实践教学中,如何针对具体的教学内容和学生知识与能力实际,对教材中的问题进行加工、设计并合理运用,从而高效地开展教学活动?笔者经过多年的新教材教学实践,对此进行了积极尝试,下面谈几点做法,以期与同仁探讨.  相似文献   

正近日,来自西班牙的科学家们在国际学术期刊CellReports上发表了一项最新研究进展,他们经过深入研究揭示了抗血管生成药物如何发挥抗肿瘤作用以及肿瘤细胞如何抵抗该类药物作用继续存活,同时该研究也为抗血管生成药物的临床应用提供了新的策略。抗血管生成药物能够有效治疗上皮恶性肿瘤,但是这种癌症治疗方法面临的主要问题在于肿瘤会产生获得性抵抗。之前研究发现上皮肿瘤经常在MAPK/PI3K-AKT信号途径上发生基因突变,而该途径常会导致肿瘤细胞走向高耗氧量的糖酵解过程。在这项最新研究中,研究人员发现  相似文献   

上/更新世动物群中人类与食肉动物"印记"的识别   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张双权  张乐  高星 《人类学学报》2007,26(2):183-192
从上/更新世的何时开始,人类的祖先能够成功地与食肉动物争夺大型的猎物资源?这是古人类学研究中的一个重要问题。本文从埋藏学的角度对这一问题进行了全面的回顾与总结。埋藏学研究是建立在现实研究和实验研究基础之上的,死亡年龄分布、骨骼单元分布、骨骼表面改造痕迹的相继引入逐渐丰富了这一学科的研究体系。  相似文献   

称熊猫或猫熊 ,究竟哪个更恰当 ?庄之模  1 980  0 1  2 8什么是反刍 ?举例说明庄之模  1 980  0 3  1 8动物教学中的几个生理学问题邹 鹏  1 981  0 3  0 8养兔业及其综合利用罗泽王旬  1 981  0 3  1 1哺乳动物化学通讯的研究概况范志勤  1 981  0 5  1 7如何认识反刍后食团的经路问题林大诚  1 981  0 5  2 4哺乳动物化学通讯的研究意义范志勤  1 981  0 6  1 1关于类人猿行为研究的某些进展万传文等  1 982  0 3  0 9家兔解剖教学中的几个问题杨安峰  1 983  0 2  1 1猩猩和它的亲属谭邦杰  1 983  0 2 …  相似文献   

生物学教学中“问题点”的设计能引导学生向纵深思考问题:“探究链”的筑建能诱发学生对问题产生横向联系。所以,“问题点”和“探究链”是辅佐学生进行探究性学习的两条“腿”,教学中如何设计好这两条“腿”,让学生真正地站起来,笔者在此谈谈在新课程理念下的具体做法,大家不妨试之。  相似文献   

贾伟 《生物学杂志》2006,23(5):62-63
促进学生成长,已成为新课程推进与实施的关键,通过建立“学生成长记录袋“对学生实施全面综合性评价.介绍了学生生物学科“成长记录袋“的设计、使用和评价的一些情况.  相似文献   

General practitioners are often asked for medical certificates (housing "lines") by applicants for council housing who claim to have medical problems requiring housing priority. The results of a survey by questionnaire showed that general practitioners in Edinburgh do not know how the housing system works and that they seem to overestimate their patients'' chances of obtaining suitable council housing. General practitioners need to know how the housing system works, and communication between general practitioners and housing departments should be improved. A comparison was also made between the number of medical points awarded by a community medicine specialist and a group of general practitioners who had written housing "lines" for their patients. The general practitioners tended to award more points than the specialist. Social priority for housing should be recognised as an independent factor and a new category of top social priority added.  相似文献   

Feminist scholars have begun to consider the ways indigenous practices of child rearing were and are challenged in (post)colonial discourse and practice, and how these practices have become a terrain on which definitions of nation, state, and economy are contested. In this article, I adopt a historical anthropological approach to consider how Filipino child-rearing strategies were described and stigmatized in educational, public health, and public welfare discourses in the U.S.-occupied Philippines in the early 20th century. I demonstrate how public health practices and discourses that were generated as part of a "benevolent" campaign against high rates of infant mortality were strategically used as a weapon against Filipino arguments for independence. I also consider how discourses constructing Filipino caregivers as overly indulgent were linked to metropolitan concerns about production of the "new industrial man" and were used to develop a racialized critique of the cultural practices of Filipinos.  相似文献   

A program where wild bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) are fed by tourists in shallow water adjacent to a wharf has been established at Tangalooma, Queensland, Australia. Up to nine dolphins attend the nightly feedings, and between 60 and 80 resort guests are permitted to hand feed these dolphins each night. Since this program began in 1992, the dolphins have increased in confidence and have started, at times, to make forceful contact with guests who enter the water to feed them. This paper categorizes such behavior as "pushy" and reports on a study which quantifies the "pushiness" of the dolphins which feed at Tangalooma. The study examines ecological variables which may determine how pushy the dolphins are at different feeding sessions. The number of dolphins attending a particular feeding significantly increases the pushiness. In addition, the presence of adult males at a feeding is likely to increase pushing. Tidal state also influences how pushy the dolphins are. At low tide, when the dolphins'mobility is restricted by the water depth, they are less likely to be pushy. Given the problems experienced in a number of other situations where wild animals are fed by humans, it is important to monitor carefully the escalation of pushy behavior in this dolphin feeding program, as it may be a precursor to more aggressive actions on the part of the dolphins.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The extraordinary increase of the elderly in developed countries underscore the importance of studies on ageing and longevity and the need for the prompt spread of knowledge about ageing in order to satisfactorily decrease the medical, economic and social problems associated to advancing years, because of the increased number of individuals not autonomous and affected by invalidating pathologies.Centenarians are equipped to reach the extreme limits of human life span and, most importantly, to show relatively good health, being able to perform their routine daily life and to escape fatal age-related diseases. Thus, they are the best example of extreme longevity, representing selected people in which the appearance of major age-related diseases, such as cancer, and cardiovascular diseases among others, has been consistently delayed or escaped. To discuss the relevance of genetics and life style in the attainment of longevity, five papers mostly focused on Italian centenarians have been assembled in this series. The aim is to realize, through a" positive biology" approach (rather than making diseases the central focus of research, "positive biology" seeks to understand the causes of positive phenotypes, trying to explain the biological mechanisms of health and well-being) how to prevent and/or reduce elderly frailty and disability.  相似文献   

Doctors who become patients due to serious illnesses face many challenges related to issues of identity, work, and professionalism. In-depth interviews with such doctors reveal the complex ways in which illness threatens identity in these professionals. In comparison with "medical student's disease," these doctors now exhibit "post-residency disease"-minimizing physical symptoms that are in fact present, leading to decreases in care sought. Doctors often feel they are somehow invulnerable to disease and have to remain strong, not burdening others. Many describe themselves as "workaholics," which can prove to be a double-edged sword, posing problems as well as providing benefits. This professional commitment could interfere with preventive health behaviors and with "practicing what they preach." Some view their illness with their "medical self" - as if they were a physician observing another patient rather than themselves. These doctors often support their approach by choosing a colleague as a doctor who will not challenge them, thereby establishing a "denial system" as opposed to a support system. These doctor-patients confront difficult issues of how much their physicianhood is an identity or an activity, illustrating the intricate relationships and tensions between work, identity, professionalism, and health in contemporary medicine.  相似文献   

Race as a mechanism of social stratification and as a form of human identity is a recent concept in human history. Historical records show that neither the idea nor ideologies associated with race existed before the seventeenth century. In the United States, race became the main form of human identity, and it has had a tragic effect on low-status "racial" minorities and on those people who perceive themselves as of "mixed race." We need to research and understand the consequences of race as the premier source of human identity. This paper briefly explores how race became a part of our culture and consciousness and argues that we must disconnect cultural features of identity from biological traits and study how "race" eroded and superseded older forms of human identity. It suggests that "race" ideology is already beginning to disintegrate as a result of twentieth-century changes.  相似文献   

Although in contemporary methods and (insofar as we are justified in using the term at all) in the contemporary psychology of foreign-language learning, the concepts of "active" and "passive" are widely used with reference to aspects of learning, to methods, habits, and models, these concepts are actually quite vague. This raises the necessity of systematically examining the main problems associated with maintaining a distinction between "active" and "passive" in language acquisition.  相似文献   

In the 19th century measurements of cranial capacity by Morton and others supported a "Caucasoid>Mongoloid>Negroid" hierarchy of intelligence. This continued through most of the 20th century but was challenged by a nonhierarchical view originating with Boas. Beginning in the 1980s Rushton correlated cranial and IQ measurements and presented a hierarchy with "Mongoloids" at the top. Each of these periods relates to its social context: the 19th-century hierarchy paralleled the height of European world domination; the nonhierarchy of the 20th century reflected world wars, worldwide depression, and the breakup of empires; the "Mongoloid>Caucasoid>Negroid" hierarchy followed the economic success of several Asian nations. Morton's cranial ranking was the result of his sampling error and his acceptance of the hierarchical thinking of his time. But how is it possible for Rushton to support the M>C>N ordering while using the data of several anthropologists who have rejected racial hierarchies on empirical grounds? The answer to this question involves a critique of Rushton's use of the race concept, his aggregation of diverse populations into three traditional races, his claim to explain differences in "cultural achievements" on the basis of variation in brain size, and a number of other problems. The study concludes by noting that the major consequence of these hierarchies is the apparent justification for the exploitation of those at the bottom.  相似文献   

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