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A sonar transect method has been found to be a useful alternative to traditional tape-transect methods in quantification of the species richness and abundance of reef fish. No significant difference was found between species richness measured by the methods, and high Jaccard’s similarity coefficients were calculated for each site using the two methods, indicating a similar response to fish of both the sonar and tape transects. Abundance estimates of one species only (Chaetodon tricinctus) were greater when the transect tape method was used, probably because fish were being attracted to the divers who deployed the transect tape. Substantial time saving was also noted for the sonar transects, indicating overall that estimating distance using sonar rather than transect tape may enable increased efficiency and accuracy in␣underwater visual surveys for both ecological␣and management-related research on reef fishes.  相似文献   

We aimed to determine optimal methods of underwater visual census (UVC) for estimating the abundance of coral reef fishes exploited by fisheries in the tropical Pacific. Two main methods were tested using SCUBA: strip transect and stationary point counts. We assessed their relative accuracy, precision, power and efficiency (cost), and compared different census area dimensions, observer swimming speeds, and number of replicates. Twenty-five comparisons of the two UVC methods were conducted for 73 species from five families of coral reef fishes, on reefs in Australia and Fiji. Species were grouped within families based on their mobility. Few significant differences were found, either among or between strip transects and stationary point counts. The data were characterised by high variability, low precision and low power. A trend for greater accuracy in density estimates of small sedentary species with smaller census area was apparent, which probably reflects searching efficiency. Only one species group, the sedentary Acanthuridae showed differences between transects and point counts. Higher, hence presumably more accurate, density estimates were obtained with 50m×5m transects. Notably, point counts could be deployed in 70% of the time of transects. A bootstrapping procedure demonstrated a consistent improvement in precision of density estimates with increasing number of replicates, but no appreciable change in precision was found beyond 10 to 15 replicates, in all species groups and for both transects and point counts. Consequently, and because of the high variability inherent in fish density estimates, we recommend that at least 10 replicates be used to quantify the species considered here. The power calculations showed that only large differences in density will be detected with the replication levels typical of UVC surveys. Power was greatest for the roving serranids, with a decrease in density of about 50% detectable for this species group. We discuss the importance of carefully defining the behavioural attributes of species prior to selecting a UVC method. A method of temporal stratification in a count is described for censusing a range of species of varying mobilities. We suggest that fish mobility and search efficiency are key factors in optimising UVC methods.  相似文献   

Fishes are commercially, recreationally and functionally important inhabitants of coral reefs. Accordingly, accurate assessments of fish abundance and diversity are necessary for effective reef management. While some reef fish monitoring programmes target all fishes, many survey a subset of common and visually obvious species. Changing to counts of all species, while desirable, risks new and unwelcome biases from altered observer swimming speeds and search patterns. Here we test whether substantially increasing the number of target species in an established fish monitoring programme biases counts of the original subset, so precluding ongoing comparisons with historical data. A subset of 141 fish species have been visually surveyed along 50 × 5 m transects over 27 years throughout Australia's Great Barrier Reef. We experimentally compared counts of the subset from standard subset-only surveys and from surveys of all species (excluding small site-attached fishes that are surveyed separately) at three diverse reefs. Subset species richness and abundance, in total and of major families, and assemblage structure did not differ due to survey method. The high-level experience of the one observer appeared to overcome new biases from counting more species and the extra 2 min/transect was not logistically excessive. Surveys of all fishes recorded almost 80% more species than subset-only surveys and >130% higher total abundance on average from >150% more genera that included abundant and functionally important taxa. Overall, fish counts by an experienced observer were not biased by the number of species surveyed and counts of all species markedly improved assessments of reef fish diversity and function.  相似文献   

Estimates of reef fish densities made by divers visually censusing 5 m wide strip transects were compared with capture-resight estimates calculated independently using data on the resighting frequencies of fish marked with colour-coded tags. The difference in density estimates between methods varied between species but with patterns consistent at the three eastern Tasmanian sites studied. Densities of the two most abundant species, the wrasses Notolabrus tetricus and Notolabrus fucicola, showed good agreement between methods. By contrast, populations of the two monacanthids Meuschenia australis and Meuschenia freycineti were underestimated by an order of magnitude in strip transects relative to capture-resight, while populations of the open-water latrid Latridopsis forsteri were overestimated.For all common fish species observed in strip transects, variation in density estimates between divers was extremely low compared to variation between sites and between months. Variation in density estimates between different days within a week and between 50 m blocks located 50 m apart was also negligible; however, residual error associated with variation by a single diver within a block and day was high. Biases associated with changing detectability of fishes in open versus densely vegetated habitats were assessed by algal removal experiments, and were found to be negligible or non-significantly low for five of the six species examined. The exceptional species—N. tetricus—exhibited a 70% rise in fish sighted by diver following algal clearance despite trapping data indicating no increase in fish numbers.Diver estimates of fish length were on average 7% greater than measured lengths. Divers possessed a clear tendency to make increasingly inaccurate size estimates as fish length deviated in either direction from 300 mm. Lengths of 175-mm animals were underestimated by ≈20% and 400-mm fishes were overestimated by ≈10%. These changes in diver bias with fish size were largely independent of fish species, site and diver. The precision of size estimates, as indicated by the standard deviation of bias, also varied with fish size, with values varying from ≈13% at 200 mm fish length to ≈8% at 400 mm length. The decline in precision at small body size largely reflected size intervals used by divers to bin data. Divers appear capable of making more precise size estimates than the 25-mm interval used at small fish sizes.  相似文献   

Quantifying relative diver effects in underwater visual censuses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Diver-based Underwater Visual Censuses (UVCs), particularly transect-based surveys, are key tools in the study of coral reef fish ecology. These techniques, however, have inherent problems that make it difficult to collect accurate numerical data. One of these problems is the diver effect (defined as the reaction of fish to a diver). Although widely recognised, its effects have yet to be quantified and the extent of taxonomic variation remains to be determined. We therefore examined relative diver effects on a reef fish assemblage on the Great Barrier Reef. Using common UVC methods, the recorded abundance of seven reef fish groups were significantly affected by the ongoing presence of SCUBA divers. Overall, the diver effect resulted in a 52% decrease in the mean number of individuals recorded, with declines of up to 70% in individual families. Although the diver effect appears to be a significant problem, UVCs remain a useful approach for quantifying spatial and temporal variation in relative fish abundances, especially if using methods that minimise the exposure of fishes to divers. Fixed distance transects using tapes or lines deployed by a second diver (or GPS-calibrated timed swims) would appear to maximise fish counts and minimise diver effects.  相似文献   

为了探讨样线法和样点法对盐沼湿地鸟类调查的有效性及适用性, 我们于2008年3–5月采用固定距离样线法和固定半径样点法对崇明东滩盐沼鸟类进行了调查。5次调查共记录到鸟类24种, 其中样线法记录到19种, 样点法记录到21种, 两种调查方法平均每次记录到的鸟类种数没有显著差异, 表明两种方法对盐沼鸟类种类的发现能力相似。两种方法得到的鸟类密度之间有显著的相关性,说明两种方法在反映鸟类群落中每种鸟类的相对数量方面具有可比性。但除了仅在一种调查方法中记录到的种类, 样点法调查得到的每种鸟类密度和鸟类总密度均高于样线法的调查结果。因此, 在对鸟类种群或群落的时空特征进行比较时, 需要考虑所采用的调查方法对调查结果的影响。  相似文献   

The coral reef fish community of Hawaii is composed of hundreds of species, supports a multimillion dollar fishing and tourism industry, and is of great cultural importance to the local population. However, a major stock assessment of Hawaiian coral reef fish populations has not yet been conducted. Here we used the robust indicator variable “average length in the exploited phase of the population (L¯)”, estimated from size composition data from commercial fisheries trip reports and fishery-independent diver surveys, to evaluate exploitation rates for 19 Hawaiian reef fishes. By and large, the average lengths obtained from diver surveys agreed well with those from commercial data. We used the estimated exploitation rates coupled with life history parameters synthesized from the literature to parameterize a numerical population model and generate stock sustainability metrics such as spawning potential ratios (SPR). We found good agreement between predicted average lengths in an unfished population (from our population model) and those observed from diver surveys in the largely unexploited Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Of 19 exploited reef fish species assessed in the main Hawaiian Islands, 9 had SPRs close to or below the 30% overfishing threshold. In general, longer-lived species such as surgeonfishes, the redlip parrotfish (Scarus rubroviolaceus), and the gray snapper (Aprion virescens) had the lowest SPRs, while short-lived species such as goatfishes and jacks, as well as two invasive species (Lutjanus kasmira and Cephalopholis argus), had SPRs above the 30% threshold.  相似文献   

Haliclona sp. 628 (Demospongiae, Haplosclerida, Chalinidae), a sponge found on the reef slope below 5 m depth on the Great Barrier Reef, has two unusual characteristics. It contains a symbiotic dinoflagellate, Symbiodinium sp., similar in structure to the dinoflagellate found within Acropora nobilis (S. microadriaticum), and it contains coral nematocysts randomly distributed between the ectosome and endosome and usually undischarged in intact sponge tissue. Given the unusual occurrence of nematocysts in Haliclona sp. 628, the focus of this study was to determine the distribution of this species of sponge on the reef slope at Heron Island Reef in relation to the distribution of potential coral donors. A combination of line and belt transects was used to estimate the abundance of Haliclona sp. 628 and a co-occurring congener, Haliclona sp. 1031, which does not contain nematocysts, at three widely separated sites on the reef slope at Heron Island Reef. The abundance of different types of substratum (sand, sand-covered coral rubble, dead A. nobilis, live A. nobilis, other live coral, and other dead coral) along the transects and the substratum to which each sponge colony was attached were also recorded. Despite the predominance of live A. nobilis and sand-covered rubble at all sites, between 30 and 55% of Haliclona sp. 628 colonies were attached to dead A. nobilis which comprised less than 8% of the available substratum along any transect. In contrast, Haliclona sp. 1031 was found significantly more frequently on other dead corals and less frequently on live A. nobilis than would be expected based on the availability of the different substrata in the sites. Potential explanations to account for the distribution of Haliclona sp. 628 in relation to potential coral donors are discussed.  相似文献   

The diversity and abundance of ichthyofauna associated with Thalassia testudinum in the Lobos coral reef, Veracruz, Mexico, were studied in September and October 2002. Thirty six visual censuses in four sample sites were made using a 50 x 2 m transect belt. On each census, fish species, abundance and size were recorded. Leaf size and cover of T. testudinum were estimated. The similarity of fish groups was calculated with the Gower coefficient. The most abundant coral reef fishes were: Scarus iseri, Halichoeres bivittatus, Sparisoma radians, Stegastes adustus and Stegastes leucostictus. The highest density (0.04078 ind/m2) and biomass (0.72408 g/m2) of fish species were recorded in site II, where leaf size was greater (30.8 cm). The analysis of variance showed significant differences between sites in leaf size (F = 18.30856; p = 0.00001) and cover (H = 33.8119; p = 0.00001). These differences suggest a relationship between fish diversity and abundance, and T. testudinum leaf size and cover. The Gower similarity index produced two groups of fishes; one of them (site II) showed the highest abundance. In this reef, the fishes associated to sea grasses seem to reflect the characteristics of T. testudinum.  相似文献   

Estimating population densities of key species is crucial for many conservation programs. Density estimates provide baseline data and enable monitoring of population size. Several different survey methods are available, and the choice of method depends on the species and study aims. Few studies have compared the accuracy and efficiency of different survey methods for large mammals, particularly for primates. Here we compare estimates of density and abundance of Kloss’ gibbons (Hylobates klossii) using two of the most common survey methods: line transect distance sampling and triangulation. Line transect surveys (survey effort: 155.5 km) produced a total of 101 auditory and visual encounters and a density estimate of 5.5 gibbon clusters (groups or subgroups of primate social units)/km2. Triangulation conducted from 12 listening posts during the same period revealed a similar density estimate of 5.0 clusters/km2. Coefficients of variation of cluster density estimates were slightly higher from triangulation (0.24) than from line transects (0.17), resulting in a lack of precision in detecting changes in cluster densities of <66 % for triangulation and <47 % for line transect surveys at the 5 % significance level with a statistical power of 50 %. This case study shows that both methods may provide estimates with similar accuracy but that line transects can result in more precise estimates and allow assessment of other primate species. For a rapid assessment of gibbon density under time and financial constraints, the triangulation method also may be appropriate.  相似文献   

Abstract: Distance sampling has been identified as a reliable and well-suited method for estimating northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) density. However, distance sampling using walked transects requires intense sampling to obtain precise estimates, thus making the technique impractical for large acreages. Researchers have addressed this limitation by either resorting to the use of indices (e.g., morning covey-call surveys) or incorporating the use of aerial surveys with distance sampling. Both approaches remain relatively untested. Our objectives were to 1) compare density estimates among morning covey-call surveys, helicopter transects, and walked transects; 2) test a critical assumption of distance sampling pertinent to helicopter surveys (i.e., all objects on line are detected); and 3) evaluate the underlying premise of morning covey-call surveys (i.e., that the no. of calling coveys correlates with bobwhite density). Our study was conducted on 3 study sites in Brooks County, Texas, USA, during October to December, 2001 to 2005. Comparisons between walked transects and morning covey-call surveys involved the entire 5-year data set, whereas helicopter transects involved only the latter 2 years. Density estimates obtained from helicopter transects were similar to walked transect estimates for both years. We documented a detection probability on the helicopter transect line of 70 ± 10.2% (% ± SE; n = 20 coveys). Morning covey-call surveys yielded similar density estimates to walked transect estimates during only 2 of 5 years, when walked transect estimates were the least accurate and precise. We detected a positive relationship (R2 = 0.51; 95% CI for slope: 29.5–53.1; n = 63 observations) between covey density and number of coveys heard calling. We conclude that helicopter transects appear to be a viable alternative to walked transects for estimating density of bobwhites. Morning covey-call surveys appear to be a poor method to estimate absolute abundance and to depict general population trajectories.  相似文献   

Using remote underwater stereo–video systems we examined fish behaviour towards a stationary SCUBA diver at temperate (Rottnest Island) and sub-tropical (Houtman Abrolhos Islands) reefs in Western Australia. Changes in species richness, relative abundance, fish length, and the mean distance of individual fish from stereo–video cameras, in the presence and absence of a SCUBA diver, were assessed to infer changes in behaviour. Results show that a stationary SCUBA diver may obtain accurate measures of species richness and of the composition of fish assemblages in an area. However, the usefulness of these measures to reflect changes in fish behaviour appears limited as responses of fish towards the stationary SCUBA diver were highly species specific. Several species differed in their mean relative abundance (Heterodontus portusjacksoni, Coris auricularis, Thalassoma lunare), length (Ophthalmolepsis lineolatus, C. auricularis), and the distance to which they would approach the stereo–video systems (Kyphosus sydneyanus, Scarus schlegeli) when a SCUBA diver was present. Here, species-specific changes in the behaviour of several common and abundant fish species towards a stationary SCUBA diver advises caution to avoid biases when interpreting results obtained by SCUBA divers.  相似文献   

I evaluated a standard monitoring unit for the recruitment of reef fishes (SMURF) as a tool for ascertaining spatial and temporal patterns of reef fish recruitment in central California, USA. SMURFs consisted of a 1.0×0.35 m dia. cylinder of fine mesh plastic grid that contained a folded section of larger mesh plastic grid. SMURFs collected new recruits of 20 species of fish with 92% of the individuals collected from 10 species, mostly rockfish (genus Sebastes). An experiment varying depth of SMURFs in the water column (surface, mid-depth, or bottom) showed that surface SMURFs collected the greatest diversity of species and significantly greater abundance for eight species, with two species having significantly greater abundance on mid-depth SMURFs and three species having significantly greater abundance on bottom SMURFs. A comparison of cumulated recruitment from SMURFs that varied in sampling frequency (removal of new recruits every 1-3, 7, or 28 days) suggested that increasing the time between sampling caused a significant decrease in recruitment estimates for some species but not for others. To determine how well temporal patterns of recruitment to SMURFs reflected patterns to nearby reefs, I compared within season temporal patterns of recruitment to SMURFs with that at nearby reefs, estimated by visual transect surveys conducted on scuba. Temporal patterns of recruitment to SMURFs were significantly and positively related to early recruitment on reefs for one group of benthic-algal associated rockfish species when diver surveys were lagged by 30 days (r=0.87) and for another group of canopy-algal associated rockfish species when lagged by 5 days (r=0.72). SMURFs appeared to be an effective and efficient method for indexing relative rates of delivery of competent juveniles for many temperate nearshore reef fishes.  相似文献   

Comparison of survey methods for wintering grassland birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT Although investigators have evaluated the efficacy of survey methods for assessing densities of breeding birds, few comparisons have been made of survey methods for wintering birds, especially in grasslands. In winter, social behavior and spatial distributions often differ from those in the breeding season. We evaluated the degree of correspondence between density estimates based on different survey methods. Surveys were conducted during two winters (2001–2002 and 2002–2003) on 16 grassland sites in southwestern Oklahoma. Line‐transect (using a detection function to account for birds present but not detected) and area‐search (where density was based on the total count within a given area) methods were employed. Observations on line transects were also analyzed as strip transects, where density was based on total count within a given strip width and no detection function was used. Savannah Sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis), LeConte's Sparrows (Ammodramus leconteii), Song Sparrows (Melospiza melodia), Smith's Longspurs (Calcarius pictus), Chestnut‐collared Longspurs (C. ornatus), and Eastern Meadowlarks (Sturnella magna) were sufficiently abundant to allow comparison. Area‐search density estimates tended to be higher than line‐transect estimates for Savannah Sparrows, Song Sparrows, and Eastern Meadowlarks, suggesting that some individuals initially located close to the transect line were not detected on line transects. The area‐search and line‐transect methods gave similar density estimates for Chestnut‐collared and Smith's longspurs. Area‐search estimates of Eastern Meadowlarks were significantly higher in the second year of the study only. For this species, area‐search estimates did not differ from those of strip transects covering an equal area, so the reason for the differing meadowlark estimates is not clear. Higher density estimates using the area‐search method likely resulted from: (1) birds that might escape detection by hiding were more likely detected (flushed) during area searches because of the repeated passes through the area, and (2) birds close to the line in line transects escape detection by hiding, biasing those estimates low. We also evaluated the correspondence of density rankings for the six species as determined by the different survey methods and for the same species across survey sites. Correlations among the six species of the area‐search results with those of line transects and strip transects generally were high, increasing in 2002–2003 when densities of birds were greater. All three methods provided similar density rankings among species. Density rankings within species across sites for the four non‐longspur species generally were concordant for the three methods, suggesting that any of them will adequately reflect among‐site differences, especially when densities vary greatly across sites. Further research is needed to determine the extent to which grassland birds are missed on line transects. We suggest that workers using line transects to study these species give careful consideration and make additional efforts to satisfy the distance‐sampling assumption that all birds on or near the line are detected. If density is measured as a total count in a fixed area, we recommend that observers pass within <10 m of all points in the area.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the use of video transects obtained from SCUBA divers or remote operated vehicle (ROV) and point intercept transect (PIT) method from divers for monitoring subtropical coral communities. Comparisons were made between the datasets obtained by the ROV and SCUBA diver video transect (‘Diver’) and the PIT method on three nearby coral sites with different hydrographies, scleractinian coral composition, dominant species and percentage cover. There was no significant difference between the ROV and ‘Diver’ datasets whereas the PIT method tended to over-estimate percentage cover at sites where corals are not extensive. Power analysis showed that the minimum detectable change in coral percentage cover, δ, had low mean values between 0.39% and 1.65% for the ROV dataset, 0.66% for the “Diver’ dataset, and 12.11% for the PIT dataset. This implied that the ROV and SCUBA survey methods can produce higher precision in terms of detecting temporal changes in coral communities and are thus more suitable for scientific research and management purposes than the PIT method. Other advantages of using video transects by SCUBA divers or ROV include provision of permanent records for subsequent studies and public information, less field time incurred and wider survey areas.  相似文献   

Monitoring populations of endangered species over time is necessary to guide and evaluate conservation efforts. This is particularly important for nonprotected areas that ensure connectivity between protected populations but are prone to uncontrolled hunting pressure. We investigated whether use of transects by local people and transect reuse for repeated surveys influence great ape nesting and bias results. We conducted simultaneous marked nest count surveys over 12 mo on established and newly opened transects in a nonprotected area subject to traditional heavy use by local people and recorded forest composition and signs of human activity. Chimpanzee and gorilla density estimates and encounter rates per kilometer were lower on established transects than on new ones. A generalized linear model indicated that hunting activity, distance to a regularly used forest trail, and transect type (old or new) predicted chimpanzee nest abundance, and distance to the trail and transect type predicted gorilla nest abundance, with no effect of habitat type (percentage suitable habitat) for either species. We, therefore, suggest that the difference in great ape nesting is a result of high levels of hunting by local people on established transects and forest trails. Our results support the use of repeated line transect surveys for monitoring great ape populations in many circumstances, although we advocate taking precautions in nonprotected areas, to avoid the bias imposed by use of established transects for hunting.  相似文献   

We studied the reef fish assemblage of eight reefs within the oceanic archipelago of Fernando de Noronha, off northeastern Brazil. In a total of 91 belt transects (20 × 2 m) we recorded 60 species from 28 families. The 25 most abundant species accounted for about 98% of all fish recorded in this study and most of these species are widely distributed in the Western Atlantic. The majority of fish counted were planktivores (37.0%), followed by mobile invertebrate feeders (28.5%), territorial herbivores (11.3%), roving herbivores (10.5%), omnivores (7.1%), macrocarnivores (6.5%) and sessile invertebrate feeders (0.03%). In terms of biomass, roving herbivores were the most representative (41.8%), followed by mobile invertebrate feeders (19.9%), macrocarnivores (14.3%), omnivores (14.0%), piscivores (8.3%), planktivores (1.4%), territorial herbivores (0.3%), and sessile invertebrate feeders (0.03%). Overall, density and biomass of fishes were positively correlated with coral cover and depth, and negatively correlated with wave exposure. These relationships are probably a response to the habitat complexity provided by the higher coral cover in deeper reefs (>10 m) of the archipelago or to the lower water turbulence below 10 m deep. Carnivores and mobile invertebrate feeders were mainly influenced by depth and non-consolidated substratum, planktivores and omnivores by wave exposure and herbivores by algal cover. Although our results suggest that habitat characteristics may play a role in determining the distribution of some fish species, we also found several habitat generalists, suggesting that the community is dominated by versatile species.  相似文献   

Leaves from several desert and woodland species, including gymnosperms and angiosperms with both C3 and C4 physiology, were analyzed to detect trends in '13Cleaf with elevation and slope aspect along two transects in southeastern Utah and south-central New Mexico, USA. The main difference between the two transects is the steeper elevational gradient for mean annual and summer precipitation in the southern transect. For any given species, we found that isotopic differences between individual plants growing at the same site commonly equal differences measured for plants along the entire altitudinal gradient. In C3 plants, '13Cleaf values become slightly enriched at the lowest elevations, the opposite of trends identified in more humid regions. Apparently, increasing water-use efficiency with drought stress offsets the influence of other biotic and abiotic factors that operate to decrease isotopic discrimination with elevation. For some species shared by the two transects (e.g., Pinus edulis and Cercocarpus montanus), '13Cleaf values are dramatically depleted at sites that receive more than 550 mm mean annual precipitation, roughly the boundary (pedalfer-pedocal) at which soils commonly fill to field capacity in summer and carbonates are leached. We hypothesize that, in summer-wet areas, this may represent the boundary at which drought stress overtakes other factors in determining the sign of '13Cleaf with elevation. The opposition of isotopic trends with elevation in arid versus humid regions cautions against standard correction for elevation in comparative studies of '13Cleaf.  相似文献   

Since the 1960s, and possibly earlier, the macroalga Dictyosphaeria cavernosa has overgrown and displaced corals on reef slopes and outer reef flats in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu. This shift in reef community composition is generally attributed to nutrient enrichment resulting from sewage discharge. Following the diversion of most of the sewage effluent in 1977-1978, it was expected that D. cavernosa growth would become nutrient-limited and its abundance would consequently decline, but the alga remains abundant in much of the bay. One explanation for its persistence is that nutrients are once again high enough to support the alga's growth. An alternative explanation is that there has been a reduction in grazing intensity in the bay. In this study we resurveyed the distribution and abundance of D. cavernosa at 120 reef slope sites originally surveyed in 1969. We conducted additional surveys to estimate the biomass of herbivores and the areal coverage of D. cavernosa and other macroalgae on reef slopes and flats. Field experiments were used to determine spatial and temporal patterns of grazing intensity on and growth rates of D. cavernosa and the introduced macroalga Acanthophora spicifera. Laboratory experiments were used to examine preferences among herbivores for some of the most abundant macroalgae on Kaneohe Bay reefs. Twenty years after sewage diversion, D. cavernosa cover on reef slopes has decreased substantially in southern Kaneohe Bay, the site of most of the historical sewage discharge. D. cavernosa cover has changed less in other regions, remaining high in the central bay and low in the north bay. D. cavernosa thalli protected by grazer exclusion cages sustained positive growth rates on reef slopes and flats throughout the bay. Reduced nutrient concentrations may have caused a reduction in D. cavernosa growth rates, and a consequent reduction in D. cavernosa abundance in the south bay shortly after sewage diversion. Measurements of grazing intensity and surveys of herbivorous fish abundance suggest that the continued abundance of D. cavernosa is the result of a reduction in grazing intensity. Reduced grazing intensity on D. cavernosa may in turn be the result of a historical reduction in herbivore biomass or the establishment of several introduced macroalgae on reef flats. The introduced species are preferred by herbivorous fishes over D. cavernosa, as indicated by preference tests. The hypothesis that reduced grazing pressure on D. cavernosa is related to the establishment of introduced species is supported by the observation that D. cavernosa cover is highest on reef slopes where the cover of preferred introduced macroalgae on the adjacent outer reef flat is also high. Conversely, D. cavernosa cover is low or zero on reef slopes where the cover of introduced macroalgae on the adjacent reef flat is low or zero  相似文献   

Widespread declines among many coral reef fisheries have led scientists and managers to become increasingly concerned over the extinction risk facing some species. To aid in assessing the extinction risks facing coral reef fishes, large-scale censuses of the abundance and distribution of individual species are critically important. We use fisheries-independent data collected as part of the NOAA Pacific Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program from 2000 to 2009 to describe the range and density across the US Pacific of coral reef fishes included on The International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) 2011 Red List of Threatened Species. Forty-five species, including sharks, rays, groupers, humphead wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus), and bumphead parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum), included on the IUCN List, were recorded in the US Pacific Islands. Most species were generally rare in the US Pacific with the exception of a few species, principally small groupers and reef sharks. The greatest diversity and densities of IUCN-listed fishes were recorded at remote and uninhabited islands of the Pacific Remote Island Areas; in general, lower densities were observed at reefs of inhabited islands. Our findings complement IUCN assessment efforts, emphasize the efficacy of large-scale assessment and monitoring efforts in providing quantitative data on reef fish assemblages, and highlight the importance of protecting populations at remote and uninhabited islands where some species included on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species can be observed in abundance.  相似文献   

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