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湖北郧西黄龙洞为近年来发现的晚期智人遗址。本文报道该地点具明确层位意义的洞穴次生碳酸盐岩和骨化石样铀系测年的结果。含文化堆积下伏一局部钙板的年代为约100ka BP, 其中部偏上一局部钙板为约77ka BP, 表层钙板形成于27—57ka BP间。人类化石和石制品出土于文化堆积的底部, 其年代应在57—100ka BP, 并很可能在77—100ka BP间。与人牙化石同层的四枚犀牛牙化石在35—72ka BP间, 与基于次生碳酸盐岩的年代框架没有冲突。本文结果为中国现代人类的早期出现和距今40—100ka BP间有人类活动提供了有力证据。  相似文献   

Few Late Pleistocene human remains have been found in Southeast Asia and the morphological features of the people of that age are still largely unknown due to the virtual lack of human remains in the area. Recent excavations at the Moh Khiew Cave in Thailand resulted in the discovery of a Late Pleistocene human skeleton in a relatively good state of preservation. An AMS radiocarbon date on the charcoal sample gathered from the burial gave a result of 25,800 +/- 600 BP, implying that the inhabitants of Moh Khiew Cave resided in a part of Sundaland during the last glacial age. In debates on the population history of Southeast Asia, it has been repeatedly advocated that Southeast Asia was occupied by indigenous people akin to present-day Australo-Melanesians prior to an expansion of migrants from Northeast Asia into this area. Morphometric analyses were undertaken to test the validity of this hypothesis. In the present study, cranial and dental measurements recorded from the Moh Khiew remains are compared with those of early and modern samples from Southeast Asia and Australia. These comparisons demonstrate that the Moh Khiew specimen resembles the Late Pleistocene series from Coobool Creek, Australia in both cranial and dental measurements. These results suggest that the Moh Khiew skeleton, as well as other fossil remains from the Tabon, Niah and Gua Gunung sites, represents a member of the Sundaland population during the Late Pleistocene, who may share common ancestry with the present-day Australian Aborigines and Melanesians.  相似文献   

吴新智 《人类学学报》1987,6(3):180-183
本文计算了中国旧石器时代晚期人类几个头骨与尼阿洞人之间的歧异系数,结果是柳江人与尼阿洞人的距离小于后者与澳大利亚大约同时期的人类的距离,也小于其与山顶洞人之距离。本文还根据一些形态特征的相似性讨论了尼阿洞人、塔邦洞人与亚洲大陆及澳大利亚古人类的关系。结论认为亚洲大陆对尼阿人有过相当大的影响,塔邦洞人也接受过一些来自北方的影响。  相似文献   

Most researchers believe that anatomically modern humans (AMH) first appeared in Africa 160-190 ka ago, and would not have reached eastern Asia until ∼50 ka ago. However, the credibility of these scenarios might have been compromised by a largely inaccurate and compressed chronological framework previously established for hominin fossils found in China. Recently there has been a growing body of evidence indicating the possible presence of AMH in eastern Asia ca. 100 ka ago or even earlier. Here we report high-precision mass spectrometric U-series dating of intercalated flowstone samples from Huanglong Cave, a recently discovered Late Pleistocene hominin site in northern Hubei Province, central China. Systematic excavations there have led to the in situ discovery of seven hominin teeth and dozens of stone and bone artifacts. The U-series dates on localized thin flowstone formations bracket the hominin specimens between 81 and 101 ka, currently the most narrow time span for all AMH beyond 45 ka in China, if the assignment of the hominin teeth to modern Homo sapiens holds. Alternatively this study provides further evidence for the early presence of an AMH morphology in China, through either independent evolution of local archaic populations or their assimilation with incoming AMH. Along with recent dating results for hominin samples from Homo erectus to AMH, a new extended and continuous timeline for Chinese hominin fossils is taking shape, which warrants a reconstruction of human evolution, especially the origins of modern humans in eastern Asia.  相似文献   

The best evidence for identifying the inhabitants of northeast Asia in the terminal Pleistocene or early Holocene periods is provided by the human burials from the Upper Cave at Zhoukoudian, and in particular the “Old Man”. Apart from the Minatogawa finds on Okinawa, all Late Pleistocene human remains from East Asia that are reasonably well published are poorly preserved and often have equivocal dates. Since the time the Upper Cave was excavated it has been supposed that the human remains were the link between “Peking Man” and the modern Mongoloid complex. We have carried out multivariate analyses of the “Old Man” cranium employing new measurements of Weidenreich's cast of the skull and comparative data from Howells' survey of modern human groups. Despite our expectations the analyses have not shown the “Old Man” to be closely linked with the Mongoloids. Considering all the evidence available we conclude that the common belief of a close biological relationship between the people buried in the Upper Cave and the modern Mongoloids is not yet adequately demonstrated. Of crucial importance in interpreting the Upper Cave burials is their antiquity, which is still commonly thought to be in the order of at least 18 000 years. We believe that recent C-14 dates of about 11 000 years, determined from animal bones, indicate the earliest possible date for the burials. The time span between the Upper Cave burials and the earliest known modern Mongoloids in north China is in the order of about 4–5000 years. It is possible that a major population shift has occurred in north China between the terminal Pleistocene and the mid Holocene, when farming first appears. If this is so, the Upper Cave people may not have been closely allied to the Mongoloid groups that now inhabit East Asia and the Americas.  相似文献   

广西柳江土博甘前洞的铀系年代   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
本文报道晚期智人化石地点广西柳江博甘前洞新生碳酸盐岩和骨化石样的铀系测年结果。该地点表层钙板在约94Ka前开始形成,含化石粘土堆积叠压的钙板年代为约20ka,人牙化石应位于二者之间。二个动物化石样的二种铀系法年代范围为85-139ka,表明该地点与含化石堆积与表层钙板间无地层倒序现象,支持人牙化石大于100ka的结论。邻近的柳江晚期智人化石地点和柳州白莲洞人类遗址铀系测年的结果与本文一致。具现代解剖特征智人在中国南方出现的时间,很可能不晚于西非和非洲。在现代人类起源方面,中国不应是远离中心、滞后和被取代的地区。  相似文献   

张银运  邢松 《人类学学报》2011,30(3):241-249
周口店直立人3号头骨是1929年发现的, 被步达生鉴定为一青春期或成年期的女性个体的头骨。后来, 步达生改变了观点, 认为该头骨是代表青春期早期的男性个体。魏敦瑞同意步达生的意见, 但认为该头骨应属于8岁或9岁的男性个体。此后,周口店直立人3号头骨的性别和年龄的鉴定一直困扰着许多古人类学家。1993年发现的南京直立人成年女性头骨在形态上和尺寸上与周口店直立人3号头骨有相近之处。本文对周口店直立人3号头骨与南京直立人等头骨作了形态和测量上的比较, 结果表明: 从头骨的尺寸大小, 眶上圆枕、枕圆枕和肌嵴的发育程度以及头骨骨壁厚度等来看, 周口店3号头骨有理由被认为是女性个体的。该头骨的鼓骨裂、下颌骨关节窝、泪腺窝、额窦、骨缝等都无法证明其是幼年个体。周口店直立人3号头骨应代表成年女性个体。  相似文献   

Mollet Cave is a small cave situated in Serinyà (north-east Iberian Peninsula). It was excavated in 1947-48, 1958 and 1972 by Josep M. Corominas. An archaic human molar comes from its base layer (Layer 5). Up till now, this layer has only been dated based on a relative and imprecise chronology of macromammals and the archaeostratigraphic evidence from the early excavations. Recent excavations, conducted between 2001 and 2005, have made it possible to ascertain more precisely the archaeological and palaeontological contents of Mollet Cave, gather microvertebrates, and collect samples for radiometric dating. The aim of this paper is to present the absolute dating of Layer 5, as well as its palaeo environmental and climatic characterisation. The macromammal assemblage seems to have been the result of accumulations produced by the most abundant carnivore, the hyena, which would have used the cave as a den. The results obtained using uranium-series disequilibrium dating ascribe to Layer 5 an age of ca. 215 ka (thousands of years ago), which would correspond to MIS 7. The faunal association suggests a landscape formed by an open and humid woodland characteristic of an interstadial phase, which would have been an environment well suited to sustaining both hyenas and human groups.  相似文献   

云南西畴仙人洞动物化石铀系年代   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报道晚期智人地点云南西畴仙人洞动物牙化石的铀系测年结果。4个样品的230Th234U年龄范围为47—105ka,测定了其中2个样品的227Th/230Th年龄,结果与230Th/234U法的一致。在没有进一步的地层和年代证据的情况下,将西畴人牙化石的年代暂定为47—105ka或许是合理的。但洞穴地点骨化石铀系年代总体偏年轻,上述年代范围很可能被低估。本文结果与我们已有研究的广西通天岩、前洞等地点一致,是晚期智人在我国出现比原认为的早得多的又一例证。  相似文献   

Remains of 15 hominids were recovered within a Mousterian archaeological context in the cave of Qafzeh, Israel. Dated to ca. 95 kyr BP, this skeletal material has been crucial for understanding biological, chronological, and cultural aspects of anatomically modern ancient Homo sapiens. The high proportion of children (N = 8) in Qafzeh Cave is unique among Middle Palaeolithic sites and encourages the search for skeletal evidence of disease and trauma. We report on the case of one child, Qafzeh 12, ca. 3 years old (according to modern human reference standards), who manifests some outstanding skeletal abnormalities that indicate hydrocephalus.  相似文献   

The uppermost Middle Stone Age (MSA) layers at Blombos Cave contain high densities of Still Bay bifacial points. Information from other regional sites places the Still Bay prior to the Howiesons Poort industry, which has been dated at 65-70 ka. The Blombos Cave MSA strata have yielded nine human teeth or dental fragments. Four that were recovered during the 1997-1998 excavations have been published elsewhere. The remaining five were discovered during the 1999-2000 field seasons; these are described here. Three of the new specimens are deciduous teeth, and two are permanent premolar and molar crown fragments. The entire dental sample probably represents at least five and as many as seven individuals. The deciduous teeth from the upper MSA levels are likely to have been exfoliated in the cave. One deciduous tooth and the permanent tooth fragments from the lower MSA levels probably represent three individuals who died in or near the cave. The Blombos Cave premolars preserve horizontal circum-cervical striae suggestive of palliative tooth pick use. Approximately half of the permanent and deciduous crown diameters exceed those of recent Africans; for the remainder, the fossil values fall among modern African sample means. The Blombos Cave tooth crowns tend to be smaller than the majority of penecontemporaneous Neandertal teeth. The morphology of the Blombos Cave di is comparable to MSA homologues from the nearby, and presumably somewhat younger site of Die Kelders Cave 1.  相似文献   

湖北郧西黄龙洞古人类遗址2006年发掘报告   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
2004—2005年,在湖北省郧西县境内的黄龙洞的两次发掘中,发现了5枚人类牙齿化石、20余件石制品及大量的动物化石。初步分析显示这是一处重要的更新世晚期的人类遗址。我们在2006年对该遗址进行了第三次发掘,又发现了2枚人类牙齿化石、11件古人类打制的石制品与6件骨制工具、1500余件动物化石以及其它古人类活动证据。野外工作期间我们还对黄龙洞洞穴堆积及山体地貌的考察,在此基础上对该洞穴发育及古人类在洞穴内的生活状况进行了初步推测。本文介绍了2006年的野外工作情况。  相似文献   

Little is known about the timing of modern human emergence and occupation in Eastern Eurasia. However a rapid migration out of Africa into Southeast Asia by at least 60 ka is supported by archaeological, paleogenetic and paleoanthropological data. Recent discoveries in Laos, a modern human cranium (TPL1) from Tam Pa Ling‘s cave, provided the first evidence for the presence of early modern humans in mainland Southeast Asia by 63-46 ka. In the current study, a complete human mandible representing a second individual, TPL 2, is described using discrete traits and geometric morphometrics with an emphasis on determining its population affinity. The TPL2 mandible has a chin and other discrete traits consistent with early modern humans, but it retains a robust lateral corpus and internal corporal morphology typical of archaic humans across the Old World. The mosaic morphology of TPL2 and the fully modern human morphology of TPL1 suggest that a large range of morphological variation was present in early modern human populations residing in the eastern Eurasia by MIS 3.  相似文献   


Cave bears have disappeared from the Alps from different altitudes at different times. The temporal progression of the HDEL (Height Dependent Extinction Line) – a compilation of the geologically most recent radiocarbon dates per altitude level – is not consistent with the general cooling of the temperatures from about 45 ka BP. The cave bear sites of the Northern Alps with the most recent radiocarbon ages are not situated in the lowlands but in caves in altitudes of 1,500 m to 1,700 m above sea level (a.s.l.).

Cave bears fed almost exclusively on herbs and leaves. It was assumed that with the general cooling in the OIS 3 since about 45 ka BP also the migration of the alpine elements into the lowlands took place. It could be recognized that the populations in the lower situated cave bear site became earlier extinct than the cave bear population in the higher altitudes.

With new radiocarbon dates, done at the Curt-Engelhorn-Center Archaeometry at the Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen in Mannheim (Germany), the HDEL can be determined much more precisely and the causes of gradual extinction are also better understood.  相似文献   

2007年贵州毕节韦家洞首次发现古人类活动遗物。2016~2018年对遗址做深入考察,发现韦家洞是一个严重破坏的晚更新世古人类遗址,在深度破坏的扰乱层中出土了大量古人类活动证据,包括石制品、动物烧骨和人类牙齿,2018年在洞口和洞内深处发现残留的原生文化层。本文报告了韦家洞原生文化层的14C年代测定结果,距今1.2~2.7万年前,属于晚更新世末期。同时,观察描述了韦家洞出土的一枚古人类上颌第四前臼齿化石,对牙齿形态测量进行了研究比较,发现韦家洞人牙测量值落在现代中国人变异范围内,牙冠咬合面及釉质-齿质交界面EDJ形态简单,牙根短,根管简单纤细,与现代人相似。牙冠颊舌径大,具有三角形隆起和齿带,牙冠颊侧和舌侧均有垂直沟,近中和远中缘有边缘副结节,牙根中部膨大,这些特征显示了韦家洞人牙形态的原始性。综合比较国内外出土的古人类上颌第四前臼齿的形态特点及其演化趋势,结合遗址年代测定结果,我们认为韦家洞出土的人类上颌第四前臼齿形态特点体现了古人类牙齿演化的镶嵌性,为晚更新世东亚早期现代人的形态变异及其演化增添了新证据。  相似文献   

This paper presents a preliminary investigation of late Pleistocene cave bear traces from Ur?ilor Cave in the western Carpathians, Romania. The bears left thousands of traces on the walls, plateaus, and slopes of the cave interior. Some areas in the cave have been heavily trampled, leaving more than 140 hibernation beds as well as fur impressions. The footprints of cave bears are assigned to Ursichnus europaeus nov. ichnogen. and nov. ichnosp. and the cave bear-beds to Ursalveolus carpathicus nov. ichnogen. and nov. ichnosp. as behavioral traces. Tens of thousands of scratch marks on the slopes and top of a clay plateau are the result of bears moving from the hibernation area down to a stream and back. These traces reveal that the cave bears had short claws, similar to those of modern, primarily herbivorous black bears. Deep within the cave, three weathered, articulated cave bear skeletons still lie in their hibernation beds on the clay plateaus or a natural cave corner. One of these bears was a one-year-old male cub that did not survive its first hibernation; a second skeleton close was an adult female. The third, a young male, was found close to the end of the cave system. The bears of Ur?ilor Cave would have felt well protected against carnivores during their hibernation because their sleeping places were so deep within the cave. Their strategy may well have been to avoid any conflict with hyenas and lions during hibernation.  相似文献   

A nearly complete human skeleton dating to the Early Holocene (epi-Paleolithic culture) excavated from Gua Gunung Runtuh, Malaysia, is described. Cranial, dental, and limb bone measurements are recorded on the skeleton, and compared with early and modern skeletal samples from Southeast Asia and Australia. The comparisons demonstrate that the Gua Gunung specimen is most similar to Australian Aborigines in dental and limb measurements, while the cranial measurements indicate a close affinity to Mesolithic samples from Malaysia and Flores. These findings further suggest that the Gua Gunung skeleton, as well as other fossils from Tabon and Niah, are representative of an early group of people who occupied Sundaland during the late Pleistocene, and may be the ancestors of Australian Aborigines. Some of the dental and limb bone measurements exhibited by the ancestors persist in Southeast Asian populations until the early Holocene. Differences in cranial traits have, however, accumulated since the late Pleistocene in Australian Aborigines and early Southeast Asian peoples. Am J Phys Anthropol 109:327–340, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Documentation of early human migrations through Island Southeast Asia and Wallacea en route to Australia has always been problematic due to a lack of well-dated human skeletal remains. The best known modern humans are from Niah Cave in Borneo (40-42 ka), and from Tabon Cave on the island of Palawan, southwest Philippines (47 ± 11 ka). The discovery of Homo floresiensis on the island of Flores in eastern Indonesia has also highlighted the possibilities of identifying new hominin species on islands in the region. Here, we report the discovery of a human third metatarsal from Callao Cave in northern Luzon. Direct dating of the specimen using U-series ablation has provided a minimum age estimate of 66.7 ± 1 ka, making it the oldest known human fossil in the Philippines. Its morphological features, as well as size and shape characteristics, indicate that the Callao metatarsal definitely belongs to the genus Homo. Morphometric analysis of the Callao metatarsal indicates that it has a gracile structure, close to that observed in other small-bodied Homo sapiens. Interestingly, the Callao metatarsal also falls within the morphological and size ranges of Homo habilis and H. floresiensis. Identifying whether the metatarsal represents the earliest record of H. sapiens so far recorded anywhere east of Wallace’s Line requires further archaeological research, but its presence on the isolated island of Luzon over 65,000 years ago further demonstrates the abilities of humans to make open ocean crossings in the Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

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