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Proper dorsal--ventral pattern formation of the optic cup is essential for vertebrate eye morphogenesis and retinotectal topographic mapping. Previous studies have suggested that midline tissue-derived Sonic hedgehog (Shh) molecules play critical roles in establishing the bilateral eye fields and in determining the proximal--distal axis of the eye primordium. Here, we have examined the temporal requirements for Shh during the optic vesicle to optic cup transition and after early optic cup formation in chick embryos. Both misexpressing Shh by virus and blocking Shh activity by antibodies resulted in disruption of ventral ocular tissues. Decreasing endogenous Shh signals unexpectedly revealed a sharp morphological boundary subdividing dorsal and ventral portions of the optic cup. In addition, Shh signals differentially influenced expression patterns of genes involved in ocular tissue specification (Pax6, Pax2, and Otx2) and dorsal--ventral patterning (cVax) within the ventral but not dorsal optic cup. Ectopic Shh suppressed expression of Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4 (BMP4) in the dorsal retina, whereas reducing endogenous Sonic hedgehog activity resulted in a ventral expansion of BMP4 territory. These results demonstrate that temporal requirements for Shh signals persist after the formation of the optic cup and suggest that the early vertebrate optic primordium may be subdivided into dorsal and ventral compartments. We propose a model in which ventrally derived Shh signals and dorsally restricted BMP4 signals act antagonistically to regulate the growth and specification of the optic primordium.  相似文献   

The optic disc develops at the interface between optic stalk and retina, and enables both the exit of visual fibres and the entrance of mesenchymal cells that will form the hyaloid artery. In spite of the importance of the optic disc for eye function, little is known about the mechanisms that control its development. Here, we show that in mouse embryos, retinal fissure precursors can be recognised by the expression of netrin 1 and the overlapping distribution of both optic stalk (Pax2, Vax1) and ventral neural retina markers (Vax2, Raldh3). We also show that in the absence of Bmp7, fissure formation is not initiated. This absence is associated with a reduced cell proliferation and apoptosis in the proximoventral quadrant of the optic cup, lack of the hyaloid artery, optic nerve aplasia, and intra-retinal misrouting of RGC axons. BMP7 addition to organotypic cultures of optic vesicles from Bmp7-/- embryos rescues Pax2 expression in the ventral region, while follistatin, a BMP7 antagonist, prevents it in early, but not in late, optic vesicle cultures from wild-type embryos. The presence of Pax2-positive cells in late optic cup is instead abolished by interfering with Shh signalling. Furthermore, SHH addition re-establishes Pax2 expression in late optic cups derived from ocular retardation (or) embryos, where optic disc development is impaired owing to the near absence of SHH-producing RGC. Collectively, these data indicate that BMP7 is required for retinal fissure formation and that its activity is needed, before SHH signalling, for the generation of PAX2-positive cells at the optic disc.  相似文献   

Dorsal and ventral specification in the early optic vesicle plays a crucial role in vertebrate ocular morphogenesis, and proper dorsal‐ventral polarity in the optic vesicle ensures that distinct structures develop in separate domains within the eye primordium. The polarity is determined progressively during development by coordinated regulation of extraocular dorsal and ventral factors. In the present study, we cultured discrete portions of embryonic chick brains by preparing anterior cephalon, anterior dorsal cephalon and anterior ventral cephalon, and clearly demonstrate that bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) and Sonic hedgehog (Shh) constitute a dorsal‐ventral signaling system together with fibroblast growth factor 8 (FGF8). BMP4 and Shh upregulate Tbx5 and Pax2, as reported previously, and at the same time Shh downregulates Tbx5, while BMP4 affects Pax2 expression to downregulate similarly. Shh induces Fgf8 expression in the ventral optic vesicle. This, in turn, determines the distinct boundary of the retinal pigmented epithelium and the neural retina by suppressing Mitf expression. The lens develops only when signals from both the dorsal and ventral regions come across together. Inverted deposition of Shh and BMP4 signals in organ‐cultured optic vesicle completely re‐organized ocular structures to be inverted. Based on these observations we propose a novel model in which the two signals govern the whole of ocular development when they encounter each other in the ocular morphogenic domain.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that retinoic acid (RA) synthesized by the retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (RALDH2) is required in forebrain development. Deficiency in RA due to inactivation of the mouse Raldh2 gene or to complete absence of retinoids in vitamin-A-deficient (VAD) quails, leads to abnormal morphogenesis of various forebrain derivatives. In this study we show that double Raldh2/Raldh3 mouse mutants have a more severe phenotype in the craniofacial region than single null mutants. In particular, the nasal processes are truncated and the eye abnormalities are exacerbated. It has been previously shown that retinoids act mainly on cell proliferation and survival in the ventral forebrain by regulating SHH and FGF8 signaling. Using the VAD quail model, which survives longer than the Raldh-deficient mouse embryos, we found that retinoids act in maintaining the correct position of anterior and dorsal boundaries in the forebrain by modulating FGF8 anteriorly and WNT signaling dorsally. Furthermore, BMP4 and FGF8 signaling are affected in the nasal region and BMP4 is ventrally expanded in the optic vesicle. At the optic cup stage, Pax6, Tbx5 and Bmp4 are ectopically expressed in the presumptive retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE), while Otx2 and Mitf are not induced, leading to a dorsal transdifferentiation of RPE to neural retina. Therefore, besides being required for survival of ventral structures, retinoids are involved in restricting anterior identity in the telencephalon and dorsal identity in the diencephalon and the retina.  相似文献   

We have studied the molecular basis of the Pax2 and Pax6 function in the establishment of visual system territories. Loss-of-function mutants have revealed crucial roles for Pax2 in the generation of the optic stalk and for Pax6 in the development of the optic cup. Ectopic expression of Pax6 in the optic stalk under control of Pax2 promoter elements resulted in a shift of the optic cup/optic stalk boundary indicated by the presence of retinal pigmented cells on the optic stalk. By studying mouse embryos at early developmental stages we detected an expansion of Pax2 expression domain in the Pax6(-/-) mutant and of Pax6 expression domain in the Pax2(-/-) embryo. These results suggest that the position of the optic cup/optic stalk boundary depends on Pax2 and Pax6 expression, hinting at a possible molecular interaction. Using gel shift experiments, we confirmed the presence of Pax2- and Pax6-binding sites on the retina enhancer of the Pax6 gene and on the Pax2 upstream control region, respectively. Co-transfection experiments revealed a reciprocal inhibition of Pax2 promoter/enhancer activity by Pax6 protein and vice versa. Based on our findings, we propose a model for Pax gene regulation that establishes the proper spatial regionalization of the mammalian visual system.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence suggests that Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling plays a crucial role in eye vesicle patterning in vertebrates. Shh promotes expression of Pax2 in the optic stalk and represses expression of Pax6 in the optic cup. Shh signaling contributes to establishment of both proximal–distal and dorsal–ventral axes by activating Vax1, Vax2, and Pax2. In the dorsal part of the developing retina, Bmp4 is expressed and antagonizes the ventralizing effects of Shh signaling through the activation of Tbx5 expression in chick and Xenopus. To examine the roles of Shh signaling in optic cup formation and optic stalk development, we utilized the Smoothened (Smo) conditional knockout (CKO) mouse line. Smo is a membrane protein which mediates Shh signaling into inside of cells. Cre expression was driven by Fgf15 enhancer. The ventral evagination of the optic cup deteriorated from E10 in the Smo-CKO, whereas the dorsal optic cup and optic stalk develop normally until E11. We analyzed expression of various genes such as Pax family (Pax2/Pax6), Vax family (Vax1/Vax2) and Bmp4. Bmp4 expression was greatly upregulated in the optic vesicle by the 21-somite stage. Then Vax1/2 expression was decreased at the 20- to 24-somite stages. Pax2/6 expression was affected at the 27- to 32-somite stages. Our data suggest that the effects of the absence of Shh signaling on Vax1/Vax2 are mediated through increased Bmp4 expression throughout the optic cup. Also unchanged patterns of Raldh2 and Raldh3 suggest that retinoic acid is not the downstream to Shh signaling to control the ventral optic cup morphology.  相似文献   

The formation of the vertebrate optic cup is a morphogenetic event initiated after the optic vesicle contacts the overlying surface/pre-lens ectoderm. Placodes form in both the optic neuroepithelium and lens ectoderm. Subsequently, both placodes invaginate to form the definitive optic cup and lens, respectively. We examined the role of the lens tissue in inducing and/or maintaining optic cup invagination in ovo. Lens tissue was surgically removed at various stages of development, from pre-lens ectoderm stages to invaginating lens placode. Removal of the pre-lens ectoderm resulted in persistent optic vesicles that initiated neural retinal differentiation but failed to invaginate. In striking contrast, ablation of the lens placode gave rise to optic vesicles that underwent invagination and formed the optic cup. The results suggest that: (1) the optic vesicle neuroepithelium requires a temporally specific association with pre-lens ectoderm in order to undergo optic cup morphogenesis; and (2) the optic cup can form in the absence of lens formation. If ectopic BMP is added, a neural retina does not develop and optic cup morphogenesis fails, although lens formation appears normal. FGF-induced neural retina differentiation in the absence of the pre-lens ectoderm is not sufficient to create an optic cup. We hypothesize the presence of a signal coming from the pre-lens ectoderm that induces the optic vesicle to form an optic cup.  相似文献   

Upon morphogenesis, the simple neuroepithelium of the optic vesicle gives rise to four basic tissues in the vertebrate optic cup: pigmented epithelium, sensory neural retina, secretory ciliary body and muscular iris. Pigmented epithelium and neural retina are established through interactions with specific environments and signals: periocular mesenchyme/BMP specifies pigmented epithelium and surface ectoderm/FGF specifies neural retina. The anterior portions (iris and ciliary body) are specified through interactions with lens although the molecular mechanisms of induction have not been deciphered. As lens is a source of FGF, we examined whether this factor was involved in inducing ciliary body. We forced the pigmented epithelium of the embryonic chick eye to express FGF4. Infected cells and their immediate neighbors were transformed into neural retina. At a distance from the FGF signal, the tissue transitioned back into pigmented epithelium. Ciliary body tissue was found in the transitioning zone. The ectopic ciliary body was never in contact with the lens tissue. In order to assess the contribution of the lens on the specification of normal ciliary body, we created optic cups in which the lens had been removed while still pre-lens ectoderm. Ciliary body tissue was identified in the anterior portion of lens-less optic cups. We propose that the ciliary body may be specified at optic vesicle stages, at the same developmental stage when the neural retina and pigmented epithelium are specified and we present a model as to how this could be accomplished through overlapping BMP and FGF signals.  相似文献   

Dorsal and ventral specification in the early optic vesicle appears to play a crucial role in the proper development of the eye. In the present study, we performed embryonic transplantation and organ culturing of the chick optic vesicle in order to investigate how the dorsal-ventral (D-V) polarity is established in the optic vesicle and what role this polarity plays in proper eye development. The left optic vesicle was cut and transplanted inversely in the right eye cavity of host chick embryos. This method ensured that the D-V polarity was reversed while the anteroposterior axis remained normal. The results showed that the location of the choroid fissure was altered from the normal (ventral) to ectopic positions as the embryonic stage of transplantation progressed from 6 to 18 somites. At the same time, the shape of the optic vesicle and the expression patterns of Pax2 and Tbx5, marker genes for ventral and dorsal regions of the optic vesicle, respectively, changed concomitantly in a similar way. The crucial period was between the 8- and 14-somite stages, and during this period the polarity seemed to be gradually determined. In ovo explant culturing of the optic vesicle showed that the D-V polarity and choroid fissure formation were already specified by the 10-somite stage. These results indicate that the D-V polarity of the optic vesicle is established gradually between 8- and 14-somite stages under the influence of signals derived from the midline portion of the forebrain. The presumptive signal(s) appeared to be transmitted from proximal to distal regions within the optic vesicle. A severe anomaly was observed in the development of optic vesicles reversely transplanted around the 10-somite stage: the optic cup formation was disturbed and subsequently the neural retina and pigment epithelium did not develop normally. We concluded that establishment of the D-V polarity in the optic vesicle plays an essential role in the patterning and differentiation of the neural retina and pigment epithelium.  相似文献   

The mab-21 gene was first identified because of its requirement for ray identity specification in Caenorhabditis elegans. It is now known to constitute a family of genes that are highly conserved from vertebrates to invertebrates, and two homologues Mab21l1 and Mab21l2 have been identified in many species. Here we describe the generation of Mab21l2-deficient mice, which have defects in eye and body wall formation. The mutant mouse eye has a rudimentary retina, as a result of insufficient invagination of the optic vesicle due to deficient proliferation, causing the absence of lens. The defects in optic vesicle development correlate with reduced expression of Chx10, which is also required for retina development; Rx, Lhx2, and Pax6 expression is not significantly affected. We conclude that Mab21l2 expression is essential for optic vesicle growth and formation of the optic cup, its absence causing reduced expression of Chx10. Mutant mice also display abnormal extrusion of abdominal organs, defects in ventral body wall formation, resulting in death in utero at mid-gestational stage. Our results reveal that Mab21l2 plays crucial roles in retina and in ventral body wall formation.  相似文献   

Rx plays a critical role in eye formation. Targeted elimination of Rx results in embryos that do not develop eyes. In this study, we have investigated the expression of Otx2, Six3, and Pax6 in Rx deficient embryos. We find that these genes show normal activation in the anterior neural plate in Rx-/- embryos, but they are not upregulated in the area of the neural plate that would form the primordium of the optic vesicle. In contrast, in homozygous Small eye embryos that lack Pax6 function, Rx shows normal activation in the anterior neural plate and normal upregulation in the optic vesicle/retinal progenitor cells. This suggests that neither Rx expression nor the formation of retinal progenitor cells is dependent on a functional copy of the Pax6 gene, but that Pax6 expression and the formation of the progenitor cells of the optic cup is dependent on a functional copy of the Rx gene.  相似文献   

This study examines the retinal transdifferentiation (TD) of retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) fragments dissected from Xenopus laevis larvae and implanted into the vitreous chamber of non-lentectomized host eyes. In these experimental conditions, most RPE implants transformed into polarized vesicles in which the side adjacent to the lens maintained the RPE phenotype, while the side adjacent to the host retina transformed into a laminar retina with the photoreceptor layer facing the cavity of the vesicle and with the ganglionar cell layer facing the host retina. The formation of a new retina with a laminar organization is the result of depigmentation, proliferation and differentiation of progenitor cells under the influence of inductive factors from the host retina. The phases of the TD process were followed using BrdU labelling as a marker of the proliferation phase and using a monoclonal antibody (mAbHP1) as a definitive indicator of retina formation. Pigmented RPE cells do not express Pax6. In the early phase of RPE to retinal TD, all depigmented and proliferating progenitor cells expressed Pax6. Changes in the Pax6 expression pattern became apparent in the early phase of differentiation, when Pax6 expression decreased in the presumptive outer nuclear layer (ONL) of the new-forming retina. Finally, during the late differentiation phase, the ONL, which contains photoreceptors, no longer expressed Pax6, Pax6 expression being confined to the ganglion cell layer and the inner nuclear layer. These results indicate that Pax6 may have different roles during the different phases of RPE to retinal TD, acting as an early retinal determinant and later directing progenitor cell fate.  相似文献   

The ventral region of the chick embryo optic cup undergoes a complex process of differentiation leading to the formation of four different structures: the neural retina, the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), the optic disk/optic stalk, and the pecten oculi. Signaling molecules such as retinoic acid and sonic hedgehog have been implicated in the regulation of these phenomena. We have now investigated whether the bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) also regulate ventral optic cup development. Loss-of-function experiments were carried out in chick embryos in ovo, by intraocular overexpression of noggin, a protein that binds several BMPs and prevents their interactions with their cognate cell surface receptors. At optic vesicle stages of development, this treatment resulted in microphthalmia with concomitant disruption of the developing neural retina, RPE and lens. At optic cup stages, however, noggin overexpression caused colobomas, pecten agenesis, replacement of the ventral RPE by neuroepithelium-like tissue, and ectopic expression of optic stalk markers in the region of the ventral retina and RPE. This was frequently accompanied by abnormal growth of ganglion cell axons, which failed to enter the optic nerve. The data suggest that endogenous BMPs have significant effects on the development of ventral optic cup structures.  相似文献   

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