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茶树连作障碍形成机制及调控措施研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
茶树多年宿根连作后茶园土壤退化严重, 茶叶产量和品质大幅下降, 严重制约了我国茶叶的可持续生产。面对如何维持茶树高产高质这一科学难题, 连作障碍机制及其调控措施成为当前茶树栽培中急待解决的科学问题。据此文章从土壤养分失衡、土壤酸化、自毒作用、土壤微生物群落结构失衡、根际微生态等方面概述了茶树连作障碍形成机制的研究进展, 同时从化学改良、增施有机肥、生物质材料、生物菌肥、茶园多样性栽培等方面介绍缓解茶树连作障碍的主要措施, 并对今后茶树连作障碍形成机制的进一步研究及防控技术的发展方向提出展望, 以期为解决茶树连作障碍问题提供一些科学依据。  相似文献   

土壤-植物系统是生物圈的基本结构单元,土壤与植物之间存在密切的相互反馈。土壤退化导致植物面临各种非生物胁迫,植物的生理代谢遭到干扰,养分获取受到抑制。蚯蚓被称为“生态系统的工程师”。蚯蚓能够通过调控土壤物理-化学-生物学特性,改良退化土壤(盐碱土、重金属和有机污染物污染土壤),缓解植物所受胁迫,增加土壤养分有效性,促进植物生长,并通过自身分泌的信号物质提高植物的抗逆性。蚯蚓对土壤-植物系统的生态修复作用,对于改善植物生长环境、维持土壤生态系统健康和稳定具有重要意义。  相似文献   

作物连作障碍的成因与机制及其消减策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在论述作物连作障碍危害的基础上,从植物营养学、土壤学、微生物学角度分析产生作物连作障碍的原因与形成机理,认为作物连作障碍形成是复杂的根际生物学过程,它是由连作作物根系分泌物介导引起根际土壤微生物结构失衡,导致病原微生物增多,土壤酸化和营养封存综合作用的结果。据此,进一步就连作障碍防治措施及修复技术进行归纳总结,为有效克服作物连作障碍提供技术借鉴。  相似文献   

茶树长期宿根连作会导致土壤酸化严重、土壤营养不平衡、根际土壤微生态结构恶化.研究生物质炭、羊粪对宿根连作茶树生长以及土壤微生物群落结构和功能的影响,探讨其对宿根连作茶树土壤环境的调节效果,可为宿根连作茶园土壤微生态的改善提供理论依据.本研究以宿根连作20年的茶园土壤为对象,利用Biolog技术和磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)方法,研究施用生物质炭(40 t·hm-2)和羊粪替代部分化肥对连作茶树产量和品质、土壤化学性质、根际土壤微生物群落功能和结构的影响.结果表明:施用生物质炭、羊粪1年后酸化茶园土壤的p H和土壤养分显著提高,并提高了茶叶产量.与常规施肥相比,施用生物质炭、羊粪替代部分化肥处理显著提高了茶树根际土壤微生物的碳源代谢活性和微生物多样性,对胺类、碳水化合物和聚合物的相对利用有所增加.生物质炭和羊粪处理的根际土壤总PLFA含量分别比常规施肥处理提高了20.9%和47.5%,羊粪处理还显著降低了总饱和/总单一不饱和脂肪酸比例.生物质炭和羊粪可改善茶园土壤酸化状况和土壤肥力,对宿根连作茶树的生长具有促进作用,两种措施均不同程度地增加了土壤微生物的代谢活性和微生物量、提高了多样性指数、改善了微生物群落结构.施用生物质炭和羊粪可作为调节宿根连作茶园根际土壤微生态的有效措施.  相似文献   

三七连作障碍研究进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
三七是中国名贵中药材之一,但其在种植环节中存在严重的连作障碍现象。连作障碍产生的原因主要有根际土壤微生物群落变化、土传病虫害增加、化感物质积累及其自毒作用、土壤理化性状恶变等。以前三七连作障碍研究多集中于单一因素对连作障碍的影响及三七病虫害防治,疏于综合分析各种因素间的内在联系和相互影响。本文总结了作物连作障碍形成机制的最新研究进展,综合分析了各因素间可能存在的关系,首次提出了各因素对三七连作障碍影响指数的评估方法,建议了未来研究方向,旨在为揭示三七连作障碍形成机制提供参考,并为连作障碍消减提供理论依据。  相似文献   

土壤健康的生物学表征与调控   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
如何有效判定土壤健康状态是实现农业绿色发展的基本问题。在现有的土壤健康评价体系中,很少考虑土壤生物在维持土壤健康方面的作用。基于此,本文论述了土壤健康的内涵,从土壤生物健康的角度,总结了土壤健康的生物学表征指标,阐述了土壤微生物、土壤酶活性、土壤微食物网及蚯蚓对土壤健康的指示作用。基于上述生物指标,从作物和土壤管理等方面探讨了不同农田管理措施对土壤健康状况的调控途径,并对土壤生物健康的未来发展趋势进行了展望。本文旨在增强科学家和决策者对维护土壤生物健康的认识,充分发挥土壤生物在生态系统服务中的重要作用。  相似文献   

内生降解菌定殖可促进水稻中农药等有机污染物的降解代谢,研究功能内生菌对农药暴露下水稻根际微生态的影响,可为利用植物-微生物互作调控农作物农药残留及修复农田生态环境污染提供科学依据。以水稻根际土壤中的蚯蚓、土壤酶和微生物群落为研究对象,分析接种内生菌Stenotrophomonas pavanii DJL-M3对水稻根际微生态响应多菌灵胁迫的影响。结果表明:多菌灵暴露导致水稻根际土壤过氧化氢酶活性增强,脲酶和蔗糖酶活性被抑制;多菌灵污染可对水稻根际周围的蚯蚓造成氧化损伤,致使其体内丙二醛累积并诱导超氧化物歧化酶和乙酰胆碱酯酶过表达;多菌灵残留显著降低水稻根际土壤微生物群落的多样性与碳源代谢活性。接种内生降解菌S.pavanii DJL-M3促进了水稻根际残留多菌灵的降解,缓解根际土壤微生物与蚯蚓所受胁迫压力,显著提高了土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶活力以及蚯蚓的存活率,并有效提升了水稻根际微生物群落的代谢活性与多样性。因此,接种内生降解菌S.pavanii DJL-M3有助于多菌灵残留污染下稻田土壤生态环境的恢复。  相似文献   

连作障碍与根际微生态研究Ⅰ.根系分泌物及其生态效应   总被引:66,自引:7,他引:59  
作物、蔬菜、果树以及苗木长期连作后,皆出现生长衰退和产量降低.许多研究结果表明,连作条件下土壤生态环境对植物生长有很大的影响,尤以植物残体与病原微生物的分解产物,对植物有致毒作用,并影响植物根系分泌物正常代谢,以致于发生自毒作用.本文围绕根系分泌物与根际微生态的相互关系,系统地介绍连作障碍条件下,影响根系分泌物的环境因素(土壤空气、湿度、养分与微生物)、活性物质(自身毒素、残体分解物、微生物产生毒素)、土壤病原菌等的根际效应,为深入研究根系分泌物与连作障碍的相互作用机制提供启示.  相似文献   

连作障碍与根际微生态研究 Ⅰ. 根系分泌物及其生态效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作物、蔬菜、果树以及苗木长期连作后,皆出现生长衰退和产量降低。许多研究结果表明,连作条件下土壤生态环境对植物生长有很大的影响,尤以植物残体与病原微生物的分解产物,对植物有致毒作用,并影响植物根系分泌物正常代谢,以致于发生自毒作用。本文围绕根系分泌物与根际微生态的相互关系,系统地介绍连作障碍条件下,影响根系分泌物的环境因素(土壤空气、湿度、养分与微生物)、活性物质(自身毒素、残体分解物、微生物产生毒素)、土壤病原菌等的根际效应,为深入研究根系分泌物与连作障碍的相互作用机制提供启示。  相似文献   

蚯蚓对土壤微生物及生物肥力的影响研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
蚯蚓被称为“生态系统工程师”,可以通过改善微生境(排粪、作穴、搅动)、提高有机物的表面积、直接取食、携带传播微生物等方式影响土壤微生物结构、组成和功能.蚯蚓活动形成的大孔隙(洞穴)、中、微空隙(排泄物)可以增加土壤孔隙度和通气性,有助于改善微生物微环境,促进其生长和繁殖.蚯蚓还通过取食、粉碎、混合等活动使复杂有机质转变为微生物可利用的形式,增加土壤微生物与有机质的接触面积,促进微生物对有机质的矿化作用,对土壤中碳、氮、磷养分循环等关键过程产生影响,最终促进土壤养分循环和周转速率,提高土壤生物肥力.  相似文献   

Biodiversity loss, an important consequence of agricultural intensification, can lead to reductions in agroecosystem functions and services. Increasing crop diversity through rotation may alleviate these negative consequences by restoring positive aboveground–belowground interactions. Positive impacts of aboveground biodiversity on belowground communities and processes have primarily been observed in natural systems. Here, we test for the effects of increased diversity in an agroecosystem, where plant diversity is increased over time through crop rotation. As crop diversity increased from one to five species, distinct soil microbial communities were related to increases in soil aggregation, organic carbon, total nitrogen, microbial activity and decreases in the carbon‐to‐nitrogen acquiring enzyme activity ratio. This study indicates positive biodiversity–function relationships in agroecosystems, driven by interactions between rotational and microbial diversity. By increasing the quantity, quality and chemical diversity of residues, high diversity rotations can sustain soil biological communities, with positive effects on soil organic matter and soil fertility.  相似文献   

How do earthworms affect microfloral and faunal community diversity?   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
Much of the work regarding earthworm effects on other organisms has focused on the functional significance of microbial-earthworm interactions, and little is known on the effects of earthworms on microfloral and faunal diversity. Earthworms can affect soil microflora and fauna populations directly and indirectly by three main mechanisms: (1) comminution, burrowing and casting; (2) grazing; (3) dispersal. These activities change the soil's physico-chemical and biological status and may cause drastic shifts in the density, diversity, structure and activity of microbial and faunal communities within the drilosphere. Certain organisms and species may be enhanced, reduced or not be affected at all depending on their ability to adapt to the particular conditions of different earthworm drilospheres. A large host of factors (including CaCO3, enzymes, mucus and antimicrobial substances) influence the ability of preferentially or randomly ingested organisms to survive (or not) passage through the earthworm gut, and their resultant capacity to recover and proliferate (or not) in earthworm casts. Small organisms, particularly microflora and microfauna, with limited ability to move within the soil, may benefit from the (comparatively) long ranging movements of earthworms. Microflora and smaller fauna appear to be particularly sensitive to earthworm activities, and priming effects enhancing nutrient release, particularly in casts, are common. Larger fauna such as microarthropods, enchytraeids and Isopods may be enhanced under some conditions (e.g., in earthworm middens), but in other cases earthworm activity may lead to a decrease in their populations due to competition for food (microbes and organic materials), and spatial and temporal changes in food abundance. Nevertheless, considering the presently available data, the beneficial interactions of earthworms and microflora and fauna appear to far outweigh the potential negative effects. However, much is still unknown regarding the interactions of earthworms of different ecological categories on the diversity and function of microfloral and faunal communities, and much more interdisciplinary research is needed to assess the potential role of earthworms in regulating the diversity of microflora and fauna in soil systems and the potentially beneficial or harmful effects this regulation may have on ecosystem function and plant growth in different ecosystems.  相似文献   

随着城市化的发展,湿垃圾产量与日俱增,湿垃圾资源化利用迫在眉睫。利用蚯蚓处理湿垃圾制作蚯蚓粪肥用于农田土壤改良,是一项有效的湿垃圾资源化利用途径以及有利于缓解蔬菜连作障碍方面问题。该文以常规有机肥为参照,选取以湿垃圾及其厌氧沼渣为原料制作的蚯蚓粪肥为研究对象,研究连续3年施加蚯蚓粪肥对黄瓜(Cucumis sativus)土壤综合质量和作物产量的影响。结果表明,经过3年的改良后,施加60.0 t/hm2蚯蚓粪肥的黄瓜产量提高了5.60%,土壤有机质含量提高了50.0%,且蚯蚓粪肥的效果要高于常规有机肥;土壤全氮含量达到最高,高于背景值33.0%;土壤的养分含量(硝态氮、速效磷、速效钾)也得到了提高,其中速效钾含量升高了94.0%。经过3年的改良,土壤中的细菌数量在施加了有机肥后明显增加,其中以添加30.0t/hm2蚯蚓粪肥的细菌数量最多;土壤细菌/真菌的比值有所提高,土壤生物性状得到改善。土壤的呼吸强度随着有机肥的施入而升高,以施加60.0t/hm2蚯蚓粪肥的最大;土壤pH略有降低,盐度无明显变化。因此,湿垃圾来源的蚯蚓...  相似文献   

烟草连作障碍与土壤理化性质及微生物多样性特征的关联   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
【背景】烟草是我国最重要的经济作物之一,其忌连作的特点严重影响了我国烟草产业的发展。【目的】通过研究烟草连作障碍、土壤理化性质和微生物多样性特征的关系,为解决烟草连作障碍问题、制定有效的烟草生产技术提供理论基础。【方法】选择连作障碍严重烟田和克服连作障碍烟田作为研究对象,基于高通量测序技术,探究烟田连作障碍情况、烟田理化性质与土壤微生物多样性的联系。【结果】克服连作障碍的烟田土壤pH、总氮和有机质含量显著高于连作障碍严重的烟田土壤,克服连作障碍烟田和连作障碍严重烟田土壤微生物多样性之间不存在显著差异,但土壤微生物优势群落发生了显著改变,烟田土壤的pH、有机质、有效磷、总氮都与微生物群落显著相关。【结论】烟田克服连作障碍的差异,可能与烟田土壤的理化性质以及微生物组成的差异有关,此研究为解决湘西烟区连作障碍问题提供理论基础和技术支持。  相似文献   

接种蚯蚓对秸秆还田土壤碳、氮动态和作物产量的影响   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:31  
通过为期 2年的小区 (2 .8m× 1.0m)试验 ,研究了旱作水稻 小麦轮作条件下接种蚯蚓对施用玉米秸秆 (第一季用量 15 0 0g·m-2 ,以后各季为 75 0g·m-2 )农田土壤碳、氮动态和作物产量的影响 .结果表明 ,接种 10条·m-2 或 2 0条·m-2 环毛蚓 (Pheretimasp .)对土壤有机碳和全氮含量无显著影响 ,蚯蚓活动未造成土壤C库的衰减 ,土壤碳、氮基本维持平衡 .接种蚯蚓处理土壤N的矿化作用增强 ,矿质N含量提高 ,NO3 - N含量增加 ,而且稻季比麦季增加更为明显 .接种蚯蚓在稻、麦季均能提高微生物量碳、氮含量 ,蚯蚓具有扩大土壤微生物量N库和促进有机N矿化的双重作用 .这种作用在有效C源供应丰富的作物生长发育旺盛期更为明显 .接种蚯蚓对旱作水稻和小麦有一定的增产作用 ,其中水稻的增产幅度达 9.3% ,小麦为 5 .1% .接种蚯蚓后土壤容重明显降低 ,孔隙度显著增加 .蚯蚓在保持土壤C库平衡的同时 ,对于促进秸秆有机肥N素养分的再循环和作物生产力的提高具有重要的生态学意义 .  相似文献   

王笑  王帅  滕明姣  林小芬  吴迪  孙静  焦加国  刘满强  胡锋 《生态学报》2017,37(15):5146-5156
不同生态型蚯蚓的取食偏好和生境有所差异,因此蚯蚓的生态型差异可能关乎其对土壤性质的不同影响;有关不同生态型蚯蚓对土壤性质尤其是微生物学性质影响的研究有助于了解蚯蚓生态功能的作用机制。在野外调控试验的第4年采集土壤,研究了牛粪混施和表施处理下内层种威廉腔环蚓(Metaphire guillelmi)和表层种赤子爱胜蚓(Eisenia foetida)对设施菜地土壤微生物群落结构和主要理化性质的影响。结果表明,土壤微生物群落结构同时受到蚯蚓种类和牛粪施用方式的影响。牛粪表施时,两种蚯蚓均显著降低了菌根真菌、真菌生物量和原生动物生物量(P0.05);牛粪混施时,不同蚯蚓的影响有所差异,威廉腔环蚓明显增加了菌根真菌、真菌生物量和放线菌生物量,而赤子爱胜蚓的作用不明显。此外,两种蚯蚓均提高了土壤孔隙度、团聚体稳定性和土壤p H、矿质氮以及微生物生物量碳氮水平,但提高幅度取决于蚯蚓种类和牛粪施用方式。冗余分析表明蚯蚓影响下土壤微生物群落结构的变化与团聚体稳定性、p H、速效磷、矿质氮呈正相关,而与土壤容重呈负相关。  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that human activities are responsible for the dispersal of exotic earthworms in northeastern North America. We know little, however, about the relative effects of concurrent human activities on the structure of these earthworm communities in protected forest areas, nor on their impacts on soil biological activities. Our first objective was to infer the relative importance of recreational fishing and road traffic on the structure of Lumbricidae communities in Mont-Tremblant National Park, the oldest conservation area in the province of Quebec, Canada. Our second objective was to test the relationship between earthworm species abundances and soil properties related to microbial and nitrogen dynamics. We sampled earthworm communities around 61 lakes, which included 23 heavily-fished lakes and 20 non-fished lakes located near roads, as well as 18 non-fished lakes located in remote areas of the park. Our results revealed that fishing and proximity to roads both have a positive effect on the abundance of earthworms, as does the soil pH. Fishing activities had a greater effect than road proximity on the abundance and diversity of earthworm communities, notably on the abundance of the anecic species Lumbricus terrestris. To assess at a finer scale the effects of earthworm community structure on soil microbial and nitrogen dynamics, we collected and analyzed soils from 47 sampling points around two lakes with high earthworm densities. Exploratory redundancy analysis found a negative correlation between epigeic and anecic earthworm species, with the former correlating positively to microbial biomass and the latter correlating positively to nitrification and denitrification. Confirmatory path analysis established a positive indirect effect of Lumbricus terrestris, the preferred fishing bait, on potential soil nitrous oxide emissions. We conclude that the human-mediated dispersion of earthworms in the most pristine ecosystems of Quebec affects ecosystem functioning and thus requires a review of current policies regarding the use of live-bait by fishermen.  相似文献   

The gut microbiome of earthworms has a complex interdependence with the host. When the soil minerals pass through earthworm’s gut, they may affect the gut microbiota. To gain insight into the response of gut microbiota to the passed minerals, we fed earthworm (Eisenia fetida) on nutrient-poor soil and ore powder, and used high throughput sequencing to characterize the earthworm intestinal microbial community to find evidence for a core bacterial community of the E. fetida. The results showed that earthworms’ gut maintained a core microbiome that appeared in all samples. These core microbiota may play a significant role in a species’ environmental interactions. The composition of intestinal microbiomes varied with substrates. The earthworm guts from two nutrient-poor substrates had similar microbial communities and they were different from nutrient-rich substrate. Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes were more abundant in the gut of earthworms kept on a nutrient-poor substrate such as ore powder or mineral soil than in the gut of earthworms kept in organic-rich compost soil; some of these microorganisms may help earthworms survive in nutrient-poor substrates.  相似文献   

Recent studies document North American earthworm invasions and their profound effects on the structure of the soil profile, which is the habitat for soil microorganisms (mainly fungi and bacteria). Dramatic alterations made to these layers during earthworm invasion significantly change microbial community structure and therefore microbial activities such as C transformations. Understanding the impacts of earthworm invasion on the microbes themselves will give insight into earthworm effects on microbial activities. Bacterial and actinomycete communities in earthworm guts and casts have not been studied in environments recently invaded by earthworms. Earthworm invasion tended to decrease fungal species density and fungal species diversity and richness. The presence of earthworms decreased zygomycete species abundance probably due to disruption of fungal hyphae. Physical disruption of hyphae may also explain decreased mycorrhizal colonization rates, decreased mycorrhizal abundance and altered mycorrhizal morphology in the presence of earthworms. Mixing of organic layers into mineral soil during earthworm invasion tended to decrease microbial biomass in forest floor materials while increasing it in mineral soil. In newly invaded forest soils, microbial respiration and the metabolic quotient tended to decline. In forests where either the microbial community has had time to adapt to earthworm activities, or where the destruction of the forest floor is complete, as in invasions by the Asian Amynthas hawayanus, the presence of earthworms tends to increase the metabolic quotient indicating a shift to a smaller, more active microbial community.  相似文献   

以温室黄瓜连作6年和10年土壤添加质量比为5%生物炭为处理,以不添加生物炭为对照,采用桶栽的方法,研究了生物炭对不同年限连作土壤养分和微生物群落多样性的影响.结果表明: 与连作土壤相比,生物炭处理的连作6年土壤的黄瓜单株产量提高11.4%,连作10年土壤产量提高62.8%.施入生物炭显著降低了2种连作土壤容重,显著提高了有机质、速效磷含量、阳离子交换量(CEC)和pH;显著提高了土壤细菌数量和细菌/真菌,降低了真菌和尖孢镰刀菌数量,使土壤类型由真菌型向细菌型转变,尤其对连作10年土壤作用最为明显,土壤细菌和细菌/真菌分别是未处理的2.00和3.64倍,真菌和尖孢镰刀菌数量分别是未处理的54.8%和55.9%.土壤微生物群落碳源利用分析表明,10年连作土壤施入生物炭可显著提高土壤微生物活性、Shannon指数和均匀度指数,分别是未处理的1.50、2.14和1.31倍,同时显著提高了土壤微生物对糖类、氨基酸类、酚酸类和胺类碳源的利用强度,分别是未处理的1.62、1.81、1.74和1.93倍.相关性分析表明,土壤容重、速效磷含量、CEC和pH 4个指标对微生物群落变化的影响较显著.综上,生物炭通过对连作土壤理化性质及土壤微生物生态系统的改善,优化了黄瓜根区环境,促进了黄瓜产量的提高,缓解了温室黄瓜连作障碍.  相似文献   

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