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海南鸟东寨港港红树林群落甲烷通量研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
采用静态箱法对海南东寨港4个站位的5个红树林群落的土壤甲烷通量进行了研究,结果表明林地土壤平均甲烷通量为0.81mg.m^-2.d^-1。利用聚乙袋密闭法测定了6种红树植物叶片的甲烷通量,发现红树植物叶片具有吸收大气甲烷的效应。通过海莲(Bruguiera sexangula)红树林的研究还表明,林地土壤甲烷通量的日变化与林内潮水淹浸状况有关。海莲林不同滩面土壤甲烷通量的差异与土壤含水量有关。土壤  相似文献   

深圳福田红树植物群落特征及金属元素分布状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对深圳福田红树林群落特征的研究,对红树植物的区系组成、群落的外貌和结构、群落的主要类型和分布进行了概述,并对该红树林中的桐花树+秋茄+白骨壤+老鼠簕+海漆混交群落林地土壤和红树植物的金属元素分布进行分析。结果发现,该林地土壤金属元素含量分布具有一定规律性,元素K、Na、Ca、Mg在各层土壤中分布均匀;必需金属元素Fe、Mn在各层土壤中含量变化不明显;非必需重金属元素Cr、Ni、Pb、Hg、Cd和必需元素Zn、Cu含量从底层至表层逐步提高;金属元素在该林地红树植物中分布也具有一定规律性,元素K、Na、Ca、Mg在五种红树植物的不同部位均大量存在;必需金属元素Fe、Mn、Zn、Cu在各种红树植物中含量FeMnZnCu;非必需重金属元素Cr、Ni、Pb、Hg、Cd在各种红树植物中含量表现出差异性,秋茄和海漆中Ni含量较大,白骨壤中Pb含量最大,桐花树中Cr含量最大,老鼠簕Cu含量最大,Cd和Hg在五种红树植物中含量都最低;植物中金属元素含量分布和土壤中金属元素含量分布具有相关性。  相似文献   

竞争和非生物胁迫影响处于地理分布边界的红树植物的个体大小 关于红树植物竞争的研究大多局限于幼苗和人工林。我们首次对天然红树林中成年红树的种内竞争进行了控制实验研究,旨在检验竞争和非生物因子在决定红树植物个体大小中的相对重要性。研究样 地位于靠近红树林地理分布边界的美国德克萨斯州阿兰萨斯港(Port Aransas)附近区域。该区域的红树林由“灌丛”状的黑红树(萌芽白骨壤,Avicennia germinans)单一物种组成。我们对10个样方中原生红树 林进行疏伐,形成系列红树林覆盖度梯度,在2013–2019年期间观测各样方中红树植物的生长指标,量化分析红树林覆盖度对红树植物生长的影响;并于2019年调查了红树林的冠层高度。研究结果表明,在该研究期间,红树植物的相对生长速率随着红树林覆盖度的增加而降低,100%红树林覆盖度样方中的红 树植物大小几乎没有增长,说明它们已经达到了该红树林密度条件下的最大尺寸。在红树林覆盖度降低 的样方中,株高明显增加,在红树林覆盖度为11%的样方中,红树植物株高增加了约52%。对比临水岸 边和林内两种生境中的样方,处于临水岸边生境的红树林冠层高度比处于林内生境的高约30%,且这两 种生境的红树林冠层高度均随红树林覆盖度的增加而降低。叶片叶绿素含量和冠层光截留量的测定数据 显示,该区域红树植物的生长也受到氮限制的影响。由此表明,处于地理分布边界的“灌丛”状红树林一 方面受到营养的限制,另一方面红树植物种内个体间仍存在较为强烈的竞争,且种内竞争对红树植物生长的影响较该红树林内非生物生境因子更为重要。  相似文献   

对比中国南方两个热带喀斯特森林、一个热带红树林和来自文献的一个亚热带常绿阔叶林植物叶片元素含量和计量特点。结果表明,受碳酸盐岩的影响,西双版纳和弄岗喀斯特森林植物叶片普遍富含Ca、Mg元素,因岩性差异,含有一定白云岩的弄岗地区的植物富集更多的Mg。西双版纳喀斯特森林存在K、Fe、Na、Zn元素的缺乏状况;由于白云岩矿物成分的特殊性和缓慢的风化速度,弄岗喀斯特植物有更高的叶片K、Zn、S含量。红树林植物富集P、Ca、Mg、Na、S元素,海水环境中大量的离子进入土壤被植物吸收利用,提高了红树的养分含量,并且在高盐环境下Na在叶片中大量富集。但是,红树植物表现缺乏Fe、Si、Zn。亚热带常绿阔叶林植物受酸性土影响大,Mn元素大量富集,P与Na的含量缺乏,并且相比其他生境,常绿阔叶林的N、P、Ca、Mg含量较低。西双版纳和弄岗的喀斯特森林植物叶片N/P比分别为14.27和18.26,说明前者受到N、P的共同限制,后者主要为P限制;红树植物N/P比为13.12,受N限制;常绿阔叶林植物本身严重缺P,N/P比为26.27,表现出明显的P限制。所研究的不同基质上的植物,叶片N与P元素之间均呈显著正相关,这种稳定的协同关系是植物适应环境的普遍规律。Ca与Mg两个二价阳离子元素在喀斯特森林和常绿阔叶林中为协同关系,而在红树林中则不存在相关性,分析表明Na盐胁迫下增加了Mg的吸收,改变了Ca、Mg的平衡关系。N与K元素在红树林和常绿阔叶林中为协同关系,而由于喀斯特环境中Ca、Mg协同影响了K的吸收,改变了N、K的协同关系。P与Zn在喀斯特森林和红树林中都表现出协同关系,这与两种元素在植物代谢过程中都参与了酶的合成有关。红树植物表现K和Mn的拮抗关系,而在喀斯特森林和常绿阔叶林中均未有相关性。S与P元素在弄岗喀斯特森林中表现出正相关,这种协同性可以帮助喀斯特植物缓解缺P的症状,而在高P的红树植物中没有相关性。研究结果对于森林生态系统的生物地球化学循环模拟和生态系统管理有重要参考意义。  相似文献   

红树林湿地恢复技术的研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文从红树林育苗造林技术、次生林改造技术和红树植物引种试种与种源选择的研究等方面试述红树林湿地恢复技术的研究进展,并针对我国的目前现状,提出今后亟待加强研究的如下几个方面:加强红树植物引种扩种,恢复植被,提高红树林生态工程质量的原理研究;监测外来引进种对我国红树林湿地的生态影响;研究半红树植物在沿海防护林体系工程建设中的作用;加强红树植物对潮汐水位适应能力的研究;开展红树人工林生态恢复过程中的综合定位观测等。  相似文献   

红树林作为重要的海岸湿地类型之一,具有极高的生态系统服务价值。过去的50年中,中国红树林曾遭到极大的破坏。本文简要介绍了世界红树林分布现状,对中国红树林的分布、面积及红树植物种类组成进行详细叙述,并就红树植物分类体系进行讨论,认为中国红树植物种类应为38种,其中真红树植物13科15属27种,半红树植物有9科11属11种;对中国红树林的保护现状进行分析总结,以期为红树林的研究和管理提供参考。  相似文献   

以我国雷州半岛红树林为调查与研究对象, 采用样方调查方法对红树林区系组成、群落结构和分布特征开展调查分析。调查结果表明: 雷州半岛红树林的群落可分为24个类型, 其中白骨壤群落面积占比高达60.55%, 占有绝对优势; 雷州半岛红树林包括真红树植物8科13种, 占全国真红树植物物种的50%, 半红树植物8科10种, 占全国半红树植物物种的83.33%; Shannon—Wiener多样性指数为0.09—1.08, 部分研究区域之间数值差异较大; 从向陆林缘至向海林缘, 物种多样性沿潮间带的变化趋势比较一致, 为高潮间带>中潮间带>低潮间带; 白骨壤为雷州半岛重要的优势种, 在高、中和低潮间带均有分布, 聚集分布为高潮间带<中潮间带<低潮间带; 与2008年雷州半岛国家“908”专项红树林调查结果相比, 该地区所记录的红树物种由14种增加到了23种, 受2008年寒害所影响而枯死的红海榄又逐渐恢复; 附城镇1995年引进无瓣海桑, 与乡土种白骨壤、秋茄一起成为当地的优势种, 说明无瓣海桑的引进对于当地红树林群落恢复具有一定的促进作用。虽然雷州半岛物种组成较为丰富, 但是红树林群落结构仍然不够合理, 对残次天然纯林进行改造和人工多物种造林, 是日后雷州半岛红树林群落恢复和重建的重要方向; 同时也要加强乡土红树植物物种恢复, 维持雷州半岛红树林生态系统物种多样性与生态平衡。  相似文献   

【目的】了解八门湾红树林生态系统中不同生境(潮间带、海洋到红树区的过渡带、海桑红树区)和不同深度土壤的可培养真菌的多样性。【方法】采用稀释涂布平板法分离土壤中的真菌,利用形态学观察和ITS rDNA序列分析技术研究可培养真菌的表观和遗传多样性。【结果】从八门湾红树林生态系统的3个不同生境中分离到257株真菌,分别属于21属28种,其中青霉属(Penicillium)、曲霉属(Aspergillus)和木霉属(Trichoderma)为优势类群。来自不同生境或者同一生境不同采样深度的土壤真菌种类组成不同,并且有些真菌类群只出现在特定的样品中。从空间角度看,红树区土壤样品的真菌多样性高于其他两个生境的土壤样品;从垂直角度看,潮间带和过渡带的表层土壤样品的真菌多样性高于深层土壤样品,而红树区的深层土壤样品真菌多样性高于表层土壤样品。【结论】八门湾红树林生态系统中的可培养真菌资源丰富,种类多样性较高,但不同生境或不同深度的可培养真菌分布存在较大的差异。这些结果揭示了红树林土壤中可培养真菌的生态分布特点,也为红树林真菌资源的开发利用提供了基础的背景资料。  相似文献   

本文是福建九龙江口红树林研究的一部分,主要讨论两种红树植物(秋茄,桐花树)叶片中的几种酶对海滩盐度(3—12‰范围内)变化的反应,测定结果如下:1,桐花树叶片过氧化物酶同工酶和细胞色素氧化酶同工酶的含量对土壤盐度变化的反应表明:土壤盐度(3—12‰)提高,过氧化物酶和细胞色素氧化酶同工酶的谱带加深、加宽,而且谱带中出现新酶带。 2.当海滩盐度提高时,桐花树叶片的过氧化物酶的活性提高,秋茄叶片的乙醇酸氧化酶的活性减弱。 3.两种红树植物叶绿素含量与土壤盐度相关性显示出:当土壤盐度在3—8‰范围时,叶绿素含量变化不大;8—10‰时有一个高峰,大于10‰时又下降。可能红树植物对海滩盐度适应有一个临界值。  相似文献   

红树林湿地相手蟹科动物摄食生态研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈顺洋  陈光程  陈彬  叶勇  马志远 《生态学报》2014,34(19):5349-5359
相手蟹科物种是红树林湿地的主要底栖动物类群,在生态系统中起着重要的作用。我国大陆地区目前已记录的相手蟹科物种数量为12种,低于其它红树林地区(国内常用的采样方法会造成螃蟹物种数量和密度的低估),其中褶痕相手蟹(Sesarma plicata)、无齿相手蟹(S.deaani)和双齿相手蟹(S.bidens)等是常见种。红树植物叶片是相手蟹科动物的主要食物来源,相手蟹科动物通过地表摄食和洞穴贮存的形为消耗了大量的红树植物凋落叶,使这些凋落叶的有机质和营养元素得以保留在生态系统内,在凋落叶的周转和物质归还方面起到重要的作用。它们同时也摄食红树植物的繁殖体并且对不同物种的繁殖体具有摄食偏好,这可能对一些红树物种的植被更新能力和红树植被群落结构产生影响。相手蟹科动物对不同物种和不同状态的红树叶片也存在摄食偏好,通常对腐烂的叶片摄食偏好较强;螃蟹的摄食偏好与叶片的营养成份、粗纤维和单宁含量以及C/N比等性质有关;但在恶劣的野外环境下,螃蟹则会表现出随机性摄食。目前关于相手蟹科动物生态学作用的认识仍不充分,例如它们的种群大小和对凋落物的转化作用等,有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

The microbial community plays an essential role in the high productivity in mangrove wetlands. A proper understanding of the spatial variations of microbial communities will provide clues about the underline mechanisms that structure microbial groups and the isolation of bacterial strains of interest. In the present study, the diversity and composition of the bacterial community in sediments collected from four locations, namely mudflat, edge, bulk, and rhizosphere, within the Mai Po Ramsar Wetland in Hong Kong, SAR, China were compared using the barcoded Illumina paired-end sequencing technique. Rarefaction results showed that the bulk sediment inside the mature mangrove forest had the highest bacterial α-diversity, while the mudflat sediment without vegetation had the lowest. The comparison of β-diversity using principal component analysis and principal coordinate analysis with UniFrac metrics both showed that the spatial effects on bacterial communities were significant. All sediment samples could be clustered into two major groups, inner (bulk and rhizosphere sediments collected inside the mangrove forest) and outer mangrove sediments (the sediments collected at the mudflat and the edge of the mangrove forest). With the linear discriminate analysis scores larger than 3, four phyla, namely Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria, Nitrospirae, and Verrucomicrobia, were enriched in the nutrient-rich inner mangrove sediments, while abundances of Proteobacteria and Deferribacterias were higher in outer mangrove sediments. The rhizosphere effect of mangrove plants was also significant, which had a lower α-diversity, a higher amount of Nitrospirae, and a lower abundance of Proteobacteria than the bulk sediment nearby.  相似文献   

The biogeochemistry of mangrove sediments was investigated in several mangrove forest communities in Gazi Bay, a coastal lagoon in Kenya, Africa. Carbon dioxide fluxes, sediment median grain sizes, sedimentary organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus contents and pore-water characteristics (ammonium, nitrate, sulfate and chloride) could be related to forest type. Mangrove sediments have pH values that range from 3.5 to 8.3 due to the limited buffer capacity of these sediments and intense acidifying processes such as aerobic degradation of organic matter, oxidation of reduced components, ammonium uptake by roots and root respiration. The mangrove sediments are nitrogen-rich compared to mangrove litter, as a result of microbial nitrogen retention, uptake and fixation, and import of nitrogen-rich material. It appears that mangrove sediments in Gazi Bay act as a nutrient and carbon sink rather than as a source for adjacent seagrass and reef ecosystems.  相似文献   

We investigated the phylogenetic diversity and community structure of members of the halophilic Archaea (order Halobacteriales) in five distinct sediment habitats that experience various levels of salinity and salinity fluctuations (sediments from Great Salt Plains and Zodletone Spring in Oklahoma, mangrove tree sediments in Puerto Rico, sediment underneath salt heaps in a salt-processing plant, and sediments from the Great Salt Lake northern arm) using Halobacteriales-specific 16S rRNA gene primers. Extremely diverse Halobacteriales communities were encountered in all habitats, with 27 (Zodletone) to 37 (mangrove) different genera identified per sample, out of the currently described 38 Halobacteriales genera. With the exception of Zodletone Spring, where the prevalent geochemical conditions are extremely inhospitable to Halobacteriales survival, habitats with fluctuating salinity levels were more diverse than permanently saline habitats. Sequences affiliated with the recently described genera Halogranum, Halolamina, Haloplanus, Halosarcina, and Halorientalis, in addition to the genera Halorubrum, Haloferax, and Halobacterium, were among the most abundant and ubiquitous genera, suggesting a wide distribution of these poorly studied genera in saline sediments. The Halobacteriales sediment communities analyzed in this study were more diverse than and completely distinct from communities from typical hypersaline water bodies. Finally, sequences unaffiliated with currently described genera represented a small fraction of the total Halobacteriales communities, ranging between 2.5% (Zodletone) to 7.0% (mangrove and Great Salt Lake). However, these novel sequences were characterized by remarkably high levels of alpha and beta diversities, suggesting the presence of an enormous, yet-untapped supply of novel Halobacteriales genera within the rare biosphere of various saline ecosystems.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) pollutants originating from oil spills and wood and fuel combustion are pollutants which are among the major threats to mangrove ecosystems. In this study, the composition and relative abundance in the sediment bacterial communities of naphthalene dioxygenase (ndo) genes which are important for bacterial adaptation to environmental PAH contamination were investigated. Three urban mangrove sites which had characteristic compositions and levels of PAH compounds in the sediments were selected. The diversity and relative abundance of ndo genes in total community DNA were assessed by a newly developed ndo denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) approach and by PCR amplification with primers targeting ndo genes with subsequent Southern blot hybridization analyses. Bacterial populations inhabiting sediments of urban mangroves under the impact of different sources of PAH contamination harbor distinct ndo genotypes. Sequencing of cloned ndo amplicons comigrating with dominant DGGE bands revealed new ndo genotypes. PCR-Southern blot analysis and ndo DGGE showed that the frequently studied nah and phn genotypes were not detected as dominant ndo types in the mangrove sediments. However, ndo genotypes related to nagAc-like genes were detected, but only in oil-contaminated mangrove sediments. The long-term impact of PAH contamination, together with the specific environmental conditions at each site, may have affected the abundance and diversity of ndo genes in sediments of urban mangroves.  相似文献   

Here we embark in a deep metagenomic survey that revealed the taxonomic and potential metabolic pathways aspects of mangrove sediment microbiology. The extraction of DNA from sediment samples and the direct application of pyrosequencing resulted in approximately 215 Mb of data from four distinct mangrove areas (BrMgv01 to 04) in Brazil. The taxonomic approaches applied revealed the dominance of Deltaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria in the samples. Paired statistical analysis showed higher proportions of specific taxonomic groups in each dataset. The metabolic reconstruction indicated the possible occurrence of processes modulated by the prevailing conditions found in mangrove sediments. In terms of carbon cycling, the sequences indicated the prevalence of genes involved in the metabolism of methane, formaldehyde, and carbon dioxide. With respect to the nitrogen cycle, evidence for sequences associated with dissimilatory reduction of nitrate, nitrogen immobilization, and denitrification was detected. Sequences related to the production of adenylsulfate, sulfite, and H(2)S were relevant to the sulphur cycle. These data indicate that the microbial core involved in methane, nitrogen, and sulphur metabolism consists mainly of Burkholderiaceae, Planctomycetaceae, Rhodobacteraceae, and Desulfobacteraceae. Comparison of our data to datasets from soil and sea samples resulted in the allotment of the mangrove sediments between those samples. The results of this study add valuable data about the composition of microbial communities in mangroves and also shed light on possible transformations promoted by microbial organisms in mangrove sediments.  相似文献   

Sediments from the Porangahau ridge, located off the northeastern coast of New Zealand, were studied to describe bacterial community structure in conjunction with differing biogeochemical regimes across the ridge. Low diversity was observed in sediments from an eroded basin seaward of the ridge and the community was dominated by uncultured members of the Burkholderiales. Chloroflexi/GNS and Deltaproteobacteria were abundant in sediments from a methane seep located landward of the ridge. Gas-charged and organic-rich sediments further landward had the highest overall diversity. Surface sediments, with the exception of those from the basin, were dominated by Rhodobacterales sequences associated with organic matter deposition. Taxa related to the Desulfosarcina/Desulfococcus and the JS1 candidates were highly abundant at the sulfate-methane transition zone (SMTZ) at three sites. To determine how community structure was influenced by terrestrial, pelagic and in situ substrates, sequence data were statistically analyzed against geochemical data (e.g. sulfate, chloride, nitrogen, phosphorous, methane, bulk inorganic and organic carbon pools) using the Biota-Environmental matching procedure. Landward of the ridge, sulfate was among the most significant structuring factors. Seaward of the ridge, silica and ammonium were important structuring factors. Regardless of the transect location, methane was the principal structuring factor on SMTZ communities.  相似文献   

Anaerobic methanotrophic archaea (ANME) consume methane in marine sediments, limiting its release to the water column, but their responses to changes in methane and sulfate supplies remain poorly constrained. To address how methane exposure may affect microbial communities and methane- and sulfur-cycling gene abundances in Arctic marine sediments, we collected sediments from offshore Svalbard that represent geochemical horizons where anaerobic methanotrophy is expected to be active, previously active, and long-inactive based on reaction-transport biogeochemical modelling of porewater sulfate profiles. Sediment slurries were incubated at in situ temperature and pressure with different added methane concentrations. Sediments from an active area of seepage began to reduce sulfate in a methane-dependent manner within months, preceding increased relative abundances of anaerobic methanotrophs ANME-1 within communities. In previously active and long-inactive sediments, sulfur-cycling Deltaproteobacteria became more dominant after 30 days, though these communities showed no evidence of methanotrophy after nearly 8 months of enrichment. Overall, enrichment conditions, but not methane, broadly altered microbial community structure across different enrichment times and sediment types. These results suggest that active ANME populations may require years to develop, and consequently microbial community composition may affect methanotrophic responses to potential large-scale seafloor methane releases in ways that provide insight for future modelling studies.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) pollutants originating from oil spills and wood and fuel combustion are pollutants which are among the major threats to mangrove ecosystems. In this study, the composition and relative abundance in the sediment bacterial communities of naphthalene dioxygenase (ndo) genes which are important for bacterial adaptation to environmental PAH contamination were investigated. Three urban mangrove sites which had characteristic compositions and levels of PAH compounds in the sediments were selected. The diversity and relative abundance of ndo genes in total community DNA were assessed by a newly developed ndo denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) approach and by PCR amplification with primers targeting ndo genes with subsequent Southern blot hybridization analyses. Bacterial populations inhabiting sediments of urban mangroves under the impact of different sources of PAH contamination harbor distinct ndo genotypes. Sequencing of cloned ndo amplicons comigrating with dominant DGGE bands revealed new ndo genotypes. PCR-Southern blot analysis and ndo DGGE showed that the frequently studied nah and phn genotypes were not detected as dominant ndo types in the mangrove sediments. However, ndo genotypes related to nagAc-like genes were detected, but only in oil-contaminated mangrove sediments. The long-term impact of PAH contamination, together with the specific environmental conditions at each site, may have affected the abundance and diversity of ndo genes in sediments of urban mangroves.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the hypothesis that the microbial communities in mangrove sediments with different chemical and historical characteristics respond differently to the disturbance of a hydrocarbon spill. Two different mangrove sediments were sampled, one close to an oil refinery that had suffered a recent oil spill and another that had not been in contact with oil. Based on the sampled sediment, two sets of mesocosms were built, and oil was added to one of them. They were subjected to mimicked mangrove conditions and monitored for 75 days. Archaeal and bacterial communities were evaluated through PCRDGGE. Both communities showed the emergence of small numbers of novel bands in response to oil pollution. 16S rRNA gene clone libraries were constructed from both mesocosms before the addition of oil and at day 75 after oil addition. LIBSHUFF analysis showed that both mangrove-based mesocosms contained similar communities at the start of the experiment and that they were different from the initial one, as well as from each other, after 75 days. These results hint at a role of environmental history that is not obvious from community diversity indicators, but is apparent from the response to the applied stress.  相似文献   

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