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Fireflies are well known for the use of bioluminescence for sexual communication. In species using flash signals for pair formation, species and sexual identity are conferred by flash timing parameters such as flash duration, flash interval, flash number, and response delay. In dialog fireflies in North America, the male is the advertiser and the female is the responder. In these species, the male flash signal parameter varies depending on species, but the female flash signal parameter is limited only to response delay. However, in fireflies other than dialog fireflies, sexual flash communication is not well studied. Although many female-advertisement-like fireflies are reported, we have no confirmed case of sexual communication in a female-advertisement species. Here, we report the sexual flash communication of an Asian firefly, Luciola (Hotaria) parvula, in which the female flashes spontaneously. By using an electronic firefly, we confirm experimentally that males are specifically attracted to flashes with a female-specific flash duration. This is the first experimental report of sexual communication of a female advertiser in firefly communication. In this species, females call males usually with spontaneous flashes unlike dialog fireflies.  相似文献   

Animal communication is an intriguing topic in evolutionary biology. In this comprehensive study of visual signal evolution, we used a phylogenetic approach to study the evolution of the flash communication system of North American fireflies. The North American firefly genus Photinus contains 35 described species with simple ON–OFF visual signals, and information on habitat types, sympatric congeners, and predators. This makes them an ideal study system to test hypotheses on the evolution of male and female visual signal traits. Our analysis of 34 Photinus species suggests two temporal pattern generators: one for flash duration and one for flash intervals. Reproductive character displacement was a main factor for signal divergence in male flash duration among sympatric Photinus species. Male flash pattern intervals (i.e., the duration of the dark periods between signals) were positively correlated with the number of sympatric Photuris fireflies, which include predators of Photinus. Females of different Photinus species differ in their response preferences to male traits. As in other communication systems, firefly male sexual signals seem to be a compromise between optimizing mating success (sexual selection) and minimizing predation risk (natural selection). An integrative model for Photinus signal evolution is proposed.  相似文献   

Animal courtship signals include many highly conspicuous traits and behaviors, and it is generally assumed that such signals must balance the benefits of attracting mates against some fitness costs. However, few studies have assessed the multiple costs potentially incurred by any one courtship signal, so we have limited understanding of the relative importance of different costs. This study provides the first comprehensive assessment of signal costs for Photinus fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), using controlled experiments to measure both the energy and predation costs associated with their bioluminescent courtship signals. We measured energy required to generate bioluminescent flashes, using differential open-flow respirometry, and found that flash signaling results in only a nominal increase in energy expenditure above resting levels. These results suggest that the energy required to generate bioluminescent flashes represents a minor component of the total cost of firefly courtship. However, controlled field experiments revealed that visually oriented predators imposed major costs on firefly courtship signals, with higher signaling rates significantly increasing the likelihood of predation. Together with previous results demonstrating that female fireflies prefer more conspicuous courtship signals, these results support the importance of multiple-receiver communication networks in driving signal evolution.  相似文献   

1. Much is known about the brief adult phase of fireflies. However, fireflies spend a relatively long developmental period under the soil surface. Climatic and soil conditions may directly affect the eggs, larvae, and pupae, and also affect them indirectly through predators, competitors, and prey items. Climatic conditions during the early life stages of this iconic species are therefore relevant to their hypothesised decline within the context of global warming. 2. Data on the abundance of fireflies were extracted from the publicly available citizen dataset across North America over a period of 9 years. The effects of weather in the 24 months before the observations of firefly abundance were documented based on 6761 observations. 3. Climatic conditions during both the larval and adult phases have a non‐linear effect on adult firefly abundance. Maximum winter and spring temperatures and mean precipitation in the 20‐month period before the observations had the greatest impact on the abundance of firefly adults. Low maximum soil moisture during the 5–19 months preceding the observations affected the adult abundance negatively, and high maximum soil moisture affected it positively. 4. After correcting the firefly abundance for these weather effects, it is estimated that the abundance of fireflies increased over the time period of this study. 5. This study suggests that early life climatic conditions have a small but significant impact on adult firefly abundance with a total R2 of 0.017.  相似文献   

兰科植物欺骗性传粉   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
植物与传粉动物的互利关系在生态系统中非常普遍。然而,有许多植物不为传粉者提供任何报酬,而是利用各种欺骗方式诱骗昆虫拜访,从而实现传粉,即欺骗性传粉。兰科是被子植物大科之一,其高度特化的繁殖器官和适应于昆虫传粉的精巧结构令人称奇。进化论创始人达尔文描述了许多兰花与昆虫精巧的传粉系统,但他忽视了欺骗性传粉的存在。事实上,近1/3的兰科植物都依赖于欺骗性传粉。欺骗性传粉可能是导致兰科植物多样性的重要原因之一。兰花利用或操作昆虫觅食、交配、产卵和栖息等行为,演化出各种各样的欺骗性传粉机制,常见的类型包括泛化的食源性欺骗、Batesian拟态、性欺骗、产卵地拟态和栖息地拟态。花的颜色、形态和气味在欺骗性传粉的成功实现中起到了重要作用。欺骗性兰花与传粉昆虫之间的演化可能是不同步的,兰花追踪昆虫的行为信号而发生分化,然而欺骗性传粉可能对昆虫造成一定的伤害,从而对昆虫也施加选择压力。由于昆虫的学习行为,欺骗性的兰花一般具有低的昆虫拜访率和结实率,其繁殖成功率受各种因素的影响。欺骗性加剧了兰花对传粉昆虫的依赖,使其具有更高的灭绝风险,传粉生物学的研究能为兰科植物的有效保护提供指导。在欺骗性传粉系统中,有报酬的伴生植物、拟态模型和其他拟态信号提供者对传粉成功有重要影响。因此,研究欺骗性传粉兰花、传粉昆虫和相关的生物和生态因子的网状进化关系具有重要理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

Physiological Links in Firefly Flash Code Evolution   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
New and reassessed neurophysiological observations on dialog fireflies permit (1) parsimonious inferences about the origin and fixation of light emission in the primeval firefly, (2) proof of widespread involvement of a stable species-specific minimal stimulus–response interval in timed flashing behaviors of both genders, (3) strengthening of the evidence for certain normally latent flash control intervals common to both male and female, (4) assignment of possible roles in the evolution of time-coded courting dialog to these data, and (5) evaluation of the evolutionary status of certain present-day species.  相似文献   

Differences in male mating success can generate selection on male morphological traits and courtship behaviors involved in male–male competition or female mate choice. In Photinus fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), courtship is based on bioluminescent flash signals produced by both sexes. We conducted field observations of Photinus greeni fireflies engaged in competitive courtships, in which females are able to simultaneously assess several males, to identify male morphological traits and courtship behaviors that might predict male mating success. Male morphological traits did not differ between males that successfully mated compared with unsuccessful males (dialoging males that did not mate). However, courtship behavioral interactions differed: successful males tended to have higher flash pattern rates (number of flash patterns per minute), and their courtship flashes were more likely to be answered by females. We also examined how the risk of predation by Photuris fireflies altered courtship behavior of their Photinus prey. When predatory Photuris fireflies were present, P. greeni females were less likely to mate, and showed decreased flash responses to most males. However, P. greeni males that did successfully mate in spite of Photuris presence were males that maintained high flash pattern rates that elicited female responses. These results suggest that both female mate choice and Photuris predation exert strong selective pressures on the evolution of courtship signals in Photinus fireflies.  相似文献   

Theoretical models predict that deception should occur even in stable signalling systems. Assessment of the prevalence of deception and its importance has, however, been hampered by the lack of a rigorous definition of what constitutes deception and by the anecdotal nature of much of the literature. For an interaction to qualify as deception, the receiver of the "deceptive" signal must incur a cost. While this cost is often clear in interspecific interactions, it is more difficult to evaluate in interactions between members of the same species. A systematic approach to the study of deception, including the use of experimental techniques to elicit deceptive behaviour, is now required. Such an approach may enable us to address a crucial question in social evolution - whether animals are capable of manipulating the minds of others, or merely their behaviour.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic genome size data are important both as the basis for comparative research into genome evolution and as estimators of the cost and difficulty of genome sequencing programs for non-model organisms.In this study,the genome size of 14 species of fireflies (Lampyridae) (two genera in Lampyrinae,three genera in Luciolinae,and one genus in subfamily incertae sedis) were estimated by propidium iodide (PI)-based flow cytometry.The haploid genome sizes of Lampyridae ranged from 0.42 to 1.31 pg,a 3.1-fold span.Genome sizes of the fireflies varied within the tested subfamilies and genera.Lamprigera and Pyrocoelia species had large and small genome sizes,respectively.No correlation was found between genome size and morphological traits such as body length,body width,eye width,and antennal length.Our data provide additional information on genome size estimation of the firefly family Lampyridae.Furthermore,this study will help clarify the cost and difficulty of genome sequencing programs for non-model organisms and will help promote studies on firefly genome evolution.  相似文献   

North American Photinus fireflies use bioluminescent flashes to communicate an individual’s species and sex, and to attract potential mates. A female firefly responds to a male firefly’s courtship flash with her own species-specific flash. We used a photic stimulator to produce male-like species-specific P. carolinus LED courtship flashes. These evoked species-specific response flashes from a female. The female’s flashes were preceded by a flash gesture comprising a sequence of abdominal postural adjustments (pitch, roll, and yaw). These gestures changed her lantern’s orientation which, at rest, was downward towards the substrate. Our results demonstrate that these gestures mediate a lateralization of the female’s response flashes towards the direction of the stimulating LED. That is, she directs her response to the left of midline when stimuli are presented from her left, and similarly, she directs her response to the right of midline when stimuli are presented from her right. The directional aspect of the flash gesture adds a new perspective to the complexity of the behaviors associated with flash communication in fireflies. Lateralization of the flash gesture suggests that the female’s visual system processes information about the location of male’s flashes as well as their temporal pattern.  相似文献   

Feeding experiment on nine feral minkMustela vison Schreber, 1777 was carried out to find differences in digestibility of particular prey types. The values of correction factors (CF), which show the ratio between consumed prey biomass and undigested remains, were calculated for seven food types. The experiment revealed that results obtained by commonly used percentage of occurrence methods differed from the real intake of food. Food types which were intensively digested were underestimated by percentage of occurrence methods and prey which had hardly digestive elements of their body were overestimated. The calculated values of CF are as follows: crayfish — 14.8, fish — 30.8, frog — 61.3, small passerine bird — 17.2, chicken — 41.3, rodent — 17.3, egg — 687.5. The variability in CF values did not depend on mink individuals but could be explained by the mean weight of prey items eaten by mink. The positive correlation between the prey size and its digestibility was recorded for crayfish, fish and chicken. The biomass of frog, passerine and rodent remains was not related to the body mass of eaten prey. The use of evaluated correction factors enables more accurate estimates of the food composition of wild living mustelids.  相似文献   

The extraordinary taxonomic and morphological diversity of orchids is accompanied by a remarkable range of pollinators and pollination systems. Sexually deceptive orchids are adapted to attract specific male insects that are fooled into attempting to mate with orchid flowers and inadvertently acting as pollinators. This review summarises current knowledge, explores new hypotheses in the literature, and introduces some new approaches to understanding sexual deception from the perspective of the duped pollinator. Four main topics are addressed: (1) global patterns in sexual deception, (2) pollinator identities, mating systems and behaviours, (3) pollinator perception of orchid deceptive signals, and (4) the evolutionary implications of pollinator responses to orchid deception, including potential costs imposed on pollinators by orchids. A global list of known and putative sexually deceptive orchids and their pollinators is provided and methods for incorporating pollinator perspectives into sexual deception research are provided and reviewed. At present, almost all known sexually deceptive orchid taxa are from Australia or Europe. A few sexually deceptive species and genera are reported for New Zealand and South Africa. In Central and Southern America, Asia, and the Pacific many more species are likely to be identified in the future. Despite the great diversity of sexually deceptive orchid genera in Australia, pollination rates reported in the literature are similar between Australian and European species. The typical pollinator of a sexually deceptive orchid is a male insect of a species that is polygynous, monandrous, haplodiploid, and solitary rather than social. Insect behaviours involved in the pollination of sexually deceptive orchids include pre‐copulatory gripping of flowers, brief entrapment, mating, and very rarely, ejaculation. Pollinator behaviour varies within and among pollinator species. Deception involving orchid mimicry of insect scent signals is becoming well understood for some species, but visual and tactile signals such as colour, shape, and texture remain neglected. Experimental manipulations that test for function, multi‐signal interactions, and pollinator perception of these signals are required. Furthermore, other forms of deception such as exploitation of pollinator sensory biases or mating preferences merit more comprehensive investigation. Application of molecular techniques adapted from model plants and animals is likely to deliver new insights into orchid signalling, and pollinator perception and behaviour. There is little current evidence that sexual deception drives any species‐level selection on pollinators. Pollinators do learn to avoid deceptive orchids and their locations, but this is not necessarily a response specific to orchids. Even in systems where evidence suggests that orchids do interfere with pollinator mating opportunities, considerable further research is required to determine whether this is sufficient to impose selection on pollinators or generate antagonistic coevolution or an arms race between orchids and their pollinators. Botanists, taxonomists and chemical ecologists have made remarkable progress in the study of deceptive orchid pollination. Further complementary investigations from entomology and behavioural ecology perspectives should prove fascinating and engender a more complete understanding of the evolution and maintenance of such enigmatic plant‐animal interactions.  相似文献   

Firefly luciferase genes have been isolated from approximately 20 species of Lampyrinae, Luciolinae, and Photurinae. These are mostly nocturnal luminescent species that use light signals for sexual communication. In this study, we isolated three cDNAs for firefly luciferase from Psilocladinae (Cyphonocerus ruficollis) and Ototretinae (Drilaster axillaris and Stenocladius azumai), which are diurnal non-luminescent or weakly luminescent species that may use pheromones for communication. The amino acid sequences deduced from the three cDNAs showed 81-89% identities to each other and 60-81% identities with known firefly luciferases. The three purified recombinant proteins showed luminescence and fatty acyl-CoA synthetic activities, as observed in other firefly luciferases. The emission maxima by the three firefly luciferases (λmax, 545-546 nm) were shorter than those by known luciferases from the nocturnal fireflies (λmax, 550-568 nm). These results suggest that the primary structures and enzymatic properties of luciferases are conserved in Lampyridae, but the luminescence colors were red-shifted in nocturnal species compared to diurnal species.  相似文献   

A study of the effects of photic stimulation on the abilityto induce flash luminescence in the female Photuris fireflyby electrical brain stimulation was made. Pulses of light deliveredto the eye of the firefly aie not only able to inhibit spontaneousflashing but also reduce the ability of electrical biain stimulito induce firefly flashes. Inhibition by photic pulses is mosteffective when the pulses are delivered approximately 300–400msec prior to brain stimulation. Only flashes of biain stimulus—flashonset latency greater than 120 msec can be inhibited in thisfashion, while driven flashes of 90 msec were immune from theinhibitory effect. It is suggested that the inhibilory effectsof photic stimulation provide some physiological explaintionof the male-female response latency found in the courting fireflies.  相似文献   

Pteroptyx fireflies are commonly reported to congregate in large numbers in mangroves. Not much is known about the relationships between firefly distribution and abundance with specific mangrove vegetation assemblages. We conducted a study to investigate the vegetation assemblages that structure the distribution and abundance of Pteroptyx tener in Peninsular Malaysia. The distribution and abundance of fireflies were assessed along an 8 km stretch of mangroves in Sepetang estuary using visual assessment. Statistical analysis was carried out to test the correlation between length of display section and percentage cover of P. tener colonies and the relationship between percentage cover of fireflies with different vegetation assemblages. Five distinct vegetation assemblages were identified comprising different combination of four mangrove species. It was found that shorter display sections had higher percentage cover of P. tener colonies. In addition, vegetation assemblage which consisting of mainly Sonneratia caseolaris and Nypa fruticans was the most preferred type. The results of this study point to the necessity to consider not only a single mangrove species but the entire vegetation assemblage for firefly conservation.  相似文献   

Traits affecting ecological interactions can evolve on the same time scale as population and community dynamics, creating the potential for feedbacks between evolutionary and ecological dynamics. Theory and experiments have shown in particular that rapid evolution of traits conferring defense against predation can radically change the qualitative dynamics of a predator–prey food chain. Here, we ask whether such dramatic effects are likely to be seen in more complex food webs having two predators rather than one, or whether the greater complexity of the ecological interactions will mask any potential impacts of rapid evolution. If one prey genotype can be well-defended against both predators, the dynamics are like those of a predator–prey food chain. But if defense traits are predator-specific and incompatible, so that each genotype is vulnerable to attack by at least one predator, then rapid evolution produces distinctive behaviors at the population level: population typically oscillate in ways very different from either the food chain or a two-predator food web without rapid prey evolution. When many prey genotypes coexist, chaotic dynamics become likely. The effects of rapid evolution can still be detected by analyzing relationships between prey abundance and predator population growth rates using methods from functional data analysis.  相似文献   

Continuous synchronic flashing occurs in stationary and flying male congregations of members of some firefly species in Southeast Asia. In the present paper, low-light videography and photometry was used to demonstrate that synchrony occurs in the North American genus Photuris. We found that the Georgia coastal plain firefly Ph. frontalis flashed synchronically. From a distance, the synchronic flashes of a population of flying Ph. frontalis appeared to occur in a continuous synchrony. However, when pairs of males were viewed, it was difficult to verify that their flashing was continuously synchronic. In the laboratory, caged fireflies flashed synchronically, stopped, and then flashed synchronically again. To study this flash behavior, recordings of individual and group flashing were analyzed statistically to validate the conclusions about rhythm and synchrony. Although the mass synchrony appeared continuous, the individual flying males switch on and off, coming in again on the beat. The synchrony in Ph. frontalis is common and pervasive rather than rare and sporadic, as shown by other North American fireflies. The precision of the frontalis synchrony approaches that of Southeast Asian fireflies. The intermittent synchrony of this firefly reinforces the evidence that there is a diversity of synchronies in fireflies.  相似文献   

萤火虫是萤科和凹眼萤科昆虫的统称,既是科学研究的良好材料,也具有巨大的产业潜力。本文从分类学(包括分类现状和分子系统学研究进展)、生物学(包括生活史、分布、天敌、视蛋白、人工光照的影响、生物指示作用、体内共生菌等)、行为学(包括发光、求偶、交配、取食、防御、报警、拟态、叠背、成虫后多次蜕皮等)等方面全面梳理了国内外萤火虫基础研究的进展,分析了萤火虫的消亡原因(环境污染、旅游影响、科普欠缺、生物入侵及其它等)、保护情况并提出了保护萤火虫的若干措施建议,系统地阐述了当前国内外萤火虫开发利用的现状,最后从萤火虫的科学研究、资源保护、人工养殖、产业发展等方面提出了建议,以期推动萤火虫的研究和资源开发工作。  相似文献   

During animal courtship, multiple signals transmitted in different sensory modalities may be used to recognize potential mates. In fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), nocturnally active species rely on long-range bioluminescent signals for species, sex, and mate recognition, while several diurnally active species rely on pheromonal signals. Although in many insects non-volatile cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC) also function in species and sex discrimination, little is known about the potential role of CHC in fireflies. Here, we used gas chromatography to characterize species and sex differences in the CHC profiles of several North American fireflies, including three nocturnal and two diurnal species. Additionally, we conducted behavioral bioassays to determine whether firefly males (the searching sex) were differentially attracted to extracts from conspecific vs. heterospecific females. Gas chromatography revealed that nocturnal Photinus fireflies had low or undetectable CHC levels in both sexes, while diurnal fireflies showed higher CHC levels. No major sex differences in CHC profiles were observed for any firefly species. Behavioral bioassays demonstrated that males of the diurnal firefly Ellychnia corrusca were preferentially attracted to chemical extracts from conspecific vs. heterospecific females, while males of the remaining species showed no discrimination. These results suggest that while CHC may function as species recognition signals for some diurnal fireflies, these compounds are unlikely to be important contact signals in nocturnal Photinus fireflies.  相似文献   

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