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Breeding site characteristics have been studied for the three species of newt that occur in Britain, the Palmate ( Triturus helveticus (Razoumowski)), Smooth ( T. vulgaris (L.)) and Warty ( T. cristatus (Laurenti)). The Warty newt was seldom found in the absence of the much commoner Smooth newt, but seemed to prefer sites that were relatively large and deep and that had a high proportion of open water surface. All three species tended to breed in ponds having abundant aquatic vegetation. Smooth newts, unlike Palmate newts, were rarely encountered in water with pH <6. The Smooth newt tended to be found in water with relatively high concentrations of metals, while the reverse was true for the Palmate newt. Over Britain, Smooth and Warty newts are relatively less common in soft water areas, while the Palmate is less common in hard water areas. Possible reasons for these associations are discussed.  相似文献   

在澳大利亚新南威尔士南部沿海,作者搜集了一个池塘繁殖的斑索蟾(Crinia signifera)的种群统计资料。通过捕捉进出池塘的1 612只个体,获得种群大小、结构、生长率、性成熟时的大小和年龄、死亡率及寿命资料。迁移高峰从6月持续到11月,蛙的最高、最低遇见数量分别出现在春季和秋季。但第2年,该池塘蛙的数量明显减少,可能是由于补充到种群中的幼体数量很少的缘故。6个月后个体的重捕率很低;但距第一次捕获18个月以后,仍有个别个体再次被捕获。性成熟时,雌性比雄性的身体大一些。生长曲线显示,雌性比雄性的生长更快,所以更早地达到性成熟。研究种群的数量、结构和死亡率趋势等与已知的其它Crinia signifera种群基本一致。但研究种群迁移活动的高峰出现较晚,并且夏季的活动水平明显很高。这种长的活动时间可能会导致存活率的下降,同时有利于选择迅速性成熟的雌性[动物学报51 (3) : 393 -400 , 2005]。  相似文献   

Claude  Miaud 《Journal of Zoology》1993,231(4):575-581
Predation on newt eggs ( Triturus helveticus and T. alpestris ) was studied in both natural (pond) and control (aquaria) conditions. Eggs were laid on artificial supports and set in a pond near Bourg-en-Bresse (south-east France). Survival from segmentation to pre-hatching stages was similar in these two species and estimated at 0·16 ± 0·07. Survival of eggs protected in a closed bag of plastic netting was significantly higher (0·79 ± 0·08), suggesting predation as the major mortality risk. Eggs of T. alpestris were offered to the following potential predators: newts Triturus alpestris and T. helveticus (males and females), adult aquatic insects ( Dytiscus marginalis, Acilius suleatus. Notonecta glauca, Ranatra linearis. Ilyocoris hermanni). a snail ( Lunnaea stugnalis) and a tadpole ( Rana temporaria ). Only the newts and water beetles were observed to cat the eggs. Females wrapped their eggs in a fold made with the support during oviposition. D. marginalis fed on wrapped eggs and those we unwrapped in the same proportion. but newts (especially females) and A. sulcatus clearly ate fewer wrapped than unwrapped eggs. These results are discussed in terms of mortality risk and antipredator adaptations.  相似文献   

In organisms lacking parental care or when eggs of more than one female are layed together, parents preferentially tend to avoid eating their own offspring. In some species of newts (Caudata: Salamandridae), there is no parental care and cannibalism of eggs and larvae occurs when philopatric adults remain in the pond throughout the breeding season where eggs and larvae develop. Kin discrimination by both adult newts and larvae would be expected to occur during the breeding season as it would enable individuals to benefit from the nutrients obtained from eating eggs and larvae while they avoid eating close relatives. The effects of kinship on cannibalism of eggs and larvae were examined in two species of newts. In separate, but similar, paired behavioral trials adult female red-spotted newts, Notophthalmus viridescens, and smooth newts, Triturus vulgaris, were allowed to consume their own egg or an egg from another female. Female red-spotted newts, but not smooth newts, preferred to eat eggs of other females rather than their own, and overall smooth newts were ‘reluctant’ to eat conspecific eggs. To test for ontogenetic shifts in discrimination abilities, additional experiments were performed with adult female red-spotted newts paired with their own larvae and a larva from another female. In addition, the effects of kinship on the attraction or repulsion of larvae was also studied in red-spotted newts. Females showed no significant discrimination abilities during acts of cannibalism on larvae. Larvae spent similar amounts of time with siblings and non-siblings. These results suggest that the ability of adult newts to discriminate among eggs varies between species and that the elicitation of a kin-discrimination response may be context-dependent. For red-spotted newts, there was no evidence of discrimination abilities within and between other life-history stages.  相似文献   

大凉螈繁殖生态   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
龚宇舟  王刚  黄蜂  何流洋  束潇潇  谢锋 《生态学报》2019,39(9):3144-3152
大凉螈是我国特有的珍稀有尾两栖动物,其种群数量目前呈现明显下降趋势,然而涉及该物种保护的繁殖生态学研究仍十分匮乏。通过融合围栏陷阱及标志重捕的样方调查法,对大凉螈石棉栗子坪种群繁殖个体和变态登陆幼体的迁徙、繁殖群体种群大小、繁殖场内雌雄有效性比变化等进行了研究。运用Jolly-Seber法估测了繁殖种群大小,运用单因素方差分析或Kruskal-Wallis秩和检验比较了不同时期进入繁殖场的雄性大凉螈头体长及体重,运用t检验或者Wilcoxon秩和检验比较了雌雄性间形态上的差异,运用t检验、t′检验或Wilcoxon秩和检验比较了野外抱对雄性与非抱对雄性间的体征差别,运用Pearson相关分析探讨了雌性产卵量与其身体形态的关系,同时观察了卵的孵化情况。研究结果表明:大凉螈的繁殖季为每年的4月下旬到7月下旬,幼体最早于8月上旬变态登陆。估测调查地繁殖场内雄性大凉螈繁殖种群大小约为391尾,雄螈较雌螈更早进入繁殖场且在场内停留时间更长,体重较轻的雄螈较晚迁入繁殖场。有效性比明显偏雄(雌/雄:0.03—0.10)。雌雄间具明显性二型性,雌性个体的头体长、体重及肥满度均大于雄性,而雄性的尾高和尾长占全长的比例则大于雌性。对比自然抱对雄性和非抱对雄性个体发现,抱对个体在头体长、体重和尾高等体征方面显著大于非抱对个体,暗示这些形态特征可能在雄性竞争配偶的过程中起到关键作用。雌螈在室内条件下平均产卵数为176枚,产卵历时2—4 d,产卵量与雌性肥满度正相关,卵的平均孵化期为15.7 d,孵出幼体平均全长为9.74 mm。  相似文献   

In species with biparental care, a conflict of interest can arise if one mate tries to maximize its own reproductive success at the expense of the other's. One of the mates can desert the brood to accrue a number of benefits to enhance its own fitness, leaving parental care to the remaining parent. This study is the first to describe the desertion pattern in a tern species (Sternidae). We investigated offspring desertion in the Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida, a species with semi‐precocial chicks. Offspring desertion was recorded in 52% of nests prior to fledging (n = 131 nests). Females also deserted during the post‐fledging period. Of the deserters, 97% were females. Desertions started when chicks were 5 days old and no longer required intense brooding. Desertions before fledging did not affect fledging success. Provisioning rates between pair members differed, and females supplied much less food than males. Female provisioning rate affected the chances of nest desertion significantly: daily desertion rates were lower when females supplied more food. After females had deserted, males increased their provisioning rates but compensated for the loss of female care only partly in two‐ and three‐chick broods. Only in small (one‐chick) broods was compensation full. We conclude that male and female Whiskered Terns adopt different reproductive strategies in the population studied here. Females invest much less in parental care than males, providing less food and deserting more frequently. Given the ready availability of food and low predation pressure, benefits appear to accrue to females that desert; selection forces may therefore not be acting against female desertion.  相似文献   

P. Verrell    Norah  McCabe 《Journal of Zoology》1988,214(3):533-545
This study reports observations of smooth newts, Triturus vulgaris vulgaris , breeding in a pond in southern England. Efforts were made to collect data on the timing of oviposition and on sexual behaviour during the breeding seasons of 1985 and 1986. Despite some between-year differences in the timing of certain events, the qualitative pattern of reproduction was similar in both years. Courtship interactions were seen most frequently during a relatively short period of time before females began laying their eggs, which occurred in a highly synchronized manner. It seems likely that the probability of any one courtship encounter resulting in spermatophore transfer was low. Males competed for mates by chasing females and by interfering with one another's courtships, but no overt aggression was seen. Females appeared to find such male-male interactions 'aversive'. Scramble competition between males was most intense when the majority of females in the population were laying their eggs and were unresponsive to courtship. The mating system of the smooth newt most closely resembles a lek in which the intensity of sexual selection among males varies as a function of female availability.  相似文献   

Reproductive behavior of the foam-nesting treefrog,Rhacophorus arboreus, is described. Oviposition was made either by an amplectant pair (a female, and an amplectant male) alone or by an amplectant pair and other males (joiners). The snout-vent length of males and females was negatively correlated with the date of the first appearance in the pond. The period of staying in the pond in males was longer than that in females. Physical body contacts of other males, and encounter calls by ampletant males were frequently observed before oviposition with joiners. Snout-vent length of the female and an amplectant male were positively correlated. Encounter calls by amplectant males were likely to precede movement of females. There was no difference of snout-vent length between amplectant males and joiners. Females moved the hindlimbs more frequently than males during oviposition. Amplectant males made encounter cells more frequently in oviposition with joiners, than oviposition without joiners. The patterns of transitions between acts of females and amplectant males were similar between oviposition with and without joiners. Females more frequently responded to amplectant males than joiners. Both the duration of a bout of the movements of hindlimbs of females and the interval between the bouts were longer in oviposition without joiners than that with joiners. The number of the movements per bout in oviposition without joiners was smaller than that with joiners. Encounter calls by amplectant males during oviposition tended to precede the hindlimb movements of females.  相似文献   

Newts were collected throughout the year from both breeding ponds and terrestrial sites and were weighed, measured and dissected; in males, the testes were examined histologically. Smooth newts show post-nuptial gametogenesis such that, during late summer and autumn they are producing mature gametes for the following year's breeding season. In males, the testes are at their smallest size during the spring, when they consist mostly of immature sperm cysts and evacuated tissue, mature sperm having been evacuated into the vasa deferentia during the newts' migration to water. Evacuated testicular tissue is glandular in function and there is evidence that secretions from this tissue control the development of secondary sexual characters: the dorsal crest, fringes of skin on the toes and the dorsal cloacal gland. In both sexes, fat body and liver weights are lowest in the spring and increase in the autumn. In females, oocytes vary in size, depending on the amount of yolk they contain. Only the larger oocytes are laid in a current breeding season, the smaller ones being retained and yolked in late summer and autumn. In both sexes, measures of fecundity (testis size in males, oocyte number in females) are strongly correlated with body size. The finding that male newts have a finite supply of sperm during the breeding season leads to an interpretation of various aspects of male courtship behaviour. These are adaptations for conserving sperm and allocating it to courtship encounters in a way likely to promote male reproductive success.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of a population of crested newts Triturus cristatus were studied in 1983 at a pond in southern England, Three length classes of individuals were distinguished. Adult newts between 67 and 84 mm snout-vent length migrated to the pond in spring, on days when the temperature approached 5°C. Males tended to arrive earlier than females and to remain in the pond for longer. A second period of immigration of smaller adults, between 57 and 70 mm in length, took place in the autumn; these newts overwintered in the water and may have been about to breed for the first time. Juvenile newts measuring between 40 and 51 mm in length also visited the pond during the spring and summer. Immigrant male and juvenile crested newts were significantly higher in weight than emigrants: there was no significant difference between the weights of immigrating and emigrating females.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of mating frequency on female longevity and fecundity in the mite Caloglyphus berlesei. We tested the hypothesis that high promiscuity is selected for in this species because females receive nutrients during copulation. Females were constantly exposed to either one or four males and fed either a standard or poor diet. The prediction that frequent mating benefits females was not confirmed. On the contrary, females kept with four males had significantly lower longevity on both diets and on the standard diet they also had decreased fecundity compared to females exposed to one male. On the poor diet the number of males had no significant effect on fecundity. Thus, increased mating frequency had a detrimental effect on female fitness.  相似文献   

Summary The response by male and female plants to herbivory was studied by experimental defoliation of the dioecious perennial herb Silene dioica in a green-house. Male and female plants were defoliated prior to and during the early flowering phase at two intensities (50% and 100% of leaf-area removed) in two consecutive years. Defoliation resulted in a decrease in the number of flowers initiated in both sexes, while a larger delay of peak flowering and a higher mortality was observed in males compared to females. In female plants, severe defoliation resulted in a reduction in seed number per capsule and in seed size compared to control. Females showed a negative correlation between the production of flowers in the first and second season in all treatments, while flowering in males the first season was not correlated with flowering in the second season. Females also showed a lower frequency of flowering than males during the two seasons studied. However, during the flowering period, males allocated significantly more biomass to flowers than did females. This outcome supports the idea that females may have a higher total reproductive expenditure than males, but males have a higher reproductive effort during flowering. Male rosette leaves were significantly preferred by the generalist herbivore Arianta arbustorum in experiments. This preference was most pronounced in trials with leaves from fertilized plants compared to nonfertilized plants. A greater storage of resources in aboveground leaves during winter by males compared to females may explain the higher preference for male leaves and the higher male mortality following early defoliation. Furthermore, males are smaller than females and may have a lower ability than females to replace lost resources needed for reproduction when defoliated early in the season.  相似文献   

Cyproterone acetate was administered either orally or intraperitoneally to intact, adult male newts, Taricha granulosa. The number of males that exhibited the courtship behavior of clasping when tested with nuptial females was not altered by the antiandrogen treatments. In males which were unresponsive to nuptial females, the occurrence of clasping was not evoked by injections for 4 days of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, or 11-ketotestosterone. Further, the incidence of clasping was not significantly elevated by injections of prolactin and/or testosterone for 30 days. The effect of sexual activity on testosterone and dihydrotestosterone levels in male newts was determined by radioimmunoassay of plasma collected from males which were: (1) isolated from females; (2) allowed to clasp a female for 2 min; or (3) allowed to clasp a female for 1 hr. The testosterone and dihydrotestosterone levels were unchanged during this period of clasping. In February and again in June, plasma androgen concentrations were measured in males which differed in their propensity to initiate courtship when paired with females. Androgen levels were similar for males that clasped a female and males that never attempted to clasp a female. Plasma androgen levels in the male newt are apparently not correlated with sexual responsiveness.  相似文献   

Competition between unmated females for males was observed in the smooth newt, T. vulgaris, during the early part of the breeding season. Females interfered at the spermatophore-transfer stage of courtship, preventing a rival female from picking up the sperm mass. Interference often resulted in the rival female abandoning the courtship encounter. In many of the encounters (70%), the interfering female was inseminated. However, interference between females was not observed after the commencement of ovulation. By contrast, the incidence of sexual interference between males was low during the preovulatory period and increased significantly post-ovulation. Sexual interference in newts and salamanders has previously only been observed between males. During the greater part of the breeding season, when females are ovipositing, eggs are the limiting resource and males compete for access to receptive females. However, this study suggests that early in the breeding season, prior to commencement of ovulation, the limiting resource may temporarily be sperm, due to the physiological constraint of spermatophore production. This may lead to female competition for mates.  相似文献   

To clarify whether multiple mating of females and males affects the reproductive performance of the rice leaffolder moth, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenée), we examined the effect of the number of matings (once, twice, or three times) for females (female treatment) and males (male treatment) on the incidence of moth mating, number of eggs laid, egg hatchability, and adult longevity. We also compared the effect of multiple mating imposed on males or females separately with the effect of that imposed on both sexes simultaneously (both sexes treatment). The incidence of mating of females and males that mated three times (3-mated females and males) was significantly lower than for females and males that mated twice or once (2-mated or 1-mated females and males). The incidence of mating of 1-mated moths (both sexes) was significantly higher than for 2-mated or 3-mated moths (both sexes). Two-mated or 3-mated females laid significantly more eggs with significantly higher hatchability than 1-mated females. Females that mated with 1-mated males (second male mating) or 2-mated males (third male mating) laid significantly fewer eggs than those that mated with virgin males (first male mating). Females laid significantly more eggs after the second and third matings for moths of both sexes than after the first mating for moths of both sexes. The mechanisms of improvement and decline of female reproductive performance when multiple mating was imposed on males or females are also discussed in relation to the reproductive biology of C. medinalis.  相似文献   

Summary Multivariate analyses of 18 morphological variables recorded for amplectant males and females and non-amplectant males of Hyla marmorata and Triprion petasatus reveal that in both of these explosive breeding species, mating is significantly non-random. Females of H. marmorata from the relatively aseasonal environment of the Upper Amazon Basin average larger than males, and amplectant males average larger than non-amplectant males. Females of Triprion petasatus from the seasonal environment of the Yucatan Peninsula average larger than males, the sizes of males are significantly correlated with the sizes of the females with which they are paired in amplexus, and amplectant males have shorter internarial distances than non-amplectant males. For both species, non-random mating is interpretable in terms of sexual selection, but the relative importance of male-male competition and female choice cannot be assessed.  相似文献   

We investigated antipredatory costs associated with mate guarding as potential costs of reproduction for male broad-headed skinks. Mate guarding by male lizards may increase fitness by preventing loss of fertilizations of the guarded female's eggs to other males, but it may have several costs. In addition to lost opportunities to search for additional females, risk of injury while fighting other males, and energetic expenditures while following females and fighting, guarding males might suffer increased risk of predation and reduction of opportunities to forage. We studied potential antipredatory costs of mate guarding by simulating predators searching for and approaching pairs of lizards in the field. Among pairs of lizards in close proximity to each other, males were detected before females 10 times more frequently than females were detected before males, and females fled before males much more frequently than males fled before females when pairs were approached, leaving the males exposed to the predator. After one or both lizards fled, males frequently followed females by scanning visually and scent trailing, exposing themselves to the predator while the female hid. Females never followed males. The implications of these findings for antipredatory costs of mate guarding are discussed. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

In some species, females sequentially mate with different maleswithin a single mating period, store sperm until the eggs areeventually fertilized, and gain no other resources from themales. Halliday hypothesized that, for such species, a femalecould ensure fertilization of her eggs by mating with the firstmale that she encounters; thereafter, she can maximize the qualityof her progeny by sampling further males and by mating onlywith males of higher quality than previously mated males. Thishypothesis predicts that females' choosiness will increase asthe breeding season progresses. We tested this prediction ofHalliday's hypothesis by examining mate choice by female smoothnewts (Triturus vulgaris vulgaris). Males of this species developa dorsal crest during the courtship season. Crest height variesbetween males and is potentially an indicator of male quality.Initially, female smooth newts were equally willing to matewith males with low or high crests. However, in their secondmating, females remated only with high-crested males. Theseresults support our prediction and are consistent with Halliday'shypothesis. If crest height in smooth newts is an indicatorof quality, this change in females' mate choice criterion allowsfemales both to initiate egg-laying very early in the seasonand, subsequently, to mate preferentially with higher qualitymates  相似文献   

Abstract The common occurrence of polyandry continues to puzzle evolutionary biologists, as female reproductive success is thought to be limited mostly by her fecundity. Here we test whether females of the bulb mite, a species in which the females are highly promiscuous, benefit from polyandry in terms of increased fitness of their progeny. Females were given opportunity to mate with either one or six males, but the experiment was designed to allow the same number of matings per female in both groups, that is, irrespective of the number of males. We found that daughters of females mated to six males had significantly higher fecundity than daughters of females mated to one male, whereas other fitness components of progeny (male virility and longevity of both sexes) were not affected. These findings appear to support hypotheses proposing that multi-male mating enables females to exercise postcopulatory mate-choice (direct or indirect, via sperm competition) and thus accrue genetic benefits.  相似文献   

Location of breeding or egg-laying sites may be an important factor underlying social behavior of many organisms. We studied oviposition sites used by a population of Leucorrhinia intacta dragonflies at a small pond near Syracuse, NY, USA. Females preferentially used shallow water as an oviposition habitat. Shallow water increases egg hatching rate through temperature effects on development time and reduces predation on the female. Use of shallow water areas was reduced by locally high densities of territorial males. The same oviposition sites probably maximized the fitness of the male, female, and offspring, meaning that site selection did not necessitate fitness tradeoffs among these classes of individuals. Pond sectors used by ovipositing females were significantly correlated within and between years, but not within days or between consecutive days. Use of pond sectors within and between days was not related to the relative availability of the shallow water habitat, while seasonal use of pond sectors was related positively to availability of shallow water. In spite of the preference by females for ovipositing in shallow water, short-term location of females was not predictable and males could not search predictably good areas during a day. However, across a season, areas with more shallow water available were used for oviposition more than areas with limited substrate.  相似文献   

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