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灵长类社会中存在着非母亲成员(成年雌猴、青少年猴和成年雄猴)对婴儿的照料行为,即非母亲照料行为,该行为直接影响新生婴儿的存活与发育以及婴儿母亲的日常活动,是灵长类学研究领域的热点问题.本研究于2019年3月至2019年11月,采用焦点动物取样和瞬时扫描取样,探究了川金丝猴非母亲照料行为的影响因素及其对母亲活动分配的影响...  相似文献   

美国研究人员5月27日说,母亲在孕期长时间暴露在含铅的环境中会造成婴儿大脑永久性损伤,可能会引发婴儿成年后的犯罪行为。  相似文献   

秦岭川金丝猴一周岁内个体的行为发育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2003年3月至2004年5月在陕西周至国家自然保护区的玉皇庙地区,采用目标动物取样法(Focal ani-mal sampling)对2003年出生的5只金丝猴个体行为发育进行了观察,应用全事件记录法(All-occurrences record-ing)进行数据的收集。结果表明23日龄婴儿首次从母亲怀内爬出在树枝上活动,68日龄开始在树上攀爬跳跃,5月龄主动采食树叶和啃投食区食物,6月龄跟随社群迁移。依据婴幼儿主要行为首次出现时间及其变化,把1周岁内个体发育分为5个时期,即完全依赖期、探索外部世界期、融入社群期、适应生存期和逐步独立期。1周岁内婴幼儿活动和休息的地方是母亲怀里、其它个体怀里、树枝上和地面上。随着发育,婴幼儿在这些地方停留的时间也在变化。1周岁内婴幼儿在母亲怀中的时间与年龄存在明显的负相关,在其它个体怀里的时间与年龄也呈显著负相关。虽然独自在树上的时间与年龄相关性不显著,但在地面上停留的时间与年龄呈正相关。  相似文献   

妊娠期肥胖发生率在世界范围内呈上升趋势,成为影响人类健康的公共卫生问题。肥胖母亲肠道菌群失调导致婴儿早期定植菌群异常,而婴儿早期菌群定植情况与其日后生长发育密切相关,容易导致成年后出现肥胖、胰岛素抵抗、代谢综合征等疾病。因此针对肥胖孕妇肠道菌群分析,以及婴儿肠道菌群及生长发育的分析,对于孕妇孕期管理、健康宣教提高国民整体身体素质具有重要意义。  相似文献   

肠道菌群的结构对婴儿肠道系统发育及免疫系统构建具有重要的影响,研究表明最初的婴儿肠道菌群在母亲子宫内就已经存在并受分娩方式和喂养方式的影响。本研究从母亲怀孕、分娩、喂养三个阶段综述母婴间的菌群传递,为母婴间菌群传递机制及婴儿肠道菌群对其免疫系统构建的影响提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

本研究旨在通过评估新生儿的精确磁共振成像,确定妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)、肥胖母亲的后代与正常体重女性的后代相比,新生儿脂肪沉积模式是否存在早期影响。对正常体重母亲(n=13)和肥胖母亲(GDM)(n=12)的25名新生儿进行磁共振成像测量皮下和腹部脂肪和磁共振波谱,以测量1~3岁时肝内脂质(IHCL)脂肪的含量。结果表明,与正常体重母亲所生的婴儿相比,肥胖/妊娠糖尿病母亲所生婴儿的IHCL平均增加了68%。对于所有婴儿,IHCL与孕妇体重指数相关,但与皮下脂肪无关。新生儿肝脏沉积物与母亲体重指数高度相关。这一发现可能有助于了解儿童非酒精性脂肪肝的发病起源。  相似文献   

在机体中,瘦素可通过调节脂肪的沉积,而参与能量代谢,同时在生殖、造血、免疫调节和神经内分泌系统等方面发挥着重要的作用。研究发现,瘦素在糖尿病母亲婴儿体内的表达会增高,且浓度在胎儿及新生儿期发生动态的变化。同时,瘦素与其体重及畸形发病率也存在一定的联系。另有研究显示,瘦素浓度与新生儿免疫功能密切相关,而糖尿病母亲婴儿体内的高瘦素水平必然会给其免疫系统带来一定的影响。由此可以看出,瘦素对糖尿病母亲婴儿产生着深刻的影响,所以其在临床诊疗中的应用有着非常大的意义。糖尿病母亲婴儿出生后及时瘦素的监测及采取相应的应对措施,对于其并发症的发生起到防治的作用。同时,糖尿病母亲在孕期血糖的控制,可以减少瘦素的分泌,从而减少并发症的发生。  相似文献   

秦岭羚牛群体分离与重组的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对4只佩戴无线电颈圈的羚牛进行直接观察的结果表明,羚牛群体的结构和组成是经常发生变化的。在羚牛各集群类型中,家群的稳定性最高,社群次之,混合群较差。虽然家群具有较高的稳定性,但是除母牛及其幼仔外,家群的其它成员也经常变化,羚牛的亚成体也不是构成家群的稳定成员。繁殖是羚牛集群类型变化的主要原因之一。在繁殖期中健壮的成年雄性个体因寻找配偶离开原群,在各群间游荡,成为羚牛群中最不稳定的成员。亚成体在其母亲产下幼仔后可能会中断与母牛间的关系,进入混合群和社群。羚牛反捕食策略和护幼行为也会影响羚牛群的分群和重组。  相似文献   

<正> 台湾是HBV传染的高发区,估计有30-50%的HBsAg慢性携带者是由围产期传染的结果。携带HBsAg的母亲所生婴儿,3个月内,大约有三分之一变成HBsAg阳性。如果这些母亲又是HBeAg阳性,其婴儿的感染率增加到90%。一旦婴儿变成HBsAg阳性,在6-9个月期间,阳性率大约是90%,最终大多数将变成慢性携带者。在台湾每年的新生儿有35万到40万,其中7万多是由慢性  相似文献   

社会联属是指一些社会性动物社群内由于不同年龄、性别组的个体的社会角色与等级地位存在明显差异,在个体间形成的复杂的支配-从属关系,而这种支配-从属关系在不同的物种有着各自独特的模式(Clutton-Brock,1974)。了解社群内个体通过亲缘、非亲缘联盟、婚配、竞争而建立的支配-从属关系,是进一步开展社群内个体等级与资源竞争、互惠利益、母系投入策略等诸多研究的前提,  相似文献   

This paper examines maternal trade-offs between subsistence/economic activities and caregiving, and it explores the effect of allomaternal investment on maternal time allocation and child care. I examine how nonmaternal investment in two multiple caregiving populations may offset possible risk factors associated with reductions in maternal caregiving. Behavioral observations were conducted on 8- to 12-month-old infants and their caregivers among the Aka tropical forest foragers and Ngandu farmers of Central Africa. Analysis demonstrates that mothers face trade-offs between subsistence/economic activities and infant care. Infants receive less investment when their mothers engage in subsistence/economic activities, indicating a potential risk to those infants. However, results indicate that allomothers target their assistance during times when mothers are engaged in work activities, partially offsetting potential risks associated with the maternal trade-off. The effects of intercultural variability on maternal time allocation and allomaternal investment are also explored as a means of examining the potential impact of their behaviors on infant care.  相似文献   

An infant langur,Presbytis obscurus, was observed in a group setting, from birth until 1 year of age. Frequency or duration of 30 behaviors was recorded during 2 hour periods and plotted chronologically. Based on fluctuations and interrelations of these behaviors, age classes were designated. The Maternal Care Period (0–20 days) is characterized by close mother-infant contact, including a great deal of nipple contact and a high frequency of maternal behaviors. The Individuation Period (21–70 days) is typified by maternal restraint and retrieval, and independence and self-oriented behaviors like scratching, mouthing, and locomotory skills. The Socialization Period (71–240 days) is manifested by behavioral fluctuations, involving nipple contact, play, and care by other troop members and coincides with the molt from infant to juvenile pelage. Finally, during the Juvenile Period, the motherinfant distance increases and the mother interacts more with other troop members. Behavioral fluctuations observed in this infant langur are discussed with reference to other primates studied.  相似文献   

Matrices of correlation coefficients among 38 behaviors of 32 mother-infant pairs are presented as an aid to future investigations involving experimental manipulations of the development of maternal and infant behaviors in the rhesus monkey. Such matrices are particularly useful when employed in the construction of social behavior scoring systems.  相似文献   

We studied the relationship between maternal behavior and infant disability in 12 mother-infant dyads for the first 5 weeks of infant life in the free-ranging Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata) group on Awaji Island, Japan, from May to September 2001. Congenital limb malformations are prevalent in this population, and as such carry implications for behavior and conservation. We did not detect any differences in maternal activity budgets, mother-infant physical contact, infant holding, and overall nursing and infant transport time between mothers of non-disabled infants, disabled infants that were able to cling to their mothers, and disabled infants whose limb structure prevented clinging. Mothers of infants with limb malformations severe enough to prevent normal clinging behavior manually supported their infants during nursing and locomotion significantly more than other mothers did theirs. Increased support-carrying and support-nursing, and higher frequencies of holding the infant to one's ventrum, suggest that mothers of extensively malformed infants may be investing more to facilitate the survival of their offspring and that infant disability appears to be influencing maternal behaviors in this population.  相似文献   

Interactions of seven infant stumptail macaques with aunts and immatures were observed during the infants' first 60 days of life in colony groups. Data were collected using 14 interaction categories, including typical maternal behaviors, play, and five categories of momentary touching. Aunts and immatures rarely engaged in maternal behaviors such as clinging, carrying, or retrieving. Both aunts and immatures were recorded momentarily touching the infants; aunts groomed them and immatures began playing with them during the second month. Such play was primarily between age-mates and rarely between infants and yearlings. Adult males engaged in more maternal behavior than aunts during the infants' first two months of life.  相似文献   

Studies on Cercopithecine primate maternal styles, using factor analysis on a set of maternal behaviors, commonly render two factors that describe separate dimensions of maternal behavior: protectiveness and rejection. The aims of this study were to 1) investigate whether this method for determining maternal styles in Cercopithecine species can be applied to bonobos (Pan paniscus) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), 2) determine whether they follow the same pattern, and 3) assess whether species differences in maternal style are apparent. We performed a factor analysis on nine maternal behaviors using data on eight mother-infant pairs of each species. This resulted in three factors: protectiveness, distance, and refusal. Protectiveness is positively correlated with time spent in ventral contact, making contact, approaching, and restraining. Distance is positively related with breaking contact and leaving. Refusal is positively correlated with rejecting and nipple-rejecting. The pattern of protectiveness corresponds with the pattern found in Cercopithecine species, suggesting a high consistency of this dimension across species and higher taxa. The retention of the other two factors indicates that in the Pan species, breaking contact and leaving represent another dimension, apart from rejecting and nipple-rejecting, which usually fall under one dimension in Cercopithecine species. An interspecific comparison of the factor scores for each dimension of maternal behavior reveals that, on average, bonobos and chimpanzees score equally on protectiveness. Scores on distance increase positively with infant age in chimpanzees, and negatively in bonobos, and on average bonobos have higher scores on refusal. These interspecies differences in maternal style are discussed in the light of interspecies differences in infant development, infant vulnerability to aggression, interbirth intervals, and female sociality.  相似文献   

Filmed observations of spontaneous interactions between mothers and their newborn infants were used to quantify the maternal tactile behaviours. These behaviours were analysed in relation to the activity of the newborn infant and the different characteristics of the mother and the newborn infant.  相似文献   

A number of social behaviors were observed in a captive troop ofColobus guereza on a regular basis for eight months. These included clasping and related behaviors, forward mounts, rear mounts, presents, troop positions during rest periods, infant transfers and attempted transfers, play, and grooming. During the observation period two significant events occurred: a re-introduction of a mother and her juvenile female, and the birth of an infant to a resident female. These events caused an increase in certain adult behaviors indicating a relationship of them with similar behaviors done between mothers and infants. This similarity seemed to indicate the co-evolution of “maternal” behaviors for use in adult social interactions and the phenomenon of infant transfer or sharing. The maternal and socio-maternal behaviors and their infantile precursors are then discussed in relation to the ontogeny of behavioral forms, the ontogeny of motivation in such behaviors, and the idea of infantile regression during development and in adult life.  相似文献   

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