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雅鲁藏布江流域底栖动物多样性及生态评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
雅鲁藏布江起源于喜马拉雅山,是世界上海拔最高的河流之一,是流经我国西藏境内重要的国际河流,其河流生态系统具有特殊地貌及生态条件。研究该流域底栖动物多样性分布特征及其影响因子,是科学评价该区域河流生态系统健康状况,实现资源可持续开发利用的基础。2009年10月—2010年6月期间,以底栖动物作为指示物种,对雅江流域干支流及堰塞湖的14个采样断面进行河流生态评价。采用Alpha及Beta生物多样性指数分别指示局部采样河段及全区域的底栖动物多样性。对采样断面底栖动物组成分析发现:14个采样断面共采集到底栖动物110种,隶属57科102属。雅江干流底栖动物种类数最高为29,平均为19。支流年楚河种类数为17。支流拉萨河,尼洋河,帕龙藏布的最高种类数分别为25,33,36;平均种类数分别为21,21,22,生物多样性普遍高于干流。整个流域中底栖动物平均种类数相差不大,但种类组成和密度相差较大。调查区域的Beta多样性指数β高于低海拔地区的相似的山区河流,说明雅江流域内底栖动物群落差异性高于正常海拔地区。对14个采样断面的物种组成进行除趋势对应分析表明:影响雅江流域底栖动物多样性的主要因素为河型,河床阻力结构,堤岸结构,水流流速。保持稳定的阶梯-深潭结构和自然堤岸结构,以及适宜的流速有利于保护雅江河流生态。  相似文献   

李朝  蔡琨  杜娟  杨靖  李勇  胡红娟 《生态科学》2016,35(1):61-66
对徐州市京杭运河市区段和市区湖泊云龙湖进行了大型底栖动物群落结构及影响因子的比较研究。结果显示:城市河流和湖泊生态系统中, 大型底栖动物种类较少、群落结构相对简单, 其中城市河流大型底栖动物的组成主要为水栖寡毛类和软体动物, 城市湖泊大型底栖动物主要组成为水栖寡毛类和摇蚊幼虫。除Margalef 物种丰富度指数外, 河流与湖泊的其他群落指数相差不大。聚类分析将两类生态系统中的大型底栖动物群落明显分为两组。CCA 结果显示云龙湖大型底栖动物群落的主要影响因子是pH 和溶解氧, 京杭运河徐州市区段大型底栖动物群落的主要影响因子是总磷和化学需氧量。  相似文献   

为系统了解目前长江中下游干流大型底栖动物群落结构现状, 于2016年5—6月和10—12月对长江干流宜昌-安庆段进行2次调查。共记录大型底栖动物96种, 水生昆虫种类数最多, 占总数的49.0%。大部分物种(58.7%)的出现频率都较低(<1%), 且各江段种类组成差异较大。大型底栖动物密度为(213±58) ind./m2, 生物量为(0.202±0.066) g/m2。大型底栖动物群落结构汛前汛后差异显著, 汛后种类数和现存量均明显下降。与建坝前资料相比, 大型底栖动物群落结构发生较大改变, 种类数增加, 现存量下降。环境分析表明影响大型底栖动物分布的主要因素是流速, 底质和水质的影响不大。大型底栖动物现存量下降与建坝后干流冲刷加剧有关, 针对底栖动物保护, 建议开展水沙调节、营造缓流生境并加强洲滩保护。  相似文献   

为了解互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)入侵红树林的生态影响, 作者对位于北海市西村港的红树林湿地以及周边互花米草盐沼的大型底栖动物群落多样性和群落结构进行了研究。2012年10月至2013年9月连续4次取样, 按照取样时间研究大型底栖动物的种类、物种组成、生物量和生物多样性等群落特征的差异, 探讨互花米草入侵红树林湿地对大型底栖动物的影响。本研究共采集底栖动物16种, 隶属于5门7纲15科, 其中互花米草群落10种, 红树林湿地12种。研究发现互花米草入侵后中国绿螂(Glauconome chinensis)个体数量剧增, 导致不同采样时间互花米草盐沼的大型底栖动物生物量均显著高于红树林湿地; 除个别月份外, 红树林湿地大型底栖动物的Margalef丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数均显著高于互花米草群落。基于生境-采样时间的双因素方差分析结果表明, Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Simpson指数在两种生境间差异显著; 两种生境的Margalef丰富度和Pielou均匀度指数在不同采样时间差异显著; 大型底栖动物生物量和物种数量在两种生境间和不同采样时间差异均显著。基于多元回归分析的研究结果表明, 互花米草密度是影响大型底栖动物生物量的关键因子, 而互花米草株高可以解释物种个体数量、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Simpson指数在两种生境的变化。对不同采样时间大型底栖动物群落结构的非度量多维度(non-metric multidimensional scaling, NMDS)分析结果表明, 红树林与互花米草群落的大型底栖动物群落相似性很低。总而言之, 在西村港地区, 互花米草入侵虽然增加了大型底栖动物的生物量, 但由于优势物种的凸显, 显著降低了大型底栖动物群落的多样性, 且种类组成与群落结构与红树林群落相比已有差异。由此可见, 互花米草入侵红树林对当地的大型底栖动物群落多样性造成影响。  相似文献   

于2014和2015年7月对新疆伊犁河支流喀什河和巩乃斯河共14个采样点的大型底栖无脊椎动物进行了调查研究, 比较分析了自然、受损、坝下和保护区4种生境的大型底栖动物群落结构特征。共采集大型底栖动物14435头, 属10目39科81属(种), 其中水生昆虫、软体动物、寡毛类分别占93.8%、2.5%和3.7%。对不同生境大型底栖动物群落结构特征进行了分析比较, 结果表明: 自然生境在物种数、优势物种数、EPT物种数、密度和物种多样性方面均高于其他3种生境, 而坝下生境均最低, 保护区生境底栖动物群落结构优于受损生境和坝下生境。冗余分析(RDA)结果共解释了物种数据累计方差的54.1%, 流速、电导率、水温和海拔是影响伊犁河底栖动物分布的主要因素(F=2.28—4.34, P<0.05)。  相似文献   

中国自然湿地底栖动物生态学研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
底栖动物是湿地生态系统中的一个重要组成部分,在能量流动和物质循环中起着承上启下的作用。其群落结构能反映出底质条件、水质状况、水温等非生物因子以及植被、物种间的影响、捕食压力等生物因子的情况。本文概括了底栖动物的概念、生活型和功能群的划分,探讨了底栖动物群落生态学研究的特点及目前中国底栖动物的研究重点和主要研究成果,重点讨论了底栖动物群落分布的时空差异、底栖动物与环境因子之间的关系以及底栖动物的生物指示作用,并展望了底栖动物研究的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

马康  史璇  尤晓光  刘静玲 《生态学报》2021,41(5):2001-2010
河流岸带湿地栖息地完整性对河流水环境、水生态和水文的安全与健康具有重要意义,为探究河流岸带湿地表层沉积物重金属分布特征及其对植被和底栖动物的影响,对滦河干流上中下游河段表层沉积物、植物群落和底栖动物调查分析,采用生物毒性效应系数法和综合潜在生态风险指数法评价沉积物重金属污染特征,采用植被物种多样性指数和底栖动物完整性指数评价滦河植物和底栖动物群落特征,探究岸带湿地沉积物重金属空间分布与植被及底栖动物群落特征之间关系。结果表明,滦河表层沉积物总体呈清洁水平,但不同河段重金属空间分布差异较大,下游重金属生态危害系数和潜在生态风险指数高于上中游。湿地物种调查共识别维管束植物219种,大型无脊椎底栖动物105种,综合评价结果表明下游植物群落物种多样性和底栖动物群落完整性低于上中游。滦河下游岸带湿地沉积物重金属对生物群落具有生物毒性和潜在的生态风险,降低了植被物种多样性和底栖动物群落完整性。大型底栖动物完整性指数能够综合反映底栖动物群落结构特征变化,对河岸带湿地生态健康评价和监测具有重要意义。  相似文献   

流溪河大型底栖动物群落的时空分布及其影响因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流溪河位于我国热带与亚热带过渡区,其底栖动物种类丰富,群落的物种组成结构具有明显的区域性,掌握该地区的物种组成特征及与环境要素的关系是建立生态监测与评估方法的基础。于2018年的枯水期(3月、12月)和丰水期(6月、9月),自流溪河上游至下游共计20个段面对底栖动物进行了定量采样,同时测定了相应的环境因子,采用多元统计方法对流溪河水环境与群落结构及其相关关系进行了分析。共检出底栖动物76个分类单元,隶属于7纲20目50科,其中水生昆虫相对丰度最高,占69.39%。在4个优势分类单元中,摇蚊族(Chironomini)相对丰度为20.19%,河蚬(Corbicula fluminea)、短沟蜷属的一种(Semisulcospira sp.1)、双突细蜉(Caenis bicornis),相对丰度在7%-9%之间。底栖动物丰度和种类多样性均与浊度呈显著负相关;枯水期底栖动物丰度与总磷呈显著负相关,丰水期则呈显著正相关。在丰水期,不同河流级别上底栖动物群落具有明显的差异,表现较强的分布格局,而在枯水期这种分布格局不明显。典范对应分析(CCA)表明,在丰水期,影响或解释流溪河底栖动物群落变化的主要因子为pH、溶解氧、水温、电导率和硅酸盐,而在枯水期则为pH和硝态氮。受电站与采沙的影响,部分河段发生非自然断流和底质的显著改变,导致底质与水深等数据的异常变化,反映了人类活动对该河流生境与环境的重要影响。  相似文献   

雅砻江(锦屏段)及其主要支流的大型底栖动物   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
分别于2004年5月和11月对雅砻江锦屏段及其主要支流25个采样点的大型底栖动物进行了采样.研究发现, 5月和11月整个采样区域的最优势类群为四节蜉稚虫1种(Baetis sp.)(Baetidae, Ephemeroptera),相对百分比分别达到14.9%和27.0%.利用大型底栖动物的物种组成和物种相对丰度,应用双向指示种分析和无偏对应分析,对11月份的25个样点的分组研究表明,底栖动物类群按照所处的生境类型分为4个主要类群.典范对应分析表明,5月影响底栖动物群落结构的主要环境因子为海拔高度、氨氮和硬度,11月影响底栖动物分布的主要环境因子为海拔高度、二氧化硅、硬度和氨氮.  相似文献   

城市溪流中径流式低坝对底栖动物群落结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
调查了浙江省安吉县内具径流式低坝的城市溪流(6个样点)和参照溪流(3个样点)的底栖动物群落,目的是了解城市溪流底栖动物群落结构退化规律和径流式低坝(2—3 m)对城市溪流底栖动物群落组成与结构的影响。结果表明,参照样点的底质组成以大石块(35.92%)和卵石(33.66%)为主,城市溪流以砾石为主(57.97%)。城市溪流水温和电导率显著高于参照溪流,TN和TP高于参照溪流。底栖动物总分类单元数和EPT分类单元数显著低于参照溪流。城市溪流河道内水坝上下游之间的流速(P=0.273)和宽深比(P=3.92)无显著差异。坝下游水体中的TP高于坝上游,电导率、溶解氧、pH值和水温在坝上下游之间几乎一致。除BI指数坝下游高于坝上游外,坝上下游间底栖动物总分类单元数、EPT分类单元数以及多样性指数、优势度和均匀度指数没有显著差异。但坝下游的耐污类群比例显著高于坝上游,敏感类群比例则显著低于坝上游。与坝上游相比,坝下游捕食者比例上升和集食者比例下降。NMDS结果进一步表明,城市溪流内水坝的建设导致坝上下游底栖动物群落物种组成明显改变。  相似文献   

1. Annual production was estimated for macroinvertebrate communities of principle habitats along a first- to seventh-order river continuum in the southern Appalachian Mountains (U.S.A.). Annual production was relatively low in depositional habitats, pebble/gravel substrata, and on cobble devoid of plant biomass (mosses and hydrophytes). Production was greater in bedrock habitats and greatest on hydrophyte-covered cobble, with estimates reaching 364 g AFDM (ash-free dry mass)m–2 yr–1 in a sixth-order river reach. Annual production in depositional habitats was correlated to standing crops of benthic organic material (BOM) in low-order stream reaches but not in higher-order reaches, indicating differences in BOM availability with stream size. In cobble, pebble/gravel and bedrock habitats production was significantly correlated to standing crops of aquatic plants, which can stabilize substrata and enhance access of collector-filtering invertebrates to entrained food resources. 2. By accounting for proportional availability of habitats along the continuum, estimates of total production ranged from 5 to 154 g AFDM m–2 yr–1, and increased significantly with stream size. Annual production estimated for sixth- and seventh-order reaches of the continuum were amongst the highest reported thus far for lotic systems. Organization of the benthic community along the continuum, based on production estimates for individual functional feeding-groups, generally supported predictions of the River Continuum Concept (RCC): shredder contributions were greatest in low-order reaches and declined downstream; scraper percentages were greatest in the middle of the continuum; collector-filterer contributions increased with increasing stream size. Longitudinal trends for collector-gatherers and predators did not support RCC predictions; these groups appeared to be influenced by localized changes in habitat availability and occurrence of vertebrate predators along the continuum.  相似文献   

The assessment of benthic invertebrate community condition is an integral component of freshwater biomonitoring and water quality determination. Several sampling devices have been developed to collect benthic macroinvertebrates, including qualitative, semi-quantitative, and quantitative methods. In this study, we compared several benthic macroinvertebrate metrics and community assemblage measures calculated from data obtained from two sampling methods, namely the Kick- and U-net sampling devices. We reasoned that if the two methods produced similar values for benthic metrics and community composition, then samples collected by these methods should be able to be combined to build larger data sets for use in regional bioassessment analyses. No statistical differences between Kick- and U-net methods were found among standard benthic macroinvertebrate metrics, except for Kick-nets collecting more Chironomidae. Invertebrate assemblages were very similar between collection methods, although slightly greater taxonomic richness was found in U-net samples. Bray–Curtis similarity was typically >75% between methods within a stream, while classification strength-sampling-method comparability, an approach for analyzing differences in similarity between groups, indicated invertebrate assemblage similarity between collection methods was virtually identical at approximately 100%. Since these two methods produce similar results, we conclude that benthic macroinvertebrate data collected by these methods can be combined for data analysis and bioassessments with the caveat that mesh size of the sample nets is similar. In addition, if the primary study objective is to assess macroinvertebrate biodiversity, then the U-net sampling device may be more appropriate, despite the slightly greater time needed to complete field sample collection, as it tended to collect a greater diversity of species.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of riparian vegetation on macroinvertebrate community structure in streams of the Upper Thames River watershed in southwestern Ontario. Thirty-three μ-basins (129–1458 ha) were used to identify land cover variables that influenced stream macroinvertebrates. Micro-basins represented the entire drainage area of study streams and were similar in stream order (first, second) and land cover (agricultural or forest; no urban). We described the structure and composition of riparian vegetation and benthic macroinvertebrate communities at the outflow reach. The nature of the land cover was quantified for the stream network buffer (30 m) and the whole μ-basin. The objective of this study was to measure the magnitude and nature of the relationship between the riparian vegetation and benthic macroinvertebrate community at the outflow reach, stream network buffer, and whole μ-basin scales. Taxon richness (including total number of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera taxa) and Simpson’s diversity of the macroinvertebrate community all increased with increased tree cover in the riparian zone at the outflow reach scale. Simpson’s equitability was lower with greater agricultural land cover in the stream network buffer. No relationship between the macroinvertebrate community and land cover was found at the whole μ-basin scale. Analysis of the influence of land cover on stream communities within a spatial hierarchy is important for understanding the interactions of stream ecosystems with their adjacent landscapes.  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布江流域维系着丰富而独特的生物资源, 是全球生物多样性研究的热点区域。然而, 该流域底栖动物多样性的调查却极不充分。本文于2015年10月和2016年3月对雅鲁藏布江干流(朗县至墨脱段)和主要支流的底栖动物进行了调查, 并采用单因素方差分析(one-way ANOVA)和典范对应分析(canonical correspondence analysis)等对群落多样性格局进行解析。共采集到底栖动物270种, 隶属于5门8纲20目92科, 包括昆虫纲246种, 寡毛纲14种, 腹足纲4种, 其他动物6种。春季和秋季分别采集到底栖动物184种和214种, 优势种均以喜清洁和冷水的水生昆虫为主, 包括四节蜉属一种(Baetis sp.)、花翅蜉属一种(Baetiella sp.)、蚋属一种(Simulium sp.)、小突摇蚊属一种(Micropsetra sp.)和短石蛾属一种(Brachycentrus sp.)等。全流域平均密度为939.1 ind./m2,sp.)等。平均生物量为5.44 g/m2。底栖动物的物种组成、密度和多样性在季节和区域之间存在一定差异, 支流的多样性显著高于干流。典范对应分析显示, 海拔、流速、河宽和底质类型等环境因子是影响雅鲁藏布江流域底栖动物群落结构的关键环境因素, 而大峡谷地区多变的气候类型和地理阻隔是造成群落变化的根本原因。本研究可为雅鲁藏布江流域底栖动物多样性评估和环境监测提供重要的基础和参考。  相似文献   

Exploring the relative contribution of spatial factors and environmental variables in shaping communities is of widespread interest in biodiversity conservation and environmental management. Stream communities are hierarchically regulated by environmental variables over multiple spatial scales, and the reaction of different organisms to stressors are still equivocal. We sampled both macroinvertebrates and diatom at 80 sites and additional 10 sites for macroinvertebrates, field measured and laboratory analyzed environmental variables, from the tributaries of Qiantang River, Yangtze River Delta China in 2011. We used PCNM (principal coordinates of neighbor matrices) to generate spatial predictors. We applied redundancy analysis and variation partitioning procedures to identify key spatial and environmental factors, and to quantify their relative roles in shaping diatom and macroinvertebrate assemblages. Our results demonstrated the role of spatial and environmental variables differed in shaping benthic diatom and macroinvertebrate. Diatom assemblage variations were better explained by spatial factors, however macroinvertebrate assemblage variations were better explained by environmental variables. In terms of environmental variables, catchment scale variables (e.g., land use estimators, land use diversity) played the primary role in determining the patterns of both diatom and macroinvertebrate assemblages, whereas the influence of reach-scale variables (e.g., pH, substrates, and nutrients) appeared less. However, nutrients were the stronger factors influencing benthic diatom, whereas physical habitat (e.g., substrates) played more important role than water chemistry in structuring macroinvertebrates. Our results provided more evidence to the incorporation of spatial factors interpreting spatial patterns of stream organisms, and highlighted the useful of multiple organisms and environmental variables at different spatial scales in diagnosing mechanism of stream degradation and in building a sound stream conditions monitoring program for Yangtze River Delta.  相似文献   

In the longitudinal continuum of the Kupa River the vegetation cover and substrate type were the important environmental factors influencing the spatial differences in the biomass and community composition. Of total macroinvertebrate biomass, a significantly greater percentage of trichopterans was found on boulder and cobble substrata covered with moss (54.3% on boulders, 55.8% on cobbles) than on substrata covered with periphyton (9.9% on boulders, 14.8% on cobbles). In the potamal, trichopterans were markedly reduced (<2.5% of total macroinvertebrate biomass) on gravel substrata. A comparison of the Shannon diversity index values suggested that for trichopteran species diversity the substrate type was a more influential factor than vegetation cover. On the other hand, multidimensional scaling analysis showed that trichopteran community composition was related more significantly to vegetation cover and river area than to substrate type. In the rhithral the vegetation cover was an important factor influencing the functional feeding group composition of trichopterans. The spatial distribution of scrapers and filtering collectors depended significantly on the vegetation cover associated with substrate type, and shredder trichopterans were related to vegetation cover only. Predatory trichopterans made up 17–65% of total predator biomass, and in the rhithron area they were correlated significantly only with vegetation cover. On gravel substrata in the potamal, vegetation cover did not affect the spatial distribution of shredder and collector‐filterer trichopterans significantly.  相似文献   

【目的】松花江流域是中国最早的工业基地之一,其水生态环境遭到严重破坏,环境保护工作面临巨大挑战。开展松花江流域水质评价及典型生物类群多样性状况调查,可为松花江流域生态系统的保护和修复提供依据。【方法】于2016年7月调查整个松花江流域近岸的大型底栖动物群落组成和测定水质理化指标,开展其水质理化特征评价和生物指数评价,并探讨底栖动物群落分布与水环境因子间的关系。【结果】理化指标评价结果显示,南源松花江水质状况最差,处于中度污染;北源松花江处于轻度污染;梧桐河水质最好,处于良好状态。松花江流域3个河段的底栖动物群落结构存在空间差异性。另外,梧桐河的物种多样性最高,北源松花江次之,南源松花江最低。溶解氧和营养元素K的浓度是驱动底栖动物群落组成发生显著性差异的主要环境因子。生物指数评价结果显示,3个河段水质均处于轻度污染状态。【结论】松花江流域水质处于轻度到中度污染状态。有机污染是松花江流域面临的主要水质环境问题,对松花江流域底栖动物群落结构产生了显著影响。因此,控制有机质的输入是维持松花江流域水生态系统平衡的重要举措之一。  相似文献   

1. We examined the response of a predatory benthic fish, the longnose dace ( Rhinichthys cataractae ), to patchiness in the distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates on cobbles at three hierarchical spatial scales during summer and autumn 1996, and spring 1997 in a southern Appalachian stream. 2. At the primary scale (four to five individual cobbles separated by <1 m), the intensity of foraging was not correlated with the biomass of benthic macroinvertebrates/cobble, regardless of season. 3. At the secondary scale (i.e. foraging patches <5 m in diameter) we found that benthic macroinvertebrates were patchily distributed in summer, but not in autumn or spring. Concomitantly, in summer, longnose dace foraged on cobbles with a significantly higher biomass of benthic macronvertebrates than nearby, randomly selected cobbles with similar physical conditions (i.e. longnose dace tended to avoid low-prey foraging patches). In contrast, when benthic macroinvertebrates were distributed homogeneously (spring and autumn), dace did not select patches with a significantly higher biomass of benthic macroinvertebrates than that available on randomly selected cobbles. 4. At the tertiary scale (i.e. stream reaches 11–19 m long), the biomass of benthic macroinvertebrates (per cobble per reach) was patchily distributed (i.e. differed significantly among reaches) in all seasons. Among reaches with physical characteristics preferred by longnose dace, (i.e. erosional reaches dominated by cobble/boulder substratum and high current velocity), we detected a significant, positive correlation between the biomass of benthic macroinvertebrates/cobble and longnose dace density in all seasons. 5. Our results demonstrated that both spatial and temporal patchiness in resource availability influenced significantly the use of both foraging patches and stream reaches by longnose dace.  相似文献   

1. Organisms associated with lotic systems rank among the most threatened because of global change. Although translocation is being increasingly applied as a conservation strategy, most studies have focused on survival and recruitment of individuals, and few have attempted to identify how habitat attributes influence short‐term settlement of animals during the critical post‐release period. 2. We demonstrate the application of resource selection modelling in an information theoretic framework to identify release‐site characteristics that will increase the likelihood of settlement for a fully aquatic benthic stream salamander, the Ozark hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis bishopi). We fit discrete choice models using data from 29 radio‐tagged hellbenders that were translocated to two sites in the North Fork of the White River (NFWR), Missouri (U.S.A.). We defined resource availability at two spatial scales (stream reach and home range) and quantified abiotic habitat attributes at 3181 salamander locations and 6329 random available locations collected between May 2008 and August 2009. 3. At both sites and spatial scales, a single model received substantially greater support (0.96–1.00 of total model weight) than all other models, and top‐ranked models were similar in form and predictive ability. At both spatial scales, selection was positively influenced by the presence of cobble‐boulder substratum relative to bedrock and finer substrata. We also noted a negative interactive effect between distance to the nearest substratum particle large enough to provide cover (i.e. at least one axis ≥15 cm in length) and an increase in either a direct or relative (i.e. pool, run, and riffle) measure of water velocity. 4. Collectively, salamanders released in our study selected resources indicative of long‐term benthic microhabitat stability. However, despite strong selection of cobble‐boulder substratum, 8% (282 of 3181) of captive‐reared hellbender locations occurred in bank crevices and root masses. Although several studies have reported the importance of near bed hydraulics in determining occurrence of stream macroinvertebrates, our findings are the first to indicate that spacing among cobble‐boulder substrata may be important for hellbenders. 5. To increase the likelihood of short‐term settlement of captive‐reared hellbenders in the wild, we recommend prioritising release sites where the average distance between cobble‐boulder particles within habitat patches is minimised. In general, average spacing among cobble and boulder substrata should be <1 m in habitat patches where mean benthic water velocity exceeds 0.1 m s?1, and <0.5 m where water velocity approaches 0.30 m s?1. Based on home range sizes of captive‐reared Ozark hellbenders, the collective extent of suitable cobble‐boulder habitat patches within release sites should approximate at least 10 m2 per salamander released.  相似文献   

Ammonium retention and whole-stream metabolism in cave streams   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Simon  Kevin S.  Benfield  Ernest F. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,477(1-3):31-39
The influence of sampling technique on the characterization of benthic macroinvertebrate communities on boulder-cobble substrate in two shallow freshwater ponds was analysed. Sweep-net and rock-bag sampling techniques were used to collect macroinvertebrates from two ponds in Newfoundland, Canada. Abundance and diversity of macroinvertebrates were compared in relation to the nature of the substrate and the technique. The two sampling techniques provided different estimates of diversity and density of the benthos. Neither method truly represented the benthic community as neither collected all taxa and each method typically over- or under-estimated the abundance of taxa. The difficulty of interpreting such data is discussed, with special reference to the rapid assessment of water quality in biomonitoring studies.  相似文献   

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