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于德水  卢杰  江村扎西  王新靓  杨琳  田莹 《生态学报》2023,43(20):8578-8586
森林火灾在二十一世纪内的发生频率逐步升高。大量研究发现森林火灾与树木生长之间存在有紧密的相关性。因此探究森林火灾对于树木生长的影响,分析火灾的不同强度对于树木径向生长是否有着显著的差异,将对于评估森林保护指标有着重要的实际意义。实验基于树木年轮学的研究方法,探究西藏林芝市本日山及九五六两场森林火灾对高山松径向生长的影响,分析在火灾前后高山松径向生长与气温及降水之间的响应关系。基于林芝市比日山及九五六两个火烧区域,建立了受轻度火影响和受中度火影响的高山松样地。利用树木年代学的方法,对年轮宽度指数与1961-2020年气温及降水分别进行相关分析,同时结合火灾的发生时间,将时间序列划分为:1961-2006年火灾前和2007-2021年火灾后。结果显示, 轻度火影响的高山松径向生长对气温和降水敏感,特别是在3-8月最高气温上呈现出显著性的增加。中度火影响的高山松径向生长则显著降低。火灾干扰明显抑制了高山松的径向生长,特别是火因子在平均气温和最高气温的干扰上对其径向生长具有明显抑制作用。受到轻度火影响的高山松径向生长在短期内有较为明显的增加趋势,但长期并不显著;而中度火影响的树木径向生长则在短期内不明显下降,但长期显著。受到轻度火影响的高山松中,其径向生长与最低气温之间呈显著的负相关,且使得高山松对外界环境的响应更为敏感,而中度火影响的高山松则并未表现出这种显著的响应状态。因此对于在高海拔地区而言,森林火灾对于树木径向生长有着显著的干扰的同时也提升树木与外界环境的响应程度。  相似文献   

树木年轮火历史研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
树木年轮火灾学作为树木年轮学和林火生态学的一个重要交叉学科, 主要利用树轮火疤准确确定火灾发生年代, 从而研究过去和现在的火灾变化规律。树轮火灾学以其定年准确、分辨率高和时间久远等特点在森林火灾研究中具有极其重要的作用。该文对树木年轮火历史国内外 研究现状进行了简要评述, 国内树木年轮火历史研究尚处在起步阶段, 国外树木年轮火历史研究主要集中在以下几个方面:1) 火历史的时空格局特征, 主要包括林火发生的时间间隔、空间范围、强度、林火发生的时空关联、林火发生与立地条件的关系、林火发生与物种演替以及树轮火疤与其他方法相结合的火灾判 断等内容;2) 火灾历史与全球气候变化的关系, 主要包括火灾与温度和降水关系, 如一般在当年干旱而前几年相对湿润时火灾发生;火灾发生与大尺度气候事件也有一定的关联, 火灾一般发生在厄尔尼诺 (ElNiño) 向拉尼娜 (LaNiña) 转换的年代, 而且相位组合比单个事件更容易引发火灾;3) 火历史与人为活动及土地利用的关系, 战争和人口增加容易引发火灾, 而放牧活动却降低火灾发生频率, 20世纪以来的森林火抑制降低了火灾发生频率却增加了大火发生的可能性。最后对树木年轮火历史的未来进行了展望, 主要包括火灾时空格局的尺度效应、火历史变化的气候与人为驱动机制以及火历史研究方法的拓展等内容。  相似文献   

汪舟  方欧娅 《生态学报》2017,37(22):7514-7527
森林冠层绿度和树木年轮宽度是描述森林生长过程的重要指标,它们之间存在怎样的关系以及这种关系的稳定性如何目前还没有清晰的回答。森林冠层绿度通过遥感影像计算,在空间上连续,而树木年轮宽度是树木健康的综合指标,样点上具有代表性。森林冠层绿度和树木年轮宽度的关系的研究能增进对森林生长的多角度理解和森林生长状况的尺度转换。在山东蒙山地区采集了4个赤松(Pinus densiflora)林样点的树木年轮样本,获得了树木年轮宽度数据,分析了增强型植被指数(Enhanced Vegetation Index,EVI)与树木年轮宽度的关系。结果显示:1)对于健康森林,4月和6月的冠层绿度与树木年轮宽度存在因果关系;森林不健康时,两者关系较为复杂;2)其他月份冠层绿度与树干径向生长不存在因果关系,而是共同受其他环境因子,如气候因子的驱动;3)弱冠层绿度降低后5年内有显著的径向生长恢复,但是恢复年份少;强冠层绿度降低之前,树干径向生长已经开始降低,之后的5年内有着持续的径向生长降低。这些结果表明森林冠层绿度的降低并不能反映树干径向生长降低的开始,只有健康的森林冠层绿度和年轮宽度有相关关系。冠层绿度的降低对森林健康有强烈的影响,冠层绿度降低导致的径向生长的降低很难恢复。  相似文献   

张启  闫明  梁寒雪 《生态学报》2017,37(9):3115-3123
森林生长与气候变化有着紧密的关系,在全球变暖情形下了解树木的干扰历史对准确预测森林生长的变化具有促进作用。本文选择山西黄土高原东南部长治地区保存较好的一个油松(Pinus tabuliformis)和两个白皮松(Pinus bungeana)森林为研究对象,利用树木年轮学方法分析了其干扰历史。结果表明:黎城县、平顺县和屯留县研究地点中年龄最老的树木分别有227、185、102a;通过计算树木径向生长的变化幅度,发现该地区在过去150年中发生了3次大的生长抑制事件(分别发生在1873—1877、1925—1930和1994—1997年期间)和5次大的生长释放事件(分别发生在1867—1871、1878—1884、1930—1935、1980—1985和1999—2004年期间)。树木径向生长与气象观测资料的相关分析显示,该地区森林生长在年际尺度上主要与6月份温度呈负相关而与4—5月份水分条件呈正相关,揭示了由降水减少或高温下水分蒸散所带来的极端干旱事件是导致森林抑制现象的主要原因。这些森林历史研究结果对区域林业管理具有实践意义,营林建设更宜选择在森林生长释放时期;经历多次干扰而存留下来的老龄树具有较强的抗干扰能力和丰富的历史信息,加强对老龄树的鉴定与针对性保护可有效维护区域森林生态服务功能。  相似文献   

张启  方欧娅 《生态学报》2018,38(1):236-243
健康的森林对维持其区域生态系统服务起着至关重要的作用,了解树木的生长历史对评估气候变化背景下森林的健康状况具有促进作用。选择山西高原中北部忻州地区保存较好的4个森林为研究对象,利用树木年轮学方法分析其生长变化特征,获得了该地区森林健康的时间和空间特征。结果表明:该地区森林在过去1个世纪中,存在3次不健康事件(1910-1940、1970-1987和1990-2012年)且在空间上表现出明显的同步性,不同时期的不健康事件持续时间和强度不尽相同,1930s的不健康事件持续时间最长也最为显着。树木径向生长与气象观测资料的相关分析显示,该地区森林生长主要与当年5-6月份温度呈负相关,与7月份降水和5-9月PDSI指数显着正相关。生长季持续的高温或降水减少造成的极端干旱事件是不健康事件空间一致性的主要驱动力,各采样点树种以及林分组成差异是影响时间特征不一致的可能原因。研究结果提供的森林健康历史数据对评估极端气候条件对森林健康生长的影响及制定合理的森林保护措施具有积极的现实意义。  相似文献   

树干木质部形成周期与温度密切相关,存在影响形成层活动的敏感温度,但是尚未研究尝试从树木年轮中探索影响径向生长的敏感温度。华山主峰的华山松径向生长对气候变化较敏感,且华山西峰的气象站记录了1953年以来气象资料,这为探索树木径向生长与温度的关系提供了宝贵的材料。以华山主峰的华山松年轮资料和日值温度资料为基础,通过分析历年日平均温度的变化过程和年轮宽度、早材宽度、晚材宽度、最小密度以及最大密度的相关性,尝试探索华山松径向生长与日均温度变化的关系。结果表明春季一定温度的初日时间对华山松径向生长有较大的影响,其中3 ℃和8 ℃初日时间和持续时间对年轮宽度的促进作用最明显,而3 ℃对早材宽度影响较大,8℃初日时间对晚材的影响较大;高于11 ℃的温度会对华山松的径向生长造成限制,其中以11 ℃的作用最明显;而温度的终日时间对年轮特征影响较小。说明3 ℃是早材形成的敏感温度,8 ℃是晚材形成的敏感温度,温度高于11 ℃会对华山松的径向生长构成胁迫。这证明华山松年轮特征中包含了较多的气候信息,形成层活动和木质部的生长存在阈值温度,通过分析不同温度的生长期与年轮特征的关系可以找到影响华山松径向生长的敏感温度。这些敏感的温度是通过什么生理过程影响木质部的形成尚无法得知,但是这为解释树木生长对全球温度升高的响应以及利用华山松年轮重建历史气候提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

树轮分析用于森林干扰强度推测的实例研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
树木年轮生长释放一直广泛应用于重建森林干扰,但没有直接的研究证明利用树木年轮分析建立的干扰强度的可靠程度,本文试图通过一个取自青海省互助国家森林公园(1987年经历过择伐)的样方进行验证.在40m×50m的青扦林样方内取胸径≥5cm的树木(124株)树轮芯样并测定胸径、树高和择伐后山杨(PopulusdavilianaDode)树桩(55个)的基径以及树木与树桩的距离.分析结果表明1987和1988年树木生长释放百分率为38.7%,与该林分的准确干扰强度37.7%(树桩基部断面积与该断面积加树木胸高断面积之和的比值)相接近.1980~1989年10a间树木生长释放百分率为62.9%,该10a间的平均干扰强度为37.0%(生长释放百分率62.9%/生长释放平均次数1.7),也接近于该林分的准确干扰强度,因而用树轮资料重建森林干扰强度是可行和可靠的.  相似文献   

与传统方法相比, 利用树木年轮学方法研究树线过渡区树木生长温度敏感性高低的问题更注重比较树木个体间的生长情况, 从各个树轮序列间的生长一致性程度和树轮序列对气候因素(气温、降水)的响应一致性程度可探讨树线过渡区树木生长的温度敏感性。为了认识高山树线过渡区内树木生长的温度敏感性问题, 选择西藏昌都地区八宿县的一条川西云杉树线过渡区为研究对象, 比较了过渡区内树木个体间的生长一致性, 分析了树木生长与气候因素的相关性及其在个体间的异同。结果显示: 树线过渡区内树轮生长在个体间的一致性较低, 树轮生长与气温的关系在树木个体间的一致性也较低, 而树轮生长与当年4-9月降水的关系相对较强。西藏八宿树线过渡区属于干旱区, 相对于气温而言, 降水对树木生长的影响更大。此外, 小生境的异质性及干扰事件的发生也有可能降低树木对温度的敏感性。在全球变暖及极端气候事件增加的背景下, 树木生长的温度敏感性被高估可能会导致对树线过渡区位置及树线过渡区内群落生产力等的预测产生偏差, 这一问题应该在区域生态模拟研究和相关林业经营与管理上得到重视。  相似文献   

 与传统方法相比, 利用树木年轮学方法研究树线过渡区树木生长温度敏感性高低的问题更注重比较树木个体间的生长情况, 从各个树轮序列间的生长一致性程度和树轮序列对气候因素(气温、降水)的响应一致性程度可探讨树线过渡区树木生长的温度敏感性。为了认识高山树线过渡区内树木生长的温度敏感性问题, 选择西藏昌都地区八宿县的一条川西云杉树线过渡区为研究对象, 比较了过渡区内树木个体间的生长一致性, 分析了树木生长与气候因素的相关性及其在个体间的异同。结果显示: 树线过渡区内树轮生长在个体间的一致性较低, 树轮生长与气温的关系在树木个体间的一致性也较低, 而树轮生长与当年4-9月降水的关系相对较强。西藏八宿树线过渡区属于干旱区, 相对于气温而言, 降水对树木生长的影响更大。此外, 小生境的异质性及干扰事件的发生也有可能降低树木对温度的敏感性。在全球变暖及极端气候事件增加的背景下, 树木生长的温度敏感性被高估可能会导致对树线过渡区位置及树线过渡区内群落生产力等的预测产生偏差, 这一问题应该在区域生态模拟研究和相关林业经营与管理上得到重视。  相似文献   

基于树轮火疤塔河蒙克山樟子松林火灾的频度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡海清  赵致奎  王晓春  张远东 《生态学报》2010,30(23):6372-6379
大兴安岭地区是我国重要林区,又是林火的多发区,林火是森林生态系统中的重要干扰因子,对整个森林生态系统结构、功能和动态都有重要影响。樟子松为欧洲赤松的一个变种,在我国主要分布于大兴安岭地区。近年来,频繁的森林火灾造成樟子松林大面积减少。因此,重建大兴安岭樟子松林火历史,掌握樟子松林火灾规律已显得十分迫切。在大兴安岭北部塔河县蒙克山林场采集了11棵樟子松火疤圆盘,利用树木年轮年代学方法重建了大兴安岭北部塔河县蒙克山樟子松林的火灾历史,获得1个以树轮年代学为基础的樟子松火疤年表。利用火历史分析软件得到蒙克山樟子松林火灾间隔期和轮回期分别为24.8a和33a。由火疤年表得到的蒙克山樟子松林火灾历史大致可分为3个历史时期:满清中期(1723-1859年)、清末民国时期(1860-1949年)和建国后(1950年至今)。41个火疤记录中早早材火(E)所占比例最大,占全部火疤数目的61%,晚材火(A)、未确定火(U)和休眠季节火(D)则相对较少。大区域性火灾事件平均间隔期为32.5a,最大火灾间隔期为61a。本研究为进一步探究大兴安岭地区寒温带针叶林火灾历史的时间和空间格局及其之间的联系提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

Evergreen broadleaved forests (EBLF), the zonal forest ecosystem of the subtropical zone in east China, have been degraded from recent anthropogenic disturbance. Understanding the role of past disturbances in EBLFs would be helpful to the restoration of degraded EBLFs. We used dendroecological techniques to reconstruct the disturbance history of a secondary EBLF dominated by Schima superba and Castanopsis carlesii in Tiantong National Forest Park (29°48′N, 121°47′E), Zhejiang Province, East China. The disturbances were inferred from tree-ring growth release and long-term establishment patterns obtained from 91 overstory trees. The initial growth rates of these trees were compared to trees originating in the understory to evaluate the intensity of past disturbances. The spatial distribution patterns of disturbances were portrayed with tree mapping. The results revealed that there were five disturbances, averaging one disturbance per decade over the past half century. The first disturbance event was probably most intense given that most canopy trees established at that time and displayed high initial growth rates. The timing of the second disturbance event coincided with the documented selective logging. The last three disturbances, having lower tree growth responses and a clumped spatial distribution of gap creation, were probably the result of recurring typhoons. The first two disturbances led to tree regeneration and secondary succession, represented mainly by long-lived deciduous trees in the forest. The subsequent disturbances facilitated the stand development process, creating a complex three-dimensional structure from a pre-existing single-age cohort. This study suggests that EBLFs affected by large disturbances can recover in a few decades and the frequent gap disturbances probably facilitate its process in the early successional stages.  相似文献   

长白山红松混交林干扰历史的重构研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
 本文通过对取自300棵林木的年轮盘年轮宽度分析,利用林木年轮中表现出的释压(release)反应,进行红松混交林干扰历史重构研究,结果表明:利用林木的释压反应,分析诸如长白山红松混交林这种以风作为主要干扰类型的林分干扰历史是合理的方法,也是现行林分干扰历史推测方法中最准确、可靠、提供信息量最大的方法;只要满足一定的样本数,是可以通过样树的释压反应分析出林分的干扰历史;对红松混交林而言,臭松、鱼林松和红松是干扰历史分析的理想树种;在天然红松混交林中被压林木比率与干扰密切相关,一次干扰导致林分被压林木一次大幅度下降,而当较长时间不发生干扰时,林分被压林木比率逐渐上升。群落干扰历史的重构为群落和生态系统动态研究提供有利的历史资料。  相似文献   

Disturbances play an important role in forest dynamics across the globe. Researchers have mainly focused on the temporal context of disturbances, but have largely ignored the spatial patterns of tree recruitment they create. Geostatistical tools enable the analysis of spatial patterns and variability in tropical forest disturbance histories. Here, we examine the potential of combining dendroecological analysis and spatial statistics to reconstruct the disturbance history of a seasonal dry evergreen tropical forest plot at the Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary (HKK), western Thailand. We used tree‐ring‐derived age estimates for 70 individuals of the shade‐intolerant pioneer species Melia azederach (Meliaceae) and tree locations across a 316‐ha study plot to identify the timing and spatial extent of past disturbances. Although the age distribution for Melia suggested that regeneration had been continuous over the past 60 yr, spatial analyses (mark correlation function and kriging) demonstrated the presence of three spatially discrete age cohorts. Two of these cohorts suggested a severe disturbance ~20 yr before present. A third cohort appears to have established ~50 years ago. Using historical records, we conclude that fire disturbance is the most likely disturbance factor affecting HKK. Nevertheless, we do not rule out other disturbance factors. The combined application of tree‐ring analysis and spatial statistics as applied in this study could be readily applied to reconstruct disturbance histories in other tropical regions where tree species with annual growth rings are present.  相似文献   

Forest insects and pathogens are major disturbance agents that have affected millions of hectares in North America in recent decades, implying significant impacts to the carbon (C) cycle. Here, we review and synthesize published studies of the effects of biotic disturbances on forest C cycling in the United States and Canada. Primary productivity in stands was reduced, sometimes considerably, immediately following insect or pathogen attack. After repeated growth reductions caused by some insects or pathogens or a single infestation by some bark beetle species, tree mortality occurred, altering productivity and decomposition. In the years following disturbance, primary productivity in some cases increased rapidly as a result of enhanced growth by surviving vegetation, and in other cases increased slowly because of lower forest regrowth. In the decades following tree mortality, decomposition increased as a result of the large amount of dead organic matter. Net ecosystem productivity decreased immediately following attack, with some studies reporting a switch to a C source to the atmosphere, and increased afterward as the forest regrew and dead organic matter decomposed. Large variability in C cycle responses arose from several factors, including type of insect or pathogen, time since disturbance, number of trees affected, and capacity of remaining vegetation to increase growth rates following outbreak. We identified significant knowledge gaps, including limited understanding of carbon cycle impacts among different biotic disturbance types (particularly pathogens), their impacts at landscape and regional scales, and limited capacity to predict disturbance events and their consequences for carbon cycling. We conclude that biotic disturbances can have major impacts on forest C stocks and fluxes and can be large enough to affect regional C cycling. However, additional research is needed to reduce the uncertainties associated with quantifying biotic disturbance effects on the North American C budget.  相似文献   

Disturbance history of an old-growth subalpine fir (Abies fargesii) forest in the Shennongjia Mountains of central China was reconstructed using dendroecological methods. Increment cores were extracted from 468 trees within six 100 m × 50 m permanent transects distributed across the old-growth subalpine fir forest of 300 ha. Growth patterns of 299 fir cores were examined for abrupt increases in radial growth to indicate formation of past canopy gaps and for rapid early radial growth to indicate establishment in past canopy gaps. The results showed that 70.8 % of the canopy fir trees experienced an average of 0.78 (ranging from 0 to 2) major release event for an average of 15.8 (ranging from 10 to 24) years, and an average of 1.94 (ranging from 0 to 3) moderate release events for an average of 25.6 (ranging from 10 to 36) years before they reached canopy. Recruitment pulse of trees coincided temporally with the peak of disturbance rate from the 1900s to the 1910s, suggesting occurrence of intense disturbance events during the time period. Radial growth analyses indicated that a history with small-scale disturbance events has resulted in the formation of the old-growth subalpine fir forest, and stand-replacing disturbances might not be necessary for the development of the forest. This study provides strong evidence that there are substantial variations in the disturbance severity and frequency over time. Most disturbance events might rather cause treefall gaps than clear large areas of forest at once. Thus, the old-growth subalpine fir forest experienced frequent gap-scale disturbances and few large-scale disturbances in its development history.  相似文献   

Lorimer  Craig G.  Dahir  Sally E.  Singer  Matthew T. 《Plant Ecology》1999,143(2):189-202
Locally absent growth rings are known to occur in trees during periods of environmental stress, but little evidence has been available on their frequency in moist temperate forests or on their potential for causing problems in dendroecological studies. In this study, 95 stem disks of Acer saccharum cut from trees representing a wide range of size and age were examined for ring anomalies using three techniques – inspection of disks for partial rings, crossdating of each tree against regional master chronologies, and use of stand history evidence. The number of ring anomalies in Acer saccharum was inversely related to growth rate and vigor. Mean percentage of ring anomalies was 1.3% in dominant canopy trees, 4.6% in trees of the intermediate crown class, and 16.2% in overtopped trees. All of the overtopped trees had partial or missing rings, with a mean of 10 per tree and a range of 2 to 20. Use of crossdating to correct for ring anomalies appeared to be successful in 88% of the canopy trees. However, crossdating results were inconclusive in 32% of the overtopped trees because of low ring width variability, multiple missing rings, and short duration of trouble-free segments. Because overtopped trees are of limited value in reconstructing disturbance history and often cannot be crossdated reliably, we suggest that they normally be excluded from disturbance chronologies.  相似文献   

The globally observed trend of changing intensity of tropical cyclones over the past few decades emphasizes the need for a better understanding of the effects of such disturbance events in natural and inhabited areas. On the Korean Peninsula, typhoon intensity has increased over the past 100 years as evidenced by instrumental data recorded from 1904 until present. We examined how the increase in three weather characteristics (maximum hourly and daily precipitation, and maximum wind speed) during the typhoon activity affected old‐growth oak forests. Quercus mongolica is a dominant species in the Korean mountains and the growth releases from 220 individuals from three sites along a latitudinal gradient (33–38°N) of decreasing typhoon activity were studied. Growth releases indicate tree‐stand disturbance and improved light conditions for surviving trees. The trends in release events corresponded to spatiotemporal gradients in maximum wind speed and precipitation. A high positive correlation was found between the maximum values of typhoon characteristics and the proportion of trees showing release. A higher proportion of disturbed trees was found in the middle and southern parts of the Korean peninsula where typhoons are most intense. This shows that the releases are associated with typhoons and also indicates the differential impact of typhoons on the forests. Finally, we present a record of the changing proportion of trees showing release based on tree‐rings for the period 1770–1979. The reconstruction revealed no trend during the period 1770–1879, while the rate of forest disturbances increased rapidly from 1880 to 1979. Our results suggest that if typhoon intensity rises, as is projected by some climatic models, the number of forest disturbance events will increase thus altering the disturbance regime and ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

Abstract Aim Tropical rain forests are often regarded as pristine and undisturbed by humans. In Central Africa, community‐wide disturbances by natural causes are rare and therefore current theory predicts that natural gap phase dynamics structure tree species composition and diversity. However, the dominant tree species in many African forests recruit poorly, despite the presence of gaps. To explain this, we studied the disturbance history of a species‐rich and structurally complex rain forest. Location Lowland rain forest in Southern Cameroon. Methods We identified the recruitment conditions of trees in different diameter classes in 16 ha of species‐rich and structurally complex ‘old growth’ rain forest. For the identification of recruitment preference we used independent data on the species composition along a disturbance gradient, ranging from shifting cultivation fields (representing large‐scale disturbance), to canopy gaps and old growth forest. Results In nine of sixteen 1‐ha forest plots the older trees preferred shifting cultivation fields for recruitment while younger trees preferred gaps and closed forest conditions. This indicates that these nine sites once experienced large‐scale disturbances. Three lines of evidence suggest that historical agricultural use is the most likely disturbance factor: (1) size of disturbed and undisturbed patches, (2) distribution of charcoal and (3) historical accounts of human population densities. Main conclusions Present‐day tree species composition of a structurally complex and species‐rich Central African rain forest still echoes historical disturbances, most probably caused by human land use between three to four centuries ago. Human impact on African rain forest is therefore, contrary to common belief, an issue not of the last decades only. Insights in historical use will help to get a more balanced view of the ‘pristine rain forest’, acknowledging that the dualism between ‘old growth’ and ‘secondary’ forest may be less clear than previously thought.  相似文献   

Natural forests are characterised by a high level of both spatial and temporal heterogeneity. The major processes involved in the creation and maintenance of forest heterogeneity in temperate climates are small-sized canopy disturbances. The resulting openings also modify the growth conditions for the remaining trees. The analysis of tree growth responses using dendrochronological techniques allows the reconstruction of the time sequence of the disturbances. The radial growth analysis is coupled here with both a spatial analysis and a demographic analysis of the forest structure. The age classes are temporally organised in cohorts and spatially distributed in spatial aggregates. The analysis of the most documented disturbance event allowed us to determine the size of the disturbance response patch (between 0.036 and 0.073 ha) and the duration of the disturbance (six years). We considered that this small-scale disturbance event may have been caused by the fall of a single tree and has freed the surrounding trees of its competition.  相似文献   

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