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数据非依赖采集(data-independent acquisition,DIA)是一种高通量、无偏性的质谱数据采集方法,具有定量结果重现性好,对低丰度蛋白质友好的特点,是近年来进行大队列蛋白质组研究的首选方法之一。由于DIA产生的二级谱是混合谱,包含了多个肽段的碎片离子信息,使得蛋白质鉴定和定量更加困难。目前,DIA数据分析方法分为两大类,即以肽为中心和以谱图为中心。其中,以肽为中心的分析方法鉴定更灵敏,定量更准确,已成为DIA数据解析的主流方法。其分析流程包括构建谱图库、提取色谱峰群、特征打分和结果质控4个关键步骤。本文综述了以肽为中心的DIA数据分析流程,介绍了基于此流程的数据分析软件及相关比较评估工作,进一步总结了已有的算法改进工作,最后对未来发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

数据非依赖采集(DIA)是蛋白质组学领域近年来快速发展的质谱采集技术,其通过无偏碎裂隔离窗口内的所有母离子采集二级谱图,理论上可实现蛋白质样品的深度覆盖,同时具有高通量、高重现性和高灵敏度的优点。现有的DIA数据采集方法可以分为全窗口碎裂方法、隔离窗口序列碎裂方法和四维DIA数据采集方法(4D-DIA)3大类。针对DIA数据的不同特点,主要数据解析方法包括谱库搜索方法、蛋白质序列库直接搜索方法、伪二级谱图鉴定方法和从头测序方法4大类。解析得到的肽段鉴定结果需要进行可信度评估,包括使用机器学习方法的重排序和对报告结果集合的假发现率估计两个步骤,实现对数据解析结果的质控。本文对DIA数据的采集方法、数据解析方法及软件和鉴定结果可信度评估方法进行了整理和综述,并展望了未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

Post-translational modifications (PTMs) dynamically regulate proteins and biological pathways, typically through the combined effects of multiple PTMs. Lysine residues are targeted for various PTMs, including malonylation and succinylation. However, PTMs offer specific challenges to mass spectrometry-based proteomics during data acquisition and processing. Thus, novel and innovative workflows using data-independent acquisition (DIA) ensure confident PTM identification, precise site localization, and accurate and robust label-free quantification. In this study, we present a powerful approach that combines antibody-based enrichment with comprehensive DIA acquisitions and spectral library-free data processing using directDIA (Spectronaut). Identical DIA data can be used to generate spectral libraries and comprehensively identify and quantify PTMs, reducing the amount of enriched sample and acquisition time needed, while offering a fully automated workflow. We analyzed brains from wild-type and Sirtuin 5 (SIRT5)-knock-out mice, and discovered and quantified 466 malonylated and 2211 succinylated peptides. SIRT5 regulation remodeled the acylomes by targeting 164 malonylated and 578 succinylated sites. Affected pathways included carbohydrate and lipid metabolisms, synaptic vesicle cycle, and neurodegenerative diseases. We found 48 common SIRT5-regulated malonylation and succinylation sites, suggesting potential PTM crosstalk. This innovative and efficient workflow offers deeper insights into the mouse brain lysine malonylome and succinylome.  相似文献   

Histone post-translational modifications (PTMs) have a fundamental function in chromatin biology, as they model chromatin structure and recruit enzymes involved in gene regulation, DNA repair, and chromosome condensation. High throughput characterization of histone PTMs is mostly performed by using nano-liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. However, limitations in speed and stochastic sampling of data dependent acquisition methods in MS lead to incomplete discrimination of isobaric peptides and loss of low abundant species. In this work, we analyzed histone PTMs with a data-independent acquisition method, namely SWATH™ analysis. This approach allows for MS/MS-based quantification of all analytes without upfront assay development and no issues of biased and incomplete sampling. We purified histone proteins from human embryonic stem cells and mouse trophoblast stem cells before and after differentiation, and prepared them for MS analysis using the propionic anhydride protocol. Results on histone H3 peptides verified that sequential window acquisition of all theoretical mass spectra could accurately quantify peptides (<9% average coefficient of variation, CV) over four orders of magnitude, and we could discriminate isobaric and co-eluting peptides (e.g. H3K18ac and H3K23ac) using MS/MS-based quantification. This method provided high sensitivity and precision, supported by the fact that we could find significant differences for remarkably low abundance PTMs such as H3K9me2S10ph (relative abundance <0.02%). We performed relative quantification for few sample peptides using different fragment ions and observed high consistency (CV <15%) between the fragments. This indicated that different fragment ions can be used independently to achieve the same peptide relative quantification. Taken together, sequential window acquisition of all theoretical mass spectra proved to be an easy-to-use MS acquisition method to perform high quality MS/MS-based quantification of histone-modified peptides.Chromatin is a highly organized and dynamic entity in cell nuclei, mostly composed of DNA and histone proteins. Its structure directly influences gene expression, DNA repair, and cell duplication events such as mitosis and meiosis (1). Histones are assembled in octamers named nucleosomes, wrapped by DNA every ∼200 base pairs. Histones are heavily modified by dynamic post-translational modifications (PTMs)1, which affect chromatin structure because of their chemical properties and their ability to recruit chromatin modifier enzymes and binding proteins (2). Moreover, histone PTMs can be inherited through cell division and thus are crucial components of epigenetic memory (3). The function of histone PTMs has been extensively studied in the last 15–20 years, and several links have been found between aberrations of histone PTM levels and development of diseases (4, 5). Such discoveries revealed the importance of histone PTMs in fine-tuning cell phenotype. Because of this, technology has been rapidly evolving to investigate histone PTM relative abundance with higher accuracy and throughput.Mass spectrometry (MS)-based strategies have continuously evolved toward higher throughput and flexibility, allowing not only identification and quantification of single histone PTMs, but also their combinatorial patterns and even characterization of the intact proteins (reviewed in (6, 7)). For histone analysis, a widely adopted workflow for nano-liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (nLC-MS/MS) includes derivatization of lysine residue side chains with propionic anhydride, proteolytic digestion with trypsin, and subsequent derivatization of peptide N termini (8, 9). Such protocol leads to generation of ArgC-like peptides (only cleaved after arginine residues) after digestion. Moreover, propionylation of N termini increases peptide hydrophobicity, thereby improving LC retention of shorter ones, and thus the MS signal. Because of the high mass accuracy, sensitivity, and the possibility to perform label-free quantification MS has become the technique of choice, outperforming antibody-based strategies, to study both known and novel global histone PTMs.Several acquisition methods have been developed for MS analysis to accomplish different needs of identification and quantification (10). The most widely adopted in shotgun or discovery proteomics is the data-dependent acquisition (DDA) mode. Such acquisition method does not require any previous knowledge about the analyte, as it automatically selects precursor ions detectable at the full scan level in a given order (commonly from the most intense) to perform MS/MS fragmentation (11). Label-free quantification is performed at the full MS scan level by integrating the area of the LC peak from an extracted ion chromatogram of the precursor mass corresponding to the given peptide. On the other hand, the selected reaction monitoring (SRM) mode is the most widely used acquisition method in targeted proteomics. Such method performs cyclic precursor ion selection, MS/MS fragmentation, and product ion selection of a list of masses input by the user. Even though the method preparation is intuitively more complex than DDA, SRM is highly popular because of the high selectivity and sensitivity, which leads to more accurate label-free quantification (12). However, both methods have inevitable drawbacks; a DDA approach cannot perform accurate quantification of isobaric and co-eluting peptides, for example, KacQLATKAAR and KQLATKacAAR (histone H3 aa 9–17), as the fragment ions should be monitored through the entire peptide peak elution to define the ratio between the two similar analytes. On the contrary, an SRM experiment prevents future data mining of unpredicted peptides, and thus such method cannot be used for any classical PTM discovery. Therefore, LC-MS/MS analysis of histone peptides is commonly performed by integrating shotgun and targeted acquisition within the same MS method (13). This method requires previous knowledge about retention time and mass of co-eluting isobaric species, and tedious manual peak integration or dedicated software to deconvolute such complex raw data. Although this mixed MS mode is a powerful approach, the targeted sequences in the method reduce the duty cycle and number of DDA MS/MS spectra that can be acquired, making it far from ideal.Data independent acquisition (DIA) modes are a third option that recently gained popularity in proteomics (14, 15). Sequential window acquisition of all theoretical mass spectra (SWATH™)-MS is a data independent workflow that uses a first quadrupole isolation window to step across a mass range, collecting high resolution full scan composite MS/MS at each step and generating an ion map of fragments from all detectable precursor masses (15, 16). From such data set, a virtual SRM, or pseudo-SRM, can be performed by extracting the product ion chromatogram of a given peptide (17) with bioinformatics tools such as Peakview®, Skyline (18), or OpenSWATH™ (19). In order to define which fragment masses should be used to quantify a given peptide, a spectral library of identified peptides can be manually programmed, downloaded (if available), or generated by previous DDA experiments. In terms of quantification power, SWATH™ combines the advantages of both DDA and SRM, as it allows for MS/MS-based label-free quantification, discrimination of isobaric peptides, and subsequent data mining of unpredicted species.Histone proteins are an excellent target sample to test SWATH™, as the peptides are heavily modified by PTMs and often have isobaric proteoforms present. We analyzed with both DDA and SWATH™ two model systems: (1) extracted histones from untreated (pluripotent) and retinoic acid (RA) treated (differentiated) human embryonic stem cells (hESCs, strain H9), and (2) extracted histones from undifferentiated and differentiated mouse trophoblast stem cells (mTSCs). The results from the DDA experiment were used to evaluate the reproducibility of peptide retention time and the variety of species identified. For the SWATH™ analysis we focused on histone H3, as it is the histone with the highest variety of modified peptides (6). Results highlighted that such acquisition method provides sensitive and precise MS/MS-based quantification of both isobaric and nonisobaric peptides. Our data demonstrate that quantification at the MS/MS level is highly reproducible, and identification of the peptide elution profile is assisted by the high mass accuracy and the large number of overlapping elution profiles of the fragment ions. Moreover, we show that by using different fragment ions for MS/MS quantification we achieved similar quantification results. Thus, we used all unique fragment ions for a given species to provide a robust quantification method, where by unique is intended fragment ions that belong to only one of the possible isobaric peptide proteoforms. Taken together, we prove that SWATH™-MS is a reliable and simple-to-use acquisition method to perform epigenetic histone PTM analysis.  相似文献   

Many research questions in fields such as personalized medicine, drug screens or systems biology depend on obtaining consistent and quantitatively accurate proteomics data from many samples. SWATH‐MS is a specific variant of data‐independent acquisition (DIA) methods and is emerging as a technology that combines deep proteome coverage capabilities with quantitative consistency and accuracy. In a SWATH‐MS measurement, all ionized peptides of a given sample that fall within a specified mass range are fragmented in a systematic and unbiased fashion using rather large precursor isolation windows. To analyse SWATH‐MS data, a strategy based on peptide‐centric scoring has been established, which typically requires prior knowledge about the chromatographic and mass spectrometric behaviour of peptides of interest in the form of spectral libraries and peptide query parameters. This tutorial provides guidelines on how to set up and plan a SWATH‐MS experiment, how to perform the mass spectrometric measurement and how to analyse SWATH‐MS data using peptide‐centric scoring. Furthermore, concepts on how to improve SWATH‐MS data acquisition, potential trade‐offs of parameter settings and alternative data analysis strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

Histone proteins are essential elements for DNA packaging. Moreover, the PTMs that are extremely abundant on these proteins, contribute in modeling chromatin structure and recruiting enzymes involved in gene regulation, DNA repair and chromosome condensation. This fundamental aspect, together with the epigenetic inheritance of histone PTMs, underlines the importance of having biochemical techniques for their characterization. Over the past two decades, significant improvements in mass accuracy and resolution of mass spectrometers have made LC‐coupled MS the strategy of choice for accurate identification and quantification of protein PTMs. Nevertheless, in previous work we disclosed the limitations and biases of the most widely adopted sample preparation protocols for histone propionylation, required prior to bottom‐up MS analysis. In this work, however, we put forward a new specific and efficient propionylation strategy by means of propionic anhydride. In this method, aspecific overpropionylation at serine (S), threonine (T) and tyrosine (Y) is reversed by adding hydroxylamine (HA). We recommend using this method for future analysis of histones through bottom‐up MS.  相似文献   

With the increased attention to quality by design (QbD) for biopharmaceutical products, there is a demand for accurate and precise quantification methods to monitor critical quality attributes (CQAs). To address this need we have developed a mass spectrometry (MS) based method to quantify a wide range of posttranslational modifications (PTMs) in recombinant proteins using stable isotope-labeled internal standard (SILIS). The SILIS was produced through metabolic labeling where 15N was uniformly introduced at every nitrogen atom in the studied proteins. To enhance the accuracy of the method, the levels of PTMs in SILIS were quantified using orthogonal analytical techniques. Digestion of an unknown sample mixed with SILIS generates a labeled and a nonlabeled version of each peptide. The nonlabeled and labeled counterparts coelute during RP-HPLC separation but exhibit a sufficient mass difference to be distinguished by MS detection. With the application of SILIS, numerous PTMs can be quantified in a single analysis based on the measured MS signal ratios of 15N-labeled versus the nonlabeled pairs. Several examples using microbial and mammalian-expressed recombinant proteins demonstrated the principle and utility of this method. The results indicate that SILIS is a valuable methodology in addressing CQAs for the QbD paradigm.  相似文献   

Histone proteins are essential elements for DNA packaging. Their PTMs contribute in modeling chromatin structure and recruiting enzymes involved in gene regulation, DNA repair, and chromosome condensation. This fundamental aspect, together with the fact that histone PTMs can be epigenetically inherited through cell generations, enlightens their importance in chromatin biology, and the consequent necessity of having biochemical techniques for their characterization. Nanoflow LC coupled to MS (nanoLC‐MS) is the strategy of choice for protein PTM accurate quantification. However, histones require adjustments to the digestion protocol such as lysine derivatization to obtain suitable peptides for the analysis. nanoLC‐MS has numerous advantages, spanning from high confidence identification to possibility of high throughput analyses, but the peculiarity of the histone preparation protocol requires continuous monitoring with the most modern available technologies to question its reliability. The work of Meert et al. (Proteomics 2015, 15, 2966–2971) establishes which protocols lead to either incomplete derivatization or derivatization of undesired amino acid residues using a combination of high resolution MS and bioinformatics tools for the alignment and the characterization of nanoLC‐MS runs. As well, they identify a number of side reactions that could be potentially misinterpreted as biological PTMs.  相似文献   

Brunner AM  Tweedie-Cullen RY  Mansuy IM 《Proteomics》2012,12(15-16):2404-2420
In the central nervous system, epigenetic processes are involved in a multitude of brain functions ranging from the development and differentiation of the nervous system through to higher-order cognitive processes such as learning and memory. This review summarises the current state of the art for the proteomic analysis of the epigenetic regulation of gene expression, in particular the PTM of histones, in the brain and cellular model systems. It describes the MS technologies that have helped the identification and analysis of histones, histone variants and PTMs in the brain. Strategies for the isolation of histones that allow the qualitative analysis of PTMs and their combinatorial patterns are introduced, methods for the relative and absolute quantification of histone PTMs are described, and future challenges are discussed.  相似文献   

Data independent acquisition (DIA/SWATH) MS is a primary strategy in quantitative proteomics. diaPASEF is a recent adaptation using trapped ion mobility spectrometry (TIMS) to improve selectivity/sensitivity. Complex DIA spectra are typically analyzed with reference to spectral libraries. The best-established method for generating libraries uses offline fractionation to increase depth of coverage. More recently strategies for spectral library generation based on gas phase fractionation (GPF), where a representative sample is injected serially using narrow DIA windows that cover different mass ranges of the complete precursor space, have been introduced that performed comparably to deep offline fractionation-based libraries. We investigated whether an analogous GPF-based approach that accounts for the ion mobility (IM) dimension is useful for the analysis of diaPASEF data. We developed a rapid library generation approach using an IM-GPF acquisition scheme in the m/z versus 1/K0 space requiring seven injections of a representative sample and compared this with libraries generated by direct deconvolution-based analysis of diaPASEF data or by deep offline fractionation. We found that library generation by IM-GPF outperformed direct library generation from diaPASEF and had performance approaching that of the deep library. This establishes the IM-GPF scheme as a pragmatic approach to rapid library generation for analysis of diaPASEF data.  相似文献   

Proteomics has been proposed as one of the key technologies in the postgenomic era. So far, however, the comprehensive analysis of cellular proteomes has been a challenge because of the dynamic nature and complexity of the multitude of proteins in cells and tissues. Various approaches have been established for the analyses of proteins in a cell at a given state, and mass spectrometry (MS) has proven to be an efficient and versatile tool. MS-based proteomics approaches have significantly improved beyond the initial identification of proteins to comprehensive characterization and quantification of proteomes and their posttranslational modifications (PTMs). Despite these advances, there is still ongoing development of new technologies to profile and analyze cellular proteomes more completely and efficiently. In this review, we focus on MS-based techniques, describe basic approaches for MS-based profiling of cellular proteomes and analysis methods to identify proteins in complex mixtures, and discuss the different approaches for quantitative proteome analysis. Finally, we briefly discuss novel developments for the analysis of PTMs. Altered levels of PTM, sometimes in the absence of protein expression changes, are often linked to cellular responses and disease states, and the comprehensive analysis of cellular proteome would not be complete without the identification and quantification of the extent of PTMs of proteins.  相似文献   

This review provides a brief overview of the development of data‐independent acquisition (DIA) mass spectrometry‐based proteomics and selected DIA data analysis tools. Various DIA acquisition schemes for proteomics are summarized first including Shotgun‐CID, DIA, MSE, PAcIFIC, AIF, SWATH, MSX, SONAR, WiSIM, BoxCar, Scanning SWATH, diaPASEF, and PulseDIA, as well as the mass spectrometers enabling these methods. Next, the software tools for DIA data analysis are classified into three groups: library‐based tools, library‐free tools, and statistical validation tools. The approaches are reviewed for generating spectral libraries for six selected library‐based DIA data analysis software tools which are tested by the authors, including OpenSWATH, Spectronaut, Skyline, PeakView, DIA‐NN, and EncyclopeDIA. An increasing number of library‐free DIA data analysis tools are developed including DIA‐Umpire, Group‐DIA, PECAN, PEAKS, which facilitate identification of novel proteoforms. The authors share their user experience of when to use DIA‐MS, and several selected DIA data analysis software tools. Finally, the state of the art DIA mass spectrometry and software tools, and the authors’ views of future directions are summarized.  相似文献   

In this report, we examine the performance of a mass spectrometry (MS)-based method for quantification of protein posttranslational modifications (PTMs) using stable isotope labeled internal standards. Uniform labeling of proteins and highly similar behavior of the labeled vs nonlabeled analyte pairs during chromatographic separation and electrospray ionization (ESI) provide the means to directly quantify a wide range of PTMs. In the companion report (Jiang et al., Anal. Biochem., 421 (2012) 506-516.), we provided principles and example applications of the method. Here we show satisfactory accuracy and precision for quantifying protein modifications by using the SILIS method when the analyses were performed on different types of mass spectrometers, such as ion-trap, time-of-flight (TOF), and quadrupole instruments. Additionally, the stable isotope labeled internal standard (SILIS) method demonstrated an extended linear range of quantification expressed in accurate quantification up to at least a 4 log concentration range on three different types of mass spectrometers. We also demonstrate that lengthy chromatographic separation is no longer required to obtain quality results, offering an opportunity to significantly shorten the method run time. The results indicate the potential of this methodology for rapid and large-scale assessment of multiple quality attributes of a therapeutic protein in a single analysis.  相似文献   

Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) represents 2.2% of all cancer incidences; however, prognostic or predictive RCC biomarkers at protein level are largely missing. To support proteomics research of localized and metastatic RCC, we introduce a new library of targeted mass spectrometry assays for accurate protein quantification in malignant and normal kidney tissue. Aliquots of 86 initially localized RCC, 75 metastatic RCC and 17 adjacent non-cancerous fresh frozen tissue lysates were trypsin digested, pooled, and fractionated using hydrophilic chromatography. The fractions were analyzed using LC-MS/MS on QExactive HF-X mass spectrometer in data-dependent acquisition (DDA) mode. A resulting spectral library contains 77,817 peptides representing 7960 protein groups (FDR = 1%). Further, we confirm applicability of this library on four RCC datasets measured in data-independent acquisition (DIA) mode, demonstrating a specific quantification of a substantially increased part of RCC proteome, depending on LC-MS/MS instrumentation. Impact of sample specificity of the library on the results of targeted DIA data extraction was demonstrated by parallel analyses of two datasets by two pan human libraries. The new RCC specific library has potential to contribute to better understanding the RCC development at molecular level, leading to new diagnostic and therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

Most tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) database search algorithms perform a restrictive search that takes into account only a few types of post-translational modifications (PTMs) and ignores all others. We describe an unrestrictive PTM search algorithm, MS-Alignment, that searches for all types of PTMs at once in a blind mode, that is, without knowing which PTMs exist in nature. Blind PTM identification makes it possible to study the extent and frequency of different types of PTMs, still an open problem in proteomics. Application of this approach to lens proteins resulted in the largest set of PTMs reported in human crystallins so far. Our analysis of various MS/MS data sets implies that the biological phenomenon of modification is much more widespread than previously thought. We also argue that MS-Alignment reveals some uncharacterized modifications that warrant further experimental validation.  相似文献   

Human plasma is a rich source of biomedical information and biomarkers. However, the enormous dynamic range of plasma proteins limits its accessibility to mass spectrometric (MS) analysis. Here, we show that enrichment of extracellular vesicles (EVs) by ultracentrifugation increases plasma proteome depth by an order of magnitude. With this approach, more than two thousand proteins are routinely and reproducibly quantified by label-free quantification and data independent acquisition (DIA) in single-shot liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry runs of less than one hour. We present an optimized plasma proteomics workflow that enables high-throughput with very short chromatographic gradients analyzing hundred samples per day with deep proteome coverage, especially when including a study-specific spectral library generated by repeated injection and gas-phase fractionation of pooled samples. Finally, we test the workflow on clinical biobank samples from malignant melanoma patients in immunotherapy to demonstrate the improved proteome coverage supporting the potential for future biomarker discovery.  相似文献   

Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAb) production relies on multiple purification steps before release as a drug product (DP). A few host cell proteins (HCPs) may co-purify with the mAb. Their monitoring is crucial due to the considerable risk they represent for mAb stability, integrity, and efficacy and their potential immunogenicity. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) commonly used for global HCP monitoring present limitations in terms of identification and quantification of individual HCPs. Therefore, liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) has emerged as a promising alternative. Challenging DP samples show an extreme dynamic range requiring high performing methods to detect and reliably quantify trace-level HCPs. Here, we investigated the benefits of adding high-field asymmetric ion mobility spectrometry (FAIMS) separation and gas phase fractionation (GPF) prior to data independent acquisition (DIA). FAIMS LC-MS/MS analysis allowed the identification of 221 HCPs among which 158 were reliably quantified for a global amount of 880 ng/mg of NIST mAb Reference Material. Our methods have also been successfully applied to two FDA/EMA approved DPs and allowed digging deeper into the HCP landscape with the identification and quantification of a few tens of HCPs with sensitivity down to the sub-ng/mg of mAb level.  相似文献   

Data-independent acquisition (DIA) of tandem mass spectrometry spectra has emerged as a promising technology to improve coverage and quantification of proteins in complex mixtures. The success of DIA experiments is dependent on the quality of spectral libraries used for data base searching. Frequently, these libraries need to be generated by labor and time intensive data dependent acquisition (DDA) experiments. Recently, several algorithms have been published that allow the generation of theoretical libraries by an efficient prediction of retention time and intensity of the fragment ions. Sequential windowed acquisition of all theoretical fragment ion spectra mass spectrometry (SWATH-MS) is a DIA method that can be applied at an unprecedented speed, but the fragmentation spectra suffer from a lower quality than data acquired on Orbitrap instruments. To reliably generate theoretical libraries that can be used in SWATH experiments, we developed deep-learning for SWATH analysis (dpSWATH), to improve the sensitivity and specificity of data generated by Q-TOF mass spectrometers. The theoretical library built by dpSWATH allowed us to increase the identification rate of proteins compared to traditional or library-free methods. Based on our analysis we conclude that dpSWATH is a superior prediction framework for SWATH-MS measurements than other algorithms based on Orbitrap data.  相似文献   

The use of data‐independent acquisition (DIA) approaches for the reproducible and precise quantification of complex protein samples has increased in the last years. The protein information arising from DIA analysis is stored in digital protein maps (DIA maps) that can be interrogated in a targeted way by using ad hoc or publically available peptide spectral libraries generated on the same sample species as for the generation of the DIA maps. The restricted availability of certain difficult‐to‐obtain human tissues (i.e., brain) together with the caveats of using spectral libraries generated under variable experimental conditions limits the potential of DIA. Therefore, DIA workflows would benefit from high‐quality and extended spectral libraries that could be generated without the need of using valuable samples for library production. We describe here two new targeted approaches, using either classical data‐dependent acquisition repositories (not specifically built for DIA) or ad hoc mouse spectral libraries, which enable the profiling of human brain DIA data set. The comparison of our results to both the most extended publically available human spectral library and to a state‐of‐the‐art untargeted method supports the use of these new strategies to improve future DIA profiling efforts.  相似文献   

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