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树木年轮分析在全球变化研究中的应用   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
树木年轮的宽度、密度、图像分析、同位素含量等都与气候因子温度、湿度以及大气成分的变化成复杂的相关关系。本文总结了树木年轮分析的几种主要研究方法以及在全球气候变化、大气污染以及重建大气CO2浓度中的应用,同时利用树木年轮分析对全球变化研究中存在的问题、争议等作了简要的探讨,并对未来全球变化中的年轮年代学研究的方向作了展望。  相似文献   

灌木年轮学研究进展   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
芦晓明  梁尔源 《生态学报》2013,33(5):1367-1374
灌木往往分布在树线以上或以北的高海拔和高纬度地区以及干旱、半干旱区,是把传统上以乔木为主的树轮研究扩展至森林分布界限以外的唯一选择.尽管灌木具有以上研究潜力,迄今用于树木年代学研究的灌木种类仅有30种左右.介绍了灌木年轮研究方法,综述了过去几十年来环北极高纬度地区,干旱、半干旱区以及高海拔地区的灌木年轮研究的主要进展.主要研究进展如下:(1)发掘一些灌木的树木年代学潜力;(2)揭示限制灌木生长的主要环境因子,并尝试利用灌木年轮宽度等指标重建过去区域气候变化历史;(3)探讨全球变暖的背景下,灌木的生长或分布范围的变化;(4)通过人为控制增温来揭示变暖对灌木生理特征和生长的影响.这些研究展示了灌木在扩展传统乔木树轮研究网络方面的潜力,也是树木年代学研究中最有前景的研究方向之一.目前的灌木年轮学研究多集中于环北极苔原带.作为地球的第三极,青藏高原具有广泛的高山灌木分布,具有把青藏高原边缘区以乔木为主的树木年轮网络扩展至更高海拔和高原内部的潜力.青藏高原高山灌木的年轮学研究并没有引起足够的重视.青藏高原高山灌木的生长是如何适应极端环境条件的,全球变暖的背景下,青藏高原高山灌木的分布和生长正在发生哪些变化等,都有待深入研究.  相似文献   

树木年轮在干扰历史重建中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
干扰是影响森林生态系统结构和功能的重要因子,重建森林群落干扰历史可以掌握干扰发生的机制和规律,对森林经营有重要意义。年轮记载了树木逐年的生长历史,利用年轮可以重建不同尺度上干扰的时空格局,具有重建历史长、定年准确和材料容易获得的优点,是森林动态历史研究不可替代的资料。干扰对树木个体的影响可以分为伤害干扰和生长干扰两种类型。不同类型的干扰的特点和对树木的生长影响不同所以重建方法也不同,对树干造成直接伤害的干扰可以利用树干的疤痕重建,如火灾和泥石流等;生长干扰对树木的生长势造成影响,可以通过识别年轮中的生长抑制和释放发生和持续的时间来确定干扰的时间和强度。但是对破坏性的干扰事件要通过群落中个体的建成时间高峰来判断。欧洲和北美地区利用树木年轮重建森林干扰历史的研究已经很广泛,主要包括火灾、虫灾、地质灾害和气象灾害等干扰类型,在中国利用年轮重建群落干扰的研究还处于起步阶段。本文探讨了应用树木年轮重建不同森林干扰事件的方法,总结了不同的重建方法和干扰重建取得的进展,并指出了以后研究的方向,为以后的干扰重建提供了参考。  相似文献   

长白山北坡落叶松年轮年表及其与气候变化的关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
运用相关函数及单年分析等树木年轮气候学方法,研究了长白山北坡落叶松径向生长与气候变化的关系.结果表明,落叶松的生长对环境变化相当敏感,温度是影响其生长的主要因子.但不同海拔的落叶松对温度的响应明显不同.高海拔分布的落叶松只与当年6月的温度指标显著相关,而低海拔的落叶松与环境的关系相对复杂,除当年的4、5月外,上一年的6、9月温度以及上年9月的湿润指数都显著影响其生长.这说明不同环境梯度上的同一树种对气候变化的响应不尽相同.  相似文献   

运用相关函数及单年分析等树木年轮气候学方法,研究了长白山北坡落叶松径向生长与气候变化的关系.结果表明,落叶松的生长对环境变化相当敏感,温度是影响其生长的主要因子.但不同海拔的落叶松对温度的响应明显不同.高海拔分布的落叶松只与当年6月的温度指标显著相关,而低海拔的落叶松与环境的关系相对复杂,除当年的4、5月外,上一年的6、9月温度以及上年9月的湿润指数都显著影响其生长.这说明不同环境梯度上的同一树种对气候变化的响应不尽相同.  相似文献   

凉水自然保护区不同皮型红松径向生长对气候的响应   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
运用相关函数及单年分析等树木年轮气候学方法,研究了黑龙江凉水国家自然保护区不同皮型红松径向生长与气候因子的关系、主要影响因子及这种响应关系是否长期稳定.结果表明: 细皮红松更适合做树木年轮气候学分析.两种皮型红松的径向生长对环境变化都比较敏感,对气候因子的响应无显著差异.1902—2009年生长季,尤其当年6月的气候因子是影响研究区两种皮型红松生长的主要因子.其中,温度表现为显著负相关,降水表现为显著正相关.不同时间段内红松径向生长对气候因子的响应存在差异,随着1970年后气温的快速升高及干旱的加剧,两种皮型红松径向生长对气候因子的响应更敏感,尤其表现为对生长季温度和更多季节水热复合因子变化(帕尔默干旱指数)的响应更显著.

利用树木年轮重建赣南地区1890年以来 2-3月份温度的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹受金  曹福祥  项文化 《生态学报》2012,32(20):6369-6375
采用树木年轮气候学方法,利用江西赣南地区马尾松(Pinus massoniana)的年轮宽度资料,分析了马尾松径向生长与气候要素变化的相关及响应关系,结果表明赣南地区马尾松径向生长与当年2—3月份的平均温度相关性最高。在响应分析的基础上,重建了江西赣南地区1890年以来2—3月份温度的变化历史。重建序列显示在过去119a中研究区存在3个较为明显的冷期(1892—1906年、1918—1922年、1944—1957年)和3个明显的暖期(1909—1917年、1959—1968年和1998—2008年)。  相似文献   

树木年轮—环境气候的档案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘宏颀 《生命世界》1993,20(4):38-39
本世纪初期,美国有一位天文学家常手执锯斧等工具,穿行在美国西南部干旱区,尤其是土著印第安人集居地的山林之中,风餐露宿;同时还冒着被人误解和危险,仔细观察着树木的年轮。经过十几年奋斗,他揭示出树木年轮生长与降水之间的对应关系,建立起比较完整的树木年轮学原理及方法,创立了从公元700年至1929年连续的年轮宽度年表及世界上最早的树木年轮研究实验室,被后人誉为“树木年轮学之父”,他就是A. E. 道格拉斯。年轮,又称生长轮,指的是树木茎或根次生木质部中的生长层,因为通常每年形成一轮,故称之为年轮。  相似文献   

城市环境中树木年轮的变异及其与工业发展的关系   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
通过对污染敏感树种油松年轮宽度和元素含量的变异与沈阳工业发展的相关分析。追溯和重建沈阳地区的生态环境变迁史,揭示城市环境质量与树木年轮变异之间的相关规律。结果表明,在城市污染条件下,树木年轮宽度和微量元素含量均发生了明显的变异,而且这些变异与沈阳工业发展显著相关.  相似文献   

树木年轮宽度与气候因子的关系研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
树木的生长与立地环境密切相关并受气候变化的影响,树木年轮宽度作为反映气候与环境变化的一个重要参数,已被广大生态学家所重视并应用。本文综述了树木年轮宽度与温度(当年初春温度、前一年的夏季高温和冬季低温)、降水(生长季的降水和生长季前的降水)、太阳辐射、CO2浓度等气候因子的关系及其在古气候环境研究、环境预测等领域中的应用,并对该研究的量测方法和数据处理分析方法的进展作了概述。针对我国树木年轮宽度研究的现状,提出了扩大取样范围、拓宽研究领域、改善取样和分析方法、建立完善的树轮年表体系、加强与国外树轮研究工作者的信息交流等建议,为我国树木年轮宽度研究的进一步发展提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

灌木年轮资料的生态学价值逐渐受到人们关注,灌木年轮数据逐步被用于揭示灌丛植被年际生长对气候响应的敏感性研究中,目前用于灌木年轮学研究的主要灌木种已近70种。灌木年轮材料拓宽了传统以乔木树种为主的树轮研究网络,丰富了树木年轮学的研究范围和研究对象,在揭示灌丛生态系统结构、功能、服务的时间变化特征上具有重要生态学价值。本文收集整理了1996—2021年间的灌木年轮学研究成果,综述灌木年轮学在生理学、气候学、生态学、水文学领域的研究进展。阐述了不同环境胁迫条件下灌木生长和木质部解剖特征;揭示了不同气候条件下灌木物种径向生长的主要限制性因素,以及基于灌木年轮材料记录的区域气候波动历史;评估了灌木物种径向生长和种群动态的气候和非气候因素驱动的灌丛生态系统变化特征;论述了灌木年轮资料在重建区域水文要素变化历史方面的研究。在全球气候变暖不断加剧的背景下,我国灌木年轮学研究应着重关注干旱半干旱区不同水分条件下灌木物种径向生长对干旱胁迫的响应规律,以及在气候变化背景下灌木物种空间分布及其气候响应敏感性的转型特征方面研究。  相似文献   

Tree-ring analyses from semi-arid to arid regions in western Himalaya show immense potential for developing millennia long climate records. Millennium and longer ring-width chronologies of Himalayan pencil juniper (Juniperus polycarpos), Himalayan pencil cedar (Cedrus deodara) and Chilgoza pine (Pinus gerardiana) have been developed from different sites in western Himalaya. Studies conducted so far on various conifer species indicate strong precipitation signatures in ring-width measurement series. The paucity of weather records from stations close to tree-ring sampling sites poses difficulty in calibrating tree-ring data against climate data especially precipitation for its strong spatial variability in mountain regions. However, for the existence of strong coherence in temperature, even in data from distant stations, more robust temperature reconstructions representing regional and hemispheric signatures have been developed. Tree-ring records from the region indicate multi-century warm and cool anomalies consistent with the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age anomalies. Significant relationships noted between mean premonsoon temperature over the western Himalaya and ENSO features endorse utility of climate records from western Himalayan region in understanding long-term climate variability and attribution of anthropogenic impact.  相似文献   

Tree-ring based paleoclimate reconstructions entail several sequential estimation or processing steps. Consequently, it can be difficult to isolate climatic from non-climatic variability in the raw ring width measurements, estimate the uncertainty associated with a reconstruction, and directly infer how specific techniques used to sequentially fit growth curves or to reconstruct climate influence the final estimates. This paper explores the use of hierarchical regression models to address these problems. The proposed models simultaneously model the entire reconstruction process in a way that is consistent with the existing step-by-step estimation framework, but allow for uncertainty estimation and propagation across steps, which can help determine how best to improve a candidate model. The utility of hierarchical models is tested for an example, the reconstruction of summertime temperatures in northern Sweden in a cross-validated framework relative to 1) a sequential process of growth curve fitting followed by chronology development, 3) an iterative, “signal-free” approach, and 2) a signal-free regional curve standardization (RCS-SF). Further, an exploration of different structures within the unifying hierarchical framework is provided to illustrate how one could easily test a variety of choices of model design. We focus on a subset of choices relevant to recent dendroclimatic studies using hierarchical methods and related to 1) data transformation, 2) the benefits of biological detrending and climate reconstruction in a single step 3) partial pooling of the age model across trees, 4) the homogeneity of variance across tree-ring residuals, 5) the structural form of the age model, and 6) the inclusion of autoregressive processes for the tree-ring residuals. The work described here represents part of a series of ongoing explorations of potential advances over current dendroclimatic reconstruction approaches and commonly implemented ways in which they have and are specifically implemented. The results show that hierarchical modeling appears to offer improved climate reconstructions over the standardization techniques explored in this exercise, substantially so for the non-RCS sequential and iterative methods.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore the potential to reconstruct lake-level (and groundwater) fluctuations from tree-ring chronologies of black alder (Alnus glutinosa L.) for three study lakes in the Mecklenburg Lake District, northeastern Germany. As gauging records for lakes in this region are generally short, long-term reconstructions of lake-level fluctuations could provide valuable information on past hydrological conditions, which, in turn, are useful to assess dynamics of climate and landscape evolution. We selected black alder as our study species as alder typically thrives as riparian vegetation along lakeshores. For the study lakes, we tested whether a regional signal in lake-level fluctuations and in the growth of alder exists that could be used for long-term regional hydrological reconstructions, but found that local (i.e. site-specific) signals in lake level and tree-ring chronologies prevailed. Hence, we built lake/groundwater-level reconstruction models for the three study lakes individually. Two sets of models were considered based on (1) local tree-ring series of black alder, and (2) site-specific Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Indices (SPEI). Although the SPEI-based models performed statistically well, we critically reflect on the reliability of these reconstructions, as SPEI cannot account for human influence. Tree-ring based reconstruction models, on the other hand, performed poor. Combined, our results suggest that, for our study area, long-term regional reconstructions of lake-level fluctuations that consider both recent and ancient (e.g., archaeological) wood of black alder seem extremely challenging, if not impossible.  相似文献   

Over the last decade the field of tropical dendroecology has developed rapidly and major achievements have been made. We reviewed the advances in three main themes within the field. First, long chronologies for tropical tree species were constructed which allowed climate reconstructions, revealed sources of climatic variation and clarified climate–growth relations. Other studies combined tree-ring data and stable isotope (13C and 18O) measurements to evaluate the response of tropical trees to climatic variation and changes. A second set of studies assessed long-term growth patterns of individual trees throughout their life. These studies enhanced the understanding of growth trajectories to the canopy, quantified autocorrelated tree growth and yielded new estimates of tree ages. Such studies were also used to reconstruct the disturbance history of tropical forests. The last set of studies applied tree-ring data to growth models. Tree-ring data can replace diameter measurements from research plots, provide additional information to construct population models, improve timber yield models and validate model output. Based on our review, we propose two main directions for future research. (1) An evaluation of the causes and consequences of growth variation within and among trees and their relation to environmental variation. Studies evaluating this directly contribute to improved understanding of tropical tree ecology. (2) The simultaneous measurement of widths and stable isotope fractions in tree rings offers the potential to study responses of trees to climatic change. Given the major role of tropical forests in the global carbon cycle, knowing these responses is of high priority.  相似文献   

Tree-ring widths and stable carbon and oxygen isotopes of five European larch trees from Lötschental, Switzerland were investigated for the period 1900–2004. The objective was to test the suitability of each of these parameters for high-frequency climate reconstructions. This is of special interest with regard to the problem of cyclic larch budmoth (LBM) infestations of alpine larch trees. The results clearly demonstrate that tree-ring width chronologies are not suitable for high-frequency reconstructions because infestations lead to variably reduced tree-ring increments, largely suppressing climate signals. On the other hand, the stable isotope chronologies proved less affected by larch budmoth outbreaks, independent of the strength of the infestations. The correlation of the carbon isotopes with summer temperatures was especially high (r = 0.73) and with precipitation lower but nevertheless significant (r = ?0.43). Oxygen isotopes were also correlated with summer temperature (r = 0.46); however, a certain perturbation of normal oxygen isotope signatures due to LBM outbreaks was evident. Contrary to tree-ring widths, none of the LBM outbreaks caused a significant disturbance of the current year’s isotopic climate signal and, most importantly, there were no delayed effects in the following years. Thus, stable carbon isotopes in tree-ring chronologies of the European larch provide an excellent opportunity for high-frequency temperature reconstructions.  相似文献   

The recent decade has witnessed considerable progress in the number of tree-ring studies using the tropical conifer taxa, Pinus kesiya. Several tree-ring networks have been established in less explored regions in Northeast India, Southwest China and Vietnam. The seasonal climate response of P. kesiya tree-rings has been examined and used to reconstruct temperature and soil moisture variability over the past century and augment the short instrumental records in South and Southeast Asia. In addition to standard approaches, the application of stable isotope, wood density, and blue intensity measurements indicates a significant development in P. kesiya studies. This review elaborates the future prospects of using multiple tree-ring parameters to establish discrete proxies besides tree-ring width. We recommend blue intensity as a cost-effective alternative to quantitative wood anatomy in tropical pines, and call for routine assessments of the temporal stability of climate-growth responses to identify and study potentially non-stationary climate signals. Efforts should be made towards developing extensive networks of long P. kesiya tree-ring chronologies to extend regional climate reconstructions.  相似文献   

灌木对生境和气候变化具有高度敏感性,其年轮资料在认识区域环境演变过程、全球气候变化和环境保护中具有重要作用。灌木植株在生长过程中受遗传和极端环境的影响,年轮常出现偏心和不规则生长,这使得专业年轮分析软件测量的年轮宽度数据难以准确反映其整体径向生长信息。为探讨适合于寒旱区灌木年轮学研究的年轮测量指标和测量方法,研究以该区域荒漠常见植物多枝柽柳(Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb.)为研究对象,通过U-net深度学习方法,获得年轮提取训练模型,自动获取扫描轮盘各年早材区域。轮盘扫描及语义分割后的图像经GIS配准赋坐标、ENVI图像处理后,借助GIS编辑和测量工具,完成多枝柽柳各年年轮生长速率(Tree-ring growth rate, TRGR)、年轮宽度(Tree-ring width, TRW)和树木基部断面积生长增量(Basal area increment, BAI)的测量;研究基于Timesat Savitzky-Golay(S-G)滤波时间序列拟合,获取点样尺度归一化植被指数(Normalized difference vegetation index, ND...  相似文献   

The effect of global warming on alpine forests is complex. It is crucial, therefore, to investigate the effects of climate change on the radial growth of trees at different altitudes. The tree growth–climate relationship remains poorly understood at large spatial scales in the Tianshan Mountains, China. Schrenk spruce (P. schrenkiana) is a unique tree species to this area. In this study, we collected tree-ring width and maximum density data from nine plots along an altitudinal gradient. Results showed that altitude affected both tree-ring width and maximum density. At high altitudes, tree-ring width was positively correlated with temperature in February of the current year. Tree-ring width was also positively correlated with precipitation in July of the previous year, and January and July of the current year, and negatively correlated with the monthly diurnal temperature range (DTR). At low altitudes, tree-ring width was negatively correlated with temperature in the early growing season and the growing season. Tree-ring width was positively correlated with precipitation in June and September of the previous year, and May of the current year. The tree-ring maximum density was positively correlated with temperature and the DTR of the growing season, and negatively correlated with precipitation in winter and growing season. Moving correlation analysis showed that the positive response of tree-ring width to precipitation in the growing season was enhanced over time at high altitudes. In the low-altitude trees, the negative response of tree-ring width to temperature in the growing season was reduced, while the positive response to precipitation in the growing season was enhanced. The positive response relationship between tree-ring maximum density and the temperature in July weakened over time. At low altitudes, the negative response of tree-ring maximum density to winter precipitation was strengthened, and a stable negative response to July precipitation was observed. As the climate becomes wetter and warmer in the Tianshan Mountains, our results suggest that the radial growth of trees may benefit at elevations above 2400 m a.s.l. There was no obvious elevation limit for the increase in tree-ring maximum density. These findings provide a basis for sustainable forest management under global climate change.  相似文献   

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