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洗胃法与剖胃法在四种蛙食性分析中的对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在动物的食性研究中,剖胃法因要杀死动物,会产生一系列的生态学影响和伦理学问题,在国际上招致了越来越多的反对,而在我国仍广泛使用。尽管洗胃法已用于食性研究,它的效果却从来没有研究过。我们应用洗胃法研究了浙江宁波郭巨镇四种蛙(黑斑蛙、泽蛙、金线蛙和中华蟾蜍)的食性,并与剖胃法所获得的食性结果进行比较。结果显示:尽管洗胃法在四种蛙胃内食物量的总洗出率(在94.50%以上)和食物个体数的洗出率上(均大于93.46%)略低于剖胃法,但胃内未洗出的与洗出的平均食物个体大小间无差异(所有P>0.3061),两种方法获得的四种蛙的平均食物量和食物个体数也无差异(对食物量所有P>0.8680,对食物个体数所有P>0.7923)。结果表明,洗胃法是比较精确的,在动物的食性研究中,应广泛地推广洗胃法,摒弃剖胃法  相似文献   

蓝尾石龙子的头部两性异形和食性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张永普  计翔 《动物学报》2004,50(5):745-752
通过测量头、体大小和胃检研究浙江泰顺产蓝尾石龙子 (Eumeceselegans)个体发育过程中两性异形和食性的变化。蓝尾石龙子成体个体大小和头部大小的两性差异显著 ,雄性大于雌性。不同发育阶段雌性头长与SVL的线性回归斜率无显著差异 ,头宽与SVL线性回归斜率的差异显著 ,成体和SVL <5 0mm幼体头宽随SVL的增长速率显著小于SVL为 5 0 - 6 9mm的幼体。雄性头部相对于SVL呈加速式异速生长。两性比较发现 :雌雄幼体头长和头宽随SVL的增长速率无显著差异 ,SVL <5 0mm幼体特定SVL的头长和头宽无显著的两性差异 ,但SVL为 5 0 - 6 9mm的雄性幼体头长和头宽大于SVL相同的雌性幼体 ;雄性成体头长和头宽随SVL的增长速率显著大于雌性。SVL <5 0mm的雌性幼体头部相对小于SVL为 5 0 - 6 9mm的同性幼体 ,性成熟雌体头部相对小于SVL为 5 0 - 6 9mm的同性幼体。雌性幼体、雄性幼体、雌性成体和雄性成体食物生态位宽度分别为 12 3、 12 5、 4 8和 14 4。雌雄幼体食物生态位重叠度最高 ,雌雄成体食物生态位重叠度次之 ,成体与幼体食物生态位重叠度较小。成体摄入食饵的大小 (用胃内完整食物长度的平均值表示 )和变化范围大于幼体。两性成、幼体摄入的食饵大小差异显著。两性个体摄入的食饵大小均与其SVL呈正相关 ,表明较大  相似文献   

海南变色树蜥个体发育中形态和食性的变化   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
研究变色树蜥(Calotes versicolor)头,尾大小和食性在个体发育过程中的变化,以及头,尾大小两性异性的个体发生,成体体长(SVL)无显著的两性差异,两性异形主要表现为雄性个体有较大的头部(头长和头宽)和尾部。头,尾大小的两性异形在初生幼体就已存在,并随个体发育的进行变得更加显著。不同年龄组两性个体头长以及雌体头宽随SVL呈同速增长;雄性头宽随SVL呈异速增长,表现为雄性头宽的增长速率在个体发育过程中逐渐增大。头,尾部的相对大小在个体发育过程中有显著的变化,初生幼体头部相对较大,尾部相对较小,这种形态特征是胚胎优先保证生态学意义更为显著的部分(如头部)生长的结果,有利于初生幼体的早期生存和生长,不同性别和年龄组的变色树蜥摄入食物的种类及各种食物在摄入食物中所的比例有一定程度的差别,因而食物生态位宽度和重叠度有一定程度的差别,然而没有直接的证据表明头部大小的两性异形能导致两性食物生态位的明显分离。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯地区密点麻蜥的食性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对采自内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯库布齐沙漠85只密点麻蜥Eremias multiocellata,采用胃剖法作食性分析,分别计算出它们的食物数量和频次百分比、营养生态位宽度、营养生态位重叠值和有益系数等。结果显示,密点麻蜥以觅食昆虫为主,其次为蛛形类和植物种子;其中包括2纲13目41科的节肢动物门物种。雌、雄个体的取食食性差异不显著,但幼体、亚成体和成体间食性有显著的差异。雌、雄个体的营养生态位重叠值较大。亚成体的营养生态位宽度与食物多样性指数最大,而成体最小。密点麻蜥的总有益系数为正值,表明该物种摄食较多的害虫。  相似文献   

草原沙蜥秋季食性分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用剖胃法对采自内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯库布齐沙漠的草原沙蜥(Phrynocephalus frontalis)进行食性分析研究。结果表明,该地区的草原沙蜥在8~9月间,以昆虫类动物为主要食物,占全部食物的95.8%。不同性别草原沙蜥取食的食物种类差异不显著,雌雄个体的食物百分率相似性指数及营养生态位重叠值均较大,雄性的食物多样性指数(IFD)及营养生态位宽度(BTN)均大于雌性。成体和亚成体之间以及亚成体和幼体之间食物种类存在差异但不显著,而成体和幼体间的食物种类差异极显著,不同年龄草原沙蜥的食物百分率相似性指数较小,IFD值与BTN值均是成体最大,幼体最小。总有益系数、不同性别的有益系数分别为V总=22.44%,V雌=12.76%,V雄=9.83%,草原沙蜥是对荒漠化草原有益的类群。  相似文献   

用采自海南东寨港红树林保护区的58只(35 ♀♀,23 ♂♂)成体海陆蛙(Fejervarya cancrivora),通过测量头体长、体重、头长、头宽、吻长等11个形态特征指标和雌体卵巢质量(窝卵重),研究该种形态特征的两性异形和雌性繁殖特征,并检验雌性成体大小(头体长和体重)与其繁殖的相关性.雌雄两性个体的最小头体长分别为44.9 mm和45.2 mm.除吻长和眼间距外,其余局部形态特征与头体长皆呈正相关性.头体长在雌雄两性之间差异显著,雌性显著大于雄性;而体重、头长、头宽等局部形态均无两性差异.海陆蛙雌体的窝卵重与头体长和体重之间皆成正相关关系,表明雌性可能是通过增大体型从而增加繁殖输出,而向较大体型发展.  相似文献   

黄颡鱼的两性异形和雌性繁殖特征   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
测定了黄颡鱼成体的体长、头长、头宽、头高、吻长、眼径、眼间距、眼后头长、体高、尾柄高、背鳍基前距、背鳍基长、尾柄长、腹鳍基前距、背鳍脂鳍间距、腹鳍臀鳍间距、尾鳍长、体重、去内脏体重等形态指标以及雌体的怀卵数量。雌性成体的体长显著小于雄性成体。其它局部特征皆与体长呈正相关,回归剩余值的t—检验表明,雌性成体的眼径、头高、体高、腹鳍基前距、体重显著大于雄性成体,其它局部形态特征不存在显著的两性差异。黄颡鱼雌体通过个体大小的增加和腹部形态的改变增加腹腔容量,增加繁殖输出。  相似文献   

舟山群岛变态后牛蛙的食性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
牛蛙(Ranacatesbeiana)是极其危险的外来入侵种,对当地生物类群的捕食是其主要的危害机制,但目前有关其食性的研究均只局限于一个研究地点。为了全面评估牛蛙对当地生物类群的捕食影响,2005年6月30日至8月11日期间,作者采用洗胃法对舟山群岛8个岛屿(岱山、六横、秀山、佛渡、桃花、虾峙、册子和普陀山)变态后牛蛙的食性进行了研究。共采集到变态后的牛蛙391只,包括牛蛙成体113只和亚成体278只。食性分析结果表明:(1)按食物体积计算,成年牛蛙以十足目、鞘翅目、蜻蜓目、中腹足目、蛙形目和鲤形目为主要食物,亚成体牛蛙以十足目、鞘翅目、鲤形目、蜻蜓目、直翅目、膜翅目、鳞翅目幼虫、中腹足目和蛙形目为主要食物;成体和亚成体牛蛙胃中食物的平均大小均随其体长增加而增大;(2)不同岛屿上的牛蛙在主要食物类型构成上存在差异。这表明牛蛙在不同地方对不同生物类群造成的捕食危害是不一样的,充分反映了其生态危害的广泛性。  相似文献   

用采自云南省西双版纳傣族自治州勐腊县的53只(28♂♂,25♀♀)成体饰纹姬蛙(Microhyla fissipes),测量全部个体的体长、头长、头宽、体重等16项形态特征和雌体怀卵量数据,通过独立样本t检验和协方差检验该物种所有形态特征的两性差异,进而采用线性回归方法分析雌雄成体局部形态特征与体长的相关性,以及雌性成体怀卵量与局部形态特征的相关性。结果表明,饰纹姬蛙平均体长雌性为(25.08±0.40)mm,雄性为(24.78±0.31)mm,体长和体重在雌雄两性间差异不显著(P 0.05),两性个体大小基本同形。该蛙的所有局部形态特征与体长均存在极显著正相关性(P 0.01);雌雄两性间只在头宽和前臂及手长这两个形态特征上存在显著差异(P 0.05),且随体长的增大其生长速率也存在显著差异。雌性成体的怀卵量与体长、体重、眼间距、前臂宽、胫宽和跗足长均存在显著正相关性(P 0.05),且与体重存在极显著正相关性(P 0.01)。分析认为,饰纹姬蛙成体两性异形主要表现在头宽和前臂及手长,与生存竞争中对食物的获取能力及雄性争夺交配权的成功率有关;而雌性个体可以通过增加体长和体重,相应地增加腹腔容量来提高繁殖输出,该结果符合生育力选择假说。  相似文献   

人工繁育是濒危物种保护的重要手段,但是也会改变物种的表型。为了探究人工繁育对于鳄蜥(Shinisaurus crocodilurus)形态和健康状况的影响,本研究比较了人工繁育鳄蜥与野外鳄蜥新生幼体及亚成体形态特征与细菌感染率。结果发现,人工繁育鳄蜥与野外鳄蜥的新生幼体体型无显著差异,而人工繁育鳄蜥亚成体体型显著大于野外鳄蜥;两个年龄段的人工繁育鳄蜥断尾率均显著低于野外鳄蜥;人工繁育鳄蜥亚成体细菌感染率最高,但是各年龄组种群间的差异不显著。本研究表明,人工环境促进了鳄蜥的生长,减少了鳄蜥被捕食的风险,但有增加鳄蜥感染疾病的可能性,因此在鳄蜥的饲养管理中需要加强疾病防治。  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is a general phenomenon in lizards, and can evolve through sexual selection or natural selection. But natural selection, which was thought to operate mainly through reducing the competition be- tween the two sexes (niche divergence hypothesis), gave rise to a lot of controversy. We tested the niche divergence hypothesis in the toad-headed lizard Phrynocephalus przewalskii by comparing diet composition and prey sizes between males and females. The species was found to be sexual dimorphic, with males having relatively larger snout-vent length, head width, head length, and tail length, while females have relatively larger abdomen length. Based on analysis of 93 studied stomachs, a total of 1359 prey items were identified. The most common prey items were formicid, lygaeid and tenebrionid. The two sexes did not differ in the relative proportions of prey size categories they consumed and the dietary overlap based on prey species was high (O = 0.989). In addition, the meal size, the volume or any maximal dimension of the largest prey item in the stomach was not explained by the sexes. According to our results, food niche divergence might not play an important role in the SSD evolution ofP. przewalskii.  相似文献   

鳄蜥(Shinisaurus crocodilurus)主要捕食部分昆虫、蜘蛛、蚯蚓、小型蛙类和小鱼等,但尚未见报道鳄蜥捕食其他相对较大的动物。本文报道了鳄蜥捕食变色树蜥(Calotesversicolor)和翠青蛇(Cyclophiopsmajor)的现象,以全事件记录法观察分析了鳄蜥猎捕这两种爬行动物的行为过程。这次新发现说明鳄蜥食谱较广,具有捕食蜥蜴等个体偏大动物的能力。因此,我们建议在饲养繁育中投喂更多类型的食物以避免营养不良。  相似文献   

We investigated the diet and foraging of the endemic teiid lizard Cnemidophorus littoralis in a restinga habitat in Jurubatiba, Macaé - RJ. The stomach contents were removed, analyzed and identified to the Order level. There was no relationship between C. littoralis morphological variables and number, length or volume of preys. Termites (48.7%) and larvae (35.5%) were the most important prey items which occurred in the examined lizards' stomachs. The diet did not differ between males and females. Cnemidophorus littoralis is an active forager and predominantly consumes relatively sedentary prey or prey that is aggregated in the environment. We also found an intact and undigested hatchling of the crepuscular/nocturnal gekkonid lizard Hemidactylus mabouia in the stomach of an adult male of C. littoralis, which indicates that C. littoralis is a potential source of mortality for individuals of H. mabouia in the restinga de Jurubatiba.  相似文献   

I examined sexual selection in the iguanid lizard Uta palmeri by measuring phenotypic selection in a cohort of males. Relative fitness was estimated by copulation rate from one breeding season, and I analyzed selection on five morphological traits (snout–vent length, mass, jaw length, head width, and head depth) and on male territory quality. Only territory quality and head depth were identified as direct targets of selection in a linear selection gradient analysis. Head depth was suggested to also be subject to quadratic selection. All traits exhibited significant directional selection differentials, suggesting indirect selection also was present because of the correlation of these traits with direct targets of selection. I used these results to generate hypotheses about the mechanisms of selection. For traits not identified as direct targets of selection (snout–vent length, mass, head width, jaw length), I could accept the null hypothesis of no female preference for the analyzed male traits; if these morphological traits were preferred by females in mate choice, they would have been identified as direct targets of selection. Exploring possible functional relationships within the cohort, I found that all five morphological traits contributed to explaining variation in territorial status. And in staged aggressive interactions between males that were similar in snout–vent length and mass, winning was associated only with greater head depth and not with head width or jaw length. Several possible interpretations of these results are presented. This study suggests that differential mating success arising from variation in territory quality gives rise to indirect selection on morphology. The possible mechanisms giving rise to the proposed direct selection on head depth require further study.  相似文献   

Tropidurus species commonly prey on arthropods, but they may also feed on vertebrates and plant material. The lizard Tropidurus oreadicus (Tropiduridae) is common in open vegetation habitats and generally has sexual dimorphism. In this study we analyzed the diet of T. oreadicus at Serra dos Carajás, Pará, in the north of Brazil. Snout-vent length (SVL) and jaw width (JW) were taken for 34 lizards. There was a significant difference in SVL and in JW, with males being larger than females. All lizards analyzed contained food in their stomachs. The diet of T. oreadicus at Serra dos Carajás was characterized by the consumption of a relative wide spectrum of food item categories (21 types of items), consisting of arthropods, part of one vertebrate and plant material, which characterizes the diet of a generalist predator. Volumetrically, the most important items in the diet of both sexes of T. oreadicus were flowers (M = 61.7%; F = 33%) and orthopterans (M = 1.7%; F = 3.5%). Ants were the most frequently consumed (100% for both sexes) and the most numerous (M = 94.5%; F = 89.4%) food item. Flowers also were frequently consumed (M = 91.7%; F = 54.5%), with their relative consumption differing significantly between sexes. There was not a significant sexual difference in prey volume, neither in number of preys per stomach, nor in type of prey ingested. There was no relationship between lizard jaw width and the mean volume of prey. The data showed that T. oreadicus is a relatively generalist lizard in terms of diet and that consumes large volumes of plant material, especially flowers of one species of genus Cassia.  相似文献   

We examined the dietary diversity and food intake of Phrynocephalus frontalis, compared the difference of insect diversity in the natural habitats with different lizard densities, and discussed the potential role of this lizard in the desert ecosystem. The results show that: (1) arthropodans of the orders Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Hemiptera were major dietary components of P. frontalis; (2) coleoptera larvae always formed the predominant component of lizard diets; (3) dietary diversities of P. frontalis were not significantly different between summer and autumn or between the two sexes; (4) the similarity in trophic niches between seasons was 0.756, whereas the similarity in trophic niches between sexes was 0.994; (5) stomach content weight of lizards varied significantly among different seasons, but there was no significant difference in stomach content weight between sexes; (6) insect diversity differed significantly among the groups of the habitat with different degrees of lizard density, and the habitat with moderate lizards density had the highest insect diversity. We infer that P. frontalis prey mainly on insects and change their diet and food intake with season; males and females consumed similar preys in types and weights. As an important predator, P. frontalis could affect the insect community in the arid ecosystem of Hunshandak Desert on the Mongolian Plateau.  相似文献   

Little is known about the effects of different prey species on lizard growth. We conducted a 6‐week study to determine the relative effects of prey species on growth parameters of hatchling western fence lizards, Sceloporus occidentalis. Lizards were fed house cricket nymphs, Acheta domesticus, or mealworm larvae, Tenebrio molitor. The effects of prey species on growth were determined by measuring prey consumption, gross conversion efficiency of food [gain in mass (g)/food consumed (g)], gain in mass, and gain in snout–vent length. Lizards grew well on both the prey species. However, lizards that fed on crickets consumed a significantly higher percentage of their body mass per day than those fed mealworms. Nevertheless, lizards that consumed mealworms ingested significantly more metabolizable energy, had significantly higher food conversion efficiencies, significantly higher daily gains in mass, and significantly greater total growth in mass than lizards that fed on crickets. Zoo Biol 27:181–187, 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism of phenotypic traits associated with resource use is common in animals, and may result from niche divergence between sexes. Snakes have become widely used in studies of the ecological basis of sexual dimorphism because they are gape‐limited predators and their head morphology is likely to be a direct indicator of the size and shape of prey consumed. We examined sexual dimorphism of body size and head morphology, as well as sexual differences in diet, in a population of Mexican lance‐headed rattlesnakes, Crotalus polystictus, from the State of México, Mexico. The maximum snout–vent length of males was greater than that of females by 21%. Males had relatively larger heads, and differed from females in head shape after removing the effects of head size. In addition, male rattlesnakes showed positive allometry in head shape: head width was amplified, whereas snout length was truncated with increased head size. By contrast, our data did not provide clear evidence of allometry in head shape of females. Adults of both males and females ate predominately mice and voles; however, males also consumed a greater proportion of larger mammalian species, and fewer small prey species. The differences in diet correspond with dimorphism in head morphology, and provide evidence of intersexual niche divergence in the study population. However, because the sexes overlapped greatly in diet, we hypothesize that diet and head dimorphisms in C. polystictus are likely related to different selection pressures in each sex arising from pre‐existing body size differences rather than from character displacement for reducing intersexual competition. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 633–640.  相似文献   

年龄和性别因素对奇台沙蜥食性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘洋  王舒娅  时磊 《动物学杂志》2011,46(6):111-117
采用胃容物分析法研究年龄和性别因素对奇台沙蜥(Phrynocephalus grumgrzimailoi)食性的影响.共解剖220号浸制标本,取出整胃分离胃容物,鉴别胃容物中的食物种类,统计各种食物组分的数量频率、重量比例、出现频率和相对重要性指数(index of relative importance,IRI).结...  相似文献   

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