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云南食用菌眼蕈蚊分类及优势种分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道了云南省各食用菌栽培地眼蕈蚊科(Sciaridae)害虫共6属11种, 其中异迟眼蕈蚊Bradysia difformis Frey为中国新纪录种, 独刺普眼蕈蚊Cosmosciara perniciosa Edwards为中国新记录属和种, 并提供了云南省食用菌眼蕈蚊种类检索表。研究标本均保存于云南农业大学昆虫系标本室。根据各地标本采集数据对不同食用菌上眼蕈蚊种类优势度进行了分析, 结果表明平菇厉眼蕈蚊Lycoriella pleuroti Yang et Zhang和异迟眼蕈蚊B. difformis Frey为云南省食用菌上眼蕈蚊的主要优势种类。  相似文献   

为害蘑菇的厉眼蕈蚊六新种(双翅目:眼蕈蚊科)   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
双翅目(Diptera)长角亚目(Nematocera)的眼蕈蚊科(Sciaridae)种类众多、分布广泛,其幼虫常为害大田和园艺作物的地下部分,例如韭菜蛆(韭莱迟眼蕈蚊Bradysia Odoriphaga Yang et Zhang等)是韭菜生产上的毁灭性害虫,温室和家庭栽种的植物及花卉也经常有眼蕈蚊为害,天然的和栽培的蘑菇更是它的主要滋生场所,是国际公认的重要食用菌害虫。  相似文献   

眼蕈蚊科(Sciaridae)为双翅目中小型暗色的蚊类,触角16节,复眼向背面尖突形成眼桥。眼蕈蚊的种类多、数量大,幼虫多生活在富有腐植质的土壤中,常危害植物的地下部分及野生和栽培的菌蕈。我国的眼蕈蚊种类相当多,但内蒙古缺乏调查,本文就现有的标本记述了5新种,代表5个属,内有一中国新记录属。新种的模式标本保存在北京农业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

为害竹荪和木耳的眼蕈蚊二新种(双翅目:眼蕈蚊科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
双翅目眼蕈蚊科为菌蕈的重要害虫,本文描记福建省竹荪和木耳上的二新种,并与近似种进行了比较,附新种的特征图以便于识别。  相似文献   

记述了眼蕈蚊科中国2新记录属和2新记录种,即屈眼蕈蚊属Camptochaeta Hippa&Vilkamaa的细屈眼蕈蚊C.tenuipalpis(Tuomikoski)和木眼蕈蚊属Xylosciara Tuomikoski的嗜木眼蕈蚊X.lignicola(Winnertz),绘制了主要外形特征图。标本保存于浙江林学院昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

<正> 尖眼蕈蚊Sciara sp.隶属尖眼蕈蚊科(Sciaridae)尖眼蕈蚊属(Sciara),是一类食性杂、分布广的双翅目小型昆虫,一般在畜粪、垃圾、潮湿的菜园、花盆及腐殖质丰富的场地孳生。其幼虫为害蘑菇,成虫亦可吸取菇体液汁,传播细菌、病毒等病害,致使受害蘑菇产量下降、质量变差。作者自1984年4月以来,在室内,用长有菌丝的蘑菇培养基进行饲养和观察其结果如下。  相似文献   

异迟眼蕈蚊Bradysia difformis Frey与韭菜迟眼蕈蚊Bradysia odoriphaga Yang et Zhang是食用菌的两种重要的害虫,对食用菌的质量及产量危害极大。高温处理是食用菌生产过程中常用的措施,但其对眼蕈蚊害虫的防治效果研究尚未有报道。【目的】为明确高温胁迫对两种眼蕈蚊存活及繁殖的影响,探究高温防治的可行性。【方法】本文探究了高温胁迫(30~40℃)对两种眼蕈蚊各虫态存活的影响,并进一步分析短时高温胁迫对存活幼虫和成虫后续发育和繁殖的影响。【结果】当温度超过36℃对各虫态产生明显的短时致死效应。4种虫态中,成虫耐热性最差,蛹的耐热性最强。38℃下,异迟眼蕈蚊与韭菜迟眼蕈蚊成虫致死中时间LT50分别为0.493~0.553 h和1.335~1.431 h;蛹LT50分别为1.402 h和2.356 h。经短时间高温胁迫后,存活幼虫后续化蛹明显推迟,成虫产卵量下降,38℃处理2 h,存活异迟眼蕈蚊与韭菜迟眼蕈蚊幼虫化蛹时间分别推迟3.09 d和1.93 d,产卵量较对照分别下降了74%和60%。经高温胁迫后,存活成虫后续的寿命缩短,繁殖力下降。38℃处理1 h,存活异迟眼蕈蚊与韭菜迟眼蕈蚊雌成虫寿命分别缩短了1.60 d和1.57 d,产卵量较对照分别下降了59%和40%。【结论】高温胁迫(≥36℃)会影响两种眼蕈蚊各虫态存活,并对存活个体后续发育繁殖有明显的抑制作用。因此,高温处理可作为食用菌生产过程中防治眼蕈蚊的物理措施。  相似文献   

韭菜迟眼蕈蚊是我国韭菜生产中的重要害虫,各韭菜种植区均有发生。随着北方设施农业的迅速发展,良好的温室环境使韭菜迟眼蕈蚊的为害愈加严重,已成为制约韭菜种植业发展的重要因素。上世纪80年代,分类学家正式确定韭菜迟眼蕈蚊Bradysia odoriphaga是我国韭菜根蛆类害虫的优势物种,此后,在生物学、生理学、生态学等基础研究领域和防治方法等应用研究领域,有关韭菜迟眼蕈蚊的研究都取得了很大进展。本文全面总结了韭菜迟眼蕈蚊在我国各韭菜种植区及不同种植模式下的发生规律,详细叙述了农业、物理、生物、化学等相关防治措施,综合介绍了韭菜迟眼蕈蚊防治方法近二十年内的研究成果,对未来韭菜迟眼蕈蚊的综合治理方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

韭菜迟眼蕈蚊(Bradysia odoriphaga Yang et Zhang)是韭菜的重要害虫。为了摸清韭菜迟眼蕈蚊的发生规律,制订有效的防治对策,调查了韭菜迟眼蕈蚊在3种栽培模式(日光温室、塑料大棚、露地)中全年的种群动态,结合温度数据分析了韭菜迟眼蕈蚊种群数量与温度间的关系。结果表明,韭菜迟眼蕈蚊在日光温室中存在明显的春、秋、冬季高峰期及夏季低谷期,在塑料大棚和露地中存在明显的春、秋季高峰期及冬、夏季低谷期,且夏季的低谷出现在夏季高温时期,越冬种群均以高龄幼虫为主。此外,种群数量与温度的相关性分析显示温度是决定韭菜迟眼蕈蚊种群数量的关键因素,高温对种群数量的增长具有显著的抑制作用。  相似文献   

【目的】韭菜迟眼蕈蚊Bradysia odoriphaga Yang et Zhang是为害韭菜等蔬菜的重要害虫,规模化饲养提供大量虫源是其他研究工作得以开展的基础。本研究旨在解决目前韭菜迟眼蕈蚊饲养规模小、材料和劳动力成本高等问题。【方法】本实验室利用土豆、花生、大豆为食物进行了规模化饲养韭菜迟眼蕈蚊的研究,测定了取食上述饲料的韭菜迟眼蕈蚊的成活率、繁殖力、羽化节律和性比。【结果】取食土豆、花生、大豆等食物的韭菜迟眼蕈蚊的成活率和繁殖力与取食人工饲料和韭菜的无显著差异,卵到成虫的发育历期为20~23 d,雌雄性比为0.8︰1~1.2︰1。在规模化饲养过程中,土豆、花生、大豆等饲料有发霉长菌现象,经分子鉴定,主要种类为雅致放射毛霉、巴克斯毛霉、黄曲霉和赭曲霉,均为腐生菌,不影响韭菜迟眼蕈蚊的存活和繁殖。【结论】该技术省工省时,成本低,特别适合实验室种群的维持和大量试虫的饲养。  相似文献   

兰科Orchidaceae植物金线莲Anoectochilus roxburghii(Wall.)Lindl是一种在中国广泛使用的中草药.本文首次报道两种迟眼蕈蚊属害虫危害金线莲,即Bradysia impatiens(Johannsen,1912)和Bradysia ocellaris(Comstock,1882).这一发现提醒昆虫学家和农民应当注意金线莲和其他兰科植物上的潜在害虫,具有重要的经济意义.  相似文献   

Seven species of sciarid flies were collected in shiitake mushroom farm in Korea. Among them, Lycoriella ingenua (Dufour 1839) and Bradysia difformis Frey 1948 were dominant as possible pests of the shiitake mushroom because the larvae were found on both oak bed logs and in the artificial sawdust beds for shiitake cultivation. Five other species, which were collected in lower numbers, are reported for the first time in Korea: Bradysia longimentula (Sasakawa 1994), Bradysia trispinifera Mohrig & Krivosheina 1979, Leptosciarella (Leptospina) subdentata (Mohrig and Menzel 1992), Scatopsciara camptospina Mohrig and Mamaev 1990, and Xylosciara inornata Mohrig and Krivosheina 1979.  相似文献   

Females of the fungus gnat species Bradysia difformis , Bradysia optata and Bradysia tilicola are able to produce sexual attractants. In males, the female extracts elicit species-specific courtship behaviour and attraction in an olfactometer bioassay. Attractiveness of the sex pheromone extracts seems to differ in the investigated species, being highly attractive for males in B. difformis and only moderately attractive in B. tilicola . Female B. difformis are attractive from late pupal stages until death of the imago. In contrast, female B. optata and B. tilicola are not attractive to males before emergence from the pupa and attractiveness decreases in older females. The pheromones seem to be located on the surface of several body compartments of freshly emerged females. Sexual pheromones of all three species represent multicomponent blends and can be separated in several fractions via thin layer chromatography (TLC). Males of all species show courtship behaviour when placed on developed TLC sheets, indicating the position of the biologically active compounds. In B. difformis and B. optata , the most non-polar TLC fraction is attractive to males, whereas the single fractions of B. tilicola -pheromone elicited almost no attraction of males.  相似文献   

The results of a revision of the Sciaridae (Diptera: Nematocera) from the British Isles are presented, carried out as a preliminary to the preparation of a new Handbook for the identification of the British and Irish fauna of this family. A total fauna of 263 species is confirmed, including many species new to the British Isles: 111 new to Great Britain and 32 new to Ireland. Epidapus ( Pseudoaptanogyna ) echinatum Mohrig & Kozánek, 1992 , hitherto known only from North Korea, is newly recorded from Europe. Six species are described as new to science: Bradysia austera Menzel & Heller sp. nov. , Bradysia ismayi Menzel sp. nov. , Bradysia nigrispina Menzel sp. nov. , Corynoptera flavosignata Menzel & Heller sp. nov. , Corynoptera uncata Menzel & Smith sp. nov. and Epidapus subgracilis Menzel & Mohrig sp. nov . The following new synonymies are proposed: Leptosciarella nigrosetosa (Freeman, 1990) =  Leptosciarella truncatula Mohrig & Menzel, 1997 ; Sciara nursei Freeman, 1983 =  Sciara ulrichi Menzel & Mohrig, 1998. Many misidentifications in the previous literature are corrected. Details of the collection data and location of specimens examined are provided under each species. The localities from which Sciaridae were collected in the British Isles are documented by modern county and grid references and the habitat indicated where known, to assist in assessing the ecological requirements of each species.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 146 , 1–147.  相似文献   

Agricultural and forestry pest species of the Bradysia tilicola group from Japan were revised taxonomically after examination of the type specimens. A sciarid pest of Welsh onion occurred from northern Saitama, Japan since 2014 and later from south‐eastern Gunma, Japan, was identified as B. odoriphaga Yang & Zhang, 1985, sp. rev. It was removed from synonymy of B. cellarum Frey, 1948, being the first record of the species from Japan. Bradysia agrestis Sasakawa, 1978, was assigned to be a junior synonym of B. impatiens (Johannsen, 1912). Bradysia paupera Tuomikoski, 1960, sp. rev. , was removed from synonymy of B. impatiens and was recognized as a distinct species. We also compiled their host plants and fungi hitherto reported from Japan. Bradysia impatiens was here recorded from an indoor facility of cloud ear fungus, Auricularia polytricha (Montagne) Sacc., for the first time. At least 19 cultural crops belonging to 12 plant and fungal families were reported as actual and potential hosts of B. impatiens. We suggested that B. impatiens and B. paupera might have been confused in studies of mushroom production in Japan. Further survey of distribution of B. paupera in Japan needs to be done.  相似文献   

【目的】韭菜迟眼蕈蚊Bradysia odoriphaga Yang et Zhang是韭菜生产中最主要的害虫。通过嗅觉趋性试验测定了3龄幼虫和雌虫对多种味源植物的寄主选择性及行为反应,为进一步研发绿色高效的生态防控技术提供理论依据。【方法】利用"Y"型嗅觉仪测定幼虫对健康韭菜、灰霉菌侵染韭菜、平菇、大葱和小白菜等几种寄主植物的嗅觉趋性反应,利用四臂嗅觉仪测定雌虫对健康韭菜、机械损伤韭菜、腐殖质和浸泡大豆4种味源材料的行为反应。【结果】"Y"型嗅觉仪测定结果表明健康韭菜、平菇和大葱对3龄幼虫的引诱作用较强;四臂嗅觉仪测定结果表明韭菜迟眼蕈蚊雌虫对机械损伤韭菜和腐殖质表现出较强趋性。【结论】应用嗅觉仪观测了韭菜迟眼蕈蚊3龄幼虫、雌虫对不同味源材料在不同条件下的定向选择行为,此项工作可为韭菜迟眼蕈蚊植物源引诱剂或驱避剂的进一步研发奠定基础。  相似文献   

【目的】BhSGAMP-1 是迟眼蕈蚊唾液腺抗菌肽,为了能够更好的了解其分子特性,我们将其表达、纯化并进行了活性测定。【方法】依据大肠杆菌稀有密码子设计并合成了抗菌肽基因 BhSGAMP-1-S,以 pMAL-c2X 作为表达载体在大肠杆菌 TB1 中进行融合表达,融合蛋白通过麦芽糖亲和层析柱进行纯化,获得的融合蛋白经肠激酶切割后,混合物通过分子筛凝胶层析和反相高效液相色谱来获得单体重组抗菌肽 BhSGAMP-1-S,对获得的抗菌肽进行活性测定。【结果】在最优的表达条件下融合蛋白以可溶的形式表达,100 mL 诱导菌液经多步纯化后可得 0. 38 mg 的重组抗菌肽 BhSGAMP-1-S,抑菌活性测定表明所获得的抗菌肽对部分测试革兰氏阳性细菌、革兰氏阴性细菌和真菌有较强的抑菌活性。【结论】本研究第一次成功的在大肠杆菌中诱导表达了修饰合成的抗菌肽 BhSGAMP-1-S,纯化后的抗菌肽具有很好的抑菌活性,这为进一步研究和应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The polytrophic ovarioles of three insect species, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, the fungus gnat Bradysia tritici, and the honeybee Apis mellifera, were compared morphologically and with respect to the cytological organization of the peripheral somatic layers. Staining with rhodaminyl-phalloidin revealed differences in the organization of the muscle strands of the epithelial sheath and the microfilament pattern in the basal part of the follicular epithelium (mid-vitellogenic stages). Also, the size of the intercellular space between the follicle cells differed considerably in the three analyzed species. The basement membrane of Drosophila and Bradysia follicles was partially digested using purified collagenase. The observed morphological changes indicated that in both species the basement membrane of the follicular epithelium plays an important role in shaping the follicles. The possible functional significance of the species-specific structural differences is discussed.  相似文献   

危害西瓜幼苗的韭菜迟眼蕈蚊的生物学特性及防治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李红  朱芬  周兴苗  黎娜  雷朝亮 《昆虫知识》2007,44(6):834-836,F0004
韭菜迟眼蕈蚊Bradysia odoriphaga Yanget Zhang危害西瓜早春红玉幼苗的现象尚未见报道。观察记录韭菜迟眼蕈蚊以瓜类植物饲养的发育历期并进行田间药剂防治试验。结果表明:瓜类植物饲养条件下的韭菜迟眼蕈蚊幼虫发育历期与已报道的以韭菜饲养条件下的发育历期基本一致,50%灭蝇胺可湿性粉剂和10%吡虫啉可湿性粉剂1500倍防治韭菜迟眼蕈蚊效果较好,保苗率达97%。  相似文献   

In the three salivary gland regions of Bradysia hygida (Diptera, Sciaridae) the patterns of polypeptide synthesis, as revealed by electrophoresis and fluorography, are very stable during the fourth larval instar until about 30 h before the pupal molt. At this age the patterns of polypeptide synthesis start to undergo marked changes. The striking correlations between these changes and the development of two distinct groups of DNA puffs support the proposal that DNA puffs are causally related to the synthesis of specific proteins in the salivary glands.  相似文献   

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