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精氨酸是人体中功能最多的氨基酸,作为多种内源性代谢产物如多胺、鸟氨酸、一氧化氮(nitric oxide,NO)等的前体物质,它在人体正常稳态的调节中中具有重要的生理功能。其中NO通过其特殊的理化性质及代谢过程在人体各个系统中担当着要角色。NO自被发现以来一直活跃在生命科学的前沿领域。但直到目前,NO的生理及病理作用仍然有许多问题有待更加深入地研究。本文对精氨酸/NO代谢途径及其中间代谢产物对机体正常生理功能、自稳态调节做一个简要的综述。  相似文献   

Kin-I 驱动蛋白(Kin-I kinesins)是一类重要的微管调节蛋白,具有依赖ATP的微管解聚活性.这类驱动蛋白在神经元的发育、纺锤体的组装和染色体的分离过程中起着重要的作用.自被发现以来的十几年里,人们对Kin-I驱动蛋白做了大量的研究工作.现对Kin-I驱动蛋白的结构、微管解聚活性及生理功能等方面进行简要综述.  相似文献   

良好的睡眠质量是维护人体健康和体力的重要保证,且与机体免疫调节、营养代谢等生理功能关系极为密切。睡眠机制目前还不清楚,绝大部分研究仍处于起始阶段。体内肠道菌群的微生物丰度及其代谢活动会对机体的行为产生深远影响。针对影响睡眠机制的因素,本研究综述了调节睡眠机制研究的现状及其发展趋势,并讨论肠道微生物对睡眠的调节作用以及与相关疾病的发病机制之间的关系,旨在为今后研究肠道微生物对人体的健康以及睡眠等慢性疾病发生发展的影响提供参考和思路。  相似文献   

乳杆菌是健康人体肠道的重要菌群之一,它与肠道微生态系统的调节和代谢、免疫的调控密切相关。大多数乳杆菌对人类健康有积极作用,其中一部分已被归为益生菌。一直以来,乳杆菌在人体中的存在状态和作用机制都是肠道微生态领域的研究重点。本文总结了人体肠道乳杆菌在种类、数量和功能方面的最新进展,值得注意的是,基于现代分子生物学技术的研究发现乳杆菌在人体肠道菌群中所占的数量比例相当小。虽然在数量上不占优势,但在对宿主生理功能的影响和代谢过程的调节上有不可替代的作用。此外本文还讨论了该领域仍需研究的内容,为人们进一步探索提供一些帮助。  相似文献   

王艳  舒健  张宸  李铮 《微生物学通报》2020,47(1):253-262
肠道微生物在维持人体健康和诱导疾病的发展中扮演着重要角色,其蛋白糖基化修饰深刻影响着宿主的各项生命活动。本文从糖组学的角度出发,讨论并分析了肠道微生物的组成、作用,以及肠道微生物群中代表性细菌的糖基化模式及其密切相关的生理功能,发现及归纳了糖基化对肠道微生物功能和活动的调节方式,为相关疾病的研究及诊治提供了一个新的思路。  相似文献   

综述了植物多酚的分类和来源、在代谢组学技术的驱动下,新型多酚物质的鉴定、控制植物多酚合成途径的关键因子以及多酚的功能特性的研究进展,阐述了植物多酚在肠道中的代谢以及其作为“益生元”调节肠道微生态并影响机体健康的重要功能。目前的研究表明不同植物多酚在调节肠道微生态方面存在差异,多数有促进肠道有益菌作用,并通过与肠道微生物“互作”发挥促进健康效应。总之,植物多酚作为“益生元”影响人体健康可能离不开肠道微生物的介导。各个植物多酚的益生功能也需要进一步阐析,在此过程中需要考虑宿主,膳食等混杂因素的综合影响,且需要拓展临床应用方面的研究。  相似文献   

肝细胞核因子(HNF,Hepatocyte nuclear factor)是调节肝脏基因特异性表达的一类转录因子,主要包括HNF1、HNF3、HNF4和HNF6等,这些转录因子相互作用构成复杂的调控网络。HNF在人体多个重要组织器官如肝、胰、肠、肾等都有不同程度的表达。研究发现,在多种疾病的患者体内,存在着编码这些因子基因的突变,提示HNF与维持及调节人体正常生理功能密不可分。本文旨在对HNF的研究进展作以系统性综述,为研究HNF相关疾病的发生机制并进行有效的干预提供新思路。  相似文献   

随着科学技术在食品领域的发展,纳米技术在食品、药物、化妆品、石油、农业及涂料等领域被广泛应用,引起了社会的高度关注。纳米科技包括众多科学技术,其中包埋技术是纳米科技中的重要技术之一。在功能性食品组分的运输载体构建方面,纳米包埋技术展现出了极大的潜力。该文综合叙述了纳米乳液结构、性能、制备方法以及应用情况。同时,该文以纳米乳液在食品中的应用为基础,围绕着被包埋物的人体利用率以及可能存在的被包埋纳米颗粒潜在的生物毒性,阐述了当前纳米乳液技术存在的关键性问题,并分析了问题的产生原因,为纳米乳液技术在日后的研究提供依据。  相似文献   

肠道菌群代谢作用与人体健康关系的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人体肠道内寄居的大量共生微生物可以通过多方面作用影响人体健康,特别是肠道内菌群的代谢作用,及与人体自身代谢的交互作用在人类的健康促进与疾病的发生、发展中起着重要作用。本文从正反两面讨论了肠道菌群代谢作用对人体健康的影响,并进一步探讨了肠道菌群代谢在健康监测、疾病的预防与治疗,以及个体化医疗方面的运用。  相似文献   

NADH(还原型烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸)自1962年被发现至今已有五十多年了,在此期间,运用NADH及其相关技术进行医疗诊断与医学检测的方式不断发展,领域也不断扩大。从当前的研究成果来看,NADH因为其独有的性质在现代医学诊断与检测领域发挥了极大的作用,如实时、无损地监测脑部的活动;清晰、有效地识别不同种类的脑组织;抗细胞辐射损伤;抗辐射诱导的细胞凋亡;进行人体内的诸多平衡调节及人体生物钟调节等。本文将重点介绍在重要领域中的NADH研究和应用的突破。  相似文献   

The emergence of stretchable textile‐based mechanical energy harvester and self‐powered active sensor brings a new life for wearable functional electronics. However, single energy conversion mode and weak sensing capabilities have largely hindered their development. Here, in virtue of silver‐coated nylon yarn and silicone rubber elastomer, a highly stretchable yarn‐based triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) with coaxial core–sheath and built‐in spring‐like spiral winding structures is designed for biomechanical energy harvesting and real‐time human‐interactive sensing. Based on the two advanced structural designs, the yarn‐based TENG can effectively harvest or respond rapidly to omnifarious external mechanical stimuli, such as compressing, stretching, bending, and twisting. With these excellent performances, the yarn‐based TENG can be used in a self‐counting skipping rope, a self‐powered gesture‐recognizing glove, and a real‐time golf scoring system. Furthermore, the yarn‐based TENG can also be woven into a large‐area energy‐harvesting fabric, which is capable of lighting up light emitting diodes (LEDs), charging a commercial capacitor, powering a smart watch, and integrating the four operational modes of TENGs together. This work provides a new direction for textile‐based multimode mechanical energy harvesters and highly sensitive self‐powered motion sensors with potential applications in sustainable power supplies, self‐powered wearable electronics, personalized motion/health monitoring, and real‐time human‐machine interactions.  相似文献   

Healthcare monitoring systems can provide important health state information by monitoring the biomechanical parameter or motion of body segments. Triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs) as self‐powered motion sensors have been developed rapidly to convert external mechanical change into electrical signal. However, research effort on using TENGs for multiaxis acceleration sensing is very limited. Moreover, TENG has not been demonstrated for rotation sensing to date. Herein, for the first time, a 3D symmetric triboelectric nanogenerator‐based gyroscope ball (T‐ball) with dual capability of energy harvesting and self‐powered sensing is proposed for motion monitoring including multiaxis acceleration and rotation. The T‐ball can harvest energy under versatile scenarios and function as self‐powered 3D accelerometer with sensitivity of 6.08, 5.87, and 3.62 V g ?1 . Furthermore, the T‐ball can serve as a self‐powered gyroscope for rotation sensing with sensitivity of 3.5 mV so?1. It shows good performance in hand motion recognition and human activity state monitoring applications. The proposed T‐ball as a self‐powered gyroscope for advanced motion sensing can pave the way to a self‐powered, more accurate, and more complete motion monitoring system.  相似文献   

The newly invented triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) is deemed to be a more efficient strategy than an electromagnetic generator (EMG) in harvesting low‐frequency (<2 Hz) water wave energy. Various TENGs with different structures and functions for blue energy have been developed, which can be roughly divided into two types: liquid–solid contact electrification TENGs and fully enclosed solid–solid contact electrification TENGs. Robustness and packaging are critical factors in the development of TENGs toward practical applications. Furthermore, for fully enclosed TENGs, the requirements and costs of packaging are very high, and they can difficult to disassemble after enclosed, if there is something wrong with the devices. Herein, a nonencapsulative pendulum‐like paper based hybrid nanogenerator for energy harvesting is designed, which mainly consists of three parts, one solar panel, two paper based zigzag multilayered TENGs, and three EMG units. This unique structure reveals the superior robustness and a maximum peak power of zigzag multilayered TENGs up to 22.5 mW is realized. Moreover, the device can be used to collect the mechanical energy of human motion in hand shaking. This work presents a new platform of hybrid generators toward energy harvesting as a portable practical power source, which has potential applications in navigation and lighting.  相似文献   

Wearable electronics have attracted a wide range of attention with various functions due to the development of semiconductor industry and information technology. This work focuses on a triboelectric nanogenerator‐based self‐charging power system as a continuous energy source for wearable electronics. The triboelectric nanogenerator has a multilayer elastomeric structure with closely stacked arches as basic functional units. Owing to material and structural innovations, this triboelectric nanogenerator performs outstanding electric output with the maximum volume charge density ≈0.055 C m?3 and practical properties for energy harvesting from body motions. Utilizing the triboelectric nanogenerator as outsole to harvest energy from walking or jogging, a pair of shoes is fabricated with the maximum equivalent charge current of each shoe being around 16.2 µA and specific fitness functions realized on each shoe separately without complex connections.  相似文献   

Mechanical energy scavengers convert irregular input mechanical energy into irregular electrical output. There is a need to enable uniform and predictable electric output from energy scavengers regardless of the variability in the mechanical input. So, in this work, a mechanical frequency regulator is proposed that fixes the input forces and input frequency acting on a triboelectric nanogenerator, thus enabling predictable electric output. The irregular low frequency mechanical input energy is first stored in a spiral spring following which the energy is released at the desired frequency by means of an appropriate design of gear train, cam, and flywheel. By regulating the nanogenerator output at 50 Hz, a standard power transformer can be optimally driven to increase the output current to 6.5 mA and reduce its voltage to 17 V. This output is highly compatible for powering wireless node sensors as is demonstrated in this work.  相似文献   

Triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs), as a promising energy harvesting technology, have been rapidly developed in recent years. However, the research based on fully flexible and environmentally friendly TENGs is still limited. Herein, for the first time, a hydrogel‐based triboelectric nanogenerator (Hydrogel‐TENG) with high flexibility, recyclability, and environmental friendliness simultaneously has been demonstrated. The standard Hydrogel‐TENG can generate a maximum output power of 2 mW at a load resistance of 10 MΩ. The tube‐shaped Hydrogel‐TENG can harvest mechanical energy from various human motions, including bending, twisting, and stretching. Furthermore, the system can serve as self‐powered sensors to detect the human motions. Additionally, the utilized Polyvinyl Alcohol hydrogel employed in this study is recyclable to benefit for fabricating the renewable TENG. The open‐circuit voltage of renewed hydrogel‐TENG can reach up to 92% of the pristine output voltage. This research will pave a potential approach for the development of flexible energy sources and self‐powered motion sensors in environmentally friendly way.  相似文献   

Vibration in mechanical equipment can serve as a sustainable energy source to power sensors and devices if it can be effectively collected. In this work, a honeycomb structure inspired triboelectric nanogenerator (HSI‐TENG) consisting of two copper electrode layers with sponge bases and one honeycomb frame filled with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) balls is proposed to harvest vibration energy. The application of a compact honeycomb structure increases the maximum power density of HSI‐TENG by 43.2% compared to the square grid structure and provides superior advantages in large‐scale manufacturing. More importantly, the nonspring‐assisted HSI‐TENG can generate electricity once the PTFE balls obtain sufficient kinetic energy to separate from the bottom electrode layer regardless of the vibration frequency and direction. This is fundamentally different from the spring‐assisted harvesters that can only work around their natural frequencies. The vibration model and working criteria of the HSI‐TENG are established. Furthermore, the HSI‐TENG is successfully used to serve as a self‐powered sensor to monitor engine conditions by analyzing the electrical output of the HSI‐TENG installed on a diesel engine. Therefore, the nonspring‐assisted HSI‐TENG provides a novel strategy for highly effective vibration energy harvesting and self‐powered machinery monitoring.  相似文献   

The air breakdown phenomenon is generally considered as a negative effect in previous research on triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs), which is always accompanied by air ionization. Here, by utilizing the air breakdown induced ionized air channel, a direct‐current triboelectric nanogenerator (DC‐TENG) is designed for harvesting contact‐separation mechanical energy. During working process, the charges first transfer from bottom to top electrodes through an external circuit in contact state, then flow back via the ionized air channel created by air breakdown in the separation process. So a unidirectional flow of electrical charges can be observed in the external circuit. With repeating contact‐separation cycles, continuous pulsed DC output through the external circuit can be realized. This working mechanism was verified by real‐time electrode potential monitoring, photocurrent signal detection, and controllable discharging observation. The DC‐TENG can be used for directly and continuously charging an energy storage unit and/or driving electronic devices without using a bridge rectifier. Owing to its simplicity in structure, the mechanism is further applied to fabricate the first flexible DC‐TENG. This research provides a significant fundamental study for DC‐TENG technology and may expand its application in flexible electronics and flexible self‐charging power systems.  相似文献   

Wearable electronics suffer from severe power shortage due to limited working time of Li‐ion batteries, and there is a desperate need to build a hybrid device including energy scavenging and storing units. However, previous attempts to integrate the two units are mainly based on simple external connections and assembly, so that maintaining small volume and low manufacturing cost becomes increasingly challenging. Here a convoluted power device is presented by hybridizing internally a solid Li‐ion battery (SLB) and a triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG), so that the two units are one inseparable entity. The fabricated device acts as a TENG that can deliver a peak output power of 7.4 mW under a loading resistance of 7 MΩ, while the device also acts as an SLB to store the obtained electric energy. The device can be mounted on a human shoe to sustainably operate a green light‐emitting diode, thus demonstrating potential for self‐powered wearable electronics.  相似文献   

Converting low‐grade thermal energy with small temperature gradient into electricity is challenging due to the low efficiency and high cost. Here, a new type of thermal–electric nanogenerator is reported that utilizes electrokinetic effect for effective harvesting thermal energy. The nanogenerator is based on an evaporation‐driven water flow in porous medium with small temperature gradient. With a piece of porous carbon film and deionized water, a maximum open‐circuit voltage of 0.89 V under a temperature difference of 4.2 °C is obtained, having a corresponding pseudo‐Seebeck coefficient of 210 mV K?1. The large pseudo‐Seebeck coefficient endows the nanogenerator sufficient power output for powering existing electronics directly. Furthermore, a wearable bracelet nanogenerator utilizing body heat is also demonstrated. The unique properties of such conversion process offer great potential for ultra‐low temperature‐gradient thermal energy recovery, wearable electronics, and self‐powered sensor systems.  相似文献   

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