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Results of comparative analysis of several ecologo-populational characteristics and fauna of parasites of deepwater redfish Sebastes mentella from the pelagial of the Irminger Sea and slopes of Greenland are provided. It was established that the nursery area of the species in this part of the northern Atlantic is located in the shelf and shallow-water sites of the Greenland slopes. Near the nursery area, at deepwater sites of the Greenland slope, aggregations of mainly immature specimens (68–86%) with an average length of 35–38 cm are located, and, in the oceanic pelagial, there are mainly mature specimens (91–95%) with a length of more than 30 cm. Considerable similarity and specific features of fauna of parasites of S. mentella from the southeastern slope of Greenland and the pelagial of the Irminger Sea indicate the belonging of fish aggregations in these areas to a single intraspecies group and the migration of maturing specimens from the slope to the pelagial. A conclusion is made that the aggregations of S. mentella in the pelagial of the Irminger and Labrador seas represent a pelagic ecological group formed by rapidly maturing specimens; a near-bottom ecological group at deepwater sites of the slope of Greenland is formed by slowly maturing specimens. No mass migration of the redfish from deepwater areas to shallow sites of the slope and to the oceanic pelagial of the northern Atlantic was recorded.  相似文献   

On the basis of the results of complex interdisciplinary investigations of the population composition and structure of the beaked redfish Sebastes mentella of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans, its three populations are discerned relatively isolated from each other by the system of permanent marine currents—North Atlantic, Flemish-Cape, and Norway-Barents Sea. The population structure of the species in the southern part of its area corresponds to the model of a local stock. Interaction of the North Atlantic and the Norway-Barents Sea populations well correspond to the model of fluctuating stocks. Redfish aggregations in different biotopes (mesobenthal and mesopelagial) are intrapopulational epigenetic groups. In the period of warm and anomalously warm years, a part of mature specimens from the pelagial of the North Irminger Sea make an irreversible migration to the southern part of the Norwegian Sea and form there mixed aggregations of fish from the North Atlantic and Norway-Barents Sea populations. With consideration of the effect of climatic–oceanological processes, a principally new scheme is elaborated describing the process of seasonal migrations of redfish in the mesobenthal and mesopelagial. The previous views on direction of return migrations of redfish of the Norway-Barents Sea population are reconsidered. Juveniles from the western part of the Barents Sea and Spitsbergen not only supplement the demersal aggregations but also migrate to the pelagial of the Norwegian Sea.  相似文献   

Data on the spatial-bathymetric distribution, size and age composition, sex ratio, and feeding of deepwater redfish Sebastes mentella in the pelagial of the northern Atlantic (Irminger and Labrador seas) during mating are provided. From 1982 to 1999, the mating of S. mentella took place in the central and southern parts of the Irminger Sea (56°–62° N, 30°–43° W); since 2000 it took place in two geographically isolated areas: in the water area of the open part of the Labrador Sea, at sites of the south of the Irminger Sea adjacent to it (54°–58° N, 38°–50° W), and above the western slopes of the Reykjanes Ridge (62°–65° N, 25°–34° W). It is assumed that during mating in the northern area mixed aggregations of two ecological groups of S. mentella—an oceanic group that distributes in the pelagial and a bottom group that inhabits the slopes of Iceland—are formed. The formation of isolated areas of mating of the species is determined by the orientation of feeding migrations that are simultaneously migrations to spawning grounds. Fish of medium sizes migrate to spawning grounds in the southwestern direction, while large fish migrate in the northern direction; the fertilization of females in these areas occurs at the end of summer. In S. mentella, the seasonal and age differences in food composition are clearly pronounced. With the onset of mating, the males’ intensity of feeding in both regions decreases by a factor of 1.5–2.0, while females continue to feed actively.  相似文献   

Special traits of ecology, zoogeography, formation of fauna of parasites, and occurrence of external lesions are investigated in redfish Sebastes mentella from the Norwegian Sea and the adjacent area of the Barents Sea. A considerable weakening of connection with bottom biocenoses in redfish in the pelagial of the Norwegian Sea indicates that it lives here for most of its annual life cycle. In redfish from south of the open part of the Norwegian Sea, there are noticeable differences in the fauna of parasites and in occurrence of external lesions from those in the fish from the north and east of this sea while traits characteristic of redfish from the Irminger Sea are present.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of redfish Sebastes mentella in the pelagic zone of the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean (the Irminger Sea and the Labrador Sea) is investigated. Analysis of the data on size-age composition, sex ratio, ratio of mature and immature specimens, rate of maturation, composition of the parasite fauna, infestation level, infestation with the copepod Sphyrion lumpi, and occurrence of pigment formations on the body of redfish from the investigated areas indicate the absence of stable isolated aggregations of this species in the oceanic pelagial of the North Atlantic. Pelagic aggregations are formed of rapidly maturating specimens migrated from the slopes of Greenland. The spatial variation of the size-age composition of redfish depends on the life cycle and regional hydrological conditions.  相似文献   

Results of comparative analysis of several ecological and biological indices of Sebastes mentella from the northern Atlantic (the Irminger Sea, Reykjanes Ridge) inhabiting different depths, 0–500 and 501–1000 m, are provided. A considerable similarity in the rates of linear and weight growth, sexual maturation, composition of parasitofauna, the degree of invasion by parasites of most species, specific features of invasion by copepod Sphyrion lumpi, as well as the pattern of pigment formations on the skin of S. mentella from two studied layers, testify to the absence of isolated groups of this species in the pelagial of the Irminger Sea. It was established that the formation of perch aggregations at a depth larger than 500 m takes place due to a partial redistribution from the upper layer of individuals aged 5 to 18 years and a complete departure to large depths of perch individuals older than 18 years. A conclusion was made that it is incorrect to use as a criterion for the intraspecies differentiation of the perch the insignificant differences in the occurrence of pigment formations on the skin that are the result of age changes in fish and an obvious pathology of this phenomenon. A decrease in the occurrence of melanin inclusions in the muscular tissue of fish at a depth larger than 500 m is also related to age changes and the change in the diet of the perch. Vertical variation, in particular biological parameters in pelagic aggregations, was determined by specific features of biology, ecology, and the life cycle of the species. In establishing measures of control of the international fishery in the pelagial of the Irminger Sea, it is necessary to proceed from the unity of aggregations of S. mentella throughout the vertical of their distribution.  相似文献   

One model for marine migration of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar proposes that North American and southern European stocks (<62° N) move directly to feeding grounds off west Greenland, then overwinter in the Labrador Sea, whereas northern European stocks (>62° N) utilize the Norwegian Sea. An alternate model proposes that both North American and European stocks migrate in the North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre (NASpG) where S. salar enter the NASpG on their respective sides of the Atlantic, and travel counterclockwise within the NASpG until returning to natal rivers. A review of data accumulated during the last 50 years suggests a gyre model is most probable. Freshwater parr metamorphose into smolts which have morphological, physiological and behavioural adaptations of epipelagic, marine fishes. Former high‐seas fisheries were seasonally sequential and moved in the direction of NASpG currents, and catches were highest along the main axis of the NASpG. Marking and discrimination studies indicate mixed continental origin feeding aggregations on both sides of the Atlantic. Marked North American smolts were captured off Norway, the Faroe Islands, east and west Greenland, and adults tagged at the Faroes were recovered in Canadian rivers. Marked European smolts were recovered off Newfoundland and Labrador, west and east Greenland, and adults tagged in the Labrador Sea were captured in European rivers. High Caesium‐137 (137Cs) levels in S. salar returning to a Quebec river suggested 62·3% had fed at or east of Iceland, whereas levels in 1 sea‐winter (SW) Atlantic Canada returnees indicated 24·7% had fed east of the Faroes. Lower levels of 137 Cs in returning 1SW Irish fish suggest much of their growth occurred in the western Atlantic. These data suggest marine migration of S. salar follows a gyre model and is similar to other open‐ocean migrations of epipelagic fishes.  相似文献   

Annual mean total length (LT) of wild one‐sea‐winter (1SW) Atlantic salmon Salmo salar of the Norwegian River Imsa decreased from 63 to 54 cm with a corresponding decrease in condition factor (K) for cohorts migrating to sea from 1976 to 2010. The reduction in LT is associated with a 40% decline in mean individual mass, from 2 to 1·2 kg. Hatchery fish reared from parental fish of the same population exhibited similar changes from 1981 onwards. The decrease in LT correlated negatively with near‐surface temperatures in the eastern Norwegian Sea, thought to be the main feeding area of the present stock. Furthermore, S. salar exhibited significant variations in the proportion of cohorts attaining maturity after only one winter in the ocean. The proportion of S. salar spawning as 1SW fish was lower both in the 1970s and after 2000 than in the 1980s and 1990s associated with a gradual decline in post‐smolt growth and smaller amounts of reserve energy in the fish. In wild S. salar, there was a positive association between post‐smolt growth and the sea survival back to the River Imsa for spawning. In addition, among smolt year‐classes, there were significant positive correlations between wild and hatchery S. salar in LT, K and age at maturity. The present changes may be caused by ecosystem changes following the collapse and rebuilding of the pelagic fish abundance in the North Atlantic Ocean, a gradual decrease in zooplankton abundance and climate change with increasing surface temperature in the Norwegian Sea. Thus, the observed variation in the life‐history traits of S. salar appears primarily associated with major changes in the pelagic food web in the ocean.  相似文献   

The analysis is conducted of the biological and genetic characteristics of deepwater redfish Sebastes mentella from the open part of the Norwegian Sea. A similarity of the studied sample with analogous groups of deepwater redfish from the Northeast Atlantic in biological parameters and their dynamics is revealed. Polymorphism is registered in three of the nine studied enzyme loci: malic enzyme (NADF-dependent malatedehydrogenase), MEP-1*; phosphoglucomutase from the liver, PGM-2*; and glucose-6-phosphateisomerase, PGI*. A pairwise comparison of allele frequencies shows a similarity of the samples of deepwater redfish from the enclave of the Norwegian Sea. In addition, based on a pairwise analysis, significant differences are absent between the samples with similar biological characteristics from the open part of the Norwegian Sea and the Irminger Sea.  相似文献   

Significant controversies exist over the three types of Sebastes mentella found in the Irminger Sea and adjacent waters. Preliminary genetic studies have given evidence for the existence of three distinct groups, characterized using several molecular genetic markers. The biological or ecological significance of these between-group differences has, however, not been evaluated. In the present paper, we review the life cycle of S. mentella in this area, based on published data. Spawning of S. mentella in the Irminger Sea takes place in a single area above Reykjanes Ridge. The larvae drift towards East Greenland from where they are carried to West Greenland (NAFO Subareas 0+1). Later they return to East Greenland where the main nursery area has been identified. There is evidence for a migration of juvenile fish from the nursery area into the open Irminger Sea, where many different cohorts spawn. We also compare these ecological data with the genetic results and we conclude that the observed genetic differences can be derived from possible genetic drift, selection or mostly from temporal variation (age dependency). which has also been reported for other species with as high longevity as S. mentella. We conclude that S. mentella in the Irminger Sea and adjacent waters comprises one single population.  相似文献   

The Atlantic bluefin tuna is a highly migratory species emblematic of the challenges associated with shared fisheries management. In an effort to resolve the species’ stock dynamics, a genomewide search for spatially informative single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was undertaken, by way of sequencing reduced representation libraries. An allele frequency approach to SNP discovery was used, combining the data of 555 larvae and young‐of‐the‐year (LYOY) into pools representing major geographical areas and mapping against a newly assembled genomic reference. From a set of 184,895 candidate loci, 384 were selected for validation using 167 LYOY. A highly discriminatory genotyping panel of 95 SNPs was ultimately developed by selecting loci with the most pronounced differences between western Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea LYOY. The panel was evaluated by genotyping a different set of LYOY (n = 326), and from these, 77.8% and 82.1% were correctly assigned to western Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea origins, respectively. The panel revealed temporally persistent differentiation among LYOY from the western Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea (FST = 0.008, p = .034). The composition of six mixed feeding aggregations in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea was characterized using genotypes from medium (n = 184) and large (n = 48) adults, applying population assignment and mixture analyses. The results provide evidence of persistent population structuring across broad geographic areas and extensive mixing in the Atlantic Ocean, particularly in the mid‐Atlantic Bight and Gulf of St. Lawrence. The genomic reference and genotyping tools presented here constitute novel resources useful for future research and conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Pop-up satellite archival tags were attached to six Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) off the west coast of Ireland in autumn 2003 and 2004. The satellite tags measured pressure, ambient temperature and light for the term of deployment. Radio pop-up satellite endpoint positions, light and sea surface temperature estimations of geolocation indicate that two fish tagged minutes apart off the coast of County Donegal, migrated to the eastern and western Atlantic Ocean over the following 8 months. The two fish were 5218 km apart at the termination of the experiment. After tagging in September and popping up the following March and April, one fish had traveled to the western Atlantic while the other was located in the waters off the southwest coast of Portugal. A third fish tagged off the coast of County Donegal in October 2004 moved into the Mediterranean Sea and was caught by a fishing vessel southeast of Malta on 11 June 2005. The results link bluefin tuna feeding on European foraging grounds with known eastern breeding regions and western Atlantic waters.  相似文献   

Spring-spawning herring Clupea harengus was patchily distributed over large parts of the Norwegian Sea in May 1995–2005, during the early phase of the annual feeding migration. Overall, herring tended to be found in areas with intermediate biomasses of zooplankton prey, intermediate water temperatures and relatively high salinities. Herring had more food in their stomachs in areas of relatively low water temperature and high herring abundance. Hydrographical conditions revealed that herring was feeding mainly within Atlantic water masses, and more intensely in western and northern regions of the Norwegian Sea. Zooplankton biomass was patchily distributed, and was generally higher towards the western parts of the Norwegian Sea. Here, zooplankton biomass in year i +1 was also negatively associated with herring spawning stock biomass in year i , while there was no evidence for such an association in the eastern region; indicating that herring may have a geographically structured 'top–down' effect on the recruitment of its zooplankton prey. The fact that herring was not typically associated with the areas containing the greatest zooplankton biomasses may reflect that the fish had not yet reached the most profitable feeding grounds or alternatively that herring was depleting zooplankton biomass.  相似文献   

Distribution of 0-group cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) in August–September 2005 and 2006 was mainly restricted to the Atlantic waters of the western and central areas of the Barents Sea. The main distribution of 0-group fish overlapped largely with areas of high biomass (>7 gm−2 dry weight) of zooplankton. The copepod Calanus finmarchicus and krill Thysanoessa inermis, which are dominant zooplankton species in both Atlantic and boreal waters of the Barents Sea, were the main prey of 0-group cod and haddock. The main distribution, feeding areas and prey of 0-group cod and haddock overlapped, implying that competition for food may occur between the two species. However, though their diet coincided to a certain degree, haddock seems to prefer smaller and less mobile prey, such as Limacina and appendicularians. As 0-group fish increased in size, there seems to be a shift in diet, from small copepods and towards larger prey such as krill and fish. Overall, a largely pelagic feeding behaviour of 0-group cod and haddock was evident from this study.  相似文献   

The diet of whiting Merlangius merlangus in the western Baltic Sea was investigated and compared to the diet in the southern North Sea. Clupeids were important prey in both areas, but especially in the western Baltic Sea where they constituted up to 90% of the diet of larger individuals. Gobies, brown shrimps and polychaetes were the main prey of juveniles in the western Baltic Sea, while a wider range of species were consumed in the North Sea. The shift to piscivory occurred at smaller sizes in the western Baltic Sea and the fish prey consumed was proportionately larger than in the southern North Sea. Estimates of prey abundance and food intake of M. merlangus are required to evaluate its predatory significance in the western Baltic Sea, but its diet suggests that it could be just as significant a fish predator here as in the southern North Sea.  相似文献   

Population-specific assessment and management of anadromous fish at sea requires detailed information about the distribution at sea over ontogeny for each population. However, despite a long history of mixed-stock sea fisheries on Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, migration studies showing that some salmon populations feed in different regions of the Baltic Sea and variation in dynamics occurs among populations feeding in the Baltic Sea, such information is often lacking. Also, current assessment of Baltic salmon assumes equal distribution at sea and therefore equal responses to changes in off-shore sea fisheries. Here, we test for differences in distribution at sea among and within ten Atlantic salmon Salmo salar populations originating from ten river-specific hatcheries along the Swedish Baltic Sea coast, using individual data from >125,000 tagged salmon, recaptured over five decades. We show strong population and size-specific differences in distribution at sea, varying between year classes and between individuals within year classes. This suggests that Atlantic salmon in the Baltic Sea experience great variation in environmental conditions and exploitation rates over ontogeny depending on origin and that current assessment assumptions about equal exploitation rates in the offshore fisheries and a shared environment at sea are not valid. Thus, our results provide additional arguments and necessary information for implementing population-specific management of salmon, also when targeting life stages at sea.  相似文献   

Analysis of the data obtained during aerial survey of sea mammals in the 1980s–1990s (White and Barents seas) has revealed that, during all the seasons of the year, harp seals of the White Sea population form two types of aggregations which differ in size and some ecological features. Large herds of seals (tens of thousands of individuals) are able to occupy areas extending tens and even hundreds of kilometers. Harp seals prefer to inhabit the northern part of the population range (Barents Sea), whereas the southern part (White Sea) is mainly used for reproduction and molting. Small herds (several hundred animals) can be scattered over vast territories, but they tend to dwell in the southern part of the area including the White Sea and southern areas of the Barents Sea. The opportunity to distinguish between these two types of aggregations makes it possible to study the biological features of each of them and to specify characteristics of the species biology.  相似文献   

Migration is widespread among marine fishes, yet little is known about variation in the migration of individuals within localities. We tested the hypothesis that variation in the migratory behaviour among plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) in the North Sea could be explained by large‐scale differences in the speed and directions of the tidal streams, which the fish use as a transport mechanism. Towards this end, 752 mature female plaice tagged with electronic data storage tags were released at eight locations with contrasting tidal flow properties, between December 1993 and September 1999. The experiment yielded 20 403 days of data from 145 plaice. The position of each fish was determined at intervals throughout the liberty period using the tidal location method. The results show 3 geographically discrete feeding aggregations during the summer, which dispersed over the southern North Sea and Eastern English Channel to spawn during winter. Our results re‐affirmed the major role of the tidal streams in the southern North Sea in structuring plaice dispersion, both by providing transport and guidance, and by delimiting the extent of distribution due to thermal stratification during the summer. These results confirm the prediction that large‐scale variation in migration behaviour can be explained in part by the tidal guidance and transport mechanisms available. They have revealed features of spatial dynamics not previously observed from a century of conventional tagging experiments and illustrate how the study of individual fish can successfully define the migratory characteristics of populations.  相似文献   

Co‐inheritance in life‐history traits may result in unpredictable evolutionary trajectories if not accounted for in life‐history models. Iteroparity (the reproductive strategy of reproducing more than once) in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is a fitness trait with substantial variation within and among populations. In the Teno River in northern Europe, iteroparous individuals constitute an important component of many populations and have experienced a sharp increase in abundance in the last 20 years, partly overlapping with a general decrease in age structure. The physiological basis of iteroparity bears similarities to that of age at first maturity, another life‐history trait with substantial fitness effects in salmon. Sea age at maturity in Atlantic salmon is controlled by a major locus around the vgll3 gene, and we used this opportunity demonstrate that these two traits are co‐inherited around this genome region. The odds ratio of survival until second reproduction was up to 2.4 (1.8–3.5 90% CI) times higher for fish with the early‐maturing vgll3 genotype (EE) compared to fish with the late‐maturing genotype (LL). The L allele was dominant in individuals remaining only one year at sea before maturation, but the dominance was reversed, with the E allele being dominant in individuals maturing after two or more years at sea. Post hoc analysis indicated that iteroparous fish with the EE genotype had accelerated growth prior to first reproduction compared to first‐time spawners, across all age groups, whereas this effect was not detected in fish with the LL genotype. These results broaden the functional link around the vgll3 genome region and help us understand constraints in the evolution of life‐history variation in salmon. Our results further highlight the need to account for genetic correlations between fitness traits when predicting demographic changes in changing environments.  相似文献   

The spawning areas of the Atlantic freshwater eels were discovered about a century ago by the Danish scientist Johannes Schmidt who after years of searching found newly hatched larvae of the European eel, Anguilla anguilla, and the American eel, Anguilla rostrata, in the southern Sargasso Sea. The discovery showed that anguillid eels migrate thousands of kilometers to offshore spawning areas for reproduction, and that their larvae, called leptocephali, are transported equally long distances by ocean currents to their continental recruitment areas. The spawning sites were found to be related to oceanographic conditions several decades later by German and American surveys from 1979 to 1989 and by a Danish survey in 2007 and a German survey in 2011. All these later surveys showed that spawning occurred within a restricted latitudinal range, between temperature fronts within the Subtropical Convergence Zone of the Sargasso Sea. New data and re‐examinations of Schmidt's data confirmed his original conclusions about the two species having some overlap in spawning areas. Although there have been additional collections of leptocephali in various parts of the North Atlantic, and both otolith research and transport modelling studies have subsequently been carried out, there is still a range of unresolved questions about the routes of larval transport and durations of migration. This paper reviews the history and basic findings of surveys for anguillid leptocephali in the North Atlantic and analyses a new comprehensive database that includes 22612 A. anguilla and 9634 A. rostrata leptocephali, which provides a detailed view of the spatial and temporal distributions and size of the larvae across the Atlantic basin and in the Mediterranean Sea. The differences in distributions, maximum sizes, and growth rates of the two species of larvae are likely linked to the contrasting migration distances to their recruitment areas on each side of the basin. Anguilla rostrata leptocephali originate from a more western spawning area, grow faster, and metamorphose at smaller sizes of <70 mm than the larvae of A. anguilla, which mostly are spawned further east and can reach sizes of almost 90 mm. The larvae of A. rostrata spread west and northwest from the spawning area as they grow larger, with some being present in the western Caribbean and eastern Gulf of Mexico. Larvae of A. anguilla appear to be able to reach Europe by entering the Gulf Stream system or by being entrained into frontal countercurrents that transport them directly northeastward. The larval duration of A. anguilla is suggested to be quite variable, but gaps in sampling effort prevent firm conclusions. Although knowledge about larval behaviour is lacking, some influences of directional swimming are implicated by the temporal distributions of the largest larvae. Ocean–atmosphere changes have been hypothesized to affect the survival of the larvae and cause reduced recruitment, so even after about a century following the discovery of their spawning areas, mysteries still remain about the marine life histories of the Atlantic eels.  相似文献   

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