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2016年9和10月,在西藏自治区林芝及日喀则开展鸟类多样性调查期间新记录到8种鸟类,包括白胸翡翠指名亚种(Halcyon smyrnensis smyrnensis)、黑冠山雀指名亚种(Periparus rubidiventris rubidiventris)和栗腹?指名亚种(Sitta cinnamoventris cinnamoventris)、斑尾鹃鸠(Macropygia unchall)、红喉姬鹟(Ficedula albicilla)、黄胸柳莺(Phylloscopus cantator)、棕脸鹟莺(Abroscopus albogularis)以及田鹨(Anthus richardi)。  相似文献   

武夷山是中国东南陆域生物多样性保护的关键地区之一。检索《中国动物志·鸟纲》和《中国鸟类分布名录》(2版),记录有模式种(亚种)产地为武夷山及其邻近区域的鸟类模式种11种,包括单型种5种,即黑眉柳莺(Phylloscopusricketti)、棕噪鹛(Garrulaxberthemyi)、白喉林鹟(Cyornis brunneatus)、棕腹大仙鹟(Niltavadavidi)和蓝鹀(Emberizasiemsseni),以及指名亚种6种,即白眉山鹧鸪(Arboricolagingicagingica)、黄腹角雉(Tragopancaboticaboti)、白斑尾柳莺(Phylloscopus ogilviegranti ogilviegranti)、短尾鸦雀(Neosuthora davidiana davidiana)、华南斑胸钩嘴鹛(Erythrogenys swinhoeiswinhoei)和红尾噪鹛(Trochalopteronmilneimilnei),另有其他亚种31种。其中,产地记录为"挂墩"和"武夷山"31种(亚种),记录为"邵武"和"光泽"2种(亚种),记录为"福建西北部"和"南平或野猫坑"9种(亚种)。在近80年的武夷山区鸟类调查中,这些鸟类模式种(亚种)记录情况分别为:1938至1963年郑作新等记录28种,2004至2011年程松林等记录40种,而红尾噪鹛(Trochalopteron milnei milnei)和蓝鹀(Emberiza siemsseni)在前述两部分调查中均没有记录。依据程松林等调查记录的40鸟种进一步分析,其中,留鸟26种、夏候鸟10种、冬候鸟3种、旅鸟1种;常见7种、易见19种、少见12种、罕见2种。分析结果表明,模式种(亚种)产地为武夷山及其邻近区域的40种鸟类,作为宝贵的地模标本资源,在江西武夷山国家级自然保护区内得到了较好的保护,对我国鸟类分类与区系分布、鸟类生物地理学和保护遗传学等方面的研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

湖南省雀形目鸟类新纪录6种   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
2011年4月~2013年4月,作者在湖南壶瓶山国家级自然保护区进行鸟类多样性调查和种群监测的过程中,拍摄到6种雀形目鸟类,经鉴定为长尾山椒鸟(Pericrocotus ethologus)、灰蓝姬鹟(Ficedula tricolor)、光背地鸫(Zoothera mollissima)、淡绿贝鸟鹛(Pteruthius xanthochlorus)、点胸鸦雀(Paradoxornis guttaticollis)、高山短翅莺(Bradypterus mandelli),均为湖南省鸟类新纪录。  相似文献   

本文作者近期曾梳理赤尾噪鹛指名亚种(Garrulax milnei milnei)自戴维神父1874年命名以来的相关报道,揭示出该鸟近数十年来在野外的高稀缺性。为此,2015年3月至10月,江西武夷山国家级自然保护区对赤尾噪鹛指名亚种展开专项野外调查达20余次,并在保护区海拔1 700 m以上地带29个位点安放了57台红外触发相机,以期发现该鸟的现存证据。遗憾的是,无论是野外调查还是本次红外触发相机的照片/录像记录,并扩延至保护区自2009年10月以来300余台红外触发相机的全部记录,均未能发现或甄别出赤尾噪鹛指名亚种的存在。据此,作者提出赤尾噪鹛指名亚种当前的受胁程度当在极危(CR)与野外(功能性)灭绝(EW)之间。  相似文献   

2010年2月12-13日,在西藏日喀则樟木镇海拔2070m及1900m处的公路旁分别观察并拍摄到一种鸟类.根据观察资料及所拍照片,鉴定为黑颏穗鹛(Stachyris pyrrhops)(图1).经查阅文献(Zheng,2002;Zheng,2005)属鹟科(Turdinae)画鹛亚科(Timaliinae)穗鹛属(Stachyris)的中国鸟类新记录,特此报道.  相似文献   

2007年4-5月间,笔者在中国河北省乐亭县祥云岛林场及香港特别行政区蒲台岛分别记录到红胸姬鹟(Ficedula parva),为中国鸟类物种新记录。红胸姬鹟和F.albicilla原为红喉姬鹟(F.parva)的两个亚种,近年来很多著者依据形态、鸣声、分子等证据,认为两者应为在古北界异域分布(allopatric)的对种(semispecies)。本文亦就两者的鉴定特征和野外辨识要点进行了讨论。  相似文献   

2005年4月7日在广州中山大学康乐园校区竹园内观测到一只黄眉姬鹟琉球亚种Ficedula narcissina owstoni的first-spring雄性个体,并以照片记录了该种,是中国大陆的鸟类亚种新纪录.本文对比了该亚种与指名亚种first-spring雄鸟的外形特征,并对该亚种的分布进行了简要讨论.  相似文献   

大黑领噪鹛Garrulax pectoralis(Gould)和小黑领噪鹛Garrulax moniligerus(Hodg-son)是鹟科画眉亚科中的一对亲缘种。两者形态非常相似,其彼此间的区别特征,就国内所获得的各亚种进行对比,可列示如表1。  相似文献   

2007年4-5月间,笔者在中国河北省乐亭县祥云岛林场及香港特别行政区蒲台岛分别记录到红胸姬鹟(Ficedula parva),为中国鸟类物种新记录。红胸姬鹟和F. albicilla原为红喉姬鹟(F. parva)的两个亚种,近年来很多著者依据形态、鸣声、分子等证据,认为两者应为在古北界异域分布(allopatric)的对种(semispecies)。本文亦就两者的鉴定特征和野外辨识要点进行了讨论。  相似文献   

2008年10月—2009年3月,用网捕法对西双版纳勐养季风常绿阔叶林林下鸟类群落进行了研究。共张网15 840网·h,捕到林下鸟类90种1 423只,隶属28科7目。优势种为银胸丝冠鸟(Serilophus lunatus)、褐脸雀鹛(Alcippe poioicephala)、白喉冠鹎(Alophoixus pallidus)、金眶鹟莺(Seicercus burkii)、白尾蓝地鸲(Cinclidium leucurum)、黑胸鸫(Turdus dissimilis)、棕头幽鹛(Pellorneum ruficeps)、棕胸雅鹛(Trichastoma tickelli)等8种。留鸟为林下鸟类主要成分,其捕获数量,占总数量的89.3%。平均网捕率9.0只/(100网·h),月份变化极显著(x25, 282=, P=0.000);2008年12月平均网捕率最高,为(12.5±1.3)只/(100网·h);2009年2月最低,为(5.2±0.6)只/(100网·h)。林下鸟类群落呈现多物种而低密度特征。画眉科鸟类优势地位不明显。国家二级保护鸟类银胸丝冠鸟是本地区捕获数量最多的鸟,其栖息地需重点保护。  相似文献   

通过2016和2017两年的野外鸟类调查,发现青海省分布新记录鸟类6种,分别为冠鱼狗(Megaceryle lugubris)、蓝矶鸫(Monticola solitaries philippensis)、灰蓝姬鹟(Ficedula tricolor)、铜蓝鹟(Eumyias thalassina thalassina)、红胁绣眼鸟(Zosterops erythropleurus)和红额金翅雀(Carduelis carduelis paraponisi)。  相似文献   

Taxa classified as subspecies may in fact be cryptic species. We assessed the taxonomic status of the Blue-throated Flycatcher Cyornis rubeculoides complex in India, which consists of several forms with similar plumages and song. We used mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, plumage traits, and detailed song analysis to ascertain the taxonomic status of the different forms. The molecular data identified three primary clades: (1) in the west Himalayan foothills, (2) at higher elevations in the northeast hill states of Meghalaya, Nagaland and Mizoram, and (3) at lower elevations in the northeastern hills of Meghalaya and the east Himalayas of Arunachal Pradesh. The western clade represents nominate C. rubeculoides rubeculoides. The high-elevation eastern clade was considered to be C. rubeculoides rogersi, because it included a sample from this subspecies from near the type locality in southwest Myanmar. These two sister clades had an estimated divergence time of 1.5 million years (my). The low-elevation east clade has previously been assigned to C. rubeculoides, but we showed it is closely related to the Hainan Blue Flycatcher Cyornis hainanus, formerly thought to breed only further east, with an estimated divergence time of only ~0.8 my. This clade may represent a subspecies of C. hainanus or, given reports of widespread sympatry with C. hainanus in Thailand, a distinct species, Cyornis dialilaemus. However, more research is advocated, including molecular data, from the area of overlap. Songs were remarkably similar across all taxa. In playback experiments, C. rrubeculoides in the west responded to all taxa. This is in agreement with recent work demonstrating that song differences and responses to songs are not always a good indicator of the progress of reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Melo M  O'Ryan C 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(8):1673-1685
The range of the grey parrot (Psittacus erithacus), one of the most heavily harvested bird species for the international pet trade, spans the forest belt of Central and West Africa and includes the oceanic island of Príncipe (Gulf of Guinea). Morphological variation led to the recognition of two mainland subspecies (P. e. erithacus and P. e. timneh). The population from Príncipe was originally described as a separate species (P. princeps) but is currently included in the nominate race. We used 1932 bp of the mitochondrial genome to clarify the genealogical affinities between the two currently-recognized mainland subspecies and the Príncipe population. Sampling included 20 individuals from Príncipe, 17 from P. e. erithacus, and 13 from P. e. timneh. We found that the two mainland subspecies form two independent lineages, having diverged up to 2.4 million years ago (Ma), and that the Príncipe population is composed of two lineages that diverged in allopatry. The most common lineage is descended from the first colonizers and evolved in isolation for up to 1.4 Ma. Contrary to current understanding, this 'Príncipe lineage' is more closely related to the timneh than to the erithacus subspecies. The second lineage consists of P. e. erithacus birds from the nearby mainland that colonized the island in recent times. The evolutionary dynamics of the grey parrot population of Príncipe are primarily characterized by isolation, with new genetic variation being added through rare immigration events. The heavily harvested Príncipe grey parrot population should therefore be treated as an independent conservation unit.  相似文献   

白清泉  左凌仁 《动物学杂志》2022,57(5):667,677,688-156
近年来,随着观鸟活动和鸟类科研工作在辽宁的持续开展(Baietal.2015,汤姆·滨客2016),辽宁各地不断发现鸟种分布新记录种(白清泉等2019)。2012至2020年间,在丹东、大连、抚顺等市先后发现小鸦鹃(Centropus bengalensis)、雪鹀(Plectrophenax nivalis)、红翅凤头鹃(Clamator coromandus)、宝兴歌鸫(Turdus mupinensis)和黄眉姬鹟(Ficedula narcissina)5种,经查阅相关资料(邱英杰等2006,郑光美2017),确定为辽宁省鸟类分布新记录种。  相似文献   

Quantifying patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation among populations of Arctic birds is fundamental for understanding past and ongoing population processes in the Arctic. However, the genetic differentiation of many important Arctic species remains uninvestigated. Here, phylogeography and population genetics were examined in the worldwide population of a small seabird, the little auk (dovekie, Alle alle)—the most numerous avian species of the Arctic ecosystem. Blood samples or feathers were collected from 328 little auks (325 from the nominate subspecies and 3 from the A. a. polaris) in nine main breeding aggregations in the northern Atlantic and one location from the Pacific Ocean. The mtDNA haplotypes of the two subspecies were not segregated into separate groups. Also, no genetic structure was found within the nominate race based on microsatellite markers. The level of genetic differentiation among populations was low yet significant (mean F ST = 0.005). Some pairwise F ST comparisons revealed significant differences, including those involving the most distant Pacific colony as well as among some Atlantic populations. Weak population differentiation following the model of isolation by distance in the little auk is similar to the patterns reported in other high-Arctic bird species, indicating that a lack of distinct genetic structure is a common phenomenon in the Arctic avifauna.  相似文献   

中国缓步动物门一新亚种及两新纪录种记述   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
报道了我国缓步动物门1新亚种Diphascon(Adropion)scoticum qinlingensis subsp.nov.和中国2新纪录Rictersius coronifer ( Richters, 1903) (Eutardigrada, Macrobiotidae)和 Diphascon scoticum Murray, 1905 (Eutardigrada, Hypsibiidae).新亚种主要以爪的主枝基部极度收缩区别于世界其他产地的标本(指名亚种).新亚种和新纪录均采自秦岭山区.  相似文献   

The Icelandic Purple Sandpiper Calidris maritima littoralis (C.L. Brehm, 1831) represents one member of a poorly understood subspecies complex. Currently, differences in size define two other subspecies: Calidris maritima belcheri Engelmoer & Roselaar, 1998, which breeds in north‐eastern Canada along the Hudson Bay and James Bay, and Calidris maritima maritima (Brunnich, 1764), which breeds along the Arctic coasts elsewhere in northern Canada, Greenland, Svalbard, Scotland, and Fennoscandia, to northern central Siberia. There are large size differences amongst populations of C. m. maritima, however. As an Arctic/Alpine breeding bird, C. m. littoralis could provide an interesting perspective on the evolutionary changes following a northwards expansion of a species after glacial retreat. Considering the extent of the ice sheet in the northern hemisphere during the last glaciation, and the short period of time since it ended, the correct attribution of subspecies status for C. m. maritima may reflect either rapid diversification from a single population or ancestral splits of distinct evolutionary lineages that survived in isolation at southern latitudes. We applied morphometric subspecies criteria, diagnosability by Amadon's rule, and genetic analysis of five nuclear introns, and the mitochondrial DNA markers cytochrome oxidase c subunit I (COI) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 (ND2), to geographically separate breeding populations in order to examine the subspecies status of the Icelandic population. The results do not provide support for the subspecies status of the Icelandic population because the nominate and Icelandic subspecies fail to uphold Amadon's rule, and genetic analyses indicate that the study populations derive from a single shared refugium. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

在四年横断山地区考察所获的雨蛙标本中,发现华西雨蛙一新亚种,贡山亚种(Hyla annectans gongshanensis)。它与指名亚种有别的三个特征是:1)体侧及股前后,胫后均无黑斑点。前肢腋部、上臂基部及口角均无黑小斑。2)胫跗关节达鼓膜或略超过,左右跟部仅相遇或不相遇。3)前臂和后肢胫外侧有细小疣粒缀连成一线。前臂和后肢跗部腹面疣粒较多。  相似文献   

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