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Abstract Termite workers and soldiers differ markedly in their morphology and behaviour. We sought evidence for genetic influences on caste determination in the giant northern termite, Mastotermes darwiniensis , by investigating if workers and soldiers from the same colony differed genetically. The genotypes of 795 termites from 11 distinct colonies were assayed at six polymorphic microsatellite loci. We found that the multilocus genotypes of workers and soldiers from 8 of the 11 colonies did not differ significantly. Thus, the majority of the data provided no evidence for a genetic association with caste in workers and soldiers of M. darwiniensis . However, the genotype frequencies of workers and soldiers from three colonies differed, suggesting that genotype is occasionally associated with caste in this species. The genetic differentiation of castes within these colonies could reflect differences in the propensities of termites with distinct genotypes to develop into particular castes and provide a selective advantage to colonies headed by multiple reproductives.  相似文献   

Genetic caste determination has been described in two populations of Pogonomyrmex harvester ants, each comprising a pair of interbreeding lineages. Queens mate with males of their own and of the alternate lineage and produce two types of diploid offspring, those fertilized by males of the queens' lineage which develop into queens and those fertilized by males of the other lineage which develop into workers. Each of the lineages has been shown to be itself of hybrid origin between the species Pogonomyrmex barbatus and Pogonomyrmex rugosus, which both have typical, environmentally determined caste differentiation. In a large scale genetic survey across 35 sites in Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, we found that genetic caste determination associated with pairs of interbreeding lineages occurred frequently (in 26 out of the 35 sites). Overall, we identified eight lineages with genetic caste determination that always co-occurred in the same complementary lineage pairs. Three of the four lineage pairs appear to have a common origin while their relationship with the fourth remains unclear. The level of genetic differentiation among these eight lineages was significantly higher than the differentiation between P. rugosus and P. barbatus, which questions the appropriate taxonomic status of these genetic lineages. In addition to being genetically isolated from one another, all lineages with genetic caste determination were genetically distinct from P. rugosus and P. barbatus, even when colonies of interbreeding lineages co-occurred with colonies of either putative parent at the same site. Such nearly complete reproductive isolation between the lineages and the species with environmental caste determination might prevent the genetic caste determination system to be swept away by gene flow.  相似文献   

Worker caste determination in the army ant Eciton burchellii   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Elaborate division of labour has contributed significantly to the ecological success of social insects. Division of labour is achieved either by behavioural task specialization or by morphological specialization of colony members. In physical caste systems, the diet and rearing environment of developing larvae is known to determine the phenotype of adult individuals, but recent studies have shown that genetic components also contribute to the determination of worker caste. One of the most extreme cases of worker caste differentiation occurs in the army ant genus Eciton, where queens mate with many males and colonies are therefore composed of numerous full-sister subfamilies. This high intracolonial genetic diversity, in combination with the extreme caste polymorphism, provides an excellent test system for studying the extent to which caste determination is genetically controlled. Here we show that genetic effects contribute significantly to worker caste fate in Eciton burchellii. We conclude that the combination of polyandry and genetic variation for caste determination may have facilitated the evolution of worker caste diversity in some lineages of social insects.  相似文献   

Advanced societies owe their success to an efficient division of labour that, in some social insects, is based on specialized worker phenotypes. The system of caste determination in such species is therefore critical. Here, we examine in a leaf-cutting ant (Acromyrmex echinatior) how a recently discovered genetic influence on caste determination interacts with the social environment. By removing most of one phenotype (large workers; LW) from test colonies, we increased the stimulus for larvae to develop into this caste, while for control colonies we removed a representative sample of all workers so that the stimulus was unchanged. We established the relative tendencies of genotypes to develop into LW by genotyping workers before and after the manipulation. In the control colonies, genotypes were similarly represented in the large worker caste before and after worker removal. In the test colonies, however, this relationship was significantly weaker, demonstrating that the change in environmental stimuli had altered the caste propensity of at least some genotypes. The results indicate that the genetic influence on worker caste determination acts via genotypes differing in their response thresholds to environmental cues and can be conceptualized as a set of overlapping reaction norms. A plastic genetic influence on division of labour has thus evolved convergently in two distantly related polyandrous taxa, the leaf-cutting ants and the honeybees, suggesting that it may be a common, potentially adaptive, property of complex, genetically diverse societies.  相似文献   

白蚁表皮碳氢化合物研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来, 固相微萃取等现代技术的使用显著促进了白蚁表皮碳氢化合物研究的开展。至今, 已有约29种白蚁的表皮碳氢化合物组分得到鉴定, 分属于木白蚁科、 鼻白蚁科、 原白蚁科和白蚁科, 其组分主要为正烷烃、 含有不同数量甲基的支链烷烃及少量烯烃。白蚁表皮碳氢化合物不仅具有一定的科、 属特异性, 大多数种类还具备特有组分, 表明其可作为种间识别的指标。表皮碳氢化合物组分在种内个体识别方面的作用, 在低等白蚁中多获得了支持性结果, 但也有研究认为在这些种类中表皮碳氢化合物不是种内个体识别(同巢个体识别)的唯一指标。发现其与品级分化的相关是近年来白蚁表皮碳氢化合物研究的重要进展。有些种类表皮碳氢化合物的年消长与生殖蚁的分化有关; 而另一些种类生殖蚁含有表皮碳氢化合物特有组分, 其含量与生殖蚁的生殖状态有关, 提示其可能在品级分化中发挥重要作用。作为研究白蚁品级分化和维持机理的新方向, 表皮碳氢化合物值得进一步研究探索。  相似文献   

Termites (Isoptera) are the phylogenetically oldest social insects, but in scientific research they have always stood in the shadow of the social Hymenoptera. Both groups of social insects evolved complex societies independently and hence, their different ancestry provided them with different life-history preadaptations for social evolution. Termites, the 'social cockroaches', have a hemimetabolous mode of development and both sexes are diploid, while the social Hymenoptera belong to the holometabolous insects and have a haplodiploid mode of sex determination. Despite this apparent disparity it is interesting to ask whether termites and social Hymenoptera share common principles in their individual and social ontogenies and how these are related to the evolution of their respective social life histories. Such a comparison has, however, been much hampered by the developmental complexity of the termite caste system, as well as by an idiosyncratic terminology, which makes it difficult for non-termitologists to access the literature.
Here, we provide a conceptual guide to termite terminology based on the highly flexible caste system of the "lower termites". We summarise what is known about ultimate causes and underlying proximate mechanisms in the evolution and maintenance of termite sociality, and we try to embed the results and their discussion into general evolutionary theory and developmental biology. Finally, we speculate about fundamental factors that might have facilitated the unique evolution of complex societies in a diploid hemimetabolous insect taxon. This review also aims at a better integration of termites into general discussions on evolutionary and developmental biology, and it shows that the ecology of termites and their astounding phenotypic plasticity have a large yet still little explored potential to provide insights into elementary evo-devo questions.  相似文献   

Sex‐determination systems often show remarkable diversity in upstream signals, although downstream genes are broadly conserved. Therefore, the downstream genes have been investigated in various taxa, but the most upstream signals determining sex in insects have been well‐described mainly in model organisms, including fruit flies and honey bees, and not in hemimetabolous insects such as termites. Identification of sex‐linked genetic markers in termites is important to the survey of primary sex‐determination signals. Here, we report male‐specific alleles at the microsatellite locus NK12‐1 in the Ryukyu drywood termite Neotermes sugioi (Kalotermitidae). This study provides the third example of a genetic marker linked with sexual phenotype in termites, which is a small but important step to elucidate the evolutionary process of the sex‐determination system in termites.  相似文献   

Most social Hymenoptera are characterized by simple haploid sex determination and environment-based caste differentiation. This appears to be strikingly different in the queen-polymorphic ant Vollenhovia emeryi. Almost all long- and short-winged queens from a population in Central Japan were homozygous at three microsatellite loci, whereas workers were mostly heterozygous, suggesting either a complex system of genetic caste determination or, more likely, the production of female sexuals from unfertilized eggs by thelytokous parthenogenesis and of workers from fertilized eggs. Furthermore, male genotypes were not compatible with those of the queens and had exclusively the paternal allele found in the sterile, heterozygous workers, probably because males are produced from fertilized eggs after the exclusion of maternal nuclear DNA as recently reported for Wasmannia auropunctata. The genus Vollenhovia might provide an interesting model system to trace the evolution of unusual caste and sex determination systems.  相似文献   

The presence of reproductively altruistic castes is one of the primary traits of the eusocial societies. Adaptation and regulation of the sterile caste, to a certain extent, drives the evolution of eusociality. Depending on adaptive functions of the first evolved sterile caste, eusocial societies can be categorized into the worker-first and soldier-first lineages, respectively. The former is marked by a worker caste as the first evolved altruistic caste, whose primary function is housekeeping, and the latter is highlighted by a sterile soldier caste as the first evolved altruistic caste, whose task is predominantly colony defense. The apparent functional differences between these two fundamentally important castes suggest worker-first and soldier-first eusociality are potentially driven by a suite of distinctively different factors. Current studies of eusocial evolution have been focused largely on the worker-first Hymenoptera, whereas understanding of soldier-first lineages including termites, eusocial aphids, gall-dwelling thrips, and snapping shrimp, is greatly lacking. In this review, we summarize the current state of knowledge on biology, morphology, adaptive functions, and caste regulation of the soldier caste. In addition, we discuss the biological, ecological and genetic factors that might contribute to the evolution of distinct caste systems within eusocial lineages.  相似文献   

T. Miura 《Insectes Sociaux》2001,48(3):216-223
Summary: Since almost all termite species possess a soldier caste, there must be ubiquitous mechanisms of soldier differentiation throughout isopteran species. In order to reveal the caste differentiation mechanisms, observations during the soldier morphogenesis and identification of soldier specific gene expression are thought to be important. In this article, I summarize research approaches for analyzing caste differentiation in termites, and introduce two of our studies in Hospitalitermes medioflavus (Termitidae) and Hodotermopsis japonica (Termopsidae).¶Colonies of the nasute termite H. medioflavus have soldiers with a frontal projection (nasus) on the head, from which defensive substances are secreted. During soldier differentiation from male minor worker to presoldier, the most dynamic morphogenesis occurs. In the presumptive nasus epithelium of minor workers, a disc-like structure termed "soldier-nasus disc" rapidly develops to form the nasus of presoldiers. This rapid growth is associated with two folding layers of cuticle and epithelium.¶To identify genes specifically expressed in soldiers of the damp wood termite Hodotermopsis japonica, a differential display using RT-PCR was tried, comparing mRNA from the heads of soldiers and pseudergates. An identified gene candidate termed SOL1 was expressed specifically in terminally differentiated mature soldiers, and the product of the gene was suggested to encode a novel protein with a putative signal peptide at the N-terminus. This gene was shown to be expressed in the mandibular glands which actually develop during the soldier differentiation. Thus, these molecular techniques are applicable to reveal the proximate mechanisms of caste determination in termites and other social insects.  相似文献   

Summary. The interplay of genetic and environmental factors in the determination of social insect castes has long intrigued biologists. Though an overwhelming majority of studies establish that factors such as nutrition, pheromones and temperature determine the developmental fate of worker larvae, genetic components have recently been shown to play a role in the determination of morphological worker castes in leaf-cutting ants. Here we demonstrate that the determination of worker castes in the strongly polyandrous Florida harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex badius, has a genetic component. The overall distribution of caste members among patrilines in our study colonies is significantly different from the intracolonial caste ratio. Though this effect was not apparent in all colonies, our results suggest that workers of different patrilines in P. badius differ significantly in their propensities to develop into a certain worker caste. This genetic basis of worker polymorphism may go unnoticed in many social hymenopterans because of their low intracolonial genetic diversity due to monogamous colony structure. The worker polymorphism of P. badius is a taxonomic isolate and presumably a young trait in the genus. Therefore, a common genetic component of the determination of morphological and behavioral worker castes in social insects might be farranging taxonomically and may even be based on a genetic machinery inherent to all hymenopterans, but dormant in most.Received 3 May 2004; revised 27 October 2004; accepted 8 November 2004.  相似文献   

Termites express polyphenism during caste differentiation that is mostly undefined at the molecular level. Using the eastern subterranean termite, Reticulitermes flavipes Kollar, we wanted (1) to test juvenile hormone (JH) model assays for their ability to induce detectable molecular changes in worker termites and (2) to investigate hemolymph proteins and their corresponding genes during JH-induced soldier caste differentiation. Our results illustrate pronounced changes in two hemolymph proteins after JH treatment, as well as differences among several caste phenotypes. Significant increases in the expression of four genes encoding hemolymph proteins, including two vitellogenins and two hexamerins, were observed after JH exposure. These findings are the first to demonstrate such protein and gene expression changes during termite caste differentiation. These results also validate the utility of JH model assays for inducing detectable molecular changes in worker termites that have begun presoldier differentiation.  相似文献   



DNA methylation is a common regulator of gene expression, including acting as a regulator of developmental events and behavioral changes in adults. Using the unique system of genetic caste determination in Pogonomyrmex barbatus, we were able to document changes in DNA methylation during development, and also across both ancient and contemporary hybridization events.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Sodium bisulfite sequencing demonstrated in vivo methylation of symmetric CG dinucleotides in P. barbatus. We also found methylation of non-CpG sequences. This validated two bioinformatics methods for predicting gene methylation, the bias in observed to expected ratio of CpG dinucleotides and the density of CpG/TpG single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP). Frequencies of genomic DNA methylation were determined for different developmental stages and castes using ms-AFLP assays. The genetic caste determination system (GCD) is probably the product of an ancestral hybridization event between P. barbatus and P. rugosus. Two lineages obligately co-occur within a GCD population, and queens are derived from intra-lineage matings whereas workers are produced from inter-lineage matings. Relative DNA methylation levels of queens and workers from GCD lineages (contemporary hybrids) were not significantly different until adulthood. Virgin queens had significantly higher relative levels of DNA methylation compared to workers. Worker DNA methylation did not vary among developmental stages within each lineage, but was significantly different between the currently hybridizing lineages. Finally, workers of the two genetic caste determination lineages had half as many methylated cytosines as workers from the putative parental species, which have environmental caste determination.


These results suggest that DNA methylation may be a conserved regulatory mechanism moderating division of labor in both bees and ants. Current and historic hybridization appear to have altered genomic methylation levels suggesting a possible link between changes in overall DNA methylation and the origin and regulation of genetic caste determination in P. barbatus.  相似文献   

Eusocial insects display a caste system in which different castes are morpho-logically and physiologically specialized for different tasks.Recent studies have revealed that epigenetic modifications,including DNA methylation and histone modification,me-diate caste determination and differentiation,longevity,and polyethism in eusocial insects.Although there has been a growing interest in the relationship between epigenetic mech-anisms and phenotypic plasticity in termites,there is ltte information about differential expression levels among castes and expression sites for these genes in termites.Here we show royaltissuc-specific expression of epigenetic modification genes in the termite Reticulitermes speratus.Using RNA-seq,we identified 74 genes,including three DNA methyltransferases,seven sirtuins,48 Trithorax group proteins,and 16 Polycomb group proteins.Among these genes,15 showed king-specific expression,and 52 showed age-dependent differential expression in kings and queens.Quantitative real-time PCR revealed that DNA methyltransferase 3 is expressed specifically in the king's testis and fat body,whereas some histone modification genes are remarkably expressed in the king's testis and queen's ovary.These findings imply that epigenetic modification plays important roles in the gamete production process in termite kings and queens.  相似文献   

No general theory explains why a sterile worker caste is not found in all species of both Hymenoptera and Isoptera (Insecta). Recent empirical finding show that, in the termites (Isoptera), feeding outside the nest correlates well with the evolution of the sterile (true) worker caste from the non-sterile (false) worker caste. Here we explain the connection between food-nest separation and true worker evolution in termites, providing a general theory on the restricted distribution of the sterile worker caste in the Isoptera. A cost-benefit model suggests that there is a critical level of nest stability above which natural selection favours true workers over false workers, irrespective of genetical relatedness. Because food-nest separation tends to increase nest stability, this theoretical result implies that the less a termite species consumes its nest as food, the more likely is its nest stability to fall above the critical level and a true worker caste will evolve.  相似文献   

The evolution of the 'true' worker caste in termites is not decisively inferred by coding and mapping both this character and the foraging behaviour on a phylogenetic tree. Answering to Thompson et al. (2000, 2003), and with reference to Grandcolas and D'Haese (2002), we show that this indecisive inference depends on the correct consideration paid to the outgroups. These last ones could be non subsocial cockroaches, or some wood-eating subsocial cockroaches often considered misleadingly as living ancestors, or even any hemimetabolous insects, all of them would be unambiguously lacking 'true' worker caste and pseudergate caste and not showing the 'one-piece' life type foraging behaviour. These statements derive from observing, coding and mapping the real world on the tree without making ad hoc assumptions. In that respect, because termites do not exist in isolation, apart from the tree of life, mapping the character of interest on the tree must be applied to the outgroups as well.  相似文献   

Individuals living within social groups may benefit from the efficiencies of division of labour, but on the other hand render themselves vulnerable to socially transmitted disease. This cost to social living should promote cooperative barriers to disease transmission, especially in eusocial taxa where spatial and genetic proximity to nestmates are characteristically pronounced. Termites are eusocial yet little is known about how their sociality is deployed to resist contagion. In this study, we manipulate two variables that are expected to affect the number and nature of social interactions and measure the ability of individuals within groups to resist fungal infection. From laboratory experiments on field-collected colonies, we report that both group size and caste composition directly affect the survivorship of individuals within groups, but only caste composition moderates survivorship upon immune challenge. Our study therefore provides no statistical evidence that individual Eastern subterranean termites (Reticulitermes flavipes) have increased resistance to disease in crowded groups—that is, there is no evidence for a density-dependent social immune response. Our results do suggest, however, that the caste-specific nature of interactions may be important for controlling disease in a social context.  相似文献   

Hybridization in ants can have consequences different from those observed in most other species, with many of the potential deleterious effects being mitigated due to haplodiploidy and eusociality. In some species where colonies are either headed by multiple queens or single queens that mate with many males, hybridization is associated with genetic caste determination, where hybrids develop into workers and purebred individuals develop into queens. A previous study suggested that hybridization occurs between two Dorylus army ant species with multiply mated queens. However, the extent and exact pattern of hybridization have remained unclear, and its possible effect on caste determination has not been investigated. In this study, we aimed to determine the extent and direction of hybridization by measuring how frequently hybrids occur in colonies of both species, and to investigate the possibility of genetic caste determination. We show that hybridization is bidirectional and occurs at equal rates in both species. Hybrid workers make up only 1–2% of the population, and successful interspecific matings represent approximately 2% of all matings in both species. This shows that, although interspecific matings that give rise to worker offspring occur regularly, they are much rarer than intraspecific mating. Finally, we find no evidence of an association between hybridization and genetic caste determination in this population. This means that genetic caste determination is not a necessary outcome of hybridization in ants, even in species where queens mate with multiple males.  相似文献   

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