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夏蜡梅属的细胞地理学研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
李林初   《广西植物》1989,9(4):311-316
本文首次报道西美蜡梅(Calycanthus occidentalis)的核型为K(2n)=22=20m(2SAT)+2sm,与美国蜡梅的变种光叶红(C.floridus var.oblongifolius)同属“2A”类型但较为原始,它们都比“1A”的夏蜡梅(C.chinensis)进化,三者由原始到进步的顺序可能为夏蜡梅—→西美蜡梅—→美国蜡梅(光叶红)。夏蜡梅属可能以较原始的夏蜡梅起源于东亚(中国),再东向迁移到北美洲(美国)形成西美蜡梅和美国蜡梅(光叶红)。  相似文献   

天南星科岩芋属的细胞地理学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文报道了岩芋属三个种的染色体数目和核型:岩芋Remusatia vivipara是三倍体,核型公式为K(2n)=3X=42=42m;早花岩芋R. hookeriana为二倍体,核型公式为K(2n)=2X=28=22m(6SAT) 6m(2SAT);秀丽岩芋R. ornala,也是三倍体,核型公式为K(2n)=3X=42=36m(3SAT) 3sm 3st。在岩芋属中,岩芋是一个比较原始的种,秀丽岩芋较进化。岩芋属是热带非洲和热带亚洲间断分布的小属,它的原始类群岩芋(R. vivipara)的原始居群(二倍体居群)分布在印度南部,因而作者没想,古南大陆是岩芋属的起源地,本属向热带亚洲的扩散是与第三纪时喜马拉雅造山运动相联系的。  相似文献   

夏蜡梅属起源的探讨   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文对Nicely提出夏蜡梅属(Catycanthus L.)起源于北美洲美国东部后西向迁移到加利福尼亚和东亚的假设提出异议。无论从染色体资料还是形态性状的比较来看,夏蜡梅属可能以较原始的夏蜡梅(C.chinensis Cheng et S. Y.Chang)起源于东亚(中国)。  相似文献   

报道了天南星科(Araceae)花叶万年青属(Dieffenbachia)两种植物染色体数目及核型,革叶万年青(D.daguensis)品种绿帝皇的核型公式为K(2n)=2x=34=12m 18sm 4st,核型类型为"3B",核型不对称系数As.K%=66.52%。花叶万年青(D.maculata)品种粉黛叶的核型公式为K(2n)=2x=34=2M 28m 4sm,核型类型为"1B",核型不对称系数为AS.K%=55.38%。与同科的较进化的犁头尖属和斑龙芋属比较,花叶万年青属植物的核型较原始些,且天南星科植物的核型极其多样化。  相似文献   

鹅观草属4个种核型与进化的研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
蔡联炳  冯海生 《植物研究》1999,19(3):268-272
报道了鹅观草属(Roegneria C. Koch)4个种的核型,即中华鹅观草,核型为2n=4x=28=28m(2SAT);裸穗鹅观草,核型为2n=4x=28=24m+4sm(2SAT);缘毛鹅观草,核型为2n=4x=28=22m+6sm(2SAT);缘穗鹅观草,核型为2n=4x=28=24m(2SAT)+4sm。4个种核型的共征和自征反映了形态划分中共属分种的合理性。尤其通过核型不对称性和相对进化程度的分析,表明中华鹅观草最原始,缘穗鹅观草最进化,裸穗鹅观草和缘毛鹅观草演化居中;狭颖草系高级于缘毛草系。核型不对称性所表示的进化程度似乎与系间颖芒的发生,种间花序的增长变粗、外稃芒的延伸相关。  相似文献   

新疆猪毛菜属植物染色体数及核型分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以5种新疆猪毛菜属植物为材料,常规压片法制片后观察记录染色体数,并进行核型分析。实验结果表明:钠猪毛菜体细胞染色体数2n=18;浆果猪毛菜2n=2x=18=12m 6sm,属2A核型;木本猪毛菜2n=2x=18=16m 2sm,属2A核型;东方猪毛菜2n=4x=36=26m 10sm,属2B核型;长刺猪毛菜2n=4x=36=24m 4sm 8st,属2B核型。猪毛菜属植物的染色体基数为9,东方猪毛菜、长刺猪毛菜为四倍体,其它3种均为二倍体。与Бочанцев基于形态学特征建立的分组系统及各组的演化地位相比,东方猪毛菜属于原始的硬叶猪毛菜组,而本研究表明该种在核型上相对较为进化;其余3种核型地位与所属组的演化地位相符。  相似文献   

夏蜡梅属花粉形态的研究   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:18  
李林初 《植物研究》1990,10(1):93-98
本文首次报道了夏蜡梅(Calycanthus chinensis)花粉的扫描电镜观察结果,并与西美国蜡梅(C.occidentalis)、美国蜡梅(C.floridus)的作了比较,表明前者较为原始,后者比较进化,夏蜡梅属(Calycanthus L.)可能以夏蜡梅起源于东亚(中国),与从细胞学、形态学等得到的结果一致。鉴于夏蜡梅与西美国蜡梅、美国蜡梅在许多性状上的较大差异,作者认为以Sinocalycanthus chinensis (Cheng et S.Y.Chang) Cheng et S.Y.Chang为模式种的单型属Sinocalycanthus Cheng et S.Y.Chang也许应予确认。  相似文献   

我国梨属植物染色体核型研究(一)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对5种梨属植物即褐梨、杜梨、新疆梨、河北梨、麻梨的核型进行了研究。结果表明:褐梨的核型2n=2x=34=24m+10sm(2SAT)与杜梨2n=2x=34=24m+10sm相似,自成一个种群。而新疆梨、河北梨的核型均为2n=2x=34=16m+18sm(2SAT),麻梨为2n=2x=34=16m+18sm,三者的核型相近,属于另一个种群。前一种群相对原始一些,而后一群则属天然杂交的次生种。  相似文献   

首次报道了华南地区兔儿风属(Ainsliaea DC.)(菊科-帚菊木族Asteraceae-Pertyeae)3种植物共4个居群的染色体数目和核型。其中长穗兔儿风(A.henryi Diels)的染色体数目为2n=24,核型公式为2n=16m+8sm;三脉兔儿风(A.trinervis Y.C.Tseng)的染色体数目为2n=26,核型公式为2n=16m+10sm;莲沱兔儿风(A.ramosa Hemsl.)2个居群的染色体数目均为2n=26,核型公式为2n=26=22m+4sm。所有居群的染色体由大到小逐渐变化,核型没有明显的二型性。这些结果表明兔儿风属植物确有x=12和x=13两个基数,其中x=13可能是该属的原始基数。  相似文献   

本文对三白草的核型进行分析。结果表明,三白草染色体基数为X=11,二倍体2n=22;而三白草科的原始染色体基数为X=11,三白草属与祖先型的是一致的,是科中最原始的一个分类群。核型公式为:2n=2x=22=2m+8sm+1st,核型为3B。  相似文献   

水松的细胞学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李林初   《广西植物》1987,(2):101-106
本文报道了水松的核型公式K(2n)=22=22m,为“1A”类型。染色体相对长度组成为2n=22=2L+4M_2+16M_1。8号染色体具长着丝点区域,这是核型的一个特征。与近缘的国产种柳杉和水杉相比较。三者由原始到进化的顺序可能为(柳杉、水松)、水杉,水松与柳杉最接近,水杉和水松较近缘。本文还计算了水松的染色体体积。  相似文献   

水杉的核型研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文观察了水杉的染色体,确定2n=22,核型公式为K(2n)=22m(2SAT),全具中着丝点,有一对随体。第8、10、11号染色体具“长着丝点区域”。属“1A”型,与北美红杉-AA的核型非常相近,可能是它的一个亲本种的直接后裔。  相似文献   

本文将天南星科105个属的分布区归纳为12个分布类型和29个亚型,对每一类型的属进行生态地理分析。本科计有88个热带属,占全科的83.8%,是一个热带科。全科有两大分化中心:热带亚洲为属的多样化中心,热带美洲是种的分化中心。根据天南星科各属的生态地理研究,结合到科的系统发育程序,作者得出结论说:天南星科的原始类群在晚白垩纪时起源于亚洲大陆南缘,即欧亚古陆的亚洲南缘地带的水域生态环境。  相似文献   

北苍术的细胞学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
葛传吉   《广西植物》1989,9(2):105-109
本文报道了北苍术的核型分析资料;其核型公式为K(2n)=24=10m+4sm(SAT)+10sm属“3B”型,染色体相对长度组成为2n=24=6L+4M_2+2M_1+12S,笔者并将其与本属近缘种白术(A.mocrocepola Koidz.)的核型相比较.白苍术较为进化。 本文还计算了北苍术的染色体体积。  相似文献   

对澳大利亚特产的Callitris属植物C.preissii,C.verrucosa,C.endlicheri(柏科)的核型进行了分析,后2种的为首次报道。它们的核型公式分别为K(2n)=22=22m(2SAT),22m(2SAT)和22m(6SAT),均属1A核型类型。染色体相对长度组成同是2n=22=10M_2+12M_1该3种及其他8种Calltris属植物一致的核型K(2n)=22m和1A类型的通常被认为是最对称和原始的。因此该属在柏科的系统发育上也许处于相当原始的地位。  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the karyotypic analysis of Taxodium ascendens Brongn. The somatic chromosomes in root-tip cells of the plant are found to be 2n =22, all with median and submedian constrictions. A character of the karyotype is that the chromosome 10 has a long kinetochore region (Plate 1:1). According to the terminology defined by Levan et al.[18], the karyotype formula is k(2n)=22=20m+2sm, which is different to Huang et Hsu’s[8] K(2n)=24=22m+2B(m). The karyotype belongs to “lA” of Stebbins’[24] karyotypic symmetry and is generally regarded as a relatively primitive one. The species’ chromosome complement is 2n=22=2L+8M2+12M1 according to I.R.L.difined by Kuo et al.[15] based on relative length. The lengths, arm ratios and types of chromosomes of the species are given in Table 1-I. The morphology of the chromosomes and the karyotype, are given in Plate 1:1. In the light of the works of Schlarbaum et al.[21] and Mehra et al.[17], K(2n)=22=20m (2SAT)+2sm and 2n=22=2L+6M2+14M1 are for T. distichum (L.) Rich. (see Table 1-II), K(2n)=20m+2sm and 2n=22=4L+4M2+12M1+2S for T. mucronatum Tenore (see Table 1-III, Plate 1:2), which belong to “lA” and “2A” respectively. The differences between three species in the ratio of the longest to the shortest chromosome, I.R.L. and the proportion of chromosomes with arm ratio >2 show that the karyotype of T. mucronatum is the most advanced and that of T. distichum the most primitive. The present author suggests that the sequence of evolutionary advance be T. distichum, T. ascendens, T. mucronatum. Based on the evidence from the karyotype analyses, ecology and geographical distribution (including fossil), the secondary center of genetic diversity (Fig. 1) and the probable evolu-tionary pattern (Fig. 2) of Taxodium are discussed.  相似文献   

The present paper reports the chromosome numbers and karyotypes of eight species of Sect. Rhiziridium in Allium (Liaceae). The materials were all collected from their natural populations in east Inner Mongolia, China. The karyotype analysis is made on the basis of Li et al. (1985).The results are as follows (for chromosomes parameters, voucher specimens and localities, see Table 1 and Plate 1--2 the idiograms of the eight species in Fig. 1): (1) Auium leucocephalum Turcz. The somatic chromosome number and karyotype of this species is 2n=16=12m=2sm+2st (2SAT), in Stebbinsl(1971) kayotype classification, which belongs to 2A (Plate 1: 1; Fig. 1: 1). The range of chromosome relative length varies between 8.90--15.55%. Two small satellites are attached to the short arms of the 8th pair of chromosomes. (2) A. strictum Schrader has 2n (4x) =32=16m+4sm+12st, belonging to 2B (Plate 1: 2 & Fig. 1: 2). Satellites were not observed., and the range of chromosome relative length is between 3. 67-11.00%. (3) A. ramosum L. 2n=16=14m+ 2st (2SAT), belonging to 2A (Plate 1: 3 & Fig. 1: 3), Two small satellies are attached to the short arms of the 8th pair of chromosomes. The range of chromosome relative length is between 9.17-16.39%. The chromosome number and karyotype of this species are in accordancewith those reported by Li et al. (1982) with the material from Jinshan, Beijing. (4) A. bidentatum Fisch. ex Prokh. 2n (4x) =32=24m+4sm+4T, belonging to 2B (Plate 1: 4 & Fig. 1: 4). Satellites were not observed. A small median B-chromosome was found in root-tip cells of the population growing in sandy soil, and it is the first discovery (Plate 2: 9). The species has terminal chromosomes, which are seldom seen in Sect. Rhiziridium. The range of chromosome relative length is between 3.32—9.06%. (5) A. tenuissimu L. 2n=16= 10m+4sm+2st(2SAT), belonging to 2B(Plate 1:5 & Fig. 1:5). Two large satellites are attached to the short arms of the 8th pair of chromosome. The range of chromosome relative length is between 8.27--17.56%. (6)A. anisopodium Ledeb. 2n = 16 = l2m +2sm + 2st (2SAT), belonging to 2A (Plate 2:7 & Fig. 1: 7). Two large satellites are attached to the short arms of the 8th pair of chromosomes. In somatic cells of some plants of this species, a small submedian B-chromosome was found (Plate 2: 10, 11). The range of chromosome relative length is between 8.05-17.08 %. (7) A. anisopodium Ledeb. var. zimmermannianum (Gilg) Wang et Tang 2n (4x)=32=24m+4sm+4st( 4SAT), belonging to 2A (Plate 1: 6 & Fig. 1: 6). Four large satellites are attached to the short arms of the 15 and 16th pairs of chromosomes. The range of chromosome relative length is between 4.45--8.35%. This variety is similar to A. anisopodium Ledeb. in morphological characters, and their karyotype formulas are also very similar. The present authors consider that the variety is an allotetraploid derived from A. anisopodium Ledeb. (8) A. condensatum Turcz. 2n=16=14m+2st (2SAT), belonging to 2B (Plate 2:8 & Fig. 1:8). Two. small satellites are attached to the short arms of the 6th pair of chromosomes. In a few individuals of this species median (M) B-chromosome was discovered, and the number is stable (Plate 2: 12). The range of chromosome relative length is between 7.64--17.07%. In short, the chromosome numbers of the species studied in the present work are found to be 2n=16 or 32, and the karyotypes belong to 2A or 2B, highly symmetrical. The karyotypes of Chinese materials of these species are mostly reported for the first time. Threespecies have B-chromosomes.  相似文献   

六角莲及其近缘的核型和演化的研究   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
本文首次报道我国特产的药用植物六角莲的核型,K(2n)=12=8m(2SAT)+2st(SAT)+2t,为“2A”型。与桃儿七(属)和足叶草(属)的核型比较接近,反映了它们的近缘关系。但又似以六角莲(八角莲属)最原始,它可能通过二条路线演化到桃儿七属和足叶草属并以后者最为进化。笔者认为八角莲属和桃儿七属从足叶草属的分立及应俊生提出的从前者演化出后二者的演化趋势得到细胞学资料的支持。本研究还支持吴征镒等关于我国西南和南部到东南亚的北部是东亚-北美区系成分的发源地的意见。  相似文献   

In the present paper the karyotypes of Smilacina tatsienensis (Franch.) Wang et Tang and Ophiopogon japonicus (L. f.) Ker.- Gawl. in Sichuan were analysed. The karyotypes of the two species are reported for the first time. The results are shown as follows. Smilacina tatsienensis (Franch.) Wang et Tang is a dipoiid. Its karyotype formula is 2n=2x=36=16m+10sm+10st(4SAT) (Plate 1: Fig. 1, 3). The karyotype is bimodal with ten large and eight small chromosome pairs and the length ratio of the tenth pair to the eleventh being 1.33. The length ratio of the largest chromosome and the smallest one is 4.33. Ophiopogon japonicus (L.f.) Ker.-Gawl. is a mixoploid, with diploid, triploid and tetraploid cells in a single plant. The karyotype formula of the diploid is 2n=2x=36=18m (4SAT)+18sm(Plate 1: Fig. 2, 4). The species is of a bimodal karyotype with eight large and ten small chromosome pairs and the length ratio to the eighth pair and the ninth being 1.10.There are nine metacentric pairs (two pairs of sat-chromosomes) and nine submetacentric pairs.  相似文献   

夏石金花茶的核型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦新民  梁倩华   《广西植物》1990,10(4):321-324
本文研究了夏石金花茶(Camellia xiashiensis S. Y. Liang et C. Z. Deng, sp. nov. ined)的核型。结果表明:其体细胞染色体数目为2n=30,具12对中部着丝点染色体.5对近中部着丝点染色体,第15对染色体具1对随体。根据Levan等的分类原则。其核型为2n=2x=24m(2SAT)+6sm。属于Stebbins核型的“2A”型。  相似文献   

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