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溃疡分枝杆菌、溃疡分枝杆菌素与溃疡分枝杆菌毒素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1948年,MacCALLUM在澳大利亚东南沿海维多利亚一个儿童的腿部溃疡中分离到一种新的分枝杆菌,并称之为溃疡分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium ulcerans),并证明是这种溃疡的病原菌。这种由溃疡分枝杆菌引起的皮肤感染主要存在于热带、亚热带地区,尤以西非地区更盛,具有地方性流行,现在通常称谓Bumli溃疡,中国也有发现,世界卫生组织(WHO)已组建全球Buruli溃疡行动委员会,开展对该病的防治研究,现已认为溃疡分枝杆菌感染(Bundi溃疡)是一种新发的感染病。  相似文献   

几种鲟鱼基因组大小、倍体的特性及鲟形目细胞进化的探讨   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:25  
采用Feulgen-显微分光光度计方法,以鸡红细胞为标准DNA(3.22pg/2C)测定了长江白鲟、达氏鲟、中华鲟、史氏鲟和北美匙吻鲟的体细胞基因组大小(DNA含量)。结果表明,上述五种鲟鱼DNA含量分别为4.11、8.26、9.07、6.07和3.96pg。长江白鲟和北美匙吻鲟均属于四倍体鱼类,分布在长江水系的中华鲟和达氏鲟两种鲟属鱼类为八倍体类型。史氏鲟初步判断为八倍体,据分析可能存在四倍体的  相似文献   

为探究鲟鳇鱼网箱养殖环境中的细菌群落结构组成和潜在致病菌的种类与数量, 文章用高通量测序对中华鲟Acipenser sinensis、施氏鲟Acipenser schrenckii、达氏鳇Huso dauricus、大杂交鲟A. schrenckii♂×H. dauricus♀等网箱养殖水体的细菌群落结构特征和潜在病原菌属进行分析, 同时应用实时荧光定量PCR方法对鲟鳇鱼养殖水体中的典型病原菌种进行定量检测。研究结果表明, 在同一水域同一管理条件下, 不同品种鲟鳇鱼网箱养殖水体中细菌群落结构组成相似度高, 优势菌门由Proteobacteria、Actinobacteria、Bacteroidetes、Verrucomicrobia和Planctomycetes组成, 占到所有样品序列总数的88.81%—93.94%; 在属水平上, 各样品未分类的细菌(unclassified)占比较大, 共发现鲟鳇鱼潜在致病细菌菌属7个: Aeromonas、Acinetobacter、Chryseobacterium、Edwardsiella、Flavobacterium、Pseudomonas和Vibrio。实时荧光定量PCR结果显示, 养殖水体中鲟鳇鱼病害常见的病原菌种Aeromonas hydrophila的丰度最高, 丰度值为(7406±1892) copies/mL; 其次为Flavobacterium columnar[(4889±1649) copies/mL]和Pseudomonas fluorescens[(3259±1117) copies/mL]。研究结果为该区域的鲟鳇鱼集约化养殖及疾病防控提供科学依据。  相似文献   

采用Feulgen-显微分光光度计方法,以鸡红细胞为标准DNA(3.22pg/2C)测定了长江白鲟、达氏鲟、中华鲟、史氏鲟和北美匙吻鲟的体细胞基因组大小(DNA含量)。结果表明,上述五种鲟鱼DNA含量分别为4.11、8.26、9.07、6.07和3.96pg。长江白鲟和北美匙吻鲟均属于四倍体鱼类,分布在长江水系的中华鲟和达氏鲟两种鲟属鱼类为八倍体类型。史氏鲟初步判断为八倍体,据分析可能存在四倍体的类型。根据所得到的结果并结合已发表的DNA含量和染色体资料,分析了鲟形目鱼类在细胞遗传上的进化特点。鲟形目鱼类全为多倍体起源的鱼类,在鲟形目的两科(白鲟科和鲟科)六个属中,除鲟属外,其他五个属均为四倍体,而鲟属已发现有四倍体、八倍体、十二倍体和十六倍体。说明在细胞水平的染色体加倍与鲟形目鱼类各科、属分化没有直接联系,只在鲟形目形成的早期和鲟形目形成后的鲟属种间分化中扮演着重要角色。鲟属鱼类的染色体剧烈分化可能是造成现今鲟属种类数最多(占整个鲟形目鱼类的65%以上)的重要原因。  相似文献   

2015年,广州某养殖场的花鲈(Lateolabrax japonicus)发生细菌性病害,患病花鲈肝脏、脾脏和肾脏有典型的结节症状,病理组织分析表明,肝脏、脾脏和肾脏等器官组织中有大量肉芽肿,而且组织中分布大量抗酸的杆状细菌。从6尾患病花鲈内脏中分离到6株形态相似的菌落,然后对其中一株病原菌HL1506菌株进行基因组测序,分析结果表明该病原菌为海分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium marinum)。HL1506菌株的基因组大小为6.34 Mb,GC含量为65.68%,编码5 406个基因,具有T1SS分泌系统和T3SS分泌系统。比较基因组学研究表明,HL1506菌株与参考菌株M、MB2、E11和Europe基因组相比,有3 948个共有基因,而该菌株的特有基因为242个。根据共有基因构建系统发育树,结果表明HL1506菌株与人源海分枝杆菌M株和鱼源海分枝杆菌MB2株聚为一枝,这表明它们之间的亲缘关系较近,同时也表明HL1506菌株有感染人的潜在可能。综上,患病花鲈为海分枝杆菌感染,并且有典型的结节症状。海分枝杆菌HL1506基因组与人源菌株有较高的相似性,这表明该菌株对人的健康有潜在的威胁。  相似文献   

尽管古老的鲟形目鱼类的分类及系统演化一直是中外学者感兴趣的研究课题,但迄今仍有诸多谜团未解。其中,关于亚洲远东地区和北美地区的中吻鲟(Acipenser medirostris)的分类地位争论已久。长江水系的达式鲟(A.dabryanus)和中华鲟(A.sinensis)及其它鲟属(Acipenser)鱼类之间的亲缘关系近年来也有异议。为了给上述争议提供更多的科学依据,作者测定了线粒体DNA(mtDNA)控制区 (D-loop) 的核苷酸序列,并进行了分子系统学和遗传差异分析。研究结果表明:⑴UPGMA,NJ和MP分子系统学分析方法以及遗传差异分析都支持了亚洲远东地区中吻鲟和北美中吻鲟为一个有效种的观点;⑵同样研究方法并结合相关群体遗传资料表明,长江达式鲟与中华鲟关系最近,提出了达式鲟为中华鲟的一陆封类群的假说。最后,作者认为本文提出的观点和假说还需要更多的研究来证实。  相似文献   

结核分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium tuberculosis)是一种重要的人兽共患病病原菌,人类是其主要宿主。千百年来,由于动物与人类关系密切,动物也成为结核分枝杆菌的重要宿主,且感染结核分枝杆菌的动物还能成为传染源,将其传播至人类和其他动物。关于动物感染结核分枝杆菌已有大量报道,包括大象、非人灵长类动物、貘、海狮、犬、猫、牛、鸟等。本文就结核分枝杆菌在野生动物、家畜中的流行与传播进行介绍,总结其在动物间传播的主要途径。  相似文献   

中华鲟、白鲟组织生化成分分析初报   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis Cray)隶属鲟形目、鲟科,在生态类群中属河海洄游鱼类,主要分布于我国长江,也见于渤海(烟台)、黄河下游、钱塘江、闽江及珠江等水域。白鲟(Psephurus gladius Martens)隶属鲟形目、白鲟科,也是一种河海洄游性鱼类,主要分布在长江水系中,自四川宜宾至江苏崇明,有时见于大型湖泊(如洞庭湖)。    相似文献   

不太引人注目的新发感染病:溃疡分枝杆菌感染(Buruli溃疡)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Buruli溃疡(Buruli ulcer,Bu)是由溃疡分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium ulcerans,Mu)引起的慢性,进行性,坏死性皮肤感染,也称为溃疡分枝杆菌感染(Mycobacterium ulcerans infection)或溃疡分枝杆菌病(Mycobacterium ulcerans disease)[1],具有地方  相似文献   

尽管古老的鲟形目鱼类的分类及系统演化一直是中外学者感兴趣的研究课题 ,但迄今仍有诸多谜团未解。其中 ,关于亚洲远东地区和北美地区的中吻鲟 (Acipensermedirostris)的分类地位争论已久。长江水系的达式鲟 (A .dabryanus)和中华鲟 (A .sinensis)及其它鲟属 (Acipenser)鱼类之间的亲缘关系近年来也有异议。为了给上述争议提供更多的科学依据 ,作者测定了线粒体DNA (mtDNA)控制区(D loop) 的核苷酸序列 ,并进行了分子系统学和遗传差异分析。研究结果表明 :⑴UPGMA ,NJ和MP分子系统学分析方法以及遗传差异分析都支持了亚洲远东地区中吻鲟和北美中吻鲟为一个有效种的观点 ;⑵同样研究方法并结合相关群体遗传资料表明 ,长江达式鲟与中华鲟关系最近 ,提出了达式鲟为中华鲟的一陆封类群的假说。最后 ,作者认为本文提出的观点和假说还需要更多的研究来证实。  相似文献   

One of the most common diseases that we have diagnosed in zebrafish is mycobacteriosis, caused by several Mycobacterium spp. The severity of the disease ranged from severe outbreaks to incidental infections. We conducted an in vivo study to evaluate the pathogenesis of six isolates of Mycobacterium from zebrafish with mycobacteriosis from four research facilities and one wholesale supplier of zebrafish in the United States: Mycobacterium abscessus, Mycobacterium peregrinum, Mycobacterium chelonae (2 isolates), and Mycobacterium marinum. We also included two isolates of M. marinum from other fishes. Fish were exposed by intraperitoneal injection at a target does of 5 x 10(4) bacteria/fish, and were held in static aquaria at 28 degrees C for 8 weeks. Fish were examined by histology and culture, and mortalities were recorded. The M. marinum isolates caused 100% infection and mortality between 30% and 100%. None of the other Mycobacterium species caused significant mortalities, but several of these fish had granulomatous lesions in visceral organs. Mycobacteria were consistently recovered in culture from fish exposed to M. marinum, and from only 9% of fish exposed to the other species. This study suggests that, of the isolates tested, only M. marinum is highly pathogenic and virulent to healthy zebrafish.  相似文献   

In this study, six candidate female-specific DNA sequences of octaploid Amur sturgeon (Acipenser schrenckii) were identified using comparative genomic approaches with high-throughput sequencing data. Their specificity was confirmed by traditional PCR. Two of these sex-specific sequences were also validated as female-specific in other eight sturgeon species and two hybrid sturgeons. The identified female-specific DNA fragments suggest that the family Acipenseridae has a ZZ/ZW sex-determining system. However, one of the two DNA sequences has been deleted in some sturgeons such as Sterlet sturgeon (Acipenser ruthenus), Beluga (Huso huso) and Kaluga (H. dauricus). The difference of sex-specific sequences among sturgeons indicates that there are different sex-specific regions among species of sturgeon. This study not only provided the sex-specific DNA sequences for management, conservation and studies of sex-determination mechanisms in sturgeons, but also confirmed the capability of the workflow to identify sex-specific DNA sequences in the polyploid species with complex genomes.  相似文献   

The low frequency of nontuberculous mycobacterial infections, nonspecific symptoms for individual mycobacteria, and the lack of specific identification methods could alter correct diagnosis. This study presents a combined microbiology and molecular-based approach for Mycobacterium?marinum detection in four aquarists with cutaneous mycobacterial infection. Simultaneously, ecology screening for M.?marinum presence in the aquarists' fish tanks was performed. A total of 38 mycobacterial isolates originated from four human patients (n?=?20), aquarium animals (n?=?8), and an aquarium environment (n?= 10). Isolate identification was carried out using 16S?rRNA sequence analysis. A microbiology-based approach, followed by 16S rRNA sequence analysis, was successfully used for detection of M.?marinum in all four patients. Animal and environmental samples were simultaneously examined, and a total of seven mycobacterial species were isolated: Mycobacterium chelonae , Mycobacterium fortuitum , Mycobacterium gordonae , Mycobacterium?kansasii , Mycobacterium mantenii , Mycobacterium marinum , and Mycobacterium?peregrinum . The presence of M.?marinum was proven in the aquarium environments of two patients. Although M.?marinum is described as being present in water, it was detected only in fish.  相似文献   

从施氏鲟(Acipenser schrencki)、小体鲟(Acipenser ruthenus)、西伯利亚鲟(Acipenser baeri)、哲罗鲑(Hucho taimen)和金鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)五种鱼类卵黄中分离、纯化Ig,并对其分子结构进行了初步研究。结果表明:五种鱼类卵中Ig的分子量分别为施氏鲟524kD、小体鲟468kD、西伯利亚鲟475kD、哲罗鲑为490kD,金鳟498kD,其Ig重链的相对分子量相同,约为97kD。轻链的相对分子量各不相同,施氏鲟为27kD,小体鲟28.5kD,西伯利亚鲟30kD,哲罗鲑28.5kD和金鳟16kD。其中西伯利亚鲟、施氏鲟和小体鲟Ig等电点约为5.85,哲罗鲑和金鳟的Ig等电点约为6.55,其蛋白质结构上具有一定的相似性,且均为糖蛋白  相似文献   

An accumulating body of research indicates there is an increased cancer risk associated with chronic infections. The genus Mycobacterium contains a number of species, including M. tuberculosis, which mount chronic infections and have been implicated in higher cancer risk. Several non-tuberculosis mycobacterial species, including M. marinum, are known to cause chronic infections in fish and like human tuberculosis, often go undetected. The elevated carcinogenic potential for fish colonies infected with Mycobacterium spp. could have far reaching implications because fish models are widely used to study human diseases. Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) is an established laboratory fish model for toxicology, mutagenesis, and carcinogenesis; and produces a chronic tuberculosis-like disease when infected by M. marinum. We examined the role that chronic mycobacterial infections play in cancer risk for medaka. Experimental M. marinum infections of medaka alone did not increase the mutational loads or proliferative lesion incidence in all tissues examined. However, we showed that chronic M. marinum infections increased hepatocellular proliferative lesions in fish also exposed to low doses of the mutagen benzo[a]pyrene. These results indicate that chronic mycobacterial infections of medaka are acting as tumor promoters and thereby suggest increased human risks for cancer promotion in human populations burdened with chronic tuberculosis infections.  相似文献   

The immunoglobulin M (IgM) heavy chain constant region genes of Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii), Sterlte sturgeon (Acipenser ruthenus), Amur sturgeon (Acipenser schrenckii), Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) and Great sturgeon (Huso huso) were cloned and analyzed with molecular biology and bioinformatics methods. We cloned IGH nucleic acid sequences by RT-PCR using the specific primer, then determined the characteristics and functions of the amino acid sequences. The gene contains four constant region domain-encoding exons (CH1-4), of which CH4 sub-regions were the most conserved in IgM heavy chain constant region domain and had the highest identity within all the experimental species. According to the analysis of the phylogenetic tree, the variation expectation value (K(aa)), and species differentiation time (T) in the CH4 sub-region, we found that Chinese sturgeon and the other five sturgeon form one whole bifurcation of the tree, while, among the five left, Amur sturgeon and Huso sturgeon, Russian sturgeon and Siberian sturgeon (data from GenBank), Sterlte itself forms three other bifurcations. This result can clearly explain the relations of taxonomic status, geographical distribution and evolution among the species studied.  相似文献   

The six North Pacific members of the genus Acipenser have generally similar environmental requirements and share several specific morphological features. This Pacific group consists of green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, Sakhalin sturgeon, A. mikadoi, white sturgeon, A. transmontanus, Chinese sturgeon, A. sinensis, Dabry’s sturgeon, A. dabryanus and Amur sturgeon, A. schrenkii. A qualitative morphological examination of these species revealed synapomorphic characters that suggest close phyolgenetic relationships resulting from common ancestry of eastern and western species within the Pacific Rim. An evolutionary taxonomic approach, considering a reduction of characters from east to west, would suggest an Asian ancestry for all Pacific sturgeons. In contrast however, a phylogenetic approach using derived character states suggests a North American ancestry. Besides a common ancestry for Chinese and American sturgeons, the taxonomic status of A. mikadoi is discussed.  相似文献   

Thirty-five aquarium fish were investigated for the presence of mycobacteria by culture and molecular methods. The following species were examined: goldfish Carassius auratus auratus, guppy Poecilia reticulata, 4 three-spot gourami Trichogaster trichopterus, dwarf gourami Colisa lalia, Siamese fighting fish Betta splendens, freshwater angelfish Pterophyllum scalare, African cichlid fish Cichlidae spp., cichlid fish Microgeophagus altispinosus, cichlid fish Pseudotropheus lombardoi, blue streak hap Labidochromis caeruleus, sterlet Acipenser ruthenus, southern platyfish Xiphophorus maculatus, and catfish Corydoras spp. Isolates of mycobacteria were obtained in 29 cases (82.9%). Two specimens were positive using Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) staining, but the cultivation failed. Four specimens were both ZN- and culture-negative. On the basis of GenoType Mycobacterium assay (Hain Life-science) and restriction enzyme analysis of the amplified products (PCR-RFLP), 23 isolates (79.3%) were identified: 7 as Mycobacterium fortuitum, 6 as M. gordonae, 6 as M. marinum, 3 as M. chelonae, and 1 as M. peregrinum. Five isolates remained unidentified (Mycobacterium spp.). One case probably represented a mixed infection (M. marinum/M. fortuitum). Since M. marinum infections are also detected in humans, the significance of mycobacteria in aquarium fish should not be overlooked.  相似文献   

A large diversity of Mycobacterium spp. has been isolated from striped bass Morone saxatilis in Chesapeake Bay, USA. The new species M. shottsii and M. pseudoshottsii are the dominant isolates, while the classical fish pathogen M. marinum is found much less frequently. M. fortuitum and M. chelonae, other Mycobacterium spp. known to commonly infect fishes, have not yet been aseptically isolated from striped bass within Chesapeake Bay. While M. pseudoshottsii and M. shottsii have been phenotypically and genotypically characterized, other less common mycobacterial isolates have not. In the present study, we describe 17 photochromogenic isolates from Chesapeake Bay striped bass using phenotypic characterization and multilocus sequencing of 16S rRNA, hsp65 and rpoB genes. Genetic characterization reveals that these isolates are related to widely divergent portions of the mycobacterial phylogeny; however, some interesting trends are observed, such as a majority of isolates (10/17) belonging to the M. simiae-related grouping. Five additional isolates were assigned to the slow-growing mycobacteria (including 2 identified as M. marinum), while 2 are clearly shown to belong genetically to the fast-growing mycobacteria.  相似文献   

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