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基于3S技术的公路生态景观评价系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公路建设与其周边生态景观存在不和谐的问题,公路生态景观的评价分析、恢复与建设越来越成为重要的课题。针对景观评价问题,本文提出了运用3S(remote sensing、geography information sys-temg、lobal positioning system)技术构建生态景观评价系统,并应用层次分析法对公路生态景观进行评价。该评价方法将公路生态景观分解为3个层次,经过矩阵一致性检验的判断确定了评价要素的权重,该权重与生态景观要素得分运算后得到生态景观评价结果。运用该系统对全桂公路进行了生态景观评价测试,结果表明,评价与专家组在当地调查情况基本一致,证明了该方法的有效性及系统设计的可行性。  相似文献   

公路生态景观建设不仅是公路建设的重要组成部分,也是美丽乡村建设和生态园林城市建设的重要标志,对于实现社会经济的可持续发展具有重要作用.公路生态景观质量的评价指标和方法是衡量公路及其外部环境建设质量的重要依据.本研究以江苏省南通市5条主要干线高速公路G15、G228、G204、S334和S335为例,建立了定量和定性评价指标相结合的公路生态景观质量评价指标体系,包括景观功能、生态效能和安全设计3大类12个评价指标.通过现场调查和计算,建立了12个评价指标的变量矩阵,并进行了主成分(PC)分析.结果表明: 公路绿化景观生态评价综合得分模型为: H=0.694PC1+0.191PC2+0.115PC3, 5条高速公路得分排序结果为: G204>G15>S334>G228>S335.本研究结果将为高速公路生态景观质量评价提供方法和参考.  相似文献   

近年,水生态景观的建设性破坏现象与问题层出不穷。如何协调水生态景观复杂系统中并存的水利安全、生态安全和景观需求引发了业界的广泛思考。从水环境特点及其评价因子入手,提出基于数值模拟仿真技术的水生态景观规划设计方法。该方法能够借助计算机模拟技术建立起水景观物理形态与其内在生态特征的动态关系,并通过设计—分析—评价—再设计的循环设计路径,实现多方案比选,提高水生态景观规划设计的科学性和合理性,并进一步促进其多目标融合。结合2个实践案例,对基于数值模拟仿真技术的水生态景观规划设计原理、流程和工具予以阐释,为水生态景观规划设计提供了新思路。  相似文献   

时鹏  汪亚峰  陈利顶 《生态学杂志》2012,31(8):2029-2037
廊道式工程建设对沿线区域生态环境造成不可避免的影响,定量化研究廊道式工程建设对沿线地区土壤生态环境的影响具有重要意义。本文基于meta分析方法,研究了3种廊道式工程(输油/气管道、公路和铁路)对土壤生态环境的影响。结果表明,廊道式工程对土壤理化性质产生一定的影响:3种工程周边的土壤养分指标和土壤含水量的结合效应值均<1;管道工程建设对土壤有机质、有效氮、总氮、总磷和pH的扰动达到显著水平(P<0.05);公路显著降低周边土壤总磷、含水量和CEC的含量(P<0.05),同时公路显著增加了周边土壤容重和pH,结合效应值分别达到1.2265和1.1649,公路造成周边土壤Cu、Zn、Pb、Ni、Cd、Cr和As的显著污染(P<0.05);铁路显著降低沿线土壤有机质和总氮的含量(P<0.05),并且导致周边土壤Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd的显著污染(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

定量地分析了广梅汕铁路电气化改造工程的生态效应,主要探讨了改造过程中生物量损失、水土流失的生态负效应及改造后水环境、大气环境得到改善的生态正效应.结果表明,广梅汕铁路电气化改造施工造成的植被生物量损失共计334.5t,工程造成新增水土流失量为689.0t.电气化改造后,龙川机务段每年生产污水的污染物排放数量将会减少,其中油类将减少21.9kg,COD减少76.1kg,SS减少145.3kg.经过电气化改造,全线每年减少耗油2.16万t,每年向大气减少排放153.21tCO、1085.42tNOx、47.47tSO2、328t碳烟和110.06tCnHm.随着植被恢复措施功能的显现,其生态负效应是逐年减弱的,因而该线路电气化改造工程的生态正效应远远大于其负效应,改造工程会带来良好的生态效应.  相似文献   

刘月  程岩 《生态科学》2002,21(3):236-239
辽东山区的生态景观格局是人类活动长期作用的结果,随着经济活动从原始农业、近代农业到现代农业的转变,生态景观也随之发生相应的变化。目前,辽东山区的景观变化出现了人们所期望的经济持续、生态持续的征兆。  相似文献   

乡村生态景观生物多样性是全球生物多样性的重要组成部分,是乡村景观构建、评价和乡村宜居发展的重要保障。以Web of Science中1990-2020年522篇相关文献为研究对象,运用文献计量工具CiteSpace绘制文献共被引和关键词共现网络知识图谱,重点考察转折点、高突现及高被引文献,理清乡村生态景观生物多样性研究的发展脉络、热点与趋势。研究发现:(1)乡村生态景观生物多样性研究的发展可分3阶段,即萌芽期(1993-2002年),该期为乡村生态景观生物多样性研究指引了方向,提出了城市化对乡村生物多样性的影响;蓄势期(2003-2010年),该期以Hansen在2005年发表的探究生物多样性对景观变化的响应机制文章为节点,重点研究如何可持续地进行乡村生态景观生物多样性的恢复与保护;发展期(2011-2020年),突现性文献为2014年Beilin发表的文章,研究重点转向社会生态系统,即从生态、经济和社会多维度出发研究乡村生态景观生物多样性;(2)乡村生态景观生物多样性研究主线变化从大量的案例研究,到城市化对乡村生态景观生物多样性影响的理论归纳,再到将理论用于实践并持续保护乡村生态景观生物多样性;(3)乡村生态景观生物多样性研究热点变化从城市化对乡村生态景观生物多样性的影响,到乡村可持续发展,再到保证人类可持续生计。未来应加强以下工作:(1)研究和建立适用于不同乡村生态景观建设的规划体系;(2)研究和创新乡村生态景观生态系统多样性的维护技术;(3)研究和构建乡村生态景观生物多样性的监控预警机制。最终的研究目标均指向如何将乡村生态景观生物多样性更好地服务于人类社会。  相似文献   

生态交通建设中的动物因素考虑   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王硕  贾海峰 《生态学杂志》2007,26(8):1291-1296
随着交通设施建设及运营过程中生态环境问题的出现,环境友好的"生态交通"逐渐成为许多国家道路交通建设的目标。铁路和公路等交通设施对动物群落的影响及相应的修复措施是生态交通建设研究中的重要部分。本文回顾了生态交通的产生背景及国内外研究和发展状况;分析了交通及交通设施对野生动物的影响,从道路事故、环境污染和生境阻隔等方面阐述了由此造成的动物群落数量、结构甚至习性的变化;同时,总结了减缓上述不利影响的工程措施及非工程措施,详述了运用最为广泛的动物通道的类型、位置及适用对象,提出了生态交通设计的基本原则和方法。  相似文献   

城市生态景观研究的基础理论框架与技术构架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙然好  许忠良  陈利顶  李芬 《生态学报》2012,32(7):1979-1986
构建人与自然和谐的生态景观是当今城市发展的重要目标之一,统一的内涵和完善的指标体系是城市生态景观规划和设计的迫切需求。通过概括城市生态景观的基本内涵和主要特征,认为其核心价值包括可持续性、生态经济效益及和谐性。据此,提出了8条指导原则,包括景观自然度、物种安全性和多样性、雨水利用效率、污染物排放和处理、绿色能源和材料利用、局地小气候调节、景观视觉享受以及精神内涵和文化品位,并根据文献资料和行业导则,整理并归纳了有关的定量评价指标和适用范围。最后总结了城市生态景观的技术构架,以及在资源保护和节约、功能与形式的有机结合、系统生态价值最大化等方面亟待解决的关键技术。为城市生态景观研究提供基础理论框架,也可以为城市生态景观的具体实践提供参考。  相似文献   

随着城市化的发展,许多城市对流经市区的河流进行了大规模工程改造,在获得了多种效益的同时,也引起了诸如生物多样性破坏和物种组成改变等一系列生态问题,因此对城市河流改造工程的生态影响进行研究非常重要,将有助于在未来城市河流改造中更有效地保护河流生态系统。该文以汾河太原段的河道改造工程为研究对象,用Shannon-Weiner 多样性指数、Sørensen群落相似性指数和单因素方差分析方法,研究了河流改造工程对河流生态系统中的野生维管植物物种多样性、频度和群落物种组成相似性的影响。结果表明:太原汾河段改造后比改造前的野生维管植物物种数和Shannon-Weiner 多样性指数显著降低;低频度的物种数明显增加而高频度的物种数明显减少;河流改造前后的群落相似性明显降低。由此可见,城市河流改造工程对河流生态系统中的野生维管植物物种多样性、频度和群落相似性有明显影响。  相似文献   

The marshes and wet meadows surrounding Lake Mikri Prespa, Greece, are internationally significant wetlands scheduled in the Ramsar Convention. This environment was adversely affected in the 1960s by an irrigation project and the associated drainage and roads intended to increase agricultural production and income. The anticipated project construction phase was scheduled to take two years, but took two decades. The public cost of the project was 4.4 times the initial estimate, while the irrigated area is only 41.3 percent of that planned. The adverse environmental impacts included a reduction in wetland area and the negative effects of intensive farming. An ex-post cost-benefit analysis shows that the social value of the project is negative, so that the economic losses would have been avoided by conserving the area in its natural state, quite apart from its intrinsic environmental value. However, the benefits to farmers, although less than that expected, were substantial, thus explaining the local support for the further expansion of irrigation.Corresponding Editor: R. E. Turner  相似文献   

Following the unprecedented oil drilling presently occurring in western North Dakota, thousands of kilometers of oil roads must be reclaimed to an acceptable post‐extraction condition. This study assessed the soil biological and plant communities of nine decommissioned oil roads reclaimed during three periods between 1983 and 2002 in the Little Missouri National Grasslands of western North Dakota. We hypothesized that time‐since‐reclamation would positively affect soil biological and plant communities and, consequently, success of reclamation at older sites. To assess this hypothesis, we measured soil enzyme activity, soil microbial community composition, plant community composition, and soil physical and chemical properties along a gradient extending from road‐center to adjacent native prairie for the nine roads. Time‐since‐reclamation did not affect soil and plant properties measured, indicating that older reclamations are not more similar to native prairie than reclamations occurring more recently. A strong gradient between samples from road‐center and native prairie was identified with univariate and ordination analyses, indicating that soil and plant communities of reclaimed oil roads do not resemble those of the surrounding prairie. Soil organic matter (SOM) was identified as the most significantly affected soil property, being 30% lower on reclaimed roads than prairie. The relationship between SOM, microbial community, and plant community suggests that incorporating additional SOM could hasten reclamation as a result of improving the physical environment for plants and providing a labile carbon and energy source for the soil microbial community which, in turn, will enhance the nutrient and physical conditions for plant growth.  相似文献   

Distribution of Exotic Plants along Roads in a Peninsular Nature Reserve   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To examine the influence of roads on the spread of invasive exotic plants, we studied six species on a peninsular nature reserve. Three species were noxious invasives that we believed to be actively spreading; one of these (goatgrass, Aegilops triuncialis) was a major problem weed that recently invaded the reserve. The other three were ubiquitous and long-established exotics. Based on the idea that roads act as corridors for the spread of weeds, we predicted that the abundances of the three noxious invasives would decline along the roads from the base to the tip of the peninsula, while the abundances of three long-established species would not. However, the only species to show a base-to-tip decline in abundance along the peninsula was a long-established species (oat grass, Avena fatua), and a field experiment showed that habitat suitability could explain this pattern. We did find that the abundance of the invasive A. triuncialis declined with increasing distances from the edges of roads, suggesting that roads act as sources of weed propagules into adjacent grasslands. Our results add support to the idea that roads act as disturbances that promote invasive species, but not to the concept that roads act as corridors for the flow of invasive propagules into new landscapes.  相似文献   

Abstract Declines in plant species richness with increasing altitude are common, but the form of the relationship can vary, with both monotonic decreasing relationships and humped relationship recorded. However, these different richness to altitude relationships may be due to methods that used different plot sizes/areas and survey efforts. To explore native and exotic plant richness along an altitudinal gradient in the Snowy Mountains of Australia, we consistently surveyed plots that were 120 m2 in area at 39 sites ranging from 540 to 2020 m. To relate exotic plant richness to disturbance, we surveyed plots at 16 sites along main roads and 23 sites along minor roads and also compared these 39 roadside plots to 120‐m2 plots located in undisturbed vegetation adjacent to the roadside (native plant richness was only surveyed in 25 of these 39 adjacent plots). We found a negative linear relationship between total, exotic and native species richness and altitude for plots on the side of main roads (16 sites) and minor roads (23 sites). For adjacent plots negative linear relationships were significant for all measures of species richness except for native species adjacent to major roads. As the pattern occurred for exotics it is less likely to be due to historical constraints on the species pools. The pattern could be influenced by difference in levels of disturbance along the gradient, although any such gradient in disturbance would have to apply to roadside and adjacent plots on major and minor roads. Therefore, it may be due to other factors such as changes in climate along the altitudinal gradient, although additional sampling including direct measures of climatic conditions, soil and disturbance factors would be needed to determine if this was the case.  相似文献   

Roads impede animal movement, which decreases habitat accessibility and reduces gene flow. Ecopassages have been built to mitigate this but there is little research with which to evaluate their effectiveness, owing to the difficulty in accessing results of existing research; the lack of scientific rigor in these studies; and the low priority of connectivity planning in road projects. In this article, we suggest that the imperative for improving studies of ecopassage effectiveness is that road ecology research should be included from the earliest stages of road projects onwards. This would enable before-after-control-impact (BACI) design research, producing useful information for the particular road project as well as rigorous results for use in future road mitigation. Well-designed studies on ecopassage effectiveness could help improve landscape connectivity even with the increasing number and use by traffic of roads.  相似文献   

Like most physical maps, recent research has suggested that cognitive maps of familiar environments may have a north-up orientation. We demonstrate that north orientation is not a necessary feature of cognitive maps and instead may arise due to coincidental alignment between cardinal directions and the built and natural environment. Experiment 1 demonstrated that pedestrians have difficulty pointing north while navigating a familiar real-world environment with roads, buildings, and green spaces oriented oblique to cardinal axes. Instead, north estimates tended to be parallel or perpendicular to roads. In Experiment 2, participants did not demonstrate privileged memory access when oriented toward north while making relative direction judgments. Instead, retrieval was fastest and most accurate when orientations were aligned with roads. In sum, cognitive maps are not always oriented north. Rather, in some real-world environments they can be oriented with respect to environment-specific features, serving as convenient reference systems for organizing and using spatial memory.  相似文献   

南京市城乡公路蜀桧叶片中金属元素和氮、硫含量分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
通过对南京市城乡公路(城市干线、绕城公路和城郊公路)和相对清洁对照点植物园环境中土壤和蜀桧叶片中金属元素和N、S含量的测定,研究了环境元素在土壤植物大气之间的转移.结果表明,在城市干线、绕城公路和城郊公路环境中生长的蜀桧叶片中,10种金属元素中有Al、Fe、Mo、Zn、Cd、Pb、As和Cr含量明显超过对照点,其中尤以Al、Fe、Mo和Zn最显著.公路环境蜀桧叶片中,Fe、Zn和As在土壤植物间的相关性显著,说明蜀桧可能是Fe、Zn和As的良好指示植物;蜀桧叶片中Al、Mo、Cu、Pb、Cd和Cr在土壤植物间相关性不显著,说明公路环境中其含量较高可能是受大气污染的影响.城市干线和绕城公路蜀桧叶片中的N和S含量高于对照点,而城郊公路则接近对照.相关分析表明,公路土壤含N量在土壤植物间呈负相关,低于对照,含S量在土壤植物间呈正相关,高于对照.因此,公路环境蜀桧叶片中较高的N含量可能是汽车尾气排放的NOx影响的结果,而较高的S含量则主要来自土壤.  相似文献   

旅游地道路生态持续性评价——以云南省玉龙县为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋依依 《生态学报》2011,31(21):6328-6337
从生态效应与连通功能两个角度,综合运用景观格局指数、总体变异系数、稳定性系数等方法,以云南省玉龙县为例,构建旅游地道路生态持续性评价体系,定量评价全县主要旅游道路生态持续性状态及其空间分异。结果表明,研究区道路的生态持续性状态总体良好,有助于旅游业发展,同时对生态系统影响有限;受承载游客规模不同、沿线生态系统敏感性差异等因素影响,玉龙县道路的生态持续性具有明显的空间差异;旅游地道路生态持续性的影响因素主要包括道路所承载的旅游活动强度,道路的坡度,道路周边山体的地质构造,道路所经过区域的生态系统敏感程度等。  相似文献   

道路两边不同距离内哺乳动物丰富度的差异   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为更好地保护和管理部分哺乳类动物及其栖息地,自2001年6月至2002年3月在韩国白头大干山脉8个被道路切割的林区内调查了道路两边一定距离内所见哺乳动物随距离增加而变化的丰富度。我们共调查了10种哺乳类(野猪、狍、獐、黄鼬、貉、豹猫、华南兔、松鼠、花鼠、鼹)的各种痕迹(粪便、足迹、食痕、卧迹及休息处),发现距道路近处两边的丰富度确有较大下降。这说明道路建设的确影响哺乳类的生境选择及其利用方式。所以今后在道路设计、管理及扩充等方面均需充分考虑和满足所有野生动物整个生命过程所需的空间要求。  相似文献   

In view of the generally disappointing performance of colonization projects in the Amazon basin, unusual projects merit close scrutiny because they may suggest a more effective organizational form for the colonization of humid lowlands. With this end in mind, this article examines those aspects of the Upano-Palora project in southeastern Ecuador that are attributable to the project's unusual plan of establishing settlements first and building the roads afterwards. It concludes that the “settlements first, roads second” developmental sequence reduced the costs of the project, produced an egalitarian pattern of landownership, and contributed to a pattern of land use that had potentially damaging ecological effects. These findings suggest that variations in the timing of road building have an important impact on outcomes in new land settlement schemes.  相似文献   

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