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土壤-植物系统是生物圈的基本结构单元,土壤与植物之间存在密切的相互反馈。土壤退化导致植物面临各种非生物胁迫,植物的生理代谢遭到干扰,养分获取受到抑制。蚯蚓被称为“生态系统的工程师”。蚯蚓能够通过调控土壤物理-化学-生物学特性,改良退化土壤(盐碱土、重金属和有机污染物污染土壤),缓解植物所受胁迫,增加土壤养分有效性,促进植物生长,并通过自身分泌的信号物质提高植物的抗逆性。蚯蚓对土壤-植物系统的生态修复作用,对于改善植物生长环境、维持土壤生态系统健康和稳定具有重要意义。  相似文献   

植物-土壤反馈是指植物改变了其生长环境中土壤的生物和非生物属性,改变后的土壤进而影响植物适合度的过程。植物-土壤反馈的一个根本前提是:植物在根际周围产生由专化病原菌和共生菌构成的特异性微生物群落,专化微生物对宿主植物种群有很大的影响,对非宿主植物没有或者有微弱影响。自从20世纪90年代被明确提出后,植物-土壤反馈被广泛用于揭示不同尺度的生态学过程,诸如演替、竞争、生物入侵、全球变化对生态系统的影响等。近年来,植物-土壤反馈与群落生态学主要研究领域之间的整合取得了实质性进展。该文主要关注的是土壤微生物介导的植物-土壤反馈及其对植物物种共存、群落结构和生态系统功能的影响。土壤微生物不仅可以产生稳定化力量促进物种共存,也可以改变均一化力量或者种间适合度差异,从而影响植物种间共存。在群落生态学中通常假设稀有种受土壤负反馈的影响更弱,从而预测植物局域丰富度与土壤反馈强度具有负相关关系。然而实验证据却揭示了不同的模式,加强对植物与土壤病原菌之间的进化动态的关注是调和这些不一致模式的关键。土壤微生物也是驱动植物群落演替的关键因子。土壤微生物通过稀释效应影响植物多样性-群落生产力关系。专化土壤病原菌或...  相似文献   

三维土壤异质性对种子萌发影响的实验研究 土壤生物通过植物-土壤的反馈作用调控植物间相互作用和外来植物入侵。因此,探明植物-土壤反馈作用种间差异的形成原因,对于预测土壤生物在植物入侵过程中的作用具有重要价值。近期的研究发现,植物性状可以用于预测植物-土壤反馈作用。同时,研究发现植物入侵也与植物的一些性状相关联,暗示植物-土壤反馈作用通过植物性状与外来植物入侵之间存在关联,但尚缺乏实验证明。鉴于此,本研究选取了3对近缘入侵和本土植物为对象,比较了其植物-土壤反馈作用,探讨了植物-土壤反馈作用与植物根部性状的关联性。首先,通过种植实验植物3个月,驯化采自于田间的土壤。之后,将实验植物种植于对照和灭菌处理的同种或近缘(同科或同属)种驯化过的土壤中,评价同种或近缘种根际土壤生物对植物生长的净反馈作用(与灭菌土比较),并比较了两类土壤生物对植物的反馈作用。总体而言,同种或近缘种根际土壤生物对入侵与本土植物的净反馈作用无显著差异,两类土壤生物对入侵和本土植物的反馈作用亦无显著差异。土壤反馈作用的强度和种植于对照土壤中植物细根生物量比存在正相关关系,且入侵与本土植物细根生物量比无显著差异。这一发现表明:相似的细根生物量比可能是导致入侵与本土植物间土壤反馈作用无差异的一个重要原因。为提升人们对土壤生物在植物入侵过程中 作用的认识,亟需选取更多入侵与本土植物(尤其是亲缘关系较远的物种)开展实验研究,进一步探明植物性状、土壤反馈作用和外来植物入侵之间的关联性。  相似文献   

植物对沼泽湿地生态系统CO2和CH4排放的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用静态暗箱/气相色谱法于2003~2005年在生长季对三江平原小叶章(Calamagrostis angustifolia)沼泽化草甸和毛果苔草(Carexlasiocarpa)沼泽地区CO2和CH4的排放通量进行野外对比观测实验。结果表明:2003~2005年生长季小叶章草甸土壤-植物系统CO2排放通量分别是土壤CO2排放通量的1.65、2.06和2.01倍,毛果苔草沼泽土壤-植物系统CO2排放通量分别是土壤CO2排放通量的2.58、2.27和4.21倍,表明沼泽湿地土壤-植物系统CO2排放通量的主要贡献者是植物地上部分的呼吸作用,且3个生长季小叶章草甸CO2排放通量均显著大于毛果苔草沼泽,主要是由于植物生物量的差异以及土壤微生物活性的不同。2003~2005年植物生长季,小叶章草甸土壤-植物系统CH4排放通量分别是土壤的4.84、3.55和6.45倍,毛果苔草沼泽土壤-植物系统CH4排放通量分别是土壤的2.60、1.25和3.22倍,且3个生长季小叶章草甸和毛果苔草沼泽CH4排放通量均具有显著差异,这主要是由于水位的差异以及植物对CH4排放能力的不同造成的。  相似文献   

植物-土壤反馈是植物通过生长改变根际土壤环境,从而影响后续植物生长发育的生态学过程。入侵植物从原产地扩散到入侵地后,可能会经历植物本身的适应性进化而对土壤环境产生不同影响,从而使负向植物-土壤反馈降低,甚至转为正反馈。以往对入侵植物的植物-土壤反馈研究多集中于比较其与本地种、其他入侵种之间的差异,而较少关注入侵植物的入侵地种群和原产地种群在入侵地的差异。本研究采用同质园实验比较了喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)入侵地(中国)和原产地(阿根廷)种群是否存在对入侵地土壤的植物-土壤反馈差异以及如何通过土壤微生物群落来影响反馈结果。结果表明:(1)喜旱莲子草入侵地种群的反馈表现为正,原产地种群表现为中性。(2)入侵地种群显著增加了土壤的细菌和真菌群落多样性,原产地种群与对照土壤无显著差异。这些结果表明,喜旱莲子草入侵地种群在扩散过程中,对土壤微生物群落的调节作用发生了改变,从而产生正向的植物-土壤反馈效应。  相似文献   

土壤-植物系统复合污染研究进展   总被引:49,自引:7,他引:42  
土壤-植物系统复合污染研究是污染生态学的科学前沿,对于农业环境的生态安全具有重要意义.本文对复合污染概念的由来及其内涵的发展、土壤-植物系统可能发生的复合污染类型及其研究进展、土壤-植物系统复合污染所导致的生态效应及其定量表征进行了较为系统的概述,提出了土壤-植物系统中重金属-有机污染物和有机污染物-病原微生物也是复合污染的重要类型.指出了多种污染物交互行为、次生产物及其老化、分子毒理机制等方面的研究是今后土壤-植物系统复合污染的研究重点.同时对复合污染的研究方法以及结果的应用进行了展望,为土壤污染的预警防治与修复提供依据。  相似文献   

化学农药的高毒性、生物积累性和扩散性极易对环境及人类健康造成危害,环境中化学农药的去除尤为重要。植物-微生物联合修复技术因其高效、环境友好和修复成本低等优点受到越来越多的关注,植物-微生物联合修复化学农药污染土壤是一种很有前景的方法。植物为根际和内生细菌提供养分,而细菌通过化学农药的降解和解毒来支持植物生长。本文综述了影响化学农药在植物体内吸收和转运的因素以及植物-微生物修复技术的原理,并讨论了植物与微生物在化学农药污染土壤修复中的协同效应,并对植物-微生物联合修复法在化学农药污染土壤修复中的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

植物残体是引起土壤、微生物和胞外酶C∶N∶P改变的关键因素,但是其作用机理尚不明确。本研究以青藏高原东缘高寒草甸为对象,通过测定土壤、微生物生物量和胞外酶活性等指标,探究移除地上植物或根系及植物残体添加对土壤、微生物和胞外酶C∶N∶P的影响。结果表明: 与无人为扰动草甸相比,移除地上植物显著降低了土壤C∶N(变幅为-23.7%,下同)、C∶P(-14.7%)、微生物生物生物量C∶P、N∶P,显著提高了微生物生物量C∶N、胞外酶C∶N∶P。与移除地上植物相比,移除地上植物和根系显著降低了土壤C∶N(-11.6%)、C∶P(-24.0%)、N∶P(-23.3%)和微生物生物量C∶N,显著提高了微生物生物量N∶P和胞外酶N∶P;移除地上植物后添加植物残体显著提高了微生物生物量C∶N、C∶P和胞外酶C∶N,显著降低了胞外酶N∶P。与移除地上植物和根系相比,移除地上植物和根系后添加植物残体显著降低了土壤C∶N(-16.4%)、微生物生物量C∶P、N∶P和胞外酶N∶P,显著提高了胞外酶C∶N。综上可知,去除植物显著影响土壤、微生物和胞外酶的C∶N∶P,微生物生物量和胞外酶C∶N∶P对植物残体的响应更为敏感。有无根系是添加植物残体时土壤、微生物和胞外酶的生态化学计量稳定性强弱的关键所在。添加植物残体的措施适用于植物根系尚且完好的草甸,有利于高寒草甸土壤碳固存,对没有根系的草甸土壤可能不适用,会增加土壤CO2排放。  相似文献   

土壤生态系统中抗生素抗性基因与星球健康:进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤-植物系统是抗生素抗性基因(简称抗性基因)从环境向人类传播扩散的一个重要途径,是环境抗性基因人群暴露的主要来源.通过对土壤-植物系统中抗性基因的研究,可以明确抗性基因在土壤生物中的分布及其传递,分析抗性基因食物链传递的风险及其规律,从而为控制抗性基因污染提供理论依据,保障人类健康.同时,其对于维护星球健康也具有重要的价值.本文总结了土壤(包括土壤动物肠道)和植物微生物组中抗性组的重要研究进展,强调了抗性基因流在土壤-植物系统中的流动给土壤生态系统带来的环境风险,最后提出了通过管理土壤-植物系统中的抗性基因流以保障星球健康的方案,并对未来研究进行了展望.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根(AM)是植物与微生物联系中最为古老的共生体,全球范围内约80%的陆生植物与AM真菌共生形成丛枝菌根。这一共生关系在气候稳定和土壤磷贫瘠的热带、亚热带森林中更为普遍。以往的研究表明AM真菌通过提高植物对磷的吸收促进植物生长和定植,即产生植物-土壤正反馈。植物-土壤正反馈可降低由土壤病原菌引起的植物-土壤负反馈,进而降低植物-土壤负反馈维持植物多样性的能力,这与热带、亚热带森林中极高的植物多样性以及占比惊人的稀有种相悖。随着对热带、亚热带森林中AM真菌多样性研究的不断深入,越来越多的研究发现AM真菌多样性在不同的生境条件下以及不同的宿主植物间存在较大差异,这些差异可引起植物适合度的不同,进而影响植物群落构建。该文整合了AM真菌在宿主植物群落构建、宿主植物共存及稀有种维持等方面的研究进展,以期为验证“稀有种优势”假说提出新的研究思路,进而更有效地保护稀有植物。  相似文献   

基于液流格型特征值-偏度和峰度分析了不同胸径荷木在水分利用方面的差异,并利用标准化的方法消除强影响因子(光合有效辐射,PAR)对液流的影响,研究了弱影响因子(土壤湿度)与液流的关系.结果表明:荷木胸径越大,偏度越小,液流密度峰值越靠后,相应的液流峰值越大,蒸腾量也越大.与旱季相比,荷木大树在湿季偏度较小,液流密度到达峰值时间靠后,峰值大,蒸腾量也大;而小树偏度在旱、湿季的差异不明显,蒸腾量差异也不大.用PAR峰值对荷木个体蒸腾和土壤湿度进行标准化后,荷木个体蒸腾与土壤湿度呈更明显的正相关关系.在土壤湿度较大的季节,荷木大树的蒸腾量随土壤湿度增加而上升的速率基本稳定;而中等木和小树的某些个体则明显下降,说明这些树木的蒸腾和吸收土壤水分的能力可能接近极限.  相似文献   

西安附近苹果林地的土壤干层   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
赵景波  杜娟  周旗  岳应利 《生态学报》2005,25(8):2115-2120
根据西安附近苹果林下土壤含水量测定,研究了0~6m之间土壤含水量的变化与土壤干层问题。资料表明,西安附近15龄苹果林下2~3.5m深处土壤含水量为9.1%~9.2%,形成了发育弱的长期性土壤干层,10龄苹果林地2~4m深处也有干层发育,表明黄土高原的土壤干层分布已达黄土高原南部的关中地区;6龄苹果林下土壤有干化的显示,但无干层发育。分析得出,由降水少量决定的、埋藏深度小而厚度大的薄膜水带的存在是引起土壤干层发育的直接作用的因素。土壤干层的出现会引起土壤与植被的退化,应当避免严重的土壤干层出现。  相似文献   

In order to provide a relatively simple means of predicting live herbaceous plant moisture content from a readily available meteorological index with an accuracy adequate for fire hazard assessment, the moisture content fluctuations of certain species were correlated with the values of a seasonal drought index based on soil moisture deficiency. The simple linear regression models provided the best fit of the relationship between plant moisture content and the Keetch-Byram drought index (KBDI) values. KBDI predicted with accuracy, for two growing seasons, the moisture content of three annual herbaceous plants ( Piptatherum miliaceum, Parietaria diffusa, Avena sterillis) with shallow rooting systems, typical of the understory vegetation of Pinus brutia forests in the Mediterranean region of Crete, Greece. The greatest aberrations between measured and predicted values of plant moisture content were observed early (May) and late (September) in the growing season, when plant phenology (flushing and withering stages respectively) appears to become the dominant factor in determining plant moisture content regardless of the soil moisture conditions. The KBDI was poorly correlated with the live-needle moisture content of deeply rooted P. brutia trees and modestly with the soil water content of the upper layers. This indicates that the index adequately reflects the moisture condition of the surface soil layers but not the water content deeper in the soil.  相似文献   

北京市平原造林常见观叶树种抗寒性的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以北京市平原造林常见的8种观叶树种为试验材料,‘测定不同低温胁迫下叶片相对电导率及伤害率,并通过Logistic方程估算出各树种叶片半致死温度,据此对被测树种的抗寒性进行初步评价。结果表明:不同树种叶片相对电导率及伤害率均随着处理温度的降低而升高,且二者趋势一致;通过不同树种抗寒性的聚类分析,可将8个检测树种分为4类。综合测定结果显示,各树种抗寒性顺序为:栾树〉元宝枫〉金焰绣线菊〉珍珠梅〉黄栌〉红宝石海棠〉金叶榆〉紫叶小檗。  相似文献   

The morphology of the respiratory trees in the holothurians Apostichopus japonicus and Cucumaria japonica was studied using histochemical and electron microscopic techniques. The epithelium of the respiratory tree cavity in A. japonicus consists of columnar cells about 17–20 m high. In C. japonica, this epithelium is composed of two cell types: bulbous cells embedded in the connective tissue layer and secretory cells; cells are 1–12 m high. A characteristic feature of cells of the respiratory tree cavity epithelium in these species is the presence of numerous phagosomes and coated vesicles in the apical cytoplasm. The cell surface has many microvilli and a single cilium. Cells of the coelomic epithelium contain vacuoles in the apical part and myofibrils in the basal region; the thickness of this epithelium in A. japonicus and C. japonica is 9–16 and 10–30 m, respectively. Based on the different structure of the respiratory trees and the absence of hemocytes in A. japonicus, it is suggested that the holothurian species studied have different routes of oxygen transport from the environment to the internal organs.  相似文献   

对福州市辖区内自1995年建成的36个居住区景观树木构成和物种多样性进行调查,并根据建成年代和相对城市环线位置进行分析。结果表明,36个居住区共有155种12 694株景观树木,隶属于42科和97属。在树种构成分析中,将树种按常见程度分为6个组,标志组有20种,共7560株,优势组、常见组、少见组、稀有组以及孤生组分别有17、19、49、38、12种和2383、1297、1269、173、12株。多样性分析表明,福州市居住区景观树木多样性与发达城市比较还存在差距,尤其是旧居住区的景观树木物种多样性更低,树种选择也更为单一。此外,取样居住区中部分安置房居住区的景观树种多样性低于同时期非安置房居住区。  相似文献   

Research in estimating the water status of crops is increasingly based on plant responses to water stress. Several indicators can now be used to estimate this response, the most widely available of which is leaf water potential (ΨLWP) as measured with a pressure chamber. For many annual crops, the predawn leaf water potential (ΨPLWP), assumed to represent the mean soil water potential next to the roots, is closely correlated to the relative transpiration rate, RT. A similar correlation also holds for young fruit trees grown in containers. However, exceptions to this rule are common when soil water content is markedly heterogeneous. Two experimental conditions were chosen to assess the validity of this correlation for heterogeneous soil water content: 1) young walnut trees in split-root containers. The heterogeneity was created by two unequal compartments (20% and 80% of total volume), of which only the smaller was irrigated and kept at a moisture content higher than field capacity (permanent drainage). 2) adult walnut trees in an orchard. In this case, soil water heterogeneity was achieved by limiting the amount of localised irrigation (20% of the irrigated control) which was applied every evening. Values of sap flux and of minimum and predawn leaf water potentials with homogeneous and heterogeneous soil water content were compared for trees grown in the orchard and in containers. In spite of intense drought reflected by very low RT or stem water potential, ΨPLWP of trees under heterogeneous moisture conditions remained high (between -0.2 and -0.4 MPa) both in the orchard and in containers. These values were higher than those usually considered critical under homogeneous soil conditions. A semi-quantitative model, based on the application of Ohm's analogy to split-root conditions, is proposed to explain the apparently conflicting results in the literature on the relation between ΨPLWP and soil water potential. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Abstract The influence of soil moisture content on leaf dynamics and insect herbivory was examined between September 1991 and March 1992 in a river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) forest in southern central New South Wales. Long-term observations of leaves were made in trees standing either within intermittently flooded waterways or at an average of 37. 5m from the edge of the waterways. The mean soil moisture content was significantly (P≤0.05) greater in the waterways than in the non-flooded areas. Trees in the higher soil moisture regime produced significantly larger basal area increments and increased canopy leaf area. This increase in canopy leaf area was achieved, in part, through a significant increase in leaf longevity and mean leaf size. Although a greater number of leaves was initiated and abscissed per shoot from the non-flooded trees, more leaves were collected from litter traps beneath the denser canopies of the flooded trees. Consumption of foliage by insects on the trees subjected to flooding compared to the non-flooded trees was not significantly different. However, the relative impact of insect herbivory was significantly greater on the non-flooded trees. Leaf chewing was the most common form of damage by insects, particularly Chryso-melidae and Curculionidae. No species was present in outbreak during this study. Leaf survival decreased as the per cent area eaten per leaf increased. In addition, irrespective of the level of herbivory, leaf abscission tended to be higher in E. camaldulensis under moisture deficit. The influence of soil moisture content on the balance between river red gum growth and insect herbivory is discussed.  相似文献   

In tropical forests, deciduousness is an outcome of integrated effect of drought, tree characteristics and soil moisture conditions and thus it is a reliable indicator of seasonal drought experienced by different tree species. Variations in the deciduousness are associated with several ecophysiological characteristics, such as varying allocation pattern of metabolic products, resource capture and conservation, water relations and stem water storages, annual carbon sequestration, timing of reproductive event initiation, extent of separation of vegetative and reproductive events and leaf strategies, and it helps in maintenance of water balance and protection of tree organs during the seasonal drought. Tropical forests support mosaics of tree functional types showing marked differences in the duration of deciduousness (from leaf exchanging to >8 months deciduous), as a result of varying degree of water stress experienced by physiognomy, distribution and wood anatomy of tropical trees. Wide variations in deciduousness in the same species growing at different sites suggest the high sensitivity of tropical trees to small changes in growing habitat. In the present review we have explored the ecological significance of deciduousness in tropical trees with emphasis on: (a) inter- and intraspecies plasticity in deciduousness, (b) various capacity adaptations related with the duration of deciduousness, (c) relationship between tree stem water status and deciduousness, and (d) probable effect of impending climate change on tropical trees. An attempt has also been made to establish deciduousness as climate change indicator in the dry tropics. There is need to develop capabilities to detect and predict the impact of climate change on deciduousness through long-term phenological network in tropics. Remote sensing techniques can generate valuable ecological information such as leaf level drought response and phenological patterns. Deciduousness has the potential to emerge as an important focus for ecological research to address critical questions in global modeling, monitoring, and climate change.  相似文献   

四川理县杂谷脑干旱河谷岷江柏造林恢复效果评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在岷江干旱河谷杂古脑河流域,选择岷江柏(Cupressus chengiana)5个不同年份的造林地,调查了岷江柏的生长情况、植物群落特征与土壤理化性质,总体评价干旱河谷乡土树种的造林成效及造林后的生态效果。结果表明:不同年份造林地岷江柏幼树生长状况良好,2003年造林地生长最好,基径、树高和冠径分别达到4.39cm、4.17m和1.01m,当年生长量超过43cm;2001年和2005年造林地次之,基径为4.19cm和4.52cm,冠径为0.55m和0.61m,当年生长量37cm左右,树高为2.50和2.17m;2007年和2009年造林地由于幼树生长时间较短,其基径、树高和冠径都较小,但当年生长量也都超过20cm。不同年份造林地的植被覆盖度变化相对复杂,除2001年造林地外,灌木层盖度随造林时间的增加而逐渐降低;草本层盖度变化较小,2005造林地最高,其他年份造林地没有显著差异。同时,不同年份造林地的群落结构都比较单一,随造林时间的增长,群落物种数量反而降低。在5个不同年份造林地,土壤pH、有机质和养分含量差异相对较小,土壤含水量尽管存在较大差异,但没有明显的变化趋势。综合分析认为,在杂谷脑干旱河谷中山区岷江柏作为造林树种具有一定的生长优势,但造林地的植被和土壤并没有得到改善,需要更加长期的观测评估。  相似文献   

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