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  • In explosive pollination, many structures and mechanisms have evolved to achieve high‐speed stamen movement. The male flower of the submerged plant Hydrilla verticillata is reported to be able to release pollen explosively some time after leaving the mother plant time, but the mechanism of stamen movement and the related functional structure in this species are unclear.
  • In this study, we observed the male flower structure and pollen dispersal process of H. verticillata. We analysed the stamen movements during the pollen dispersal process and conducted several controlled experiments to study the process of storage and release of elastic potential energy in explosive pollination.
  • When the male flower of H. verticillata is bound to the united bracts, the sepals accumulate elastic potential energy through the expansion of basal extensor cells. After the male flower is liberated from the mother plant, the stamens unfold rapidly with the sepals under adhesion and transfer the elastic potential energy to the filament in seconds. Once stamens unfold to a critical angle, at which the elasticity of the filament just exceeds the adhesion between sepals and anthers, the stamens automatically rebound and release pollen in milliseconds.
  • These results reveal that Catapult‐like stamens, spoon‐shaped sepals and enclosed united bracts in the spathe together constitute the functional structure in rapid stamen movement of H. verticillata. They ensure that the pollen can be released on the water surface, and thus adapt successfully to the pollen‐epihydrophilous pollination.

Abstract The population structure and reproductive biology of Saururus cernuus (Lizard's Tail; Saururaceae; Piperales), is documented in five sites in southern Louisiana (Mississippi Delta). The species is common throughout the southeastern United States in marshes, along streams, edges of lakes, and in the understory of moist forests. The clonal species exhibits sexual and vegetative reproduction. Wind and insects both play important roles in pollination. Pollen may be borne by insects directly. Alternatively, the pollen may be borne by wind after its release is triggered from pendulous floral spikes (the “Lizard's Tail”) by either wind or insect landings (insect-mediated wind pollination). The plants are self-incompatible and seed set results from a combination of pollination modes with wind pollination being the primary mode (rare in the Magnoliidae). Inflorescence and floral structure exhibit adaptive features that facilitate the various modes of pollen transfer, viz., numerous, small scented, protogynous flowers with no perianth, ultraviolet patterns produced by stamen filaments, small pollen grains, curved inflorescences, and exerted stamens, etc. Fruit production and seed germination are documented and plant growth and densities are compared in sunny versus forest sites.  相似文献   

Floral syndromes and pollination of three species of Phyllostachys bamboos were studied in Central China in 1999 and 2000. All were protogynous. Stigmas were receptive and had pollen deposited on them 2 days before anther dehiscence. The period of anthesis in the three bamboos was 3 days. Individual pollen grains of the three species were similar in size (30–40 μm in diameter) and had features typical of wind-pollinated plants. The ratios of pollen to ovules (p/o ratio) in P . nidularia , P . heteroclada and P . nuda were 6500, 12 700 and 33 000, respectively. Mean pollen loads on each flower (one ovule) of these three species were 7.3, 8.8 and 9.4 grains, respectively. Pollen transfer in P . heteroclada and P . nuda depended on wind, and no flower visitors were seen in the field. However, in P . nidularia , Apis cerana Fab. was a frequent pollen collector observed from 1200 to 1330 h. The visits undertaken by thousands of honeybees resulted in a large number of pollen grains being released from the anthers in a short time (10–15 min) in one day, which accelerated and synchronized the release of pollen from the anthers that seemed to enhance the chance of pollination. Given that honeybees played an indirect role in pollen transfer this could partly explain the low p/o ratio in P . nidularia . Reviewing the literature, we found insect visits to flowers of bamboos were not infrequent phenomena. We suggest pollination efficiency should be considered as one selective factor in attempts to understand mast flowering in bamboo. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 138 , 1–7.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Stamen movements directly determine pollen fates and mating patterns by altering positions of female and male organs. However, the implications of such movements in terms of pollination are not well understood. Recently, complex patterns of stamen movements have been identified in Loasaceae, Parnassiaceae, Rutaceae and Tropaeolaceae. In this study the stamen movements in Ruta graveolens (Rutaceae) and their impact on pollination are determined.


Pollination effects of stamen movements were studied in Ruta graveolens, in which one-by-one uplifting and falling back is followed by simultaneous movement of all stamens in some flowers. Using 30 flowers, one stamen was manipulated either to be immobilized or to be allowed to move freely towards the centre of the flower but be prevented from falling back. Pollen loads on stigmas and ovule fertilization in flowers with or without simultaneous stamen movement were determined.


Pollen removal decreased dramatically (P < 0·001) when the stamen was stopped from uplifting because its anther was seldom contacted by pollinators. When a stamen stayed at the flower''s centre, pollen removal of the next freely moved anther decreased significantly (P < 0·005) because of fewer touches by pollinators and quick leaving of pollinators that were discouraged by the empty anther. Simultaneous stamen movement occurred only in flowers with low pollen load on the stigma and the remaining pollen in anthers dropped onto stigma surfaces after stamens moved to the flower''s centre.


In R. graveolens pollen removal is promoted through one-by-one movement of the stamen, which presents pollen in doses to pollinators by successive uplifting of the stamen and avoids interference of two consecutively dehisced anthers by falling back of the former stamen before the next one moves into the flower''s centre. Simultaneous stamen movement at the end of anthesis probably reflects an adaptation for late-acting self-pollination.  相似文献   

Male-male competition in plants is thought to exert selection on flower morphology and on the temporal presentation of pollen. Theory suggests that a plant's pollen dosing strategy should evolve to match the abundance and pollen transfer efficiency of its pollinators. Simultaneous pollen presentation should be favored when pollinators are infrequent or efficient at delivering the pollen they remove, whereas gradual dosing should optimize delivery by frequent and wasteful pollinators. Among Penstemon and Keckiella species, anthers vary in ways that affect pollen release, and the morphology of dried anthers reliably indicates how they dispense pollen. In these genera, hummingbird pollination has evolved repeatedly from hymenopteran pollination. Pollen production does not change with evolutionary shifts between pollinators. We show that after we control for phylogeny, hymenopteran-adapted species present their pollen more gradually than hummingbird-adapted relatives. In a species pair that seemed to defy the pattern, the rhythm of anther maturation produced an equivalent dosing effect. These results accord with previous findings that hummingbirds can be more efficient than bees at delivering pollen.  相似文献   

  • Heteranthery, the presence of feeding and pollinating anthers in the same flower, seems to mediate the evolutionary dilemma for plants to protect their gametes and yet provide food for pollinators. This study aims to elucidate the role of heteranthery in the buzz‐pollinated Senna reniformis.
  • The fecundity of pollen from long‐, medium‐ and short‐sized anthers was determined by hand cross‐pollination experiments, and the quantity, size, ornamentation and viability of pollen of different anthers were compared. Rates of flower rejection by bees were measured in anther removal experiments to assess the preferences of flower visitors for feeding or pollinating anthers.
  • Large bees, which were the effective pollinators of self‐incompatible S. reniformis, avoided flowers without short feeding anthers, but not those without medium or long anthers. Illegitimate small and medium‐sized bees were unresponsive to anther exclusion experiments. Long anthers deposited pollen on the back and short anthers on the venter of large bees. Pollen from long anthers had higher in vitro viability and higher fruit and seed set after cross‐pollination than pollen from other sized anthers.
  • Short anthers produce feeding pollen to effective pollinators and long anthers are related to pollination of S. reniformis. Bee behaviour and size was found to directly influence the role of anthers in the ‘division of labour’. Only large bee pollinators that carry the pollinating pollen from long anthers in ‘safe sites’ associated short anthers with the presence of food. In the absence of these larger bee pollinators, the role of heteranthery in S. reniformis would be strongly compromised and its function would be lost.

雄蕊运动指雄蕊在自身能量支持下发生的主动运动,不包括雄蕊在访花者触碰下造成的被动位移。该文总结了雄蕊的应激运动、快速猛烈弹射、缓慢运动以及级联运动等4种主要类型,分析了这些运动类型的系统分布及繁殖适应意义等方面的研究进展。雄蕊的应激运动由访花者或其他外力诱发,可能起到促进散粉和实现繁殖保障的作用;雄蕊快速猛烈的弹射运动可将花粉猛然撒向空中或访花者身上,促进了花粉的风媒或虫媒散布;缓慢运动的雄蕊可能通过在不同花期改变雄蕊的空间位置和雌雄异位程度来调节繁殖策略,或主动将雄蕊花药移至特定部位(如柱头表面)实现自交;雄蕊逐一、依次发生的级联运动较为复杂,主要分布在刺莲花科、梅花草科、旱金莲科和芸香科中,目前还缺乏实验研究;但根据"花粉呈现理论"以及其他类型的雄蕊运动研究结果,雄蕊的级联运动可以将花粉分批呈现给不同的传粉者,通过不同传粉者的分别传粉来提高花粉的输出;而且可避免已散粉雄蕊对即将散粉雄蕊的干扰,同时可能也降低了雌雄功能干扰和(或)花内自交。在芸香(Ruta graveolens)中,级联运动之后的雄蕊还会在花末期再同时向花中央运动;这种多向、多次运动方式是目前发现的最复杂的雄蕊运动类型。雄蕊运动领域值得今后开展进一步实验研究的方向主要有:1)雄蕊运动尤其是级联运动对雌雄功能干扰(性别间干扰)、雄蕊与雄蕊的"性别内干扰"等植物繁殖格局的影响;2)雄蕊运动与雌雄异熟、雌雄异位等花部特征的相互作用;3)雄蕊运动复杂类型的生理与发育机制。  相似文献   

濒危植物丰都车前的繁育系统与传粉生物学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
万海霞  邓洪平  何平  蒋庆庆  刘钦 《生态学报》2018,38(11):4018-4026
丰都车前为三峡库区特有珍稀濒危植物,目前仅在重庆市江津支坪镇涂家村附近大中坝上有一小种群分布。以野生种群和移栽种群为对象,通过野外观察和人工授粉实验对丰都车前传粉生物学及繁育系统进行研究。结果表明:(1)丰都车前单花花期约4 d,花序花期约8 d,种群花期约3个月;单花开花进程可分为6个时期:花蕾期、雌蕊伸长期、雄蕊初露期、花瓣展开期、花瓣反折期、枯萎凋谢期。(2)花瓣展开前,柱头先伸出花冠,达最高可受性,之后花瓣展开雄蕊才露出,而此时大部分柱头已枯萎失活丧失可受性,只有少部分具可受性。表现出雌雄异熟的特征,一定程度避免了自交的发生。(3)花粉活力始于雄蕊初露期,花瓣展开、花药开裂时花粉活力最高,至枯萎凋谢前均具有活力。花粉活力最高期避开了柱头可受性最佳期,仅有少部分重叠。(4)繁育系统检测显示,花粉/胚珠比为15373.29,杂交指数为3。结合套袋实验表明,丰都车前可能同时具有风媒和虫媒传粉机制,传粉昆虫为中华蜜蜂、食蚜蝇,但数量偏少,不存在无融合生殖,异交为主,部分自交亲和,有时需要传粉者。(5)开花时期避开了其分布地洪水淹没期,能够顺利完成开花授粉及座果。综上所述,丰都车前的花部特征、开花物候和繁育系统为适应分布地夏季洪水水淹胁迫提供了一定的生殖保障,促进了该种群的续存。  相似文献   

Over 50 genera of bees release pollen from flower anthers using thoracic vibrations,a phenomenon known as buzz-pollination.The efficiency of this process is directly affected by the mechanical properties of the buzzes,namely the duration,amplitude,and frequency.Nonetheless,although the effects of the former two properties are well described,the role of buzz frequency on pollen release remains unclear.Furthermore,nearly all of the existing studies describing vibrational properties of natural buzz-pollination are limited to bumblebees(Bombus)and carpenter bees(Xvlocopa)constraining our current understanding of this behavior and its evolution.Therefore,we attempted to minimize this shortcoming by testing whether flower anthers exhibit optimal frequency for pollen release and whether bees tune their buzzes to match these(optimal)frequencies.If true,certain frequencies will trigger more pollen release and lighter bees will reach buzz frequencies closer to this optimum to compensate their smaller buzz amplitudes.Two strategies were used to test these hypotheses:(i)the use of(artificial)vibrational playbacks in a broad range of buzz frequencies and amplitudes to assess pollen release by tomato plants(Solarium Ivcopersicum L.)and(ii)the recording of natural buzzes of Neotropical bees visiting tomato plants during pollination.The playback experiment indicates that although buzz frequency does affect pollen release,no optimal frequency exists for that.In addition,the recorded results of natural buzz-pollination reveal that buzz frequencies vary with bee genera and are not correlated with body size.Therefore,neither bees nor plants are tuned to optimal pollen release frequencies.Bee frequency of buzz-pollination is a likely consequence of the insect flight machinery adapted to reach higher accelerations,while flower plant response to buzz-pollination is the likely result of its pollen granular properties.  相似文献   

 研究处于片断化生境中濒危植物的繁育系统、传粉过程及生殖成功状况, 可为评估物种的受胁迫程度及制订相应的保护和管理策略提 供重要依据。通过野外观察和人工授粉实验等方法,对片断化生境中濒危植物黄梅秤锤树(Sinojackia huangmeiensis)的开花生物学和繁育系统 进行了初步研究, 并探讨了影响其生殖成功的因素。黄梅秤锤树的总状花序上通常有两性花2~6朵, 单花花期约5~7 d, 单花花药不同步开裂 使整朵花花粉活力持续时间延长。虽然花开放过程中柱头始终高于花药, 在单花水平上可在一定程度上避免同花自交的发生, 但由于花粉活力 和柱头可授期之间有一定的重叠期, 在自然情况下, 由于外界媒介动物和风媒的作用, 不可避免地会产生同株同花和同株异花传粉。实验结果 表明, 该种不存在无融合生殖现象, 繁育类型以异交为主, 部分自交亲和且需要传粉者。主要的传粉昆虫为黑带食蚜蝇(Epistrophe balteata) 、中华蜜蜂 (Apis cerana) 和中华回条蜂(Habropoda sinensis)。黄梅秤锤树自然状态下的结实率较低(10.33%), 平均每果种子数较少(0.387 个), 这主要与传粉昆虫少、花粉传递效率低, 以及柱头上自花及同株异花花粉的落置和自交亲和性低有关。但是单株较大的开花量保证了一定 的果实和种子产量, 使居群能自然更新。部分自交亲和性可能为该物种适应生境片断化提供了一定的生殖保障及进化潜力。对该残存居群的保 护, 应着眼于加强对传粉昆虫赖以生存的自然生态系统的恢复。  相似文献   

Pollen presenters are specific floral structures, other than anthers, from which pollen is distributed for cross fertilization between flowers. They occur in only five families of monocotyledons and 20 families of the dicotyledons. Presenters in 15 families are described here. In the largest plant family (Asteraceae) all taxa have pollen presenters, while in others (e.g. Myrtaceae) they occur in only some species in a few genera. Most presenters are associated with the gynoecium and there is a wide range of forms involving hairs or outgrowths of the stylar tissue. Despite the placement of self pollen close to the stigma most taxa are outcrossing and avoid self fertilization by protandry, with the stigma being covered at anthesis, or by precise placement of pollen so that is does not contact the stigma. Likely selective advantages in the development of pollen presenters include greater accuracy in pollen transfer than in the normal anther to stigma movement and avoidance of interference between male and female organs in the flower. In some groups there is enhanced ability for female choice because effective pollen delivery enables a choice from among many pollen grains, while in others pollen presenters enhance male reproductive success. Study of the pollination biology of plants requires a knowledge of which plants have pollen presenters and a full understanding of the structures in the flower which are associated with the pollen presentation action.  相似文献   

Abstract The flower of the perennial shrubby herb, Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit. is representative of an explosive pollination mechanism. The carinal structure formed by the middle lobe of corolla lower lip conceals the stamens and stigma and does not open following the natural anthesis. Upon anthesis, the carinal lobe is under tension which is later released by wind or bees. The violent explosion of the carinal lobe caused by wind results in self-pollination; by bees, it results in self- and cross-pollination. Foraging activity of some bees which collect pollen from the anthers and stigma on H. suaveolens may reduce the success of pollination.
The mating system involves both autogamy and allogamy. Both require explosion of carinal lobe for pollination. The flexibility of the mating system is considered a safeguard ensuring its ruderal nature for weediness.  相似文献   

Kuang A  Musgrave ME  Matthews SW 《Planta》1996,198(4):588-594
Reproductive development in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. cv. Columbia plants was investigated under spaceflight conditions on shuttle mission STS-51. Plants launched just prior to initiation of the reproductive phase developed flowers and siliques during the 10-d flight. Approximately 500 flowers were produced in total by the 12 plants in both the ground control and spaceflight material, and there was no significant difference in the number of flowers in each size class. The flower buds and siliques of the spaceflight plants were not morphologically different from the ground controls. Pollen viability tests immediately post-flight using fluorescein diacetate indicated that about 35% of the pollen was viable in the spaceflight material. Light-microscopy observations on this material showed that the female gametophytes also had developed normally to maturity. However, siliques from the spaceflight plants contained empty, shrunken ovules, and no evidence of pollen transfer to stigmatic papillae was found by light microscopy immediately post-flight or by scanning electron microscopy on fixed material. Short stamen length and indehiscent anthers were observed in the spaceflight material, and a film-like substance inside the anther that connected to the tapetum appeared to restrict the release of pollen from the anthers. These observations indicate that given appropriate growing conditions, early reproductive development in A. thaliana can occur normally under spaceflight conditions. On STS-51, reproductive development aborted due to obstacles in pollination or fertilization.  相似文献   

Flowers that have heteromorphic stamens (heterantherous flowers) have intrigued many researchers ever since the phenomenon was discovered in the 19th century. The morphological differentiation in androecia has been suggested as a reflection of "labor division" in pollination in which one type of stamens attracts pollina-tors and satisfies their demand for pollen as food and the other satisfies the plant's need for safe gamete dispersal. The extent and patterns of stamen differentiation differ notably among taxa with heterantherous flowers. Seven species with heteromorphic stamens in three genera were sampled from Leguminosae and Melastomataceae, and the morphological difference of androecia, pollen content, pollen histochemistry and viability, pollen micro-morphology, as well as the main pollinators were examined and compared. Pollen number differs significantly between stamen sets of the same flower in most species investigated, and a correlation of pollen number and anther size was substantiated. Higher pollen viabilities were found in the long (pollinating) stamens of Senna alata (L.) Roxb. and S. bicapsularis (L.) Roxb. Dimorphic pollen exine ornamentation is reported here for the first time in Fordiophytonfaberi Stapf. The height of stigma and anther tips of the long stamens in natural conditions was proved to be highly correlated, supporting the hypothesis that they contact similar areas of the pollinator's body.  相似文献   

黑果枸杞(Lycium ruthenicum)是中国西北地区极端环境中分布的国家二级保护植物, 该物种在新疆南部的自然种群中出现了同型花柱类型(同位花)和柱头探出式雌雄异位类型(异位花)个体, 并且遭遇沙尘暴频繁的种群中异位花个体出现频率减少。该研究对喀什市自然种群中黑果枸杞两种不同花型植株的花部综合征和传粉特性进行比较研究, 以期探讨该物种不同花型植株在南疆早春极端环境中的花部特征的可塑性及其适应性机制。结果表明: 同位花雌雄蕊高度间无显著差异, 而异位花雌蕊高度显著高于雄蕊; 同位花花冠直径、花冠筒长、胚珠数均高于异位花, 而异位花雌雄蕊空间距离、花粉数及花粉胚珠比均比同位花高。黑果枸杞同位花个体比例(68%)高于异位花个体(32%), 种群水平及个体水平同位花花期((117.00 ± 2.25) d, (101.65 ± 1.98) d)比异位花((26.00 ± 1.00) d, (18.75 ± 1.00) d)长, 而单花水平上异位花单花寿命((4.50 ± 0.14) d)比同位花((3.13 ± 0.11) d)长。两种类型花在花早期(紫色)分泌的花蜜量均高于花后期(白色)。在紫色花阶段(花开放早期), 同位花上的主要传粉者意大利蜜蜂、熊蜂和食蚜蝇的访花频率和停留时间均高于异位花; 而白色花阶段(花开放后期)意大利蜜蜂、熊蜂在异位花上的访花频率比同位花高。在不同花色阶段, 同位花柱头花粉落置数、花粉移出率、花粉传递效率均比异位花高, 并且同位花自然坐果率及结籽率均比异位花高。在新疆南部的沙尘暴极端环境下, 同位花通过较高的自交亲和性保障繁殖, 而异交为主的异位花提高了异交率。异位花与同位花在花部综合征和花报酬上的差异, 是影响其繁殖成功的主要因素。  相似文献   

小毛茛(Ranunculus ternatus Thunb.)花粉流潜能初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在自然居群中对小毛茛传粉机制与距离作了观测,并对开花后花粉萌发能力的变化作了研究,结果是:该种兼具虫媒或风媒传粉机制,以虫媒传粉为主;传粉距离多数局限于2m以内,但不排除远距离传粉的可能性;体外萌发试验表明,该种花粉萌发率在开花第一天甚低,开花后24h达到最高值。作者推测,小毛茛花粉以近距离散布为主,但具有远距离传播的潜能。  相似文献   

小毛茛(Ranunculus ternatus Thunb.)花粉流潜能初探   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
在自然居群中对小毛莨传粉机制与距离作了观测,并对开花后花粉萌发能力的变化作了研究,结果是:该种兼具虫媒或风媒传粉机制,以虫媒传粉为主;传粉距离多数局限于2m以内,但不排除远距离传粉的可能性;体有发试验表明,该种花粉萌发率在开第一天甚低,开花后24h达到最高值。作者推测,小毛莨花粉以近距离散布为主,但具有远距离传播的潜能。  相似文献   

The ecology and evolution of pollen odors   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The literature is reviewed and new evidence presented that pollen produces odors, which serve multiple functions in pollination and defense. Pollen odor, which originates from pollenkitt, comprises volatiles that belong to the same chemical classes found in flower scents, that are in species-specific mixtures, and that contrast with odors of other floral parts. Pollen can also take up volatiles from surrounding floral odors, but this adsorption is selective and varies among species. Pollen odors are more pronounced in insect- than bird- or wind-pollinated plants, suggesting that volatile emission evolved in part under selection to attract pollinators. Pollen-feeding insects can perceive pollen odor and use it to discriminate between different pollen types and host plants. Pollen odor influences bee foraging, including the location of pollen sources, discrimination of flowers with different amounts of pollen, and hostplant recognition by pollen-specialist species. In the few wind-pollinated plants studied, odors of male flowers or pollen are comparatively high in -methyl alcohols and ketones; these volatiles may serve in pollen defense, with some known to repel insects. Pollen odor often includes chemicals with documented defense activity, which is probably aimed mainly at nonpollinator pollen-feeding insects and pathogens; an involvement in pollen allelopathy is also possible. Pollen volatiles comprise chemically diverse compounds that may play multiple roles, and their emission in pollen odor undoubtedly evolved under the principle, and often conflicting, selective pressures to both protect the male gametophyte and increase its dispersal by animals.  相似文献   

Abstract Animal‐pollinated plant species modulate the presentation of pollinator rewards to maximize reproductive success. In plants providing pollen as the only reward for pollinators, it is usually difficult to unravel the dual roles of reward presentation and the realization of male and female functions (pollen removal and deposition). Exploiting the two types of anther in the androecia of Melastoma malabathricum L., we examined whether the removal of pollen for reward is regulated primarily to favor male function or female function. Pollen removal by carpenter bees from the feeding and pollination anthers, as well as pollen deposition on the stigmas, were quantified during anthesis of M. malabathricum. There was no significant difference in pollen removal rates from the feeding and pollination anthers of M. malabathricum between the onset of anthesis and flower wilting. The stigmatic pollen loads exceeded the ovule number after three sonication bouts, and female function was satisfied earlier than male function. The results support the hypothesis that the presentation of pollination reward in this species is regulated primarily to favor the expression of male function, rather than female function, in agreement with the pollen‐donation hypothesis. A cooperative relationship between the feeding and pollination anthers was demonstrated in heterantherous flowers, which optimizes the balance in investments between pollinator rewards and “functional pollen” for gene transfer.  相似文献   

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