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为比较极小种群野生植物资源冷杉(Abies ziyuanensis)和元宝山冷杉(A. yuanbaoshanensis)针叶精油化学组成成分,该文利用水蒸气蒸馏法提取资源冷杉和元宝山冷杉针叶精油,采用GC-MS分析确定其精油化学物质成分,并基于峰面积归一化法计算各组分相对含量。结果表明:分别从资源冷杉和元宝山冷杉针叶精油中鉴定出化学物质21种和22种,其中15种为两种冷杉共有成分;烯烃类物质是资源冷杉和元宝山冷杉针叶精油中含量最高的组分,占比分别为95.94%和95.02%。两种冷杉共有成分中β-蒎烯、1-石竹烯、莰烯、α-石竹烯和异松油烯具有较大开发利用价值;非共有成分方面,资源冷杉中α-松油醇和α-蒎烯以及元宝山冷杉中α-依兰油烯和叶醇均具有较大开发利用价值。以上结果为开发利用两种冷杉针叶精油提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

我国南部5种冷杉植物木材的比较解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对分布于我国南部的5种冷杉属(Abies)植物,即资源冷杉(A.ziyuanensis)、大院冷杉(A.dayuanensis)、梵净山冷杉(A.fanjingshanensis)、元宝山冷杉(A.yuanbaoshanensis)和台湾冷杉(Akawakamii)的木材结构进行了研究。从管胞分子长度、管胞分子直径、射线高度、射线频率、纹孔类型、交叉场纹孔类型、交又场纹孔数目等方面,比较了它们木材解剖特征的差异。结果表明:大院冷杉和资源冷杉在射线频率、管胞直径、管胞长度、交叉场纹孔数目方面都很类似;元宝山冷杉在管胞直径与射线长度方面与其它冷杉有显著差异。在纹孔类型、交叉场纹孔类型方面,几种冷杉都是一致的。在交叉场纹孔数目方面,大院冷杉、资源冷杉较少,而梵净山冷杉、元宝山冷杉和台湾冷杉较多。我国南部这5种冷杉的木材解剖特征与分布在华北、东北及青藏高原上冷杉的木材非常类似。为了便于区别这5种木材,根据木材解剖特征编制了检索表。  相似文献   

峨眉山冷杉种群研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
庄平 《广西植物》2002,22(1):40-44
依据 5 1个 2 0 m× 2 0 m冷杉乔木层样方和 1 0 2个 4 m× 4 m灌木层样方有关冷杉种群的调查资料和典型区域内冷杉种群的年龄和生长指标的测定 ,对峨眉山冷杉种群配置、重要参数、更新与生长状况进行了研究 ,揭示了当地冷杉种群及其所组成的森林的现状与演替趋势。指出 ,峨眉山冷杉种群的径级配置与海拔高度为主导的环境要素变化相关 ,2 80 0 m以下的冷杉种群缺乏胸径 5~ 2 0 cm的小径个体 ;尤其是在“混交”状的冷杉林下株高小于 5 m的幼龄个体稀少且其年龄与应有的生长量相差甚远 ,由此作者认为该海拔段以下的冷杉种群正面临衰退 ,其构成的冷杉森林正处于退化演替的过程之中 ,并有可能在今后 5 0 a或许更短的时间内显现严重后果。同时 ,本研究表明冷杉主要通过林窗和林缘更新。通过对冷杉 -箭竹 -泥炭藓森林群落中冷杉种群状况的研究 ,阐述了冷杉种群在特定的逆境条件下生殖策略由 K选择向 r选择方向的转化趋势 ,讨论了冷杉种群在泥炭藓发育的局部沼泽化的环境中得以生存的机制 ;本文还就冷杉种群在林内自然更新和迹地更新条件下的胸径生长规律作了比较研究 ,说明密度制约机制对冷杉种群更新具有重要作用 ;并就更新情况相对较好的冷杉 -箭竹 +金顶杜鹃 -草类林、冷杉 -箭竹 -藓类林和冷杉 -峨眉玉山  相似文献   

通过对不同方法的比较分析,提出了确定巴山冷杉(Abies fargesii)植株间竞争强度和竞争范围的新方法,并利用改进的方法研究了其种内和种间竞争强度。结果表明:随对象木胸径的增大,由于巴山冷杉种群自然稀疏过程中密度调节作用,植株距离增加,种内竞争强度降低;巴山冷杉主要分布于亚高山地段,群落内太白红杉(Larixchinensis)数量较多,胸径较大,种内与种间竞争关系顺序为:太白红杉-巴山冷杉>巴山冷杉-巴山冷杉>牛皮桦(Betula utilis)-巴山冷杉>其它树种-巴山冷杉;竞争强度和对象木胸径的关系服从幂函数关系(CI=AD-B),当巴山冷杉胸径达到25 cm以上时,种内和种间竞争强度变化较小。研究表明,改进的方法能很好地预测巴山冷杉种内和种间的竞争强度。  相似文献   

松科冷杉属植物的化石历史和现代分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冷杉是北半球阴暗针叶林的优势种和建群种,现全世界共有52种1亚种12变种,在北半球形成南欧、北美和东亚三个分布中心,这三个地区也是冷杉属化石最丰富的地区。在垂直分布上,冷杉集中分布于1000~2000m(15种)和2500~4000m(13种)两个海拔地段。在中国,冷杉植物呈南北间断分布,集中分布在横断山地区。冷杉属的特有现象和孑遗分布现象都十分突出,有7个种呈孑遗分布。根据冷杉属的地史分布和现代分布的研究并结合最新的系统演化资料,本文推测冷杉属于白垩世中期起源于北半球的中高纬度地区,始新世以后,随着全球气候的变冷,逐步向南迁移,由于喜马拉雅山脉、阿尔卑斯山、落基山脉抬升及东亚季风气候的出现以及第四纪冰期的影响而形成了现代间断的分布格局。冷杉与银杉、金钱松等其它松科植物的形成模式十分相似。  相似文献   

贡嘎山峨眉冷杉林凋落物的特征   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
 研究了贡嘎山峨眉冷杉(Abies fabri)林凋落物量、凋落物特征及其N、P、K、有机碳的归还量,并探讨了它们在演替进程中的变化。结果表明,峨眉冷杉成熟林、中龄林和幼龄林的凋落物量依次为:2 809.925、2 787.086、2 043.585 kg·hm-2·a-1;其中N、P、K的归还量依次为:34.850、33.917、42.571 kg·hm-2· a-1。峨眉冷杉林凋落物量及其N、P、K的归还量较少,与我国其它森林区针叶林存在一定差异,而与美国西北部冷杉林相近。  相似文献   

峨嵋山冷杉森林衰退状况研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
报道和分析了峨嵋山冷杉森林的衰退状况。对冷杉种群的受害程度、分布规律、症状特点及其与海拔、特定生境、立木径级和林型的关系进行了研究分析。指出峨嵋山冷杉森林衰退是全球森林衰退的组成部份,而不是个别的或偶然的现象;肯定了当地冷杉林衰退具有某些个性特征。由此认为,导致当地冷杉衰退的主要原因可能是某种或某些作用范围广、持续时间长、发生频率高、对全球森林系统构成威胁的因素所致。  相似文献   

江洪 《植物生态学报》1994,18(3):209-218
 本文应用DCA排序的方法进行了四川西北部和甘肃南部云冷杉林的梯度分析,建立了植物群落梯度环境解释的数学模型和植物群落地理分布的数学模型。研究结果表明:影响川西北甘南云冷杉林植物群落地理分布的生态梯度中最显著并起主导作用的是温度梯度和水分梯度。在水分梯度上,大致有这样的植被序列,由较湿的藓类和杜鹃冷杉及云杉林,中生性的箭竹冷杉林和云杉林,偏旱的高山栎冷杉林和云杉林;处于恢复中期的桦木林的生境也偏旱,但一般不如高山栎林。冷杉林比云杉林更趋于阴湿的生境。 在温度梯度上,呈现出灌木云杉林—桦木林—落阔冷杉林—高山栎云杉林—箭竹云杉林—箭竹红桦林—高山栎冷杉林—藓类红桦林—藓类云杉林—箭竹冷杉林—藓类云冷杉林—藓类冷杉林—小叶章云杉林—杜鹃冷杉林的排序。基本特征是:川西北和甘南的云杉林的温度需求高于冷杉林。川西北云冷杉林与甘南云冷杉林在DCA排序轴上没有明显的区别。虽然川西北地区云冷杉林的海拔分布高于甘南地区,但是其纬度也低于甘南,故在温度条件上基本一致。在水分梯度上,川西北云冷杉林的湿度要稍大于甘南云冷杉林。利用植物地理分布的数学模型和有关的图、表,详细地分析了植物群落的空间分布,进行了环境解释,并找出了主导的环境因子。  相似文献   

科罗拉多冷杉的抗旱性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以服务于科罗拉多冷杉(Abies concolor)的引种工作为目的,以科罗拉多冷杉的9个种源半年生幼苗为材料,对其进行了模拟干旱处理,测定了抗旱性的相关理化指标,并与同样处理下的我国本土冷杉辽东冷杉(A.holophylla)、峨嵋冷杉(A.squamata)及鳞皮冷杉(A.fabric)半年生幼苗的对应指标作比较分析,估测了科罗拉多冷杉在我国的适生范围。  相似文献   

长江上游峨眉冷杉林结构特征的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过对长江上游贡嘎山不同演替阶段峨眉冷杉(Abies fabri)林的野外调查和对比分析,探讨了峨眉冷杉林的结构特征。结果表明,成熟峨眉冷杉林下有丰富的峨眉冷杉种源,小于20年的峨眉冷杉更新幼树幼苗数量少,但却为唯一的优势更新树种,在冬瓜杨、峨眉冷杉混交林中,冬瓜杨、桦木等树种在最初30年高生长非常迅速并能很快占据优势地位。峨眉冷杉是一耐荫性很强的树种,幼龄期生长缓慢,但将更替其它树种形成稳定群落。贡嘎山海拔2900-3400m地区大规模泥石流为100多年发生一次,在泥石流发生地,川滇柳、冬瓜杨、桦树等树种首先出现在迹地并占据优势,在自然条件下恢复峨眉冷杉林将需要较长时间,可通过人为干预措施加以促进和调控。  相似文献   

On applying IAA-GB and IAA-NAA mixtures to the hypocotyls ofHelianthus annuus, the plants showed an increase and a decrease,respectively, in their phototropic response compared with thecontrol treated with IAA-H2O only. In the in vitro experimentsit was observed that the illumination (with 1,500 lux light,lasting for 24 hr) caused photoinactivation of IAA in the mixturesof IAA-H2O, IAA-GB and IAA-NAA by 50%, 24% and 0%, respectively.In the presence of 0.01% riboflavin as a photosensitizer inthe same mixtures, the degree of photodestruction of IAA causedby the same illumination was 92%, 97% and 86%, respectively. The stronger positive phototropism in the IAA-GB treated hypocotylwas accounted for by the situation that on the illuminated sidethe photo-inactivation of IAA was accelerated by GB, while onthe shaded side IAA and GB acted synergistically. On the otherhand, the weaker phototropism in the IAA-NAA treated hypocotylwas explained as due to a partial inhibition of photoinactivationof IAA by NAA. (Received October 6, 1962; )  相似文献   

目的 :定量观察临床全冠修复患者牙体预备完成 1w内 ,其龈沟菌丛的变化。方法 :选择 14颗需进行全冠修复的第一磨牙作为研究对象 ,以同颌同名牙作为研究对照 ,分别采集牙体预备前、预备后 72h及 1w时 ,预备牙和同颌同名牙龈沟菌丛的标本。经细菌接种、厌氧培养、生化鉴定 ,进行可培养菌计量。比较同一时期预备牙龈沟菌丛与同颌同名牙龈沟菌丛间 ,以及不同时期预备牙龈沟菌丛间可培养菌量的变化。结果 :(1)牙体预备后 1w内 ,预备牙龈沟菌丛中多数细菌菌量接近或超过预备前水平 ,差异无显著性 (P>0 .0 5 ) ,但以放线菌为主的 G+性杆菌增多明显。(2 )同一时期以放线菌为主要的 G+杆菌和奈瑟菌的菌量在预备牙龈沟菌丛和同颌同名牙龈沟菌丛间差异有显著性 (P<0 .0 5 )。结论 :(1)牙体预备后 ,预备牙龈沟菌丛的自然变化过程 ,与天然牙菌斑形成过程相似 ,其龈沟菌丛菌量和菌种随时间的延长而增多。 (2 )预备牙龈沟菌丛和同颌同名牙龈沟菌丛间以放线菌为主的 G+杆菌和奈瑟菌差异有显著性 (P<0 .0 5 )。  相似文献   

鲤形目鱼类咽齿形态及发育的比较研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
何舜平  乐佩琦 《动物学报》1997,43(3):255-262
对鲤形目所属6科类的咽龄形态及个体发育模型进行了较详细的比较研究。结果得出除双孔鱼科鱼类未形成咽齿外,其它5科鱼类在咽齿发生的过程中具有齿着生方向完全相反的两种发育模式。以亚口鱼科,鳅科和平鳍鳅为一类的齿后向增长的类型和以鲤科另一类的齿同增长的类型。  相似文献   

1. The cross-striation in the indirect flight myofibrils of Calliphora has been studied by phase contrast and polarised light microscopy. The band pattern at rest-length has been determined in flies killed in osmium tetroxide vapour while their wings remained in the resting position. All other observations have been made on unfixed fibrils. Although length changes in situ are probably very slight (about 2 per cent), isolated fibrils, by treatment with crude muscle extract or with ATP, can be induced to elongate to 104 per cent rest-length, or to shorten by 8 per cent but no more. Over the range 98 to 104 per cent rest-length, experimentally induced length changes are reversible. The fibrils can also be stretched beyond 104 per cent rest-length, but the process is irreversible. During the course of glycerol extraction the fibrils elongate to 104 per cent rest-length. 2. The changes in band pattern observed over the range 104 to 92 per cent rest-length are qualitatively the same as the changes observed over a wider range (about 130 to 40 per cent rest-length) in the skeletal myofibrils of rabbits. The earlier stages of shortening appear to be effected by retraction of the I bands into the A bands where they fill up the H zones. No evidence has been found that any changes in band pattern are due to a migration of the A substance. 3. Two components of the sarcomere can be extracted from it and a third component remains behind. These three components, which have also been demonstrated in skeletal myofibrils of the rabbit, where they behave in the same way, are: (a) the A substance which does not change its position as the fibril changes its length, and which can be extracted by the same procedures as remove myosin (shown elsewhere to be the A substance) from rabbit fibrils; (b) a material which extends from the Z lines to the borders of the H zone and which moves inwards during contraction and outwards during elongation; it can capture rabbit myosin from solution and form with it a contractile system, and it is thought to be actin; (c) a "backbone" or stroma bearing Z and M lines. 4. Since all these features of the cross-striation are the same in the insect fibrils as in rabbit fibrils, it is considered very probable that the sarcomere is similarly organised in both types of muscle and contracts by essentially the same mechanism.  相似文献   

Wounds were made at various times of the year on the trunks and large branches of apple trees with a 1 in. bit and treated with a number of organic compounds in lanoline paste. The healing of these wounds was followed through two growing seasons by tracing and measuring the area of exposed wood at different times after wounding.
Callus growth was practically confined to the summer months. Development of callus was improved by applications of lanoline, and the lanoline effect could be further enhanced in the early part of the first growing season following treatment by the addition of certain growth-stimulating compounds including 4-chloro-3:5-dimethylphenoxyacetic acid and 2:4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Indolyl-3-butyric acid probably also caused some stimulation. After the period of initial stimulation the rate of callusing was approximately the same on treated as on untreated wounds.  相似文献   

本文记述的是1981年在禄丰古猿化石产地发掘中发现的熊类标本,共有二属二种和一种暂不能确定属、种的类型。其中祖熊(Ursavus)过去只见于欧洲、北美和西亚的中新世地层,在我国还是首次发现。禄丰的标本,就其大小和特征可归于Ursavus depereti;印度熊(Indarctos)过去在我国发现过两个种:中国印度熊(I.sinensis)和拉氏印度熊(I.lagrelli),禄丰的标本为前一个种;第三类型与Protursus和Ursus都有相似之处,但又有区别,鉴于材料不足,暂不订属和种。  相似文献   

1. In three previous publications it had been shown that electrolytes influence the rate of diffusion of pure water through a collodion membrane into a solution in three different ways, which can be understood on the assumption of an electrification of the water or the watery phase at the boundary of the membrane; namely, (a) While the watery phase in contact with collodion is generally positively electrified, it happens that, when the membrane has received a treatment with a protein, the presence of hydrogen ions and of simple cations with a valency of three or above (beyond a certain concentration) causes the watery phase of the double layer at the boundary of membrane and solution to be negatively charged. (b) When pure water is separated from a solution by a collodion membrane, the initial rate of diffusion of water into a solution is accelerated by the ion with the opposite sign of charge and retarded by the ion with the same sign of charge as that of the water, both effects increasing with the valency of the ion and a second constitutional quantity of the ion which is still to be defined. (c) The relative influence of the oppositely charged ions, mentioned in (b), is not the same for all concentrations of electrolytes. For lower concentrations the influence of that ion usually prevails which has the opposite sign of charge from that of the watery phase of the double layer; while in higher concentrations the influence of that ion begins to prevail which has the same sign of charge as that of the watery phase of the double layer. For a number of solutions the turning point lies at a molecular concentration of about M/256 or M/512. In concentrations of M/8 or above the influence of the electrical charges of ions mentioned in (b) or (c) seems to become less noticeable or to disappear entirely. 2. It is shown in this paper that in electrical endosmose through a collodion membrane the influence of electrolytes on the rate of transport of liquids is the same as in free osmosis. Since the influence of electrolytes on the rate of transport in electrical endosmose must be ascribed to their influence on the quantity of electrical charge on the unit area of the membrane, we must conclude that the same explanation holds for the influence of electrolytes on the rate of transport of water into a solution through a collodion membrane in the case of free osmosis. 3. We may, therefore, conclude, that when pure water is separated from a solution of an electrolyte by a collodion membrane, the rate of diffusion of water into the solution by free osmosis is accelerated by the ion with the opposite sign of charge as that of the watery phase of the double layer, because this ion increases the quantity of charge on the unit area on the solution side of the membrane; and that the rate of diffusion of water is retarded by the ion with the same sign of charge as that of the watery phase for the reason that this ion diminishes the charge on the solution side of the membrane. When, therefore, the ions of an electrolyte raise the charge on the unit area of the membrane on the solution side above that on the side of pure water, a flow of the oppositely charged liquid must occur through the interstices of the membrane from the side of the water to the side of the solution (positive osmosis). When, however, the ions of an electrolyte lower the charge on the unit area of the solution side of the membrane below that on the pure water side of the membrane, liquid will diffuse from the solution into the pure water (negative osmosis). 4. We must, furthermore, conclude that in lower concentrations of many electrolytes the density of electrification of the double layer increases with an increase in concentration, while in higher concentrations of the same electrolytes it decreases with an increase in concentration. The turning point lies for a number of electrolytes at a molecular concentration of about M/512 or M/256. This explains why in lower concentrations of electrolytes the rate of diffusion of water through a collodion membrane from pure water into solution rises at first rapidly with an increase in concentration while beyond a certain concentration (which in a number of electrolytes is M/512 or M/256) the rate of diffusion of water diminishes with a further increase in concentration.  相似文献   

In sugar beet, the effect on bolting of additions of potash manures, of superphosphate, and of the mixture of these was not significant, whether applied at the time of sowing or previously. Dung applied in the previous autumn slightly increased the number of plants which went to seed, and when applied just before sowing it had a more marked effect. An amount of sulphate of ammonia which would have approximately the same stimulating effect as the dung gave a slightly larger amount of bolting.
On red beetroot, it was possible to compare larger and smaller dressings of various coarse organic manures, and of each of these with and without dressings of sulphate of ammonia. In all cases the sulphate of ammonia and each of the organic manures largely increased the amount of bolting, and a doubling of the organic manure dressing or the addition of sulphate of ammonia to it caused a further increase. Sewage sludge gave an abnormally large amount of bolting, but it is doubtful whether this was due to the larger amount of organic matter and nitrogen applied in this manure. In general, any manurial addition causing more vigorous growth leads to an increase in bolting. There is a very large variation in the amount of running to seed in the crop of red beetroot from different parts of the same field, but the effect of the manures on the proportion which bolted was not widely different.
The general question as to the reason why beet plants should bolt more in one season than in another is discussed, and it is suggested that a check to the plants in an early stage, whether caused by dryness or waterlogging, or by low temperature, followed by a vigorous growing period may have something to do with the matter. This would agree with the experiences recorded in the present paper.  相似文献   

疆堇属的归并   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
庄璇 《云南植物研究》1992,14(2):139-142

内蒙古乌兰塔塔尔地区中渐新世几种肉食动物   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
这篇短文记述了乌兰塔塔尔地区中渐新世的两种肉齿类和四种食肉类化石,其中有两种在我国为首次报道。  相似文献   

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