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Analyses of the body masses of Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) departing on foraging trips of long and short duration (> and<40 h, respectively) during chick rearing showed that the departure weights of birds prior to long trips were significantly lighter than were those prior to short trips. Penguins, particularly males, were significantly heavier at the start of the guard stage than at the end and both sexes gained similar amounts of body mass during the crèche period. Results support the hypothesis that the foraging effort of Adélie penguins at Béchervaise Island is partitioned between the sexes, with males accepting a net rate of negative energy gain to provide regular meals for their offspring during the guard stage. Adélie penguin foraging behaviour may be driven by a trade-off between the allocation of food to chicks and the storage of parental body reserves, similar to that previously postulated for some species of flying seabirds. The relevance of such a foraging strategy to the breeding success of penguins in the Mawson region of eastern Antarctica is discussed in relation to micronekton distribution in the area. Accepted: 3 June 2000  相似文献   

The annual moult creates the highest physiological stress during a penguin's breeding‐cycle and is preceded by a period of hyperphagia at sea. Although crucial to individual survival, foraging strategies before moult have been little investigated in keystone marine consumers in the Southern Ocean. The Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus demonstrates how individuals may adjust their foraging strategies during this period in line with constraints such as potential intraspecific competition between localities, foraging ability between dimorphic sexes and timing at sea between breeding and non‐breeding population components. We recorded pre‐moult behaviour at sea for 22 Macaroni Penguins from Crozet and Kerguelen Islands (southern Indian Ocean) during 2009 and 2011, using light‐based geolocation and stable isotope analysis. Penguins were distributed in population‐specific oceanic areas with similar surface temperatures (3.5 °C) south of the archipelagos, where they foraged at comparable trophic levels based on stable isotopes of their blood. Bayesian ‘broken stick’ modelling with concurrent analysis of seawater temperature records from the animal‐borne devices showed that within each population, females remained 6 days longer than males in the colder waters before heading back towards their colonies. Finally, 17 other non‐breeding individuals that moulted earlier had a higher mean blood δ15N value than did post‐breeding birds, meaning that early moulters probably fed more on fish than did late moulters. Our findings of such adjustments in foraging strategies developed across locality, sex and breeding status help understanding of the species' contrasted pre‐moult biology across its range and its ecology in the non‐breeding period.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationship between reproductive performance and food availability requires knowledge about many different variables, including such factors as the length of incubation shifts, provisioning rates and patterns, as well as how variability in these factors affects reproductive output. To examine some of the most important aspects of parental investment, we studied the provisioning behaviour and patterns of adult Southern Rockhopper Penguins Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome breeding at Staten Island, Argentina. We investigated foraging trip duration, provisioning rates and chick survival using adult foraging patterns. Our results show that Rockhopper Penguins had clear sex-specific differences in their provisioning behaviour. Females provision chicks throughout chick rearing. By contrast, males provision chicks only during the crèche stage and at a slightly lower rate than females during this period. Foraging trips increased in length as the breeding season progressed. Rockhopper Penguins from Staten Island performed longer trips throughout the breeding season than do other species of Eudyptes at several other locations. Our results also show differences in parental investment between years that were related to differences in chick survival. We suggest that this was most likely to be related to female rather than male foraging behaviour as only females showed inter-annual differences in their provisioning rates.  相似文献   

Individual consistency in foraging behaviour can generate behavioural variability within populations and may, ultimately, lead to species diversification. However, individual‐based long‐term behavioural studies are particularly scarce in seabird species. Between 2008 and 2011, breeding Imperial Shags Phalacrocorax atriceps at the Punta León colony, Argentina, were tracked with GPS devices to evaluate behavioural consistency during their foraging trips. Within a breeding season, individuals were highly consistent in the maximum distances they reached from the shore and the colony, as well as in the time invested in flight and diving across consecutive days during early chick rearing. In addition, each individual had its specific foraging area distinct from the foraging area of other individuals. Comparing between early and late chick rearing in the same season, individuals were consistent, to a lesser degree, in the maximum distance they reached from the colony and the shore, increasing in consistency later on in the season. Within the season, females were more consistent than males in the maximum distance they moved from the colony and the shore, the sexes segregated in their foraging areas and individual females were segregated from one another. Twenty‐eight individuals tracked in different breeding seasons were marginally consistent in their trip durations and maximum distance reached from shore across seasons. Among seasons, foraging locations differed between sexes and among individual females. Individuals from this colony exhibited consistency over time in several aspects of foraging behaviour, which may be due to a combination of individual characteristics such as learning abilities, breeding experience or health, as well as targeted prey type and stability of the environment at this location.  相似文献   

Determining the year‐round distribution and behaviour of birds is necessary for a better understanding of their ecology and foraging strategies. Petrels form an important component of the high‐latitude seabird assemblages in terms of species and individuals. The distribution and foraging ecology of three sympatric fulmarine petrels (Southern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialoides, Cape Petrel Daption capense and Snow Petrel Pagodroma nivea) were studied at Adélie Land, East Antarctica, by combining information from miniaturized saltwater immersion geolocators and stable isotopes from feathers. During the breeding season at a large spatial scale (c. 200 km), the three species overlapped in their foraging areas located in the vicinity of the colonies but were segregated by their diet and trophic level, as indicated by the different chick δ15N values that increased in the order Cape Petrel < Southern Fulmar < Snow Petrel. During the non‐breeding season, the three fulmarines showed species‐specific migration strategies along a wide latitudinal gradient. Snow Petrels largely remained in ice‐associated Antarctic waters, Southern Fulmars targeted primarily the sub‐Antarctic zone and Cape Petrels migrated further north. Overall, birds spent less time in flight during the non‐breeding period than during the breeding season, with the highest percentage of time spent sitting on the water occurring during the breeding season and at the beginning of the non‐breeding period before migration. This activity pattern, together with the δ13C values of most feathers, strongly suggests that moult of the three fulmarine petrels occurred at that time in the very productive high Antarctic waters, where birds fed on a combination of crustaceans and fish. The study highlights different segregating mechanisms that allow the coexistence of closely related species, specifically, prey partitioning during the breeding season and spatial segregation at sea during the non‐breeding season.  相似文献   

Due to their restricted foraging range, flightless seabirds are ideal models to study the short-term variability in foraging success in response to environmentally driven food availability. Wind can be a driver of upwelling and food abundance in marine ecosystems such as the Southern Ocean, where wind regime changes due to global warming may have important ecological consequences. Southern rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome) have undergone a dramatic population decline in the past decades, potentially due to changing environmental conditions. We used a weighbridge system to record daily foraging mass gain (the difference in mean mass of adults leaving the colony in the morning and returning to the colony in the evening) of adult penguins during the chick rearing in two breeding seasons. We related the day-to-day variability in foraging mass gain to ocean wind conditions (wind direction and wind speed) and tested for a relationship between wind speed and sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA). Foraging mass gain was highly variable among days, but did not differ between breeding seasons, chick rearing stages (guard and crèche) and sexes. It was strongly correlated between males and females, indicating synchronous changes among days. There was a significant interaction of wind direction and wind speed on daily foraging mass gain. Foraging mass gain was highest under moderate to strong winds from westerly directions and under weak winds from easterly directions, while decreasing under stronger easterly winds and storm conditions. Ocean wind speed showed a negative correlation with daily SSTA, suggesting that winds particularly from westerly directions might enhance upwelling and consequently the prey availability in the penguins'' foraging areas. Our data emphasize the importance of small-scale, wind-induced patterns in prey availability on foraging success, a widely neglected aspect in seabird foraging studies, which might become more important with increasing changes in climatic variability.  相似文献   

Culik B 《Zoology (Jena, Germany)》2001,104(3-4):327-338
Penguins are excellent “model” organisms allowing us to study the behaviour of marine homeotherms at sea. Penguins regularly return to their breeding colonies, enabling biologists to equip them with remote sensing devices such as physiological or behavioural data-loggers, radio- or satellite transmitters. Foraging trips at sea can last from days to weeks and after return of the birds to their breeding sites, the devices can easily be removed for analysis of on-board stored data, yielding a wealth of information. Investigation of penguin behaviour at sea becomes particularly revealing when other sources of information can be matched to the data set, such as satellite data on wind, temperature, ice cover, and chlorophyll-a concentrations.

Penguins and other marine homeotherms are true inhabitants of the high seas. Depending on the season, the marine behaviour varies: during reproduction, penguins are central-place foragers, and must return regularly to their nest to feed their chicks. During the remainder of the year, there are no constraints and the birds travel large distances at sea.

Breeding Humboldt penguins react to climatic change by varying their daily foraging range and dive duration. Similar to other representatives of the family Spheniscidae, Humboldt penguins avoid food shortages by migrating into more productive marine areas. Navigational clues such as daylength, sea surface temperature, local wind direction and olfaction might provide important aids in finding patchily distributed prey in the open ocean. DMS, a chemical compound produced by decaying algae, seems to be a further clue that indirectly points the way to feeding areas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Flipper bands are used to mark penguins because leg bands can injure their legs. However, concerns remain over the possible effects of flipper bands on penguins. We examined the effects of stainless‐steel flipper bands on the duration of foraging trips by Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) at Punta Tombo, Argentina, using an automated detection system. We predicted that, if bands were costly and increased drag, flipper‐banded penguins would make longer foraging trips than those with small or no external markings. We tagged 121 penguins with radio‐frequency identification (RFID) tags and an additional external mark. We placed either a stainless‐steel band on the left flipper (N= 62) or a 2×10‐mm small‐animal ear tag in the outside web of the left foot (N= 59). We measured foraging‐trip durations (N= 376 trips) for 68 adult penguins with chicks from 15 December 2007 to 28 February 2008. Contrary to predictions, trip duration was similar for banded and web‐tagged penguins (P= 0.22) and for males and females (P= 0.52), with no interaction between tag type and sex (P= 0.52). No penguins marked in the 2007 breeding season and recaptured between 30 September and 30 November 2008 (N= 113) lost flipper bands or web tags, but three RFID tags failed between March and September 2008. Properly designed and applied flipper bands were a reliable marking method for Magellanic Penguins, had a lower failure rate than RFIDs, and did not affect foraging‐trip duration.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the spatial and temporal dynamics of foraging penguins is important to our understanding of the Southern Ocean marine ecosystem. We use satellite tracking to provide the first data on the distribution and behaviour of gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis papua) during the winter at South Georgia. Five penguins tracked from Bird Island remained close inshore, and although they did not return to the initial tagging site, they did appear to return to land each evening. They made diurnal trips to sea of similar distance from land as those during the breeding season, even though the constraints of chick rearing were absent. Despite potential greater flexibility in their responses to variations in prey availability in winter, the penguins still returned to land each night. This may reflect benefits from conserving energy by resting on land, possibly facilitating information exchange and avoiding predation. The distribution and behaviour of gentoo penguins during the winter enables efficient exploitation of a dynamic, patchy prey resource and may ultimately determine the timing of return to the colony, and onset of breeding in the following season.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of device attachment on parental activities and body mass change in instrumented birds and their mates, and on chick growth and survival, were studied in Adélie Penguins Pygoscelis adeliae in Lützow-Holm Bay, Antarclica. Penguins on which small devices were fitted with rubber band harnesses exhibited increased foraging trip duration, and decreased body mass, food delivery rate, chick growth and chick survival. Their mates did not increase food delivery rate. Those on which small or large devices were fitted with epoxy glue did not change foraging trip duration, body mass, or chick survival. However, large devices decreased chick growth. These effects were more obvious; among penguins fitted with devices later in the chick rearing period, and suggest that: 1) parents fitted with devices give a priority to maintenance of their own energy reserve over guarding and food delivery for chicks; and, 2) parents' decreasing energy reserves later in the breeding season might intensify the effects of devices.  相似文献   

We quantified the trophic niche of Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) breeding and moulting in Golfo San Jorge, Argentina, through conventional stomach content and stable isotope analysis. A total of 112 adults were flushed during the early and late chick stages of 2011 and 2012 at Isla Vernacci Norte, and at least 15 prey taxa were found, including fishes, cephalopods, crustaceans and polychaetes. Overall, Argentine anchovy (Engraulis anchoita) showed the highest contribution in terms of importance by mass (68.1–85.3%, depending on chick stage and year), except for the old chick stage in 2011 when the shortfin squid (Illex argentinus) was the main prey consumed (56.0%). Based on carbon and nitrogen isotopic values from a total of 256 blood samples, corresponding to young and old chicks and to adults of both sexes sampled throughout the incubation, chick and moult stages at the above mentioned colony and years, Bayesian mixing model outputs showed that Argentine anchovy was always the main prey (48–86%). Bayesian mixing model outputs obtained from adults of both sexes and their chicks during the late chick stage of 2013 at Isla Vernacci Norte, Isla Tova and Isla Leones also showed that Argentine anchovy was the main prey consumed. This is the first comprehensive assessment of Magellanic penguin diet composition in northern Patagonia, quantifying the relative contribution of prey in the diet of adults and chicks at different stages of the annual cycle and years, and confirms the relevance of a forage fish such as the Argentine anchovy in its trophic ecology.  相似文献   

The Magellanic Penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus) is the most abundant and widely distributed seabird breeding on the Patagonian Coast of Argentina. We combined conventional stomach content and stable isotope analysis to assess Magellanic Penguin diet during the chick rearing stage at the two northernmost colonies in an area subject to fisheries. In 2011 and 2013, Thornfish (Bovichtus argentinus) was the main prey by mass at Complejo Islote Lobos (63.0% and 32.3%, respectively) and Argentine Anchovy (Engraulis anchoita) at Estancia San Lorenzo (85.2 and 63.3%, respectively). Magellanic Penguins from both colonies showed low isotopic niche overlap in 2011 (36%) and no overlap in 2013, suggesting a different use of prey species and/or foraging areas. Stable isotope mixing models showed that Argentine Anchovy (52.8%) and Thornfish (65.9%) were the main prey at Complejo Islote Lobos in 2011 and 2013, respectively, while Patagonian Redfish (Sebastes oculatus) (46.4%) and Squat Lobster (Munida gregaria) (50%) were the main prey at Estancia San Lorenzo in 2011 and 2013, respectively. Results show that in addition to Argentine Anchovy, previously recognized as main prey for breeding Magellanic Penguins in northern Patagonia, other juvenile or small sized fish are important diet items. Diet results suggest different scenarios of food conditions for each colony, despite the relative short distance between breeding locations. The low contribution of Argentine Hake (Merluccius hubbsi) and Argentine Shortfin Squid (Illex argentinus) suggests a low trophic overlap with commercial fisheries. The information provided is key to understand changes in the marine ecosystem and potential penguin-fishery interactions.  相似文献   

Energy and time allocation differs between incubation and chick‐rearing periods, which may lead to an adjustment in the foraging behaviour of parent birds. Here, we investigated the foraging behaviour of a small alcid, the little auk Alle alle during incubation and compared it with the chick‐rearing period in West Spitsbergen, using the miniature GPS (in Hornsund) and temperature loggers (in Magdalenefjorden). GPS‐tracking of 11 individuals revealed that during incubation little auks foraged 8–55 (median 46) km from the colony covering 19–239 (median 120) km during one foraging trip. Distance from the colony to foraging areas was similar during incubation and chick‐rearing period. During incubation 89% of foraging positions were located in the zone over shallower parts of the shelf (isobaths up to 200–300 m) with sea surface temperature below 2.5°C. Those environmental conditions are preferred by Arctic zooplankton community. Thus, little auks in the Hornsund area restrict their foraging (both during the incubation and chick‐rearing period) to the area under influence of cold, Arctic‐origin water masses where its most preferred prey, copepod Calanus glacialis is most abundant. The temperature logger data (from 4 individuals) indicate that in contrast to the chick‐rearing period, when parent birds alternated short and long trips, during the incubation they performed only long trips. Adopting such a flexible foraging strategy allows little auks to alter their foraging strategy to meet different energy and time demands during the two main stages of the breeding.  相似文献   

In marine ecosystems, primary productivity and consequently food availability for higher trophic levels are often strongly affected by the water temperature. Thus, differences in sea surface temperatures (SST) may lead to differences in the diet composition of predators, but this link is still unknown in many species. By combining GPS tracking and dive analyses on chick-rearing southern rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome) with stable isotope analyses and monitoring of chick growth rates and chick survival, we here attempted a comprehensive assessment of the effects of inter-annual environmental variability as indicated by SST and chlorophyll a (reflecting primary productivity) data. Inter-annual differences in environmental variables around our study colony on New Island, Falkland/Malvinas Islands, contradicted the general expectation, with higher chlorophyll a concentrations coinciding with higher spring SST in 2010/2011 compared to 2009/2010. Penguins foraged further away from the colony during guard and crèche in 2010/2011 compared to 2009/2010, while performing deeper dives in 2009/2010. Stable isotope mixing models suggested a crustacean-dominated chick diet in 2009/2010, compared to a mixture of squid and fish in 2010/2011. These differences in foraging behaviour and diet, however, had no consequences for chick growth rates or chick survival and thus had no apparent effect on population trajectories. Potentially, environmental conditions in both years could still be seen as favourable compared to other years and breeding sites, enabling the parental birds to buffer the environmental differences by plastic foraging behaviour.  相似文献   

Trindade Petrels (Pterodroma arminjoniana) are vulnerable gadfly petrels that breed on the remote Trindade Island, located ~1100 km off the Brazilian coast. Little is known about their spatial ecology, and their trophic ecology has only been described for the breeding season. We tagged four Trindade Petrels with global location sensing loggers (GLS) from October 2013 to November 2014 and sampled the blood and feathers (innermost primary and the eighth secondary) of 14 individuals to evaluate their year‐round spatial and isotopic ecology. We examined individual distributions, habitat use and suitability, activity, and isotopic values during the breeding, migration, and non‐breeding periods. Trindade Petrels used areas in the southwest Atlantic Ocean (between 10°N and 50°S in latitude) during the breeding season. They migrated through pelagic waters of the tropical Atlantic to the northwest Atlantic, where they spent the non‐breeding season. Trindade Petrels used mostly tropical to subtropical waters in areas of intermediate to high wind speeds and low marine productivity. Individuals spent more time foraging at night than during the day. During the breeding season, birds in northerly areas had higher carbon‐13 values, and birds that used more pelagic areas foraged on prey at a higher trophic level (higher nitrogen‐15 values) than those in more southern and coastal areas. Isotopic values during the breeding, migration, and non‐breeding periods differed, possibly due to differences among individuals in their at‐sea distribution throughout the year. We confirmed the non‐breeding distribution of Trindade Petrels, which was previously known only from vessel sightings and stranded birds. Our results also suggest a strong temporal segregation in the at‐sea distribution and trophic ecology between two groups of individuals, which might indicate the existence of two separate breeding populations.  相似文献   

The behaviour of Magellanic Penguins Spheniscus magellanicus commuting between their foraging areas and breeding areas in San Julian Bay, Argentina was studied to examine whether tidal rip currents affected travelling patterns. Although there was no apparent relationship between departure and arrival patterns and the state of the tidal cycle, birds travelling against the current dived for longer periods and had shorter rests on the surface than birds travelling with the current. In addition, birds swimming against the current hugged the banks of tidal rivers much more closely than did birds swimming with the current, thus reducing the magnitude of the current against which they had to swim. In cases of extremely high current speeds, birds travelling upstream walked. Models regarding the energetics of movement indicate that the strategies adopted by Magellanic Penguins can result in substantial energy savings.  相似文献   

Prey use by male and female Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) was quantified during chick rearing in northern Golfo San Jorge, Argentina and the dietary niches and diet composition of each sex were assessed and compared. A total of 67 males and 45 females were flushed during the chick stages of 2011 and 2012. Argentine Anchovy (Engraulis anchoita) was the main prey in terms of importance by mass in males and females in all stages and years (52.4–86.6% and 83.8–88.7%, respectively), except during the old chick stage in 2011 when the main prey in males and females was the Shortfin Squid (Illex argentinus) (63.1% and 44.4%, respectively). Analyses of similarity showed that diet composition in terms of contribution by mass of the main prey species was similar between sexes. Based on the isotopic values of δ13C and δ15N corresponding to 38 males and 21 females, the Bayesian mixing model outputs showed that Argentine Anchovy was also the main prey. In both years and chick stages, the isotopic niche of males and females was similar. The similarity in the dietary niche between male and female Magellanic Penguins raising chicks may be due to the high availability of Argentine Anchovy during the study period and the consequent dominance of this forage species in the diet of both sexes.  相似文献   

High densities of penguins in their colonies and the continuous use of these sites over consecutive reproductive periods increase the risk of development of tick populations. We have studied the effects of tick parasitism by Ixodes uriae in a colony of king penguins Aptenodytes patagonicus at Possession Island during three breeding seasons. We investigated the prevalence and periods of tick infestation during the one-year breeding cycle of penguins. The effects of tick parasitism on penguin breeding performance were assessed from photographs of the colony and with an automatic penguin identification system. We compared two groups of penguins carrying individual subcutaneous electronic tags, one group breeding in an infested area and the other in a non-infested area. Tick feeding activity was coincident with the periods when adult penguins stayed ashore for six days or more, i.e. during the incubating period. This duration corresponds to the duration of a tick meal on the host. The level of infestation varied between years. Penguins showed a lower incubating success in infested areas during a year of high infestation. In an infested area, individuals seen with ticks had a lower breeding success in rearing a one-year old chick than those seen without ticks.  相似文献   

Consistent sex differences in foraging trip duration, feeding locality and diet of breeding Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) were demonstrated at two widely separated locations over several breeding seasons. Differences in foraging behaviour were most pronounced during the guard stage of chick rearing. Female penguins made on average longer foraging trips than males, ranged greater distances more frequently and consumed larger quantities of krill. In contrast, males made shorter journeys to closer foraging grounds during the guard period and fed more extensively on fish throughout chick rearing. Mean guard stage foraging trip durations over four seasons at Béchervaise Island, Eastern Antarctica and over two seasons at Edmonson Point, Ross Sea ranged between 31 and 73 h for females and 25 and 36 h for males. Ninety percent of males tracked from Béchervaise Island by satellite during the first 3 weeks post-hatch foraged within 20 km of the colony, while the majority (60%) of females travelled to the edge of the continental shelf (80–120 km from the colony) to feed during this period. Received: 10 December 1997 / Accepted: 10 April 1998  相似文献   

King penguins make up the bulk of avian biomass on a number of sub‐Antarctic islands where they have a large functional effect on terrestrial and marine ecosystems. The same applies at Marion Island where a substantial proportion of the world population breeds. In spite of their obvious ecological importance, the at‐sea distribution and behavior of this population has until recently remained entirely unknown. In addressing this information deficiency, we deployed satellite‐linked tracking instruments on 15 adult king penguins over 2 years, April 2008 and 2013, to study their post‐guard foraging distribution and habitat preferences. Uniquely among adult king penguins, individuals by and large headed out against the prevailing Antarctic Circumpolar Current, foraging to the west and southwest of the island. On average, individuals ventured a maximum distance of 1,600 km from the colony, with three individuals foraging close to, or beyond, 3,500 km west of the colony. Birds were mostly foraging south of the Antarctic Polar Front and north of the southern boundary of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Habitat preferences were assessed using boosted regression tree models which indicated sea surface temperate, depth, and chorophyll a concentration to be the most important predictors of habitat selection. Interestingly, king penguins rapidly transited the eddy‐rich area to the west of Marion Island, associated with the Southwest Indian Ocean Ridge, which has been shown to be important for foraging in other marine top predators. In accordance with this, the king penguins generally avoided areas with high eddy kinetic energy. The results from this first study into the behavioral ecology and at‐sea distribution of king penguins at Marion Island contribute to our broader understanding of this species.  相似文献   

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