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Traits are basic attributes of organisms that form the basis for speciation and diversity. The floral nectar spur is a classic example of a key innovative trait. Differences in nectar spur morphology can lead to pollinator specialization and thereby promote reproductive isolation between species. Despite its importance, the nectar spur has been lost in some members of the columbine genus (Aquilegia), resulting in a new spurless trait, and the evolutionary influence of this trait has become a topic of scientific interest. Aquilegia ecalcarata is an important representative columbine species that lacks spurs. Here, we resequenced the genomes of 324 individuals from A. ecalcarata and four related species. We found that A. ecalcarata was divided into three groups based on the phylogenetic relationships and population genetic structures. Topology weighting analysis revealed that A. ecalcarata has multiple origins, and Patterson′s D statistic showed that the spurless trait may have one origin. Floral morphological analysis revealed significant differences between A. ecalcarata and its spurred sister groups, and the floral phenotypes of the three A. ecalcarata groups have identical or similar floral phenotypes. Our results confirmed that the spurless trait not only produced the phenotype of A. ecalcarata but also contributed to the emergence of the A. rockii phenotype. Moreover, the spurless trait promoted the divergence between A. ecalcarata and its close, spurred relatives. Our research shows that the loss of key innovative traits can play a very important role in speciation and species diversity.  相似文献   

Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita caused significant mortality of the two native species, Deroceras laeve and Leidyula floridana, and of one introduced species D. reticulatum, but not of the other three introduced species, Arion hortensis, A. subfuscus and Limax maximus. Even the juvenile stages of A. subfuscus and L. maximus showed no mortality in nematode treatments. However, treatments with nematodes resulted in rapid and strong feeding inhibition in all six species. Surviving slugs resumed feeding when fresh food was provided. This study expands the host range of P. hermaphrodita to include a new family Vaginulidae and demonstrates the inability of P. hermaphrodita to cause mortality of A. hortensis, A. subfuscus and L. maximus. These three species use feeding suspension as an evasive behavior to escape nematode infection.  相似文献   

黑木耳复合群中种类学名说明   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴芳  戴玉成 《菌物学报》2015,34(4):604-611
黑木耳在我国已经有1 000多年栽培历史,是我国最重要的栽培真菌之一,多年来我国黑木耳的学名一直使用模式产地为欧洲的Auricularia auricula-judae。最近的研究表明A. auricula-judae实际为一复合种,该复合种在全球范围内有5个种。其中A. auricula-judae仅分布于欧洲;美洲有2个种,生长在针叶树上的美洲木耳A. americana和生长在阔叶树上的尚未命名的木耳。中国该类群有3个种:自然分布和栽培最广泛的黑木耳的学名应为A. heimuer,此外,短毛木耳A. villosula在我国东北也广泛分布,并有少量栽培,生长针叶树上的木耳为美洲木耳A. americana,主要分布于中国东北和华北。  相似文献   

The occurrence of the actiniarian Alicia mirabilis in the Aegean Sea is documented for the first time from five sites in the Saronikos Gulf. The density of A. mirabilis was assessed in one site (Lychnari bay) with line transects (underwater distance sampling with SCUBA). Its density ranged between 0 and 4.3 individuals are-1 (1 are=100 m2) with a mean of 1.1±0.5 individuals are-1. The species was found in a variety of substrates (sandy bottoms, weeds, seagrass beds, rocks, litter) and its distribution was aggregated. Distance sampling was an efficient way to estimate the density of A. mirabillis and is proposed as a good choice for density estimations of actiniarians and other benthic fauna.  相似文献   

描述了自四川西部发现的毛茛科乌头属二新种,细盔乌头和疏叶乌头,并给出其等与近缘种的区别特征。  相似文献   

Two species of the genus Antechiniscus have been found in Nothofagus forests in Australia. The new species A. moscali sp. n. is described. The New Zealand species A. parvisentus (Horning & Schuster, 1983) is redescribed from type material and from the new material from Australia. The taxonomic status of the two species within the genus is discussed.  相似文献   

本文报道曲霉属及其相关的有性型属、即散囊菌属和裸胞壳属的分类群共15个,其中新变种1个,我国新记录3个。它们是:日本曲霉小囊变种(新变种),赭曲霉,蜂蜜曲霉,孔曲霉,埋藏曲霉(新记录),佩特曲霉(新记录)、亮白曲霉,阿姆斯特丹散囊菌,谢瓦散囊菌,腊叶散囊菌,赤散囊菌,匍匐散囊菌原变种,构巢裸胞壳,无冠裸胞壳和刺孢裸胞壳(新记录)。  相似文献   

梁思琪  张宪春  卫然 《生物多样性》2019,27(11):1205-159
广泛的杂交和多倍化使得铁角蕨属(Asplenium)下存在着许多分类困难的物种复合体, 针对这些类群进行整合分类学的研究, 有助于我们更加全面和深入地理解物种的界限以及形成机制。线裂铁角蕨复合体(Asplenium coenobiale complex)是铁角蕨属下一个形态多样性较高的类群, 由于缺乏全面取样和系统研究, 该复合体的物种划分长期存在争议。本研究选取线裂铁角蕨复合体中形态变异和地理分布具有代表性的个体, 通过孢粉学研究确定该类群的生殖特性, 运用流式细胞分析获取倍性信息, 同时结合叶绿体和核基因组片段系统发生分析的证据, 对该类群的系统演化关系和起源方式进行了探讨。结果表明: (1)虽然部分孢子囊败育的情况在线裂铁角蕨复合体中十分普遍, 但正常孢子囊内形成的64个孢子说明该类群植物仍能进行正常的有性生殖; (2)该复合体中存在着倍性变异, 其中多角铁角蕨(A. cornutissimum)是二倍体, 而其他成员均为四倍体; (3)依据母系遗传的叶绿体序列所构建的系统发生关系将该类群划为4个分支, 与基于核基因序列构建的系统树存在冲突, 这暗示杂交可能在该复合体的形成过程中起到了重要的推动作用。综上所述, 我们建议将线裂铁角蕨复合体划分为4个物种, 即同源四倍体新种马关铁角蕨(A. maguanense sp. nov.), 二倍体多角铁角蕨, 以及两个由同一对亲本正反交产生的异源四倍体线裂铁角蕨(A. coenobiale)和叶基宽铁角蕨(A. pulcherrimum)。  相似文献   

Two stick-like acridids (Orthoptera: Proscopiidae) from Argentina, Anchocoema bidentata Mello-Leitao and Astroma saltense Mello-Leitao, were evaluated as potential biological control agents of creosote bush (Larrea tridentata (DC.) Coville) in the southwestern United States. Their biology, behavior and geographic distribution of those species were studied. The host plant ranges for both insects were established through nymph feeding preference and development tests in the laboratory and in the field. A total of 33 species of plants belonging to 13 families were tested. Anchocoema bidentata and A. saltense are mimetic species, having as many as three generations a year, and exhibit strong sexual dimorphism; females are larger and less mobile than males. In both species, females laid egg masses in the soil. First instars appeared in the field at the end of the spring, the second generation at mid-summer, and a third at the end of the summer. Adults of A. bidentata and A. saltense appeared in the field at the beginning of the spring. The laboratory multiple-choice feeding test showed that A. bidentata preferred Larrea divaricata Cav., whereas A. saltense preferred L. divaricata and L. cuneifolia Cav. In the nymph development test (no choice), A. bidentata was able to complete its development only on L. divaricata and L. cuneifolia, while Astroma saltense completed its development on six plant species: L divaricata, L. cuneifolia, Bulnesia retama (Gillies ex Hooker et Arnott), B. schickendantzi Hieron (all Zygophyllaceae), Zuccagnia punctata Cav., and Prosopis torquata (Cav. Ap. Lag.) (both Fabaseae). We concluded that A. bidentata could be a biocontrol agent for L. tridentata because the first instar can complete its development only on Larrea spp. Regarding A. saltense, this species showed a wide host range and should not be considered as a biological control agent of L. tridentata.  相似文献   

The genus Cayratia Juss. in the traditional sense (i.e., Cayratia s.l.) of the grape family has been shown to be non‐monophyletic. Previous studies supported the splitting of Cayratia s.l. into three genera, that is, Cayratia s.s., Causonis Raf., and a new genus representing the African Cayratia clade. However, the morphology of the African Cayratia clade has not been studied carefully and its phylogenetic position within Vitaceae remains unclear. Our study integrates molecular, distributional, and morphological data and supports the recognition of the new genus Afrocayratia from continental Africa and Madagascar. Phylogenetic analyses strongly support the monophyly of Afrocayratia and resolve it as a sister of Cayratia s.s. based on the chloroplast data, but it is placed sister to Cyphostemma based on the internal transcribed spacer dataset. Molecular dating suggests that Afrocayratia split with Cayratia s.s. during the Paleocene, but that the extant species of Afrocayratia did not diversify until the early Miocene. Afrocayratia differs from its allied genera in having short stigmas and seeds with subcircular ventral infold cavities in cross‐section. Three clades are detected within Afrocayratia, with A. debilis (Baker) J.Wen & L.M.Lu as the first diverged lineage. The second diverged lineage includes A. delicatula (Willems) J.Wen & Z.D.Chen and A. gracilis (Guill. & Perr.) J.Wen & Z.D.Chen. The third diverged lineage includes A. imerinensis (Baker) J.Wen & L.M.Lu, A. longiflora (Desc.) J.Wen & Rabarijaona, and A. triternata (Baker) J.Wen & Rabarijaona from Madagascar, which form a monophyletic group that diverged from the second lineage in the middle Miocene. Combining the morphological and molecular evidence, we formally describe the new genus Afrocayratia, make seven new combinations, and provide a key to species of the genus.  相似文献   

朱鑫鑫  王君  廖帅  马金双 《生物多样性》2019,27(10):1143-691
马兜铃属(广义) (Aristolochia sensu lato)具有花单被、花萼管状、合蕊柱、子房下位、中轴胎座、胚珠多数、蒴果等主要特征, 广布于全世界的热带、亚热带和温带地区, 约有600种, 是马兜铃科中种类最多的属。依据Flora of China, 我国有本属植物45种, 其中33种为中国特有。近些年, 国内大量的新类群被相继报道, 特别是云南、广西两地, 而另一些类群则得到了确认、恢复、重新发表或修订。最近, 基于形态和分子证据, 关木通属(Isotrema)因其花萼管急剧弯曲; 合蕊柱3裂; 雄蕊6, 成对与合蕊柱裂片对生; 蒴果由上而下开裂等区别特征而从广义马兜铃属中被分出独立成属。本文基于大量的野外调查、标本鉴定、数码照片考证和相关文献的仔细研究, 重新梳理了中国马兜铃属和关木通属的种类及分布情况, 确认现阶段中国马兜铃属17种和关木通属58种1亚种, 并一一记述同时编制了最新的检索表。其中, 柔叶关木通(I. mollis)、线叶关木通(I. neolongifolia)的种级地位得到重新确认, 并提供了图版。探讨了优贵马兜铃(A. gentilis)、川滇马兜铃(A. chuandianensis)和纤细马兜铃(A. gracillima)的关系, 昆明关木通(I. kunmingense)与波氏关木通(A. bonatii)的关系, 以及卵叶关木通(I. ovatifolium)、葫芦叶关木通(I. cucurbitoides)、西藏关木通(I. griffithii)、过石珠(I. versicolor)、大别山关木通(I. dabieshanensis)等复合群和袋形关木通(I. saccata)等物种存在的问题。  相似文献   

and 1986. Electrophoretic studies on the Anisakis simplex complex (Ascaridida: Anisakidae) from the Mediterranean and North-East Atlantic. International Journal for Parasitology 16: 633–640. The genetic variation of the sibling species Anisakis simplex A and A. simplex B was investigated by electrophoretic analysis of 22 gene-enzyme systems. The two species are reproductively isolated and no gene flow takes place between them. Three loci, Sod, Adk-2 and Lap-1, show distinct alleles in A. simplex A and A. simplex B, allowing their reliable identification both at the larval and adult stages. A fourth locus, Got, appears to be diagnostic at the 95% level. The value of Nei's genetic distance found between A. simplex A and A. simplex B is 0.28. Parameters of genetic variability (He, P, A) are given for both species. The geographic distribution of A. simplex A and A. simplex B appears to be mainly Mediterranean for the former, and mainly North Atlantic for the latter. Several paratenic hosts (fish and squid) and one cetacean definitive host are identified for each of the two species. The names A. pegreffii and A. simplex are tentatively proposed for A. simplex A and A. simplex B respectively.  相似文献   

To understand the process and mechanism of speciation, a detailed analysis of origin and demographic history of recently diverged species pairs is necessary. Here, we investigate the evolutionary history of Actaea purpurea (P.K. Hsiao) J. Compton and its closest relatives, A. japonica Thunb. and A. biternata (Siebold and Zuccarini) Prantl. We aim to estimate important parameters of the divergence event, and to lay the foundation for further investigation of the speciation mechanism of this system. Floral and vegetative traits were measured and analyzed. Genetic structure, divergence history, and historical gene flow were also inferred from the plastid and single nucleotide polymorphism data. Floral traits were divergent, and a strong match between pollinator and floral traits was revealed. Genetically the two species were also well diverged, and the time of divergence was dated to the Pleistocene. The demographic modelling results suggest that A. purpurea had continuous limited gene flow with A. japonica and A. biternata since divergence. More work is now needed to confirm that floral trait divergence was selected by pollinators, as well as to understand how pollinator isolation acts in conjunction with other reproductive barriers to reduce gene flow between the two species.  相似文献   

邬家林 《植物研究》1986,6(2):107-111
峨眉山细辛属植物共有6种1变种,分属于2亚属3组,它们的垂直替代现象较为明显,从山脚至山顶,依次由花脸细辛Asarum chingchengense。尾花细辛A.cauidigerum.花叶尾花细辛A.caudige-erum var.cardiophyllum、牛蹄细辛A.delavavi、长毛细辛A.pul-chellum、短尾细辛A.caudigerellvm和单叶细辛A.himalaicum组成垂直带谱。  相似文献   

结合在模式产地采集的高茎紫菀(Aster procerus Hemsley)以及查阅文献资料,发现原始文献对其形态描述不充分且缺乏细胞学和分子系统学方面的报道。本研究对高茎紫菀的形态特征进行了补充描述以及核型特征和系统位置分析,为紫菀属的修订提供资料。结果表明:(1)依据观察结果,补充了高茎紫菀新的形态特征:基生叶羽状分裂,成熟的基生叶较大,长可达26 cm,宽可达8 cm;花序托圆锥状。(2)高茎紫菀的染色体数目为2n=18;核型公式为2n=2x=16 m+2 M,核型属于1 A。(3)基于ITS和ETS标记的分子系统发育树分析表明,高茎紫菀不同居群的2个个体在同一进化支上(LP=100,PP=1.00),且位于核心紫菀属(LP=100,PP=1.00),与女菀[Turczaninovia fastigiata(Fischer)Candolle]构成姐妹类群(LP=52,PP=0.99)。研究认为,高茎紫菀基生叶和花序托的特征可为紫菀属的分类提供新的证据,支持高茎紫菀位于紫菀属(Aster L.)内,建议将女菀并入紫菀属。  相似文献   

Angiostrongylus mackerrasae and A. cantonensis are closely related and their status as distinct species was tested by experimental hybridization. Hybridization between A. mackerrasae and A. cantonensis was observed and the morphology of the F1 hybrids was found to be intermediate between that of the parental species which suggests strongly that A. mackerrasae and A. cantonensis are both valid species. However, male F1 hybrids were sterile, whereas females were fertile; no evidence of parthenogenesis or other form of asexual reproduction were observed in either species. It is suggested that A. mackerrasae and A. cantonensis may cross breed in nature.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic studies using DNA sequences of two chloroplast regions, rbcL and trnL-F, demonstrate that the proposed genus Ceterach is a small clade within the large genus Asplenium, and sister to the Phyllitis clade. The Ceterach clade is characterised by irregular anastomosing veins and often densely scaled leaf blades. Its taxonomic status as a group nested within Asplenium is confirmed, and it is accepted here as a subgenus with seven species. The Ceterach clade comprises four lineages that correspond to disjunct polyploid complexes: the A. aureum clade forming a polyploid complex (4×, 6×, 8×) in Macaronesia, the A. ceterach clade forming a polyploid complex (2×, 4×, 6×) in the Mediterranean Basin, the A. paucivenosum clade (4×, 6×) in central Asia, and the A. dalhousiae clade (2×) with a disjunct distribution in the Himalaya, Yemen and Eritrea, and southwestern North America. Asplenium paucivenosum is sister to all other members of the Ceterach clade, whereas A. dalhousiae is sister to the A. aureum clade that includes tetraploid A. aureum, hexaploid A. lolegnamense, and octoploid A. parvifolium. Asplenium ceterach and its variations – including the hexaploid A. ceterach subsp. mediterraneum subsp. nov. first described below – form a monophyletic unit, sister to a clade consisting of A. aureum and A. dalhousiae. Asplenium cordatum from Africa and A. haugthonii from the isolated atlantic island of St. Helena are not members of the Ceterach clade, which suggests that leaf blades with dense indumenta have evolved at least twice within asplenioid ferns. The allotetraploid species A. hybridum has the chloroplast DNA from A. ceterach, and therefore the latter species is the maternal ancestor of the former. The other parent of this hybrid species is A. sagittatum that is nested within the sister clade of Ceterach, the Phyllitis clade comprising A. sagittatum and A. scolopendrium. The findings suggest that the current distribution of Ceterach is either the result of long-distance dispersal or represents fragmented relicts of a previously more widely distributed species.  相似文献   

鲟形目物种是国家重点保护水生野生动物和CITES附录物种。其人工养殖种群数量众多, 种类丰富, 产品贸易量大, 但种类鉴定困难。本文在厘清当前鲟鱼商业类群的基础上, 通过分析现有种类鉴定方法, 整合了线粒体DNA遗传分析、SNP分析和微卫星DNA分析的鉴定方法, 探讨其鉴定国际贸易所涉鲟鱼的可行性。结果表明: 上述3种方法整合应用可在11种纯种鲟鱼及其正反杂交产生的杂交鲟范围内进行盲检。当前共有贸易鲟鱼36种, 其中杂交鲟14种, 杂交鲟的亲本共涉及9种鲟鱼。整合方法可准确鉴定小体鲟(Acipenser ruthenus)、达氏鳇(Huso dauricus)、施氏鲟(Acipenser schrenckii)、欧洲鳇(Huso huso)、闪光鲟(Acipenser stellatus)、高首鲟(A. transmontanus)两两杂交所产生的杂交鲟, 小体鲟为母本与纳氏鲟(Acipenser naccarii)或富氏鲟(A. fulvescens)或中华鲟(A. sinensis)产生的杂交鲟, 纯种的达氏鳇、高首鲟、富氏鲟和中华鲟, 但无法准确鉴定纯种的西伯利亚鲟(Acipenser baerii)和俄罗斯鲟(A. gueldenstaedti)以及父母本涉及此两种鲟鱼的杂交鲟。由于已开发的分子标记仍有限, 上述结果是对当前CITES贸易所涉鲟鱼鉴定的最大范围, 可以满足一些鲟鱼野生种群保护、贸易产品检测、种质资源管理等情景下的鉴定需求。  相似文献   

Moro I  Negrisolo E  Callegaro A  Andreoli C 《Protist》2003,154(3-4):331-340
Aplanochytrium stocchinoi, a new species of Labyrinthulomycota, is described from samples collected in Antarctica. Ultrastructural, life cycle and molecular data characterizing the new taxon are provided and compared with the features of other species included in the genus Aplanochytrium. The phylogenetic position of A. stocchinoi is investigated using the 18S rDNA as molecular marker and applying maximum parsimony, minimum evolution and maximum likelihood methods.  相似文献   

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