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粘虫(Cirphis unipuncta Haw.)是七年内要消灭的十大病虫害中的对象之一,作为一个昆虫研究工作者,感到这是伟大而光荣的任务。确信在党和政府的正确领导下,在七年内是完全可以消灭粘虫灾害的。 粘虫是我国主要粮食害虫,为害禾本科作物如小麦、粟(谷子),玉米、高梁、水稻等最烈,发生普遍而严重,1953年全国就有25省690  相似文献   

粘虫在朝阳地区同全国各地一样,是粮食作物的重要害虫。每年都有不同程度的危害,严重时更是颗粒无收。为了消灭粘虫危害,保证作物丰产丰收,就必须揭示粘虫发生规律。掌握规律,利用规律,采取“预防为主、综合防冶”的战略方针,才能真正解决粘虫的危害问题,才能使农业昆虫的研究更好地为无产阶级政治服务。  相似文献   

<正> 粘虫Mythimna separata(Walker)在我省大发生世代为二代。该虫历来是我省山区玉米的主要害虫,常年发生800万亩左右。1958年后在平原稻区频频发生为害,近年有加重为害趋势。1978年仅温江地区发生面积达60万亩,已成为威胁水稻增产的害虫之一。为摸清二代粘虫在水稻上的发生为害,于1981—1983年在崇庆县进行调查研究。 一、调查内容和方法  相似文献   

劳氏粘虫的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴荣宗 《昆虫学报》1962,(2):164-164
在广东,以往为害水稻的几种夜蛾科害虫统称剃枝虫。经作者调查有6种:即粘虫(Leucania seperata(Walker)、劳氏粘虫(Leucania loreyi Dup.)、白脉粘虫(Leucania venalbaMoore)、水稻叶夜蛾(Spodoptera mauritia Biosd.)、拟稻叶夜蛾(Spodoptera sp.)及斜纹夜蛾(Prodenia litura Fab.)等。其中以粘虫及水稻叶夜蛾发生普遍,为害严重,劳氏粘虫为害次之。研究中得到蒲蛰龙教授指导,白脉粘虫学名由朱弘复教授鉴定,仅此志谢。  相似文献   

山西运城县栲栳公社赵存仁劳模的小麦丰产田内发生粘虫,由于他掌握了粘虫的生活规律,为了保护秋作物不受虫害,创造了灭茬拾蛹消灭下一代幼虫为害的先进经验。具体操作方法是结合耕作习惯,于割麦后及时耙地天茬,拣拾耙出来  相似文献   

赵圣菊 《生态学报》1983,3(4):377-382
粘虫(Mythimna separata Walker)是我国粮食作物的重要害虫。我国江淮及黄淮流域是一代粘虫发生区,粘虫全年发生四(或五)个世代,以第一代发生数量最多,春季4、5月间为害小麦。该区在根治我国粘虫危害上具有战略地位。决定一代粘虫发生程度的主导因素,是越冬代蛾量迁入的多少。因此组建该区越冬代蛾最及迁入期的预测模式,有着特别重要的现实意义。 目前在国内,关于粘虫发生期和发生量预测,多属中、短期,且以短期预测为主。据研  相似文献   

粘虫是我国大害虫之一,长期以来,为害小麦、小米、玉米等,使粮食减产,造成重大损失。如能消灭此虫在未为害之前——郎未孵化之前,则起到直接的预防作用。粘虫黑卵蜂寄生在粘虫卵内,并具特殊的、有利的寻卵能力,因此,如何利用黑卵峰来消灭粘虫的生物防除工作,是一个有意义的研究课题。我们曾在卵峰的生活习性及田间利用方面做了一些观察,现因工作调整,此项研究暂告段落,兹将初步结果报导如下,提供参考。  相似文献   

我国粘虫研究现状及发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
粘虫Mythimna separata(Walker)是一种典型的季节性远距离迁飞害虫,也是我国及其它亚洲和澳洲国家粮食作物上重大害虫。具有发生范围广、危害世代多、受害作物种类和组织多、产量损失重以及发生危害历史长的特点。我国粘虫的研究进展主要体现在以下四个方面:揭示了粘虫越冬、迁飞及发生危害规律;解析了粘虫迁飞行为发生与调控的环境、生理、遗传、激素与分子机制;创建了以越冬、迁飞规律及生物学习性为基础的粘虫监测预警技术;组建了粘虫区域综合治理技术体系。针对粘虫研究现状及存在的问题,结合现代昆虫学技术的发展,提出了今后粘虫研究的主要方向。  相似文献   

劳氏粘虫Mythimna loreyi是粘虫Mythimna seperata的近缘种,两者在形态上相近,为害特征基本相同,但在不同地区的发生危害规律可能存在一定差异。近些年来,劳氏粘虫在许多国家和地区频繁暴发危害,已成为一种普遍发生的农业害虫。为今后深入研究劳氏粘虫的暴发成灾规律和综合防控技术,本文在分析国内外研究资料的基础上,对劳氏粘虫的研究进展进行了综述。目前,劳氏粘虫已分布于亚洲、欧洲、非洲、大洋洲和北美洲的近80个国家和地区。以幼虫取食危害玉米、水稻和小麦等多种禾本科作物和杂草;3龄前幼虫食量小,5-6龄幼虫食量增大,进入暴食期。幼虫具有聚集性、杂食性和暴食性,成虫具有迁飞性,发生危害时具有隐蔽性、偶发性和暴发性。劳氏粘虫的发生和为害规律常因地区、年份和季节的不同而存在差异。气候条件、食物和天敌是影响劳氏粘虫发生危害的主要因素,而气候因素、人类活动和害虫的生物学特征是导致近些年来劳氏粘虫发生范围扩大,危害程度加重的重要原因。性诱剂、天敌和生物农药是近些年来劳氏粘虫生物防治研究的主要方向。根据目前劳氏粘虫在我国的发生情况及研究现状,我们建议今后从以下3个方面开展工作:(1)借鉴粘虫的防控策略和防治经验,从空中和地面两个方面加强预测预报工作,建立和完善预测预报系统;(2)从农业防治、物理防治、生物防治和化学防治等方面开展综合防治工作;(3)将生物技术和现代农业信息技术等现代化的技术和方法应用于暴发成灾规律和综合防治研究中,并建立综合防控技术系统。  相似文献   

我国粘虫发生概况:60年回顾   总被引:24,自引:11,他引:13  
本文总结了我国1950—2013年粘虫Mythimna separata(Walker)发生、防治和损失概况,揭示了60余年中我国粘虫种群数量动态的演化规律。(1)南方地区越冬代种群发生年代间有波动,江淮1代发生区为害减轻,东北、华北、黄淮、西北和西南等2、3代发生区发生加重。(2)2代粘虫为发生最为广泛的1代,1995年以来粘虫主要危害作物已由小麦变为玉米。(3)寄主作物种植面积对种群数量总体变动起重要作用,气候条件影响年度间和区域间的种群波动和变化,农田生境影响小区域的发生危害程度。  相似文献   

A field experiment has been conducted to control blowflies which fell as mature larvae from railway wagons carrying domestic refuse and infested the soil at the sidings of a refuse collecting and sorting depot.
The surface of the soil was treated so that the insects were exposed to insecticide both as migrating larvae and newly emerged adults. Dusts and emulsions of DDT and BHC were compared on the basis of equal cost. A method was evolved for obtaining quantitative measurements of the effectiveness of the treatments by trapping flies emerging from the soil.
DDT was more effective than BHC, dusts were more effective than emulsions, and small quantities applied twice weekly were more effective than a correspondingly heavy dose applied monthly. DDT dust applied twice weekly was estimated to have killed 79.7% of larvae and pupae and 95.7% of emerging adults: overall control was 99.1%. Equally high control was maintained when the method was adopted as a routine measure by the local authority.  相似文献   

有机氯农药粘虫散(有效成分0.5%666和2.5%DDT)是防治粘虫危害的一种较好的剂型。我国北方地区小麦地套种玉米,为了防治二代粘虫危害玉米幼苗,在小麦收获前期使用,收到了良好的效果。但是由于多年连续使用,害虫的抗药性增强,防治效果降低,用药量增加;同时有机氯农药666、DDT化学性质稳定,在环境中残留期长,长期使用,会造成对土壤和作物的污染。为此,我们在1976、1979两年先后进行了粘虫散在小麦上消失动态的盆栽试验,及不同施药量、施药次数、施药时期与麦粒中粘虫散残留量关系的田间试验。并对北京市郊区几个产小麦的县进行残留量的抽查,为制订有机氯农药粘虫散在小麦上安全使用标准提供科学依据。  相似文献   

1. l-Aspartic acid labeled with N15 was fed to one human adult and six infants, and the total N and N15 were determined in the urine from time to time. 2. The N15 concentration (or isotopic ratio) of urinary N reached its maximum in the adult about 2 hours and in the infants about 4 hours after feeding, then fell off logarithmically. 3. Assuming that the N of aspartic acid readily entered into equilibrium with other N compounds in the pool, the rate of turnover of the N pool was calculated from the rate of fall of the isotopic ratio of urinary N. This rate of turnover of N was about 4 per cent per hour in the adult and 6 to 12 per cent per hour in the infants. 4. The rate of protein synthesis calculated from the rate of turnover of N was 10 mg. N per kilo per hour in the adult and 18 to 27 mg. N per kilo per hour in the infants, with one exception which showed a higher rate of 52 mg. N per kilo per hour. The size of the metabolic pool of N per kilo in non-growing infants was about the same as that in the adult (0.4 to 0.5 gm.) but it was somewhat larger in growing infants (0.5 to 0.8 gm.).  相似文献   

Otiorrkynchus clavipes Bonsd. is a serious pest of strawberries around Cheddar, Somerset. The weevils nibble the foliage, the larvae eat the roots of the plants, and burrow into the rootstock.
The beetles appear in two waves, pupating in the autumn and emerging en masse in the spring, or pupating in the late spring and summer and emerging in succession between mid-June and the end of August. Both sexes are found and can be distinguished by the posterior thoracic sterna, which are concave in males and convex in females. Mating is alternated with egg-laying and the beetles lay between 100 and 300 eggs per female. On emergence the beetles eat voraciously, and roughly one egg is laid for every 10 sq.mm. of leaf consumed. Both parthenogenetic and fertile eggs are laid and hatch in between 17 and 24 days.
The larvae burrow rapidly when hatched and can only penetrate soil spaces which will admit their head capsules. The distribution of head capsule widths in mixed populations of larvae of all ages shows there are five instars. While feeding, the larvae are clustered within the root range of the plants and find their way to their food from plant to plant, guided by the exudates from the strawberry roots. As the larvae grow older they descend in the soil and turn to white soft pupae in smooth earthen cells 6–8 in. below the plants.
Adult damage to foliage is unimportant but larval damage to roots is serious and has been largely responsible for restricting the effective life of the strawberry beds to at most 2 years. Although weevil attack can be avoided by growing the crop in a 1-year rotation, control is difficult owing to the intensive cropping, which creates the most suitable conditions for the spread of the infestations. The adults are killed with 10% DDT dust; and the larvae by DDT and BHC preparations poured on to the soil, at a pint per plant, or by DD injection. The limitations and possibilities of various methods of control are discussed.  相似文献   

白鱀豚和江豚体内几种金属元素和有机氯的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文报道了白鱀豚和江豚体内7种金属元素的组织分布以及有机氯(多氯联苯、六氯苯,滴滴涕)含量方面的研究,为两种动物的保护提出一个值得注意的问题。  相似文献   

Replicated trials were carried out in the years 1950, 1951, 1953 and 1954 to see if the spread of leaf-roll virus and virus Y in potato crops could be reduced by applying insecticides. The crops were disease-free, except for small numbers of deliberately introduced infected plants, and were sprayed at intervals of 10 or 14 days, according to the stage of growth of the plants, with a tractor-mounted spraying machine at 1OO gal./acre/application. Disease spread was estimated by growing tubers taken from the five plants on either side of each infector. DDT emulsion, DDT suspension, endrin, schradan, mipafox, malathion, parathion and Systox prevented the spread of leaf-roll virus and decreased the spread of virus Y, although DDT emulsion was the only insecticide used in all the trials. Dieldrin and toxaphene were ineffective. When virus control was successful, aphid control (estimated by counting apterae in the crops) was good.  相似文献   

V D Belizhenko 《Antibiotiki》1975,20(5):456-458
Furacillin in combination with such antibiotics as tetracycline, levomycetin or neomycin inhibited the synthesis of proteins in the cells of NAG-vibrios. Combination of 8 gamma/ml of furacillin and 0.125 gamma/ml of tetracycline inhibited the protein synthesis by 58.8 per cent, 8 gamma/ml of furacillin and 0.5 gamma/ml of levomycetin inhibited the synthesis by 61 per cent, 8 gamma/ml of furacillin and 4 gamma/ml of neomycin inhibited it by 59.5 per cent. At the same time furacillin alone in concentrations of 16 and 8 gamma/ml inhibited the protein synthesis by 69.1 and 37 per cent respectively, tetracycline alone in doses of 0.25 and 0.125 gamma/ml inhibited it by 51.3 and 34.7 per cent respectively, levomycetin alone in doses of 1 and 0.5 gamma/ml inhibited it by 54.4 and 33.2 per cent, enomycin in doses of 8 and 4 gamma/ml inhibited it by 54.4 and 22.6 per cent respectively. Therefore, when the above antibiotics were used in combination with furacillin the inhibitory effect of the drugs on the protein synthesis was summarized. When furacillin was combined with tetracycline or levomycetin in the above concentrations, the inhibitory effect on RNA synthesis (42 or 32 per cent respectively) was lower than that of furacillin alone (50.5 per cent). When furacillin was used in combination with neomycin, the inhibition of RNA synthesis increased up to 69 per cent. The increase in the inhibitory effect was also noted with respect to the synthesis of DNA. Combination of furacillin with tetracycline, levomycetin or neomhcin decreased the synthesis of DNA by 79.7, 85 or 85.8 per cent respectively as compared to the inhibitory effect of 8 gamma/ml of furacillin equal to 61 per cent.  相似文献   

研究昆虫种群的空间结构可分为下列三个层次,即田间集团分布,地理分布和猖獗区的分布。伊藤正春(1959)曾提出这三种空间结构层次与时间上的联系,即(1)世代内构成种群的个体在其栖息场所内的分布,称为Intra-generation range。(2)世代间种群的季节性生境转移所造成的水平分布及垂直分布,称为Generation range。(3)年代间种群猖獗的常发区或偶发区的地理分布,称为Inter-generation range。  相似文献   

昆虫神经毒素的研究:各种神经毒剂引起毒素的产生   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
用五类(七种)神经毒性的杀虫药剂,对美洲(虫非)蠊测定了它们能否引起血淋巴中毒素的产生。DDT、溴氰菊酯及六六六均能引起血淋巴中毒素的产生,而E605、西维因、巴丹及杀虫脒均无此效果。纸层析及薄层层析,用标准样品(酪氨酸、酪胺、苯乙胺、L-亮氨酸及异戊胺)作比较,测定了这一产生的血淋巴中的毒素乃是酪胺,或主要是酪胺。增效试验,证明了杀虫脒与DDT或溴氰菊酯合用时,能增加酪胺的产量。讨论了这一毒素产生的条件,以及这一毒素有可能不是单一成分,而是几种单胺及氨基酸的复合物,但酪胺为其主要成分。  相似文献   

Field experiments on the control of blowflies have been carried out at a large slaughter-house which was heavily infested both by flies breeding on the premises and by those attracted from surrounding districts.
The control of breeding by admixture of a larvicide with slaughter-house refuse proved to be impracticable. Although a single treatment of the surface of refuse was ineffective, daily applications of DDT or BHC markedly reduced the degree of infestation and killed some emerging adults.
The introduction of a scheme for rotational storage and collection of refuse and a general improvement in sanitary conditions, together with a daily application of 5% DDT dust to refuse and nearby vegetation, resulted in the prevention of breeding on the premises and a very considerable reduction in the adult population.
Results of experimental applications are compared with those obtained in practice using unskilled labour.  相似文献   

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