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Ewins  P. J.  Weseloh  D. V.  Groom  J. H.  Dobos  R. Z.  Mineau  P. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):39-55
In the Great Lakes, the Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) is a prominent member of the aquatic bird community, and has been used to monitor spatial and temporal trends in contaminant levels. To understand more fully contaminant loading outside the breeding season, we analysed the contents of 1298 freshly regurgitated pellets and 179 fresh faeces, collected in March and early April 1978–83, and between late December and late February 1990–91, from the vicinity of breeding colonies in Lakes Ontario and Erie, the Niagara River, Detroit River, and south-eastern parts of Lake Huron. Most adult Herring Gulls from the Great Lakes population winter in these areas, but there is no published account of their food habits other than during the breeding season. Most pellets from colonies close to large urban centres contained remains of garbage, as well as various fish species. Small mammals, notably Deer Mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) dominated the early spring diet at Lake Huron colonies near agricultural areas. At all other sites fish predominated in pellets and faeces, but garbage items were also recorded regularly. The species of fish consumed varied regionally, probably reflecting local availability. In Lake Ontario, Rainbow Smelt (Osmerus mordax) and Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) occurred most frequently in samples, whereas Freshwater Drum (Aplodinotus grunniens) was the main fish prey in Lake Erie and the Detroit River. Dietary differences were apparent between years, within seasons, and amongst areas. While these may have reflected some real differences in food availability, interpretation of these results was confounded by various biases inherent in the sampling of pellets and faeces to determine diet in such an opportunistic species. Therefore, it would be unwise to draw rigid conclusions as to regional or seasonal differences in the diets of piscivorous birds, based upon analyses of diet from only a small sample of sites or years. Herring Gulls appear to feed mainly on fish and garbage in winter and early spring on the lower Great Lakes (much as during the breeding season), but any locally abundant food source is probably exploited opportunistically.  相似文献   

In a world of growing anthropogenic pressures on biodiversity, effective indicators need to be specific and sensitive to the pressures in the ecosystem concerned, yet be simple enough to be interpreted by non-experts and straightforward enough to facilitate routine monitoring. Globally, seabirds are under increasing pressure as a result of anthropogenic activities and environmental variation. Traditionally, seabird indicators have been based on abundance at breeding colonies. However, as many species do not reach sexual maturity for several years, and may not attend the colony over this time period, such indicators may fail to capture the ecological complexity of the system concerned.We constructed two indicators of the state of nine seabird species that breed along the UK coast of the North Sea: (i) abundance of seabirds at breeding colonies, and (ii) probability of seabird breeding failure. The indicators were significantly and strongly correlated with each other for eight out of nine species, but the abundance indicator typically lagged the indicator on seabird breeding failure by two to three years. We then considered a third indicator which compared kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) breeding success to the levels expected given the underlying environmental conditions; changes in the abundance indicator also lagged this by three years. We investigate how sensitive each of these indicators was to the impacts of fishing. We found that the species which had seen the greatest increases in breeding failure rate over the study period were those species which were most sensitive to fisheries pressure.By focussing on demographic parameters, and correcting for the underlying environmental conditions, we can detect potentially important population level changes at an earlier stage than by focussing on abundance alone. These indicators are able to more accurately capture the complexity of the ecosystem concerned and can be readily interpreted by policy-makers.  相似文献   

The Príncipe Autonomous Region is recognised as a marine biodiversity hotspot, although little is known about the status of its marine fauna. It holds most breeding seabirds of the tropical eastern Atlantic Ocean. Based on anecdotal accounts of increased fishing and seabird harvesting, regular monitoring of seabird populations is considered a priority. Therefore, a survey of Príncipe’s seabird colonies was conducted in 2017. The results revealed that the more accessible seabird colonies have disappeared. Around Príncipe, Boné de Joquei is the present main stronghold for Brown Boobies Sula leucogaster and White-tailed Tropicbirds Phaethon lepturus. The Tinhosas islands hold an estimated 300 000 seabirds, predominantly Sooty Terns Onychoprion fuscatus, but also Brown Boobies, Black Noddies Anous minutus and Brown Noddies Anous stolidus. Long-term multi-annual monitoring is needed to understand the breeding phenology of each species and to better assess population trends. Ensuring a protective status for both Tinhosas and the seabirds under national legislation is a key priority for future conservation policy in São Tomé and Príncipe.  相似文献   

From 1987 until 1995, life-history traits of the Lesser Sheathbill Chionis minor in the Kerguelen Archipelago were compared with those at other localities, where this species breeds in seabird colonies. At Kerguelen Island only, some pairs breed on shores free of penguin and cormorant colonies. Moreover, pairs, including nonbreeders, and solitary individuals maintain territories all the year round. Site and mate changes were not linked, and all divorces were permanent. Fidelity rates were similar in all localities and so were the annual survival rates of adults. The survival rate of immature individuals was highest at Kerguelen Island, where sheathbills laid smaller clutches, produced fewer fledglings and had lower breeding success than in the other islands. At Kerguelen Island, pairs breeding on shores had similar clutch sizes but fledged fewer offspring than those breeding in seabird colonies. Further, the proportion of vacant territories and nonbreeders was higher on shores. Kerguelen sheathbills devoted less time to food acquisition than those on Marion Island, being exceptionally kleptoparasitic, and spent a smaller part of their foraging time exploiting seabird colonies. Their diet was mainly algae. The differences on Kerguelen Island as compared with other localities were caused by the presence of an extensive intertidal zone on the former, which reduced competition, making many more sites suitable and the environment more predictable. These life-history and behavioural traits are discussed in relation to life-history theory. As differences were also found, although less extensive, within the Kerguelen Archipelago, we suggest that some traits represent an adaptive response to external constraints and that the life-history strategy of the Lesser Sheathbill is particularly opportunistic.  相似文献   


The Westland petrel (Procellaria westlandica) is an endemic New Zealand species and one of the very few burrowing seabird species still breeding on mainland New Zealand. It nests only on a series of coastal ridgelines near to Punakaiki on the West Coast of the South Island. Between 2002 and 2005, surveys were undertaken at 28 of the 29 known colonies. The area occupied by the colonies was 73 ha; most colonies had fewer than 50 burrows, but six colonies had 201–500 burrows and four colonies had more than 1000 burrows. We find that the current breeding range of Westland petrel and the location of individual colonies are similar to those reported in both the 1950s and 1970s. Based on total burrow counts at 28 colonies and burrow occupancy rates determined by annual monitoring, the annual breeding population is estimated to be between 2954 and 5137 breeding pairs.  相似文献   

Sylvatic plague (Yersinia pestis) is an exotic pathogen that is highly virulent in black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) and causes widespread colony losses and individual mortality rates >95%. We investigated colony spatial characteristics that may influence inter-colony transmission of plague at 3 prairie dog colony complexes in the Great Plains. The 4 spatial characteristics we considered include: colony size, Euclidean distance to nearest neighboring colony, colony proximity index, and distance to nearest drainage (dispersal) corridor. We used multi-state mark–recapture models to determine the relationship between these colony characteristics and probability of plague transmission among prairie dog colonies. Annual mapping of colonies and mark–recapture analyses of disease dynamics in natural colonies led to 4 main results: 1) plague outbreaks exhibited high spatial and temporal variation, 2) the site of initiation of epizootic plague may have substantially influenced the subsequent inter-colony spread of plague, 3) the long-term effect of plague on individual colonies differed among sites because of how individuals and colonies were distributed, and 4) colony spatial characteristics were related to the probability of infection at all sites although the relative importance and direction of relationships varied among sites. Our findings suggest that conventional prairie dog conservation management strategies, including promoting large, highly connected colonies, may need to be altered in the presence of plague. © 2011 The Wildlife Society  相似文献   

Within the past several decades, seabird populations have been actively restored in locales where they were reduced or extirpated. Chick translocation, acoustic vocalization playbacks, and decoys are now used widely to lure breeding seabirds to restoration sites. In this first worldwide review of seabird restoration projects we evaluate the factors affecting project success or failure and recommend future directions for management. We identified 128 active restoration projects that were implemented to protect 47 seabird species in 100 locales spanning 14 countries since active restoration methods were pioneered in 1973. Active seabird restoration can achieve conservation goals for threatened and endangered species, and for species affected by anthropogenic impacts (e.g., oil spills, invasive species, fisheries). It also can be used to relocate populations from undesired breeding locales to more favorable locations, and to establish multiple breeding locations to reduce risks posed by catastrophic events. Active restoration can help to restore ecological processes, as large seabird colonies function to cycle marine nutrients to terrestrial ecosystems and create habitats for commensal species. Active restoration is especially appropriate where the original causes of decline are no longer working to suppress colony establishment and growth. Successful restoration efforts require careful planning and long-term commitments. We introduce the different forms of active seabird restoration techniques, review their utility for different seabird species, and use case studies to suggest how to optimize this technique to restore seabird species globally. Wildlife managers can use this review to guide their seabird restoration projects in the planning, implementation, and monitoring stages; tailor their restoration to seabird-specific life histories; and identify areas for further research to improve restoration utility in the future. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Invasive ants are a significant conservation concern and can have far-reaching effects in ecosystems they invade. We used the experimental control of ant numbers on two pairs of small (<5 ha) offshore islets dominated by either the big-headed ant, Pheidole megacephala or the tropical fire ant, Solenopsis geminata to investigate the influence of these species on seabird hatching success, fledging success and weight. Limited unpublished observations of both ant species attacking nesting seabirds exist, but the frequency of attacks or how they affect seabird growth and survival are unknown. Island-wide treatments with hydramethylnon resulted in the eradication of P. megacephala and the temporary reduction of S. geminata densities. No difference in hatching success, growth, or fledging success of Wedge-tailed Shearwaters (Puffinus pacificus), a common colonial nesting seabird in the Hawaiian Islands was observed on the pair of islets dominated by P. megacephala. On islets dominated by S. geminata, ant control resulted in a temporary increase in fledging success. Injury frequency increased dramatically on the untreated islet (8.3–100%) while remaining the same on the treated islet (27–38%). Severely injured chicks (i.e., chicks that lost >20% of tissue on their feet) weighed significantly less than uninjured chicks and did not fledge. It is unclear if the chicks were being preyed upon or stung in defense of nearby ant colonies. Radical changes in invasive ant populations have been noted, and booming ant populations could cause short-term, but widespread damage to seabird colonies. The negative effects of invasive ants on seabirds may be difficult to detect, and therefore unknown or underestimated throughout the world where the two groups overlap.  相似文献   

Variation in the phenology of avian taxa has long been studied to understand how a species reacts to environmental changes over both space and time. Penguins (Sphenicidae) serve as an important example of how biotic and abiotic factors influence certain stages of seabird phenology because of their large ranges and the extreme, dynamic conditions present in their Southern Ocean habitats. Here, we examined the phenology of gentoo (Pygoscelis papua) and chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis antarctica) at 17 sites across the Scotia arc, including the first documented monitoring of phenology on the South Sandwich Islands, to determine which breeding phases are intrinsic, or rather vary across a species range and between years. We used a novel method to measure seabird breeding phenology and egg and chick survival: time‐lapse cameras. Contrary to the long‐standing theory that these phases are consistent between colonies, we found that latitude and season had a predominant influence on the length of the nest establishment, incubation, and guard durations. We observe a trend toward longer incubation times occurring farther south, where ambient temperatures are colder, which may indicate that exposure to cold slows embryo growth. Across species, in colonies located farther south, parents abandoned nests later when eggs were lost or chicks died and the latest record of eggs or chicks in the nest occurred earlier during the breeding period. The variation in both space and time observed in penguin phenology provides evidence that the duration of phases within the annual cycle of birds is not fundamental, or genetic, as previously understood. Additionally, the recorded phenology dates should inform field researchers on the best timing to count colonies at the peak of breeding, which is poorly understood.  相似文献   

Many of the UK’s seabird species have displayed high variation in breeding success since the 1980s, largely due to changes in the availability of Lesser Sandeels Ammodytes marinus, their main prey. During this time, Arctic Skuas Stercorarius parasiticus experienced a rapid decline in the UK and the species has subsequently been placed on the Red List of birds of conservation concern. Although shortage of Lesser Sandeels is likely to be an influential factor, the Arctic Skua’s breeding range overlaps with that of the Great Skua Stercorarius skua, a larger bird with a more varied diet, and interspecific interactions for nesting habitat may exert an additional pressure on Arctic Skua breeding populations. Results from four censuses, spanning 21 years, were used to model habitat use and analyse distributional change in nesting Arctic Skuas at a major colony located on Fetlar, Shetland, Scotland. The decline in Arctic Skuas was not uniform across the island and competition with Great Skuas for nest‐sites appears to have influenced localized breeding distribution. By 2006, Arctic Skuas had been almost entirely excluded from shrub heath, blanket bog and coastal heath habitats, which were identified as preferred habitat in 1986. In 2006, Arctic Skua breeding territories were mainly restricted to one core area of preferred habitat where over 90% nested in high density as this habitat became increasingly occupied by Great Skuas. The more generalist foraging habit of the Great Skua allowed the population to grow rapidly as numbers of the more specialist Arctic Skua decreased during times of low sandeel availability. Our model suggests that both interspecific competition for territories with Great Skuas and food limitation have played important roles in the decline of Arctic Skuas on Fetlar.  相似文献   

Invasive species are the main threat to island biodiversity; seabirds are particularly vulnerable and are one of the most threatened groups of birds. Gough Island, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the South Atlantic Ocean, is an Important Bird and Biodiversity Area, and one of the most important seabird colonies globally. Invasive House Mice Mus musculus depredate eggs and chicks of most seabird species on the island, but the extent of their impact has not been quantified. We used field data and bootstrapped normal distributions to estimate breeding success and the number of surviving chicks for 10 seabird species on Gough Island, and compared estimates with those of analogous species from predator‐free islands. We examined the effects of season and nest‐site location on the breeding success of populations on Gough Island, predicting that the breeding success of Gough birds would be lower than that of analogues, particularly among small burrow‐nesting species. We also predicted that winter‐breeding species would exhibit lower breeding success than summer‐breeding species, because mice have fewer alternative food sources in winter; and below‐ground nesters would have lower breeding success than surface nesters, as below‐ground species are smaller so their chicks are easier prey for mice. We did indeed find that seabirds on Gough Island had low breeding success compared with analogues, losing an estimated 1 739 000 (1 467 000–2 116 000) eggs/chicks annually. Seven of the 10 focal species on Gough Island had particularly high chick mortality and may have been subject to intense mouse predation. Below‐ground and winter breeders had lower breeding success than surface‐ and summer‐breeders. MacGillivray's Prion Pachyptila macgillivrayi, Atlantic Petrel Pterodroma incerta and Tristan Albatross Diomedea dabbenena are endemic or near‐endemic to Gough Island and are likely to be driven to extinction if invasive mice are not removed.  相似文献   

Given that 29% of seabird species are threatened with extinction, protecting seabird colonies on offshore islands is a global conservation priority. Seabirds are vulnerable to non‐native predator invasions, which reduce or eliminate colonies. Accordingly, conservation efforts have focused on predator eradication. However, affected populations are often left to passively recover following eradications. Although seabirds are highly mobile, their life history traits such as philopatry can limit passive recolonization of newly predator‐free habitat. In such cases, seabird colonies can potentially be re‐instated with active restoration via chick translocations or social attraction methods, which can be risky and expensive. We used biogeographic and species‐specific behavioral data in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand, a global hotspot of seabird diversity and predator eradications, to illustrate the use of geographic information systems multi‐criteria decision analysis to prioritize islands for active seabird restoration. We identified nine islands with low observed passive recovery of seabirds posteradication over a 50‐year timeframe, and classified these as sites where active seabird management could be prioritized. Such spatially explicit tools are flexible, allowing for managers to choose case‐specific criteria such as time, funding, and goals constrained for their conservation needs. Furthermore, this flexibility can also be applied to threatened species management by customizing the decision criteria for individual species' capacity to passively recolonize islands. On islands with complex restoration challenges, decision tools that help island restoration practitioners decide whether active seabird management should be paired with eradication can optimize restoration outcomes and ecosystem recovery.  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal variation in survival may be an important driver of multi‐population dynamics in many wild animal species, yet few scientific studies have addressed this issue, primarily due to a lack of sufficiently comprehensive and detailed datasets. Synchrony in survival rates among different, often distant, subpopulations appears to be common, caused by spatially correlated environmental conditions or by movement of animals from different sites such that their ranges overlap. Many seabird populations are effectively isolated during the breeding season because colonies are widely separated, but over the winter, birds disperse widely and there may be much mixing between different populations. The non‐breeding season is also the period of main mortality for seabirds. Using mark–recapture and ring‐recovery data, we tested for spatial, temporal and age‐related correlations in survival of Common Guillemots Uria aalge among three widely separated Scottish colonies that have varying overlap in their overwintering distributions. Survival was highly correlated over time for colonies/age‐classes sharing wintering areas and, except in 2004, was essentially uncorrelated for those with separate wintering areas. These results strongly suggest that one or more aspects of the winter environment are responsible for spatiotemporal variation in survival of British Guillemots, and provide insight into the factors driving large‐scale population dynamics of the species.  相似文献   

The Caspian tern (Hydroprogne caspia) is a globally distributed seabird that breeds throughout North America, generally in low numbers. Many colonies are threatened by habitat loss and pollution. Additionally, adult terns compete directly with salmonid stocking programs on the west coast, where a large proportion of the fish they feed their young are stocked salmon smolts. North America colonies have been classified into five ‘breeding groups’ based on banding data and geography. To help delineate effective management units, we characterized variation in mitochondrial DNA (488 base pair fragment of cytochrome b) and five microsatellite loci among 111 terns from six sites representing three of the North American breeding areas. We found significant range-wide population differentiation (cytochrome b: global ΦST = 0.12, P < 0.01; microsatellites: global FST = 0.094, P < 0.001). Pacific Coast sites differed genetically from sites east of the Rocky Mountains, and sites in Central Canada differed from those in the Great Lakes region. Gene flow among these three regions appears to be restricted. Thus, our results indicate that at least three of the breeding regions delineated using banding data and geography should be treated as separate management units.  相似文献   

The increasing use of, and visits to, isolated territories by people (especially tourists) enables the investigation of how biodiversity reacts to evolutionarily novel pressures. We explored the behavioural reaction of a breeding seabird species, the Brown Noddy Anous stolidus, to our repeated visits at two study sites in the Chesterfield Islands, a newly classified reserve in the Coral Sea Natural Park. Repeated measures of flight-initiation distances (FIDs) at three sites and over time suggest that human visitations induced both a spatial phenotypical sorting or learning of individuals and a temporal habituation. In light of the novel ‘Sit and Defend’ mode of avian nest defence, the study finally provides the first dataset of FIDs for this species, and highlights management opportunities that could arise from the replication of such an approach to other breeding seabirds and therefore the conservation of remote island ecosystems.  相似文献   

Telemetry has become an important method for studying the biology and ecology of animals. However, the impact of tracking devices and their method of attachment on different species across multiple temporal scales has seldom been assessed. We compared the behavioural and demographic responses of two species of seabird, Lesser Black‐backed Gull Larus fuscus and Great Skua Stercorarius skua, to a GPS device attached using a crossover wing harness. We used telemetry information and monitoring of breeding colonies to compare birds equipped with a device and harness, and control birds without an attachment. We assessed whether tagged birds have lower short‐term breeding productivity or lower longer term overwinter return rates (indicative of overwinter survival) than controls. For Great Skua, we also assessed whether territory attendance within the breeding season differed between tagged and control birds. As with previous studies on Lesser Black‐backed Gull, we found no short‐term impacts on breeding productivity or long‐term impacts on overwinter return rates. For Great Skua, there was no evidence for impacts of the device and harness on territory attendance or breeding productivity. However, as found by a previous study of Great Skuas using a different (body) harness design, there was strong evidence of reduced overwinter return rates. Consequently, a device attached using a wing harness was considered suitable for long‐term deployment on Lesser Black‐backed Gulls, but not on Great Skuas. These findings will inform the planning of future tracking studies.  相似文献   

We examine the provisioning constraints of a pursuit‐diving seabird in a cold ocean regime by comparing the behaviour of common murres Uria aalge rearing chicks at two colonies in the Northwest Atlantic during 1998‐2000. Funk Island is the largest (340,000–400,000 breeding pairs) and most offshore (60 km) colony of common murres in eastern Canada. Seventy‐five percent of the Northwest Atlantic population of common murres breeds on this island. Great Island is one island within the Witless Bay Ecological Reserve, which is the second largest breeding aggregation (100 000 breeding pairs) and is located near‐shore (2 km). The primary forage fish species in Newfoundland waters is capelin Mallotus villosus, which spawns on or near coastal beaches during summer. Therefore, the two study colonies differ in their distance to food resources and colony size. It is within this natural context that we compare: (1) prey types and frequency of delivery (amount of prey), (2) parental time budgets, and (3) the mass and condition (mass/wing length) of fledglings at both colonies. Similarly sized female capelin (100–150 mm) were delivered to chicks at both colonies. Foraging time per day per parent, a proxy of foraging effort, was similar at both colonies (Great Island: 5.1 h; Funk Island: 5.5 h), as was the percentage of time spent with mates (Great Island: 12.3%; Funk Island: 10.9%). Foraging trips, however, were longer at Funk Island (4.1 h) than at Great Island (2.9 h). This resulted in lower feeding rates of chicks (0.17 feeds per h) and poorer condition of fledglings (2.9 g/mm) at Funk Island compared to those at Great Island (0.22 feeds per h; 3.9 g/mm). We hypothesize that provisioning efforts are constrained at Funk Island by (1) distant food resources and increased competitor density, resulting in longer foraging trip durations and (2) the time spent paired with mates at the colony, which may reflect a minimum time required to maintain breeding sites due to higher breeding densities at Funk Island compared to Great Island. Demographic consequences of this poor fledgling condition at Funk Island are unknown, but fledglings may sufficiently accelerate growth at sea due to their closer proximity to an important nursery area. If fledgling survival is compromised, however, the lower potential for growth at Funk Island will impact the entire Northwest Atlantic population of common murres.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Some populations of western burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) have declined in recent decades. To design and implement effective recovery efforts, we need a better understanding of how distribution and demographic traits are influenced by habitat quality. To this end, we measured spatial patterns of burrowing owl breeding habitat selection within black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) colonies in northeastern Wyoming, USA. We compared burrow-, site-, colony-, and landscape-scale habitat parameters between burrowing owl nest burrows (n = 105) and unoccupied burrows (n = 85). We sampled 4 types of prairie dog colonies: 1) owl-occupied, active with prairie dogs (n = 16); 2) owl-occupied, inactive (n = 13); 3) owl-unoccupied, active (n = 14); and 4) owl-unoccupied, inactive (n = 14). We used an information-theoretic approach to examine a set of candidate models of burrowing owl nest-site selection. The model with the most support included variables at all 4 spatial scales, and results were consistent among the 4 types of prairie dog colonies. Nest burrows had longer tunnels, more available burrows within 30 m, and less shrub cover within 30 m, more prairie dog activity within 100 m, and were closer to water than unoccupied burrows. The model correctly classified 76% of cases, all model coefficients were stable, and the model had high predictive ability. Based on our results, we recommend actions to ensure persistence of the remaining prairie dog colonies as an important management strategy for burrowing owl conservation in the Great Plains of North America.  相似文献   

The Tinhosas islands, in São Tomé e Príncipe, host the most important seabird breeding colony in the Gulf of Guinea, but information on its conservation status was hitherto unpublished or anecdotal, the last assessment having been performed in 1997. A two-day expedition to the Tinhosas islands was undertaken to estimate the status of breeding seabirds in 2013. Four of the five seabird species known to breed in São Tomé e Príncipe, namely Brown Booby Sula leucogaster, Sooty Tern Onychoprion fuscatus, Brown Noddy Anous stolidus and Black Noddy Anous minutus, occur on the Tinhosas. A decrease of 80% in Brown Booby numbers, possibly due to occasional exploitation, and a 30% increase in Sooty Tern and Black Noddy numbers, were found compared to 1997 data although survey methods differed. Breeding of Brown Noddy and Madeiran Storm-petrel Hydrobates castro remains unconfirmed. Our estimates confirmed that BirdLife International Important Bird and Biodiversity Area criteria are met for at least one species, the Sooty Tern. The islands are not legally protected, nonetheless, apart from moderate levels of disturbance by fishermen who land on Tinhosa Grande, no alien species were seen, and no immediate threats to the Tinhosas colony were detected. Multiple visits within and between years are recommended, to census breeders, monitor threats and establish breeding phenologies.  相似文献   

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