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大型水母幼体生长的影响因子研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪以来,中国东、黄海,韩国西海岸以及日本海连年发生大型水母暴发现象,对海洋渔业的生产活动以及海洋生态系统带来巨大的影响。水母暴发形成机制非常复杂,解释其发生机理并有效预报是目前急待解决的问题。大型水母的生活史中有明显的世代交替现象,受精卵,浮浪幼虫,螅状体,足囊,横裂体到碟状体的幼体发育阶段属无性世代,幼蜇发育到成蜇阶段属有性世代。在早期生活史中,螅状体的足囊繁殖与横裂生殖是大型水母无性繁殖的重要方式,对其成体的数量形成至关重要。综述了国内外有关温度、盐度、光以及营养条件对大型水母早期发育阶段的影响研究进展,研究表明温度是影响螅状体发育以及足囊繁殖和横裂生殖的最主要的环境因子;盐度、光和营养条件在适温范围内,均对螅状体和横裂生殖有一定的影响,其上下限随水母种类和发育阶段有所变化。展望了大型水母早期幼体研究的发展趋势,如环境因子对不同种类的大型水母幼体生长机理的影响、多个环境因子对幼体的综合作用、动态的环境因子与大型水母幼体之间的关系等。  相似文献   

通过对海蜇(Rhopilema esculentum)胚胎发育和足囊萌发进行连续观察,发现海蜇四触手螅状体存在2种形成方式:第一种方式为海蜇受精卵在水温(26±1)℃条件下经6 h发育到浮浪幼虫期,浮浪幼虫25 h后经过杯状体阶段,变态发育成四触手螅状体,进入附着生活阶段;第二种方式为足囊在适宜条件下萌发,首先形成杯状...  相似文献   

鲁男  刘春洋  郭平 《生态学报》1989,9(4):304-309
在室内控制条件下,盐度为2—31.42‰范围内,本文就盐度对海蜇(Rhopilema esculenta Kishinouye)浮浪幼虫、螅状幼体、碟状幼体和幼水母的生长、发育、变态及成活的影响进行实验研究,发现浮浪幼虫生存的盐度下限为12‰;螅状幼体生存的盐度下限为10‰;最适盐度范围为14—20‰;碟状幼体生存的盐度下限为8‰,最适盐度范围为14—20‰;幼水母生存的盐度下限为8‰。 作者根据近15年辽东湾北部主要河流的淡水注入量,海蜇产量及本实验数据,结合辽东湾曾出现过三次大减产现象分析,认为前一年夏、秋季海蜇生殖季节河流淡水注入量过多,使河口附近海蜇浮浪幼虫和螅状幼体的栖息水域盐度聚降,导致浮浪幼虫和螅状幼体毁灭性死亡,是造成海蜇资源锐减的主要原因。作者并提出采取人工培育螅状幼体,选择合适水域进行放流以补充海蜇资源,是海蜇渔业稳定和增产的主要途径。  相似文献   

记录了中国产信阳桃花水母(Craspedacusta xinyangensis)的生活史及各阶段主要发育特征。25~28℃条件下,卵受精23h后发育成长0.14~0.21mm的圆棍状浮浪幼虫,养殖环境下,浮浪幼虫在水中漂浮3~5d后固定到人工玻璃底质上,3~4d后发育成长度0.3~0.6mm的螅状体。水螅体产生无纤毛的类浮浪幼虫形成新的螅状体。一个螅状体成熟后产生一个水母芽,新释放的幼水母具有16只触手。  相似文献   

孙明  邢勤旺  王佳晗  段妍  李楠  柴雨  董婧 《生态学报》2018,38(18):6749-6758
20世纪末以来,沙蜇在东亚水域频繁暴发,不仅影响正常的渔业生产活动,也给海洋生态系统健康带来极大危害。在室内模拟秋季降温条件,研究了不同水温(4种降温条件)与饵料量(0.42、1.25、和4.2 μg C螅状体-1d-1)对沙蜇螅状体足囊繁殖与横裂生殖的影响。结果显示:1)秋季降温速度快慢导致的积温差异对沙蜇螅状体生成足囊数有显著影响(P < 0.001),积温越大,螅状体生成的足囊数量越多,发现两者具有较好的线性关系(y=142.59x+208.39;R2=0.967),低积温条件下的足囊萌发也较少;2)饵料量对螅状体无性繁殖的影响是有一定阈值范围的,在一定饵料量范围内,螅状体生成的足囊数量随饵料量的增加而增加,而超过一定阈值范围,过剩的饵料影响水质对沙蜇螅状体反而产生负面影响。3)秋季新繁育出来的当龄沙蜇螅状体可在越冬前发生横裂生殖,但横裂生殖的螅状体比例和放碟数量均较少。试验结果说明,全球变化背景下,积温升高、饵料量小幅增加均可能导致沙蜇秋季有性繁殖的当龄螅状体在越冬前生成更多的足囊,促进诱发翌年水母暴发。  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜、透射电镜和蛋白银染色等方法研究了海蜇胚胎发育和变态过程中细胞超微结构变化。结果显示: (1)海蜇自受精卵至原肠期阶段细胞均等分裂, 细胞间存在大量连接, 细胞形态相近, 未出现显著分化; (2)海蜇自早期浮浪游虫阶段, 其外胚层细胞开始出现空泡化, 至4触手螅状体阶段外胚层细胞空泡体积逐渐增大, 而内胚层细胞仅在4触手螅状体阶段才出现空泡化。伴随着外胚层细胞空泡化比例的增大, 杯状体和4触手螅状体阶段出现疑似凋亡小体结构; (3)刺细胞分化于早期浮浪游虫期的外胚层近中胶层区域, 而后逐渐向外转移, 至4触手螅状体阶段发育成熟并转移至表面; (4)纤毛形成于早期浮浪幼虫, 在杯状体阶段逐渐退化, 并于4触手螅状体阶段完全消失; (5)在海蜇早期发育各个阶段, 其内部均发现大量着色较深的卵黄体, 且在浮浪游虫阶段首次发现了海蜇外层细胞主动吞噬细菌现象, 表明海蜇早期发育营养来自内源性和外源性两部分。研究结果可为阐明刺胞动物早期发育模式提供依据。  相似文献   

白色霞水母生活史的实验室观察   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
董婧  刘春洋  王燕青  王彬 《动物学报》2006,52(2):389-395
本文首次描述了白色霞水母从受精卵至碟状体的生活史。(1)包括受精卵、卵裂、囊胚以及浮浪幼虫等在内的胚胎发育各期均在开放的水体中,在20·8 -21·4℃浮浪幼虫于受精后14 h出现; (2)浮浪幼虫在定置前形成一种凸面的圆形浮浪幼体囊,除了浮浪体囊外,螅状体还可产生足囊和通过产生匍匐茎形成囊胞进而发育成新的螅状体; (3)尽管偶而产生2个碟状体但仍为典型的单碟型横裂; (4)新释放的碟状幼体绝大多数为8个缘叶, 8个感觉棍和8对钝圆的缘瓣,但畸形个体最多12个,最少6个缘叶; (5)雌雄个体间的交互作用对产卵和受精是非常重要的因子[动物学报52 (2) : 389 -395 , 2006]。  相似文献   

环境因子对海月水母螅状体存活与繁殖的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以我国黄渤海主要致灾大型水母海月水母的螅状体为实验材料,采用实验生态学方法研究了温度、盐度、光照强度、饵料量对其存活与繁殖的影响。结果表明,在0—25℃范围内,螅状体40 d的成活率均为100%,螅状体相对繁殖速度随温度的升高而增加;盐度在15—40范围内,螅状体40 d的成活率均为100%,盐度22.5组的螅状体相对繁殖速度最高,但盐度对螅状体种群数量影响不显著;螅状体相对繁殖速度随光照强度的增加而下降,黑暗条件有利于海月水母螅状体个体数量增加;螅状体相对繁殖速度随饵料量的增加而增加。研究结果说明海月水母螅状体对环境具有较强的适应性,水温升高、饵料量增加可导致海月水母螅状体种群数量快速增加。  相似文献   

以巴布亚硝水母(Mastigias papua)为研究对象,观察了水螅体无性生殖产生类浮浪幼虫胞芽、类浮浪幼虫胞芽变态发育为水螅体、水螅体横裂产生碟状体以及碟状体发育为水母体的过程和形态变化。25℃时类浮浪幼虫胞芽经过93 h后变态发育为水螅体。换用带有虫黄藻的天然海水并将培养温度从25℃升至27℃后,水螅体开始横裂,萼部触手环下方产生缢痕。水螅体横裂开始47 h后,缢痕更加明显,其上方部分发育为碟状幼体,后期碟状体搏动越来越频繁,最后释放。释放后的碟状体在实验室培养条件下21 d后可发育为水母幼体。巴布亚硝水母虽然只有产生类浮浪幼虫胞芽一种无性生殖方式,但繁殖速度较快,27℃时1个水螅体平均1 d可产生1.7个类浮浪幼虫胞芽,类浮浪幼虫胞芽可在3或4 d的短时间内附着变态。  相似文献   

海月水母是全球近岸海域的主要致灾水母种类之一,其螅状体的繁殖情况与种群数量是影响水母暴发的重要因素.采用实验生态学的方法分别研究了高温(21 ℃)和低温(12 ℃)条件下,不同盐度梯度对螅状体存活与无性繁殖的影响.结果表明: 高温条件下,盐度15~40时螅状体存活率均大于90%,适合出芽生殖盐度范围为20~32,其中28为最适盐度;在低盐(≤15)或高盐(≥36)环境下,螅状体会进行足囊生殖以度过不良环境条件. 低温条件下,20~40盐度组螅状体存活率均大于90%,20~32盐度组适于螅状体出芽生殖,其中28盐度组出芽生殖效率最高;20~40盐度适于横裂生殖,其中28~32盐度组最利于螅状体横裂生殖. 说明海月水母螅状体有较强的盐度耐受性,一定范围内盐度对螅状体无性生殖影响不显著.  相似文献   

The continuous changes in the number of newly established polyps of Aurelia aurita (L.) on settling plates under natural conditions were observed from August 1998 to September 1999 in Tokyo Bay, Japan. A sharp decline in survivorship of newly settled polyps was observed within the first few days, however, survivorship of polyps settled in October increased by budding up to 399% after two months. The number of discs in each strobila varied from 1 to 6, however, most of the strobilae formed single discs. The percentage ratios of the total number of ephyrae to the initial number of polyps on settling plates were generally lower than 10%, but the highest ratio of 594.4% was estimated for the polyps settled in October. It is considered that most of the liberated ephyrae originate from the polyps settled in October in Tokyo Bay. This study suggests that the occurrence of ripe medusae with planula larvae throughout the year contributes to the success of settlement and growth of the polyp stage in Tokyo Bay.  相似文献   

Adult medusae of Carukia barnesi were collected near Double Island, North Queensland Australia. From 73 specimens, 8 males and 15 females spawned under laboratory conditions. These gametes were artificially mixed which resulted in fertilized eggs. Post fertilization, most eggs developed to an encapsulated planula stage and then paused for between six days and six months prior to hatching as ciliated planulae. The paused stage planulae were negatively buoyant and adhered to substrate. The first planula was produced six days post fertilization, lacked larval ocelli, remained stationary, or moved very slowly for two days prior to metamorphosis into primary polyps. Mature polyps reproduced through asexual reproduction via lateral budding producing ciliated swimming polyps, which in turn settled and developed into secondary polyps. Medusae production for this species was in the form of monodisc strobilation, which left behind polyps able to continue asexual reproduction.  相似文献   

Survival of coral planulae, and the successful settlement and healthy growth of primary polyps are critical for the dispersal of scleractinian corals and hence the recovery of degraded coral reefs. It is therefore important to explore how the warmer and more acidic oceanic conditions predicted for the future could affect these processes. This study used controlled culture to investigate the effects of a 1 °C increase in temperature and a 0.2-0.25 unit decrease in pH on the settlement and survival of planulae and the growth of primary polyps in the Tropical Eastern Pacific coral Porites panamensis. We found that primary polyp growth was reduced only marginally by more acidic seawater but the combined effect of high temperature and lowered pH caused a significant reduction in growth of primary polyps by almost a third. Elevated temperature was found to significantly reduce the amount of zooxanthellae in primary polyps, and when combined with lowered pH resulted in a significant reduction in biomass of primary polyps. However, survival and settlement of planula larvae were unaffected by increased temperature, lowered acidity or the combination of both. These results indicate that in future scenarios of increased temperature and oceanic acidity coral planulae will be able to disperse and settle successfully but primary polyp growth may be hampered. The recovery of reefs may therefore be impeded by global change even if local stressors are curbed and sufficient sources of planulae are available.  相似文献   

The present study examines (1) the cost of reproduction on colony growth, and (2) relationships among sexual maturity, whole-colony mortality rate and colony growth rate inGoniastrea aspera free from external influences by macrobenthos. Survival of colonies in permanent plots was followed for two years. Egg production by polyps in colonies collected just before the first spawning of a year was estimated by dissecting the polyps. Growth of the colonies (increase in number of polyps) was followed over one annual reproductive cycle. The cost of egg production on colony growth was apparent through colony ontogeny: (1) immature colonies had a greater annual growth rate than mature colonies, but produced almost no eggs; (2) in mature colonies, growth rate was negatively correlated with NE/PV (number of eggs per polyp volume mm-3). Annual whole-colony mortality was high in colonies with fewer than11 polyps in initial colony size, while mortality was extremely low once a colony grew beyond this size. This critical size for low whole-colony mortality was much smaller than the colony size (40 polyps) which would attain maturity one year later. Age at maturity was estimated as six years. While survival to maturity may be a selective force for the evolution of delayed maturation, the present data suggest that high colony fecundity, achieved after a long growth period as an immature colony, and an abrupt decrease of colony growth rate after maturation are the crucial forces.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic study of an 18-day-old planulae and primary polyps of the sea pen, Ptilosarcus gurneyi, reveals 14 cell types: sustentacular cell A, sustentacular cell B, nerve cell, sensory cell, cnidoblast, interstitial cell, five types of gland cell (A, B, C, D and E), amoebocyte, style cell and endodermal cell. Of these, 9 are found in the planula, 12 in polyps and 7 are common to both stages. The fine structure of all cell types is described. Since the planulae and polyps in this study were identical in age of development, the gaining and losing of certain types of cells in the polyp are attributed to changes associated with settlement and metamorphosis. Modifications of the seven common cell types during metamorphosis can also be attributed to the change of life style from pelagic to benthic.  相似文献   

The polyps of Cassiopea andromeda produce spindle shaped, freely swimming buds which do not develop a head (a mouth opening surrounded by tentacles) and a foot (a sticky plate at the opposite end) until settlement to a suited substrate. The buds, therewith, look very similar to the planula larvae produced in sexual reproduction. With respect to both, buds and planulae, several peptides and the phorbolester TPA have been found to induce the transformation into a polyp. Here it is shown that cantharidin, a serine/threonine protein phosphatase inhibitor, induces head and foot formation in buds very efficiently in a 30 min treatment, the shortest yet known efficient treatment. Some resultant polyps show malformations which indicate that a bud is ordinary polyp tissue in which preparatory steps of head and foot formation mutually block each other from proceeding. Various compounds related to the transfer of methyl groups have been shown to affect head and foot formation in larvae of the hydrozoon Hydractinia echinata. These compounds including methionine, homocysteine, trigonelline, nicotinic acid and cycloleucine are shown to also interfere with the initiation of the processes which finally lead to head and foot formation in buds of Cassiopea andromeda.  相似文献   

We examined the development of the nervous system in Aurelia (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa) from the early planula to the polyp stage using confocal and transmission electron microscopy. Fluorescently labeled anti-FMRFamide, antitaurine, and antityrosinated tubulin antibodies were used to visualize the nervous system. The first detectable FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity occurs in a narrow circumferential belt toward the anterior/aboral end of the ectoderm in the early planula. As the planula matures, the FMRFamide-immunoreactive cells send horizontal processes (i.e., neurites) basally along the longitudinal axis. Neurites extend both anteriorly/aborally and posteriorly/orally, but the preference is for anterior neurite extension, and neurites converge to form a plexus at the aboral/anterior end at the base of the ectoderm. In the mature planula, a subset of cells in the apical organ at the anterior/aboral pole begins to show FMRFamide-like and taurine-like immunoreactivity, suggesting a sensory function of the apical organ. During metamorphosis, FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity diminishes in the ectoderm but begins to occur in the degenerating primary endoderm, indicating that degenerating FMRFamide-immunoreactive neurons are taken up by the primary endoderm. FMRFamide-like expression reappears in the ectoderm of the oral disc and the tentacle anlagen of the growing polyp, indicating metamorphosis-associated restructuring of the nervous system. These observations are discussed in the context of metazoan nervous system evolution.  相似文献   

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