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不同杂种优势群玉米子粒脱水速率分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用烘干法测定170份玉米自交系的子粒的脱水速率及其相关性状,利用覆盖玉米全基因组的210对SSR标记对试验材料进行全基因组扫描,通过Structure V2.3.4软件揭示其群体结构。对不同杂种优势群平均子粒脱水速率进行方差分析,并筛选出各个类群中子粒脱水速率快的自交系。结果表明:子粒脱水速率在不同自交系间存在显著差异,与穗轴和子粒的含水率等性状间存在显著相关性。试验共筛选到子粒脱水速率大于1%的自交系20个;授粉后40 d子粒含水率低于21%的自交系10个。参试自交系分成P、旅大红骨、瑞德、兰卡斯特和唐四平头5个杂种优势群;授粉后40 d子粒脱水速率依次是瑞德群0.92%、兰卡斯特群0.85%、旅大红骨群0.82%、混合群0.80%、P群0.76%、唐四平头群0.56%。本文旨在通过研究不同杂种优势群玉米自交系子粒脱水速率的特性,筛选子粒脱水速率快的自交系,为选育适应机械化作业的玉米杂交种提供借鉴。  相似文献   

中国重要玉米自交系种质资源子粒性状特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
玉米子粒性状是决定玉米产量的重要因素。为了解析中国重要玉米种质资源子粒性状的遗传变异基础,本研究以具有广泛遗传多样性的627份重要玉米自交系为材料,运用相关分析与逐步回归的方法,探讨了我国玉米自交系种质资源的子粒性状特征。结果表明,百粒体积与百粒重存在极显著正相关。逐步回归分析表明,百粒体积对百粒重表型变异的贡献高达78%。针对不同杂种优势群的子粒性状特征分析表明,粒宽对百粒体积的贡献率在瑞德、旅大红骨、兰卡斯特和P群中均为最大,贡献率在54%~71%之间。而在塘四平头类群中,粒厚和粒长的贡献率分别为45%和22%。该研究旨在为利用不同类型种质资源开展子粒性状遗传解析提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

以代表我国玉米6个主要杂种优势群旅大红骨、Lancaster、Reid、苏湾、墨白和塘四平头的标准测验种丹340、自330、7922、苏37、449、黄早四和适应我国喀斯特高海拔山区的玉米骨干自交系为材料,利用RAPD标记对其进行遗传多样性和杂种优势群划分.从90个随机引物中筛选出21个多态性好的引物扩增材料,共产生146条谱带,其中124条谱带有多态性,占86.3%,说明喀斯特高海拔山区的玉米骨干自交系具有较丰富的遗传多样性.通过UPGMA聚类分析,以遗传相似系数为0.632,可将我国喀斯特高海拔山区玉米种质资源的16个骨干自交系划分为5个类群.  相似文献   

玉米籽粒的脱水速率是决定收获期籽粒含水量的关键因素。本研究同时在新乡原阳、商丘虞城和周口郸城调查428份玉米自交系在授粉后35~55 d不同时期的籽粒脱水速率及相关农艺性状。结果表明:428份自交系的籽粒脱水速率在三地均表现出丰富的遗传多样性,与穗轴含水量、苞叶含水量呈显著相关,与籽粒含水量呈极显著相关,与穗位高、株高、雄穗分枝数、抽雄期、吐丝期无显著相关,但与苞叶数及生理成熟期的相关性并不明确;在428份玉米自交系中,授粉后35~55 d籽粒脱水速率仅与授粉后35~40 d籽粒脱水速率(生理成熟期前)存在极显著相关,与50~55 d的籽粒脱水速率(生理成熟期后)无显著相关。这表明生理成熟期前的籽粒脱水速率对授粉后35~55 d籽粒脱水速率的影响更为显著。依据生育期、授粉后35~55 d籽粒脱水速率及授粉后55 d的籽粒含水量,共筛选出生育期不同、籽粒含水量低(低于25%)、籽粒脱水速率快(大于1%)的玉米自交系共计42份。  相似文献   

研究我国玉米自交系茎秆性状特征及其多样性,是培育宜机收玉米品种的重要前提。本研究以兰卡斯特、PB、四平头、旅大红骨和瑞德五大主要类群70份主要玉米自交系为材料,调查12个茎秆相关性状(茎高、穗位高、穗位系数、茎节数、穗位节、穗节系数、穗茎长、穗茎粗、茎鲜重、茎干重、含糖量和含水量),分析性状相关性和类群多样性。结果表明,我国地方种质四平头和旅大红骨茎秆性状表型变异丰富;灌浆期玉米茎秆含水量比较稳定;玉米植株高度与茎节长度显著相关;玉米雌、雄穗节之间的节间数比较恒定;玉米茎秆含糖量与茎节长度、茎粗、果穗着生位置有关;有效降低穗位高度应从降低果穗着生节入手;类群茎秆特征鲜明:兰卡斯特茎节较少,瑞德茎秆较粗,PB茎秆较细,旅大红骨茎秆较粗、茎节较短,四平头植株较矮、茎秆含糖量较低、干物质含量较低;兰卡斯特×四平头和兰卡斯特×PB类群间存在较强的生物量及籽粒产量杂种优势;挖掘和利用茎节较长、穗位较低的玉米地方种质是我国宜机收玉米育种的技术途径。本研究结果对玉米育种具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

不同种植密度下玉米茎秆纤维性状和抗倒性相关分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以290份遗传多样性丰富的自交系为材料,研究不同种植密度下茎秆抗推力和纤维品质性状与茎秆抗倒性之间的关系;对不同杂种优势群的抗推力和纤维素含量进行多重比较,并筛选茎秆抗推力和纤维品质性状优良的自交系。结果表明:不同种植密度和不同自交系间的抗推力的显著性差异均达到显著水平。抗推力与纤维素含量在高密度和低密度条件下均呈极显著正相关关系。多重比较结果显示,高密度条件下的纤维素含量在不同类群间没有显著性差异,高密度和低密度条件下的抗推力和低密度条件下的纤维素含量存在类群间的显著性差异。不同杂种优势群中,抗推力和纤维素含量在两个密度下均表现稳定优良的自交系,瑞德群分别包括4个和3个,兰卡斯特分别包括1个和5个,P群分别包括2个和2个,旅大红骨分别包括2个和1个,塘四平头分别包括2个和1个。  相似文献   

推测187份玉米自交系基因组血统与分子亲缘关系   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
为提高育种效率以及开展重要 QTL 和关键基因关联性分析研究, 以 187 份生产上重要玉米自交系为材料, 以 70 个均匀分布于全基因组简单重复序列(SSR)基因座鉴定出的290个等位基因多态性为分析数据, 采用联合连锁位点与混合模型分析, 推测这些自交系的基因组血缘构成以及分子亲缘关系, 并分析了全基因连锁不平衡。当亚群数目 K=5 时, 导致似然值 P 明显下降, 亚群数据 K > 6 时, 似然值 P 没有明显上升, 表明群体结构的亚群数 K 最佳推测为 6。六个亚群分别为 PA、BSSS (含 Reid)、PB、兰卡斯特 (Lancaster)、旅大红骨 (旅大红骨及其衍生系)、四平头 (唐四平头及其衍生系)。亚群间的Kullback-Leibler 距离自 0.13 至 1.06 不等, 平均为 0.599, 各亚群间区分度较好。全基因组连锁不平衡(LD)分析表明: 与四平头种质类群内相比, 遗传基础宽泛种质的基因组内存在 LD"区块"(LD block)少且小, 对重要 QTLs 与基因的关联性分析可以避免假阳性。本研究群体结构与基因组构成分析数据为这些材料育种应用与改良提供了重要信息, 也为基于这些材料的关联性分析奠定了分析基础。  相似文献   

优异玉米自交系是玉米商业化育种的基础,配合力是评价自交系遗传力及其育种价值的重要指标。本研究以国内外14份玉米自交系按完全双列杂交设计配制的182个杂交组合及其亲本自交系为材料,对其籽粒脱水相关性状进行配合力分析,结果表明:(1)籽粒脱水速率、籽粒含水率、苞叶层数、苞叶面积在不同自交系之间差异显著,且均受环境影响;(2)配合力分析发现,Zheng12、Zheng645、PHR55、LH202作为亲本材料易配制出籽粒脱水快或成熟期籽粒含水率低的组合,尤其组合Zheng12×LH202;(3)182个杂交组合籽粒脱水相关性状的各表型值与其父母本一般配合力效应之和均呈极显著正相关。这为宜机收玉米品种遗传改良提供优异种质资源及理论依据。  相似文献   

茎秆维管束数目是玉米养分运输和抗倒伏的关键影响因素,本研究以遗传丰富的172份玉米自交系为研究材料,对茎秆上部小维管束和大维管束数目进行差异性分析,并通过不同杂种优势群的玉米茎秆上部维管束数目多重比较,分析各杂种优势群维管束数目变化趋势。研究结果表明:在不同玉米自交系中,茎秆上部小维管束和大维管束数目变异系数分别为16.67%~21.69%、25.83%~32.19%;小维管束和大维管束数目在不同自交系间的差异均达到极显著水平;小维管束和大维管束数目的广义遗传力分别为78.87%、82.58%;小维管束和大维管束数目在不同环境下均呈正相关关系。多重比较结果表明,各杂种优势群自交系茎秆上部小维管束和大维管束数目趋势一致,由少到多均依次为:兰卡斯特群、瑞德群、P群、旅大红骨群、唐四平头群。本研究初步了解了不同玉米自交系中维管束数目的遗传变异规律,并为进一步QTL定位和基因克隆奠定基础。  相似文献   

240份玉米自交系纹枯病抗性鉴定与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人工接种条件下,连续3年对240份玉米自交系纹枯病抗性进行鉴定和评价,分析了玉米纹枯病抗性与主要农艺性状的相关性。结果表明,玉米纹枯病抗性资源较为缺乏,240份自交系中无免疫或高抗的材料,有中抗自交系4份、感病自交系18份、高感自交系218份。旅大红骨、Reid、PA和塘四平头类群自交系中未发现玉米纹枯病抗源,PB类群和Lancaster类群自交系纹枯病抗性相对较好,今后应主要从这两类种质中寻找玉米纹枯病抗源。玉米纹枯病病情指数与株高、穗位高、穗位高/株高、穗下节间数和穗下平均节间长均呈极显著负相关,这些表型可以作为非接种条件下筛选抗玉米纹枯病种质的参考指标。  相似文献   

玉米种质资源抗矮花叶病鉴定   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
采用摩擦接种方法,鉴定了3995份玉米种质对玉米矮花叶病毒(SCMV-MDB)的抗病性。经重复鉴定,筛选出抗病优良自交系73份,抗病丰产杂交种80份。玉米不同类群种质,对SCMV-MDB的抗病性有明显差异,改良Reid、Lancaster、旅大红骨类群种质大部分表现感病;塘四平头、外杂先锋选系类群种质大多数表现抗病。在不同类型种质中,硬粒型、马齿型和半马齿型表现抗病的较多,糯质型较少,甜质型和爆裂型中尚未发现抗源。  相似文献   


Key message

Genetic relationships among Chinese maize germplasms reveal historical trends in heterotic patterns from Chinese breeding programs and identify line Dan340 as a potential genome donor for elite inbred line Zheng58.


The characterization of the genetic relationships, heterotic patterns and breeding history of lines in maize breeding programs allows breeders to efficiently use maize germplasm for line improvement over time. In this study, 269 temperate inbred lines, most of which have been widely used in Chinese maize breeding programs since the 1970s, were genotyped using the Illumina MaizeSNP50 BeadChip, which contains 56,110 single-nucleotide polymorphisms. The STRUCTURE analysis, cluster analysis and principal coordinate analysis results consistently revealed seven groups, of which five were consistent with known heterotic groups within the Chinese maize germplasm—Domestic Reid, Lancaster, Zi330, Tang SPT and Tem-tropic I (also known as “P”). These genetic relationships also allowed us to determine the historical trends in heterotic patterns during the three decades from 1970 to 2000, represented by Mo17 from Lancaster, HuangZaoSi (HZS) from Tang SPT, Ye478 from Domestic Reid and P178 from Tem-tropic I heterotic groups. Mo17-related commercial hybrids were widely used in the 1970s and 1980s, followed by the release of HZS- and Ye478-related commercial hybrids in the 1980s and 1990s, and the introduction of Tem-tropic I group in the 1990s and 2000s. Additionally, we identified inbred line Dan340 as a potential genome donor for Zheng58, which is the female parent of the most widely grown commercial hybrid ZhengDan958 in China. We also reconstructed the recombination events of elite line HZS and its 14 derived lines. These findings provide useful information to direct future maize breeding efforts.

To investigate the genetic structure of Chinese maize germplasm, the MaizeSNP50 BeadChip with 56,110 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was used to genotype a collection of 367 inbred lines widely used in maize breeding of China. A total of 41,819 informative SNPs with minor allele number of more than 0.05 were used to estimate the genetic diversity, relatedness, and linkage disequilibrium (LD) decay. Totally 1,015 SNPs evenly distributed in the genome were selected randomly to evaluate the population structure of these accessions. Results showed that two main groups could be determined i.e., the introduced germplasm and the local germplasm. Further, five subgroups corresponding to different heterotic groups, that is, Reid Yellow Dent (Reid), Lancaster Sure Crop (Lancaster), P group (P), Tang Sipingtou (TSPT), and Tem-tropic I group (Tem-tropic I), were determined. The genetic diversity of within subgroups was highest in the Tem-Tropic I and lowest in the P. Most lines in this panel showed limited relatedness with each other. Comparisons of gene diversity showed that there existed some conservative genetic regions in specific subgroups across the ten chromosomes, i.e., seven in the Lancaster, seven in the Reid, six in the TSPT, five in the P, and two in the Tem-Tropical I. In addition, the results also revealed that there existed fifteen conservative regions transmitted from Huangzaosi, an important foundation parent, to its descendants. These are important for further studies since the outcomes may provide clues to understand why Huangzaosi could become a foundation parent in Chinese maize breeding. For the panel of 367 elite lines, average LD distance was 391 kb and varied among different chromosomes as well as in different genomic regions of one chromosome. This analysis uncovered a high natural genetic diversity in the elite maize inbred set, suggesting that the panel can be used in association study, esp. for temperate regions.  相似文献   

The classification of maize inbred lines into heterotic groups is an important undertaking in hybrid breeding. The objectives of our research were to: (1) separate selected tropical mid-altitude maize inbred lines into heterotic groups based on grain yield data; (2) assess the genetic relationships among these inbred lines using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers; (3) examine the consistency between yield-based and marker-based groupings of the inbred lines. Thirty-eight tropical mid-altitude maize inbred lines were crossed to two inbred line testers representing the flint and dent heterotic pattern, respectively. The resulting testcrosses were evaluated in a trial at three locations for 2 years. Significant general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) effects for grain yield were detected among the inbred lines. The tester inbred lines classified 23 of the 38 tested inbred lines into two heterotic groups based on SCA effects and testcross mean grain yields. This grouping was not related to endosperm type of the inbred lines. The outstanding performance of testcrosses of the remaining 15 inbred lines indicates the presence of significant genetic diversity that may allow the assignment of the lines into more than two heterotic groups. Diversity analysis of the 40 maize inbred lines using AFLP and SSR markers found high levels of genetic diversity among these lines and subdivided them into two main groups with subdivision into sub-groups consistent with breeding history, origin and parentage of the lines. However, heterotic groups formed using yield-based combining ability were different from the groups established on the basis of molecular markers. Considering the diversity of the genetic backgrounds of the mid-altitude inbred lines, the marker-based grouping may serve as the basis to design and carry out combining ability studies in the field to establish clearly defined heterotic groups with a greater genetic similarity within groups.Communicated by H.H. Geiger  相似文献   

玉米重要自交系的肿囊腐霉茎腐病抗性鉴定与评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由肿囊腐霉菌(Pythium inflatum Matthews)引起的玉米茎腐病是影响玉米产量的一种重要病害。为进一步拓展可利用的抗源,于2010-2011年在田间采用人工接种方法对287份重要的玉米自交系种质进行了玉米茎腐病的抗性鉴定评价。结果表明,287份鉴定材料中有171份自交系对茎腐病的抗性达到中抗以上水平,占鉴定材料的59.58%,其中高抗自交系共43份,占鉴定材料总数的14.98%;感病类型自交系共116份,占鉴定材料的40.42%,其中高感自交系共95份,占鉴定材料总数的33.10%。Lancaster、Reid及P群种质中具有丰富的茎腐病抗源,而塘四平头种质群中茎腐病抗源相对缺乏,多为感病类型。该研究结果可为今后我国玉米茎腐病抗性种质的引进和改良提供重要参考。  相似文献   

This study analyzes population structure and linkage disequilibrium (LD) among 187 commonly used Chinese maize inbred lines, representing the genetic diversity among public, commercial and historically important lines for corn breeding. Seventy SSR loci, evenly distributed over 10 chromosomes, were assayed for polymorphism. The identified 290 alleles served to estimate population structure and analyze the genome-wide LD. The population of lines was highly structured, showing 6 subpopulations: BSSS (American BSSS including Reid), PA (group A germplasm derived from modern U.S. hybrids in China), PB (group B germplasm derived from modern U.S. hybrid in China), Lan (Lancaster Surecrop), LRC (derivative lines from Lvda Reb Cob, a Chinese landrace) and SPT (derivative lines from Si-ping-tou, a Chinese landrace). Forty lines, which formerly had an unknown and/or miscellaneous origin and pedigree record, were assigned to the appropriate group. Relationship estimates based on SSR marker data were quantified in a Q matrix, and this information will inform breeder’s decisions regarding crosses. Extensive inter- and intra-chromosomal LD was detected between 70 microsatellite loci for the investigated maize lines (2109 loci pairs in LD with D′ > 0.1 and 93 out of them at P < 0.01).This suggests that rapidly evolving microsatellites may track recent population structure. Interlocus LD decay among the diverse maize germplasm indicated that association studies in QTLs and/or candidate genes might avoid nonfunctional and spurious associations since most of the LD blocks were broken between diverse germplasm. The defined population structure and the LD analysis present the basis for future association mapping. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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