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Seven zygotically active genes are required for normal patterning of the dorsal 40% of the Drosophila embryo. Among these genes, decapentaplegic (dpp) has the strongest mutant phenotype: in the absence of dpp, all cells in the dorsal and dorsolateral regions of the embryo adopt fates characteristic of more ventrally derived cells (Irish and Gelbart (1987) Genes Dev. 1, 868-879). Here we describe the phenotypes caused by alleles of another of this set of genes, tolloid, and show that tolloid is required for dorsal, but not dorsolateral, pattern. Extragenic suppressors of tolloid mutations were isolated that proved to be mutations that elevate dpp activity. We studied the relationship between tolloid and dpp by analyzing the phenotypes of tolloid embryos with elevated numbers of the dpp gene and found that doubling the dpp+ gene dosage completely suppressed weak tolloid mutants and partially suppressed the phenotypes of tolloid null mutants. We conclude that the function of tolloid is to increase dpp activity. We also examined the effect of doubling dpp+ gene dosage on the phenotypes caused by other mutations affecting dorsal development. Like tolloid, the phenotypes of mutant embryos lacking shrew gene function were suppressed by elevated dpp, indicating that shrew also acts upstream of dpp to increase dpp activity. In contrast, increasing the number of copies of the dpp gene enhanced the short gastrulation (sog) mutant phenotype, causing ventrolateral cells to adopt dorsal fates. This indicates that sog gene product normally blocks dpp activity ventrally. We propose that the tolloid, shrew and sog genes are required to generate a gradient of dpp activity, which directly specifies the pattern of the dorsal 40% of the embryo.  相似文献   

Nervous system development takes place after positional information has been established along the dorsal-ventral (D/V) axis. The initial subdivision provided by a gradient of nuclear dorsal protein is maintained by the zygotic genes expressed along the D/V axis. In this study, an investigation was conducted to determine the range of Dpp function in repressing the expression of eagle (eg) that is present in intermediate neuroblasts defective (ind) and muscle specific homeobox (msh) gene domain. eg is expressed in neuroblast (NB) 2-4, 3-3 and 6-4 of the msh domain, and NB7-3 of the ind domain at the embryonic stage 11. In decapentaplegic (dpp) loss-of-function mutant embryos, eg was ectopically expressed in the dorsal region, while in dpp gain-of-function mutants produced by sog or sca-GAL4/UAS-dpp, eg was repressed by Dpp. It is worthy of note that Dpp produced from sim;;dpp embryos showed that Dpp could function at long range. However, Dpp produced from en-GAL4/UAS-dpp or wg-GAL4/UAS-dpp primarily acted at short-range. This result demonstrated that this discrepancy seems to be due to the repression of Dpp to EGFR signaling in sim;;dpp embryos. Taken together, these results suggest that Dpp signaling works at short-range, but can function indirectly at long-range by way of repression of EGFR signaling during embryonic neurogenesis.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal pattern of mitoses during the fourteenth nuclear cycle in a Drosophila embryo reflects differences in cell identities. We have analysed the domains of mitotic division in zygotic mutants that exhibit defects in larval cuticular pattern along the dorsoventral axis. This is a powerful means of fate mapping mutant embryos, as the altered position of mitotic domains in the dorsoventral pattern mutants correlate with their late cuticular phenotypes. In the mutants twist and snail, which fail to differentiate the ventrally derived mesoderm, mitoses specific to the mesoderm are absent. The lateral mesectodermal domain shows a partial ventral shift in twist mutants but a proportion of ventral cells do not behave characteristically, suggesting that twist has a positive role in the establishment of the mesoderm. In contrast, snail is required to repress mesectodermal fates in cells of the presumptive mesoderm. In the absence of both genes, the mesodermal and the mesectodermal anlage are deleted. Mutations at five loci delete specific pattern elements in the dorsal half of the embryo and cause partial ventralization. Mutations in the genes zerknüllt and shrew affect cell division only in the dorsalmost cells corresponding to the amnioserosa, while the genes tolloid, screw and decapentaplegic (dpp) affect divisions in both the prospective amnioserosa and the dorsal epidermis. We demonstrate that in each of these mutants dorsally placed mitotic domains are absent and this effect is correlated with an expansion and dorsal shift in the position of more ventral domains. The loss of activity in each of the five genes results in qualitatively similar alterations in the mitotic pattern; mutations with stronger ventralizing phenotypes affect increasingly greater subsets of the dorsal cells. Double mutant analysis indicates that these genes act in a concerted manner to specify dorsal fates. The correlation between phenotypic strength and the progressive loss of dorsal pattern elements in the ventralized mutants, suggests that one of these gene products, perhaps dpp, may provide positional information in a graded manner.  相似文献   

Insects can be grouped into mainly two categories, holometabolous and hemimetabolous, according to the extent of their morphological change during metamorphosis. The three thoracic legs, for example, are known to develop through two overtly different pathways: holometabolous insects make legs through their imaginal discs, while hemimetabolous legs develop from their leg buds. Thus, how the molecular mechanisms of leg development differ from each other is an intriguing question. In the holometabolous long-germ insect, these mechanisms have been extensively studied using Drosophila melanogaster. However, little is known about the mechanism in the hemimetabolous insect. Thus, we studied leg development of the hemimetabolous short-germ insect, Gryllus bimaculatus (cricket), focusing on expression patterns of the three key signaling molecules, hedgehog (hh), wingless (wg) and decapentaplegic (dpp), which are essential during leg development in Drosophila. In Gryllus embryos, expression of hh is restricted in the posterior half of each leg bud, while dpp and wg are expressed in the dorsal and ventral sides of its anteroposterior (A/P) boundary, respectively. Their expression patterns are essentially comparable with those of the three genes in Drosophila leg imaginal discs, suggesting the existence of the common mechanism for leg pattern formation. However, we found that expression pattern of dpp was significantly divergent among Gryllus, Schistocerca (grasshopper) and Drosophila embryos, while expression patterns of hh and wg are conserved. Furthermore, the divergence was found between the pro/mesothoracic and metathoracic Gryllus leg buds. These observations imply that the divergence in the dpp expression pattern may correlate with diversity of leg morphology.  相似文献   

The Notch gene encodes an evolutionarily conserved cell surface receptor that generates regulatory signals based on interactions between neighboring cells. In Drosophila embryos it is normally expressed at a low level due to strong negative regulation. When this negative regulation is abrogated neurogenesis in the ventral region is suppressed, the development of lateral epidermis is severely disrupted, and the dorsal aminoserosa is expanded. Of these phenotypes only the anti-neurogenic phenotype could be linked to excess canonical Notch signaling. The other phenotypes were linked to high levels of Notch protein expression at the surface of cells in the lateral regions indicating that a non-canonical Notch signaling activity normally functions in these regions. Results of our studies reported here provide evidence. They show that Notch activities are inextricably linked to that of Pkc98E, the homolog of mammalian PKCδ. Notch and Pkc98E up-regulate the levels of the phosphorylated form of IκBCactus, a negative regulator of Toll signaling, and Mothers against dpp (MAD), an effector of Dpp signaling. Our data suggest that in the lateral regions of the Drosophila embryos Notch activity, in conjunction with Pkc98E activity, is used to form the slopes of the opposing gradients of Toll and Dpp signaling that specify cell fates along the dorso-ventral axis.  相似文献   

Regional differentiation along the dorsoventral (DV) axis of the Drosophila embryo primarily depends on a graded BMP signaling activity generated by Decapentaplegic (Dpp) and Screw (Scw). We have identified triplicated Dpp and Scw target genes Dorsocross1, 2 and 3 (Doc1, 2, 3) that have a conserved T-box domain related to the vertebrate Tbx6 subfamily and act redundantly to induce dorsal structures. Doc genes are expressed in the dorsal region in the early blastoderm. After gastrulation, newly expressed Doc appears in a segmental pattern in the ectoderm. This expression correlates spatially with the second phase of Dpp expression in the ectoderm. Doc expression in the early blastoderm is abolished in either dpp or scw mutant embryos, whereas the ectodermal segmented expression depends only on Dpp. Inactivation of Doc genes with RNAi dramatically affected the development of amnioserosa and wing disc primordia, both of which depend on high levels of BMP signaling, although leg disc primordium, which depends on low levels of BMP, remained intact. Doc1 mRNA expressed in Xenopus embryos induced ventral mesoderm, suppressed activin-induced events and induced Xvent genes, which are analogous to the effects of native Tbx6 and its upstream regulator, BMP-4. These results suggest that the Tbx6 subfamily act in the BMP signaling pathway required for embryonic patterning in both animals.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which Decapentaplegic (Dpp) and its antagonist Short gastrulation (Sog) specify the dorsoventral pattern in Drosophila embryos has been proposed to have a common origin with the mechanism that organizes the body axis in the vertebrate embryo. However, Drosophila Sog makes only minor contributions to the development of ventral structures that hypothetically correspond to the vertebrate dorsum where the axial notochord forms. In this study, we isolated a homologue of the Drosophila sog gene in the spider Achaearanea tepidariorum, and characterized its expression and function. Expression of sog mRNA initially appeared in a radially symmetrical pattern and later became confined to the ventral midline area, which runs axially through the germ band. RNA interference-mediated depletion of the spider sog gene led to a nearly complete loss of ventral structures, including the axial ventral midline and the central nervous system. This defect appeared to be the consequence of dorsalization of the ventral region of the germ band. By contrast, the extra-embryonic area formed normally. Furthermore, we showed that embryos depleted for a spider homologue of dpp failed to break the radial symmetry, displaying evenly high levels of sog expression except in the posterior terminal area. These results suggest that dpp is required for radial-to-axial symmetry transformation of the spider embryo and sog is required for ventral patterning. We propose that the mechanism of spider ventral specification largely differs from that of the fly. Interestingly, ventral specification in the spider is similar to the process in vertebrates in which the antagonism of Dpp/BMP signaling plays a central role in dorsal specification.  相似文献   

All insect legs are structurally similar, characterized by five primary segments. However, this final form is achieved in different ways. Primitively, the legs developed as direct outgrowths of the body wall, a condition retained in most insect species. In some groups, including the lineage containing the genus Drosophila, legs develop indirectly from imaginal discs. Our understanding of the molecular mechanisms regulating leg development is based largely on analysis of this derived mode of leg development in the species D. melanogaster. The current model for Drosophila leg development is divided into two phases, embryonic allocation and imaginal disc patterning, which are distinguished by interactions among the genes wingless (wg), decapentaplegic (dpp) and distalless (dll). In the allocation phase, dll is activated by wg but repressed by dpp. During imaginal disc patterning, dpp and wg cooperatively activate dll and also indirectly inhibit the nuclear localization of Extradenticle (Exd), which divide the leg into distal and proximal domains. In the grasshopper Schistocerca americana, the early expression pattern of dpp differs radically from the Drosophila pattern, suggesting that the genetic interactions that allocate the leg differ between the two species. Despite early differences in dpp expression, wg, Dll and Exd are expressed in similar patterns throughout the development of grasshopper and fly legs, suggesting that some aspects of proximodistal (P/D) patterning are evolutionarily conserved. We also detect differences in later dpp expression, which suggests that dpp likely plays a role in limb segmentation in Schistocerca, but not in Drosophila. The divergence in dpp expression is surprising given that all other comparative data on gene expression during insect leg development indicate that the molecular pathways regulating this process are conserved. However, it is consistent with the early divergence in developmental mode between fly and grasshopper limbs.  相似文献   

Antibodies directed against the product of the Xenopus homeobox gene Xhox3 were raised and used to localize the expression of Xhox3 in the embryo at different stages of development. These studies suggest that endogenous Xhox3 protein is distributed in a graded fashion in the nuclei of mesodermal cells along the anterior-posterior (A-P) and dorso-ventral (D-V) axes in the postgastrula embryo with low levels in anterior and ventral regions and higher levels in posterior and dorsal regions. Xhox3 protein is also detected at different times in the midbrain, spinal cord and hindbrain. In the hindbrain, Xhox3 displays different metameric expression patterns in dorsal and ventral regions during early embryogenesis and metamorphosis. We have tested for the early function of Xhox3 by injecting antibodies against the Xhox3 protein into the cytoplasm of developing embryos. A significant number of embryos injected with Xhox3 antibodies show posterior (trunk and tail) deficiencies. This posterior deficient phenotype constitutes the opposite of the anterior (head) deficient phenotype obtained after overexpresson of Xhox3 reported previously. These results suggest that expression of Xhox3 in the posterior mesoderm is necessary for posterior development and that the graded distribution of Xhox3 in the embryonic mesoderm is required for the development of normal embryonic axial pattern.  相似文献   

We have characterized the constitutive and stress‐inducible pattern of immunoglobulin‐binding protein (BiP) gene expression during Xenopus early development. Whole mount in situ hybridization analysis revealed that BiP mRNA was detected in unfertilized eggs, cleavage and blastula stage embryos. In gastrulae, BiP mRNA was present across the surface of the embryo, while in neurulae BiP mRNA was enriched in the neural plate, neural fold, and around the blastopore. In early and late tailbud embryos, BiP mRNA was found primarily in the dorsal region. Tunicamycin and A23187, the calcium ionophore, enhanced BiP mRNA accumulation first at the neurula stage, while heat shock induced BiP mRNA accumulation first at the gastrula stage. Compared to control, A23187‐ and heat shock‐treated neurulae displayed relatively high levels of BiP mRNA in selected tissues, including the neural plate, neural folds, around the blastopore, and ectoderm. At the early tailbud stage, A23187 and heat shock enhanced BiP mRNA accumulation primarily in the head, somites, tail, and along the spinal cord. A similar situation was found with A23187‐ and heat shock‐treated late tailbud embryos, except that heat‐shocked embryos also displayed enhanced BiP mRNA accumulation in the epidermis. These studies demonstrate a preferential accumulation of BiP mRNA in selected tissues during development and in response to stress. Dev. Genet. 25:31–39, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The N-myc proto-oncogene is expressed in a wide range of tissues during mammalian embryogenesis. This observation, along with the oncogenic capacity of this gene, has led to the suggestion that N-myc plays an important role in early development. However, due to the complexity of the expression pattern and the difficulty of manipulating mammalian embryos, little progress has been made towards understanding the developmental function of this gene. To enable a more detailed analysis of the role of this gene in early development, a study of the Xenopus homologue of N-myc was undertaken. Xenopus N-myc cDNA clones were isolated from a neurula library using a murine N-myc probe. Analysis of the timing of expression of N-myc mRNA and of the distribution of N-myc protein during Xenopus development indicate that this gene may be playing an important role in the formation of a number of embryonic structures, including the nervous system. N-myc is initially expressed as a maternal RNA, but this mRNA is degraded by the gastrula stage of development. Zygotic expression does not commence until late neurula. Examination of the distribution of the N-myc protein by whole-mount immunohistochemistry indicates that the early embryonic expression occurs in the central nervous system, the neural crest, the somites and the epidermis. Later expression is mostly within the head and somites. Specific structures within the head that express the protein include the eye, otic vesicle, fore and hindbrain and a number of cranial nerves. The results demonstrate that while N-myc is expressed in the developing nervous system of Xenopus, the timing of expression indicates that it is unlikely to be involved in regulation of the very first stages of neurogenesis.  相似文献   

The amphibian Xenopus laevis has been successfully used for many years as a model system for studying vertebrate development. Because of technical limitations, however, molecular investigations have mainly concentrated on early stages. We have developed a straightforward method for stage-specific induction of gene expression in transgenic Xenopus embryos [1] [2]. This method is based on the Xenopus heat shock protein 70 (Xhsp70 [3]) promoter driving the expression of desired gene products. We found that ubiquitous expression of the transgene is induced upon relatively mild heat treatment. Green fluorescent protein (GFP) was used as a marker to monitor successful induction of gene expression in transgenic embryos. We used this method to study the stage specificity of Wnt signalling function. Transient ectopic Wnt-8 expression during early neurulation was sufficient to repress anterior head development and this capacity was restricted to early stages of neurulation. By transient over-expression at different stages of development, we show that frizzled-7 disrupted morphogenesis sequentially from anterior to posterior along the dorsal axis as development proceeds. These results demonstrate that this method for inducible gene expression in transgenic Xenopus embryos will be a very powerful tool for temporal analysis of gene function and for studying molecular mechanisms of vertebrate organogenesis.  相似文献   

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