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To set up an in situ conservation strategy for Phaseolus lunatus, we analyzed the genetic structure of 29 populations in the Central Valley of Costa Rica. Using 22 enzyme loci, we quantified the proportion of polymorphic loci (P(p)), the mean number of alleles per locus (A), and the mean effective number of alleles per locus (A(e)), which equaled to 10.32%, 1.10, and 1.05, respectively. The total heterozygosity (H(T)), the intrapopulation genetic diversity (H(S)), and the interpopulation genetic diversity (D(ST)) were 0.193, 0.082, and 0.111, respectively. The genotypic composition of the analyzed populations showed a deviation from the Hardy-Weinberg proportions (F(IT) = 0.932). This disequilibrium was due to either genetic differentiation between populations (F(ST) = 0.497) or nonrandom mating within populations (F(IS) = 0.866). From the level of genetic differentiation between populations and the private alleles frequencies estimates, gene flow was calculated: Nm(W) = 0.398 and Nm(S) = 0.023, respectively. The results suggested that wild Lima bean maintains most of its isozyme variation among populations. Significant positive correlation was observed between population size and P(p), A, and H(o) (observed heterozygosity), whereas no correlation was observed with the average fixation index of population (F). The loss of genetic variability in populations was attributed to inbreeding and the bottleneck effects that characterized the target populations. In situ conservation and management procedures for wild Lima bean are discussed.  相似文献   

The population structure of Anopheles gambiae in Africa was studied using 11 microsatellite loci in 16 samples from 10 countries. All loci are located outside polymorphic inversions. Heterogeneity among loci was detected and two putative outlier loci were removed from analyses aimed at capturing genome-wide patterns. Two main divisions of the gene pool were separated by high differentiation (F(ST) > 0.1). The northwestern (NW) division included populations from Senegal, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and western Kenya. The southeastern (SE) division included populations from eastern Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, and Zambia. Inhospitable environments for A. gambiae along the Rift Valley partly separate these divisions. Reduced genetic diversity in the SE division and results of an analysis based on private alleles support the hypothesis that a recent bottleneck, followed by colonization from the NW populations shaped this structure. In the NW division, populations possessing the M rDNA genotype appeared to form a monophyletic clade. Although genetic distance increased with geographic distance, discontinuities were suggested between certain sets of populations. The absence of heterozygotes between sympatric M and S populations in the DRC and the high differentiation in locus 678 (F(ST)>0.28) contrasted with low differentiation in all other loci (-0.02相似文献   

We examined levels of genetic variation and genetic structure in the leafy cactus (Pereskia guamacho) in arid and semiarid zones in Venezuela. We surveyed genetic diversity within 17 populations using 19 allozyme loci. Genetic diversity was relatively high at both the species (P(s) = 89%, A(s) = 3.26, AP(s) = 3.53, H(es) = 0.24) and population (P(p) = 63%, A(p) = 1.90, AP(p) = 2.42, H(ep) = 0.20) levels. A significant deficit of heterozygote individuals was detected within populations in the Paraguana Peninsula region (F(IS) = 0.301). Relatively low levels of population differentiation were detected at macrogeographic (G(ST) = 0.112) and regional levels (G(ST) = 0.044 for peninsula region and G(ST) = 0.074 for mainland region), suggesting substantial genetic exchange among populations; however, gene flow in this species seems to be regulated by the distance among populations. Overall, estimates of genetic diversity found in P. guamacho are concordant with the pattern observed for other cacti surveyed, namely high levels of polymorphism and genetic diversity with one common allele and several rare alleles per locus. Differences in gene dispersal systems between this species and other cacti studied were not reflected in the patterns of genetic diversity observed. The concentration of the highest estimates of genetic variation in northwestern Venezuela suggests a potential reservoir of plant genetic diversity within xerophilous ecosystems in northern South America.  相似文献   

We investigated genetic and morphological diversity and population structure of 14 traditional sheep populations originating from four ecological zones in Ethiopia (sub-alpine, wet highland, sub-humid lowland and arid lowland). All animals (n = 672) were genotyped for 17 microsatellite markers and scored for 12 morphological characters. The sheep were initially classified as fat-tailed (11 populations), thin-tailed (one population) and fat-rumped sheep (two populations). These classifications are thought to correspond to three consecutive introduction events of sheep from the Near-East into East Africa. For the 14 populations, allelic richness ranged from 5.87 to 7.51 and expected heterozygosity (H(E)) from 0.66 to 0.75. Genetic differentiations (F(ST) values) between all pairs of populations, except between sub-alpine populations, were significantly different from zero (P < 0.001). Cluster analysis of morphological characters and a dendrogram constructed from genetic distances were broadly consistent with the classification into fat-tailed, thin-tailed and fat-rumped sheep. Bayesian cluster analysis using microsatellite markers indicated that there has been further genetic differentiation after the initial introduction of sheep into Ethiopia. Investigation of factors associated with genetic variation showed that an isolation-by-distance model, independently of other factors, explained most of the observed genetic variation. We also obtained a strong indication of adaptive divergence in morphological characters, patterns of morphological variation being highly associated with ecology even when the effect of neutral genetic divergence (F(ST)) was parcelled out in partial Mantel tests. Using a combination of F(ST) values, Bayesian clustering analysis and morphological divergence, we propose a classification of Ethiopian sheep into six breed groups and nine breeds.  相似文献   

Polytene chromosome analysis was carried out in samples of Anopheles arabiensis from two colonies originating from different sites in the Rift Valley, Ethiopia. Both colonies were found to maintain the main chromosomal inversion variations existing in wild populations. Changes in karyotype frequencies were documented as well as excesses of heterokaryotypes.  相似文献   

In order to determine the population genetic structure of wild rice (Oryza officinalis Wall. ex Watt.), an endangered tropical and subtropical species, allozyme diversity encoded by 24 loci was analyzed electrophoretically in 145 individuals of eight natural populations from Hainan, Guangxi, and Yunnan provinces, China. A fairly high genetic differentiation (F(ST) = 0.882 and mean I = 0.786) was found among the studied populations. Our results suggest that restricted gene flow may play a significant role in shaping such a population genetic structure. In addition, high genetic differentiation among populations within a geographically limited region may stem from a reduced population size and consequent genetic drift.  相似文献   

The genetic variation and population structure of three populations of Anopheles darlingi from Colombia were studied using random amplified polymorphic markers (RAPDs) and amplified fragment length polymorphism markers (AFLPs). Six RAPD primers produced 46 polymorphic fragments, while two AFLP primer combinations produced 197 polymorphic fragments from 71 DNA samples. Both of the evaluated genetic markers showed the presence of gene flow, suggesting that Colombian An. darlingi populations are in panmixia. Average genetic diversity, estimated from observed heterozygosity, was 0.374 (RAPD) and 0.309 (AFLP). RAPD and AFLP markers showed little evidence of geographic separation between eastern and western populations; however, the F ST values showed high gene flow between the two western populations (RAPD: F ST = 0.029; Nm: 8.5; AFLP: F ST = 0.051; Nm: 4.7). According to molecular variance analysis (AMOVA), the genetic distance between populations was significant (RAPD:phiST = 0.084; AFLP:phiST = 0.229, P < 0.001). The F ST distances and AMOVAs using AFLP loci support the differentiation of the Guyana biogeographic province population from those of the Chocó-Magdalena. In this last region, Chocó and Córdoba populations showed the highest genetic flow.  相似文献   

We studied the genetic diversity of a coral reef fish species to investigate the origin of the differentiation. A total of 727 Acanthurus triostegus collected from 15 locations throughout the Pacific were analyzed for 20 polymorphic loci. The genetic structure showed limited internal disequilibrium within each population; 3.7% of the loci showed significant Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium, mostly associated with Adh*, and we subsequently removed this locus from further analysis of geographic pattern. The genetic structure of A. triostegus throughout the tropical Pacific Ocean revealed a strong geographic pattern. Overall, there was significant population differentiation (multilocus F(ST) = 0.199), which was geographically structured according to bootstraps of neighbor-joining analysis on Nei's unbiased genetic distances and AMOVA analysis. The genetic structure revealed five geographic groups in the Pacific Ocean: western Pacific (Guam, Philippines, Palau, and Great Barrier Reef); central Pacific (Solomons, New Caledonia, and Fiji); and three groups made up of the eastern populations, namely Hawaiian Archipelago (north), Marquesas (equatorial), and southern French Polynesia (south) that incorporates Clipperton Island located in the northeastern Pacific. In addition, heterozygosity values were found to be geographically structured with higher values grouped within Polynesian and Clipperton populations, which exhibited lower population size. Finally, the genetic differentiation (F(ST)) was significantly correlated with geographic distance when populations from the Hawaiian and Marquesas archipelagos were separated from all the other locations. These results show that patterns of differentiation vary within the same species according to the spatial scale, with one group probably issued from vicariance, whereas the other followed a pattern of isolation by distance. The geographic pattern for A. triostegus emphasizes the diversity of the evolutionary processes that lead to the present genetic structure with some being more influential in certain areas or according to a particular spatial scale.  相似文献   

The Eastern Afromontane biodiversity hotspot (EABH) has the highest concentration of biodiversity in tropical Africa, yet few studies have investigated recent historical diversification processes in EABH lineages. Herein, we analyze restriction-site associated DNA-sequences (RAD-Seq) to study recent historical processes in co-distributed mouse (Hylomyscus) and shrew (Sylvisorex) species complexes, with an aim to better determine how historical paleoenvironmental processes might have contributed to the EABH’s high diversity. We analyzed complete SNP matrices of > 50,000 RAD loci to delineate populations, reconstruct the history of isolation and admixture, and discover geographic patterns of genetic partitioning. These analyses demonstrate that persistently unsuitable habitat may have isolated multiple populations distributed across montane habitat islands in the Itombwe Massif and Albertine Rift to the west as well as Mt Elgon and Kenyan Highlands to the east. We detected low genetic diversity in Kenyan Highland populations of both genera, consistent with smaller historical population sizes in this region. We additionally tested predictions that Albertine Rift populations are older and more persistently isolated compared to the Kenyan Highlands. Phylogenetic analyses support greater historical isolation among Albertine Rift populations of both shrews and mice compared to the Kenyan Highlands and suggest that there are genetically isolated populations from both focal genera in the Itombwe Massif, Democratic Republic of Congo. The Albertine Rift ecoregion has the highest mammalian tropical forest species richness per unit area on earth. Our results clearly support accelerating efforts to conserve this diversity.  相似文献   

Estimates of genetic diversity in major geographic regions are frequently made by pooling all individuals into regional aggregates. This method can potentially bias results if there are differences in population substructure within regions, since increased variation among local populations could inflate regional diversity. A preferred method of estimating regional diversity is to compute the mean diversity within local populations. Both methods are applied to a global sample of craniometric data consisting of 57 measurements taken on 1734 crania from 18 local populations in six geographic regions: sub-Saharan Africa, Europe, East Asia, Australasia, Polynesia, and the Americas. Each region is represented by three local populations. Both methods for estimating regional diversity show sub-Saharan Africa to have the highest levels of phenotypic variation, consistent with many genetic studies. Polynesia and the Americas both show high levels of regional diversity when regional aggregates are used, but the lowest mean local population diversity. Regional estimates of F(ST) made using quantitative genetic methods show that both Polynesia and the Americas also have the highest levels of differentiation among local populations, which inflates regional diversity. Regional differences in F(ST) are directly related to the geographic dispersion of samples within each region; higher F(ST) values occur when the local populations are geographically dispersed. These results show that geographic sampling can affect results, and suggest caution in making inferences regarding regional diversity when population substructure is ignored.  相似文献   

对我国西南特有的菊科单种属植物栌菊木10个居群、149个个体、11个酶系统及16个酶位点的水平淀粉凝胶电泳分析表明,栌菊木的遗传多样性水平在特有种中较高,在居群水平上,平均每个位点的等位基因数A=1.1—1.4,多态位点百分数P=6.3%—43.8%,实际杂合度Ho=0.063~0.250,期望杂合度He=0.043~0.194;物种水平上A=1.6,P=37.5%,Ho=0.143,He=0.141。居群间遗传一致度I=0.902—1.000,杂合性基因多样度比率FST为0.2395。栌菊木居群间分化程度较大,云南南盘江流域碧云寺居群遗传多样性较低,明显低于金沙江流域的居群。栌菊木可能是来自冈瓦纳古陆祖先的后裔,可能是古地中海退却以后在金沙江干热河谷分化出来的特有属,并且可能由于湿度等生态因子的限制,其分布区未能进一步扩大,仅在南盘江流域形成零散分布。等位酶分析结果还表明栌菊木遗传多样性总体水平较高,建议对遗传多样性较高的金沙江流域的居群加以保护。  相似文献   

Variation at 12 microsatellite loci was investigated to assess the impact of the implementation of insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) on the genetic structure of Anopheles arabiensis in Simatou, a village surrounded by irrigated rice fields in the Sahelian area of Cameroon. The An. arabiensis population of Simatou was sampled twice before ITN implementation, and twice after. Effective population size estimates (N(e)) were similar across each time point, except for the period closely following ITN introduction where a nonsignificant reduction was recorded. Hence, we believe that ITN implementation resulted in a temporary bottleneck, rapidly followed by a demographic expansion. The genetic diversity of the population was not significantly affected since different genetic parameters (allele number, observed and expected heterozygosities) remained stable. Low estimates of genetic differentiation between the populations from Simatou and Lagdo, separated by 300 km, suggested extensive gene flow among populations of An. arabiensis in the Sahelian region of Cameroon. A decrease in the susceptibility to deltamethrin was observed following ITN introduction, but no kdr mutation was detected and a metabolic resistance mechanism is probably involved. The temporary effect of ITNs on the genetic structure of An. arabiensis population suggests that, to optimize the success of any control programme of this species based on ITNs, the control area should be very large and the programme should be implemented for a long period of time.  相似文献   

We analyzed genetic structure and diversity among eight populations of popcorn, using SSR loci as genetic markers. Our objectives were to select SSR loci that could be used to estimate genetic diversity within popcorn populations, and to analyze the genetic structure of promising populations with high levels of heterozygosity that could be used in breeding programs. Fifty-seven alleles (3.7 alleles per locus) were detected; the highest effective number of alleles (4.21) and the highest gene diversity (0.763) were found for the Umc2226 locus. A very high level of population differentiation was found (F(ST) = 0.3664), with F(ST) for each locus ranging from 0.1029 (Umc1664) to 0.6010 (Umc2350). This analysis allowed us to identify SSR loci with high levels of heterozygosity and heterozygous varieties, which could be selected for production of inbred lines and for developing new cultivars.  相似文献   

The zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas), a bivalve species originally native to the Black and Caspian seas, has invaded Ireland in the last decade. Five microsatellite loci were used to investigate genetic diversity and population structure in 10 populations across Europe (Ireland, UK, the Netherlands and Romania) and the Great Lakes (Lake Ontario and Lake St Clair). Levels of allelic diversity and mean expected heterozygosity were high for all populations (mean number of alleles/locus and H(E) were 10-15.2 and 0.79-0.89, respectively). High levels of polymorphism observed in Irish populations suggest that the Irish founder population(s) were large and/or several introductions took place after foundation. Significant deficits of heterozygotes were recorded for all populations, and null alleles were the most probable factor contributing to these deficits. Pairwise comparisons using Fisher exact tests and F(ST) values revealed little genetic differentiation between Irish populations. The UK sample was not significantly differentiated from the Irish samples, most probably reflecting an English origin for Irish zebra mussels. No significant differentiation was detected between the two Great Lakes populations. Our data support a northwest rather than a central or east European source for North American zebra mussels.  相似文献   

Relating geographic variation in quantitative traits to underlying population structure is crucial for understanding processes driving population differentiation, isolation and ultimately speciation. Our study represents a comprehensive population genetic survey of the yellow dung fly Scathophaga stercoraria, an important model organism for evolutionary and ecological studies, over a broad geographic scale across Europe (10 populations from the Swiss Alps to Iceland). We simultaneously assessed differentiation in five quantitative traits (body size, development time, growth rate, proportion of diapausing individuals and duration of diapause), to compare differentiation in neutral marker loci (F(ST)) to that of quantitative traits (Q(ST)). Despite long distances and uninhabitable areas between sampled populations, population structuring was very low but significant (F(ST) = 0.007, 13 microsatellite markers; F(ST) = 0.012, three allozyme markers; F(ST) = 0.007, markers combined). However, only two populations (Iceland and Sweden) showed significant allelic differentiation to all other populations. We estimated high levels of gene flow [effective number of migrants (Nm) = 6.2], there was no isolation by distance, and no indication of past genetic bottlenecks (i.e. founder events) and associated loss of genetic diversity in any northern or island population. In contrast to the low population structure, quantitative traits were strongly genetically differentiated among populations, following latitudinal clines, suggesting that selection is responsible for life history differentiation in yellow dung flies across Europe.  相似文献   

Genotype data from 14 microsatellite markers were used to assess the genetic diversity and differentiation of four guanaco populations from Argentine Patagonia. These animals were recently captured in the wild and maintained in semi-captivity for fibre production. Considerable genetic diversity in these populations was suggested by the finding of a total of 162 alleles, an average mean number of alleles per locus ranging from 6.50 to 8.19, and H(e) values ranging from 0.66 to 0.74. Assessment of population differentiation showed moderate but significant values of F(ST)=0.071 (P=0.000) and R(ST)=0.083 (P=0.000). An amova test showed that the genetic variation among populations was 5.6% while within populations it was 94.4%. A number of 6.6 migrants per generation may support these results. Unambiguous individual assignment to original populations was obtained for the Pilcaniyeu, Las Heras and La Esperanza populations. The erroneous assignment of 18.75% Rio Mayo individuals to the Las Heras population can be explained by the low genetic differentiation found between these two populations. Thirty-nine of 56 loci per population combinations were in Hardy--Weinberg disequilibrium because of guanaco heterozygote deficiency, which may be explained by population subdivision. The high level of genetic diversity of the guanacos analysed here indicates that the Patagonian guanaco constitutes an important genetic resource for conservation or economic utilization programmes.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Geographically peripheral (marginal) populations are expected to have lower genetic diversity and higher genetic differentiation than geographically core (central) populations as a result of supposedly lower effective population size (N(e)) and higher genetic drift, founder effect, fragmentation, and isolation in peripheral than in core populations. Here we address this issue for a long-lived plant species, eastern white cedar (Thuja occidentalis). ? Methods: Genetic diversity and population structure of 13 natural populations of eastern white cedar from its Canadian eastern peripheral and core natural ranges in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island were studied using six nuclear microsatellite DNA markers. ? Key results: The core populations of eastern white cedar had significantly higher allelic diversity (mean A = 8.83, A(r) = 8.13, A(e) = 4.03) and N(e) (428) than the peripheral populations (A = 6.64, A(r) = 6.15, A(e) = 3.12, N(e) = 198). However, expected heterozygosity was similar in the core (H(e) = 0.64) and peripheral (H(e) = 0.60) populations. Genetic differentiation was significantly higher among the peripheral (F(ST) = 0.089) than among the core (F(ST) = 0.032) populations. No genetic differentiation (F(ST)/Φ(RT) = 0.000) was detected between core and peripheral regions. ? Conclusions: Peripheral populations have significantly lower N(e) and genetic diversity in terms of allelic diversity (richness) and significantly higher genetic differentiation than the core populations of eastern white cedar in its Canadian eastern range. However, core and peripheral populations have similar levels of expected heterozygosity. Implications for conservation of eastern white cedar genetic resources are discussed.  相似文献   

Wu HL  Wan QH  Fang SG 《Biochemical genetics》2007,45(11-12):775-788
The black muntjac (Muntiacus crinifrons) is a rare deer found only in a restricted region in east China. Recent studies of mitochondrial DNA diversity have shown a markedly low level of nucleotide diversity for the species, and the Suichang population was genetically differentiated from the two other populations, in Huangshan and Tianmushan mountains. In this study, we extended the analysis of genetic diversity and population subdivision for the black muntjac using data from 11 highly polymorphic nuclear DNA microsatellite loci. Contrary to the results based on mtDNA data, the microsatellite loci revealed that the black muntjac retained a rather high nuclear genetic diversity (overall average H (E) = 0.78). Nevertheless, both types of markers supported the idea that the extant black muntjac population is genetically disrupted (overall phi (ST) = 0.16 for mtDNA and overall F (ST) = 0.053 for microsatellite, both P < 0.001). The correlation between genetic differentiation and geographic distance was not significant (Mantel test; P > 0.05), implying that the patterns of genetic differentiation observed in this study might result from recent habitat fragmentation or loss. Based on the results from the mtDNA and nuclear DNA data sets, two management units were defined for the species, Huangshan/Tianmushan and Suichang. We also recommend that a new captive population be established with individuals from the Suichang region as a founder source.  相似文献   

Cai X  Gou X  Zeng F  Zhang T  Jiang L  Fan D  Pu D  Zeng X 《Biochemical genetics》2008,46(9-10):583-589
Genetic diversity of Monopterus albus in a wild population in the Sichuan Basin was investigated by employing mtDNA polymorphisms. The mitochondrial control region was sequenced for a total of 59 individuals collected from four localities. These sequences (553 bp) belonged to 13 haplotypes defined by eight polymorphic sites. The haplotypes were clustered into one lineage, suggesting that Monopterus albus from the Sichuan Basin might originate from a single ancestor in maternal lineages. The genetic differentiation between the population from Zhongxian in Chongqing city and the other three populations, from Mianyang, Longchang, and Ya'an in Sichuan province (F (ST): 0.29167-0.55126), was higher than that among the latter three (F (ST): -0.04196 to 0.05984). Little genetic differentiation was found in the three populations from Sichuan province (Nm: -6.21 to 3.93), and the Zhongxian population also showed lower genetic heterogeneity (P (i): 0.00077 +/- 0.00027; H (d): 0.404 +/- 0.130). The combination of limited variation and weak phylogenetic structure revealed that the Monopterus albus from the Sichuan Basin exhibited lower mtDNA diversity and should probably be treated as a monogroup genetically.  相似文献   

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