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Honey bee, Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae), nutrition is vital for colony growth and maintenance of a robust immune system. Brood rearing in honey bee colonies is highly dependent on protein availability. Beekeepers in general provide protein supplement to colonies during periods of pollen dearth. Honey bee brood pheromone is a blend of methyl and ethyl fatty acid esters extractable from cuticle of honey bee larvae that communicates the presence of larvae in a colony. Honey bee brood pheromone has been shown to increase protein supplement consumption and growth of honey bee colonies in a subtropical winter climate. Here, we tested the hypothesis that synthetic brood pheromone (SuperBoost) has the potential to increase protein supplement consumption during fall in a temperate climate and thus increase colony growth. The experiments were conducted in two locations in Oregon during September and October 2009. In both the experiments, colonies receiving brood pheromone treatment consumed significantly higher protein supplement and had greater brood area and adult bees than controls. Results from this study suggest that synthetic brood pheromone may be used to stimulate honey bee colony growth by stimulating protein supplement consumption during fall in a northern temperate climate, when majority of the beekeepers feed protein supplement to their colonies.  相似文献   

Foraging for pollen is an important behavior of the honey bee because pollen is their sole source of protein. Through nurse bees, larvae are the principal consumers of pollen. Fatty acid esters extractable from the surface of larvae, called brood pheromone, release multiple colony-level and individual foraging behaviors increasing pollen intake. In this study pollen forager turnaround time was measured in observation hives supplemented with brood pheromone versus a blank control treatment. Treatment with brood pheromone significantly decreased pollen forager turnaround time in the hive between foraging bouts by approximately 72%. Concurrently, brood pheromone increased the ratio of pollen to non-pollen foragers entering colonies. Brood pheromone has been shown to release most of the mechanisms known to increase pollen intake by colonies acting as an important regulator of colony foraging decisions and growth.  相似文献   

In the honey bee, vitellogenin has several functions in addition to egg provisioning. Among others, it serves as a precursor to brood food proteins secreted by the hypopharyngeal glands of worker bees. In queenless workers with developing gonads, oogenesis and development of the hypopharyngeal glands are correlated. Here we describe two experiments that explored whether this relationship also exists in non-reproductive workers, and investigated a possible role of ecdysteroid hormones in the regulation of vitellogenin uptake. In the first experiment, the correlation between oocyte length and hypopharyngeal gland development was measured in workers before and after de-queening. In the second experiment, we induced middle-aged bees with resting glands to suddenly initiate brood care behaviour, and measured haemolymph ecdysteroid and vitellogenin titres. A strong positive relationship existed between morphometrical parameters of hypopharyngeal glands and ovaries in both queenless and queenright (functionally sterile) workers. No response of ecdysteroid titres to the addition of brood was detected in experiment 2, but high concentrations were measured in a small group of bees characterised by the possession of oocytes on the brink of yolk incorporation. We conclude that hypopharyngeal glands may belong to a previously described group of reproduction-related traits that are pleiotropically regulated in workers. A possible role for ecdysteroids in honey bee reproduction is discussed.  相似文献   

Division of labor is a hallmark of eusocial insects and their ecological success can be attributed to it. Honey bee division of labor proceeds along a stereotypical ontogenetic path based on age, modulated by various internal and external stimuli. Brood pheromone is a major social pheromone of the honey bee that has been shown to affect honey bee division of labor. It elicits several physiological and behavioral responses; notably, regulating the timing of the switch from performing in-hive tasks to the initiation of foraging. Additionally, brood pheromone affects future foraging choice. In honey bees, sucrose response threshold is a physiological correlate of age of first foraging and foraging choice. Brood pheromone has been shown to modulate sucrose response threshold in young bees, but its effects on sucrose response thresholds of bees in advanced behavioral states (foragers) are not known. In this study we examined the sucrose response thresholds of two different task groups, foragers (pollen and non-pollen) and non-foraging bees, in response to honey bee brood pheromone. Sucrose response thresholds were not significantly different between brood pheromone treatment and controls among both non-pollen and pollen foragers. However, the sucrose response threshold of non-foraging bees was significantly higher in the brood pheromone treatment group than in the control group. The switch to foraging task is considered a terminal one, with honey bee lifespan being determined at least partially by risks and stress accompanying foraging. Our results indicate that foragers are physiologically resistant to brood pheromone priming of sucrose response thresholds.  相似文献   

Summary Queen rearing is suppressed in honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) by pheromones, particularly the queen's mandibular gland pheromone. In this study we compared this pheromonally-based inhibition between temperate and tropically-evolved honey bees. Colonies of European and Africanized bees were exposed to synthetic queen mandibular gland pheromone (QMP) for ten days following removal of resident queens, and their queen rearing responses were examined. Queen rearing was suppressed similarly in both European and Africanized honey bees with the addition of synthetic QMP, indicating that QMP acts on workers of both races in a comparable fashion. QMP completely suppressed queen cell production for two days, but by day six, cells containing queen larvae were present in all treated colonies, indicating that other signals play a role in the suppression of queen rearing. In queenless control colonies not treated with QMP, Africanized bees reared 30% fewer queens than Europeans, possibly due to racial differences in response to feedback from developing queens and/or their cells. Queen development rate was faster in Africanized colonies, or they selected older larvae to initiate cells, as only 1 % of queen cells were unsealed after 10 days compared with 12% unsealed cells in European colonies.  相似文献   

The mode of intranest transfer of the honey bee queen mandibular gland pheromone complex (QMP) was investigated in unpopulous and populous, slightly congested colonies, using synthetic QMP containing tritiated 9-keto-2(E)-decenoic acid, one of the QMP components. Radiolabel was rapidly transported from the center to the peripheral regions of the nest, and in a manner consistent with worker to worker transport. Population size and congestion had no effect on the relative rates of movement from the center to the periphery of the nest or on the mean amounts of radiolabel on individual bees. However, a significantly smaller proportion of the workers in the populous colonies received detectable amounts of radiolabel than in the uncongested colonies, and workers carrying especially large amounts of radiolabel were less numerous in the crowded colonies. It is suggested that, at the stage of colony development that the colonies were in, population size has more of an effect on intranest pheromone transmission than does crowding. Interference with pheromone transfer may occur only at higher levels of congestion than were created, and nearer to the reproductive phase of colony development. An alternative hypothesis is that colony crowding does not significantly affect QMP transport and that the onset of reproductive queen rearing may be associated more with changes in worker thresholds of response to QMP.  相似文献   

蜜蜂蜂王信息素研究进展   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
胡福良  玄红专 《昆虫知识》2004,41(3):208-211
综述了蜂王信息素的化学组成、特性、作用 ,以及与幼虫信息相互关系的研究进展 ,对蜂王信息素在养蜂和植物授粉中的应用做了介绍。西方蜜蜂的蜂王上颚腺信息素 (queen’smandibularglandpheromone,QMP)。QMP包含了 5种成分 :(E) -9-氧 -2 -癸烯酸 ( 9 ODA)、(R ,E) ( ) 和 (S,E) ( +) 9 羟基 -2 -癸烯酸 ( -9 HDA和 +9 HDA)、甲基p -羟基安息香酸盐 (HOB)、4-羟基 -3 -甲氧苯乙醇 (也称香草醇 ,HVA) ,9 ODA是其中最重要的成分 ;QMP的组分与蜜蜂的进化程度有关 ,进化程度越高则组分越复杂 ;QMP通过抑制保幼激素的产生来调节青年工蜂的个体发育。  相似文献   

Elucidating the mechanisms by which honey bees process pollen vs. protein supplements are important in the generation of artificial diets needed to sustain managed honeybees. We measured the effects of diet on protein concentration, hypopharyngeal gland development and virus titers in worker honey bees fed either pollen, a protein supplement (MegaBee), or a protein-free diet of sugar syrup. Workers consumed more pollen than protein supplement, but protein amounts and size of hypopharyngeal gland acini did not differ between the two feeding treatments. Bees fed sugar syrup alone had lower protein concentrations and smaller hypopharyngeal glands compared with the other feeding treatments especially as the bees aged. Deformed wing virus was detected in workers at the start of a trial. The virus concentrations increased as bees aged and were highest in those fed sugar syrup and lowest in bees fed pollen. Overall results suggest a connection between diet, protein levels and immune response and indicate that colony losses might be reduced by alleviating protein stress through supplemental feeding.  相似文献   

A hallmark of eusociality is cooperative brood care. In most social insect systems brood rearing labor is divided between individuals working in the nest tending the queen and larvae, and foragers collecting food outside the nest. To place brood rearing division of labor within an evolutionary context, it is necessary to understand relationships between individuals in the nest engaged in brood care and colony growth in the honey bee. Here we examined responses of the queen, queen-worker interactions, and nursing behaviors to an increase in the brood rearing stimulus environment using brood pheromone. Colony pairs were derived from a single source and were headed by open-mated sister queens, for a total of four colony pairs. One colony of a pair was treated with 336 μg of brood pheromone, and the other a blank control. Queens in the brood pheromone treated colonies laid significantly more eggs, were fed longer, and were less idle compared to controls. Workers spent significantly more time cleaning cells in pheromone treatments. Increasing the brood rearing stimulus environment with the addition of brood pheromone significantly increased the tempo of brood rearing behaviors by bees working in the nest resulting in a significantly greater amount of brood reared.  相似文献   

We studied pollen consumption, head weight, hypopharyngeal gland (HPG) acini diameter, and protein synthesis and transfer in honeybee workers reared in colonies with normal and with decreasing amounts of brood. We found that head fresh weight is correlated with size of the glands and that pollen consumption is positively correlated with gland development. An effect of brood on size of the glands could be confirmed, but was not as profound as in previous studies. Similarly, no difference in the amount of protein synthesized or transferred in workers living under the two brood conditions was found. We suspect this is due to the fact that HPGs also supply food to young bees and in our study young bees were always present while in previous studies, colonies often lacked both brood and young bees.  相似文献   

Sagili RR  Pankiw T  Metz BN 《PloS one》2011,6(2):e16785
Division of labor is a striking feature observed in honey bees and many other social insects. Division of labor has been claimed to benefit fitness. In honey bees, the adult work force may be viewed as divided between non-foraging hive bees that rear brood and maintain the nest, and foragers that collect food outside the nest. Honey bee brood pheromone is a larval pheromone that serves as an excellent empirical tool to manipulate foraging behaviors and thus division of labor in the honey bee. Here we use two different doses of brood pheromone to alter the foraging stimulus environment, thus changing demographics of colony division of labor, to demonstrate how division of labor associated with brood rearing affects colony growth rate. We examine the effects of these different doses of brood pheromone on individual foraging ontogeny and specialization, colony level foraging behavior, and individual glandular protein synthesis. Low brood pheromone treatment colonies exhibited significantly higher foraging population, decreased age of first foraging and greater foraging effort, resulting in greater colony growth compared to other treatments. This study demonstrates how division of labor associated with brood rearing affects honey bee colony growth rate, a token of fitness.  相似文献   

前言 中华蜜蜂囊幼病是我国养蜂业的一种重要病毒病,发病率很高,有的地区造成大量的幼虫死亡,给我国养蜂生产带来一定的危害,为了对防治病害提供科学的依据,我们首先对该病病原进行了分离、提纯及电子显微镜的研究等工作。发现该病毒对幼虫和成蜂,尤其对工蜂体内各个器官都有程度不同的影响。在幼虫发病期症状特别明显,病幼虫身体松软多水,其表皮容易破裂,当悬挂幼虫时其幼虫末端积聚有透明的液滴,在巢房内幼虫头部尖并变成黑色,头部稍微向上抬起呈船形。死后的幼虫干涸变为褐色的外壳留于巢房内,当感染的幼虫全部封盖后,巢房盖的中央有一小孔,这些异常的变化都是囊幼病的典型症状。幼虫症状虽很明显,但工蜂感染病毒后在外部形态上却没有明显  相似文献   

白蚁信息素研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程冬保 《昆虫学报》2013,56(4):419-426
白蚁是最古老的社会性昆虫, 其社会性的维持需要信息素的相互作用。本文回顾了近年来国内外白蚁信息素研究的最新进展, 内容涉及白蚁踪迹信息素、 性信息素、 告警信息素和促食信息素的功能、 化学成分及产生信息素的外分泌腺。白蚁分泌信息素的腺体主要有背板腺、 腹板腺、 后腹板腺、 额腺和唾腺。绝大多数白蚁信息素是挥发性物质。白蚁在化学通讯上存在节俭策略, 即同一种化合物由不同的白蚁种类的不同外分泌腺分泌, 可具有不同的功能。总结了各类信息素在白蚁物种间、 同一物种的品级间和性别间的异同和作用方式, 强调了白蚁信息素的反应阈值、 最佳浓度、 有效期和物种特异性对其功能的影响。目前对白蚁信息素的研究尚处于起步阶段, 其研究成果对等翅目系统发育研究和白蚁防治具有重要的意义。文章最后展望了白蚁信息素在白蚁防治上的应用前景。  相似文献   

Insecticidal properties of protease inhibitors have been established in transgenic plants. In the wake of continuous research and rapid development of protease inhibitors it is important to assess possible effects on beneficial insects like the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.). In this study, newly emerged caged bees were fed pollen diets containing three different concentrations (0.1%, 0.5% and 1% w:w) of soybean trypsin inhibitor (SBTI). Hypopharyngeal gland protein content, total midgut proteolytic enzyme activity of these bees, and survival were measured. Bees fed 1% SBTI had significantly reduced hypopharyngeal gland protein content and midgut proteolytic enzyme activity. There were no significant differences between control, 0.1% and 0.5% SBTI treatments. Bees fed a diet containing 1% SBTI had the lowest survival, followed by 0.5% and 0.1%, over a 30-day period. We concluded that nurse bees fed a pollen diet containing at least 1% SBTI would be poor producers of larval food, potentially threatening colony growth and maintenance.  相似文献   

If a honey bee (Apis spp.) colony becomes queenless, about 1/3 of young workers activate their ovaries and produce haploid male-producing eggs. In doing so queenless workers maximize their inclusive fitness because the normal option of vicarious production of relatives via their queen’s eggs is no longer available. But if many workers are engaged in reproduction, how does a queenless colony continue to feed its brood and forage? Here we show that in the Asian hive bee Apis cerana hypopharyngeal gland (HPG) size is larger in queenless workers than in queenright workers and that bees undertaking brood-rearing tasks have larger HPG than same-aged bees that are foraging. In queenless colonies, workers with a smaller number of ovarioles are more likely to have activated ovaries. This reinforces the puzzling observation that a large number of ovarioles reduces reproductive success in queenless A. cerana. It further suggests that reproductive workers either avoid foraging or transition to foraging later in life than non-reproductive workers. Finally, our study also showed that ovary activation and larger-than-average numbers of ovarioles had no statistically detectable influence on foraging specialization for pollen or nectar.  相似文献   

Alarm pheromones of social insects are best known for their role in the defence and maintenance of colony integrity. Previous studies with the fire ant Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) demonstrate that the mandibular glands of workers (sterile females) and male and female sexuals produce an alarm pheromone, 2‐ethyl‐3,6‐dimethylpyrazine. The function of alarm pheromones in worker ants is well understood and divergent from the function of these compounds in the winged sexual forms. The present study quantifies the amount of pyrazine in the mandibular glands from male and female alate sexuals, as well as queens. Pyrazine production in female alates starts in the late pupal stage and increases until they reach mating flight‐ready maturity; however, after mating flight participation, the pyrazine level declines by >50%. Interestingly, mature male alates lose >85% of their mandibular gland pyrazine during mating flight activity. The results of the present study indicate that male and female sexuals use mandibular gland secretions for mating flight initiation and during mating flights. Furthermore, the ontogeny of mandibular gland products (pyrazine as the marker) from newly‐mated queens to mature colony queens shows a more than two‐fold increase in the amount of pyrazine by 6 months after mating. However, this is followed by a decline to trace amounts in mature colony queens (>2 years old), suggesting a function for mandibular gland products during colony development. Multifunctional use of social insect pheromones is well documented and data are reported in the present study suggesting new roles for mandibular gland products in fire ants.  相似文献   

The presence of the honey bee queen reduces worker ovary activation. When the queen is healthy and fecund, this is interpreted as an adaptive response as workers can gain fitness from helping the queen raise additional offspring, their sisters. However, when the queen is absent, workers activate their ovaries and lay unfertilized eggs that become males. Queen pheromones are recognised as a factor affecting worker ovary activation. Recent work has shown that queen mandibular pheromone composition changes with queen mating condition and workers show different behavioural responses to pheromone extracts from these queens. Here, we tested whether workers reared in colonies with queens of different mating condition varied in level of ovary activation. We also examined the changes in the chemical composition of the queen mandibular glands to determine if the pheromone blend varied among the queens. We found that the workers activated their ovaries when queens were unmated and had lower ovary activation when raised with mated queens, suggesting that workers detect and respond adaptively to queens of differing mating status. Moreover, variation in queen mandibular gland’s chemical composition correlated with the levels of worker ovary activation. Although correlative, this evidence suggests that queen pheromone may act as a signal of queen mating condition for workers, in response to which they alter their level of ovary activation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Worker bees recently denied access to their colony expose their Nasonov glands, thereby releasing pheromone, at the entrance to their hive. Odours of the following induced this response: empty comb, purified beeswax, honey, pollen, propolis, a live queen, the (E)-9-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid component of a queen's mandibular glands, live drones and workers, inert material on which workers had walked inside the hive, and synthetic Nasonov pheromone. The total odour of a foreign colony also induced worker bees to expose their Nasonov glands but was less effective than the odour of their own colony. Odours of the following were not effective: the (E)-9-oxo-2-decenoic acid component of a queen's mandibular glands, recently killed drones and workers, worker brood (eggs, larvae, pupae).  相似文献   

Bumble bees alert to food with pheromone from tergal gland   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Foragers of Bombus terrestris are able to alert their nestmates to the presence of food sources. It has been supposed that this happens at least partially through the distribution of a pheromone inside the nest. We substantiate this claim using a behavioral test in which an alerting signal is transmitted from one colony to another by long distance air transport, so excluding all other modalities of information exchange. We then investigated the source of the pheromone and were able to show that a hexane extract from tergites V-VII of bumble bee workers elicits higher activity, like a successful forager does. Extracts from other glands, such as the mandibular, labial, hypopharyngeal, and Dufour's gland as well as extracts from other parts of the cuticle had no effect. This suggests that bumble bees possess a pheromone-producing gland, similar to the Nasanov gland in honey bees. Indeed, an extract from the honey bee Nasanov gland also proved to alert bumble bee workers, suggesting a possible homology of the glands.  相似文献   

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