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红外相机技术的发展促进了对东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)、东北豹(Panthera pardus orientalis)及其猎物种群的研究。本研究以珲春保护区春化和马滴达两个区域的监测结果为例, 介绍利用该技术对我国长白山区东北虎、东北豹及其猎物的种群评估方法, 包括监测位点的选择、相机的架设方式及参数设置、数据筛选、东北虎和东北豹体侧花纹个体识别方法、物种相对丰富度的计算以及捕食者与猎物丰富度关系模型的构建。最后就东北虎、东北豹体侧花纹个体识别技术的适用性、红外相机监测与传统调查方法的差异, 相机监测的误差进行了讨论。研究表明, 利用红外相机技术进行密度预测以及东北虎、东北豹个体自动识别技术还需继续完善。1对/25 km2的相机架设密度基本上满足对于珲春保护区春化至马滴达区域虎豹的监测强度要求, 但对于有蹄类则需要另外的监测方案。  相似文献   

华北豹(Panthera pardus japonesis)是中国特有的豹亚种。由于长期缺乏有效的科学调查, 目前对其分布、种群及动态、行为、猎物现状等基础信息不清。在2007-2014年期间, 本研究应用红外相机技术(camera trap)对山西晋中庆城林场的华北豹种群开展了长达7年的连续监测。先后监测到14只华北豹, 其中成年个体11只(3♀, 8), 幼体3只, 成年雌雄比例为0.375; 在其间出现了2次繁殖。该区域主要的有蹄类猎物为野猪(Sus scrofa)和西伯利亚狍(Capreolus pygargus), 其相对密度分别为4.16和3.48, 绝对密度分别为1.35只/km2和3.61只/km2。  相似文献   

为分析古田山自然保护区内小麂种群资源的现状,制定合理的保护和管理措施,本研究结合传统的样带调查法和非损伤性标志重捕法进行小麂种群资源的调查与评估。2014年4月、7月、10月和2015年1月在古田山自然保护区内进行了4次调查,结果显示:样带法得到全区的种群密度为(5.8±0.4)只/km2,种群数量为(473.5±29.2)只,其中核心区种群密度最高,为(7.5±0.7)只/km2,种群数量为(160.8±14.0)只;缓冲区为(5.7±0.6)只/km2,种群数量为(98.2±10.4)只;实验区密度最低,为(3.3±0.5)只/km2,种群数量为(140.5±20.7)只。非损伤性标志重捕法得到全区种群密度为(4.9±0.3)只/km2,种群数量为(397±26)只。样带法调查显示,不同功能区之间的种群密度随季节发生变化,核心区、缓冲区和实验区均是春季种群密度最高,保护区内小麂主要栖息在海拔400-800 m之间,夏季向高海拔区域迁移,冬季则向低海拔迁移。SRY性别鉴定结果表明,古田山小麂种群季节间平均雌雄性比1.17∶1,周年雌雄性比为1.11∶1(9只雌性,84只雄性)(x=0.458,P=0.499),雌性个体的数量优势并不是很明显,若要进一步提高种群数量,则需要加强保护。  相似文献   

云南西双版纳尚勇保护区亚洲象对栖息地的选择   总被引:15,自引:7,他引:8  
冯利民  张立 《兽类学报》2005,25(3):229-236
以西双版纳国家级自然保护区尚勇子保护区内的亚洲象种群为研究对象, 利用村寨调查、样线调查和3S(GIS、GPS、RS) 技术对该地区野生亚洲象的栖息地状况和亚洲象对栖息地选择利用进行了初步的研究。结果表明亚洲象喜欢海拔1 000 m以下的区域, 坡度小于10°的区域, 坡位为平坦的沟谷和山坡的下部, 坡向为南、北两个方向。偏好的植被类型有竹阔混交林、灌丛和高山草甸。研究还发现尚勇保护区及周边区域亚洲象栖息地的丧失和日益增加的非法盗猎活动已经严重威胁到该地区野生亚洲象种群的生存。  相似文献   

长岛海域是黄渤海东亚江豚(Neophocaena asiaeorientalis sunameri)的热点分布区域之一。为了掌握长岛海域东亚江豚的种群密度与分布特征,2019年10月至2021年10月采用截线抽样法进行了5次东亚江豚目视考察。5次考察总航程2 421 km,共发现东亚江豚614次,1 156头次。相同月份调查种群遇见率无显著性差异(P> 0.05),不同月份种群遇见率差异极显著(P <0.01),提示东亚江豚种群在该水域可能存在季节性迁移。按照考察月份对数据进行合并处理,长岛海域5月和10月东亚江豚平均种群密度为(0.56±0.11)头/km2(0.46~0.68头/km2)和(3.63±0.25)头/km2(3.38~3.88头/km2),平均种群数量为(20 209±202)头和(2 971±681)头,这在目前已知所有东亚江豚分布区中是最高的。尽管不同季节种群数量差异显著,但东亚江豚种群在长岛海域的空间分布特征相似,砣矶岛-大钦岛西北侧和东南侧均为高密度分布区,因此...  相似文献   

完达山东部林区野猪种群数量和栖息地特征的初步分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2008 年11 月18 日至2009 年3 月20 日,为了调查黑龙江省完达山东部林区野猪种群数量和栖息地特征,我们采用随机布设样线的方法在东方红林业局境内13 个林场共布设大样方40 个,样线200 条。调查结果表明,东方红林业局境内野猪分布平均密度为0.175 头/ km2 , 种群数量为546 ~ 680 头;野猪主要分布在河口、奇源、青山、五林洞、独木河、海音山和东林7 个林场,位于海拔300 ~ 800 m 的范围内。1989 年调查的野猪平均密度为0.372 头/ km2 ,种群数量为1302 ; 2002 年调查的野猪平均密度为0. 342 头/ km2 , 种群数量为1 198 头。近年来野猪种群密度降低,种群数量呈加速下降趋势。对野猪栖息地特征分析表明,野猪喜欢选择中坡位、阳坡、坡度小于5°、地表植被盖度大于30% 、隐蔽度和郁闭度在25% ~ 50% 之间的生境。阔叶林、灌丛是野猪的主要栖息地。非法捕猎、森林采伐、坚果采摘和东北虎的捕食是造成野猪种群数量减少、栖息地质量下降的主要因素。  相似文献   

张常智  张明海 《生态学报》2011,31(21):6481-6487
猎物种群丰度是限制虎分布和数量的关键因子,因此猎物种群密度监测和估算是虎保护的重要内容之一。应用采用大样方法,地理信息系统技术和多元统计分析,研究了黑龙江东完达山东部地区东北虎猎物种群(马鹿、狍子和野猪)现状及动态变化趋势。结果表明:研究地区马鹿的种群平均密度为(0.2010±0.0270)只/km2、狍子的平均种群密度为(0.4980±0.0436)只/km2、野猪的平均种群密度为(0.3423±0.0275)只/km2。单因素方差分析表明,在相同生境下,3种有蹄类密度在在阔叶混交林中和杂木林中差异极为显著;不同的生境,3种猎物的猎物的密度也存在着显著差异。相关分析表明马鹿密度和野猪密度程正相关,而马鹿密度和狍子密度、狍子密度和野猪密度则不相关。 同1989年该地区东北虎猎物种群相比:1989-2002年的13 a时间内马鹿的年平均递减率为13.48%、狍子的年平均递减率为12.69%、野猪的年平均递减率为1.89%。  相似文献   

四川小相岭山系大熊猫种群及栖息地调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小相岭山系是现存大熊猫种群数量最少的山系之一。根据全国第3次大熊猫及其栖息地调查结果,小相岭山系大熊猫栖息地分布在石棉、冕宁和九龙三县,栖息地总面积802.04 km2,大熊猫种群数量有32只。大熊猫在3个位于小相岭山系的自然保护区内种群数量和栖息地面积分别为:四川冶勒自然保护区9只,栖息地面积168.01 km2;四川栗子坪自然保护区14只,栖息地面积306.38 km2;四川贡嘎山自然保护区1只,栖息地面积15.19 km2。在3个保护区大熊猫栖息地总面积为489.58 km2,占各山系大熊猫栖息地总面积的61.05%;有大熊猫24只,占大熊猫种群数量的75.0%。小相岭山系大熊猫meta种群栖息地片段化比较严重,它由2个种群和2个孤立分布点组成。南北方向从成都至昆明的108国道以东的种群A有大熊猫13只,栖息地面积263.54 km2, 完整性较好,大熊猫分布比较集中。108国道以西的种群B有大熊猫19只,栖息地面积为538.50 km2,栖息地破碎。该山系大熊猫数量少,栖息地片段化严重,需加强保护。

小种群是在自然因素或人为活动影响下,形成具有生存风险的隔离或异质种群,认识其形成原因并制定保护对策是开展救护行动的基础。野生大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)具有许多相互隔离的小种群,各小种群的生存状况决定该物种的整体保护成效。本文以甘肃多儿保护区大熊猫种群为例,在对保护区内大熊猫进行种群分布、空间利用、干扰状况调查的基础上,开展栖息地适宜性评价,分析了保护区大熊猫有效利用空间及其时空格局与环境容纳量。结果显示:(1)保护区适宜栖息地面积5 789.2 hm2,次适宜栖息地面积18 165.6 hm2,共占保护区总面积43.9%。优质栖息地主要分布在工布龙区域,该区域森林和生态系统保持原生状态,也是保护区大熊猫的主要分布区;(2)工布龙区域总面积9 949.7 hm2,其中适宜和次适宜栖息地共5 129.4 hm2,牧场是大熊猫栖息地的主要干扰因子,放牧干扰下工布龙区域适宜和次适宜栖息地面积共减少12.9%,破碎化水平加剧;(3)牧场与大熊猫栖息地镶嵌分布,导致适宜栖息地隔离,放...  相似文献   

红喉雉鹑Tetraophasis obscurus是我国特有高山雉类,国家一级重点保护野生动物。为了解其生活习性及种群参数,2020—2021年在四川王朗国家级自然保护区采用红外相机技术、样线法和样点法对红喉雉鹑的日活动节律及其种群密度进行了调查。红喉雉鹑在保护区分布海拔为2 773~3 777 m,主要活动在3 200~3 400 m,常见于针叶林和针阔混交林,未在草甸生境中记录到;核密度函数绘制的日活动节律曲线表明,红喉雉鹑为昼行性动物,全年日活动曲线整体呈单峰模式,日活动强度在06∶00后快速升高,在08∶00—10∶00达到最高,之后快速降低至12∶00,其后缓慢下降,20∶00趋近于无;繁殖季和非繁殖季的日活动节律均呈双峰模式,但差异不显著(Δ=0.79),均以早晨最为活跃,非繁殖季比繁殖季的活动高峰推迟1~2 h;红外相机拍摄的群体平均大小为2.63只/群,样线调查的为3只/群,样线法和样点法估算的种群密度分别为7.60只/km2和5.42~6.18只/km2。本研究丰富了红喉雉鹑的野外生态学资料,为其保护管理和种群监测、评估提供...  相似文献   

Prey selection and the feeding habits of tiger Panthera tigris, leopard Panthera pardus and Asiatic wild dog Cuon alpinus were investigated from June 2009 to December 2011 in Pakke Tiger Reserve, Arunachal Pradesh. A total of 422 scats were analyzed of which, 109 scats were of tigers, 150 were of leopard and 163 scats were of dholes. Multinomial Likelihood ratio test was used to estimate the prey selectivity of predators and Ivlev index, Pianka index were used to estimate prey preference and overlap respectively. Biomass consumption for three sympatric predators varied from 254.3 kg for dholes to 599.1 kg for tigers. Sambar, barking deer, wild pig were preyed more than their availability by all the predators. Ivlev index shows barking deer and sambar were preferred more than available prey for tiger where as leopard preferred sambar more than available and avoided barking deer. Dhole preferred more than available wild pig and barking deer. There was a high overlap between tiger–leopard (85.3%) and tiger–dhole (77.5%). To the best of our understanding, this study provides the first reliable information on prey selection and food habits of sympatric large carnivores in a protected area of Eastern Himalayan tropical rainforest.  相似文献   

There is a little understanding of how apex carnivores partition their diet to coexist. We studied food habit and trophic niche overlap of two apex carnivores, tiger and leopard in the tropical forest of Similipal tiger reserve, eastern India. We used line transect and scat analysis method, to estimate the prey availability and determine the diet and prey selection of two apex carnivores. Tigers consumed mostly large and medium-sized prey, whereas leopards mostly consumed medium and small-sized prey. Both carnivores were not random in their consumption of prey, sambar and wild pigs were selectively consumed by tigers, whereas leopards selectively consumed wild pigs, barking deer and mouse deer. Dietary overlap between two carnivore species was moderate (Pianka's niche overlap index: 0.55), and trophic niche breadth (Levin's standardized niche breadth) of the leopard (0.52) was greater than that of the tiger (0.37). Overall, tigers exhibited specialized feeding habits, whereas leopards showed generalist feeding habits. Our study highlights the opportunistic nature of leopards and probably a reason for the species successfully coexist with tigers.  相似文献   

罗布泊野骆驼的家域特征及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
野双峰骆驼(Camelus ferus)生活在荒漠戈壁, 种群数量稀少, 栖息地地形复杂多样, 且有长距离迁徙习性, 目前对其家域面积和重要栖息地范围的研究只有定性描述。本研究于2012年5月至2013年7月, 在阿奇克谷地和阿尔金山北麓捕捉了8峰野骆驼并安装GPS卫星跟踪项圈, 分别获得了12-423天的13,748个GPS位点记录。研究结果表明, 8峰野骆驼的100%最小凸多边形(minimum convex polygons, MCP)家域面积分别为1,775-11,768 km2, 总家域面积为32,821 km2, 占罗布泊野骆驼分布区面积的23.1%, 平均家域面积为7,349 ± 1,323 km2。野骆驼个体家域面积季节间差异显著, 秋季最大, 其次是冬季和夏季, 春季最小, 秋季是春季的4.4倍。野骆驼在繁殖季节的家域平均面积为879 ± 320 km2, 非繁殖季节为998 ± 106 km2, 二者间无显著差异。除了项圈编码为135号的野骆驼和其他7峰野骆驼的家域没有重叠外, 其余7峰野骆驼的家域都有重叠。这7峰野骆驼的家域总面积是24,910 km2, 占罗布泊野骆驼分布区总面积的17.5%, 重叠区面积是515 km2。鉴于野骆驼主要分布在阿奇克谷地及以南区域、阿尔金山北麓, 建议将罗布泊野骆驼国家级自然保护区位于阿奇克谷地北山以北的核心区部分区域、磁海低地以南的山区和阿尔金山西部原为实验区的部分区域调整为缓冲区, 而将阿尔金山北麓至库姆塔格沙漠之间的戈壁地带原为缓冲区的部分区域调整为核心区。  相似文献   

Very little is known about prey selection by the Indian tiger Panthera tigris tigris in tropical dry deciduous forests or in wild herbivore-depleted habitats with high livestock pressures. We undertook a short-term study in a large south Indian tiger reserve and examined two intensive study areas (SA's) from October 1998 – June 1999. In each area, herbivore sightings were recorded, scats were collected, and wild prey and livestock kills documented. Chital, wild boar and sambar were the most abundant among the wild herbivores in the study area. Scat analysis revealed wild boar (Sus scrofa) being the most common prey followed by chital (Axis axis) and sambar (Rusa unicolor). Livestock comprised less than 7% of diet intake. Here, the tigers consumed a lower mean prey mass (56.3 kg) than in other reserves. Our study suggests that in tropical dry deciduous forests with low natural prey density, smaller prey species, and high livestock biomass, tigers preferentially kill smaller prey and generally avoid livestock predation.  相似文献   

Food habits of tigers Panthera tigris in terms of prey abundance were studied in the semi-arid deciduous forests of Ranthambhore National Park, western India, between November 2000 and April 2001. Wild prey availability was assessed by line transects ( n =8) and prey selection by the tigers was determined from analysis of scats ( n =109). Compared to some other parts of the country, prey abundance was found to be high at 96.65 animals km−2. Chital Axis axis was the most abundant wild prey in the study area, followed by common langur Presbytis entellus , sambar Cervus unicolor , nilgai Boselaphus tragocamelus , wild pig Sus scrofa and chinkara Gazella bennetti. Chital ( c. 31%) and sambar ( c . 47%) constituted the bulk of the tigers' diet and were preferred prey. Nilgai and chinkara contributed minimally to the tigers' diet ( c . 5–7% and <1%, respectively) and were used less than their availability. Domestic livestock made up 10–12% of the tigers' diet. The average weight of an animal consumed was between 107 and 114 kg reflecting a preference for large prey. The analysis reveals that parts of Ranthambhore have high prey abundance, thus making it important for long-term tiger conservation. Despite the high prey abundance, tigers were still considerably dependent on domestic livestock, posing challenges for the park management to resolve potential areas of conflict.  相似文献   

中国滇南-东南亚跨境动物多样性监测平台由中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园“动物行为与环境变化研究组”和中国科学院东南亚生物多样性研究中心“动物多样性与保护研究组”共建共管。平台始建于2012年6月, 覆盖的区域包括中国滇南和东南亚邻国, 致力于完善滇南和东南亚地区生物多样性本底资料, 了解重点保护动物的分布、种群大小、保护现状, 提出保护建议并制定保护方案。截至2019年9月, 在国内外22个监测点(包括保护区内、外)共布设了1,493个红外相机位点, 收回了国内外部分监测点照片。现已鉴定国内纳板河(2012-2016)、勐腊(2014-2019)、勐仑(2015-2019)和尚勇(2018-2019) 289个有效位点的718,995张照片, 调查工作量97,444个相机日, 记录到兽类48种, 鸟类80种。国外收回红外相机照片的鉴定工作正在推进。基于平台, 我们取得了一些重要成果, 例如: 报道了中国西南地区野猪(Sus scrofa)的种群生态, 发现了纳板河北豚尾猴(Macaca leonina)和猕猴(M. mulatta)的时空生态位分化, 结合分子生物学证据对麂属(Muntiacus)、斑羚属(Naemorhedus)、比氏鼯鼠属(Biswamoyopterus)进行了分类修订等。后续将在现有基础上扩大监测范围, 在国内与更多滇南保护区开展合作, 国外与更多东南亚国家合作。  相似文献   

The impacts of conflict on nature are devastatingly adverse but differ widely in different socio-economic-political regimes. Armed conflict often facilitates illegal plunder and unsustainable use of natural resources. We studied the response of mammals in Ripu (605.27 sq.km, westernmost part of Manas Tiger Reserve) Reserved Forest (RF) in Assam, India that suffers prolonged anthropogenic pressures due to armed conflict instigated by social unrest. We used standard single-season occupancy models using sign survey to assess factors affecting the space use of mammals. Our study revealed that Ripu RF has a high proportion of area occupied by prey species of large carnivores. Asian elephant, barking deer, and wild pig occupied most of the habitat, whereas gaur, sambar and spotted deer restricted themselves to selected patches. The probability of a site being occupied by the majority of ungulates declines with an increase in anthropogenic activities, including distance to human settlement (measure of prolonged disturbance) and an increase in the proportion of secondary degraded forest. Common leopard was found to be positively associated with prey occupancy and increase in semievergreen and moist-mixed deciduous forest. Our ground efforts to strengthen community patrolling and operational execution of various alternative livelihoods has helped to improve the economic condition of patrolling staff. Strategic implementation of law enforcement could support dispersal of tigers from Phibsoo Wildlife Sanctuary (Bhutan), potentially linked to the larger tiger and elephant landscape far west (Buxa Tiger Reserve in West Bengal) in the Terai region of India. Various community-based conservation initiatives and strategies with sustained support from various agencies, including national, international, and local bodies, is required to restore this critical habitat.  相似文献   

珲春国家级自然保护区是东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)、东北豹(Panthera pardus orientalis)等濒危物种在中国的核心分布区。为了探究该区域野生动物的多度水平和空间分布, 了解人类干扰情况, 我们运用相对多度指数(relative abundance index, RAI)分析了2013年4-6月设置于此的83个红外相机位点的监测数据。红外相机的总捕获天数6,060 d, 共捕获10科18种野生哺乳动物, 其中鼬科4种, 猫科动物3种, 犬科、鹿科和松鼠科各2种, 猪科、熊科、麝科、猬科和兔科各1种。研究期间共拍摄到东北虎11只个体, 东北豹13只个体。从相对多度指数来看, 东北虎的相对多度(0.84)远高于东北豹(0.48), 它们的有蹄类猎物中梅花鹿(Cervus nippon)的相对多度最高(2.18), 其次为狍(Capreolus pygargus)(1.53)和野猪(Sus scrofa)(0.92)。人类活动和放牧的相对多度水平(分别为40.64和2.76)显著高于野生动物。在空间分布上, 东北虎和梅花鹿主要在保护区的核心区分布, 且与保护区社区共管区的多度水平差异显著, 而东北豹在不同功能区之间的分布差异不显著, 狍在保护区北部的多度水平较高, 但各功能区之间差异不显著, 野猪在社区共管区的多度水平显著高于核心区。可见, 核心区频繁的人类活动和放牧活动对野生动物的保护产生了影响, 未来应加强关于人类干扰对虎、豹种群及其有蹄类猎物的影响评估。  相似文献   

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