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动力学模型化方法在凝血系统的研究中已经取得了丰硕的成果,文章将这一方法用于分析组织因子途径抑制剂对凝血系统的影响,得到的结论揭示了凝血过程是振荡的时间过程,并且它存在着多种稳定的终态。特别是稳定的周期振荡终态的存在在血液学研究中是一个十分有趣而重要的现象。同时由于主要结果与实验及临床相吻合,展示出模型化方法及数值模拟方法在凝血问题研究中的重要作用。  相似文献   

凝血酶激活的纤维蛋白抑制剂(TAFI)和蛋白C在血液凝固的的过程中起着重要的调节作用,TAFI的作用主要发挥在纤溶阶段,但两者对血液凝固的调节不是孤立的,为了了解TAFI的作用的影响,近而更深一步弄清楚血凝块形成初期TAFI对纤维蛋白溶解的调节机理,本文根据生物学实验建立了一个关于TAFI和蛋白C的凝血动力模型,通过对模型的动力学分析和数值模拟得到了一些新的结论,这些结论或许会对临床医学提供有益的启示,另外还得到了一些与临床医学及实验相吻合的定性结论,展现出模型化方法的重要作用及预测能力。  相似文献   

在1.5L搅拌式发酵罐中,使用葡萄糖质量浓度分别为120、200、280g/L的培养基进行酿酒酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae连续发酵生成酒精的动力学研究。研究发现,当培养基中葡萄糖浓度为200和280g/L时,发酵液中残糖浓度、酒精浓度以及菌体生物量从小幅度波动的准稳态发展到大幅度波动的振荡状态。提出了伴有周期性振荡现象准稳态过程的概念,并针对该过程,建立了兼有底物和产物抑制的酵母细胞生长和产物酒精生成动力学模型。  相似文献   

本文将考虑一类很难得到持续性的概周期互惠种群脉冲模型.利用一种新的研究思想和方法——基于单调算子的不动点理论,我们对其正概周期振荡进行研究并得到一个新的结果;利用李雅普洛夫函数方法,对该模型及其正概周期振荡的全局吸引性进行探讨,得到一些关于该模型正概周期振荡存在、惟一且全局吸引的新结果.本文的结果推广并改进了近年来的一些研究结果.  相似文献   

细胞离子在振荡电磁场作用下的受力模型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过生物细胞模型,研究振荡电场、振荡磁场以及振荡磁场产生的感应电场对细胞离子的作用机理。模型分析结果表明,电场力和罗仑兹力对细胞膜两侧的自由离子将产生加速度,振荡离子将产生周期性电位移。该模型同时也解释了脉冲电磁场比同参教的连续场产生更多的生物效应,以及连续场在开始施加和切除时的效应最大。  相似文献   

细菌性败血症引起鲫凝血障碍的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以嗜水气单胞菌感染体重70g左右的鲫并检测了感染鱼和对照鱼的血液学及播散性血管内凝血判定指标等参数。结果表明细菌性败血症病鱼严重贫血,存在明显的凝血障碍,在疾病发展过程中存在播散性血管内凝血现象。这一些象导致了病鱼全身性出血,并在疾病的病理生理过程中起了重要作用。  相似文献   

具有特定频率的节律性刺激能同步大脑内相应频率的神经振荡,使神经活动与外界刺激发生相位锁定,称之为神经振荡-外界节律同步化(neural entrainment).这种同步化的现象伴随着大脑内神经元集群兴奋水平的周期性波动,并与节律信息加工、知觉及注意等认知过程存在关联.得益于其非侵入、易操作以及能有效调控神经活动的特性,神经振荡-外界节律同步化成为了研究神经振荡与知觉和认知功能关系的有力手段,也为认知障碍诊断及干预提供了新的思路和方法.  相似文献   

动态IP3-Ca2+振荡模型的数值分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过改进J.W.Shuai和P.Jung钙振荡模型,得到与IP3浓度相关的动态IP3-Ca^2+振荡模型.利用改进模型,数值分析依赖性参数λ和钙通道数目N对Ca^2+振荡的影响,得到Ca^2+振荡关于参数λ的分叉图、Ca^2+振荡与IP3振荡的一致性、钙通道数目N对Ca^2+振荡的影响等.这些模型结果显示了Ca^2+振荡的特性.  相似文献   

在分批发酵中,对酵母菌转化人参皂苷的动力学进行了研究。应用Logistic方程和Luedeking-Piret方程,得到了描述分批发酵过程中,酵母菌体生长、底物消耗和产物合成的动力学模型及模型参数,并对实验数据与模型进行了验证比较,模型计算值与实验值拟合良好,所建模型能很好地描述酵母菌转化人参皂苷的动力学特征。为进一步研究和预测酵母菌生物转化过程奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

目的明确人SR-AI转基因小鼠的一些形态、脏器、血液学和血浆脂质参数,为人SR-AI转基因小鼠模型的应用提供相关依据.方法用游标卡尺和电子称量天平测量人SR-AI转基因小鼠的吻长、眶间距、体长、尾长及12个脏器系数并与C57BL/6J小鼠进行比较分析;用SysmexK-4500型全血自动多参数血液分析仪检测其血液学指标;并用酶法分别测定血浆总胆固醇、甘油三酯和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇含量.结果人SR-AI转基因小鼠外部形态指标和脏器系数与C57BL/6J小鼠比较差异没有显著意义(P>0.05);转基因小鼠的各项血液学指标无明显改变,血脂蛋白成分的改变亦未显示统计学意义(P>0.05),甘油三酯的浓度略有增高(P<0.05).结论人SR-AI转基因小鼠的外部形态指标、脏器系数及各项血液学指标均无明显改变,适合用作动脉粥样硬化模型的研究.  相似文献   

在生化实验的基础上提出了血小板在凝血中作用的动力学模型,通过定性分析和数值模拟,得到:系统的启动存在一阈值,该阈值与血小板和凝血因子作用的吸附解离常数有密切的关系,即与血小板的存在与否直接相关;血小板的激活比率对系统的正平衡点的稳定性有重要的影响,与凝血启动后的最终状态有关;当刺激强度较小时,因子Ⅷ和Ⅸ对系统的解在定性与定量上没有明显的影响;当刺激强度较大时,因子Ⅷ和Ⅸ在凝血瀑布机制中起级联放大作  相似文献   

A new methodology: the method and technical means for studying the coagulation of blood and the acoustic properties of other biological fluids (ultrasound coagulography) was developed. The complex of devices is based on the principle of measuring the rate of ultrasound in a medium studied by means of the impulse method. Arguments for the applicability of the method for studying the process of blood coagulation are adduced, special acoustic chambers were designed, and algorithms and computer programs for immediate processing of the data were developed. The field of application is biology and medicine: studies of the acoustic properties of biological fluids (e.g., blood coagulation), rheological properties, and viscosity of the object for the diagnosis of some diseases. The results of clinical assays of blood coagulation in healthy persons are presented.  相似文献   

目的研究具有中医“热毒血瘀证”证候的大鼠血液成分和流变学变化,以阐释“热毒血瘀证”的生物学基础。方法大鼠腹腔注射内毒素即脂多糖(Lipopolysaccharide,LPS),连续8周,从中西医学不同视角,观察注射期间和注射后不同时间点大鼠症状表现,包括采集舌像、检测白细胞介素-1(interleukin-1,IL-1)、肿瘤坏死因子-α(tumor necrosis factor-,αTNF-α)、血小板聚集、红细胞聚集和变形、血液粘度、血脂和凝血因子。结果注射毒素后大鼠活动减少,大便臭秽;尾部逐渐变得紫暗,舌质由红润变得暗、干涩、舌下静脉变长;给药第1周大鼠血液有凝血时间延长和血脂波动,随后有血液流变学异常和血细胞功能改变表现;4周至8周血小板聚集、血浆粘度和血脂升高。结论腹腔注射内毒素后,大鼠出现符合中医热毒血瘀证证候的舌像和体征,其生物学表现是一个动态过程首先是炎症反应并波及血液内成分变化和凝血变化,然后会引起微循环障碍和血流变的异常。这在一定程度反映中医“热毒血瘀证”的现代生物医学表现特征。  相似文献   

冻伤对大鼠血凝系统某些因素的影响   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
本研究观察了大鼠双后足局部冻伤后其血凝系统某些因素的改变。结果表明,冻伤后大鼠的出血时间及凝血时间明显缩短,血小板数增加,血小板聚集率增高,血浆血栓素A2、纤维蛋白原及钙离子浓度均明显增加,且上述指标的改变与冻伤程度有密切关系,冻伤愈重,改变愈明显,恢复亦愈慢。结果提示,冻伤可使血凝系统发生改变,血液处于高凝状态,这对浆伤后发生的血液循环障碍最终导致冻伤组织坏死的病理过程起重要作用。  相似文献   

Spite, the shady relative of altruism, involves paying a fitness cost to inflict a cost on some recipient. Here, we investigate a density dependent dynamic model for the evolution of spite in populations of changing size. We extend the model by introducing a dynamic carrying capacity. Our analysis shows that it is possible for unconditionally spiteful behavior to evolve without population structure in any finite population. In some circumstances spiteful behavior can contribute to its own stability by limiting population growth. We use the model to show that there are differences between spite and altruism, and to refine Hamilton’s original argument about the insignificance of spite in the wild. We also discuss the importance of fixing the measure of fitness to classify behaviors as selfish or spiteful.  相似文献   

1. Serum antitrypsin and pancreatic trypsin inhibitor inhibited the coagulation of plasma in vitro. 2. This could be largely prevented by trypsin. 3. The anticoagulant action of the trypsin inhibitor was apparently due to its antiprothrombic action. It had no appreciable antithrombic action. 4. Examination of the blood of two hemophiliacs indicated that the prolonged coagulation time of their blood is not due to an excess of trypsin inhibitor. 5. Examination of the blood of heparinized dogs indicated that heparin does not appreciably contribute to the antiproteolytic activity of the serum.  相似文献   

The author presents some idea about origin and development of some physiological functions: outer breathing, breath function of blood, blood circulation, thermoregulation, energy supply. The conclusions about main directions of evolution of these functions and duration of their development in phylogeny were drawn. The author gave some examples of abrupt changes of development of these functions in different groups of animals and discussed possible reasons of such changes. General quantitative estimation of the results of evolution of these functions from the position of their summArized efficiency was done. Quantitative characteristics of optimization and efficiency limits of physiological functions were suggested on the base of new data in general biology and comparative physiology. The author put toward the hypothesis about conventional "mistakes" of evolution and showed deep biological reasons of some seriOus illness. The examples of some applied problems in biology, physiology and medicine that can be solved with the data on evolution of physiological functions are presented.  相似文献   

等离子体医学及其在肿瘤治疗中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大气压冷等离子体是近年来学术界兴起的新研究领域,由于其在大气压下产生,气体温度低、粒子活性高,在众多领域尤其是生物医学方面的应用引起了人们广泛的关注.等离子体医学是一个革新的、新兴的交叉学科研究领域,结合了等离子体物理学、化学、生命科学和临床医学等.本文首先介绍了大气压冷等离子体的产生及其粒子成分,与液体和生物组织的相互作用,并介绍了大气压冷等离子体在生物医学领域的一些主要应用,如杀菌消毒、凝血、牙科应用、伤口愈合及皮肤病治疗等方面.同时,重点介绍大气压冷等离子体在肿瘤治疗方面的研究进展.大气压冷等离子体可有效诱导肿瘤细胞死亡、抑制增殖及迁徙、诱导肿瘤细胞分化并抑制干细胞潜能,同时能提高化疗药物敏感性,在肿瘤治疗领域具有很好的应用前景.  相似文献   

Blood coagulation is an extremely complicated and dynamic physiological process. Monitoring of blood coagulation is essential to predict the risk of hemorrhage and thrombosis during cardiac surgical procedures. In this study, a high throughput microfluidic chip has been developed for the investigation of the blood coagulation process under temperature and hematocrit variations. Electrical impedance of the whole blood was continuously recorded by on-chip electrodes in contact with the blood sample during coagulation. Analysis of the impedance change of the blood was conducted to investigate the characteristics of blood coagulation process and the starting time of blood coagulation was defined. The study of blood coagulation time under temperature and hematocrit variations was shown a good agreement with results in the previous clinical reports. The electrical impedance measurement for the definition of blood coagulation process provides a fast and easy measurement technique. The microfluidic chip was shown to be a sensitive and promising device for monitoring blood coagulation process even in a variety of conditions. It is found valuable for the development of point-of-care coagulation testing devices that utilizes whole blood sample in microliter quantity.  相似文献   

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