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贺兰山15种旱生灌木叶表皮扫描电镜观察   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
对15种天然分布在宁夏贺兰山荒漠地区的旱生灌木叶表皮进行扫描电镜观察发现,这些植物叶的上、下表皮细胞角质膜加厚,且分布有大量的表皮毛,有单细胞毛和多细胞毛;气孔器被表皮毛覆盖,均为内陷气孔。这些形态结构是植物适应干旱环境的典型特征。  相似文献   

中国白杨派杨树叶片表皮特征的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用光镜和扫描电镜对中国9种白杨派杨树叶片的表皮特征进行了研究,结果表明该派植物的气孔器为不规则型,仅分布于叶片的背面,气孔器与表皮细胞平齐、不呈下陷状,大小变化较大;表皮毛为单细胞、非腺性的长绒毛,毛细长而扁平,不具分枝,气孔器密度、表皮毛、角质层和蜡质层等表皮特征不仅与树种有关,而且在同一树种的长枝叶与短枝叶之间,也有明显的差异。另外,还对白杨派杨树的生态类型进行了探讨。  相似文献   

对28种表型相似、种间界限模糊的柳属植物在扫描电子显微镜下的叶表皮微形态特征进行观察,结果表明:柳属中有7种角质层蜡质纹饰,分别是平滑蜡质层、壳状蜡质层、痂状蜡质层、片状晶体、膜片状晶体、锥形纤维体和鳞片状纤维体,其中锥形纤维体和鳞片状纤维体为柳属所特有,而片状晶体和膜片状晶体为首次在柳属植物中发现;扫描电子显微镜下柳属植物叶表皮毛被的微观形态特征并不似其宏观形态(疏毛、绢毛、绒毛等)那样具有显著差异,微观形态主要表现为毛被密度、长短和卷曲方式(分为直,微弯曲和深度卷曲三种)的不同.研究表明叶表皮蜡质纹饰类型、气孔器的形态等微形态特征较为稳定,对柳属植物中表型相似的种类有很好的鉴定价值,但对组、亚属水平的界定作用不大;分布于寒冷地区和高海拔地区的柳属植物的叶表皮微形态特征相对多样,这可能是植物对寒冷环境的适应进化.  相似文献   

杜鹃花属种类繁多,广泛分布于欧亚大陆和北美大陆,由于种间变异大、过渡特征丰富,其分类鉴定一直存在较多争议。该研究通过扫描电镜对常绿杜鹃亚属(subgen. Hymenanthes)麻花杜鹃亚组(subsect. Maculifera)的11种3变种植物的叶表皮微形态特征进行观察,为麻花亚组的分类与鉴定提供新的依据。结果显示:麻花杜鹃亚组植物上表皮表面平滑或粗糙、无表皮毛,具有条状、分枝状或短杆状初级蜡质纹饰;下表皮表面有或无分枝状蜡质纹饰,少部分具有表皮毛,不具有指状或乳状突起、亦无腺体;气孔器形状为圆形或椭圆形,内外拱盖表面粗糙或光滑,周围无间断的条形突起环绕。研究表明,麻花杜鹃亚组植物叶片微形态特征表现出一定的共性与多样性,可为麻花杜鹃亚组植物的分类和进化研究补充形态学依据。依据本研究观察结果对麻花杜鹃亚组进行了分类检索,并讨论了叶表皮微形态特征在该亚组近缘物种和种下类群研究中的分类学意义。  相似文献   

两型豆花粉和叶表皮的扫描电镜观察   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
两型豆花粉和叶表皮在扫描电镜下的形态特征:花粉近球形至矩球形,三孔沟,外壁表面较粗糙,侧壁具疣状突起至块状突起,极面具粗网状纹饰,但两型豆祖山居群属于萌发沟不明显型,两型豆燕塞湖居群属于萌发沟明显型。叶表皮细胞不规则,排列紧密,叶脉表皮细胞长圆柱形,长轴与叶脉平行,角质膜薄,表皮毛均为单细胞非腺毛,气孔器仅分布在下表皮,属于平列型,偶见不规则型。表皮毛和气孔器在叶片上分布不均匀,两型豆祖山居群叶表皮毛和气孔器的平均密度大于两型豆燕塞湖居群叶表皮毛和气孔器的平均密度,自然生长的两型豆叶表皮毛和气孔器的平均密度大于遮光条件下的两型豆。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜技术对伞形科山芹属(Ostericum Hoffm.)9种2变种(21居群)植物叶表皮微形态特征进行了观察分析。结果显示:山芹属植物叶片上表皮表面均较平滑,细胞轮廓清晰或不清晰,若细胞轮廓可见则为多边形与不规则形;初级蜡质纹饰为较密集的粗(细)条状,部分种类具有单层或双层脊状二级纹饰或有颗粒状或分枝状附属结构;下表皮亦有类似蜡质条状纹饰,均匀分布或集中在气孔周围或凹凸部位,气孔器形状多为椭圆形(偶见梭形),内外拱盖表面粗糙或光滑。上述研究表明,山芹属叶片微形态特征具有良好的种内稳定性和种间多样性,尤其是初级纹饰的宽度及排列密度、二级纹饰以及气孔器形状等特征,可为山芹属植物种间和种下的近缘类群亲缘关系与分类修订提供形态学依据。  相似文献   

广西石韦属七种植物叶片结构与孢子形态的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用石蜡切片法研究了石韦属7种植物叶片的形态结构。结果显示:7种植物的叶片均属异面叶,且具典型的旱生叶结构;表皮大多为复表皮,表皮细胞排列紧密,主脉表面覆有厚角质膜,表皮毛为星状毛,由多细胞组成;气孔集中分布于下表皮,气孔类型为围绕型,气孔器略下陷;孢子两侧对称,极面观椭圆形,赤道面观豆形或超半圆形,表面饰纹为瘤状饰纹。石韦属7种植物的叶表皮细胞形状、表皮毛、表皮细胞垂周壁式样、气孔密度等解剖结构均表现出一定的种间差异,这些特征可为石韦属植物种间分类提供依据。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜、叶表皮离析法和石蜡切片法研究了番荔枝科93种2变种植物叶片的形态结构.结果表明番荔枝科植物叶片形态结构具有较大相似性,如叶表面均具有表皮毛,表皮细胞具有晶体,气孔器为平列型,具2~6个副卫细胞,仅分布在远轴面,普遍具有败育气孔器,叶肉组织中普遍含有油细胞等,但表皮毛的类型,表皮细胞的形状,表皮细胞内晶体的类型和形态,叶肉组织的结构具有明显的属间和种间差异.  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对中国西南地区独活属16种1变种植物(分隶于中国独活属的全部4个组)的叶表皮微形态进行了观察,测量并统计气孔器大小、密度和气孔指数,并用统计学方法对远轴面气孔器长轴进行显著差异性分析.结果显示:无规则型气孔器普遍存在于所有研究类群的叶远轴面及个别类群叶近轴面,气孔器的分布和密度具有种间特异性.表皮毛普遍存在于远轴面及大部分类群近轴面,长短和覆盖密度因种而异.近轴面表皮细胞为多边形或者不规则形,垂周壁平直、浅波状或波状;远轴面表皮细胞形态多不规则形,表皮细胞垂周壁浅波状或波状.在扫描电镜下,叶表皮气孔器外拱盖内缘为近平滑、浅波状或波状;角质膜条纹状,有的附有颗粒状、鳞片状蜡质等结构.气孔器外拱盖形态以及蜡质类型是稳定的鉴别特征.研究表明独活属植物叶表皮特征存在较大的种间差异,对独活属的系统分类及进化研究具有重要意义,文中对叶表皮特征在独活属植物分类处理中的应用及系统进化问题等进行了讨论,并建立了以叶表皮微形态特征为依据的分类检索表.  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜,观察了新疆委陵菜属5组不同花柱组10种4变种植物叶表皮的微形态特征,测量统计叶表皮毛的类型、表皮细胞的形状及大小、气孔器的分布及类型、气孔的形状、大小、密度及指数、气孔外拱盖形态及其纹饰等指标。结果显示:新疆委陵菜属10种4变种植物叶的下表皮均有气孔器的分布,形状为长椭圆形、椭圆形、宽椭圆形和近圆形;气孔器的类型多为无规则四细胞型、无规则型、围绕型和辐射型;表皮毛的类型为针状毛、带状柔毛和腺毛;表皮细胞的形状分为不规则形和多边形2种类型。研究表明,新疆委陵菜属植物表皮毛特征、叶片表皮细胞的形状、垂周壁式样、气孔器的形状类型、气孔密度指数及外围蜡质纹饰等存在差异,对属以下等级的划分有重要价值,可作为物种分类及鉴别的依据,同时也为本属一些分类群间的系统关系的探讨提供佐证。  相似文献   

Aims Leaf epidermal micromorphology is an important adaptation of desert plants to arid environment. A micromorphological analysis of leaf epidermal tissue of desert plants was carried out in order to obtain qualitative and quantitative data on epidermal characteristics and to evaluate the long-term adaptive strategy of desert plants to aridity in desert conditions.
Methods The leaf (or assimilation branches) materials were sampled for more than 200 natural populations of 117 desert plant species from 74 genera and 28 families, in arid and semi-arid areas of China. The characteristics of leaf epidermal micromorphology of desert plants were then measured by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Characteristics of epidermal cell, trichome, stomatal, cuticular wax on adaxial and abaxial surface are presented.
Important findings Leaf epidermal micromorphology of desert plants showed abundant diversity in different classification levels. The desert plants adapted to environmental stress can be divided into 11 basic morphological types according to the structure of the epidermis, and their characteristics of leaf epidermal morphology were classfied into 6 main types according to the relationships between stress resistance and structural characteristics of epidermal micromorphology and their appendages. The main epidermal appendages of desert plants (such as trichome, cuticular wax) and epidermal structures (concave-convex and papillary structure, stomata) could cooperate with each other to improve the resistance of desert plants to drought and other adverse environmental stress by resisting the strong light and reducing leaf transpiration.  相似文献   

Leaf epidermal micromorphology and mesophyll structure during the development of Populus euphratica heteromorphic leaves, including linear, lanceolate, ovate, dentate ovate, dentate rhombic, dentate broad-ovate and dentate fan-shaped leaves, were studied by using electron and light microscopy. During development of heteromorphic leaves, epidermal appendages (wax crystals and trichomes) and special cells (mucilage cells and crystal idioblasts) increased in all leaf types while chloroplast ultrastructure and stomatal characters show maximum photosynthetic activity in dentate ovate and rhombic leaves. Also, functional analysis by subordinate function values shows that the maximum adaptability to adverse stress was exhibited in the broad type of mature leaves. The 12 heteromorphic leaf types are classified into three major groups by hierarchical cluster analysis: young, developing and mature leaves. Mature leaves can effectively obtain the highest stress resistance by combining the protection of xerophytic anatomy from drought stress, regulation of water uptake in micro-environment by mucilage and crystal idioblasts, and assistant defense of transpiration reduction through leaf epidermal appendages, which improves photosynthetic activity under arid desert conditions. Our data confirms that the main leaf function is differentiated during the developing process of heteromorphic leaves.  相似文献   

The reaction of plants to environmental factors often varies with developmental stage. It was hypothesized, that also the cuticle, the outer surface layer of plants is modified during ontogenesis. Apple plantlets, cv. Golden Delicious, were grown under controlled conditions avoiding biotic and abiotic stress factors. The cuticular wax surface of adaxial apple leaves was analyzed for its chemical composition as well as for its micromorphology and hydrophobicity just after unfolding of leaves ending in the seventh leaf insertion. The outer surface of apple leaves was formed by a thin amorphous layer of epicuticular waxes. Epidermal cells of young leaves exhibited a distinctive curvature of the periclinal cell walls resulting in an undulated surface of the cuticle including pronounced lamellae, with the highest density at the centre of cells. As epidermal cells expanded during ontogenesis, the upper surface showed only minor surface sculpturing and a decrease in lamellae. With increasing leaf age the hydrophobicity of adaxial leaf side decreased significantly indicated by a decrease in contact angle. Extracted from plants, the amount of apolar cuticular wax per area unit ranged from only 0.9 microgcm(-2) for the oldest studied leaf to 1.5 microgcm(-2) for the youngest studied leaf. Differences in the total amount of cuticular waxes per leaf were not significant for older leaves. For young leaves, triterpenes (ursolic acid and oleanolic acid), esters and alcohols were the main wax components. During ontogenesis, the proportion of triterpenes in total mass of apolar waxes decreased from 32% (leaf 1) to 13% (leaf 7); absolute amounts decreased by more than 50%. The proportion of wax alcohols and esters, and alkanes to a lesser degree, increased with leaf age, whereas the proportion of acids decreased. The epicuticular wax layer also contained alpha-tocopherol described for the first time to be present also in the epicuticular wax. The modifications in the chemical composition of cuticular waxes are discussed in relation to the varying physical characteristics of the cuticle during ontogenesis of apple leaves.  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对木犀榄族(Oleeae)5属14种植物的叶表皮微形态特征进行了观察,结果表明:(1)叶表皮细胞形状有无规则形和多边形两种;下表皮腺点的数目远远大于上表皮,流苏树上表皮细胞没有腺点;叶下表皮有气孔器,形状为圆形、椭圆形;气孔器均为不规则型;气孔器外围角质层有放射状、条状、环状、颗粒状等多种类型;(2)气孔器和叶表皮细胞许多特征具有明显的种间差异,可以作为种间鉴定的重要依据;(3)叶表皮微形态结构上的许多共同特征,表明木犀榄族植物是单独一自然类群。上述特征可为木犀榄族植物属及物种的划分与鉴定、系统演化关系的探讨等提供参考。  相似文献   

应用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对29种野豌豆属植物叶表皮微形态特征进行了观察。结果显示:叶表皮细胞形状有无规则形和多边形2种,垂周壁式样有深波状、浅波状和平直-弓形;表皮角质层纹饰微形态多样,大多数植物叶片表面不具有腺毛或仅中脉有,少数植物叶片表面具腺毛;部分叶表皮上有柔毛,少数植物无毛。气孔器存在于上表皮、下表皮、或上下表皮均有,形状为椭圆形、卵圆形,均为无规则型。野豌豆属植物叶表皮的这些微形态特征,在属内组间没有明确的规律性,但可为探讨本属种间的分类学及亲缘关系提供依据。  相似文献   

Plants in arid regions are exposed to various abiotic stresses and the presence of the waxy cuticular layer acts as a defensive barrier, which consists mainly of long chain fatty acids, hydrocarbons and other derived compounds. Studies on the chemical composition and properties of cuticles of arid plants are scanty. The present study deals with the analysis of cuticular wax composition and effect of temperature on some ecophysiological parameters of an important arid plant Ziziphus nummularia. A total of 59 different wax compounds were detected from the leaf cuticle by capillary GC–MS. 4-Hydroxycyclohexanone, Heptacosane and 2,7-Dimethyloctane-3,5-dione were the dominant wax compounds in Z. nummularia. The variation of photosynthetic rate varied from 0.70 to 7.70 µmol CO2 m-2s-1 against the studied temperature range of 15–55 °C. The transpiration rate varies from 1.80 to 8.40 mmol H2O m-2s-1 within the temperature range of 15–55 °C. The quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) also exhibited much variation due to the variation of temperature. The results clearly shows that Z. nummularia is highly adapted to restrict water loss and can tolerate high temperatures and can be considered as an appropriate species for vegetating the arid areas.  相似文献   

利用热及物质交换原理, 并结合前人研究成果, 在单叶尺度上建立了简单的叶温和水气蒸腾模型。模型通过预设值驱动, 预设值参照干旱区环境及植物叶片特征设置。模拟结果显示: 随气孔阻力的增加, 叶片蒸腾速率降低, 叶温升高; 同一环境下, 具有低辐射吸收率的叶片蒸腾速率和叶温更低, 并且气孔阻力越大, 这种差异越明显。另外, 叶片宽度及风速是影响叶片蒸腾及叶温的重要因子。干旱地区植物生长季节, 风速小于0.1 m·s -1、气孔阻力接近1000 s·m -1时, 降低叶片宽度不仅有利于降低叶片温度, 而且能够降低叶片蒸腾速率, 从而实现保持水分, 增强植物适应高温、干旱的能力。  相似文献   

Aims Dark septate endophytes (DSE) extensively colonize in plant root tissues in different ecosystems. However, our understanding of the ecological significance of DSE in semiarid and arid lands is limited. The main objective of this study was to compare the community composition and species diversity of DSE in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus and its companion plants in desert habitats. Methods Healthy root samples of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus’s companion plants, Artemisia desertorum, Caragana rosea, Nitraria tangutorum and Caragana korshinskii, were collected separately from four main locations of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus plantation in Dengkou of Nei Mongol, Minqin of Gansu, Yinchuan and Shapotou of Ningxia in July 2013. Important findings A total of 103 strains belonging to seven species (i.e Alternaria, Curvularia, Embellisia, Phialocephala, Phoma, Podospora and Pleosporales) of DSE were isolated from the four types of companion plants by means of morphological identification and molecular identification. Among the seven genera, Alternaria, Embellisia, Curvularia and Podospora are found for the first time in desert ecosystems. Ammopiptanthus mongolicus and its companion plants at the same site had significantly different community composition of DSE. Ammopiptanthus mongolicus and its companion plants at different sites had significantly different DSE diversity index. The colonization and species richness of DSE, especially the species and the quantity of spores were higher in roots of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus than in its companion plants. This study supports the results that DSE can form a better symbiotic relationship with the roots of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus than with its companion plants, and can enhance the ecological adaptability of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus to the extreme desert environment.  相似文献   

酸枣叶表皮微形态对不同生态环境的适应特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱广龙  邓荣华  魏学智 《生态学报》2016,36(16):5193-5203
以生长于烟台—石家庄—宁夏—新疆不同生境形成的自然梯度干旱环境中的酸枣(Ziziphus jujuba var.spinosas)为材料,应用扫描电镜和能谱分析研究酸枣叶表皮微形态对不同自然梯度干旱环境的适应特征。结果表明:酸枣叶片的上、下表皮都有表皮毛着生且在叶脉处分布浓密;叶片表层覆盖有较厚的角质层和蜡质并形成突起,其主要成分为C、O、Ca三种元素;叶片表面气孔数量平均40个/视野且按一定规律分布。不同生境中酸枣叶片表面都分布有大量的晶体,且晶体的形态和组成成分表现出一定的生态适应特征。晶体的形状多样,有正六棱体、长六棱体、不规则片状、正方体、棒状晶体或针状,晶体的分布方式有单晶和簇晶。从烟台到新疆随干旱梯度的加剧,酸枣叶片表皮毛逐渐增多,气孔数量减少,气孔腔下陷明显,有助于植株减少蒸腾保水抗旱;晶体的体积逐渐变小,数量增多,密度增大,提升了叶片硬度及抗旱性;酸枣叶片晶体的主要成分为C、O、Ca三种元素,且随生境干旱加剧,C元素的含量逐渐增加,O和Ca元素含量依次减少,此外宁夏的晶体中还含有Si元素,进一步提升了叶片的机械性能。酸枣叶表皮微形态中表皮毛、角质层与蜡质、气孔、晶体等在形态结构、生物功能和组成成分上特异性的变化是其长期生存于不同梯度干旱生境的生态适应特征。  相似文献   

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