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系统评述了高等植物开花时程的调控与植物光受体的联系.重点说明了控制开花时程的遗传途径以及光周期途径的有关基因的研究进展.而且对植物光受体调控高等植物开花里程的分子机制作了深入的探讨.高等植物从营养生长向生殖生长及发育转变的时程具有重要意义.控制高等植物开花时程及其性别表达的关键就在此过程中.植物光受体参与了高等植物开花时程的调控并起到了重要作用.植物光受体主要包括植物光敏素受体(光敏素A、B、D、E受体)和隐色素受体.近5年左右的时间通过对拟南芥及其一系列突变体的研究展示了这一热门领域的广阔的理论与应用前景.  相似文献   

光敏色素是红光和远红光受体,不但在植物光形态建成中扮演着重要的角色,还参与调控植物抗逆信号通路。阐述了光敏色素及其互作的转录因子通过诱导植物激素信号途径调控植物对病原菌、害虫等生物胁迫的反应及作用机制,以及光敏色素调控植物对临近植物的竞争胁迫、干旱、低温、高温等非生物胁迫反应的作用机制研究进展,并讨论与展望了光敏色素研究领域所面临的挑战与发展方向。  相似文献   

系统评述了高等植物开花时程的调控与植物光受体的联系.重点说明了控制开花时程的遗传途径以及光周期途径的有关基因的研究进展.影响高等植物开花的最重要的因子之一便是光周期,光周期对高等植物开花的调控是通过相关基因间的相互作用来实现的,这些基因包括参与花启动发育控制基因,昼夜节律时间钟调控基因及光受体信号转导基因.近5年左右的时间通过对拟南芥及其一系列突变体的研究为我们展示了这一热门领域的广阔的前景.  相似文献   

随着地球的周期性自转,地球上绝大部分生物都处在昼夜交替的环境之中。光照和环境温度作为两种重要的环境信号对生物体的生长发育具有至关重要的作用。光照不仅仅是植物进行光合作用的能量来源,同时也是调控植物生长发育的重要环境信号。光照和环境温度可以共同调控模式生物拟南芥的下胚轴伸长、开花启始等一系列生理过程,但是这两种环境因子如何协同调控拟南芥的生长发育却有待深入研究。中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所刘宏涛课题组的研究发现,拟南芥蓝光受体CRY1可以以蓝光依赖的方式和转录因子PIF4直接相互作用,通过抑制PIF4的转录活性,从而调控下游基因表达和植物在高温下的下胚轴伸长。通过表达谱的分析发现,蓝光和环境温度可以共同调控两个功能未知的新基因COR27、COR28的转录,COR27、COR28通过影响生物节律从而调控拟南芥的开花启始以及对冷冻胁迫的抗性。  相似文献   

正光不仅为植物的生长发育提供了能量来源,并且作为信号分子影响植物的多个生长过程。植物中的一类光受体光敏色素可以感受阳光中的红光和远红光,进而调控种子萌发、幼苗去黄化、植物避荫反应和开花等重要发育过程。植物对红光的选择性吸收和对远红光的选择性透过使得位于遮荫下的植物处于一个远红光富集的光环境中。这种光环境在密集种植的农业生产中十分常见。因此,充分理解植物对远红光的响应将有助于促使农作物的关键发育过程的正常进行,从而对保障农作物的产量起到积极作  相似文献   

光是调节植物生长发育最重要的环境信号因子之一。植物通过光受体感受自然环境中光的强度、方向以及光周期等信号的变化,从而调控其生长发育过程。光敏色素A (phytochrome A, PHYA)是植物中唯一的远红光受体蛋白,具有在黑暗下在细胞质中合成,而在照光后快速入核和降解的特性,并通过多种途径精确调节了植物光响应基因的转录网络。同时,蛋白质翻译后修饰在调节PHYA稳定性和活性的过程中发挥了重要的作用。该文论述了PHYA调节光响应基因表达以及PHYA翻译后修饰方向的研究进展,并展望了PHYA在农作物分子设计育种中的应用前景。  相似文献   

萌发是种子植物进入农业生态系统的重要发育阶段。对于需光类种子,光是调控其萌发最重要的环境信号因子之一,红光促进而远红光抑制种子萌发。光敏色素是调控种子萌发的主要光受体。活化的光敏色素诱导萌发主效抑制因子PIF1发生蛋白降解,调节赤霉素和脱落酸代谢和信号途径相关基因的表达,从而促进种子的萌发。同时,一系列的表观遗传因子通过改变染色质结构,动态调节萌发相关基因的表达从而影响种子的萌发进程。该论文重点论述了光调控种子萌发的转录及表观遗传机制研究进展,并对其在农业生产中的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

开花时间对植物的繁殖成功至关重要。广泛分布的物种经常发生开花时间的分化, 从而能够更好地适应不同的环境条件。为了探索植物开花行为发生适应性分化的分子机制, 首先要明确调控开花行为的遗传通路。本文梳理了植物各类群调控开花时间的遗传通路, 以期为开花时间适应性分化的分子机制研究提供依据。 植物从营养生长向繁殖转变时, 其开花行为主要受到光照、温度、水分等外界环境因子和赤霉素等内在因素的影响。通过对模式植物拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)和其他类群的研究, 总结出了调控植物开花时间的6条通路, 包括日照长度和光质影响开花的光依赖通路, 长时间冷暴露后促进植物开花的春化通路, 高温或低温环境影响开花的温度通路, 以及赤霉素通路、年龄通路和自主通路3条内部调节过程。植物开花时间调控的6条上游通路信号传递到下游的开花整合基因FT(FLOWERING LOCUS T)和SOC1(SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CONSTANS 1), 整合基因将这些复杂的调节因子整合后进一步传递到下游花分生组织, 从而启动开花。此外, 非编码RNA、转座子对开花时间的调控也具有重要作用。部分遗传通路被证实在植物适应环境的过程中起到了重要作用。目前对植物开花调控的研究已经有一百多年历史, 理论相对成熟。然而, 仍然存在许多具有争议和未解决的问题, 如开花基因的表达方式、开花行为的特殊调控机制、开花时间变异的适应性意义等等, 需要更进一步的研究。  相似文献   

精确调控成花转换, 确保植物在适宜环境下开花, 对于植物的成功繁殖和物种繁衍至关重要。开花由多种分子机制在转录、转录后和蛋白质水平进行调控。可变剪切(AS)是一种普遍的转录后水平调控过程, 可从单个基因产生多个转录本, 从而丰富转录组和蛋白质组的多样性。大量研究表明, 可变剪切在成花转换过程中发挥重要作用。根据发育和环境条件, AS能够影响mRNA的稳定性和/或蛋白亚型的功能, 从而调控开花相关基因的功能转录本和/或功能蛋白水平。揭示成花相关pre-mRNA的AS作用将进一步增进人们对开花相关基因功能以及整个成花转换调控网络的认识。该文归纳了涉及成花转换的AS研究进展, 并针对各个调控途径进行总结, 以期为进一步研究植物AS和成花转换调控机制提供参考。  相似文献   

生长素调控植物气孔发育的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
气孔是分布于植物表皮由保卫细胞围成的小孔, 是植物体与外界环境进行水分和气体交换的重要通道, 通过影响光合作用、蒸腾作用及一系列生物学过程来促进植物适应环境的变化。生长素是最早被发现的植物激素, 在植物生长发育中发挥重要作用。近年来的研究表明, 生长素通过载体蛋白-TIR1/AFB受体-AUXIN/IAA-ARFs信号通路, 调控STOMAGEN的表达; 之后, 经STOMAGEN-类LRR受体蛋白激酶ERf-MAPKs级联反应激酶-SPCH转录因子信号通路, 启动气孔的发育进程。EPF1、EPF2和类LRR受体蛋白激酶TMM不是该过程的必需元件。生长素对气孔的调控受光信号影响, 光信号通路组分E3泛素连接酶COP1位于MAPKs激酶的上游, 参与气孔的发育调控。  相似文献   

我国植物光信号转导研究进展概述   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
景艳军  林荣呈 《植物学报》2017,52(3):257-270
光是影响植物的重要环境因子,可调节植物生长和发育的各个过程,如种子萌发、形态建成、庇荫反应、开花和衰老等。自20世纪80年代以来,借助模式植物拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana),科学家在光调控植物生长与发育研究领域取得了重要进展,不仅鉴定了一系列光受体和重要蛋白因子,而且初步建立了光信号转导的调控网络,这其中包含中国科学家的杰出贡献。该文对近10多年来我国学者在光信号转导领域的主要研究进展进行了概述,并对该领域发展提出展望。  相似文献   

TZP (TANDEM ZINC-FINGER/PLUS3)是近年来鉴定到的一个光信号转导途径新组分, 在光介导的植物生长发育过程中发挥重要调控作用。TZP不仅负调控蓝光信号途径, 参与光敏色素B (phyB)介导的开花调控过程, 还参与调控phyA在体内的蛋白质磷酸化。对TZP生化活性和作用机制的深入研究, 不仅有助于进一步完善光信号调控网络, 也可为设计和培育具有耐密理想株型及高光效作物新品种提供理论依据。该文系统总结了TZP在植物光信号途径中发挥的重要调控作用, 并提出未来TZP功能研究的重要问题。  相似文献   

Analogous to the opsin-based receptors in animals, plants contain a diverse and elaborate set of photoreceptors to perceive a much wider spectrum of light and adapt to varying light conditions. Cryptochromes (CRYs), the blue/UV-A light sensing receptors, represent one such class of photoreceptors found ubiquitously in plants. Although structurally similar to DNA photolyases which could repair UV-induced DNA damage, photoactivated CRYs, instead, initiate signal transduction pathways, which lead to gene expression changes and eventually more overt photomorphogenic responses. Apart from the well-established roles of CRYs in regulating seedling de-etiolation, flowering time, and circadian clock, recent reports have highlighted their roles in controlling other aspects of plant development as well. This review attempts to describe the novel/atypical roles of CRYs that have emerged in the past few years, and also present an account of the various signaling components involved in CRY signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

Reversible protein phosphorylation is a switching mechanism used in eukaryotes to regulate various cellular signalings. In plant light signaling, sophisticated photosensory receptor systems operate to modulate growth and development. The photoreceptors include phytochromes, cryptochromes and phototropins. Despite considerable progresses in defining the photosensory roles of these photoreceptors, the primary biochemical mechanisms by which the photoreceptor molecules transduce the perceived light signals into cellular responses remain to be elucidated. The signal-transducing photoreceptors in plants are all phosphoproteins and/or protein kinases, suggesting that light-dependent protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation play important roles in the function of the photoreceptors. This review focuses on the role of phytochromes' reversible phosphorylation involved in the light signal transduction in plants.  相似文献   

正Light is crucial for plants, not only because of photosynthesis, but also because of photomorphogenesis. As one of the most important environmental cues, light influences multiple responses in plants,including seed germination, seedling de-etiolation,shade avoidance, phototropism, stomata and chloroplast movement, circadian rhythms, and flowering  相似文献   

Light is one of the most important environmental factors influencing the induction of flowering in plants. Light is absorbed by specific photoreceptors – the phytochromes and cryptochromes system – which fulfil a sensory and a regulatory function in the process. The absorption of light by phytochromes initiates a cascade of related biochemical events in responsive cells, and subsequently changes plant growth and development.

Induction of flowering is controlled by several paths. One is triggered by the guanosine-3′:5′-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) level. Thus, the aim of our study was to investigate the role of cGMP in phytochrome-controlled flowering.

It is best to conduct such research on short-day plants because the photoperiodic reactions of only these plants are totally unequivocal. The most commonly used plant is the model short-day plant Pharbitis nil.

The seedlings of P. nil were cultivated under special photoperiodic conditions: 72-h-long darkness, 24-h-long white light with low intensity and 24-h-long inductive night. Such light conditions cause a degradation of the light-labile phytochrome. Far red (FR) treatment before night causes inactivation of the remaining light-stable phytochrome. During the 24-h-long inductive darkness period, the total amount of cGMP in cotyledons underwent fluctuations, with maxima at the 4th, 8th and 14th hours. When plants were treated with FR before the long night, fluctuations were not observed. A red light pulse given after FR treatment could reverse the effect induced by FR, and the oscillation in the cGMP level was observed again.

Because the intracellular level of cGMP is controlled by the opposite action of guanylyl cyclases (GCs) and phosphodiesterases (PDEs), we first tested whether accumulation of the nucleotide in P. nil tissue may be changed after treatment with a GC stimulator or PDE inhibitor.

Accumulation of the nucleotide in P. nil cotyledons treated with a stimulator of cGMP synthesis (sodium nitroprusside) was markedly (approximately 80%) higher. It was highest in the presence of dipyridamole, whereas 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine did not significantly affect cGMP level.

These results show that the analysed compounds were able to penetrate the cotyledons’ tissue, and that they influenced enzyme activity and cGMP accumulation.

FR light applied at the end of the 24-h-long white light period inhibited flowering. Exogenous cGMP added on cotyledons could reverse the effect of FR, especially when the compound was applied in the first half of the long night. Flowering was also promoted by exogenous application of guanylyl cyclase activator and phosphodiesterase inhibitors, and in particular dipyridamole.

The results obtained suggest that an endogenous cGMP system could participate in the mechanism of a phytochrome-controlled flowering in P. nil.  相似文献   

Kim DH  Kang JG  Yang SS  Chung KS  Song PS  Park CM 《The Plant cell》2002,14(12):3043-3056
Reversible protein phosphorylation, which is catalyzed by functionally coupled protein kinases and protein phosphatases, is a major signaling mechanism in eukaryotic cellular functions. The red and far-red light-absorbing phytochrome photoreceptors are light-regulated Ser/Thr-specific protein kinases that regulate diverse photomorphogenic processes in plants. Here, we demonstrate that the phytochromes functionally interact with the catalytic subunit of a Ser/Thr-specific protein phosphatase 2A designated FyPP. The interactions were influenced by phosphorylation status and spectral conformation of the phytochromes. Recombinant FyPP efficiently dephosphorylated oat phytochrome A in the presence of Fe(2+) or Zn(2+) in a spectral form-dependent manner. FyPP was expressed predominantly in floral organs. Transgenic Arabidopsis plants with overexpressed or suppressed FyPP levels exhibited delayed or accelerated flowering, respectively, indicating that FyPP modulates phytochrome-mediated light signals in the timing of flowering. Accordingly, expression patterns of the clock genes in the long-day flowering pathway were altered greatly. These results indicate that a self-regulatory phytochrome kinase-phosphatase coupling is a key signaling component in the photoperiodic control of flowering.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis photoreceptors cry1, cry2 and phyB are known to play roles in the regulation of flowering time, for which the molecular mechanisms remain unclear. We have previously hypothesized that phyB mediates a red-light inhibition of floral initiation and cry2 mediates a blue-light inhibition of the phyB function. Studies of the cry2/phyB double mutant provide direct evidence in support of this hypothesis. The function of cryptochromes in floral induction was further investigated using the cry2/cry1 double mutants. The cry2/cry1 double mutants showed delayed flowering in monochromatic blue light, whereas neither monogenic cry1 nor cry2 mutant exhibited late flowering in blue light. This result suggests that, in addition to the phyB-dependent function, cry2 also acts redundantly with cry1 to promote floral initiation in a phyB-independent manner. To understand how photoreceptors regulate the transition from vegetative growth to reproductive development, we examined the effect of sequential illumination by blue light and red light on the flowering time of plants. We found that there was a light-quality-sensitive phase of plant development, during which the quality of light exerts a profound influence on flowering time. After this developmental stage, which is between approximately day-1 to day-7 post germination, plants are committed to floral initiation and the quality of light has little effect on the flowering time. Mutations in either the PHYB gene or both the CRY1 and CRY2 genes resulted in the loss of the light-quality-sensitive phase manifested during floral development. The commitment time of floral transition, defined by a plant's sensitivity to light quality, coincides with the commitment time of inflorescence development revealed previously by a plant's sensitivity to light quantity - the photoperiod. Therefore, the developmental mechanism resulting in the commitment to flowering appears to be the direct target of the antagonistic actions of the photoreceptors.  相似文献   

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