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随着我国临床药学工作的普及和不断深入,有关临床药师职责的立法任务也越来越受重视。临床药师存在药学和法学的含义界定、产生背景不清,而临床药师职业中存在着法定权利空泛责任不清、专业地位及流向不明确、对临床药师的认知程度不高等风险,其职业风险防范具有行善、无害、自主、公平原则的伦理观照和立法、守法、司法的法律思考。  相似文献   

目的:研究临床用药方面临床药师的作用。方法:从不同角度分析临床药师与合理用药关系,并提出改进建议。结果:临床不合理用药情况较普遍,带来许多安全隐患;临床药师制度确实可降低药物不良反应、处方不合格率。结论:临床用药过程中临床药师可起到极大的促进作用。  相似文献   

临床药师制度建设是目前医疗机构药事建设的重要组成部分,在现行医疗体制下临床药师的培养需要解决4个方面的问题:分类、定位、归属及制订可操作的绩效考核指标。  相似文献   

《野生动物保护法》的修订已纳入全国人大2020年年度立法计划。现行《野生动物保护法》虽然经过多次修改, 但仍存在野生动物保护范围较窄、监管体制不顺、执法标准不科学、法律制度不完善等问题, 不能适应新时代“健康中国”、“美丽中国”战略协同规制的新需求。全国人大常委会通过的《关于全面禁止非法野生动物交易、革除滥食野生动物陋习、切实保障人民群众生命健康的决定》, 为修订《野生动物保护法》带来了良好机遇。目前各方面对于修订《野生动物保护法》既有共识, 也有争议, 呈现出不同利益诉求与立法思维的差异性, 以及立法过程中利益选择、利益表达、利益协调的复杂性。为此, 建议《野生动物保护法》的修订在完善立法目的、合理界定保护范围、健全“黑白”名单制度和许可证制度、优化野生动物保护监管体制、完善激励机制和法律责任制度等方面认真加以研究, 为促进环境治理体系和治理能力现代化“立良法”。  相似文献   

论述我国基本药物制度立法的必要性和可行性,提出完善基本药物制度立法的建议。采用文献法对基本药物制度存在的问题进行归纳,对基本药物制度的法律地位和立法内容进行分析。国家应加强对基本药物制度的立法工作,并制定具体的法律法规,从根本上提出基本药物制度的强制性措施,满足社会对基本药物的需求。  相似文献   

与国外相对成熟完善的临床药师制度相比,我国的基层临床药师尚处于起步阶段,还有很多需要完善和加强的地方。本文分析了目前存在的主要问题,并提出了相应的对策措施。  相似文献   

目的 在静脉药物配置中心平台上,开展首席药师制度进行合理用药干预,提高医嘱合理性,实现临床用药事前监控。方法 通过设置首席药师制度,开展合理用药监控工作,并利用统计分析方法评价其成效结果 合理用药水平显著提高,不合理用药医嘱发生率显著性下降(P<0.001)。结论 首席药师制度开展能促进临床合理用药,促进学科发展,真正做到临床用药的事前监控,保证患者用药安全。  相似文献   

本文从环境影响评价制度立法、环境利益归属及环评报告的编制与审批方面的现状分析入手,探讨了我国环境影响评价制度的发展完善策略。  相似文献   

临床药学是药学的重要分支,临床药师为病人提供药学监护,优化了使用药物治疗,促进康复,加强了保健和疾病的预防。开展临床药师教育,有利于临床用药审查,并将为培养临床药师的工作提供参考。回顾近年来国内外的临床药师及抗肿瘤药物专业临床药师的培训经验和合理用药的进展情况,分别对临床药师培养模式、理论课程设置、药学查房带教、临床记录书写和业务学习等方面作了总结。本文通过系统性的回顾了和对比了国内外的临床药师的培养方案,从理论和实践两方面的应用进展分析了临床药师在临床中的重要作用。  相似文献   

目的:调查并探讨青年药师首次独立夜班焦虑状况及有效对策,以促进青年药师首次独立夜班的心理健康。方法:应用自行设计调查表,对江苏地区4家不同等级医院药学部的入职2年内的52名青年药师进行随机问卷调查并分析。结果:52名青年药师中有29人(55.77%)在首次独立夜班时出现过紧张焦虑症状。害怕突发集体事件、找不到药及发错药是造成青年药师紧张焦虑的最主要原因。青年药师加强自身职业修养,药学管理者关注青年药师的心理健康,能有效改善焦虑症状。结论:管理者应重视青年药师首次独立夜班的心理健康,给予积极有效的干预和指导,增强青年药师的心理健康水平。  相似文献   

以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系立法思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实现十九大报告提出的建立以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系的改革目标需要法治保障。建设自然保护地体系涉及的不同生态系统和多个管理部门、多方利益主体, 是一个巨大的复杂系统, 需要进行整体性、系统性的立法研究。目前, 国家正在推进国家公园体制改革并已将《国家公园法》列入十三届全国人大常委会立法计划。更需要我们从自然保护地立法体系建设的高度, 正确处理《国家公园法》与未来可能制定的《自然保护地法》的关系, 在《国家公园法》制定过程中为今后出台《自然保护地法》预留空间, 并建立相应的衔接机制, 统筹谋划并协同推进国家公园法与自然保护地立法。  相似文献   

Objective: To determine the factors associated with state legislative action to address childhood obesity. Methods and Procedures: This paper has an ecologic study design, with data on each US state from 2003 to 2006. Data on whether a bill was introduced in the state legislature and whether a law was enacted to address childhood obesity were linked to a rich set of independent variables concerning state political and socioeconomic characteristics that were drawn from a variety of sources. The association between state legislative action and state political and socioeconomic characteristics was measured using probit regression. Results: From 2003 to 2005 there was an increasing trend toward the introduction of bills and enactment of laws to address childhood obesity. State legislative action on childhood obesity was more likely in states with a greater gap between adults' actual and desired weight, a higher percentage of college‐educated adults, a higher percentage of African‐American residents, a Democratic governor, or a legislature not controlled by Republicans. Discussion: The socioeconomic conditions of the state and its political climate strongly predict legislative action to address childhood obesity. The finding that Democratic governors and state legislatures not controlled by Republicans are associated with greater policy action against obesity suggests that the 2006 election may result in additional action against obesity in certain states. This study can also be used to guide the efforts of public health advocates, who can achieve greater success by targeting their efforts toward states with conducive political environments.  相似文献   

There are currently a number of planned development projects that threaten environmental assets in the Northeast Asian region, especially between Korea and China. To solve those problems, both countries initiated environmental impact assessment (EIA) systems in the 1980s. However, the actual supporting policies and legislative actions were finally developed in recent years. Koreas EIA Act was enacted in 1993 and then replaced by the Integrated Impact Assessment Act in 1999, and China adopted its independent law of EIAs in 2002 and enacted it in 2003. This study deals with the EIA systems in the two countries, focusing on golf course development, by comparing the differences and similarities between them in the following aspects: preparation of environmental impact statements (EISs), review process, approval procedure, and EIS contents. The aim of the study is to obtain a better understanding of the EIA systems in Korea and China, and to promote cooperation between the two countries related to any future potential environmental problems. The results show that EIA procedures and EIS contents in the two countries are relatively different. Specifically, although there are some limitations on technical analysis and survey experience in China, its EIA system is somewhat more advanced in legislative terms, requiring more advanced measures, such as screening and scoping. On the other hand, Koreas legislation contains more specific and concrete requirements, a compulsory supplement system, and technical methods of surveying. However, Korea needs to reform its system to make the application of the law more flexible and reasonable. This paper not only proposes that the two EIA systems can be improved by adopting each others good points, but also provides some policy suggestions to improve each countrys EIA system.  相似文献   

This paper examines the indigenous land and forest management systems of the community of seven Iban longhouses whose territories comprise the area of Batang Ai National Park in Sarawak, Malaysia. It also discusses the integrated conservation and development program (ICDP) at the park. This project is attempting to work within the existing system of customary law to build on traditional legislative infrastructure and management practices, in order to enlist the cooperation of local people and their leaders in implementing a new conservation strategy. In addition to reinforcing local authority, park planners recognize the need for local people to be given strong incentives to participate in co-management of the protected area. This paper argues that, despite a history of conflict with indigenous peoples, State officials have in this instance demonstrated a willingness to work with local people and community leaders. At the same time, they are encouraging community development, helping people to find alternatives to activities that threaten the park's wildlife.  相似文献   

There are broad requirements for translation of scientific knowledge in nutrition to public policy through the legislative process. First, it requires an ability to take highly objective, highly specific, scientifically derived facts--the stuff of scientific knowledge--and translate them into legislation based on highly subjective, quite general, broadly perceived values. Another requirement is to keep the level of uncertainty to tolerable levels during consideration of a legislative proposal. Finally, the governmental action proposed must conform to the perception held at that particular time of the role of government in carrying out the law. Three examples of the use of government to protect and promote the health of the public through nutrition are given. They illustrate very well the trials and tribulations of the untidy process of translating scientific knowledge in nutrition to public policy. Governmental action to improve the health of the general public through dietary means has been much a part of this country's policies. The augmentation of purchasing power of the poor, the distribution of surplus commodities to the indigent, the provision of meals to school children and the elderly, etc., are examples of govermental action. There will be further use of government to protect and promote the health of the public through nutrition. A basic requirement is further understanding of the relationship between nutrients and health through good scientific work.  相似文献   

The excavation of Indian burial sites poses serious ethical problems. Many American Indians regard the excavation of such sites as an affront to their actual and spiritual ancestors, while many archaeologists believe that scientific investigation should take absolute priority. This paper explores the judicial and legislative aspects of this practice in the United States and discusses attempts by professional associations to resolve the conflict. The paper suggests specific guidelines that could be followed by courts and legislators depending on whether the burial site is on reservation or nonreservation property, or whether the physical remains are recent or ancient. [archaeology, applied anthropology, ethics, anthropology and law, anthropology and public policy]  相似文献   

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