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南亚热带红锥和马尾松人工林生长对穿透雨减少的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了预测和评估全球气候变化背景下森林生长和生产力对降水格局变化和季节性干旱的响应,以南亚热带红锥和马尾松人工林为对象,设置穿透雨减少50%和不减雨(对照)处理,开展连续3年(2015-2017年)的模拟试验,研究降雨减少对人工林胸径生长、凋落物量和叶面积指数的影响.结果表明: 与对照相比,穿透雨减少导致红锥2017年胸径增长量显著降低31.8%,而对马尾松无影响;红锥叶面积指数平均降低8.8%,马尾松叶面积指数降低7.2%或者不变;红锥林2015年枝凋落量和2017年凋落物总量分别增加29.6%和35.8%,马尾松林2015年其他树种(除了马尾松以外)叶凋落量显著减少50.7%,而其他凋落物组分无显著变化.短期穿透雨减少对人工林产生了干旱胁迫作用,这种作用存在年际变异和树种差异.  相似文献   

中国森林凋落量时空分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过构建全国尺度上森林叶凋落量和总凋落量与年平均温度、年平均降雨量和实际蒸散量的关系模型,应用地统计学分析方法,并结合遥感解译的森林覆盖信息,分析2001、2006和2012年中国森林叶凋落量和总凋落量的空间分布及其变异格局.结果表明: 与年平均温度和降雨量相比,区域尺度上实际蒸散量对森林叶凋落量和总凋落量有更好的解释预测关系;分布于中南地区的常绿阔叶林的年凋落量最高,为636.2 g·m-2,分布于东北地区的温带落叶阔叶林的年凋落量范围为339~385 g·m-2,其中,森林叶凋落量约占总凋落量的70%.2001、2006和2012年,全国森林凋落总量分别为801、865和1032 Tg,呈明显增长趋势,而基于遥感图像解译的森林年覆盖率分别为18%、20%和24%,呈增长趋势.我国人工林面积的迅速增加和林分生长,极大影响了森林凋落物量及其动态变化,进而对森林生态系统物质循环产生重要影响.  相似文献   

长白山阔叶红松林凋落物组成及其季节动态   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
为了解群落尺度上凋落物组成及其时空变化,对长白山阔叶红松林25 hm2 样地内2008年度收集的凋落物进行统计分析.结果表明: 一年间,150个收集器内收集的凋落叶分属35种树木,占样地内胸径≥1 cm树种数(52种)的67.3%;凋落物总量为29.39 kg,折合3918.4 kg·hm-2,其中,阔叶、杂物、针叶和枝条凋落量分别占凋落物总量的61.7%、18.0%、11.7%和 8.6%;紫椴、水曲柳、蒙古栎、色木槭和春榆5个树种的叶凋落量占阔叶总凋落量的83.8%;不同树种的凋落量季节差异很大,61.9%的凋落物产生于9月13日至10月10日.其中,红松和紫椴叶凋落高峰出现在9月13-26日,蒙古栎、春榆和色木槭叶凋落高峰出现在9月27日-10月10日.收集器间凋落物量差异较大,其中68个收集器的年凋落量在150~200 g,1个收集器大于500 g;单个收集器全年最多可收集到18个树种的凋落叶,凋落叶种数为12种的收集器最多(32个).叶凋落量与样地内该树种的胸高断面积总和成正比.样地内凋落叶的分布存在明显的空间异质性,且收集器内凋落物的收集量与其所处的位置有关.  相似文献   

凋落物作为养分的有效载体对于森林养分循环具有重要作用。近年来学者们对凋落物开展了大量研究,但森林内部凋落物的空间分布及其对土壤养分空间异质性的作用一直没有得到充分重视。利用位于浙江西南部的百山祖亚热带中山常绿阔叶林5 hm2森林动态监测样地中50个凋落物收集器2009-2017年收集到的凋落物产量数据和相关的地形和土壤养分数据,运用同步自相关回归分析地形和群落结构因素对凋落物及其组分产量的影响,利用多元线性混合效应模型研究了地形和年均凋落物输入量与土壤养分含量的关系。结果表明(1)地形因子中仅凸度与总凋落物以及叶凋落物产量呈显著正相关;(2)邻域内的大树和中树(胸径≥ 5 cm)的平均胸径显著提高总凋落物、叶凋落物和小枝及树皮凋落物产量,而邻域物种数显著提高总凋落物、叶凋落物和繁殖器官凋落物产量;(3)地形凸度与表层(深0-10 cm)土壤有机质含量显著正相关,但与近表层(深10-20 cm)土壤总氮、有效磷和速效钾含量显著负相关;(4)凋落物输入量显著提高表层(深0-10 cm)土壤的碱解氮和有机质含量。总体来看,百山祖常绿阔叶林凋落物产量的空间变异受到地形和森林群落结构因素的制约,并影响林内土壤养分的空间异质性。  相似文献   

长白山阔叶红松林树木短期死亡动态   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
树木死亡是森林群落动态的重要过程,是多种因素共同作用的结果.本文基于长白山阔叶红松林25 ha样地2004年和2009年两次调查数据,从物种组成、数量特征、径级结构和空间分布等方面分析了5年间样地中死亡树木的特征.结果表明:5年间样地DBH≥1 cm的独立个体树种数由52变为51,3个树种因权有的1个个体死亡而消失,新增2个树种;独立个体数从36,908变为34,926,死亡个体数为4,030,死亡个体数占2004年个体总数的10.9%,新增个体数为2,048,独立个体数净减少1,982;死亡量大的树种其新增量也较大,灌木树种的死亡量和新增量均多于乔木树种;有5个树种的平均胸径减小,44个树种平均胸径增加;从死亡个体的径级结构来看,小径级个体死亡较多,大径级个体死亡少,5 cm以下的死亡个体占总死亡量的81.5%,不同林层的优势树种死亡个体的径级分布与2004年该树种的径级分布基本相同;不同树种死亡个体的空间分布具有较大差异,不同林层的优势树种死亡个体空间格局主要以聚集分布为主,小径级死亡个体在小尺度呈聚集分布,在其他尺度呈随机分布,中径级和大径级死亡个体在各尺度上都呈不同程度的随机分布.  相似文献   

古田山常绿阔叶林凋落量时间动态及冰雪灾害的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2006年10月至2009年12月期间,我们通过对古田山24 ha常绿阔叶林动态样地169个种子雨收集器的凋落物进行烘干、分类、称量和数据分析,研究了凋落量的组成特征和时间动态,以及受2008年2月特大冰雪灾害的影响.2007年和2009年凋落量分别为532.05 g/m2和375.17 g/m2,年际变化显著,这与2008年的冰雪灾害有关.2007年古田山常绿阔叶林各组分在凋落量中所占比例依次为:叶(78.99%)>枝(14.69%)>皮(3-33%)>其他(2.99%);叶凋落量中各组分所占比例依次为:常绿阔叶树种叶(78.70%)>落叶阔叶树种叶(12.37%)>针叶树种叶(8.92%),其中甜槠(Castanopsis eyrei)、木荷(Schima superba)、马尾松(Pinus massoniana)和短柄袍(Quercus serrata vat.brevipetiolata)4个优势种年凋落量合计占叶凋落总量的71.36%,它们的动态直接影响着凋落总量的变化格局.凋落量高峰发生在春季(4月)和秋冬季(10月末至12月初),其中总凋落量、叶凋落量动态呈双峰型,枝条凋落量和树皮凋落量动态为不规则峰型,其他凋落量动态为单峰型.冰雪灾害后总凋落量、叶凋落量、枝条凋落量显著减少(P<0.05),其中甜槠、杨梅叶蚊母树(Distylium myricoides)叶凋落最显著减少(P<0.05)、木荷叶凋落量减少达到边缘显著水平(P<0.1),这也反映了冰亏灾害期间森林群落的受损情况.其他凋落量(主要成分为虫粪)在4B份增加极其显著(P<0.01),说明灾后植物的枝叶出现了补偿性生长.  相似文献   

沈阳城市森林凋落物数量及动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐文铎  陈玮  何兴元  徐胜  张粤  闻华 《应用生态学报》2012,23(11):2931-2939
在沈阳城市森林中设置20个样点,2005-2007年连续3年进行了森林凋落物数量和动态的观测.结果表明:研究期间,20个1 m2凋落物收集器中共收集30种树种凋落叶,占研究区树种的15.5%,种群个体数量和叶面积分别占研究区内树木的63.8%和69.9%.叶凋落量与该树种的叶面积呈显著正相关.不同树种的叶片凋落开始时间相差很大,落叶开始时间早的树种,落叶结束时间也提前.落叶开始时间与落叶持续时间和落叶结束时间极显著相关.年平均凋落量为4229.0 kg· hm-2,其中叶、枝和花果的凋落量分别占总凋落量的80.3%、11.0%和8.7%.凋落物的季节变化呈单峰型曲线,10月达到最大值,约占总凋落量的50.0%.大量凋落物为城市森林提供了营养物质和能量.  相似文献   

鼎湖山南亚热带常绿阔叶林凋落物量20年动态研究   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36       下载免费PDF全文
 研究了鼎湖山森林生态系统定位研究站20年来对常绿阔叶林凋落物量进行监测所积累的资料,探讨这一地带性植被演替过程中凋落物量动态变化格局及组成特征,并分析了主要优势种凋落叶的变化规律及其与凋落物总量的联系。鼎湖山南亚热带常绿阔叶林平均年凋落物量为8.45 t·hm-2,年际波动显著。总体来说年凋落物量呈下降趋势,这与植被所处演替阶段及本身林分特征有关。凋落物的凋落高峰发生在雨季初期(4、5月)和雨季末期(8、9月)。与多数森林不同,鼎湖山南亚热带常绿阔叶林各组分凋落物量的比例顺序为叶>花果杂物>枝。其中锥栗(Castanopsis chinensis)、荷木(Schima superba)、厚壳桂(Cryptocarya chinensis)、黄果厚壳桂(C. concinna) 4种优势种20年平均年凋落物量分别为1.86、0.50、0.26、0.40 t·hm-2,合计占凋落叶量的70%左右,它们的动态直接影响着凋落总量变化格局。  相似文献   

凋落物输入可显著影响土壤有机碳(SOC)矿化速率,但添加不同化学性质叶凋落物对土壤有机碳矿化释放CO2及激发效应的影响及其机理仍不清楚。本研究将亚热带6种树种13C标记的叶凋落物添加至天然次生林0~10 cm原位土柱中,比较不同树种叶凋落物添加对土壤总CO2、外源凋落物和土壤来源CO2释放速率和累积量以及激发效应的影响,并量化叶凋落物化学性质与土壤CO2释放累积量、激发效应的相关关系。结果表明: 添加叶凋落物能够显著提高土壤总CO2和土壤来源CO2释放量,存在显著正激发效应,激发效应值为68%~128%。不同树种叶凋落物添加对土壤有机碳矿化和激发效应的影响存在显著差异。Pearson相关分析和逐步多元线性回归分析发现,凋落物来源CO2释放累积量与叶凋落物C、P和纤维素含量呈显著负相关,而土壤来源CO2释放量与叶凋落物C:N和木质素:N呈显著正相关。综上,不同化学性质的叶凋落物对土壤有机碳矿化和激发效应的影响存在异质性,在亚热带地区森林类型转变过程中营造具有高质量叶凋落物的人工林将有助于减少森林土壤碳损失。  相似文献   

刘志理  金光泽 《生态学报》2015,35(10):3190-3198
叶面积指数(LAI)是研究森林生态系统生理生态进程中关键的结构参数之一。目前,凋落物法是在非破坏性条件下能直接测定森林生态系统LAI的最有效的方法,然而将凋落叶按树种分类增加了该方法的实施难度。平均优势度模型、林分优势度模型和局域优势度模型基于凋落物法和林木因子(如胸高断面积basal area,BA;坐标)能精确地预测落叶阔叶林的LAI,而这些模型是否适用于针阔混交林仍未进行验证。以小兴安岭阔叶红松林(Pinus koraiensis)为研究对象,先利用凋落物法测定其LAI,依此为参考对3种模型预测LAI的有效性进行验证,并以红松、冷杉(Abies nephrolepis)、紫椴(Tilia amurensis)、五角槭(Acer mono)、枫桦(Betula costata)和裂叶榆(Ulmus laciniata)为例,探讨了基于凋落物法测定的LAI与BA的相关关系。结果表明:平均优势度模型不适于预测针阔混交林的LAI;林分优势度模型预测效果较好,精度达86%;局域优势度模型预测效果最优,精度高于90%。然而,为准确测定阔叶红松林的LAI,应最少选择测定8个主要树种的比叶面积。基于凋落物法测定的6个树种的LAI与其BA均显著相关(P0.01),最小R2为0.67。研究结果可为快速、准确地测定针阔混交林的LAI提供依据,为非破坏性条件下建立树种的LAI与其BA的相关关系提供参考。  相似文献   

Dispersal limitation may promote high tree-species diversity in rain forest by slowing local competitive exclusion, but evidence is scarce. By comparing the species lists of tree plots with those of nested seedling plots in rain forest at Gunung Palung, we found that the proportion of local seedlings arising from active dispersal events (via wind or animals, but not simply dropped from parent trees) was high: 68% of species and 46% of the individual seedlings. Local seedling species richness was not limited by the local richness of adults. Using these data, a spatially explicit simulation model indicated that dispersal limitation may not contribute substantially to the maintenance of tree diversity in this forest. We predict that the loss of animal seed dispersers would reduce local species richness of seedlings by 60%. While this reduction could possibly increase the influence of dispersal limitation, it would interfere with other mechanisms maintaining diversity.  相似文献   

The leaf litter decomposition of 12 tree species was examined for three years in a subtropical forest in Japan to follow the pattern of changes in organic chemical constituents and nitrogen (N) and the relationship between these components. The remaining mass of the leaf litter reached 7–53% of the original mass at the end of the field incubation, and the decomposition constants (k) ranged from 0.37 to 2.39 year?1. The decomposition constant was significantly negatively correlated with the initial content of acid-unhydrolyzable residue (AUR) for all 12 tree species. A net increase of AUR that lasted for the first 3 to 6 months was noted for leaf litter of four tree species. The absolute amount of total N increased initially and then decreased thereafter in leaf litter of five tree species, whereas total N mass decreased throughout the study period in leaf litter of the other species. Contents of AUR and total N in leaf litter generally increased linearly with the accumulated mass loss of litter during decomposition, resulting in positive slopes of linear regressions. Lignocellulose index and AUR to N ratio of the litter showed convergent trends for 12 tree species as the decomposition progressed. When compared with datasets for an Asian climatic gradient, the decomposition rates in the subtropical forest was intermediate between the rates in tropical and temperate forests, and AUR and N contents in decomposing litter were consistently lower than those in temperate forests, indicating faster loss of AUR and N.  相似文献   

阔叶红松林是我国东北地区地带性顶级森林群落,对维持区域生态系统稳定性具有重要作用。对阔叶红松林内主要树种凋落叶分解过程及影响因素进行研究,有助于增加长白山阔叶红松林生态系统的基础数据,为明确阔叶红松林的养分循环和物质流动提供依据。选取了长白山阔叶红松林内30个常见乔灌树种和16个凋落叶性状,采用野外分解袋法和室内样品分析等方法研究了长白山阔叶红松林内主要树种凋落叶分解速率及其与凋落叶性状的关系。1年的野外分解实验表明,30个树种的凋落叶重量损失率表现出较大差异。不同树种凋落叶的重量损失率在20.56%—92.11%之间,以红松(Pinus koraiensis)质量损失率最低,东北山梅花(Philadelphus schrenkii)质量损失率最高。不同生活型树种的凋落叶在质量损失率上存在显著差异,以灌木树种凋落叶的质量损失率最高,小乔木次之,乔木树种质量损失率最低。Olson模型拟合结果表明,不同树种凋落叶的分解速率k以红松最低,瘤枝卫矛(Euonymus verrucosus)最高,分别为0.24和1.64。不同树种分解50%和95%所需的时间分别在0.43—2.86年,1.83—...  相似文献   

森林群落物种组成对凋落物组成的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在海南铜鼓岭山麓灌木林和季雨矮林固定大样地的基础上,通过收集凋落物,比较两林型的凋落物数量及其器官组成、凋落叶物种组成,探讨森林群落物种组成与凋落物组成的关系。结果表明:(1)两林型的凋落物总量及其器官组成不同,山麓灌木林(6.227 t/hm~2)比季雨矮林的年凋落量大(5.636 t/hm~2);凋落叶是凋落物的主要组成部分,能反映凋落物的凋落情况。(2)山麓灌木林凋落物优势种和主要物种为贡甲、林仔竹、橄树等15个物种,凋落叶总量占77.72%;季雨矮林的凋落物优势种和主要物种为方枝蒲桃、肖蒲桃、贡甲等17个物种,凋落叶总量占71.84%;山麓灌木林中凋落物优势种和主要物种的叶凋落量与其组成物种的株数、总断面积、树冠面积极显著正相关而季雨矮林的凋落物优势种和主要物种的叶凋落量与其组成物种的株数极显著正相关。山麓灌木林中两者的Jaccard相似性系数为20%,季雨矮林为25.93%,两林型的群落物种组成与凋落叶物种组成不一致,热带森林群落优势种不一定是凋落物优势种。  相似文献   

窦啸文  汤孟平 《应用生态学报》2022,33(10):2695-2704
引力模型是否可以应用于森林群落林木竞争关系分析是值得研究的问题。基于引力模型建立林木相对活力圈能反映竞争木活力大小,基于竞争木的相对活力圈建立引力竞争指数能准确反映林木生长与林木竞争的关系。以浙江省天目山国家级自然保护区针阔混交林为研究对象,将V_Hegyi竞争指数、引力竞争指数分别与胸径进行相关分析,胸高断面积生长量分别与2种竞争指数进行相关分析,胸径生长率与2期引力竞争指数的比值(2021年与2006年的引力竞争指数之比)进行相关分析,此外,对相对活力圈直径与胸径进行相关分析,并比较分析了活立木与枯死木的竞争指数大小。结果表明: 2种竞争指数与胸径均呈显著负相关,且均服从幂函数关系。林木胸高断面积生长量与2种竞争指数均呈显著负相关,但引力竞争指数比V_Hegyi竞争指数更能反映林木生长与林木竞争的关系。相对于V_Hegyi竞争指数的比值,2期引力竞争指数的比值更能说明林木生长与林木竞争的关系。在针阔混交林中,阔叶树种的生长与竞争的相关性>针叶树种生长与竞争的相关性。林木枯损受竞争的显著影响。林木相对活力圈大小与林木胸径大小呈显著负相关。引力模型是反映空间相互作用的重要模型之一,可以应用于林木竞争关系的研究,且基于引力模型建立的引力竞争指数可以作为评价林木竞争和林木活力的一个空间结构指标,比V_Hegyi竞争指数更能反映林木生长与林木竞争的关系。  相似文献   

To clarify recruitment patterns of Photinia glabra, which is an evergreen, broad‐leaved, bird‐dispersed tree species, we analyzed spatial distribution in P. glabra recruits at each growth stage and demography of current‐year seedlings with respect to distributions of adults in a warm‐temperate secondary forest, western Japan. Although individuals ≥ 5 cm diameter at breast height (DBH) that had nearly produced fruits showed a random distribution, seedlings (≥ 1 year old, < 10‐cm stem length [SL]), small saplings (10 ≤ SL < 30 cm) and large saplings (≥ 30‐cm SL, < 5‐cm DBH) were clumped and associated with reproductive adults at approximately 2–3‐m scales, nearly equal to their average crown radius. Based on monitoring the demography of current‐year seedlings, emerged seedling density profoundly decreased, and no seedlings survived at longer than an adult's crown scales, with distance‐dependent mortality as a result of disease and herbivory not greatly affecting the current‐year seedling mortality. Thus, aggregated seed dispersal under the crown of adult P. glabra would directly influence the distribution of recruits for P. glabra in this forest. Of the bird‐dispersed tree species in this forest, P. glabra produced the highest amount of fruits during large crop years, and their fruits ripened during the late seasonal period (early January), suggesting that birds might be strongly attracted to these species, in turn leading to seeds being deposited mostly under the tree crowns. We propose that dispersal limitation would occur, even in a bird‐dispersed tree species such as P. glabra, owing to plant–bird interactions in the forest.  相似文献   

Weinvestigated the effect of habitat loss on the ability of trees to shift in distribution across a landscape dominated by agriculture. The potential distribution shifts of four tree species (Diospyros virginiana, Oxydendron arboreum, Pinus virginiana, Quercus falcata var. falcata) whose northern distribution limits fall in the southern third of Ohio were used to assess possible distribution shift scenarios as a result of global warming. Our predictions derive from the results of simulations using (a) forest inventory based estimates of current distribution and abundance of target species; (b) a satellite-based estimate of forest habitat availability; and (c) a tree migration model (SHIFT). The current distribution and abundance of trees was estimated using USDA Forest Service's Forest Inventory Analysis data and distribution maps from the late 1960s; pre-European settlement forest–nonforest maps were used to represent the fully forested condition for calibration and comparison. Habitat-availability estimates in Ohio were estimated using classified Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data from 1994. Tree abundance, forest availability and migration were modeled using a 1-km2 pixel size. Forest availability was estimated as the proportion of forested TM pixels within each cell. The probability of a migrating species colonizing an unoccupied cell is modeled as a function of forest availability and distance to occupied cells. The results of the migration models suggest that the species studied are capable of colonizing virtually any forested location within Ohio over the next 100 years if climatic controls over the current distribution that may currently inhibit northward movement are relaxed. The contiguous distribution of these species, however, is not likely to shift more than 10 km during the next century regardless of the magnitude of the climate change. Examining the sensitivity of our simulations by varying critical model attributes, we found that whereas the variables controlling the amount of long-distance dispersal have strong effects on migration rates in the fully forested 1800 situation, they have significantly lesser effects on projections of future migration into highly fragmented forests. The low forest availability that characterizes much of the current Ohio landscape, along with the low likelihood of long distance dispersal, result in potential distribution shifts that are concentrated within the principally forested corridors in southeastern Ohio. We propose that in contrast to the past, future tree migrations are likely to be spatially and temporally correlated as a result of large climatic forcing and channelization through limited regions of available habitat. With respect to the management of biodiversity, this result suggests that it may be very difficult to discern plant migrations of native forest species owing to exceedingly slow rates of movement. Received 19 September 2000; Accepted 2 March 2001.  相似文献   

Predicting the distribution of species has become a crucial issue in biodiversity research. Two kinds of model address this question: niche models, which are usually based on static approaches linking species distribution to habitat characteristics, and dispersal models, which are usually dynamic and process-based. We propose a model (NDM: niche and dispersal model) that considers the local presence of a species to result from a dynamic balance between extinction (based on the niche concept) and immigration (based on the dispersal concept), at a given moment in time, in a spatially explicit context. We show that NDM correctly predicts observed bird species and community distributions at different scales. NDM helps to reconcile the contrasting paradigms of metacommunity theory. It shows that sorting and mass effects are the factors determining bird species distribution. One of the most interesting features of NDM is its ability to predict well known properties of communities, such as decreasing species richness with decreasing patch size and increasing distance to the mainland, and the mid-domain effect at the regional scale, contrasting with predictions of much smaller effects at the local scale. NDM shows that habitat destruction in the matrix around patches of forest can affect the forest bird community, principally by decreasing the occurrence of typical matrix birds within the forest. This model could be used as the starting point for applied ecological studies on the management of species and community distributions.  相似文献   

Abstract: Dispersal distances and their distribution pattern are important to understanding such phenomena as disease spread and gene flow, but oftentimes dispersal characteristics are modeled as a fixed trait for a given species. We found that dispersal distributions differ for spring and autumn dispersals of yearling male white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) but that combined data can be adequately modeled based on a log-normal distribution. We modeled distribution of dispersal distances from 3 distinct populations in Pennsylvania and Maryland, USA, based on the relationship between percent forest cover and mean dispersal distance and the relationship between mean and variance of dispersal distances. Our results suggest distributions of distances for dispersing yearling male white-tailed deer can be modeled by simply measuring a readily obtained landscape metric, percent forest cover, which could be used to create generalized spatially explicit disease or gene flow models.  相似文献   

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