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We studied the floral and pollination biology of Amomum maximum. Our observations suggest that flexistyly is present in this species, and stigmatic behavior is similar as reported for Alpinia species. Two phenotypes occur in a ratio of 1:1 in natural populations. No fruit set occurred in the unpollinated bagged plants. Significant differences in seed set between selfing and crossing manipulations demonstrate that inbreeding depression or partial self-incompatibility is apparent in this species. Despite the resemblance in floral behavior, there are still some differences between the previous studies and ours: with special floral design, the body size of legitimate visitors ranged wider in Amomum maximum than in Alpinia species; the presence of anther appendage is suggested to prevent competing and delayed selfing. This is the first report of flexistyly in a wild cardamom species, which is the second largest group in ginger family (Zingiberaceae).  相似文献   

We report on flowering phenology, floral morphology, pollinators, and nectar for eight species and a putative natural hybrid belonging to Agarista, Gaultheria and Gaylussacia that occur syntopically in a montane area. The campanulate to tubular flowers of eight out of nine Ericaceae taxa are primarily pollinated by either hummingbirds or bees. Flowering overlaps in all species but slight differences of floral shape, colour, and nectar characterize pollination by each pollinator group. Differences in floral traits are not large enough to exclude secondary pollinators. Thus, either the main pollinators of a species belonging to its syndrome, or secondary pollinators of a species belonging to different syndromes, may allow for inter-specific crosses.  相似文献   

Hedyotis salzmannii (Rubiaceae) is distylous. Experimental pollination revealed that both morphs are self-compatible. However, the thrum morph proved to be more self-compatible. Hand cross-pollination between different plants of the same floral form produced less seed-sets per pollination than hand cross-pollination between pin and thrum or thrum and pin pollination. Two species ofHymenoptera, oneApidae and oneHalictidae, and two species ofDiptera (Syrphidae) were observed as pollinators.  相似文献   

Morphological variation of flowers with different pollination modes was studied in 53 species representing five genera (Agrostemma, Dianthus, Saponaria, Silene s.l., Vaccaria) of the subfamily Caryophylloideae. All species were classified a priori as either diurnal, nocturnal, or selfing. Canonical discriminant analysis (CDA) of 13 floral characters revealed significant correlations between floral morphometry and pollination modes. A CDA of taxonomical groups represented with more than three species (Dianthus, and subgroups of Silene s.l.: Lychnis, Silene s.str., and Viscaria), revealed that the discrimination between these four taxa, based on the same floral characters, is also well supported. Main factors for the discrimination of the species with different pollination modes were characters that (a) define nectar accessibility (calyx length, calyx tooth length), (b) are related to the positioning of anthers and stigmatic areas in relation to pollinators and (c) are important for the visual attractiveness of flowers (plate width). The functional distance between the nectar source (anthophore base) and contact zone with pollinators (style tips), given as the sum of anthophore length, ovary length, and style length (hence called AOS-complex) is better correlated with the calyx length than the single characters. Further, the total AOS-complex length differs significantly between pollination modes suggesting that these characters form a functionally linked complex that is related to the pollen placement on, and stigma contact with, the pollinator's body. However, the contribution of anthophore and style length to the total AOS-complex differed significantly between Silene s.l. and other taxa indicating that the taxonomic groups follow different evolutionary ways for the construction of the functionally linked AOS-complex.  相似文献   

被子植物的花回馈、雌雄蕊时空分离特征和花粉呈现式样等花部特征及传粉者效率会影响雄性适合度和有性繁殖过程。宁夏枸杞(Lycium barbarum)是中国宁夏、新疆、内蒙等干旱和半干旱地区分布的特有种。该研究对新疆喀什地区宁夏枸杞自然种群的花部综合征、花粉呈现式样、花回馈、传粉者行为与交配方式的关系进行观察及统计分析,以探讨其花粉逐步呈现的适应性及其在提高雌雄繁殖过程中的意义。结果表明:(1)宁夏枸杞的单花寿命为(4.07±0.15) d,而雄性持续时间(0.07±0.01 d)比雌性持续时间短(4±0.01 d);花寿命内雌蕊长度比雄蕊长,属柱头探出式异位类型;花粉呈现式样为不完全逐步呈现。(2)花寿命不同阶段花回馈间存在显著差异。(3)意大利蜜蜂(Apis mellifera)、熊蜂(Bombus sp.)、食蚜蝇(Syrphidae sp.)是宁夏枸杞在自然居群的主要访花者,其中熊蜂和食蚜蝇是主要传粉者,但传粉者效率低,属于高移出低沉积类型。(4)宁夏枸杞的花粉胚珠比(2 448.11±448.32)及授粉实验结果均表现出兼性异交特征;自发自交及人工自花授粉花的座果率及结籽率很低,属于自交不亲和类型;自然传粉花的座果率及结籽率比人工去雄异花低,存在其较高的花粉限制(40.71%)。研究发现,宁夏枸杞花部综合征表现出雌雄异位和花粉不完全逐步呈现式样,这是避免雌雄功能及雄蕊各花药间的干扰、减少花粉同步移出及保障其雄性适合度的有效途径,但自然居群的传粉者种类限制、传粉效率低以及自交不亲性是导致宁夏枸杞花粉限制及降低雌性繁殖成功的主要原因。  相似文献   

Most species of the neotropical genusSiphocampylus are believed to be bird-pollinated. The pollination biology ofSiphocampylus sulfureus was studied in a montane region in SE Brazil. This species has features intermediate between ornithophilous and chiropterophilous syndromes: it presents a striking combination of yellowish flowers with strong odour (chiropterophilous features), and diurnal anthesis and sucrose-dominated nectar (ornithophilous features). Major pollinators were hummingbirds by day, and a phyllostomid bat by night.Siphocampylus sulfureus may be viewed as a recent derivate from the presumed ornithophilous stock within sect.Macrosiphon, and thus benefits from the activity of both diurnal and nocturnal vertebrate pollinators.Dedicated to DrIlse Silberbauer-Gottsberger and Prof. DrGerhard Gottsberger for their pioneer contribution to floral biology in Brazil.  相似文献   

腐生植物无叶美冠兰食源性欺骗传粉研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无叶美冠兰是一种典型的腐生兰科植物,为揭示该物种的自然传粉机制,拓展对兰科植物生殖特性的认识,在广西雅长兰科植物国家级自然保护区对其开展了传粉生态学观测研究。结果表明:无叶美冠兰花朵具备高度自交亲和能力,但不存在自动自花授粉机制,必须依赖外部传粉媒介把花粉送到柱头,实现有效传粉;绿彩带蜂是无叶美冠兰唯一有效传粉昆虫;传粉昆虫与花朵在与传粉功能相关的关键性状在形态上良好拟合;绿彩带蜂的访花活动主要发生在3个阶段:8.6%发生在9:00~11:30,80.2%发生在11:30~14:00,11.2%发生在14:00~15:30;花朵在中午强烈的阳光直射下挥发出香甜的气味。无叶美冠兰花朵主要通过挥发极具诱惑力的香甜气味和唇瓣上黄色的蜜导来诱导绿彩带蜂进入花朵中觅食,传粉昆虫与花朵在与传粉功能相关的关键性状在形态上良好拟合促成有效传粉,绿彩带蜂在整个传粉过程没有获得报酬,是食源性欺骗传粉机制。  相似文献   

We assessed the combined effects of varying the relative density and the relative floral morphological complexity of plant species on the behaviour of their bumblebee pollinators. Three species of bumblebee (Bombus pascuorum, B. terrestris and B. hortorum) were observed foraging on experimental arrays consisting of pair-wise combinations of four plant species: Borago officinalis, Phacelia tanacetifolia (both with simple flowers), Antirrhinum majus and Linaria vulgaris (both with complex flowers). Plant arrangements consisted of either two simple-flower species, a simple with a complex species or two complex species. The number of plants in each array was constant, while the frequency of each species was manipulated so that it was either rare, equal or common compared with its competitor. Contrary to predictions, rare plants were actually at an advantage in terms of the number of bees attracted per plant. However, rare plants were at a disadvantage in terms of pollen wastage because foragers more often went to a flower of another species after visiting a rare plant. The behaviour of bees on each plant species was further affected by plant floral complexity and the identity of the other species in the array. The three bumblebee species were markedly different in their foraging behaviour and in their responses to varying floral density and complexity. Each species preferred particular flower species. The results are discussed with reference to resource partitioning among bumblebee species. Received: 29 July 1998 / Accepted: 5 October 1998  相似文献   

The pollination biology of Omphalogramma souliei Franch., a species endemic to southwestern China, was investigated. Floral phenology, flower visitors, pollen/ovule ratio, attractants and rewards to the visitors were observed, measured, and recorded. Bagging experiments to exclude pollinators were carried out in the wild for two years. Our results revealed five important aspects of the reproductive biology of Omphalogramma souliei. 1) The pollen-ovule ratio was 1748±233. The breeding system was self-compatible, with facultative xenogamy. 2) The pollination syndrome is entomophily, and this species could not be pollinated by wind if the pollinators were unavailable. 3) Six insect species were observed visiting the flowers of Omphalogramma souliei in the wild, of them, three species of hymenoptera, Lasioglossum sp., Heriades parvula Cockerell and Micrapis florae Fabricius, are the principal floral visitors and effective pollinators. 4) The visual attractants to the visitors are floral color and shape, the large yellow anthers, and the rewards for visitors are pollen and nectar. 5) Cleistogamy may also occur, since the anthers of some flowers dehisced before opening of the corolla. The results of floral biology and pollination characters suggest that xenogamy predominated and autogamy played an assistant role in the evolution of reproduction and breeding system of O. souliei.  相似文献   

Flower visitors on 12 species of New CaledonianWinteraceae were studied. The visitors were two species of ancestral moths (Sabatinca; Micropterigidae), three species of weevils (Palontus; Curculionidae), and a species of thrips. Behavior observations and pollen records suggest that the beetles and occasionally the moths serve as pollinators ofZygogynum and Exospermum, andBelliolum is pollinated primarily by thrips. The floral volatiles are simple in composition, usually dominated by short esters. Preliminary experiments showed that ethyl acetate elicited alighting, and a distinctive huddling behavior was elicited by artificially mixed fragrance. The host associations of otherSabatinca andPalontus spp. do not support the hypothesis that theWinteraceae have radiated in association with their pollinators. The available evidence supports the notion of opportunistic isolated host colonizations at some point in the radiation of the pollinator groups.  相似文献   

The main goals of the present paper were to investigate the floral biology and the breeding system of Melochia tomentosa in a semi-arid region in Brazil, comparing the role of Apis mellifera with other native pollinators, and to discuss the importance of this plant species as a floral resource for the local fauna in maintaining different guilds of specialized pollinators in the Caatinga. M. tomentosa is very common in Caatinga areas and blooms year-round with two flowering peaks, one in the wet and another in the dry period. The pink, bright-colored flowers are distylous and both morphs are homogamous. The trichomatic nectary is located on the inner surface of the connate sepals, and the nectar (ca. 7 μl) is accumulated in the space between the corolla and the calyx. Nectar sugar concentration reaches an average of 28%. The results of controlled pollination experiments show that M. tomentosa is self-incompatible. Pollen viability varies from 94% to 98%. In spite of being visited by several pollen vectors, flower attributes of M. tomentosa point to melittophily, and A. mellifera was the most frequent visitor and the principal pollinator. Although honeybees are exotic, severely competing with native pollinators, they are important together with other native bees, like Centris and Xylocopa species, for the fruit set of M. tomentosa. This species represents a keystone floral resource favoring the maintenance of many species of bees, butterflies and hummingbirds through the year in this deciduous tropical dry forest.  相似文献   

Erythrina breviflora is visited by large numbers of passerine birds of which orioles (Icterus: Icteridae) are the primary pollinators. The flowers produce large quantities of nectar but they are rarely visited by hummingbirds. Inflorescence and floral morphology, and low levels of sucrose in the nectar probably explain the rarity of foraging hummingbirds. A comparison of Old WorldErythrina and their pollinators with New World species pollinated by orioles and hummingbirds suggests that parallel evolution has occurred. When the comparison is expanded to include other species pollinated by orioles, it is clear that various New WorldIcteridae, Thraupidae, etc. are ecological equivalents of Old WorldOriolidae, Pycnonotidae, Sturnidae, etc. and that flowers pollinated by these birds have similar characteristics.  相似文献   

Plant–pollinator interactions are one of the most important and variable mutualisms having major implications for plant fitness. The present study evaluates the interactions between an endemic milkwort, Polygala vayredae, and its floral visitors by studying the temporal variability, foraging behaviour and effectiveness of floral visitors in three populations during three consecutive years. The flowers were visited by a diverse array of insects, totalling 24 different species. However, only four species were effective pollinators, depositing pollen on stigmas after one visit, while the remaining species behaved as nectar robbers, secondary nectar robbers or nectar thieves and were completely ineffective for pollination. Among the effective pollinators, two groups with distinct foraging behaviours were observed: the nectar collecting long-tongued bees Bombus pascuorum and Anthophora sp. and the pollen collectors Eucera longicornis and Halictus sp. No significant differences were observed among pollinators in their efficiency in pollen deposition on stigmas, but significant differences were observed in the foraging behaviour between nectarivorous and pollen collectors. Variation in the abundance and assemblage of floral visitors was observed at the temporal scale and among populations, with the effective pollinators being generally scarce. Consequently, the reproductive outcome in this species was low and significantly variable among populations and years. The results highlight the importance of studying floral visitor effectiveness when determining pollinator assemblages.  相似文献   

Sympatric populations of Pedicularis oederi, P. cystopteridifolia, and P. groenlandica on the Beartooth Plateau (Montana) were obligately dependent on Bombus pollinators. Their corolla colors were mutually distinct to insect vision, but their nectars had identical sugar components. Analysis of corbicular pollen loads of pollinating insects indicated a high degree of polylecty. Queen/worker ratios of pollinators on plant species corresponded to the parallel phenological sequences of plant blooming and insect caste development. The total number of individual pollinators of each Bombus species on all plants was directly related to the number of plant species it pollinated, but a comparable relationship between the number of pollinators on a plant species to the number of Bombus species pollinating it was not found. Morphological and behavioral correspondence of floral mechanisms and pollinators form an integral part of the general pattern of coadaptive evolution of the floral ecology of Pedicularis in North America known from previous studies. Reproductive isolation between Pedicularis species in this study is attributed to internal barriers. Wide overlaps of blooming seasons, proboscis lengths of bumblebee species and castes, and pollinator species on Pedicularis species suggest resource sharing, rather than resource partitioning or competition for resources among plant and insect species and individuals.  相似文献   

We investigated if differences in morphological characters in two species ofMetrodorea (Rutaceae) from Brazilian semideciduous forests correspond to some pollination divergence.M. nigra andM. stipularis are sympatric species, display a similar floral morphology, are protandrous, self-incompatible, their flower periods overlap, and both are pollinated by flies.M. nigra main pollinators arePseudoptiloleps nigripoda (Muscidae) andFannia sp. (Fanniidae);M. stipularis major pollinators arePhaenicia eximia (Calliphoridae),Palpada sp. andOrnidia obesa (Syrphidae). The distinct floral odor (disagreeable inM. nigra and sweet inM. stipularis) and color (brownish violet vs. pale yellow) determine the differences on type and number of floral visitors observed. Several species from semideciduous forests initially considered to be pollinated by diverse insects, present flies as main pollinators, stressing the importance of fly pollination in such habitats.  相似文献   

The responses of animal pollinators to the spatially heterogeneous distribution of floral resources are important for plant reproduction, especially in species‐rich plant communities. We explore how responses of pollinators to floral resources varied across multiple spatial scales and studied the responses of two nectarivorous bird species (Cape sugarbird Promerops cafer, orange‐breasted sunbird Anthobaphes violacea) to resource distributions provided by communities of co‐flowering Protea species (Proteaceae) in South African fynbos. We used highly resolved maps of about 125 000 Protea plants at 27 sites and estimated the seasonal dynamics of standing crop of nectar sugar for each plant to describe the spatiotemporal distribution of floral resources. We recorded avian population sizes and the rates of bird visits to > 1300 focal plants to assess the responses of nectarivorous birds to floral resources at different spatial scales. The population sizes of the two bird species responded positively to the amount of sugar resources at the site scale. Within sites, the effects of floral resources on pollinator visits to plants varied across scales and depended on the resources provided by individual plants. At large scales (radii > 25 m around focal plants), high sugar density decreased per‐plant visitation rates, i.e. plants competed for animal pollinators. At small scales (radii < 5 m around focal plants), we observed either competition or facilitation for pollinators between plants, depending on the sugar amount offered by individual focal plants. In plants with copious sugar, per‐plant visitation rates increased with increasing local sugar density, but visitation rates decreased in plants with little sugar. Our study underlines the importance of scale‐dependent responses of pollinators to floral resources and reveals that pollinators’ responses depend on the interplay between individual floral resources and local resource neighbourhood.  相似文献   

The subfamilyPhytelephantoideae comprises three genera (Ammandra, Aphandra, andPhytelephas) and seven species of dioecious palms. The floral scents ofAmmandra dasyneura, A. decasperma, Aphandra natalia, Phytelephas aequatorialis, P. macrocarpa, andP. seemannii were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. We studied the pollination biology ofA. natalia, P. aequatorialis, andP. macrocarpa, and tested how the synthetically produced main constituents of the floral scents ofAphandra andPhytelephas attracted insects in two natural populations ofPhytelephas. The genera are distinct in terms of floral scents.Ammandra has sesquiterpenes,Aphandra (+)-2-methoxy-3-sec-butylpyrazine, andPhytelephas p-methyl anisol. These constituents dominated the scents quantitatively and qualitatively. The similarity between scents of male and female inflorescences was 76.5% inAmmandra, 84.2% inAphandra, and >99% inPhytelephas. Different species ofAleocharinae (Staphylinidae) pollinateAphandra natalia andPhytelephas species and reproduce in their male inflorescences.Derelomini (Curculinoidae) andMystrops (Nitidulidae) only visit and pollinatePhytelephas in which male inflorescences they reproduce. A species ofBaridinae (Curculionidae) only visits and pollinatesAphandra natalia, and reproduces in its female inflorescence. The apparent reliance on one or a few floral scent constituents as attractants and few and specific pollinators may indicate co-evolution. Sympatric species ofPhytelephantoideae have different scents. We suggest that species with similar scents have allopatric distributions due to the absence of a pollinator isolation mechanism.  相似文献   

Floral traits are adapted by plants to attract pollinators. Some of those plants that have different pollinators in different regions adapt to each pollinator in each region to maximize their pollination success. Mucuna macrocarpa (Fabaceae) limits the pollinators using its floral structure and is pollinated by different mammals in different regions. Here, we examine the relationships between floral traits of M. macrocarpa and the external morphology of mammalian pollinators in different regions of its distribution. Field surveys were conducted on Kyushu and Okinawajima Island in Japan, and in Taiwan, where the main pollinators are the Japanese macaque Macaca fuscata, Ryukyu flying fox Pteropus dasymallus, and red‐bellied squirrel Callosciurus erythraeus, respectively. We measured the floral shapes, nectar secretion patterns, sugar components, and external morphology of the pollinators. Results showed that floral shape was slightly different among regions and that flower sizes were not correlated with the external morphology of the pollinators. Volume and sugar rate of nectar were not significantly different among the three regions and did not change throughout the day in any of the regions. However, nectar concentration was higher in Kyushu than in the other two regions. These results suggest that the floral traits of M. macrocarpa are not adapted to each pollinator in each region. Although this plant limits the number of pollinators using its flower structure, it has not adapted to specific mammals and may attract several species of mammals. Such generalist‐like pollination system might have evolved in the Old World.  相似文献   

Reciprocal herkogamy is known to promote intermorph-pollination in distylous species, which are generally self- and intramorph-incompatible. Legitimate crossing rates are also influenced by pollinator foraging strategy, which determines most of the pollen flow in natural populations. This study reports on the floral morphology, compatibility relations and pollination biology of Psychotria nuda (Cham. and Schltdl.) Wawra in the Atlantic rain forest, southeastern Brazil, based on floral measurements, hand-pollination experiments and focal observation of floral visitors. It was found that P. nuda does not present an exactly reciprocal herkogamy, however, this morphological trait in P. nuda is as good as in most of Rubiaceae. Reproductive experiments showed compatibility relations similar to those frequently observed in distylous species. The hummingbirds Ramphodon naevius and females of Thalurania glaucopis were the main pollinators of P. nuda, presenting the traplining foraging strategy, which seems to maximize intermorph crosses in P. nuda flowers. These hummingbirds pollinated P. nuda flowers sequentially throughout the flowering period.  相似文献   

The coadaptive, dynamic relationship between the members of a floral community and their respective bumblebee pollinators was studied on the alpine-tundra of the Beartooth Plateau in southern Montana. A total of ten species of Bombus was observed foraging for pollen and/or nectar on Castilleja pulchella, Delphinium bicolor, Lupinus monticola, Mertensia ciliata, Oxytropis campestris, Penstemon procerus, and Trifolium dasyphyllum. The number of Bombus species per plant species ranged from 1 to 9. Based on relative percentage of pollen types in corbicular loads, monolectic foragers comprised 53.5% and polylectic foragers 46.5% of the bumblebees. Examinations of relative length of nectariferous corolla-tubes, tongue-length of pollinators, foraging frequency of pollinators, phenology of floral anthesis, and stature of plants did not indicate specific resource partitioning. Non-tundra-nesting bumblebees from lower elevations preferred adventive or typically non-tundra plants. Examination of perianth colors in visible light by reflectance spectrophotometry and in long-wave (360 nm) ultraviolet light by photography disclosed well-defined visible light reflectance spectra in all species but ultraviolet reflectance patterns only in D. bicolor. Insect collections and exclosure studies indicated all plant species except D. bicolor and P. procerus are highly reliant on bumblebee pollinators.  相似文献   

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