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黑果枸杞(Lycium ruthenicum)是中国西北地区极端环境中分布的国家二级保护植物, 该物种在新疆南部的自然种群中出现了同型花柱类型(同位花)和柱头探出式雌雄异位类型(异位花)个体, 并且遭遇沙尘暴频繁的种群中异位花个体出现频率减少。该研究对喀什市自然种群中黑果枸杞两种不同花型植株的花部综合征和传粉特性进行比较研究, 以期探讨该物种不同花型植株在南疆早春极端环境中的花部特征的可塑性及其适应性机制。结果表明: 同位花雌雄蕊高度间无显著差异, 而异位花雌蕊高度显著高于雄蕊; 同位花花冠直径、花冠筒长、胚珠数均高于异位花, 而异位花雌雄蕊空间距离、花粉数及花粉胚珠比均比同位花高。黑果枸杞同位花个体比例(68%)高于异位花个体(32%), 种群水平及个体水平同位花花期((117.00 ± 2.25) d, (101.65 ± 1.98) d)比异位花((26.00 ± 1.00) d, (18.75 ± 1.00) d)长, 而单花水平上异位花单花寿命((4.50 ± 0.14) d)比同位花((3.13 ± 0.11) d)长。两种类型花在花早期(紫色)分泌的花蜜量均高于花后期(白色)。在紫色花阶段(花开放早期), 同位花上的主要传粉者意大利蜜蜂、熊蜂和食蚜蝇的访花频率和停留时间均高于异位花; 而白色花阶段(花开放后期)意大利蜜蜂、熊蜂在异位花上的访花频率比同位花高。在不同花色阶段, 同位花柱头花粉落置数、花粉移出率、花粉传递效率均比异位花高, 并且同位花自然坐果率及结籽率均比异位花高。在新疆南部的沙尘暴极端环境下, 同位花通过较高的自交亲和性保障繁殖, 而异交为主的异位花提高了异交率。异位花与同位花在花部综合征和花报酬上的差异, 是影响其繁殖成功的主要因素。  相似文献   

新疆党参的花部综合征与次级花粉呈现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
次级花粉呈现是植物提高花粉输出和接受的效率与准确性以及促进异交的一种繁殖策略.新疆党参(Codonopsis clematidea)具有典型的次级花粉呈现特性.本文采用野外观测、授粉实验与室内显微观测等方法,对该物种的花部综合征及其次级花粉呈现过程进行了详细观测,并对这些特征的适应意义进行了探讨.结果表明:新疆党参钟状下垂的蓝色花冠及黑黄色蜜腺,不仅避免了雨水冲刷雌雄蕊、稀释花蜜以及风移出花粉等不利影响,还增加了对传粉者的吸引,延长了花粉活力及柱头可授性持续时间.次级花粉呈现属于亚顶端花柱呈现者,呈现机制为沉积机制.该特性限制了单个传粉者带走的花粉量,延长了花粉呈现时间,使更多传粉者参与传粉过程,增加了雄性适合度.其雄性先熟及雌雄蕊空间位置变化,避免了雌雄功能干扰,为传粉者取食花蜜、输出花粉以及柱头接受异源花粉提供了通道和机会.其泛化传粉系统的主要传粉昆虫为林野熊蜂(Bombus silvarum)、草地熊蜂(B.paradoxus)和树长黄胡蜂(Dolichovespula sylvestris),其较长的单花花期(6 d左右),昆虫访花高峰期与花粉活力最高时期及柱头最佳授粉期相吻合,以及较大的泌蜜量、较高的花蜜糖浓度和较长的泌蜜时间等特征,可提高传粉者的访花频率,增加成功传粉的机会和传粉效率.在气候多变的天山山区,该物种特殊的花部综合征和次级花粉呈现机制对提高其传粉效率并促进异交繁殖成功具有重要意义.  相似文献   

草乌传粉过程中的广告效应与回报物质研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虫媒传粉植物与其传粉者之间的相互作用被认为是被子植物花多样性的一个重要选择压力。这种相互作用体现在植物对传粉者的吸引以及传粉者行为对花粉的转运两个方面。本项研究通过去除不同的花部器官研究了草乌(Aconitum kusnezoffii)对其传粉者的吸引, 并结合传粉者的访问行为和草乌花的生物学特性探讨了传粉过程与交配系统的适应。红光熊蜂(Bombus ignites)是草乌的有效传粉者。去除花萼片显著降低了红光熊蜂的访问频率, 但去除特化成蜜腺叶的花瓣并没有显著改变红光熊蜂的访问频率, 这表明草乌吸引红光熊蜂的主要结构是由5枚萼片组成的花部外观形态, 而非花瓣。花蜜是草乌提供给红光熊蜂的回报物质, 糖浓度为39.23%, 组氨酸浓度为0.25 μg/μL。草乌花较大、单花花期长、雌雄异熟、花粉寿命长, 是一个自交亲和但需传粉者传粉完成繁殖过程的异交物种。草乌花序是无限花序, 当上部的花处于雄性阶段时, 下部的花正好处于雌性阶段。而红光熊蜂在草乌花序上的访问顺序通常自下而上, 带来异交花粉为下部的花进行异花授精, 同时又带走上部花的花粉, 这就很好地促进了草乌的异交。草乌雄蕊自外向内逐渐成熟, 是一种有效的限制传粉者单次访问浪费大量花粉的花粉装配策略, 能提高植物通过花粉散布获得的雄性适合度。  相似文献   

花粉的时序呈现是指植物花药按一定次序释放花粉的现象, 被认为是对传粉者访问频率的一种适应。在传粉者充足的环境中, 植物通过限制花粉1次被移出的数量, 使花粉供体能作为多个父本, 从而提高雄性适合度。该文从开花习性、花部特征、传粉者及繁育系统等方面对早春短命植物黑鳞顶冰花(Gagea nigra)的花粉呈现时序及其适应性进行研究, 结果表明, 黑鳞顶冰花单花期约5-7天; 白天开放, 晚上闭合, 花药次序开裂, 呈拉链式散粉, 散粉期4-6天。黑鳞顶冰花以异交为主, 部分自交亲和。蝇类和食蚜蝇为主要传粉者, 访花频率为(0.141±0.078) flower∙h-1。在雄蕊的时序散粉过程中, 雌蕊持续生长, 经历了从低于雄蕊到等高、再到高于雄蕊阶段。在等高阶段, 单花早晚的开闭, 使得雌雄蕊紧靠在一起, 促成了自动自花授粉。在传粉者缺乏的环境中, 黑鳞顶冰花的花粉时序呈现延长了散粉期, 在等待传粉者和分摊风险方面具重要作用。这种花粉渐次呈现的策略, 在新疆的早春开花植物中可能广泛存在。  相似文献   

蜜导是一类对传粉者具有特殊吸引和指示作用的花图案或花结构,在被子植物尤其是虫媒花中普遍存在,但目前有关蜜导对植物繁殖成功影响的研究相对较少.在野外条件下,我们以毛茛科翠雀属的蓝翠雀花(Delphinium caeruleum)为研究对象,通过人工授粉和去除髯毛实验对其交配系统和退化雄蕊上黄色髯毛的作用进行了初步研究,以探讨蜜导对于蓝翠雀花雌雄繁殖适合度的影响.结果发现,蓝翠雀花自交亲和,但其雌雄异熟和雌雄异位相结合的花特征完全避免了自动自交,因此该物种是专性异交植物,其传粉过程需要传粉者协助才能完成.与对照相比,去除髯毛处理显著降低了花粉的输出总量,但坐果率和结籽数并没有显著降低.我们的研究结果表明,蓝翠雀花退化雄蕊上的髯毛确实起到了蜜导的作用,但蜜导的存在主要提高了该植物的雄性繁殖适合度,表明雄性适合度的繁殖成功在蓝翠雀花的花进化过程中具有重要的作用,但这一结果仍有待在更多的居群中做进一步的验证.  相似文献   

毛翠雀花花序内的性分配和繁殖成功   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张新  安宇梦  史长莉  米兆荣  张婵 《广西植物》2021,41(8):1324-1332
两性花植物花序内不同位置的性分配和繁殖成功一般存在差异,通常认为资源竞争、结构效应和交配环境是形成这种差异的主要原因。为了研究雄性和雌性繁殖资源在花序内不同位置间的最优分配问题,该文以青藏高原高寒草甸典型高山植物毛翠雀花为材料,通过比较花序内不同位置的花部特征和种子性状,对其花序内的性分配模式和雌性繁殖成功进行研究,并通过观察传粉者运动特点以及人工去花和补授花粉实验,探讨花序内资源竞争和交配环境对繁殖资源分配的影响。结果表明:(1)不同位置间的雄蕊数、雄蕊鲜重/雌蕊鲜重、花粉数及花粉胚珠比从花序基部到上部显著增加,而雌蕊鲜重和胚珠数逐渐减少,表现出上部花偏雄的性分配;上部花的结籽率显著低于基部花和中部花,不同位置间的发育种子数/果实和发育种子重/果实随着花位置的升高而显著降低,说明基部花具有更佳的雌性繁殖成效。(2)去花处理后,剩余果实的单个种子重/果实显著增加,但发育种子数/果实没有显著增加;而给上部花人工补授异花花粉后,位置间结籽率的差异消失,说明传粉限制而非资源竞争导致了花序内位置依赖的种子生产模式。(3)毛翠雀花雄性先熟的开花特征,以及传粉者苏氏熊蜂从花序基部到上部的定向访花行为,导致了花序内交配环境的变化。综上结果表明,毛翠雀花花序内的性分配和繁殖成功差异是对交配环境适应的结果,对其在高山环境中实现雌雄适合度最优化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

雄蕊运动指雄蕊在自身能量支持下发生的主动运动,不包括雄蕊在访花者触碰下造成的被动位移。该文总结了雄蕊的应激运动、快速猛烈弹射、缓慢运动以及级联运动等4种主要类型,分析了这些运动类型的系统分布及繁殖适应意义等方面的研究进展。雄蕊的应激运动由访花者或其他外力诱发,可能起到促进散粉和实现繁殖保障的作用;雄蕊快速猛烈的弹射运动可将花粉猛然撒向空中或访花者身上,促进了花粉的风媒或虫媒散布;缓慢运动的雄蕊可能通过在不同花期改变雄蕊的空间位置和雌雄异位程度来调节繁殖策略,或主动将雄蕊花药移至特定部位(如柱头表面)实现自交;雄蕊逐一、依次发生的级联运动较为复杂,主要分布在刺莲花科、梅花草科、旱金莲科和芸香科中,目前还缺乏实验研究;但根据"花粉呈现理论"以及其他类型的雄蕊运动研究结果,雄蕊的级联运动可以将花粉分批呈现给不同的传粉者,通过不同传粉者的分别传粉来提高花粉的输出;而且可避免已散粉雄蕊对即将散粉雄蕊的干扰,同时可能也降低了雌雄功能干扰和(或)花内自交。在芸香(Ruta graveolens)中,级联运动之后的雄蕊还会在花末期再同时向花中央运动;这种多向、多次运动方式是目前发现的最复杂的雄蕊运动类型。雄蕊运动领域值得今后开展进一步实验研究的方向主要有:1)雄蕊运动尤其是级联运动对雌雄功能干扰(性别间干扰)、雄蕊与雄蕊的"性别内干扰"等植物繁殖格局的影响;2)雄蕊运动与雌雄异熟、雌雄异位等花部特征的相互作用;3)雄蕊运动复杂类型的生理与发育机制。  相似文献   

以同域分布于新疆南部的早春开花植物短穗柽柳(Tamarix laxa Willd)和紫杆柽柳(T.androssowii Litw)为材料,对它们的开花式样、花部特征、花报酬特点、传粉特性及交配方式进行比较研究。结果表明,2种植物居群和个体水平的花期及单花寿命间存在显著差异;紫杆柽柳的居群花期比短穗柽柳短,而短穗柽柳个体花期和单花寿命比紫杆柽柳长。2种柽柳的花瓣、雌雄蕊长度、花粉胚珠数及花粉/胚珠比值(P/O)间也存在显著差异。二者的花瓣、雌雄蕊均能分泌香味,访花频率与花蜜量均存在正相关。主要传粉者在短穗柽柳上的访花频率和沉积花粉效率高于紫杆柽柳,且存在显著差异。2种植物通过自花和异花授粉均可结实,属于混合交配系统;二者的自交不亲和指数及花粉限制程度间存在显著差异;紫杆柽柳的自交亲和性高于短穗柽柳,而短穗柽柳的花粉限制指数高于紫杆柽柳。因此,2种柽柳的开花式样、花部特征及花报酬的差异,是它们在传粉者受限的早春环境中为吸引更多的访花昆虫、提高雌性繁殖率所形成的繁殖对策。  相似文献   

片断化生境中滇桐传粉生物学和繁育系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过野外观察和人工授粉试验方法,对云南省文山州西畴县法斗分布区片断化生境中濒危植物滇桐(Craigia yunnanensis)的传粉生物学特征和繁育系统进行研究.结果表明:滇桐每个聚伞花序有2~9朵两性花,单花花期为3~4d,单花雌雄蕊在时空上有一定的隔离;杂交指数(OCI) >4,花粉-胚珠比(P/O)为1381±53;有效传粉昆虫为大头丽蝇(Chrysomyia megacephala);同株异花授粉结实率低;滇桐的繁育系统属于异交为主,部分自交亲和,传粉过程需要传粉者;自然状态下滇桐的座果率(56.67%±3.85%)和结籽率(6.26%±0.75%)均较低,而异株异花授粉均可显著提高座果率及结籽率(P<0.01),这与当前片断化生境中传粉昆虫少、效率低下等有关,表明生境片断化正在影响滇桐植株的早期生殖成功.  相似文献   

宁夏枸杞传粉生态学初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田间观察检测了宁夏枸杞(Lycium barbarum L.)9个品系的开花物候、开花动态、花粉活力、柱头可授性及其繁育系统,并对花粉萌发、花粉管生长以及访花者的种类和访花行为进行了初步研究.结果表明,宁夏枸杞整个居群有长达5个月的花期,单花的花期仅为3~4 d,花粉活力可保持15 d左右,柱头可授性在72 h左右,雌雄生殖单位在持续时间上有较长的相遇期;花粉数量与胚珠比(P/O)为4 000左右,杂交指数(OCI)介于3或4,繁育系统为异交型,需要传粉者;荧光显微观察表明,参试的3个品系的花粉均能在柱头上萌发,2个有自交不亲和现象,其位置发生在花柱的上半部分和子房内.访花昆虫有17种,分属双翅目、膜翅目和鳞翅目,花的结构和开花式样适合以意大利蜜蜂和食蚜蝇为主的多种昆虫传粉.  相似文献   

Abstract Animal‐pollinated plant species modulate the presentation of pollinator rewards to maximize reproductive success. In plants providing pollen as the only reward for pollinators, it is usually difficult to unravel the dual roles of reward presentation and the realization of male and female functions (pollen removal and deposition). Exploiting the two types of anther in the androecia of Melastoma malabathricum L., we examined whether the removal of pollen for reward is regulated primarily to favor male function or female function. Pollen removal by carpenter bees from the feeding and pollination anthers, as well as pollen deposition on the stigmas, were quantified during anthesis of M. malabathricum. There was no significant difference in pollen removal rates from the feeding and pollination anthers of M. malabathricum between the onset of anthesis and flower wilting. The stigmatic pollen loads exceeded the ovule number after three sonication bouts, and female function was satisfied earlier than male function. The results support the hypothesis that the presentation of pollination reward in this species is regulated primarily to favor the expression of male function, rather than female function, in agreement with the pollen‐donation hypothesis. A cooperative relationship between the feeding and pollination anthers was demonstrated in heterantherous flowers, which optimizes the balance in investments between pollinator rewards and “functional pollen” for gene transfer.  相似文献   

Attraction of pollinators and successful pollen transfer represent the primary targets of selection during flower evolution, leading to repeated evolutionary shifts between pollinators and consequently to the diversification of floral forms. However, most studies in floral evolution focus on the characteristics of flowers with straight corolla tube. Here, we report on an unusual form of sigmoid corolla combined with protandry and herkogamy in a Chinese species of Gesneriaceae, Oreocharis pumila (formerly Opithandra pumila). Contrary to species with sigmoid corollas studied previously, the base of the corolla tube of this species is inclined at an oblique angle downwards before the tube bends forward, and the stigma and anthers are included in the upper part of the corolla tube. The plants were found to be self‐compatible but incapable of autonomous selfing. Successful pollination was found to depend fully on the presence of insect pollinators (Nomia sp.) and pollen grains are the greatest reward for the visitors. Different from the other sigmoid flowers, the sigmoid corolla of O. pumila was not found to favor insect pollinators with long flexible proboscises. A mechanical fit between floral morphology and pollinator was found, in which only small insect visitors with specialized visiting behavior are legitimate pollinators. The protandry combined with herkogamy in the sigmoid corolla tube strongly ensures pollination efficiencies. Oreocharis pumila is the only species with sigmoid corolla in the genus Oreocharis. We hypothesize that such a corolla has arisen through selection due to inadequate pollination in early spring in the mountainous habitat that O. pumila occupies.  相似文献   

Reward partitioning and replenishment and specific mechanisms for pollen presentation are all geared towards the maximization of the number of effective pollinator visits to individual flowers. An extreme case of an apparently highly specialized plant–pollinator interaction with thigmonastic pollen presentation has been described for the morphologically complex tilt‐revolver flowers of Caiophora arechavaletae (Loasaceae) pollinated by oligolectic Bicolletes pampeana (Colletidae, Hymenoptera). We studied the floral biology of Nasa macrothyrsa (Loasaceae) in the field and in the glasshouse, which has very similar floral morphology, but is pollinated by polylectic Neoxylocopa bees (Apidae, Hymenoptera). We investigated the presence of thigmonastic anther presentation, visitor behaviour (pollinators and nectar robbers), co‐ordination of pollinator visits with flower behaviour and the presence of nectar replenishment. The aim of this study was to understand whether complex flower morphology and behaviour can be explained by a specialized pollination syndrome, or whether alternative explanations can be offered. The results showed that Nasa macrothyrsa has thigmonastic pollen presentation, i.e. new pollen is rapidly (<< 10 min) presented after a pollinator visit. Nectar secretion is independent of removal and averages 7–14 µL h–1. The complex flowers, however, fail to exclude either native (hummingbirds) or introduced (honeybees) nectar robbers, nor does polylectic Neoxylocopa actively collect the pollen presented. The findings do not support a causal link between complex flower morphology and functionality in Loasaceae and a highly specialized pollination. Rapid pollen presentation is best explained by the pollen presentation theory: the large proportion of pollinators coming shortly after a previous visit find little nectar and are more likely to move on to a different plant. The rapid presentation of pollen ensures that all these valuable ‘hungry pollinators’ are dusted with small pollen loads, thus increasing the male fitness of the plant by increasing the likelihood of siring outcrossed offspring. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 124–131.  相似文献   

The reproductive‐assurance hypothesis predicts that mating‐system traits will evolve towards increased autonomous self‐pollination in plant populations experiencing unreliable pollinator service. We tested this long‐standing hypothesis by assessing geographic covariation among pollinator reliability, outcrossing rates, heterozygosity and relevant floral traits across populations of Dalechampia scandens in Costa Rica. Mean outcrossing rates ranged from 0.16 to 0.49 across four populations, and covaried with the average rates of pollen arrival on stigmas, a measure of pollinator reliability. Across populations, genetically based differences in herkogamy (anther–stigma distance) were associated with variation in stigmatic pollen loads, outcrossing rates and heterozygosity. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that, when pollinators are unreliable, floral traits promoting autonomous selfing evolve as a mechanism of reproductive assurance. Extensive covariation between floral traits and mating system among closely related populations further suggests that floral traits influencing mating systems track variation in adaptive optima generated by variation in pollinator reliability.  相似文献   

  • The evolution of monomorphisms from heterostylous ancestors has been related to the presence of homostyly and the loss of self‐incompatibility, allowing the occurrence of selfing, which could be advantageous under pollinator limitation. However, flowers of some monomorphic species show herkogamy, attraction and rewarding traits that presumably favour cross‐pollination and/or a mixed mating system. This study evaluated the contributions of pollinators, breeding system and floral traits to the reproduction of Turnera velutina, a herkogamous monomorphic species.
  • Floral visitors and frequency of visits were recorded, controlled hand cross‐pollinations were conducted under greenhouse and natural conditions, and individual variation in floral traits was characterised to determine their contribution to seed production.
  • Apis mellifera was the most frequent floral visitor. Flowers presented approach herkogamy, high variation in nectar features, and a positive correlation of floral length with nectar volume and sugar concentration. Seed production did not differ between manual self‐ and cross‐pollinations, controls or open cross‐pollinations, but autonomous self‐pollination produced, on average, 82.74% fewer seeds than the other forms, irrespective of the level of herkogamy.
  • Differences in seed production among autonomous self‐pollination and other treatments showed that T. velutina flowers depend on insect pollination for reproduction, and that approach herkogamy drastically reduced seed production in the absence of pollen vectors. The lack of differences in seed production from manual cross‐ and self‐pollinations suggests the possible presence of a mixed mating system in the studied population. Overall, this species was possibly derived from a distylous ancestor but appears fully capable of outcrossing despite being monomorphic.

Plants with multiple flowers could be prone to autonomous self‐pollination and insect‐mediated geitonogamy, but physiological and ecological features have evolved preventing costs related to autogamy. We studied the rare perennial herb Dictamnus albus as a model plant, with the aim of describing the plant–pollinator system from both plant and pollinator perspectives and analysing features that promote outcrossing in an entomophilous species. The breeding system and reproductive success of D. albus were investigated in experimental and natural conditions, showing that it is potentially self‐compatible, but only intra‐inflorescence insect‐mediated selfing is possible. Nectar analysis showed gender‐biased production towards the female phase, which follows the male phase, and during flowering, full blooming is found in flowers at the bottom of the raceme. Among a wide spectrum of insect visitors, three genera (Bombus, Apis, Megachile) were found to be principal pollinators. A study of insect behaviour showed a tendency towards bottom‐to‐top flights for the most important pollinators Bombus spp. and Apis mellifera: upward movements on the racemes could be explained by foraging behaviour, from more to less rewarding flowers. In accordance with the ‘declining reward hypothesis’, bumblebees and honeybees leave the plant when gain of reward is low, after which few flowers are visited, reducing the chance of self‐pollen transfer among flowers. Intra‐flower self‐pollination is prevented in D. albus by protandry and herkogamy, while the nectar‐induced sequential pattern of pollinator visits avoids geitonogamy and tends to maximise pollen export, promoting outcrossing. All these features for preventing selfing benefit plant fitness and population genetic structure.  相似文献   

  • Studies of floral polymorphisms have focused on heterostyly, while stigma‐height dimorphism has received considerably less attention. Few studies have examined the reproductive biology of species with stigma‐height dimorphism to understand how factors influencing mate availability and pollen transfer are related to morph ratios in populations.
  • Floral morphological traits, especially herkogamy and reciprocity, pollinator visitation, breeding system and spatiotemporal mate availability, are known to affect inter‐morph pollination and morph ratios in species with stigma‐height dimorphism. In this study, we investigated the presence of stigma‐height dimorphism and estimated morph ratios in four naturally occurring populations of Jasminum malabaricum. We quantified morph‐ and population‐specific differences in the abovementioned factors in these populations to understand the observed morph ratios.
  • The positions of anthers and stigmas were characteristic of stigma‐height dimorphism, the first report of this polymorphism in the genus. All study populations were isoplethic, implying equal fitness of both morphs. Herkogamy was higher in the short‐styled morph, while reciprocity was higher between the long‐styled stigma and short‐styled anthers. Long‐ and short‐tongued pollinators were common floral visitors, and we observed no differences between morphs in spatiotemporal mate availability or pollinator visitation. Neither morph exhibited self‐ or heteromorphic incompatibility.
  • The short‐styled stigma had lower reciprocity but likely receives sufficient inter‐morph pollen from long‐tongued pollinators, and also by avoiding self‐pollination due to higher herkogamy. These results highlight the importance of sufficient effective pollinators and floral morphological features, particularly herkogamy, in maintaining isoplethy in species with stigma‐height dimorphism.

  • This study tested the hypothesis that self‐compatibility would be associated with floral traits that facilitate autonomous self‐pollination to ensure reproduction under low pollinator visitation. In a comparison of two pairs of Ipomoea species with contrasting breeding systems, we predicted that self‐compatible (SC) species would have smaller, less variable flowers, reduced herkogamy, lower pollinator visitation and higher reproductive success than their self‐incompatible (SI) congeners.
  • We studied sympatric species pairs, I. hederacea (SC)– I. mitchellae (SI) and I. purpurea (SC)–I. indica (SI), in Mexico, over two years. We quantified variation in floral traits and nectar production, documented pollinator visitation, and determined natural fruit and seed set. Hand‐pollination and bagging experiments were conducted to determine potential for autonomous self‐pollination and apomixis.
  • Self‐compatible Ipomoea species had smaller flowers and lower nectar production than SI species; however, floral variation and integration did not vary according to breeding system. Bees were primary pollinators of all species, but visitation rates were seven times lower in SC than SI species. SC species had a high capacity for autonomous self‐pollination due to reduced herkogamy at the highest anther levels. Self‐compatible species had two to six times higher fruit set than SI species.
  • Results generally support the hypothesis that self‐compatibility and autonomous self‐pollination ensure reproduction under low pollinator visitation. However, high variation in morphological traits of SC Ipomoea species suggests they maintain variation through outcrossing. Furthermore, reduced herkogamy was associated with high potential for autonomous self‐pollination, providing a reproductive advantage that possibly underlies transitions to self‐compatibility in Ipomoea.

Nectar is the most common floral reward that plants produce to attract pollinators. To determine the effect of nectar production on hawkmoth behavior, pollen movement, and reproductive success in Mirabilis multiflora, I manipulated nectar volumes and observed the subsequent foraging behavior of the hawkmoth Hyles lineata and the resulting pollen movement patterns. Individual hawkmoths visited significantly more flowers on plants with more nectar. The increase in flower visits significantly increased pollen deposition on stigmas and pollen removal from anthers when nectar volume was raised to twice the highest level found in nature. As hawkmoths visited flowers consecutively on a plant, the proportion of self pollen deposited on stigmas increased significantly and rapidly. Based on simulated hawkmoth visits, seed set was significantly reduced for flowers later in a visit sequence. A simple model combining these results predicts that the form of selection on nectar production varies depending on pollinator abundance. Using a multiple regression analysis a nearly significant (P < 0.08) effect of stabilizing selection was detected during a single season as predicted by the model for the prevailing hawkmoth abundance. Although increased nectar production may indirectly affect plant fitness by reducing resources available for other plant functions, the direct effect of high nectar production on pollinator behavior and self pollination may generally limit floral nectar production.  相似文献   

Floral orientation may affect pollinator attraction and pollination effectiveness, and its influences may differ among pollinator species. We, therefore, hypothesized that, for plant species with a generalized pollination system, changes in floral orientation would affect the composition of pollinators and their relative contribution to pollination. Geranium refractum, an alpine plant with downward floral orientation was used in this study. We created upward-facing flowers by altering the flower angle. We compared the pollinator diversity, pollination effectiveness, and pollinator importance, as well as female reproductive success between flowers with downward- and upward-facing orientation. Results indicated that the upward-facing flowers were visited by a wider spectrum of pollinators (classified into functional groups), with higher pollinator diversity than natural flowers. Moreover, due to influences on visitation number and pollen removal, the pollinator importance exhibited by the main pollinator groups differed between flower types. Compared with natural flowers, the pollination contribution of principal pollinators (i.e., bumblebees) decreased in upward-facing flowers and other infrequent pollinators, such as solitary bees and muscoid flies, removed more pollen. Consequently, stigmatic pollen loads were lower in upward- than in downward-facing flowers. These findings reveal that floral orientation may affect the level of generalization of a pollination system and the relative importance of diverse pollinators. In this species, the natural downward-facing floral orientation may increase pollen transfer by effective pollinators and reduce interference by inferior pollinators.  相似文献   

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