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目的:由基因芯片数据精确学习建模具有异步多时延表达调控关系的基因调控网络。方法:提出了一种高阶动态贝叶斯网络模型,并给出了网络结构学习算法,该模型假定基因的调控过程为多阶马尔科夫过程,从而能够建模基因调控网络中的异步多时延特性。结果:由酵母基因调控网络一个子网络人工生成了加入10%含噪声的表达数据用于调控网络结构学习。在75%的后验概率下,本文提出的高阶动态贝叶斯网络模型能够正确建模实际网络中全部的异步多时延调控关系,而经典动态贝叶斯网络仅能够正确建模实际网络中1/3的调控关系;ROC曲线对比表明在各个后验概率水平上高阶动态贝叶斯网络模型的效果均优于经典动态贝叶斯网络。结论:本文提出的高阶动态贝叶斯网络模型能够精确学习建模具有异步多时延表达调控关系的基因调控网络。  相似文献   

DNA微阵列技术可同时定量测定成千上万个基因在生物样本中的表达水平,从这一技术获得的全基因组范围表达数据为揭示基因间复杂调控关系提供了可能。研究人员试图通过数学和计算方法来构建遗传互作的模型,这些基因调控网络模型有聚类法、布尔网络、贝叶斯网络、微分方程等。文章对网络重建计算方法的研究现状进行了较为全面的综述,比较了不同模型的优缺点,并对该领域进一步的研究趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

基因调控网络重建是功能基因组研究的基础,有助于理解基因间的调控机理,探索复杂的生命系统及其本质.针对传统贝叶斯方法计算复杂度高、仅能构建小规模基因调控网络,而信息论方法假阳性边较多、且不能推测基因因果定向问题.本文基于有序条件互信息和有限父结点,提出一种快速构建基因调控网络的OCMIPN算法.OCMIPN方法首先采用有序条件互信息构建基因调控相关网络;然后根据基因调控网络拓扑先验知识,限制每个基因结点的父结点数量,利用贝叶斯方法推断出基因调控网络结构,有效降低算法的时间计算复杂度.人工合成网络及真实生物分子网络上仿真实验结果表明:OCMIPN方法不仅能构建出高精度的基因调控网络,且时间计算复杂度较低,其性能优于LASSO、ARACNE、Scan BMA和LBN等现有流行算法.  相似文献   

在生命体内,基因以及其它分子间相互作用形成复杂调控网络,生命过程都是以调控网络的形式存在,如从代谢通路网络到转录调控网络,从信号转导网络到蛋白质相互作用网络等等。因此,网络现象是生命现象的复杂本质和主要特征。本文系统地介绍了基于表达谱数据构建基因调控网络的布尔网络模型,线性模型,微分方程模型和贝叶斯网络模型,并对各种网络构建模型进行了深入的分析和总结。同时,文章从基因组序列信息、蛋白质相互作用信息和生物医学文献信息等方面讨论了基因调控网络方面构建的研究,这对从系统生物学水平揭示生命复杂机制具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

目的:基因调控网络在药物研发与疾病防治方面有重要的生物学意义。目前基于芯片数据构建网络的方法普遍效率不高,准确度较低,为此提出了一种新的高效调控网络结构预测算法。方法:提出了一种基于贪婪等价搜索机制的遗传算法构建基因调控网络模型。通过引入遗传算法的多点并行性,使得算法易于摆脱局部最优。通过编码网络结构作为遗传算法的染色体和设计基于GES机制的变异算子,使网络的进化过程基于马尔科夫等价空间而不是有向无环图空间。结果:通过对标准网络ASIA和酵母调控网络的预测,与近期Xue-wen Chen等提出的Order K2算法进行了比较,在网络构建准确率上获得了更佳的结果。与标准遗传算法比较下在执行效率上大大提高。结论:提出的算法在网络结构预测准确率上相对于最近提出的Order K2算法在准确率上效果更佳,并且相较标准遗传算法网络在进化过程上效率更高。  相似文献   

利用基因表达值推断基因调控网是生物学中的一个重要领域,在疾病治疗领域和药物研究领域具有很好的效用.状态空间模型是一种新型优化的模型,在基因调控网中给出系统理论的分析和研究,较动态贝叶斯网络模型在平行的精度下具有极低的运行时间.本论文在前人工作基础上,研究主成分分析方法在状态空间模型中的应用,通过对调控基因关系矩阵取和方法找出主导基因,从而优化之前的线性空间模型,得到较优的结果.  相似文献   

代谢网络在各种细胞功能和生命过程中发挥着至关重要的作用。随着细胞网络重建工程的迅速发展,可用的基因组水平代谢网络越来越多,因而计算方法在这些网络的结构功能分析中越来越重要。基于约束的建模方法不像图论方法那样仅考虑代谢模型的纯拓扑结构,也不像各种动力学建模方法那样需求详尽的热力学参数,因而极具优势。采用基于约束的建模方法对一个含619个基因,655个代谢物和743个代谢反应的金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcusaureus)代谢网络进行了分析,主要研究了该模型的网络结构特征,以及其最优生长率、动态生长情况和基因删除学习等。本研究提供了一个对金黄色葡萄球菌代谢网络进行约束建模分析的初步框架。  相似文献   

基因逻辑网络研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海量生物数据的涌现,使得通过数据分析和理论方法探索生物机理成为理论生物学研究的重要途径.特别是对于基因的复杂的功能系统,建立基因网络这种理论方法的意义更为突出.Bowers在蛋白质相互作用的分析中引入了高阶逻辑关系,从而建立了系统发生谱数据的逻辑分析(LAPP)的系统方法.LAPP和通常建立模型的方法不同,它给出了一个从复杂网络的元素(或部件)的表达数据出发,通过逻辑分析,找到元素之间逻辑关联性的建模方法.这种方法能够从蛋白质表达谱数据出发,利用信息熵的算法发现两种蛋白质对一种蛋白质的联合作用,对于发现蛋白质之间新的作用机理有重要意义.由于涉及功能的基因组通常是一个大的群体构成的系统,因此LAPP方法也是一个生成复杂的基因逻辑网络的方法.基因逻辑网络的建立,方便实现通过逻辑调控进行基因调控的目的.这种方法可以应用在很多方面,如物种进化、肿瘤诊疗等等.系统阐述并分析了LAPP方法,并指出其在方法和应用方面的新进展以及评述.  相似文献   

如何有效描述与分析复杂的基因调控网络(GRN)是生物学家研究基因表达调控机制的关键步骤.现有大部分方法在建模过程中忽略了生物中广泛存在的协同作用,模型预测结果与实际生物行为之间存在误差.基于混合函数Petri网(HFPN)理论提出了一种对基因调控网络进行定量分析的新方法.首先简要介绍GRN与HFPN的基础理论,然后为HFPN引入两类新元素:逻辑库所与逻辑变迁,描述基因调控网络的逻辑规则以及转录因子间的协同作用,最后构建海胆endo16基因调控网络的Petri网模型,并预测模型在不同位点发生突变时的基因表达水平变化.分析结果与文献实验数据相一致,验证了方法的正确性.  相似文献   

采用基于贝叶斯网络的建模方法,预测真核生物DNA序列中的剪接位点.分别建立了供体位点和受体位点模型,并根据两种位点的生物学特性,对模型的拓扑结构和上下游节点的选择进行了优化.通过贝叶斯网络的最大似然学习算法求出模型参数后,利用10分组交互验证方法对测试数据进行剪接位点预测。结果显示,受体位点的平均预测准确率为92.5%,伪受体位点的平均预测准确率为94.0%,供体位点的平均预测准确率为92.3%,伪供体位点的平均预测准确率为93.5%,整体效果要好于基于使用独立和条件概率矩阵、以及隐Markov模型的预测方法.表明利用贝叶斯网络对剪接位点建模是预测剪接位点的一种有效手段.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Inference about regulatory networks from high-throughput genomics data is of great interest in systems biology. We present a Bayesian approach to infer gene regulatory networks from time series expression data by integrating various types of biological knowledge. RESULTS: We formulate network construction as a series of variable selection problems and use linear regression to model the data. Our method summarizes additional data sources with an informative prior probability distribution over candidate regression models. We extend the Bayesian model averaging (BMA) variable selection method to select regulators in the regression framework. We summarize the external biological knowledge by an informative prior probability distribution over the candidate regression models. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate our method on simulated data and a set of time-series microarray experiments measuring the effect of a drug perturbation on gene expression levels, and show that it outperforms leading regression-based methods in the literature.  相似文献   

We investigate in this paper reverse engineering of gene regulatory networks from time-series microarray data. We apply dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs) for modeling cell cycle regulations. In developing a network inference algorithm, we focus on soft solutions that can provide a posteriori probability (APP) of network topology. In particular, we propose a variational Bayesian structural expectation maximization algorithm that can learn the posterior distribution of the network model parameters and topology jointly. We also show how the obtained APPs of the network topology can be used in a Bayesian data integration strategy to integrate two different microarray data sets. The proposed VBSEM algorithm has been tested on yeast cell cycle data sets. To evaluate the confidence of the inferred networks, we apply a moving block bootstrap method. The inferred network is validated by comparing it to the KEGG pathway map.  相似文献   

Recently a state-space model with time delays for inferring gene regulatory networks was proposed. It was assumed that each regulation between two internal state variables had multiple time delays. This assumption caused underestimation of the model with many current gene expression datasets. In biological reality, one regulatory relationship may have just a single time delay, and not multiple time delays. This study employs Boolean variables to capture the existence of the time-delayed regulatory relationships in gene regulatory networks in terms of the state-space model. As the solution space of time delayed relationships is too large for an exhaustive search, a genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed to determine the optimal Boolean variables (the optimal time-delayed regulatory relationships). Coupled with the proposed GA, Bayesian information criterion (BIC) and probabilistic principle component analysis (PPCA) are employed to infer gene regulatory networks with time delays. Computational experiments are performed on two real gene expression datasets. The results show that the GA is effective at finding time-delayed regulatory relationships. Moreover, the inferred gene regulatory networks with time delays from the datasets improve the prediction accuracy and possess more of the expected properties of a real network, compared to a gene regulatory network without time delays.  相似文献   

Dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs) are considered as a promising model for inferring gene networks from time series microarray data. DBNs have overtaken Bayesian networks (BNs) as DBNs can construct cyclic regulations using time delay information. In this paper, a general framework for DBN modelling is outlined. Both discrete and continuous DBN models are constructed systematically and criteria for learning network structures are introduced from a Bayesian statistical viewpoint. This paper reviews the applications of DBNs over the past years. Real data applications for Saccharomyces cerevisiae time series gene expression data are also shown.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Bayesian networks have been applied to infer genetic regulatory interactions from microarray gene expression data. This inference problem is particularly hard in that interactions between hundreds of genes have to be learned from very small data sets, typically containing only a few dozen time points during a cell cycle. Most previous studies have assessed the inference results on real gene expression data by comparing predicted genetic regulatory interactions with those known from the biological literature. This approach is controversial due to the absence of known gold standards, which renders the estimation of the sensitivity and specificity, that is, the true and (complementary) false detection rate, unreliable and difficult. The objective of the present study is to test the viability of the Bayesian network paradigm in a realistic simulation study. First, gene expression data are simulated from a realistic biological network involving DNAs, mRNAs, inactive protein monomers and active protein dimers. Then, interaction networks are inferred from these data in a reverse engineering approach, using Bayesian networks and Bayesian learning with Markov chain Monte Carlo. RESULTS: The simulation results are presented as receiver operator characteristics curves. This allows estimating the proportion of spurious gene interactions incurred for a specified target proportion of recovered true interactions. The findings demonstrate how the network inference performance varies with the training set size, the degree of inadequacy of prior assumptions, the experimental sampling strategy and the inclusion of further, sequence-based information. AVAILABILITY: The programs and data used in the present study are available from http://www.bioss.sari.ac.uk/~dirk/Supplements  相似文献   

The primary goal of this article is to infer genetic interactions based on gene expression data. A new method for multiorganism Bayesian gene network estimation is presented based on multitask learning. When the input datasets are sparse, as is the case in microarray gene expression data, it becomes difficult to separate random correlations from true correlations that would lead to actual edges when modeling the gene interactions as a Bayesian network. Multitask learning takes advantage of the similarity between related tasks, in order to construct a more accurate model of the underlying relationships represented by the Bayesian networks. The proposed method is tested on synthetic data to illustrate its validity. Then it is iteratively applied on real gene expression data to learn the genetic regulatory networks of two organisms with homologous genes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) is among the mainstream approaches for modeling various biological networks, including the gene regulatory network (GRN). Most current methods for learning DBN employ either local search such as hill-climbing, or a meta stochastic global optimization framework such as genetic algorithm or simulated annealing, which are only able to locate sub-optimal solutions. Further, current DBN applications have essentially been limited to small sized networks. RESULTS: To overcome the above difficulties, we introduce here a deterministic global optimization based DBN approach for reverse engineering genetic networks from time course gene expression data. For such DBN models that consist only of inter time slice arcs, we show that there exists a polynomial time algorithm for learning the globally optimal network structure. The proposed approach, named GlobalMIT+, employs the recently proposed information theoretic scoring metric named mutual information test (MIT). GlobalMIT+ is able to learn high-order time delayed genetic interactions, which are common to most biological systems. Evaluation of the approach using both synthetic and real data sets, including a 733 cyanobacterial gene expression data set, shows significantly improved performance over other techniques. CONCLUSIONS: Our studies demonstrate that deterministic global optimization approaches can infer large scale genetic networks.  相似文献   

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