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蜡梅(Chimonanthus praecox)是我国二级濒危珍稀植物,是重要的冬季传统观花植物。利用已报道的246个分布点和worldclim中提取的19个气候因子,基于最大熵(Maxent)模型和地理信息系统(Arc Gis)对蜡梅在中国的潜在适生区分布进行预测分析,采用受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线对预测结果进行检验和评价。结果表明蜡梅的潜在适生范围相对集中,主要集中在西南的四川盆地、华中、华东及华北的中南部地区,其他地区则适应性较低。温度是影响蜡梅分布的决定性因子,其中,当最冷季度平均温度接近0℃,等温性范围为0—10℃,降雨量变异系数约为45时,蜡梅的分布概率最大。与原分布区相比较,蜡梅的适生区范围正向中国东部地区和北部地区迁移。ROC曲线检验评价结果表明,Maxent模型的ROC曲线分析法的面积(AUC)值为0.986,预测结果达到了极高精度。  相似文献   

未来气候变化对孑遗植物鹅掌楸地理分布的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解未来气候波动对鹅掌楸(Liriodendron chinense)潜在适生区的影响,利用最大熵模型(Maxent)和地理信息系统(ArcGIS)软件,结合物种地理分布点信息,对鹅掌楸当前适生区分布进行了模拟和划分,同时预测了2061-2080年间气候变化条件下鹅掌楸的潜在适生分布区变化,进而分析影响鹅掌楸地理分布的主要气候因子。结果表明,Maxent模型预测的准确性较高,受试者工作特征曲线(ROC)的曲线下面积(AUC)均大于0.9。在未来4种不同的气候变化场景下(RCP 2.6、RCP4.5、RCP 6.0和RCP 8.5)鹅掌楸的地理分布发生变化,在RCP 4.5情景下,鹅掌楸适生面积明显增加;RCP 8.5情景下适生面积明显减少,尤其在贵州地区以及贵州、重庆与湖南的交界处。因此,鹅掌楸适生区分布的几何中心不变,而适生面积随着温室气体浓度的增加呈现先增加后减少的趋势。昼夜温差月均值、最湿季降雨和最干季降雨是影响鹅掌楸地理分布的主要气候因子,其累计贡献率达77.1%。  相似文献   

在野外调查的基础上,报道了苣叶鼠尾草在贵州和广西的省级新分布。基于苣叶鼠尾草16个分布数据和11个环境因子参数,运用最大熵(MaxEnt)模型对其适生分布区进行预测,并通过受试者工作特征(receiver operating characteristic,ROC)曲线对模型精度进行验证。结果表明:(1)ROC曲线下面积(AUC)均值为0.999,模型预测结果准确性较高,适合苣叶鼠尾草的潜在适生区预测。苣叶鼠尾草的适生区主要分布于中国西南地区以及与中国南部相邻国家的部分地区。核心适宜区集中在中国滇黔桂、四川东部和滇东南中越边境的石灰岩山区。(2)刀切法(Jackknife)检测结果表明,影响苣叶鼠尾草适生分布区的主要环境因子包括:最暖季降水量、最冷月最低温、平均气温日较差以及最冷季降水量等。适生区环境因子的统计分析结果显示,苣叶鼠尾草适宜生长在最暖季降水量650~1500 mm、最冷月最低温0~10℃、平均气温日较差6.5~8.5℃、最冷季降水量0~250 mm的地区。研究结果可为苣叶鼠尾草的资源调查和相关研究提供有利依据。  相似文献   

南极地区海底沉积物中低温菌的鉴定与生长温度特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
从南极半岛及舍得兰群岛海底沉积物的13个样品中分离到23株细菌,进行了0、5、10、15、18 20、25℃温度梯度培养试验及耐盐度试验。由生长温度曲线得知,其中15株菌在0℃生长,依据菌株不同,其最适生长温度范围均在5—20℃以内;25℃下生长明显下降(9株)或缓慢下降(6株),属于耐冷菌。经鉴定,假单胞菌11株;弧菌1株;芽孢杆菌2株及黄杆菌1株。这15株菌中2,11(均为假单胞菌)及15(黄杆菌)的最适生长温度均为5℃;且前两株菌对中温较敏感;10 (假单胞菌);14(芽孢杆菌)的最适生长温度为10℃。本文还讨论了菌的分布与地区,以及与样点水源和距陆地远近间的相关性。  相似文献   

采用生态位模型预测黄顶菊在中国的潜在适生区   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
选取32个环境地理变量,结合黄顶菊在中国的分布记录,运用GARP、Maxent、ENFA、Bioclim和Domain5种生态位模型,模拟黄顶菊在中国的潜在适生分布区域,并利用受试者工作特征曲线(ROC)比较不同模型模拟精度.结果表明:Maxent模型的模拟精度最好.采用Maxent模型进行模拟,黄顶菊在我国有7.5%的适生面积,河北中南部、北京、天津、河南、山东、安徽和江苏具有高度潜在入侵风险.  相似文献   

基于MaxEnt濒危植物独叶草的中国潜在适生分布区预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
独叶草(Kingdonia uniflora Balf.f.et W.W.Smith)属毛茛科独叶草属多年生草本植物,属国家二级濒危保护植物。近年来,随着森林采伐和人类活动加剧生境的破碎化,独叶草自然分布区迅速缩减,存在濒临灭绝的风险。预测独叶草潜在的适宜分布区,对于合理保护和利用独叶草具有重要意义。本文结合64份独叶草的标本地理信息和14个环境因子参数,应用最大熵模型(Max Ent)和地理信息技术(GIS),对独叶草在中国的潜在适生分布区和影响分布的关键环境因子进行了预测。受试者工作特性曲线(ROC)分析法的AUC值为0.990,表明Max Ent模型预测可靠性极高。预测结果显示,独叶草最适潜在分布区主要在陕西秦岭北坡(眉县,太白县)、四川省的邛崃山(理县,马尔康县)和大凉山(马边彝族自治县),云南东北部和贵州西北部交界的大娄山(金沙县)和乌蒙山(赫章县)部分地区(适生指数0.5)。刀切法检测(Jackknife test)分析表明,影响独叶草适生分布的关键环境因子包括年均降水量(贡献率33.1%)、海拔(22.3%)、温度季节性变化的标准差(11.4%)、降水量变异系数(7.2%)、土壤p H(5.4%)、1月最低温(5.1%)和土壤碎石百分比(4.9%)。适生区环境参数综合统计分析表明,独叶草最适宜生长在高海拔(1646~2810 m)、年均降水量大(856 mm)、1月最低温适中(-7.2℃)和土壤偏酸性(p H 6.89)的地区。上述研究结果将为在最适生区通过合理规划自然保护区来保护独叶草野生资源提供理论依据。  相似文献   

中国特有种天山猪毛菜的地理分布及潜在分布区预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于野外调查的居群分布信息和20个环境变量(包括海拔及19个气候变量),采用最大熵模型( MaxEnt)和地理信息系统( ArcGIS)对中国特有种天山猪毛菜( Salsola junatovii Botsch.)的潜在分布区进行预测;并采用受试者工作特征曲线( ROC)和刀切法( jackknife test)分别检验MaxEnt模型的精度和评估各环境变量在决定潜在分布区时的贡献量。结果显示:天山猪毛菜主要分布在中国新疆南部的12个县(包括托克逊县、和硕县、和静县、焉耆县、拜城县、库车县、温宿县、乌什县、阿合奇县、阿图什县、乌恰县和阿克陶县),但在相关文献记载的曾有分布的阿克苏市、柯坪县和喀什市则本调查中没有发现。通过MaxEnt模型预测,天山猪毛菜的潜在适生区主要集中在新疆南部(包括天山南坡和塔里木盆地西南缘)以及甘肃的西部和东部等,新疆西部地区有零星分布;在调查的15个居群中,除居群14(位于乌恰县西部)外,其他14个居群均位于潜在适生区内,其中的7个居群位于非常适宜的潜在适生区内,表明利用MaxEnt模型预测天山猪毛菜的潜在适生区效果较好。在20个环境变量中,对预测结果贡献量位居前3位的环境变量为最冷季度平均温度、最冷月最低温和最干季度平均温度,表明该种的分布与低温相关。此外,对天山猪毛菜潜在适生区与实际分布区差异的成因进行了分析。  相似文献   

冬虫夏草(Ophiocordyceps sinensis)是分布在青藏高原高寒地区稀缺的可再生生物资源, 是我国传统名贵中药材, 具有很高的药用价值和经济价值。目前对冬虫夏草的潜在适生区研究较少, 对虫草资源的空间分布格局尚不清晰。明确冬虫夏草在我国的地理分布, 对其保护及有效利用具有重要意义。研究共收集了175个分布点及24个环境因子数据, 最终筛选出12个环境变量数据参与模型训练, 利用Maxent模型预测冬虫夏草中国潜在适生区, 通过ROC曲线分析模型预测效果, 结合贡献率、置换重要值和刀切法检验分析环境变量对冬虫夏草分布的影响。结果显示: 我国虫草主要分布于西藏、青海、甘肃、四川和云南五省, 适生区总面积(高适宜分布区与中适宜分布区)为8.82927×105 km2。ROC评价结果显示, Maxent模型训练数据的AUC值高达0.959, 表明预测结果准确度极高。对环境变量进行分析, 影响冬虫夏草地理分布的主要环境因子是海拔, 最暖季度平均温度, 最暖季度降水量。本研究明确了冬虫夏草在我国的潜在适生分布区, 为虫草的资源明确及生境保护提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

刘学琴  白明  贺达汉  王新谱 《生态学报》2022,42(10):4217-4224
步甲(Carabid beetle)是草原生态系统重要的昆虫类群之一,对草原生态系统环境监测及维护生物多样性起着重要的作用。基于步甲属(雕步甲和长叶步甲)在宁夏草原131个有效调查记录和19个环境因子,利用最大熵模型(Maximum Entropy Model,简称MaxEnt)预测步甲属潜在空间地理分布,运用受试者工作特征曲线(ROC曲线)检测预测模型精度,刀切法(Jackknife)筛选影响步甲属潜在地理分布的主要生态因子。结果表明:(1) MaxEnt模型预测结果 ROC曲线AUC值分别为0.981、0.914,模型预测结果的可信度较高;(2) 19个环境因子中,对步甲属的潜在空间分布预测贡献率较高的环境因子为最冷月份最低气温、年均降水量、最干季均温、年平均气温;(3)雕步甲主要分布在温性荒漠草原及温性草甸草原的北部,长叶步甲主要分布在温性草甸草原。以上研究为步甲调查和保护提供参考依据。  相似文献   

基于MaxEnt模型预测四川省松材线虫的潜在适生区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
松材线虫Bursaphelenchus xylophilus是我国重要的林业检疫性有害生物之一,由其引发的松材线虫病已造成巨大的经济损失,严重阻碍了林业的健康发展。研究并明确松材线虫在四川省的潜在适生区,对四川省有关部门制定该病害的早期监测、预警及防控具有一定的参考意义。本文基于2009—2018年四川省林业有害生物普查数据中松材线虫病和松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus的实际地理分布数据(松材线虫病:n=208,松墨天牛:n=803)及19个环境变量数据,利用MaxEnt模型和Arc GIS对松材线虫在四川省的潜在分布区进行预测,并用ROC曲线分析法检测模型模拟精度、用刀切法检测变量的重要性及其适宜值。结果表明:松材线虫在四川省的潜在最佳适生区主要分布在宜宾市、广安市、达州市、自贡市、西昌市,以及乐山市和眉山市的交界区,面积为36 541 km^2;影响松材线虫分布的主要环境变量为最干季均温(适值范围1. 5~8. 0℃,最适值6. 4℃)、季节性降水变异系数(适值范围22. 5%~34. 0%,最适值34. 0%)、最冷月最低温(适值范围0. 4~2. 5℃,最适值1. 9℃)、海拔(适值范围250~5 500 m,最适值450 m)、年温差(适值范围5. 9~9. 1℃,最适值5. 9℃)和年降水量(适值范围64~135 mm,最适值68 mm)。  相似文献   

Summary Maximum germination response and root + shoot yields of Acacias were obtained at daily irrigation. Any deviation from daily irrigation resulted in variations of performance (germination and growth yield) between the six Acacia species studied. Species of relatively dry habitse.g. A. nubica andA. seyal were more sensitive to water supply compared with those of relatively wet habitatse.g. A. nilotica andA. albida. This was reflected at the establishment phase by the greater production of root + shoot yields of species of drier zones than by those of wetter ones. It is concluded that variations in water supply may account for species adaptation and distribution in semi-arid zones.  相似文献   

Summary Dry deposition of gases and airborne particles is reviewed in particular relation to their interaction with vegetation. Once deposited, pollutants overcome the system of resistances (air, cuticular, stomatal and mesophyll) and penetrate key physiological points that affect the plant's biochemistry. Strong relationships have been found between gases in the environment and the chlorophyll content of leaves, production and partitioning of dry matter, relative growth rate and net assimilation rate. Physical modes of dry deposition involving anthropogenic pollutants present in the surface layer and micrometeorological conditions allowing their diffusion in the canopy are also discussed, with emphasis on measurement techniques.  相似文献   

Molloy  F. J. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,(1):293-299
Of the 1500 km coast of Namibia, only 80 km is predominantly rocky, the remaining 1420 km being sandy with only minor rocky outcrops. At present two species are utilized, Gracilaria verrucosa for agar and Laminaria schinzii for human consumption. Other potentially utilizable seaweeds occurring on the coast are Ecklonia maxima for alginates, Suhria vittata for agar, Gigartina radula, G. stiriata and Aeodes orbitosa for carrageenans and Porphyra capensis for human consumption. Laminaria schinzii also can be used for alginate production. Due to the diamond-mining areas around the 80 km rocky area at Luderitz (26° 39 S), only 20 km are accessible; hence, at present the seaweeds are being exploited almost to their full potential. The species currently not being utilized could be used, however, to support the industry that already exists at Luderitz. To increase production, access to the diamond areas would have to be gained or a cultivation program initiated.  相似文献   

The placement of a recently discovered South American monotypic genus,Pseudomonotes tropenbosii, in subfam.Monotoideae (Dipterocarpaceae) extends the geographical range of the subfamily from Africa to the Neotropics. Although morphological and anatomical evidence suggest similarities betweenPseudomonotes andMonotes, the close alliance of these two genera was questionable due to their disjunct distribution and a lack of phylogenetic analysis. In the present study, we reconstructed the phylogeny ofPseudomonotes and other putatively related taxa usingrbcL sequence data. The analysis ofrbcL sequences of 20 taxa belonging to 15 genera and eight families recovered a single most parsimonious tree. The genusSarcolaena (Sarcolaenaceae) formed a clade sister to the monophyleticDipterocarpaceae clade.Monotes andPseudomonotes formed a strongly supported group, sister to the monophyletic clade withPakaraimaea and the remaining Asiatic dipterocarp species studied. The study strongly supports the placement ofPseudomonotes within subfam.Monotoideae of theDipterocarpaceae.  相似文献   

In order to test the feasibility of using native halophytes to reclaim brinecontaminated soil, seedlings of five inland halophytes, Atriplexprostrata, Hordeum jubatum, Salicornia europaea, Spergularia marina, and Suaeda calceoliformis, were planted at threedensities on a site near Athens, Ohio which had been contaminated by oilwell brine water. Ten replicates of each density treatment weretransplanted on two distinct areas of high and low salinity in May of 1993. Seedling survivorship, soil moisture, and soil salinity were monitored weeklythroughout the growing season. Biomass production and ion uptake weredetermined for each plant surviving until harvest. Soil analyses wereperformed prior to planting and after harvest to determine overall changesin soil chemistry and to determine the amount of Na+ reductionfrom the soil due to leaching by precipitation during the course of theexperiment. Survival was determined to be density independent for all ofthe species with the exception of S. marina where survival wasfacilitated at high density. Increased salinity negatively affected the survivaland yield of A. prostrata. The remaining species had greater survivalunder high salinity conditions, and density appeared to be the key factorinfluencing yield. Sodium and chloride ions were accumulated in planttissues in much greater amounts than K+, Ca+2or Mg+2. Salicornia europaea plants grown in high densityon the high salinity site accumulated the highest amount of Na+ andH. jubatum grown in low density on the high salinity site accumulatedthe lowest amount of Na+. Soil salinities measured directly from theroot zone were significantly reduced (p<0.05) at the end of thegrowing season when compared to their controls. Atriplex prostrata(high density/low salinity) plots produced the greatest reduction in soilsalinity (15.8%) and S. marina (high density/high salinity) plots hadthe least reduction (1.2%).  相似文献   

Summary The level of fruiting in four forest trees species (Picea sitchensis, P. abies, Pinus sylvestris and Fagus sylvatica) was monitored in Great Britain over the period 1989–1991. In addition, assessments of crown transparency were available for many of the trees for 1987 and 1988. The monitoring period encompassed severe summer droughts in 1989 and 1990, with wetter conditions in 1991. Variations in the level of fruiting in spruce and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) were seen, with a marked peak in 1990. No pattern was apparent in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Coning, which was greater in trees with the least transparent crowns, had no discernible effect on the crown transparency of the conifers. Cupule production in beech was greatest in trees with the most transparent crowns, and trees with high numbers of cupules in 1990 tended to have greater crown dieback recorded in 1991.  相似文献   

Bark  A. W.  Goodfellow  J. G. 《Hydrobiologia》1985,124(2):177-188
An investigation into the spatial distribution of hypolimnetic ciliates in three small eutrophic lakes during the period of summer stratification was carried out. Peak ciliate densities were found to occur at the oxic/anoxic boundary, ciliate numbers declining with increasing depth within the hypolimnion. The ciliates only occurred in aerobic water where oxygen levels were less than about 0.5 mgl–1 Laboratory experiments demonstrated that the ciliates swim upwards under anaerobic conditions but swim rapidly downwards under aerobic conditions. Further laboratory experiments showed that although the bulk of the population occured within anaerobic water, the hypolimnetic ciliates are aerobes and cannot survive indefinite anoxia. Despite the demonstrable toxicity of high levels of ammonia and sulphide, it was probably excesive distance from an available source of oxygen that excluded the ciliates from the lowest levels of the hypolimnion. Possible mechanisms which allowed these aerobic ciliates to colonise anaerobic water are considered.  相似文献   

California exports tree nuts to countries where they face stringent standards for aflatoxin contamination. Trade concerns have stimulated efforts to eliminate aflatoxins and Aspergillus flavus from almonds, pistachios and walnuts. Incidence of fungi on tree nuts and associations among fungi on tree nuts were studied. Eleven hundred pistachios, almonds, walnuts and brazil nuts without visible insect damage were plated on salt agar and observed for growth of fungi. Samples came both from California nut orchards and from supermarkets. To distinguish internal fungal colonization of nuts from superficial colonization, half the nuts were surface-sterilized before plating. The most common genera found were Aspergillus , Rhizopus and Penicillium . Each species of nut had a distinct mycoflora. Populations of most fungi were reduced by surface sterilization in all except brazil nuts, suggesting that they were present as superficial inoculum on (rather than in) the nuts. In general, strongly positive associations were observed among species of Aspergillus ; nuts infected by one species were likely to be colonized by other species as well. Presence of Penicillium was negatively associated with A. niger and Rhizopus in some cases. Results suggest that harvest or postharvest handling has a major influence on nut mycoflora, and that nuts with fungi are usually colonized by several fungi rather than by single species. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

It has been ten years since the SPINDLY (SPY) locus was first identified from a screen of mutagenized wild type Arabidopsis seeds by selecting for germination in the presence of a gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis inhibitor (Jacobsen and Olszewski 1993). Since then research into this novel protein, an O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT), has revealed some fascinating and surprising results. SPY was originally described as a negative regulator specific to the GA signal transduction pathway, but recent research suggests that SPY is involved in additional aspects of plant development. SPY is also being investigated in barley, petunia and rice, adding to the complex story that is SPY.  相似文献   

The family Sordariaceae incorporates a number of fungi that are excellent model organisms for various biological, biochemical, ecological, genetic and evolutionary studies. To determine the evolutionary relationships within this group and their respective phylogenetic placements, multiple-gene sequences (partial nuclear 28S ribosomal DNA, nuclear ITS ribosomal DNA and partial nuclear β-tubulin) were analysed using maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses. Analyses of different gene datasets were performed individually and then combined to generate phylogenies. We report that Sordariaceae, with the exclusion Apodus and Diplogelasinospora, is a monophyletic group. Apodus and Diplogelasinospora are related to Lasiosphaeriaceae. Multiple gene analyses suggest that the spore sheath is not a phylogenetically significant character to segregate Asordaria from Sordaria. Smooth-spored Sordaria species (including so-called Asordaria species) constitute a natural group. Asordaria is therefore congeneric with Sordaria. Anixiella species nested among Gelasinospora species, providing further evidence that non-ostiolate ascomata have evolved from ostiolate ascomata on several independent occasions. This study agrees with previous studies that show heterothallic Neurospora species to be monophyletic, but that homothallic ones may have a multiple origins. Although Gelasinospora and Neurospora are closely related and not resolved as monophyletic groups, there is insufficient evidence to place currently accepted Gelasinospora and Neurospora species into the same genus.  相似文献   

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