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吴秀元  王军 《古生物学报》2004,43(4):489-501
记述的两种新植物分别来自秦岭地区的凤县和镇安县。产于凤县草凉驿红花铺草凉驿组的Adiantites honghuapuensis sp.nov.,至少二次羽状复叶,羽片线形,以宽角着生于羽轴上;小羽片椭圆形,羽片基部的小羽片偶尔分裂为2—3个裂片。小羽片基部收缩,有短柄或以较宽的基部着生于羽轴上,扇状脉。另一产自镇安县茅坪东山梁二峪河组的Qinlingopteris orientalis gen.et sp.nov.,其特征是二次羽状复叶,末二级羽轴与末级羽轴夹角较小,大约30^#左右。小羽片亚对生,长卵形或亚圆形,顶端较窄,中部较宽,基部较狭并具短柄;叶脉扇状;羽轴上具间小羽片,间小羽片与正常小羽片等形同大。草凉驿组的地质时代大致为纳缪尔期至维斯发早期,而二峪河组则为早石炭世维宪期。  相似文献   

郑芳勤 《植物学报》2001,18(2):246-250
Cycas属植物羽状复叶上的小羽片,是从不开叉向二叉开裂逐步发展的。二叉开裂后,小羽片继续进一步发展、进化,在其开叉分裂的小羽片上再次二叉开裂,成为三回、四回、五回二叉开裂的裂片(小叶),最后小羽片发展到多回开裂,成为Cycas属植物羽状复叶上最进化的一种小羽片类型。着生这种进化类型小羽片的叉叶类苏铁是Cycas属植物中最进化的种群。  相似文献   

叉叶类苏铁是苏铁属植物中最进化的种群   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郑芳勤 《植物学通报》2001,18(2):246-250
Cycas属植物羽状复叶上的小羽片,是从不开叉向二叉开裂逐步发展的,二叉开裂后,小羽片继续进一步发展,进化,在其开叉分裂的小羽片上再次二叉开裂,成为三回,四回,五回二叉开裂的裂片(小叶),最后小羽片发展到多回开裂,成为Cycas属植物羽状复叶上最进化的一种小羽片类型,着生这种进化类型小羽片的叉叶类苏铁是Cycas属植物中最进化的种群。  相似文献   

丰富的化石记录显示中生代和新生代紫萁属在北半球广泛分布.本文描述了发现于福建中中新世佛昙群的紫萁属一新种:漳浦紫萁(Osmunda zhangpuensis Z.X.Wang and B.N.Sun,sp.nov.).化石小羽片保存完好,呈线状披针形,边缘具齿,羽状脉序.在该属现生种中,当前化石种与现生种Osmunda banksiifolia在形态上最相似.当前化石的发现表明,早在中中新世紫萁属就已生长在福建省.漳浦紫萁和之前报道过的附生真菌化石以及龙脑香科、桑科、豆科、荨麻科、胡桐科、大戟科、樟科等植物的存在,表明福建在中中新世时期的气候温暖湿润.  相似文献   

至少二次羽状复叶,叶轴粗达2厘米,以30—35°角二歧分枝,表面凹凸不平,具明显的纵纹。末次羽片互生,披针形至线形,长度可达10厘米以上,基部宽约2.5厘米,渐尖,顶端钝,轴亦具纵纹。在轴二歧分枝点以下的羽片,排列稀疏;二歧分枝点以上多叶的区域,排列紧挤;相互覆盖,与末二级羽轴成40—45°角。小羽片互生或亚对生,以锐角斜生于羽轴,菱形或亚圆形,菱形前端分裂成2—3个圆形裂片,每个裂片顶端具2—3个圆齿,基部收缩呈楔形;小羽片向羽片末端渐变成长椭圆形,在羽片末端由3—4枚狭长的裂片联合成一深裂的顶小羽片。羽片基部下行第一小羽片着生于羽片与羽轴夹角处,分裂形式似现代银杏,中间一深裂将小羽片分为二瓣,每瓣再分裂一次,每一裂片顶端具圆齿;上行基部第一小羽片亦较大,分裂形式与下行第一小羽片同,其大部常盖在羽轴上。叶脉扇  相似文献   

首次报道了中国肋毛蕨属一新记录种-曼氏肋毛蕨(Ctenitis mannii),该种与直鳞肋毛蕨(C.eatoni)及C.vilis相似,但叶片椭圆状披针形,长30~60 cm,基部宽14~22 cm;羽片近平展;叶脉羽状,5~7对,单一;每小羽片有孢子囊群5~6对;孢子囊群生于小脉中部可与后两者区别.凭证标本存放于广西植物标本馆(IBK)和中国科学院植物研究所标本馆(PE).  相似文献   

本文报道了采自鄂西晚三叠世地层中的五种种子蕨植物,它们分别隶属于副镰羽叶(Paradrepanozamites)、丁菲羊齿(Thinnfeldia)和篦羽羊齿(Ctenozamites)三个属。由于这些植物的小羽片或羽片基部上边均明显收缩,基部下边均显著下延等,认为它们在系统发生上可能有密切的亲缘关系,并提出它们的形态结构可能朝两个方向发展:一是输导组织不断发达——叶脉从亚放射状,无中脉→有中脉但不发达→中脉发达→变成末级羽轴;二是小羽片或羽片由全缘→局部分裂→大部分裂→羽状全裂。同时,根据奇特篦羽羊齿(新种)[Ctenoza-mites difformis(sp.nov.)]同一植株上的叶呈现四种不同的形态和脉序,初步推测上述三属的演变趋势是:由 Paradrepanozamites→Thinnfeldia→Ctenozamites。  相似文献   

丰富的化石记录显示中生代和新生代紫萁属在北半球广泛分布。本文描述了发现于福建中中新世佛昙群的紫萁属一新种:漳浦紫萁(Osmunda zhangpuensis Z. X. Wang and B. N. Sun, sp. nov.)。化石小羽片保存完好,呈线状披针形,边缘具齿,羽状脉序。在该属现生种中,当前化石种与现生种Osmundabanksiifolia在形态上最相似。当前化石的发现表明,早在中中新世紫萁属就已生长在福建省。漳浦紫萁和之前报道过的附生真菌化石以及龙脑香科、桑科、豆科、荨麻科、胡桐科、大戟科、樟科等植物的存在,表明福建在中中新世时期的气候温暖湿润。  相似文献   

李法曾 《植物研究》1985,5(1):157-159
植株高达60厘米,根状茎直立或斜升,顶端密被黑褐色、全缘、披针形鳞片,鳞片边缘有棕色狭边。叶丛生,叶柄长约20-25厘米,禾杆色,初被黑褐色先端卷曲的披针形鳞片,后逐渐脱落;叶片长圆形,长30-40厘米,宽20-25厘米,基部圆形,先端渐尖,3回羽裂;羽片10-12对,斜向上,互生,基部一对较大,柄长约1厘米,卵状披针形,长约16厘米,宽约10厘米,2回羽裂,小羽片约10对,基部上侧小羽片与叶轴平行,下侧一片较大,长圆形,长约6厘米,宽达3厘米,l回羽裂,末回小羽片短圆,边缘羽裂或全缘,其余各对羽片向上渐短。  相似文献   

根据保存良好的化石材料,对Gigantonoclea acuminatiloba的叶结构、小羽片形态和脉序作了详细记述和讨论。该种的蕨叶为奇数羽状复叶,通常由5枚大型的小羽片构成,小羽片基部呈匙形,并非以往推测的楔形;叶缘在下部具粗锯齿,在中、上部具重锯齿;顶端急尖形,两侧的锯齿有时并不对称。对叶脉特征也作了详细记述,否定了关于此种网眼内有盲脉(游离脉)的记录。同时对有些具很特征的褶皱、被误定为C  相似文献   

4种中药贯众原植物提取物的体外抗菌活性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用水提法和醇提法制备苏铁蕨(Brainea insighis)、华南紫萁(Osmunda vachellii)、狗脊蕨(Woodwardia japonica)和乌毛蕨(Blechnum orientale)的根状茎的提取液,应用纸片扩散法和试管二倍稀释法测定了各提取液对11种常见致病菌的抑菌圈、最低抑菌浓度(MIC)和最低杀菌浓度(MBC)。结果表明,各提取液(1g生药/mL)对表皮葡萄球菌、枯草芽孢杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌及李斯特菌4种革兰氏阳性菌有明显抑制作用,对表皮葡萄球菌的抑制作用尤为明显,且醇提液的抑菌效果优于水提液;对大肠埃希氏菌等革兰氏阴性菌则无抑制作用。在4种贯众原植物中,苏铁蕨对革兰氏阳性菌的抑制活性最强。  相似文献   

Anatomically preserved Woodwardia virginica (Blechnaceae) and a newly recognized onocleoid fern are described from the middle Miocene Yakima Canyon flora of central Washington State, USA. Identification of the W. virginica fossils is based on a combination of vegetative pinnules, rhizome and stipe anatomy, and fertile pinnules with indusiate sori and sporangia like those of extant W. virginica. Fronds are isomorphic. Vegetative pinnae are elongated and pinnatifid, with a secondary vein paralleling the midvein. Secondary veins of the pinnule lobe anastomose to form primary areoles and are either simple or dichotomize toward the margin. Rhizomes have a simple dictyostele with 3-5 cauline vascular bundles and often a sclerotic hypodermis. Leaf traces contain two large adaxial vascular bundles that occur laterally and adaxially, flanking an arc of 4-6 smaller bundles. Fertile pinnules have linear sori that are somewhat embedded in the laminae and are enclosed by a thin indusium. Leptosporangia display a vertical annulus and an elongated stalk. A second fern, Wessiea yakimaensis gen. et sp. nov., is represented by anatomically preserved branching rhizomes and attached frond bases that conform to the Onoclea-type pattern of rhizome and frond-base vasculature. Rhizomes have a simple dictyostele of 4-5 cauline meristeles. Leaf divergence is helical, with paired hippocampiform rachial traces. These two ferns occur in the same matrix with specimens of Osmunda wehrii. They demonstrate that filicalean fern assemblages similar to those of extant temperate floras were well established in western North America by the middle Miocene and further emphasize the exceptional species longevity of some homosporous pteridophytes.  相似文献   

Comparative development of the narrow pinnules of rheophyticOsmunda lancea and of the broad pinnules of a related dryland species,O. japonica, was examined and the origin of rheophytic stenophylly was discussed. The mature leaves and their various parts ofO. lancea are smaller and narrower than those ofO. japonica. The young pinnules ofO. lancea at the initiation of cell expansion are smaller than those ofO. japonica. The growth pattern of the pinnules is fundamentally the same in the two species, but pinnule growth period is shorter inO. lancea than inO. japonica. While the largest growth rate in pinnule length is quite similar, inO. lancea the pinnules are less elongated and much less broadened during ontogeny. Cell expansion in the mesophyll and epidermis proceeds acropetally and toward the margin along the axes of costules and veins. Although the numbers of mesophyll and epidermal cells between two adjacent veinlets are almost the same inO. lancea andO. japonica, during the subsequent growth period inO. lancea, the cells expand to a smaller extent and the veinlets become more narrowly oblique to the costule. This oblique distortion of laminar segments framed by veins causes stenophylly, an allometric modification. The stenophylly ofO. lancea is believed to have arisen by heterochronic evolution, in particular, progenesis.  相似文献   

Compressed specimens of the fern Osmunda are described from the Triassic of the Allan Hills, Antarctica. The specimens consist of a once pinnate, deeply pinnatifid fertile frond as well as several sterile specimens. Six pinnae are present on the partial fertile rachis, with two sterile pinnae above four fertile pinnae. Both sterile and fertile specimens are virtually identical to the modern species Osmunda claytoniana. Entire fronds are fragmentary; the longest is 21 cm in length. Sterile pinnae are alternate and deeply pinnatifid, with slightly toothed pinnules and dichotomous venation. Fertile pinnae are 1-1.3 cm long, once pinnate, and lack vegetative lamina. Sporangia are clustered, each 300-375 um in diameter, and possess a transverse annulus 6-8 cells long; dehiscence is by a vertical slit. Fronds arise from a rhizome 4 cm long by 1 cm wide; two croziers are present on the rhizome. Two frond segments up to 6 cm long and three deeply pinnatifid pinnae are present on the uppermost part of one rachis. Pinnules are ~4 mm long and 2-3 mm wide. The presence of this Osmunda species in the Triassic demonstrates stasis of frond morphology, both fertile and vegetative, for the genus.  相似文献   

Spore germination of five globally threatened fern species [Culcita macrocarpa C. Presl, Dryopteris aemula (Aiton) O. Kuntze, D. corleyi Fraser-Jenkins, D. guanchica Gibby and Jermy and Woodwardia radicans (L.) Sm.] was determined after 1, 6 or 12 months of storage in glass vials (dry storage) or on agar (wet storage) at -20, 5 or 20 degrees C. In all species, storage technique, storage temperature and the technique-temperature interaction all had a significant effect on germination percentage. In most cases, the germination percentage was best maintained by wet storage at 5 or 20 degrees C. In the case of the hygrophilous species C. macrocarpa and W. radicans, 6 or 12 months' dry storage killed most spores. Only Woodwardia radicans germinated in the dark during wet storage at 20 degrees C. Wet storage at 5 degrees C prevented dark germination, and reduced bacterial and fungal contamination. Wet storage at -20 degrees C killed all or most spores in all species. In the three Dryopteris species, the differences among the storage conditions tested were smaller than in C. macrocarpa and W. radicans, and the decline in spore viability during storage was less marked, with high germination percentages being observed after 12 months of dry storage at all three temperatures. Dry storage, which has lower preparation time and space requirements than wet storage, was generally more effective at the lower temperatures (-20 or 5 degrees C).  相似文献   

Biological and nutritional aspects involved in fern multiplication   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Gametophytes of several species of ferns were mechanically triturated and the resulting homogenates cultured in vitro for propagation purposes. Differences in the time period from spore culture to sporophyte development were perceivable between species. For those species with a fast life cycle and high sporophyte production such as Woodwardia virginica and Dryopteris affinis sp. affinis, homogenization of gametophytes can be considered to be excellent method for propagation, yielding hundreds of sporophytes in a short period of time. Sporophyte formation was inhibited in O. regalis by the succesive application of homogenization to gametophytes regenerated by this technique. The effect of the culture medium composition on fern production was also studied in O. regalis and P. ensiformis gametophytes. In these species, sporophyte formation increased when the gametophytes were cultured in a medium containing water+0.7% agar. Addition of sucrose inhibited gametophyte development and induced their necrosis. The 1/2 dilution of Murashige and Skoog basal medium, without sucrose, favoured leaf expansion in P. ensiformis sporophytes. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

中国东北古新世乌云植物群:榆科叉脉榆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据叶结构特征。将黑龙江省古新世乌云植物群中的榆科叶化石确定为叉脉榆(Umus furcinervis(Borsuk)Ablaev)。叶化石二级脉达缘且在叶缘区分叉,三级脉及顶,叶缘锯齿两侧边凸出。重新研究了前人鉴定为小叶普拉榆(Planera cf.microphylla auct.non Newberry)和乌云珍珠梅(Sorbaria wuyungensis Tao et Xiong)的叶化石并将其归入叉脉榆。  相似文献   

Abstract Enzyme-electrophoretic variation was examined in sporophytes of Woodwardia japonica (2n= 68) and segregation was examined in gametophytes. Despite the high chromosome number, W. japonica displayed disomic segregation of isoenzyme patterns. This and karyotype analyses indicate that W. japonica is a diploid derived from a base number of either x= 17 or x= 34.  相似文献   

对紫萁属Osmunda五种植物:狭叶紫萁D angustifolia Ching、紫萁O japonica Thunb.、华南紫萁O vachellii Hook.、粗齿紫萁O banksifolia(Presl)Kuhn和粤紫萁O.mildei C.Chr.的体细胞染色体形态和孢子母细胞减数分裂时染色体的行为进行了研究.五种紫其属植物的体细胞染色体数目均为2n=44,孢子母细胞减数分裂过程中,狭叶紫萁,紫萁、华南紫萁和粗齿紫萁染色体配对和联合行为正常,中期I染色体构型多为环状二价体,粗齿紫萁偶尔可观察到三价体和单价体,狭叶紫萁中期I偶可观察到1-2个提早分离的单价体,后期II可观察到染色体桥和断片,据此推测易位和倒位等染色体畸变作用在紫萁属植物物种形成和演化过程中具有重要意义.粤紫萁是华南分布的一个特有珍稀种、孢子母细胞减数分裂前期到中期无染色体配对和联会,导致染色体后期行为异常,80%的孢子母细胞有落后染色体和不均等分离现象,形成的孢子几乎完全败育,基于粤紫萁减数分裂显著偏离正常的同源染色体配对和联会现象,结合核型方面和形态学方面证据,认为粤紫萁是一个杂交种.  相似文献   

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